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A Physician's Guide to Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Patients

by Janet L. Abrahm

This highly regarded handbook provides clinicians with the information they need to treat their cancer patients effectively and compassionately.This comprehensive guide to managing pain and other symptoms for people with cancer has helped tens of thousands of patients and families. Designed for busy practicing clinicians, A Physician's Guide to Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Patients provides primary care physicians, advanced practice nurses, internists, and oncologists with detailed information and advice for alleviating the stress and pain of patients and family members alike. Drawing on the work of experts who have developed revolutionary approaches to symptom management and palliative care, as well as on the lessons learned from patients and their families during her thirty years as a teacher and clinician, Dr. Janet L. Abrahm shows how physicians and other caregivers can help patients and families heal emotionally even as the disease progresses.The third edition includes updates to medications and clinical stories, and features two new chapters: "Working with Patients’ Families" and "Sexuality, Intimacy, and Cancer." New lessons from palliative care and hospice care can help patients, their professional caregivers, and their families support each other every step of the way.

Making Sense of Human Anatomy and Physiology: A Learner-Friendly Approach

by Earle Abrahamson Jane Langston

Designed to be user-friendly and informative for both students and teachers, this book provides a road map for understanding problems and issues that arise in the study of anatomy and physiology. Students will find tips to develop specific study skills that lead to maximum understanding and retention. They will learn strategies not only for passing an examination or assessment, but also for permanently retaining the fundamental building blocks of anatomical study and application. For the teacher and educator, the book provides useful insight into practical and effective assessment techniques, explores the subject matter from a learning approach perspective, and considers different methods of teaching to best to convey the message and meaning of anatomy and physiology. Supported by clear diagrams and illustrations, this is a key text for teachers who want a useful toolbox of creative techniques and ideas that will enhance the learning experience. In addition to the wealth of information it provides, Making Sense of Human Anatomy and Physiology sets in place a bedrock of learning skills for future study, regardless of the subject. Students of beauty therapies, holistic and complementary therapies, and fitness professionals--yoga teachers, personal trainers, sports coaches, and dance teachers--will gain not only a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology, but also the skills to learn such a subject. Allied professionals in nursing, biomedical science, dentistry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, midwifery, zoology, biology and veterinary science will also find this book an invaluable resource. The final chapters offer suggestions for the further exploration of concepts, assessment, learning activities, and applications.

Muscle Testing: A Concise Manual

by Earle Abrahamson Jane Langston

Muscle testing - A Concise Manual, provides a reference for understanding how structure relates to function, and how by knowing function we can learn structural configurations.The book summarises the key anatomical facts and figures, give methods for muscle testing by several techniques, and provides clinically useful information to supplement the tests.

Pressure Drop

by Peter Abrahams

A thrilling adventure set in the world of underwater diving from acclaimed suspense novelist Peter Abrahams, aka Spencer Quinn, author of the Chet and Bernie Mysteries Deciding on her thirty-ninth birthday that a baby is the best present she could give herself, single Manhattan public relations executive Nina Kitchener makes an appointment to undergo artificial insemination at the Human Fertility Institute. Nine months later, the nightmare begins. Just hours after she gives birth, someone kidnaps her infant son from the nursery. The police aren't helping, the fertility institute has shut down, and Nina believes that the only way to find her baby is to learn the identity of the sperm donor. Nina's hunt for answers leads her to the Bahamas and the rich, reclusive Standish family who funded the institute. But Nina isn't the only one investigating them. Joining forces with divorced ex-Navy SEAL and deep-sea diver Nate Matthias, Nina is unprepared for the horrors they uncover. A long-buried secret that dates back to Nazi survivors of World War II is still deadly enough to threaten Nina's life, her baby's, and that of the mysterious man who's protecting her.

