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Showing 33,551 through 33,575 of 90,691 results


by Douglas Clegg

When Jake Richmond learns that Naomi, his childhood sweetheart, met her death on the subway tracks in New York City, he embarks on a journey to discover the truth behind her untimely death.


by P. D. Workman Patricia Wechinewsky

Ele nunca contou o que acontecia em casa com as portas fechadas, porém, desta vez, ele não consegue lembrar. As coisas nunca foram fáceis para Steven. Ele aceita isso e tenta tirar o melhor da vida. Ele pode não ter pais, um lar feliz ou mesmo nem o suficiente para comer em alguns dias, mas, pelo menos, ele tem dois amigos leais que ficam do seu lado e tentam ajudá-lo sempre que podem. Pelo menos, ele tem a escola, um lugar onde ele pode ir para escapar do abuso. Mas logo quando as coisas não poderiam piorar, elas pioraram. Steven é acusado de assassinato, mas essa não é a pior parte. O pior é ele não conseguir saber nem se é culpado ou inocente.

Não-me-esqueças-azuis: o que se esconde dentro de um coração palpitante exposto

by Alison Gray

Um corpo aparece numa praia de uma ilha grega. Duas mulheres que estão num retiro na ilha descobrem o corpo uma manhã bem cedo, antes da sua aula de yoga. São as duas chamadas a prestar declarações na polícia mas ambas escondem qualquer coisa. A Sargento Detetive Abby Foulks está de volta à Grécia para investigar o assassínio de um amigo nos idos anos 90. Ela é convidada a voltar pelo Tenente Angelo Christofis a quem conheceu enquanto passava férias em Skiathos, em 2014. Mas ele teve recentemente um bebé e ela sente que há qualquer coisa de errado. Ela não conseguiu entrar em contacto com ele e dá por si completamente sozinha na Grécia, numa outra ilha, a seguir uma pista, fora da jurisdição dele. À deriva, ela tem que manter-se alerta enquanto investiga velhos e novos crimes ao mesmo tempo.

Não digas nada

by Brad Parks

Pactuar com o Mal pode significar perder-se para sempre. Um romance intenso que explora o lado mais obscuro do Mal, pondo a nu as fragilidades da natureza humana perante a ameaça da perda mais dolorosa. Um juiz vive um pesadelo e um terrível dilema moral quando os seus gémeos de seis anos são raptados. Para manter os filhos vivos, terá de obedecer cegamente às ordens dos raptores, que lhe exigem uma série de decisões controversas na sua sala de tribunal. Numa quarta-feira como qualquer outra, o juiz Scott Sampson prepara-se para ir buscar os filhos gémeos de seis anos para os levar à aula de natação. A sua mulher, Alison, envia-lhe uma mensagem: mudança de planos, ela tem de os levar ao médico. Assim sendo, Scott regressa a casa mais cedo. Mas quando, mais tarde, Alison chega, está sozinha - sem Sam, sem Emma - e nega ter conhecimento da mensagem# O telefone toca: uma voz anónima diz-lhes que o juiz deve fazer exacta-mente o que lhe é dito num caso de tráfico de droga que está prestesa ser julgado. Se recusar, as consequências para as crianças serão terríveis. Para Scott e Alison, a chamada do sequestrador é apenas o começo de uma tentativa tortuosa de chantagem, engano e terror. Não haverá nada que os detenha para recuperarem os filhos, não importa a que custo... Sobre Não digas nada: «Complicações e reviravoltas conduzem trepidantemente a trama para um clímax inesperado que é perfeito e comovente.»Library Journal «Prende o leitor desde a primeira página e não o deixa até o twist final.»Associated Press «As páginas finais são emocionantes, surpreendentes e profundamente emocionantes. Um novo nível no thriller.»The Washington Post «Não digas nada começa chocando a mente e acaba por destruir o coração. O trabalho de um autor que continua a refinar seu imenso talento. Os leitores vão adorar este thriller fascinante e perturbador.»The Richmond Times-Dispatch «O excelente thriller de Parks, premiado com o prémio Shamus, retrata de forma credível uma família sob stress severo. Os leitores não conseguirão parar de ler até terem todas as revelações.»Publishers Weekly «Um livro excecional. Realmente fantástico.»Sue Grafton «Excelente... começa com um estrondo e fica mais tenso e tenso. Não digas nada demonstra que Parks é um escritor de qualidade no seu melhor.»Lee Child «Alarmantemente plausível e consistentemente admirável.»Sunday Times - THRILLER DO MÊS «Inteligente, com ritmo, com uma série de reviravoltas à medida que a tensão aumenta até um clímax emocionalmente imprevisível.»Chris Pavone

