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Showing 54,326 through 54,350 of 54,618 results

ABC of Clinical Communication

by John Frain Nicola Cooper

Clinical communication underpins safe patient care. The effective health professional sees illness through the patient’s eyes and understands what matters most to him or her. Effectiveness means gathering hard clinical data about the physical changes affecting the patient, understanding why the patient is concerned, conveying this to other health care professionals and involving the patient at every stage of management decisions. The evidence for good clinical communication is well established, although there are challenges. While listening is the basis of sound diagnosis and clinical reasoning, its absence affects patient outcomes particularly when patients are not permitted to make their concerns known or when there are gaps in information flow or communication between the professionals caring for them. The ABC of Clinical Communication considers the evidence pertinent to individual encounters between patients and their health professionals, how to achieve efficient flow of information, the function of clinical teams and developing a teaching programme. Topics covered include: The consultation Clinical communication and personality type Shared decision making Communication in clinical teams Communication in medical records Communication in specific situations, including mental health and end of life Teaching clinical communication The chapter authors are clinicians involved in communicating with patients, research and training healthcare professionals of the future. This team reflects the multidisciplinary approach required to develop effective clinical communication.

ABC of Change for Doctors

by Susan E Kersley

ABC of Change for Doctors is an A to Z guide promoting a healthy work/life balance for medical professionals. This book is written in the same easy to read and straight forward style of its companion volume Prescription for Change for Doctors Who Want a Life (Second Edition ISBN 1 85775 761 0) and contains many practical tools for personal development. It is energising reading for doctors at all levels and specialties, medical mentors, teachers and trainers, and also careers advisors and counsellors. Susan E Kersley is a qualified doctor and regularly writes for BMJ Career Focus, speaks at the BMJ Careers Fair, and runs workshops on self care for doctors.

ABC of Cancer Care

by Richard Simcock Esther Bird Carlo Palmieri

ABC of Cancer Care is a practical primary care guide to help health professionals better inform their patients, manage and recognize the common complications of cancers and their treatment, and understand the rationale and implications of decisions made in secondary and tertiary care. It provides coverage of the diagnosis, management, treatment and on-going surveillance of common cancers within the multidisciplinary context of primary care. Individual chapters assess the different treatment options, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and examine their possible side effects. The contribution of clinical trials and new advances in cancer treatment including biological and targeted therapies, robotic surgery and advanced radiotherapy techniques are all described. Other aspects of cancer care, from nursing support and nutrition to psychological care and survivorship, are also covered.Edited by a specialist and general practitioner team, with multidisciplinary contributors, ABC of Cancer Care is ideal for general practitioners, practice nurses, cancer care nurses, medical students, and all healthcare professionals treating and supporting cancer patients.

ABC of Breast Diseases

by J. Michael Dixon

The ABC of Breast Diseases provides comprehensive guidance to the assessment of symptoms, and how to manage all common breast conditions and provides guidelines on referral. It covers congenital problems, breast infection and mastalgia, before addressing the epidemiology, prevention, screening and diagnosis of breast cancer. It outlines the treatment and management options for breast cancer within different groups and includes new chapters on the genetics, prevention, management of high risk women and the psychological aspects of breast diseases.Edited and written by internationally renowned experts in the field and highly illustrated in full colour, this fourth edition remains a practical guide for general practitioners, family physicians, practice nurses and breast care nurses as well as for surgeons and oncologists both in training and recently qualified as well as medical students.

ABC of Autism (ABC Series)

by Munib Haroon

ABC of Autism provides clinicians and medical students with a succinct, evidence-based overview of the symptoms, evaluation, treatment, and management of autism in both daily practice and for ongoing patient support plans. This accessible and informative guide allows primary healthcare professionals to quickly reference the essential information required for appropriate patient care.

ABC of Asthma

by John Rees Dipak Kanabar Shriti Pattani

Asthma is a common condition with increasing prevalence. This new edition of the highly regarded ABC of Asthma has been thoroughly revised with reference to the latest British Thoracic Society guidelines on the management of asthma in children and adults. It covers the advances in practice and methods, with a new emphasis on delivery systems, self-dose assessment and delivery of care with different pharmacological approaches.The ABC of Asthma is a concise, up-to-date overview of all aspects of asthma and includes two new chapters focussing on GP practice issues including clinical management and organisation of asthma care. It is ideal for GPs, junior doctors and medical students, nurses, and anyone dealing with the treatment of asthma in children and adults.

ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease

by Tim England Akhtar Nasim

ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease provides a structured, practical approach to clinical assessment, investigation and management of the most commonly presenting arterial and venous disorders.Structural and functional abnormalities of arteries and veins manifest clinically in a broad spectrum of disorders, including cerebrovascular and carotid artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysms, acute and chronic limb ischaemia, vasculitis and varicose veins. This revised edition incorporates new chapters on coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndrome, visceral artery stenosis and mesenteric ischaemia, and arteriovenous malformations. Many of these common or chronic conditions first present for initial assessment by primary health care professionals. Case vignettes have been added to relevant chapters to aid understanding and decision making.Fully up to date and from an expert editor and contributor team, ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease remains a useful resource for non-specialist doctors such as general practitioners, family physicians and junior doctors in training. It is also a relevant guide for all other primary health care professionals working within the multidisciplinary teams responsible for patients with chronic arterial and venous disorders.

ABC of Anxiety and Depression

by Carolyn Chew-Graham Linda Gask

ABC of Anxiety and Depression is a practical guide to the assessment, treatment and management of patients with anxiety and depression as they commonly present in primary care.It begins with an introduction to views on the understanding of anxiety and depression. The following chapters cover how anxiety and depression present in different patient groups such as children and young people, adults, older people and during antenatal/postnatal periods. It then addresses anxiety and depression as comorbidities with chronic illness, and within special populations and settings.The options for treatment and management of anxiety and depression are considered with guidance on when referral to secondary care may be appropriate and the current best practice in psychological therapies, drug treatment and social interventions. Cases are used to illustrate the complexities of managing patients with anxiety and depression.The title concludes with an important chapter on practitioner well-being.ABC of Anxiety and Depression is a practical resource all general practitioners and family physicians working with patients with anxiety and depressive disorders. It is also relevant for primary health care professionals who are part of clinical teams treating patients with anxiety and depression, and conditions where anxiety and depression are common comorbidities, as well as psychologists, counsellors, social workers, and medical and nursing students.

Abandoned Asylums of Connecticut (Images of Modern America)

by L. F. Blanchard Tammy Rebello

This collection of photographs, history, and firsthand accounts gives readers a glimpse at the roots of mental health. These vignettes are born of the personal stories of those who worked at these facilities, those who were institutionalized, and their families. The authors took the time to listen to their stories and endeavored to understand their past and recognize how these events continue to influence the mental health industry today. Pictured throughout are the physical relics of the places--the now largely abandoned asylums of Connecticut--where these stories unfurled.

AARP Special Edition: for a Longer, Leaner, Healthier Life!: The fast, effective weight-loss plan to save you 10, 20, 30 pounds--or more!

by David Zinczenko Eat This

Lose 10, 20, 30 pounds or more, and put yourself back in control of your weight, your health, and your life! Don't diet, don't sacrifice, and don't waste money or time on expensive weight-loss foods. In fact, you can start dropping pounds today while eating all your favorite foods--from pizza and pasta to burgers, and even dessert. From the editors of the bestselling series Eat This, Not That! comes a unique diet program that strips away added sugars and melts fat--from your belly first. The trick: a series of simple swaps that will ensure you're eating the very best options from your favorite restaurants and grocery store brands. Discover how easy it is to indulge your way to a flat belly while protecting your brain and striking a blow against heart disease, diabetes, and more. Eat This, Not That! for a Longer, Leaner, Healthier Life is based on four easy-to-remember nutrition rules: * Use our simple guide to ensure you're always making the smartest, healthiest, leanest choice in any restaurant or grocery store. * Enjoy rich, creamy, healthy fats, so you never feel hungry or deprived, even while your metabolism is revving on high. * Reduce added sugars--without sacrificing flavor--with a series of simple tips that will help you enjoy your favorite desserts, without gaining an ounce! * Power up your day with 10 essential LONGER LIFE Superfoods for maximum health and rapid weight loss. Get ready to drop that extra weight faster than you've ever imagined--and enjoy every bite!

AAOS Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care


Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Enhanced Fifth Edition is a robust educational resource focused on how to evaluate and manage common musculoskeletal conditions.