Antibiotica en infecties: Antibiotica in de tandheelkundige praktijk

by L. Abraham-Inpijn

Het duel tussen antimicrobiële middelen en micro-organismen is er één datal jaren de wetenschap bezighoudt. Hierover werd in de zestiger jaren van devorige eeuw nog gezegd dat:  'in 2000 er geen infectieziekten meer zijn'. De strijd dreigt nu te eindigen met een over­winning door de micro-organismen. De negatieve spiraal die is ontstaan wordt onder meer versterkt door: overmatig en ondeskundige antibioticagebruik (zowel inde humane als veterinaire geneeskunde), gebrek aan innovatie met betrekking totnieuwe antimicrobiële middelen en de grote mobiliteit in vracht enpersonenvervoer. Dit alles naast vakantiereizen, immigratie, ongezondelevensomstandigheden  en Dit boek gaat in op deveranderende visie ten aanzien van het gebruik van antibiotica. Welke oorzakenliggen hieraan ten grondslag en wat zijn de consequenties? Ook deindicaties  waarover in de tandheelkunde nog discussies bestaan komen aande orde. Daarnaast biedt het een op de wetenschappelijke literatuur gefundeerdantwoord op praktische vragen over het gebruik van antibiotica in de tandheelkundigepraktijk.   Antibiotica en  infecties is een onmisbaar boek bij het gebruik vanantibiotica en profylaxe in de tandheelkunde.   Deze uitgave is primairgeschreven voor tandartsen en overige (tandheelkundige) professionals die te maken krijgen met gebruik vanantibiotica in hun praktijk.   De auteur prof. Dr. L. Abraham-Inpijn is emeritushoogleraar inwendige geneeskunde en algemene pathologie aan de faculteitgeneeskunde UvA, mede ten behoeve van de tandheelkunde. Tot op heden is zijverbonden aan de Divisie A (Interne Geneeskunde) van het Amsterdams MedischCentrum. Zij heeft verschillende publicaties op haar naam staan en schrijftregelmatig artikelen voor het vakblad voor de tandarts 'Tandartspraktijk'.  

Voorkoming van medische accidenten: Het Europese Medisch Risico Registrerend Historie-systeem

by L. Abraham-Inpijn

De kans dat u een pati#65533;nt in uw stoel krijgt die ouder is dan 45 jaar, is tegenwoordig behoorlijk groot. De vergrijzing! Als u geen speciale maatregelen treft, neemt hierdoor de kans toe op medische calamiteiten in uw praktijk. Het afnemen van een medische anamnese voorkomt zo'n vervelende confrontatie. Het 'Europese Medisch Risico Registrerend Historie-systeem' is een preventiemethode, die gebruikmaakt van een door de pati#65533;nt in te vullen lijst, die de tandarts verifieert. Deze eenvoudige methode geeft u een systematisch beeld van het risico van tandheelkundig handelen bij de gevonden pathologie. Zo kunt u preventieve maatregelen die nodig zijn onderbouwen. Dat is de meerwaarde van het EMRRH ten opzichte van andere gezondheidsvragenlijsten. Deze druk van 'Voorkoming van medische accidenten' is een handzame uitgave waarmee uw kennis op een eenvoudige manier up-to-date blijft. U treft hierin onderwerpen aan waarmee u dagelijks wordt geconfronteerd. De tekst is zeer toegankelijkheid, en waar nodig zijn verhelderende, duidelijke illustraties opgenomen.

Twenty-First Century Plague: The Story of SARS

by Thomas Abraham

In the autumn of 2002 in southern China, a previously unknown virus jumped the species barrier from animal to man and sparked the first global epidemic of the new century. The disease sped along the air routes of a globalized world, spreading within months to thirty-one countries on every continent. <p><p> Before it was reined in by a remarkable international scientific effort, the SARS virus demonstrated human society's vulnerability to disease. New infectious diseases like SARS have been emerging at an alarming rate over the past few decades. There is every indication the world will continue to face new viral diseases, some of them much more lethal and contagious than SARS. <p><p> This book traces the emergence of SARS, in the process examining the global politics and economics of disease. It provides the first behind-the-scenes account of how the global battle against SARS was fought and the incredible research efforts that finally led to identification of the virus. <p><p> Drawing on unprecedented access to scientists, doctors, and recovered patients, Thomas Abraham recounts the pressures and heartbreaks suffered by brave researchers who battled the clock to solve the SARS puzzle―even as colleagues and friends succumbed to the disease.

