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Dieppe Revisited: A Documentary Investigation (Studies in Intelligence)

by John P. Campbell

This book reappraises the ill-fated raid named operation Jubilee, focusing on aspects such as naval and air operations in the Channel, signals, radar intelligence, agents and deception. It draws from official archives, both German and Allied. From these voluminous but fragmented records, many of which have been destroyed, classified or lost, the book aims to thread the evidence together.

The Dieppe Raid: The Combined Operations Assault on Hitler's European Fortress, August 1942

by UK War Office

A battle summary of Britain&’s raid on the French port town of Dieppe during World War II. Winston Churchill was under pressure. The Soviets felt that they were fighting the Germans by themselves. Stalin demanded Britain open a second front to draw German forces away from the east. Though the advice Churchill received from his staff was that an invasion of France would not be possible for at least another year, the British Prime Minister knew he had to do something to help the Russians. The result was a large-scale raid upon the port of Dieppe, chosen as it was thought that the success of any invasion would depend on the capture of a major port to enable heavy weapons, vehicles, and reinforcements to be landed in support of the landing forces. It would not be the second front that Stalin wanted, but at least it would demonstrate Britain&’s intent to support the Soviets. Plus, it provided a rehearsal for the eventual invasion. The raid upon Dieppe, Operation Jubilee, was eventually scheduled for 19 August 1942. The assault was the most ambitious Allied attack against the German Channel defenses of the war so far, involving some 6,000 infantry, 237 naval vessels, and seventy-four squadrons of aircraft. Though the debate surrounding Jubilee&’s purpose and cost has raged in the years since the war, many vital and important lessons were learned. All these factors are covered in this official battle summary, a detailed and descriptive account of the Dieppe Raid, which was written shortly after the war and is based on the recollections of those who were involved.

Dieppe 1942: Reconnaissance In Force With Strategic Overtones

by Colonel Lewis M. Boone

In the early hours of August 19, 1942 an amphibious force of approximately 6000 troops, primarily Canadians of the 2nd Infantry Division, approached the coast of France. Their destination was the small port of Dieppe and their mission was to foster German fear of an attack in the West and compel them to strengthen their Channel defenses at the expense of other operational areas. Their secondary purpose was to learn as much as possible about new techniques and equipment and gain experience and knowledge necessary for a future great amphibious assault. By early afternoon, 807 Canadians lay dead in and around Dieppe. Another 100 would die of wounds, and in captivity, and about 1900 more would sit out the rest of the war in POW camps. The intent of this paper is not to refight the battle in detail, but to examine the strategic implications of the raid in terms of future operations by the Allies. This paper will also inform the reader on the utility of the mission given the tragic loss of life that day. Historians still debate whether Dieppe was a "needless slaughter" or a precursor for success at Normandy on 6 June 1944.

Dieppe: Canada's Forgotten Heroes

by John Mellor

This WWII historical memoir chronicles the Canadian-led raid on a Nazi-occupied port in Northern France, as well as capture and escape from POW camps. Gripping in its intensity and detail, John Mellor&’s account of the doomed raid on Dieppe, France, in 1942 combines authoritative research with his own firsthand experience. Examining the debate surrounding this tactical failure, Mellor also puts the reader in the landing craft and on the beaches with individual Canadian soldiers. Dieppe recounts the terrible deaths of 807 Canadians and the damage to 1,946 survivors whose subsequent march to German prisoner-of-war camps is nearly as tragic as the raid itself. Mellor writes candidly about the survival tactics, the successful tunnel escapes, and the heroism of nearly three years in appalling captivity, including the desperate &“death marches&” the prisoners endured.

Dieppe: Operation Jubilee—Channel Ports (Battleground Europe)

by Tim Saunders

A comprehensive history of the Allied attack on German-occupied France during World War II, examining its planning, execution, and failure. In 1942, with the outcome of the war very much in the balance, there was a pressing need for military success on mainland Europe. Churchill ordered Admiral Lord Mountbatten&’s Combined Operations HQ to take the war to the Germans. The Canadians were selected for the Dieppe raid, which, while a morale raiser, was a disaster. Over 3,000 men were lost. This authoritative account looks at the planning, execution and analyses the reasons for failure.