Não digas nada

by Brad Parks

Pactuar com o Mal pode significar perder-se para sempre. Um juiz vive um pesadelo e um terrível dilema moral quando os seus gémeos de seis anos são raptados. Para manter os filhos vivos, terá de obedecer cegamente às ordens dos raptores, que lhe exigem uma série de decisões controversas na sua sala de tribunal. Numa quarta-feira como qualquer outra, o juiz Scott Sampson prepara-se para ir buscar os filhos gémeos de seis anos para os levar à aula de natação. A sua mulher, Alison, envia-lhe uma mensagem: mudança de planos, ela tem de os levar ao médico. Assim sendo, Scott regressa a casa mais cedo. Mas quando, mais tarde, Alison chega, está sozinha - sem Sam, sem Emma - e nega ter conhecimento da mensagem... O telefone toca: uma voz anónima diz-lhes que o juiz deve fazer exactamente o que lhe é dito num caso de tráfico de droga que está prestes a ser julgado. Se recusar, as consequências para as crianças serão terríveis.Para Scott e Alison, a chamada do sequestrador é apenas o começo de uma tentativa tortuosa de chantagem, engano e terror. Não haverá nada que os detenha para recuperarem os filhos, não importa a que custo... Um romance intenso que explora o lado mais obscuro do Mal, pondo a nu as fragilidades da natureza humana perante a ameaça da perda mais dolorosa. Sobre Não digas nada: «Complicações e reviravoltas conduzem trepidantemente a trama para um perfeito e comovente clímax inesperado.»Library Journal «Prende o leitor desde a primeira página e não o larga até ao twist final.»Associated Press «Aspáginas finais são surpreendentes e profundamente emocionantes. Um novo nível no thriller.»The Washington Post «Não digas nada começa por chocar a mente e acaba por destruir o coração. O trabalho de um autor que continua a refinar o seu enorme talento. Os leitores vão adorar este thriller fascinante e perturbador.»Richmond Times - Dispatch«O excelente thriller de Parks, agraciado com o Prémio Shamus, retrata, de forma credível, uma família sob stress severo. Os leitores não conseguirão parar de ler até terem todas as revelações.»Publishers Weekly «Excelente - começa com um estrondo e vai ficando cada vez mais tenso. Não digas nada demonstra que Parks é um escritor de qualidade no seu melhor.»Lee Child«Alarmantemente plausível e consistentemente admirável.»The Sunday Times - Thriller do mês «Inteligente, com ritmo e uma série de reviravoltas à medida que a tensão aumenta até um clímax emocionalmente imprevisível.»The Times

Não Deixar Ir (Começar de Novo Três #3)

by Dawn Brower

Casamentos. Eles deveriam ser felizes. Um tempo para celebrar o amor entre duas pessoas e o futuro que elas planejaram. De certa forma, Logan Crane experimentou um pouco de alegria. Ele esperava que seus dois amigos tivessem uma longa e maravilhosa vida juntos. Mas ele não podia sentir isso. Ele não contou a ninguém sobre a guerra que grassava dentro dele. Todo dia era uma luta constante. Acordar, comer, esforçar-se para ser mais do que o terror que invade sua alma - ele não era o mesmo homem que conheciam. Ele não achava que voltaria a ser aquele homem. Alguns dias ele queria se enrolar em uma bola e chorar, e outros ele só precisava se sentir vivo. Nada funcionava. Hoje ele tinha que trabalhar ainda mais para fingir. Carly e Phil iam se casar. Ele não podia preocupar seus melhores amigos. Eles não deveriam se preocupar com nada além de seus dias especiais. Por eles, ele manteria isso em sigilo. Ele era forte o suficiente para passar um dia. Então ele poderia se esconder em seu novo apartamento e então ... Logan fechou os olhos e respirou fundo. Ele não pensaria no amanhã. Tudo o que ele podia fazer era tomar um dia de cada vez e rezar para que encontrasse uma maneira de sobreviver. Ninguém entendia o que ele tinha passado e a dor da traição que se instalara dentro dele. Ele encontraria uma maneira de ficar um pouco mais forte a cada dia. Não seria fácil. Mas não havia nada que valesse a pena fazer, e porra, ele não iria se enrolar em uma bola e deixar o mundo esmagá-lo. De alguma forma, ele passaria pelo casamento e pela recepção. Ele podia fazer isso - e talvez se ele continuasse dizendo a si mesmo, tudo daria certo.