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 3

by Jay R. Lieberman

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review, 3rd edition offers sweeping coverage of the core of orthopaedic knowledge that spans the spectrum of the orthopaedic specialties. This convenient, comprehensive and user-friendly text combines the specific information you need to prepare for your examination.

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 2

by Frcs C Martin I. Md, Frcs C Martin I. Boyer

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review, 2nd edition offers sweeping coverage of the core of orthopaedic knowledge that spans the spectrum of the orthopaedic specialties. Gathered in one convenient and comprehensive text, you'll find the specific information you need to prepare for your examination.

Aanvullen of aanvallen?: Waardering en respect voor jezelf en voor anderen (Methodisch werken)

by H. Pols

Aanvullen of aanvallen? is bedoeld om je persoonlijke levensbasis te versterken en begint met de opbouw van een genuanceerd zelfbeeld als een noodzakelijke basis om genuanceerd naar andere mensen en naar situaties te kunnen kijken. Het gaat hierbij om onderwerpen als de positieve en negatieve kant van je vanzelfsprekendheden, ook jezelf kunnen zijn bij het zetten van "een tweede stap" en dat je zelf meer kunt dan je misschien denkt. Omgaan met anderen wordt daarin geleidelijk verwerkt. Hierna wordt ingegaan op gevoelens, de verwerking van moeilijke ervaringen, zoals impasses waarin je kunt terechtkomen, kritisch omgaan met je vanzelfsprekende ideeën en meningen, je willen inleven in de gevoelens en situatie van een ander (empathie) als voorwaarde voor contact, de noodzaak van elkaar bewust waardering geven, kritisch kijken naar kritiek, jezelf kunnen zijn zonder anderen onnodig te kwetsen en een stappenplan om zelfvertrouwen en assertiviteit te versterken. De laatste hoofdstukken gaan over het uitbreiden van je mogelijkheden tot empathie, het voorkomen van sneeuwbaleffecten bij moeilijk gedrag van mensen, streven naar ontwikkelingen, je macht in een bepaalde situatie op een positieve manier gebruiken en dat het waarmaken van goede ideeën niet vanzelf gaat.

Aangeboren hartafwijkingen bij volwassenen

by P. G. Pieper B.J.M. Mulder F. J. Meijboom J.P.M. Hamer

Dit boek behandelt de belangrijkste aangeboren hartafwijkingen bij volwassenen. In een helder overzicht, thematisch in hoofdstukken geordend, beschrijven de auteurs de pathofysiologie van de afzonderlijke hartafwijkingen en relevante ontwikkelingen op het gebied van diagnostiek,therapie en prognose. Zij gaan hierbij bovendien in op obstetrische, genetische en psychosociale aspecten. De herziene, derde druk van deze uitgave - het enige Nederlandstalige leerboek over dit onderwerp - behandelt de nieuwste inzichten en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van zorg voor volwassenen met een aangeboren hartafwijking. Aandacht krijgen in het bijzonder moderne beeldvormende technieken voor diagnostiek en de toepassing van katheterinterventie bij klepafwijkingen en ritmestoornissen. In Nederland worden per jaar zo'n 1400 kinderen met een hartafwijking geboren. Door de voortschrijdende vakkennis en technologie bereikt 90 procent van hen de volwassen leeftijd. Nederland telt zo'n 30. 000 volwassen patiënten met een aangeboren hartafwijking; hun aantal neemt toe. Dankzij de succesvolle resultaten van de hartchirurgie vormen zij inmiddels een nieuw deel van de patiëntenpopulatie van de cardioloog. Vrijwel alle patiënten hebben na hun vroegere hartoperatie restafwijkingen. Deze vergen specifieke zorg, niet alleen van cardiologen en hartchirurgen, maar ook van huisartsen, internisten, gynaecologen, gespecialiseerde verpleegkundigen en psychologen. Voor al deze beroepsbeoefenaren is Aangeboren hartafwijkingen bij volwassenen bestemd. Dit unieke leerboek en naslagwerk is geschreven in helder Nederlands, uitgevoerd in kleurendruk en voorzien van zowel functionele als verfraaiende aquarellen van de hand van dr. J. P. M. Hamer.