The Hands-on Guide to Data Interpretation (Hands-on Guides #16)

by Sasha Abraham Kunal Kulkarni Rashmi Madhu Drew Provan

Not sure how to interpret the wealth of data in front of you? Do you lack confidence in applying the results of investigations to your clinical decision making? Then this pocket-sized, quick reference guide to data interpretation may be just right for you. The Hands-on Guide to Data Interpretation is the perfect companion for students, doctors, nurses and other health care professionals who need a reference guide on the ward or when preparing for exams. It focuses on the most common investigations and tests encountered in clinical practice, providing concise summaries of how to confidently interpret investigative findings and, most importantly, how to apply this to clinical decision making. The benefits of this book include: An overview of the normal ranges of test results, followed by a consideration of the differential diagnoses suggested by variance from these values Arranged by system to allow quick access to the key investigations encountered in different specialties A summary ‘patient data’ chapter to bring the different specialties together, providing an overview to completing investigation documentation and charts Summary table and bullet point format, with a full index, to aid rapid retrieval of information Each chapter reviewed by a specialist to ensure an accurate, practical approach to data interpretation Take the stress out of data interpretation with The Hands-on Guide!

Vet on Call: My First Year as an Out-of-Hours Vet

by Marc Abraham

When his father sat him down and told him to 'make something' of himself, young vet Marc Abraham decided to do it the hard way - by setting up an emergency 'out of hours' clinic. If getting used to the long night shifts wasn't bad enough, emergency cases are rarely straightforward. Whether it was dog who swallowed golf balls, or a gerbil in urgent need of a caesarean, every case had the potential for heartbreak. But animals and their owners could also be hilarious, such as the breeder who unwittingly gave his German Shepherd four testicles. . .Over the course of twelve tough months, the clinic began to flourish. Would Marc finally make something of himself after all?Marc Abraham writes guilelessly about his early mistakes, and the terror and joy involved in saving an animal's life. His memoir is a heart-warming, compelling and thoroughly entertaining look at the life of a vet on call.

Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care in Urban America

by Laurie Kaye Abraham

"Mama Might Be Better Off Dead" is an unsettling, profound look at the human face of health care. Both disturbing and illuminating, it immerses readers in the lives of four generations of a poor, African-American family beset with the devastating illnesses that are all too common in America's inner-cities. The story takes place in North Lawndale, a neighborhood that lies in the shadows of Chicago's Loop. Although surrounded by some of the city's finest medical facilities, North Lawndale is one of the sickest, most medically underserved communities in the country. Headed by Jackie Banes, who oversees the care of a diabetic grandmother, a husband on kidney dialysis, an ailing father, and three children, the Banes family contends with countless medical crises. From visits to emergency rooms and dialysis units, to trials with home care, to struggles for Medicaid eligibility, Abraham chronicles their access (or lack of access) to medical care. Told sympathetically but without sentimentality, their story reveals an inadequate health care system that is further undermined by the direct and indirect effects of poverty. When people are poor, they become sick easily. When people are sick, their families quickly become poorer. Embedded in the family narrative is a lucid analysis of the gaps, inconsistencies, and inequalities the poor face when they seek health care. This book reveals what health care policies crafted in Washington, D. C. or state capitals look like when they hit the street. It shows how Medicaid and Medicare work and don't work, the Catch-22s of hospital financing in the inner city, the racial politics of organ transplants, the failure of childhood immunization programs, the vexed issues of individual responsibility and institutional paternalism. One observer puts it this way: "Show me the poor woman who finds a way to get everything she's entitled to in the system, and I'll show you a woman who could run General Motors. " Abraham deftly weaves these themes together to make a persuasive case for health care reform while unflinchingly presenting the complexities that will make true reform as difficult as it is necessary. "Mama Might Be Better Off Dead" is a book with the power to change the way health care is understood in America. For those seeking to learn what our current system of health care promises and what it delivers, it offers a place for the debate to begin.

Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care in Urban America

by Laurie Kaye Abraham

Mama Might Be Better Off Dead is an unsettling, profound look at the human face of health care. Both disturbing and illuminating, it immerses readers in the lives of four generations of a poor, African-American family beset with the devastating illnesses that are all too common in America's inner-cities. The story takes place in North Lawndale, a neighborhood that lies in the shadows of Chicago's Loop. Although surrounded by some of the city's finest medical facilities, North Lawndale is one of the sickest, most medically underserved communities in the country. Headed by Jackie Banes, who oversees the care of a diabetic grandmother, a husband on kidney dialysis, an ailing father, and three children, the Banes family contends with countless medical crises. From visits to emergency rooms and dialysis units, to trials with home care, to struggles for Medicaid eligibility, Abraham chronicles their access (or lack of access) to medical care. Told sympathetically but without sentimentality, their story reveals an inadequate health care system that is further undermined by the direct and indirect effects of poverty. When people are poor, they become sick easily. When people are sick, their families quickly become poorer. Embedded in the family narrative is a lucid analysis of the gaps, inconsistencies, and inequalities the poor face when they seek health care. This book reveals what health care policies crafted in Washington, D. C. or state capitals look like when they hit the street. It shows how Medicaid and Medicare work and don't work, the Catch-22s of hospital financing in the inner city, the racial politics of organ transplants, the failure of childhood immunization programs, the vexed issues of individual responsibility and institutional paternalism. One observer puts it this way: "Show me the poor woman who finds a way to get everything she's entitled to in the system, and I'll show you a woman who could run General Motors." Abraham deftly weaves these themes together to make a persuasive case for health care reform while unflinchingly presenting the complexities that will make true reform as difficult as it is necessary. Mama Might Be Better Off Dead is a book with the power to change the way health care is understood in America. For those seeking to learn what our current system of health care promises and what it delivers, it offers a place for the debate to begin.

Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care in Urban America

by Laurie Kaye Abraham

North Lawndale, a neighborhood that lies in the shadows of Chicago’s Loop, is surrounded by some of the city’s finest medical facilities, Yet, it is one of the sickest, most medically underserved communities in the country. Mama Might Be Better Off Dead immerses readers in the lives of four generations of a poor, African-American family in the neighborhood, who are beset with the devastating illnesses that are all too common in America’s inner-cities. Headed by Jackie Banes, who oversees the care of a diabetic grandmother, a husband on kidney dialysis, an ailing father, and three children, the Banes family contends with countless medical crises. From visits to emergency rooms and dialysis units, to trials with home care, to struggles for Medicaid eligibility, Laurie Kaye Abraham chronicles their access—or more often, lack thereof—to medical care. Told sympathetically but without sentimentality, their story reveals an inadequate health care system that is further undermined by the direct and indirect effects of poverty. Both disturbing and illuminating, Mama Might Be Better Off Dead is an unsettling, profound look at the human face of health care in America. Published to great acclaim in 1993, the book in this new edition includes an incisive foreword by David Ansell, a physician who worked at Mt. Sinai Hospital, where much of the Banes family’s narrative unfolds.

Regulating Medicines in Europe: Competition, Expertise and Public Health

by John Abraham Graham Lewis

This Book explains and investigates how medicines are controlled in Europe, especially the EU. Based on penetrating documentary and interview research with the pharmaceutical industry, regulators and consumer organisations,it provides the first major critical examination of the new Europeanised systems of medicine regulation. The authors argue that the drive to produce and approve more drugs more quickly for a single European market dominates other considerations, such as improvements in democratic accountability, the independence of regulators and scientific expertise from commercial interests, and drug safety testing and surveillance.