Nantucket Sawbuck: A Henry Kennis Mystery (Henry Kennis Nantucket Mysteries #1)

by Steven Axelrod

"Axelrod's promising debut introduces a protagonist who will remind readers of Robert Parker's sleuths. The two-part story structure ("Premeditation"and "Post Mortem") also gives readers an Ellery Queen type of opportunity to "help solve" the crime." —Library JournalWhen Nantucket homeowner Preston Lomax is killed, everyone on the island could be a suspect. Lomax lived large, owed money, and the word was spreading he was planning to stiff them all and disappear. Chief of Police Henry Kennis, a newcomer from California, investigates with help from the State Police. Together they solve the case—or so it appears. But Kennis can't shake the feeling that they've missed something.Kennis soon discovers scandals, intrigues and an eclectic cast of local characters—oddball journalists, surfing carpenters, drug dealers, wealthy homeowners and their slacker children. Kennis uncovers a truth that lies somewhere between the bad blood and the good neighbors.

Nantucket Red Tickets (Henry Kennis Nantucket Mysteries #4)

by Steven Axelrod

"Axelrod and his protagonist bring an amused, judicious, and ultimately tolerant eye to the foibles large and small of a mixed Santa's bag of characters." —Kirkus ReviewsIt's Christmas Eve on Nantucket and prominent businessman Jackson Blum is about to live out his own version of A Christmas Carol. No visions, no ghosts, just the past, represented by the exhumed skeleton of his old partner Ted Coddington with a bullet from Blum's Ruger pistol in its skull; the present, in the form of a horribly mistreated employee who reveals Blum as the Scrooge he is; and the future, invoked by a family crisis that threatens to ruin the rest of his life. Past, Present and Future, all colliding on the same dark night of the soul.Nantucket Police Chief Henry Kennis is investigating the so-cold Coddington case with Blum as the main suspect while he roots out a plot to rig the traditional five-thousand-dollar Red Tickets raffle and struggles to close down a local opioid dealer who's selling to high school kids from a house on Tuckernuck Island—a bleak vista of wild moors, dirt roads, and unpainted homes a century old. "It's a time machine," says Kennis. With a whaling history.Henry's own son has been accused of cheating, his daughter's been pushed out of the high school a capella singing group, and his girlfriend's Christmas play is careening toward disaster. It looks like a calamitous holiday for everyone.All the scandals, tragedies, and intrigues of the season close in on Blum and Kennis as the two of them face off amid the carolers and colored lights. Finally, there's nothing to save the modern-day Scrooge from his terrifying future but a decades-old secret scribbled on a stolen slip of paper, and the uncertain mercy of the son he's lost. But it's Christmas, and as the snow finally starts to fall on the decorated trees that line Main Street, it's just possible that all sins will be forgiven and all sinners redeemed.God Bless us, every one.