Die Weerwolf van die vloot

by Elaine Jonathan P. Brazee

Privaat Eerste klas Aiden Kaas het by die Mariene aangesluiot vir al die verkeerde redes. Na ontplooing na Irak op negentien, wou hy net sy toer klaar maak. Maar nadat hy deur 'n waarskynlike mal majuhideen gebyt is, ly hy aan 'n seldsame siekte , een met nagevolge wat hy nie in sy woldse drome sou kon voorspel nie. En die siekte het hom aan groter gevare bloodgestel as wat sy onplooing ooit kon. Aiden besef wat dit beteken om 'n man te word, en hoe hy tot verhaal moet kom met wat hy geword het. Waarskuwing: Boek bevat dele met geweld en seks.

Die neuesten Geschichtslügen (The World At War)

by Heinrich Kanner

Heinrich Kanner (* 9. November 1864 in Galați; † 15. Februar 1930 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Politiker, Journalist und Zeitungsherausgeber. Noch während des Weltkrieges begann Heinrich Kanner seine Recherche nach der Kriegsschuldfrage. Zu diesem Zwecke interviewte er während des Krieges eine Reihe von prominenten Vertretern des öffentlichen Lebens darunter auch mehrfach Leon von Bilinski, der von 1912 bis 1915 gemeinsamer Finanzminister der Donaumonarchie war und an den entscheidenden Sitzungen und Besprechungen über die Außenpolitik in dieser Zeit teilgenommen hat. Bilinski bezeugte in den Gesprächen mit Kanner, dass Kaiser Franz Joseph seit dem Frühjahr 1913 fest entschlossen war, nötigenfalls eine Aktion am Balkan zu genehmigen und zwar unbeschadet des Risikos eines Zusammenstoßes mit Russland. (Auszug aus Wikipedia)

Die leisen Stimmen der Vernunft: Tonaufnahmen im Schlachthaus der Geschichte

by Peter Schulz-Hageleit

Geschichte als Abfolge von Massentötungen aller Art und – im Gegensatz dazu – Geschichte als Konzert von leisen Stimmen, die den Frieden beschwören und Vernunft anmahnen: das sind zwei Leitmotive des Buches, die in verschiedenen Inhaltsvariationen thematisiert werden. Dabei finden die grauenhaften Tatsachen der Geschichte ebenso Berücksichtigung wie die kognitiv-emotionale Schwierigkeit, im historisch-politischen Schlachthaus-Geschehen (Kriege, Völkermorde) nicht die Augen zu verschließen, sondern vielmehr standzuhalten und existenziell für eine bessere Welt einzutreten.Was zur Zeit der ersten Auflage des Buches (2006) weit entfernt von realgeschichtlichen Möglichkeiten zu liegen schien, ein imperialistischer Eroberungskrieg, ist seit Februar 2022 bedrückende Wirklichkeit. Die veränderte weltpolitische Konstellation entwertet die früheren Reflexionen und Recherchen nicht, sondern taucht die Befunde in ein noch grelleres Licht.Das Buch wendet sich nicht nur an Personen, die Geschichte professionell erarbeiten und vermitteln, sondern an alle, die im Verhältnis zur Geschichte, wie es medienwirksam präsentiert und zelebriert wird, Probleme sehen.

Die Hard, Aby!: Abraham Bevistein - The Boy Soldier Shot to Encourage the Others

by David Lister

Recent books, many by Pen and Sword, such as Shot At Dawn have highlighted the shocking cases of young British soldiers in the Great War being executed by their own side. All too often their trials were cursory and the evidence flimsy. This scandal has appalled right-minded people of all political persuasions. This book examines in depth the case of a young Jewish boy, Aby Beverstein who enlisted in the Middlesex Regiment. Aby was wounded, hospitalized and on (possibly premature) release did not return to his battalion immediately. The authorities arrested and tried him.His execution was greeted with horror by his family and those who knew him and readers will feel equally outraged.