Science, Politics And The Pharmaceutical Industry: Controversy And Bias In Drug Regulation

by John Abraham 0 John Abraham University of Reading.,

Drug disasters from Thalidomide to Opren, and other less dramatic cases of drug injury, raise questions about whether the testing and control of medicines provides satisfactory protection for the public. In this revealing study, John Abrahan develops a theoretically challenging realist approach, in order to probe deeply into the work of scientists in the pharmaceutical industry and governmental drug regulatory authorities on both sides of the Atlantic. Through the examination of contemporary controversial case studies, he exposes how the commercial interest of drug manufacturers are consistently given the benefit of the scientific doubts about medicine safety and effectiveness, over and above the best interests of patients.; A highly original combination of philosophical rigour, historical sensitivity and empirical depth enables the "black box" of industrial and government science to be opened up to critical scrutiny much more than in previous social scientific study. All major aspects of drug testing and regulation are considered, including pre- clinical animal tests, clinical trials and postmarketing surveillance of adverse drug reactions. The author argues that drug regulators are too dependent on pharmaceutical industry resources and expertise, and too divorced from public accountability. The problem of corporate bias is particularly severe in the UK, where regulatory decisions about medicine safety are shrouded in greater secrecy than in the US.; Since the purpose of drug regulation should be to maximize the safety and effectiveness of medicines for patients, the public needs and deserves policies to counteract corporate bias in drug testing and evaluation. John Abraham's realist analysis provides a robust basis for policy interventions at the institutional and legislative levels. He proposes that corporate bias could be reduced by more extensive freedom of information, greater autonomy of government scientists from pharmaceutical industry, the development of independent drug testing by the regulatory authority, increased patient representation on regulatory committees, and more frequent and thorough oversight of regulatory performance by the legislature. This book should be of interest to anyone who cares about how medicines should be controlled in modern society. It should prove particularly rewarding for students and researchers in the sociology of science and technology, science and medicines policy, medical sociologists, the medical and pharmaceutical professions, and consumer organizations.

Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes

by Jiji Abraham Sabu Thomas Nandakumar Kalarikkal

This Handbook covers the fundamentals of carbon nanotubes (CNT), their composites with different polymeric materials (both natural and synthetic) and their potential advanced applications. Three different parts dedicated to each of these aspects are provided, with chapters written by worldwide experts in the field. It provides in-depth information about this material serving as a reference book for a broad range of scientists, industrial practitioners, graduate and undergraduate students, and other professionals in the fields of polymer science and engineering, materials science, surface science, bioengineering and chemical engineering.Part 1 comprises 22 chapters covering early stages of the development of CNT, synthesis techniques, growth mechanism, the physics and chemistry of CNT, various innovative characterization techniques, the need of functionalization and different types of functionalization methods as well as the different properties of CNT. A full chapter is devoted to theory and simulation aspects. Moreover, it pursues a significant amount of work on life cycle analysis of CNT and toxicity aspects.Part 2 covers CNT-based polymer nanocomposites in approximately 23 chapters. It starts with a short introduction about polymer nanocomposites with special emphasis on CNT-based polymer nanocomposites, different manufacturing techniques as well as critical issues concerning CNT-based polymer nanocomposites. The text deeply reviews various classes of polymers like thermoset, elastomer, latex, amorphous thermoplastic, crystalline thermoplastic and polymer fibers used to prepare CNT based polymer composites. It provides detailed awareness about the characterization of polymer composites. The morphological, rheological, mechanical, viscoelastic, thermal, electrical, electromagnetic shielding properties are discussed in detail. A chapter dedicated to the simulation and multiscale modelling of polymer nanocomposites is an additional attraction of this part of the Handbook.Part 3 covers various potential applications of CNT in approximately 27 chapters. It focuses on individual applications of CNT including mechanical applications, energy conversion and storage applications, fuel cells and water splitting, solar cells and photovoltaics, sensing applications, nanofluidics, nanoelectronics and microelectronic devices, nano-optics, nanophotonics and nano-optoelectronics, non-linear optical applications, piezo electric applications, agriculture applications, biomedical applications, thermal materials, environmental remediation applications, anti-microbial and antibacterial properties and other miscellaneous applications and multi-functional applications of CNT based polymer nanocomposites. One chapter is fully focussed on carbon nanotube research developments: published papers and patents. Risks associated with carbon nanotubes and competitive analysis of carbon nanotubes with other carbon allotropes are also addressed in this Handbook.