Nantucket Penny (Henry Kennis Nantucket Mysteries #6)

by Steven Axelrod

"Axelrod packs plenty of layers and surprises into this intelligent, twisty tale. Henry's wry humor as well as his affection for the residents he serves exude warmth and will appeal to fans of Bill Crider's Sheriff Dan Rhodes." —BooklistDuring a long winter and short, chilly spring, a series of disturbing incidents rock the small resort island of Nantucket. A Land Bank executive dies in a suspicious hunting accident, a prominent local family's historic summer cottage burns down in an arson fire, and a teenage girl lies comatose in the hospital from a drug overdose.When spring turns to summer and the tourists flood the island, the mysterious cycle of violence spins faster. A young Jamaican boy is found dead in the harbor, a sex-for-drugs pornography ring is exposed, and a beloved local hero is murdered in cold blood. Could all of these events be part of the same sinister conspiracy?Poetry-writing Police Chief Henry Kennis, back for his third case in Nantucket Grand by Steven Axelrod, doubts it. But his new girlfriend, Jane Stiles, an author of cozy mysteries, is certain that all these terrible events are connected. In one of her books, they would all be related. Henry scoffs, but as the cords pull tighter, drawing him into a scandal that would change Nantucket forever, he begins to realize that Jane might be right, after all. But is it already too late?

Nantucket Grand: A Henry Kennis Mystery (Henry Kennis Nantucket Mysteries #3)

by Steven Axelrod

"Axelrod crafts an enjoyable, fast-paced read." —Publishers WeeklyHenry Kennis, Nantucket island's poetry-writing police chief who will remind readers of Robert B. Parker's Jesse Stone and Spenser, works a second challenging case in Nantucket Five-spot.At the height of the summer tourist season, a threat to bomb the annual Boston Pops Concert could destroy the island's economy, along with its cachet as a safe, if mostly summertime, haven for America's ruling class. The threat of terrorism brings The Department of Homeland Security to the island, along with prospects for a rekindled love affair—Henry's lost love works for the DHS now.The "terrorism" aspects of the attack prove to be a red herring. The truth lies much closer to home. At first suspicion falls on local carpenter Billy Delavane, but Henry investigates the case and proves that Billy is being framed. Then it turns out that Henry's new suspect is also being framed—for the bizarre and almost undetectable crime of framing someone else. Every piece of evidence works three ways in the investigation of a crime rooted in betrayed friendship, infidelity, and the quiet poisonous feuds of small town life. Henry traces the origin of the attacks back almost twenty years and uncovers an obsessive revenge conspiracy that he must unravel—now alone, discredited and on the run—before further disaster strikes.

Nantucket Five-Spot: A Henry Kennis Mystery (Henry Kennis Nantucket Mysteries #2)

by Steven Axelrod

"Fans of traditional mysteries will welcome Axelrod's entertaining fifth outing for Nantucket police chief Henry Kennis…That Henry believes in an 'old school low-tech version of police work' allows the reader to readily follow the clues." —Publishers WeeklyThe fifth Henry Kennis mystery takes us into the closed, gossip-riddled, back-stabbing world of Nantucket's community theater.Horst Refn, the widely disliked and resented Artistic Director of the Nantucket Theater Lab, has been found stuffed into the meat freezer in his basement. Most of the actors, all the technical crew, and quite a few of the Theater Lab Board members, whom Refn was scamming and blackmailing, are suspects in his murder. The island's Police Chief Henry Kennis has to pick his way through a social minefield as he searches for the killer.At the same time, daughter's new boyfriend, football star Hector Cruz, has been accused of sexting her. Carrie knows the offending pictures didn't come from him, and Henry has to prove it before the boy gets suspended, which means probing into the family secrets of Hector's father, a firebrand agitprop playwright, who happens to be a prime suspect in Refn's murder.Every story is a fiction, every identity proves false, and every statement a lie. The counterfeit bills found at the scene of the crime are the most obvious symbol of the deceptions and distractions that obscure the investigation. The truth lies buried in the past, in Refn's earlier crimes and the victims who came to Nantucket seeking revenge.When the culprit has been revealed, the last masks torn off, and final murder foiled—live, on stage, during the opening night of Who Dun It, the eerily prescient opening drama of the Theater Lab Season—Jane says to Henry, "Is everything counterfeit?" He smiles. "Almost."

The Nantucket Diet Murders (Eugenia Potter Mystery #3)

by Virginia Rich

Warm memories and good food greeted Mrs. Potter's retum to her beloved Nantucket, but so did a chilling surprise. Her old friends had a dangerous new look: dangerously thin and dressed to kill! Was something sinister going on? A handsome new diet doctor had won over the richest widows on the island with his weight-loss secrets -- and his very personal attention. But when sudden death was seved up along with delightful Down East dishes (try sinfully rich Scrimshaw Inn Rum Pie or tangy Nantucket Cranberry Cup Pudding!), the inimitable Mrs. Potter knew it was time to stir the pot and come up with a devilishly clever culinary killer.