Die Begabten (Eine bessere Welt #1)

by Victoria Sue

Eine bessere Welt: Buch EinsAls Talon Valdez zu einem Begabten wurde, wusste er, dass es mit seinem Leben und seinen Träumen vorbei war. Geschmäht, mit Misstrauen betrachtet und häufig eingesperrt wurden diese Menschen mit besonderen Fähigkeiten von der Öffentlichkeit verachtet und als Monster gesehen, denen man niemals so weit trauen konnte, dass sie für das Militär oder als Gesetzeshüter arbeiten durften. Dann bietet sich ihm Jahre später die Gelegenheit, eine Sondereinheit von Begabten aufzubauen, die das FBI unterstützen soll. Die Bedingung dafür ist jedoch, dass jedem Begabten ein normaler Mensch als Partner zugeteilt wird. Finn Mayer träumte seit seinem vierzehnten Lebensjahr von einer Karriere beim FBI und brachte jedes nur mögliche Opfer, um den Traum wahr zu machen, auch wenn er dafür seine selbstsüchtige Mutter und seinen homophoben, tyrannischen Bruder ertragen und auf einen Freund verzichten musste. Doch seine nicht diagnostizierte Dyslexie durchkreuzt diesen Plan. Seine letzte Chance ist die Zusammenarbeit mit Talon, einem Begabten mit einer tödlichen Fähigkeit, der normalen Menschen nicht traut und Finn scheitern sehen möchte. Ihm bleiben vier Wochen, um sich dem Team zu beweisen. Dem Team bleiben vier Wochen, um sich der Öffentlichkeit zu beweisen. Und als eine andere Gruppierung ihren Erfolg – und sie selbst – in Gefahr bringt, müssen sie vier Wochen lang um ihr Leben kämpfen.

Die Around Sundown: A Henri Lefort Mystery (Henri Lefort Mysteries #1)

by Mark Pryor

Mark Pryor's Die Around Sundown is the first entry in an exciting mystery series set in Paris during World War II, where a detective is forced to solve a murder while protecting his own secrets.Summer 1940: In German-occupied Paris, Inspector Henri Lefort has been given just five days to solve the murder of a German major that took place in the Louvre Museum. Blocked from the crime scene but given a list of suspects, Henri encounters a group of artists, including Pablo Picasso, who know more than they're willing to share. With the clock ticking, Henri must uncover a web of lies while overcoming impossible odds to save his own life and prove his loyalty to his country. Will he rise to the task or become another tragic story of a tragic time?Five days. One murder. A masterpiece of a mystery.

Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Cartoonists and Caricaturists (Routledge Revivals)

by Mark Bryant

British cartoonists and caricaturists are renowned worldwide. Originally published in 2000, this indispensable handbook offers a unique ‘who’s who’ of all the major artists working in Britain in the twentieth century and contains nearly 500 entries. Extensively illustrated, the book provides information on the work of artists such as Steve Bell, Gerald Scarfe, Posy Simmonds, Ronald Searle, Trog, mac and Larry as well as such past masters as David Low, Vicky, H. M. Bateman, Illingworth, Heath Robinson and more. The dictionary concentrates primarily on political cartoonists, caricaturists and joke or ‘gag’ cartoonists, actively working for the main Fleet Street national dailies and weeklies from 1900 to 1995. Each entry is cross-referenced and provides a concise biographical outline with an account of the artist’s style, influences and preferred medium. Where relevant the entry includes suggestions for further reading and notes solo exhibitions, books illustrated and works held in public collections. The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Cartoonists and Caricaturists offers an insight into the lives of satirical artists working during a century that provoked cartoonists and caricaturists to a pitch of comic and artistic invention that has rarely been matched.