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology: Climate Change And Nature In Art (Routledge Advances In Art And Visual Studies)

by Jame Abraham James L. Gulley

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology is a comprehensive review of the management of numerous cancer types, emphasizing practical information that can be applied in everyday, fast-moving patient care situations. With contributions from experts and scholars at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Cleveland Clinic, and other renowned institutions, this latest edition has been thoroughly revised with new content and continues to provide practical guidance on how to evaluate, diagnose, and treat cancer patients.

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology

by Jame Abraham James L. Gulley

Offering up-to-date, authoritative information in a quick-reference format, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology, Sixth Edition, is a comprehensive yet concise review of the management of different cancer types. Drs. Jame Abraham, James L. Gulley, and a team of expert contributors emphasize practical information that can be applied in everyday patient care situations, and thoroughly revised content keeps you current with advances in this fast-changing field.

The Bethesda Review of Oncology

by Jame Abraham James L. Gulley

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Perfect for any clinician short on time who needs to practice for oncology board exams, The Bethesda Review of Clinical Oncology is from the same authors who brought you the trusted and bestselling Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology. It’s packed with hundreds of disease-specific questions that are formatted just like an actual board review exam—so you can prep as effectively as possible and achieve test success.

Diagnosis and Management of Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis related Peritonitis

by Georgi Abraham Santosh Varughese Uma Sekar

This book is unique in addressing the management and complications of PD-related peritonitis to reduce morbidity and mortality. It addresses the measures to prevent peritonitis, types of tools used for diagnosis, including molecular techniques, the focus of microbiologists for educating peers, catheter-related issues such as catheter care, exit site, and tunnel infection, catheter removal, reimplantation techniques, nurses' role, nutrition aspects, surgical methods and pediatric peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis with its uniqueness in detail. Each chapter starts with a case scenario and pictures related to the branch by the contributors' experience.This book is helpful for physicians, nurses, technicians, microbiologists, ID trainees and consultants, nephrology trainees, nephrologists, and surgeons involved in PD care.

Writing Health Communication: An Evidence-based Guide

by Charles Abraham Marieke Kools

Leaflets, information sheets and written materials designed to influence people's health-related behaviours often fail to achieve their aims. To improve such written materials we need to understand: (i) how people read and process information, (ii) how to design persuasive messages, (iii) how to make written text easy to use and (iv) how to change behaviour. Writing for Health Communication: An Evidence-Based Guide for Professionals is a practical guide to producing effective written materials. The book presents easy-to-understand, evidence-based guidance on providing information, presenting persuasive messages and promoting behaviour change. Topics include: - Message framing, - Use of fear appeals, - Tailoring messages, - Using graphics, - Behaviour change Each chapter is illustrated with examples - including both good and bad practice and covering a range of health topics. For students and professionals in healthcare, health psychology, health education and promotion, and public health, Writing for Health Communication: An Evidence-Based Guide for Professionals is an invaluable guide to best practice.

Health Psychology: Critical Concepts In Psychology (Topics in Applied Psychology)

by Charles Abraham

Topics in Applied Psychology offers a range of accessible, integrated texts ideal for courses in applied psychology. The books are written by leading figures in their field and provide a comprehensive academic and professional insight into each topic. They incorporate a range of features to bring psychology to life including case histories, research methods, ethical debate and learner activities. Each chapter opens with learning objectives to consolidate key points. A reading list and sample essay questions at the end of chapters enable further independent study. The series also offers an appreciation of multiple perspectives, examines the relationship between psychology and other cognate disciplines and discusses recent developments in each field. Topics in Applied Psychology will provide you with the tools you need to engage with, enjoy and understand your applied psychology discipline, ultimately ensuring confidence and success in exams as well as a comprehensive grounding in the profession. Health Psychology guides the reader through core issues in health psychology research and practice. Each chapter builds on previous ones so that the text provides an overview of the field rather than presenting a compendium of topics. The book discusses mechanisms, models and methods and examines how biological, cognitive, affective and social processes impact on health and illness. It also explores how stress and coping mechanisms affect health behaviours and the psychological determinants of health behaviour. Two chapters focus on how psychological research can be applied to change health-related attitudes and behaviours. Communication between the patient and practitioner is examined as is the role of the health psychologist. The integrated and interactive approach, combined with the comprehensive coverage, make this book the ideal companion for courses in health psychology.Other books in the series include: Clinical Psychology, Criminal Psychology, Educational Psychology, Organizational and Work Psychology and Sport and Exercise Psychology.