Nantucket Counterfeit (Henry Kennis Nantucket Mysteries #5)

by Steven Axelrod

2014 Left Coast Crime Awards nominee for Best Mystery in a Foreign Setting"Vibrant with the frenzied nightlife of Mykonos and the predators who feed on it. A twisty page-turner." —Michael Stanley, award-winning author of the Detective Kubu mysteriesMykonos holds tight to its past even as it transforms from an obscure, impoverished Aegean island into a tourist mecca and summertime playground for the world's rich, a process making the Mykonian people some of the wealthiest in Greece. Yes, the old guard is still a force to be reckoned with despite the new money. One of them, a legendary nightclub owner, has been found savagely bludgeoned in his home. All evidence points to obvious thugs. Yet the murder has put long hidden, politically explosive secrets in play and drawn a dangerous foreign investor to the island paradise. Andreas Kaldis, feared head of Greece's special crimes division, is certain there's a far more complex solution to the murder than robbery, and he vows to find it. His quest for answers cuts straight into the entrenched cultural contradictions that give Mykonos so much of its magic and soon has him battling ruthless opportunists preying on his country's weakened financial condition. Kaldis learns there is a high, unexpected price to pay for his curiosity as he becomes locked in a war with a powerful, clandestine international force willing to do whatever it takes to change and wrest control of Mykonos, no matter the collateral damage. Such is global crime. And the need for a wily hero to stand against it.


by Robin Cook

A lavishly funded, security-conscious nanotechnology institute in the foothills of the Rockies, Nano is ahead of the curve in the competitive world of molecular manufacturing, including the construction of microbivores, tiny nanorobots with the ability to gobble up viruses and bacteria.But when Pia Grazdani takes a job there, she's shocked by the secretive corporate culture. She's warned by her boss not to investigate the other work being done at the gigantic facility, nor to ask questions about the source of the seemingly endless capital that funds the institute's research. And when Pia encounters a fellow employee on a corporate jogging path suffering the effects of a seizure, she soon realizes she may have literally stumbled upon Nano's human guinea pigs. Is the tech giant on the cusp of one of the biggest medical discoveries of the twenty-first century--a treatment option for millions--or have they already sold out to the highest bidder?


by Robin Cook

After a tumultuous year in which her mentor is murdered and her estranged father comes back into her life, Pia Grazdani, the embattled medical student from Death Benefit, decides to take a year off from her medical studies and escape New York City. Intrigued by the promise of the burgeoning field of medical technology and the chance to clear her head, Pia takes a job at Nanobots, a lavishly funded, security-conscious nanotechnology insititute in the picturesque foothills of the Rockies. Nanobots is ahead of the curve in the competitive world of molecular manufacturing, including the construction of microbivores, tiny nano-robots with the ability to gobble up viruses and bacteria. But the corporate campus is a place of secrets. She's warned by her boss not to investigate the other work being done at the gigantic facility, nor to ask questions about the source of the seemingly endless capital that funds the institute's research. And when Pia encounters a fellow employee on a corporate jogging path, suffering the effects of a seizure, she soon realizes she may have literally stumbled upon Nanobot's human guinea pigs. Is the tech giant on the cusp of one of the biggest medical discoveries of the twenty-first century - a treatment option for millions - or have they already sold out to the highest bidder?


by Robin Cook

A lavishly funded, security-conscious nanotechnology institute in the foothills of the Rockies, Nano is ahead of the curve in the competitive world of molecular manufacturing, including the construction of microbivores, tiny nanorobots with the ability to gobble up viruses and bacteria.<P> But when Pia Grazdani takes a job there, she's shocked by the secretive corporate culture. She's warned by her boss not to investigate the other work being done at the gigantic facility, nor to ask questions about the source of the seemingly endless capital that funds the institute's research. And when Pia encounters a fellow employee on a corporate jogging path suffering the effects of a seizure, she soon realizes she may have literally stumbled upon Nano's human guinea pigs. Is the tech giant on the cusp of one of the biggest medical discoveries of the twenty-first century--a treatment option for millions--or have they already sold out to the highest bidder?