Dictionary of Military Terms: Over 6,000 Words Clearly Defined (Dictionaries Ser.)

by Richard Bowyer

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Dictionary of Military Terms

by Defense

This is the comprehensive, standardized dictionary of military and associated terminology compiled and used by the Department of Defense. Divided into two sections, The Dictionary of Military Terms contains the terms and definitions approved for Department of Defense (DOD) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) use as well as a complete listing of commonly used abbreviations and acronyms. These military and associated terms, together with their definitions, constitute approved terminology for general use by all DOD components.The Dictionary of Military Terms supplements standard English-language dictionaries and standardizes military and associated terminology to improve communication and mutual understanding within the DOD, with other federal agencies, and among the United States and its allies. It is the primary terminology source when preparing correspondence, including policy, strategy, doctrine, and planning documents. This publication applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Services, the Joint Staff, combatant commands, DOD agencies, and all other DOD components, and covers terms such as:active defensebattle damage assessmentcandidate target listdirected energyevent matrixfootprinthub and spoke distributionmobilizationnonconventional assisted recoveryprotectionretained personnelspecial operationssurvival, evasion, resistance, and escapeweapons readiness stateand more!

A Dictionary of Military Quotations (Routledge Library Editions: International Security Studies #4)

by Trevor Royle

This book, first published in 1990, is a provocative collection of military quotations that captures the human essence of warfare. From the skirmishes beneath the walls of Troy to the dropping of the atomic bomb, nearly 3,500 quotations distil the experiences of generations of soldiers, depicting the preparation for and the waging of war. Read the words of field marshals and generals, kings and dictators, and follow them into battle – Alexander the Great at Issus, Wellington at Waterloo, Sitting Bull at Little Big Horn and Montgomery at El Alamein. Here too are the recorded details of life among the ranks as diverse as ammunition and uniform, sick parade and comradeship, discipline and ‘Dear John’ letters. A final section, ‘Last Post’, deals with the tragic aftermath of conflict.

A Dictionary of Military and Technological Abbreviations and Acronyms (Routledge Library Editions: International Security Studies #3)

by Bernhard Pretz

This book, first published in 1983, is a compilation of some 50,000 acronyms and abbreviations used by the British, American, German and Soviet military. It enables the researcher to understand the language of the Armed Forces, their armaments and the related technology, and to reach a greater understanding of the capabilities and duties of the Armed Forces at the end of the Cold War. The Dictionary covers all the services and their technology, and is an indispensable reference work.

The Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations

by Robert Heinl Jr.

The quotations in this unique dictionary cover all aspects of the military art-war, personalities, traditions and customs, weapons and equipment, as well as virtues and failings. It is a fascinating and comprehensive collection which includes over 5000 quotations and spans the past two thousand years.The words of Catherine the Great are here, along with those of Churchill, Shakespeare, Nimitz, Clausewitz, Kant, and John F. Kennedy. Napoleon I and Thomas Jefferson share a page with Robert E. lee and Alfred Thayer Mahan.The scope of the subject matter covered by the quotations is extensive. The table of rubrics runs between Action to Zeal with 365 pages in between. Aggression, Causes of War, Détente, Duty, Loyalty, Luck, Profanity, Recruits, Victory, Weapons, and Women are but a few of the headings. Quotations under each entry appear in chronological order.Transcending the barriers of the profession of arms, there is much here for the student, the teacher, the historian, the politician, the reference specialist, the public speaker, and the interested reader. The words of hundreds of the world's greatest philosophers, poets, admirals, generals, prophets, and politicians serve both to inspire and to remind us of Santayana's words: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence: Over 800 Phrases Used in International and Covert Espionage

by Bob Burton W. E. Griffin

From Bob Burton - a former member of both the civilian and military intelligence communities and America’s most feared bounty hunter - comes the complete lexicon of over 800 terms and meanings used in international and covert espionage. Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence includes the most up-to-date terminology of special operations from A to Z, including: Breaktime: The time it takes to break down he resistance level of a subject in an interrogation of a brutal nature - usually 5-7 hours Hero Project: A project, operation, or extraction considered too dangerous, with only the most skilled personnel able to pull it off. Cake or Death: An unspoken but soon-realized ultimatum that a prisoner of the spook war understands as his personal fate - cooperate or die.Compiled by a man who knows covert action and clandestine warfare from the inside out, Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence is a perfect compendium of the secret language spoken by those who fight the silent war.