Aandoeningen van het bewegingsapparaat: In de algemene praktijk

by A. N. Wolf J. M. A. Mens

Dit boek is het vervolg op Onderzoek van het bewegingsapparaat: fysische diagnostiek in de algemene praktijk van dezelfde auteurs. Werd in het eerste deel de nadruk gelegd op de praktische uitvoering van het lichamelijk onderzoek en de interpretatie van de gegevens, in dit tweede deel gaan de auteurs in op de in de praktijk meest voorkomende categorieën aandoeningen: arthritis, artrose en "weke delen letsel". Een ongebruikelijk kenmerk van dit boek is het vermelden van "statements". De benadering van klachten van het bewegingsapparaat berust meer op theoretische overwegingen en langdurige praktijkervaring dan op de resultaten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek. De auteurs hebben dit aspect willen benadrukken door definities en praktische uitgangspunten in de vorm van afzonderlijke, omkaderde statements weer te geven. Het zijn geen waarheden, maar soms provocerende uitspraken. Deze kunnen worden gebruikt als vuistregels voor de dagelijkse praktijkvoering, maar ook als uitgangspunten voor de ontwikkeling van wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

Aandacht voor Astma en COPD

by Albert Schoenmaker

Steeds meer patiënten met astma- en COPD hebben contact met de praktijkondersteuner van de huisarts. Om eenduidige informatie en duidelijke adviezen over medicatie en behandeling te geven, is het voor de praktijkondersteuner daarom van belang de kennis van astma en COPD voortdurend up-to-date te houden. Aandacht voor astma en COPD levert hieraan een belangrijke bijdrage. Aan bod in Aandacht voor astma en COPD komen onder andere kwaliteit van de zorgverlening in de praktijk, het onderzoek van de patiënt, diagnostiek, medicamenteuze en niet-medicamenteuze behandeling en astma bij kinderen. Uitgangspunt bij deze complete handleiding zijn de drie NHG-standaarden Astma bij Kinderen, Astma bij Volwassenen en COPD. Verder baseert Aandacht voor astma en COPD zich op internationale richtlijnen; en worden de resultaten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek vertaald naar de praktijk van de zorg. De diverse casussen met uitwerkingen verhelderen hoe de richtlijnen voor goede astma- en COPD-zorg in de praktijk kunnen worden uitgevoerd. Aandacht voor astma en COPD is het tweede deel in de POH-reeks; een reeks primair bedoeld voor praktijkondersteuners, praktijkverpleegkundigen en praktijkondersteuners in opleiding, maar zal daarnaast zeker ook nuttig zijn voor huisartsen. Door aandacht te besteden aan een diversiteit aan praktische onderwerpen, krijgt de praktijkondersteuner handvatten geboden die ter ondersteuning zullen zijn bij de uitoefening van het dagelijks werk binnen de praktijk.

AAGBI Core Topics in Anaesthesia 2015

by William Harrop-Griffiths Richard Griffiths Felicity Plaat

Based on the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland's (AAGBI) continuing education lecture series, this clinically-oriented book covers the latest developments in research and the clinical application of anesthesia and pain control. Reviews latest developments in research and practice Clinically-oriented but rooted in basic science Concise and informative articles on key topics Road-tested through CPD roadshows Designed specifically for continuing medical education

AAGBI Core Topics in Anaesthesia 2012

by Leslie Gemmell William Harrop-Griffiths Ian Johnston

Based on the Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland's (AAGBI) continuing education lecture series, this clinical-oriented book covers the latest developments in research and the clinical application to anesthesia and pain control.

AAEVT's Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians

by Sally DeNotta Martha Mallicote Sheri Miller Deborah Reeder

AAEVT’s Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians Practical handbook on all aspects of veterinary care in horses relevant to veterinary technicians AAEVT’s Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians, Second Edition offers a compendium of information on the care and treatment of horses for equine veterinary technicians, building on the basics of equine care to provide a complete reference for equine nursing skills, training, and technical information. The text is specifically geared toward those who already have basic equine knowledge and training and are looking to build upon their foundations. Comprehensive yet accessible, the new edition updates all medical, procedural, pharmaceutical, equipment, staffing, and office management information. Images also appear in full color throughout the book for the first time. Chapters cover a variety of topics ranging from general horse management and nutrition to diagnostics and medical emergencies. Charts, tables, and images support the text to aid in reader comprehension. Sample topics covered in AAEVT’s Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians include: General horse management, equine nutrition, applied anatomy and physiology, equine reproduction, and equine wellness programs Foal care, equine pharmacology, laboratory diagnosis in equine practice, equine anesthesia, surgical assistance, and nursing care Technical procedures, diagnostic procedures, common equine medical emergencies, equine physical rehabilitation, equine behavior, and equine office procedures An overall explanation of procedures and medical information regarding the care of horses in a clinic or ambulatory practice Highly accessible and easy to use, AAEVT’s Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians, Second Edition is an invaluable reference for qualified equine veterinary technicians and assistants—particularly those earning their equine certification—as well as vet tech students and equine practices.