Nanny X Returns

by Madelyn Rosenberg

In their second adventure, Ali, Jake and Eliza go fishing with Nanny X, only there is something fishy about their catch -- it's robotic. While the gang wonders about this strange occurrence, a robotic squirrel shows up and tries to steal Nanny X's computer disguised as a box of baby wipes. Meanwhile, the president has been given an ultimatum to put a sculpture of an angler on view on the White House lawn. Nanny X wonders if these weird incidents are connected, and a series of investigations yields non-stop action and humor in this sequel to Nanny X, which was called a "a fun and funny blend of Spy Kids and Mary Poppins" by Kirkus Reviews.

Nanny X

by Madelyn Rosenberg

What kind of a nanny wears a motorcycle jacket, mirrored sunglasses, and a straw hat with flowers on top? When ten-year-old Ali and eight-year-old Jake find out that an odd woman who calls herself Nanny X is going to care for them, they're worried. They see her speak into a diaper. Even weirder, the diaper actually seems to be answering her. Everything begins to make sense when the kids discover Nanny X's secret identity. It turns out that Ali, Jake, and their toddler sister are in for a wild ride as they help Nanny X with a mysterious mission.

Nanny Witness: The Baby Protectors (The Baby Protectors)

by Hope White

Running for her life—and for a child’s safetyA riveting The Baby Protectors novelWhen gunshots echo through the baby monitor, nanny Carly Winslow acts fast, fleeing with seven-month-old Mia. Help comes suspiciously soon in the form of Brody “Whit” Whittaker, who says he’s Mia’s uncle—and a policeman. If he’s lying, he could be one of the attackers. And if he’s really a cop…what will he do after he uncovers her troubled past?

The Nanny Plan: The Nanny Plan The Cowgirl's Little Secret From Fake To Forever (Billionaires and Babies #71)

by Sarah M. Anderson

This billionaire bachelor has a baby challenge... Being a father to his orphaned infant niece is out of this tech billionaire's comfort zone. Lucky for Nate Longmire, Trish Hunter is a natural at motherhood, and she's agreed to be his temporary nanny. But long glances, slow kisses and not-so-innocent touches are strictly off-limits... Trish's goal is to help Nate in exchange for a big donation to her charity for Lakota kids. Falling for her bachelor boss-and his adorable baby girl-is not part of the plan. But when the month is up, will she be able to walk away?

Nanny Needed: A Novel

by Georgina Cross

A young woman takes a job as a nanny for an impossibly wealthy family, thinking she&’s found her entrée into a better life—only to discover instead she&’s walked into a world of deception and dark secrets.&“Wild, unpredictable, and utterly absorbing, Nanny Needed is a gasp-out-loud thriller that will make your head spin.&”—Samantha M. Bailey, #1 bestselling author of Woman on the EdgeNanny needed. Discretion is of the utmost importance. Special conditions apply.When Sarah Larsen finds the notice, posted on creamy card stock in her building&’s lobby, one glance at the exclusive address tells her she&’s found her ticket out of a dead-end job—and life.At the interview, the job seems like a dream come true: a glamorous penthouse apartment on the Upper West Side of NYC; a salary that adds several zeroes to her current income; the beautiful, worldly mother of her charge, who feels more like a friend than a potential boss. She&’s overjoyed when she&’s offered the position and signs the NDA without a second thought.But in retrospect, the notice in her lobby was less an engraved invitation than a waving red flag. For there is something very strange about the Bird family. Why does the beautiful Mrs. Bird never leave the apartment alone? And what happened to the nanny before Sarah? It soon becomes clear that the Birds&’ odd behaviors are more than the eccentricities of the wealthy.But by then it&’s too late for Sarah to seek help. After all, discretion is of the utmost importance.