The Dictionary of Espionage: Spyspeak into English (Dover Military History, Weapons, Armor)

by Peter Earnest Joseph Goulden

What's a black-bag job, a dead-letter drop, a honey trap? Who invented the microdot, and why do they call Green Berets "snake-eaters"? More than just an alphabetical presentation of definitions, this volume offers a fascinating insider's view of the lingo and operations of the CIA, MI5, Mossad, the KGB, and other top-secret organizations.

A Dictionary of Coastal Command, 1939–1945

by Geoff Simpson

An alphabetical account of the part in the Second World War played by the Kipper Fleet as it was known in the RAF. Coastal Command often lacked resources compared with other home commands, giving it its other nickname of the Cinderella Service. Its main role was defensive that of protecting Britains vital sea borne supply lines in home waters as well as in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and around the coasts of Africa.Coastal Command also acted in an offensive capacity, particularly in the so-called Battle of the Barges in 1940 which helped deter Hitler from invading the UK, and in the Mediterranean and the Baltic, attacking German shipping. Coastal Command, however, is most usually remembered for the war against the U-boats, one that was eventually won.From A to Z this well-illustrated book tells the story of the gallantry, the achievements, the losses, the VCs, the aircraft and much else about RAF Coastal Command.

Dictionary of British Cartoonists and Caricaturists: 1730-1980 (Routledge Revivals)

by Mark Bryant Simon Heneage

Originally published in 1994, this dictionary provides a unique 'who’s who' of the major figures in the world of British cartoons and caricatures. It was the first book to encompass the entire field from c.1730 when Hogarth published the first of his 'modern moral pictures' to 1980. In addition to describing the careers and achievements of the artists and the characteristics of their styles, more than 500 entries give details of their publications, their illustrations to books and periodicals, exhibitions of their work, public collections in which their work is represented and literature on or referring to them. More than 150 illustrations are included. This is a comprehensive reference work and will be of interest to social and political historians as well as cartoon and caricature enthusiasts.

The Dictionary of Animal Languages

by Heidi Sopinka

A novel of love, longing, and art set in interwar Paris, The Dictionary of Animal Languages will appeal to readers of All the Light We Cannot See and The Disappeared.Ivory Frame is a renowned artist. Now in her nineties, the famously reclusive painter remains devoted to her work. She has never married, never had a family, never had a child. So when a letter arrives disclosing that she has a granddaughter living in New York, her world is turned upside down and the past is brought painfully to life. Disowned by her bourgeois family, the young Ivory had gone to interwar Paris to study art, and quickly found her true home among the avant-garde painters and poets who crowd the city's cafes. In fellow painter Tacita, she finds the sister she never had. In the Zoological Gardens, she finds a subject for her art capable of fascinating her endlessly. And in Lev, the brooding, haunted Russian émigré painter fleeing the Revolution and destined for greatness, she finds the love that will mark her life forever. But she loses all this, and more, when the Second World War sweeps away the life she has only just discovered. In her grief, she turns to the project she had begun in Paris, and which will consume the rest of her life: a dictionary of animal languages. Part science, part art, the dictionary strives to transcribe the wordless yearning of animals, the lonely and love-laden cries that expect no response. By nature solitary, Ivory withdraws fully into herself as she pursues her life's work. Until the discovery of one of Lev's paintings from 1940, inscribed to Ivory and now worth a fortune, brings to light a secret from her time in Paris that even Ivory could never guess. Now in her nineties, she is forced to acknowledge afresh all she has lost, and also to find meaning and beauty in a world defined by longing. Masterfully written, and emotionally charged, The Dictionary of Animal Languages is about love and grief and art and the realization that, like tragedy, the best things in life arrive out of the blue.