AAEVT's Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians

by Deborah Reeder Sheri Miller Dana Zimmel Midge Leitch Deeann Wilfong

AAEVT's Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians offers a compendium of information on the care and treatment of horses for equine veterinary technicians. Highly accessible and easy to use, the book builds on the basics of equine care to provide a complete reference for equine nursing and technical skills. AAEVT's Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians is an invaluable guide for qualified equine veterinary technicians and assistants, particularly those earning their equine certification, vet tech students, and equine practices.

A3 Adenosine Receptors from Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics

by Pier Andrea Borea

This book, "A3 Adenosine Receptors from Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics", documents the present state of knowledge of the adenosine A3 receptor. Adenosine A3 receptors are G protein-linked receptors that function in physiology and intracellular signaling and are involved in inflammatory responses and mediating cell proliferation and cell death. The A3 receptor is increasingly being recognized for its biological roles throughout the body, and many A3 receptor ligands have proven useful in elucidating peripheral and central pathologies. This book covers a wide range of information including data from studies of theoretical, molecular and cellular pharmacology, signal transduction, integrative physiology, new drug discoveries and clinical applications. The book includes sections on: A3 Adenosine Receptor signal transduction, adenosine Receptor medicinal chemistry, effects and therapeutic applications of Adenosine Receptors on tissues and organs, adenosine Receptors and inflammatory and auto-immune diseases, adenosine Receptors and cancer. The chapters in this book cover both fundamental science and relevant applications and provide an authoritative account of the current status of the field. "A3 Adenosine Receptors from Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics" is an up to date and scientifically excellent source of information, attractive to basic and clinical scientists alike.

A-Z of Neurological Practice: A Guide to Clinical Neurology

by Neil J. Scolding Roger A Barker Andrew J. Larner Alasdair J Coles

The Second Edition of A-Z of Neurological Practice builds on the previous edition with revised and updated information in a high density but easily accessible format to provide a quick and ready reference for busy clinicians of all degrees of experience. Entries for specific neurological conditions are uniformly structured indicating: Pathophysiology; Clinical Features; Investigations and Diagnosis; Differential Diagnosis; Treatment and Prognosis. Key references are cited throughout and all entries are cross referenced. A-Z of Neurological Practice, Second Edition is a practical, authoritative guide that will become an invaluable resource for neurologists in clinical practice, neurology trainees and all those involved with the treatment of neurological disorders.

An A-Z of Management for Healthcare Professionals

by Roy Lilley

Roy Lilley, creator of the best selling Tool Kit series for the NHS, has produced his personal A-Z of management topics. It covers key issues for today's managers to think about and act upon. The author takes the 26 letters of the alphabet and matches them to practical ideas for managers facing the challenges of change and the pressures of expectations. Each word he has chosen for his 'alphabet' encapsulates and describes a management style or achievement, or perhaps habits or routines, that have impressed him. They are words that describe the extra 'thing' that made a manager stand out, sparkle, seem different from the rest. Each idea is presented with hazard warnings, thinking-issues and exercises, for personal development and organisational improvement. This book is for any manager in healthcare, whether just starting out or a seasoned professional. Clinical directors, general practitioners, practice managers, managers in newly formed Primary Care Trusts and elsewhere in the NHS, and managers in the professions and trades that support and sell to the health service, will all find the book stimulating, informative and practical.

The A-Z of Loss: The Handbook for Health Care

by Elizabeth Bell

In a unique approach this book links policy theory and research with the expertise of service providers and users to explore the major debates concerning the provision of mental health services. Many of these dilemmas revolve around questions of who makes the choices and who has control. The book examines the power and demands of the disparate groups involved in the provision and use of services before considering the different practice options and their implicit values and goals. This book will inform critical debate among all those involved in the mental health enterprise and challenge health professionals to consider their own practice. It is timely and relevant reading for practitioners and managers at every level in all disciplines and from all agencies as well as service users and carers.

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