Nanny Dearest: the addictive and twisty psychological thriller debut

by Flora Collins

'Haunting, evocative and atmospheric' Charlotte Duckworth, author of The Perfect Father'You won't be able to put this book down' Emily Freud, author of My Best Friend's Secret'An accomplished thriller debut' Vogue USAN ADDICTIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER DEBUT OF FAMILY SECRETS AND OBSESSIONSue Keller is lost. When her father dies suddenly, she's orphaned in her mid-twenties, her mother having died long ago. Then Sue meets Annie. It's been twenty years, but Annie could never forget that face. She was Sue's live-in nanny at their big house upstate, and she loved Sue like she was her own.Craving comfort and connection, Sue is only too eager to welcome Annie back into her life. But as they grow close once more, Sue begins to uncover the truth about Annie's unsettling time in the Keller household all those years ago, and the dark secrets that bind these women together.Split between upstate New York in the nineties and present-day Manhattan, Nanny Dearest is a darkly addictive psychological thriller of power, privilege, secrets and obsession, which will keep readers turning the pages right up to the shocking end.

Nanny Dearest: A Novel

by Flora Collins

&“A well-crafted debut . . . horrifying . . . Psychological thrillers fans won&’t be disappointed.&” —Publishers Weekly"Unsettling, compelling, elegantly paced . . . A slick, contemporary novel that explores the wispy, nagging memories of childhood.&” —Julia Heaberlin, bestselling author of We Are All the Same in the DarkIn this compulsively readable novel of domestic suspense, a young woman takes comfort in reconnecting with her childhood nanny, until she starts to uncover secrets the nanny has been holding for twenty years.Sue Keller is lost. When her father dies suddenly, she's orphaned in her mid-twenties, her mother already long gone. Then Sue meets Annie. It&’s been twenty years, but Annie could never forget that face. She was Sue&’s live-in nanny at their big house upstate, and she loved Sue like she was her own.Craving connection and mothering, Sue is only too eager to welcome Annie back into her life; but as they become inseparable once again, Sue starts to uncover the truth about Annie's unsettling time in the Keller house all those years ago, particularly the manner of her departure—or dismissal. At the same time, she begins to grow increasingly alarmed for the safety of the two new charges currently in Annie's care.Told in alternating points of views—Annie in the mid-'90s and Sue in the present day—this taut novel of suspense will keep readers turning the pages right up to the shocking end.

Nanny Dearest

by Flora Collins

'Haunting, evocative and atmospheric' Charlotte Duckworth'You won't be able to put this book down' Emily Freud'An accomplished thriller debut' Vogue USYou let her in. Now she won't let you go.Sue Keller is lost. When her father dies suddenly, she's orphaned in her mid-twenties, her mother having died long ago. Then Sue meets Annie. It's been twenty years, but Annie could never forget that face. She was Sue's live-in nanny at their big house upstate, and she loved Sue like she was her own.Craving comfort and connection, Sue is only too eager to welcome Annie back into her life. But as they grow close once more, Sue begins to uncover the truth about Annie's unsettling time in the Keller household all those years ago, and the dark secrets that bind these women together . . .Split between upstate New York in the nineties and present-day Manhattan, Nanny Dearest is a dark, twisty and dramatic novel of long-hidden secrets and obsession, which will keep readers turning the pages right up to the shocking end.'Powerful, haunting' Miranda Smith'A tightly woven thriller' Town & Country US(P) 2021 HarperCollins Publishers

Nanny Bodyguard: Colton's Secret Son Nanny Bodyguard Last Chance Hero Last Chance Hero (Bachelor Bodyguards #5)

by Lisa Childs

Payne Protection's latest hire has a secret agenda...but his heart keeps getting in the way! Digital security specialist Nikki Payne is eager to prove herself. So when former marine Lars Ecklund asks for her help in tracking down his sister, Nikki happily volunteers her services. But she doesn't anticipate falling for her role as nanny and bodyguard to a baby they're protecting...or uncovering a raging hunger for guarded Lars. To find out what happened to his sibling, Lars must get into a fortified mansion at any cost and track down an elusive lawyer. But his fierce desire for Nikki is complicating everything. Putting the stunning spitfire in danger doesn't sit easily with him, yet he has no choice if he's to reclaim his sister-or create a future with this new family.

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