Dictator's Ransom (Rogue Warrior #14)

by Jim Defelice Richard Marcinko

When Kim Jong II invites the Rogue Warrior to visit North Korea, Dick Marcinko politely declines, wary of what could be in store for him inside the "Hermit Kingdom." But the CI has other ideas and soon Marcinko is enjoying the comforts of the Supreme Leader's palace--where four nuclear warheads may be hidden. Hot on the radioactive trail in a special op, Marcinko has to stay one step ahead of Kim Jong II--and the Russian mobsters he meets on the way.

The Dictator’s Muse: the captivating novel by the Richard & Judy bestseller

by Nigel Farndale

'[A] riveting novel... a fast-paced, brilliantly constructed thriller, in which the fates of the three young British protagonists hang in the balance at the end of every chapter' A. N. Wilson, SPECTATOR'I loved the brash brilliance of this' Peter Bradshaw, Guardian film criticIt is the early 1930s, and Europe is holding its breath. As Hitler's grip on power tightens, preparations are being made for the Berlin Olympics. Leni Riefenstahl is the pioneering, sexually-liberated star film-maker of the Third Reich. She has been chosen by Hitler to capture the Olympics on celluloid but is about to find that even his closest friends have much to fear. Kim Newlands is the English athlete 'sponsored' by the Blackshirts and devoted to his mercurial, socialite girlfriend Connie. He is driven by a desire to win an Olympic gold but to do that he must first pretend to be someone he is not. Alun Pryce is the Welsh communist sent to infiltrate the Blackshirts. When he befriends Kim and Connie, his belief that the end justifies the means will be tested to the core.Through her camera lens and memoirs, Leni is able to manipulate the truth about what happens when their fates collide at the Olympics. But while some scenes from her life end up on the cutting room floor, this does not mean they are lost forever...'Profound and moving... a beautifully written evocation of turbulent times' Daily Express'A novel rich in historical detail, but wearing its research lightly, and the story is told in a French Lieutenant's Woman kind of way, veering from the present to the past with superb flair... this novel has an uncomfortable prescience, with a plot twist at the end which is ingenious. - IRISH INDEPENDENT'A masterly exploration of conflicting loyalties ... Sharply characterised, richly atmospheric and completely engrossing' John Preston, author of The Dig------------------Readers love The Dictator's Muse:***** 'An addictive, all-consuming read'***** 'Flows beautifully with love, hopes, desires and propaganda of the time. Fascinating, engaging and terrifying'***** 'Thoughtful, well researched and atmospheric with engaging characters'***** 'I can't recommend this book highly enough'

Dictators at War and Peace

by Jessica L. Weeks

Why do some autocratic leaders pursue aggressive or expansionist foreign policies, while others are much more cautious in their use of military force? The first book to focus systematically on the foreign policy of different types of authoritarian regimes, Dictators at War and Peace breaks new ground in our understanding of the international behavior of dictators. Jessica L. P. Weeks explains why certain kinds of regimes are less likely to resort to war than others, why some are more likely to win the wars they start, and why some authoritarian leaders face domestic punishment for foreign policy failures whereas others can weather all but the most serious military defeat. Using novel cross-national data, Weeks looks at various nondemocratic regimes, including those of Saddam Hussein and Joseph Stalin; the Argentine junta at the time of the Falklands War, the military government in Japan before and during World War II, and the North Vietnamese communist regime. She finds that the differences in the conflict behavior of distinct kinds of autocracies are as great as those between democracies and dictatorships. Indeed, some types of autocracies are no more belligerent or reckless than democracies, casting doubt on the common view that democracies are more selective about war than autocracies.

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