Atlas of Anorectal Anomalies: Diagnostic and Operative Perspectives

by Amr Abdelhamid AbouZeid Shaimaa Abdelsattar Mohammad

This volume provides an in-depth analysis of abnormal pelvic anatomy in various forms of anorectal anomalies, often with multiple associations. The anatomy of the pelvis is one of the most complex in the body, and anatomists have provided detailed descriptions of normal anatomy based on cadaver dissections. However, congenital abnormalities present a spectrum of deviations from normal, which can be difficult to perceive with surgical practice alone. The advent of cross-sectional imaging has fortunately provided a powerful tool, allowing clinicians to study these anomalies in depth and on multiple planes. This volume will be an essential tool to better understand this spectrum of alterations in a critical region of the body, thus helping pediatric surgeons make the correct planning for a solid reconstruction of the abnormality.

Biodentine™: Properties and Clinical Applications

by Imad About

This book is a comprehensive guide to BiodentineTM, an innovative biocompatible and bioactive material based on pure tricalcium silicate that can permanently replace dentin and can also serve as a temporary enamel substitute. Although BiodentineTM has been widely used across the world for the past decade, this is the first book to be devoted to its properties, interactions with the soft and hard tissues, and its multiple clinical applications. The coverage encompasses applications in primary and permanent teeth, in specialties as diverse as restorative dentistry, endodontics, paediatric dentistry, dental traumatology, and prosthetic dentistry. BiodentineTM application both in vital pulp therapy and endodontic procedures is illustrated and clinical step by step protocols are provided. The book provides a detailed update on BiodentineTM use to preserve the pulp vitality in direct/indirect pulp capping, pulpotomy and irreversible pulpitis treatment. It also details BiodentineTM use for non-vital teeth treatment in indications such as root/furcation perforation repair, apexification as well as in regenerative endodontic procedures.BiodentineTM: Properties and Clinical Applications will be a rich source of guidance and information for all dentists as well as dental students and academics.

Blandy's Urology

by Omar M. Aboumarzouk

Blandy's Urology, 3rd edition is set to become a classic in its field, the latest edition of one of the most well-loved general urology textbooks for urologists and surgeons alike, successfully combining both general urology and urologic surgery. Its key strength is the unique ‘Blandy way’ of describing urological diseases and their management, consisting of: clear, straightforward, uncomplicated descriptions of disease/conditions, including hundreds of clinical photos an abundance of outstanding drawn surgical diagrams to illustrate best technique in the operating theatre a focus on the most commonly seen problems in the clinic organization of each topic under anatomical headings Especially loved by urology and surgery trainees for its straightforward approach to the speciality and as a preparation for speciality urology exams, consultants and specialists also value it as a handy refresher tool.

Ovarian Stimulation

by Mohamed Aboulghar Botros Rizk

Ovarian stimulation is the starting point of reproductive medicine but the procedure can result in adverse reactions particularly the dangerous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Fully revised in line with modern practice of ovarian stimulation, this new edition is divided into six sections that cover mild forms, non-conventional forms, IVF, complications and their management, alternatives, and the practicalities of procedures. All aspects of ovarian stimulation are discussed including the different stimulation protocols from which to choose, the management of poor responders and hyper-responders, as well as stimulation in patients with PCOS. Comprehensively reviewing the modern approach to ovarian stimulation, the alternative procedures are also described, both in IVF and other methods of assisted reproduction. Written by leading experts on reproductive health and fertility, this book will assist infertility specialists, gynecologists, reproductive endocrinologists and radiologists in determining successful treatment for their patients.

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