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Lines of Defense

by Barry Siegel

Doug Bard has been a detective with the sheriff's department in La Graciosa, California, long enough to know the score. Now that an influx of upscale chain stores and luxury housing has turned sleepy Chumash County into a boom town, the last thing anyone wants is crime casting a shadow over the prosperity. But Bard also knows he's not the kind of man who can write off a double fatality as a tragic accident--especially when all his instincts tell him it was murder. When a devastating housefire claims the lives of a kindly local retiree and his eleven-year-old piano student, District Attorney Angela Stark wastes no time declaring the blaze a mishap. But the verdict just doesn't sit right with Bard. Inconclusive but troubling clues--marks on the dead girl's neck, a strange bootprint on a kicked-in door--are enough to make the veteran detective buck the party line and fight to keep the case open. It's a stand that puts the renegade Bard at odds yet again with his superiors. Until a suspect surfaces. Placed at the scene of the deadly fire by an eyewitness, Jed Jeremiah is a backwoods loner with a homicide conviction in his past. But even as the sensational murder trial gets under way, the same instincts that told Bard there was foul play afoot now convince him that the wrong man may face the death penalty--and a calculating killer is still at large. Defying the sheriff and the D. A. and putting his job on the line, Bard begins to dig for the truth. What he discovers is a shocking link to his own past--one that will put the people he loves most in deadly jeopardy. From crime scene to courtroom, Lines of Defense unravels a cunningly plotted tale of detection and justice. Michael Connelly has declared, "with Barry Siegel you don't read a story. You feel it. You live it. And you always want more. " The third novel by the acclaimed author of Actual Innocence and The Perfect Witness brilliantly proves him right, on all counts. From the Hardcover edition.

Lines of Deception (The Kaspar Brothers)

by Steve Anderson

A West German nightclub owner goes behind the Iron Curtain on a desperate mission to save his brother, in this Cold War thriller by the author of Lost Kin.West Germany, 1949. Former actor Max Kaspar suffered greatly in the Second World War. Now he owns a nightclub in Munich—and occasionally lends a hand to the newly formed CIA. Meanwhile, his brother Harry has ventured beyond the Iron Curtain to rescue an American scientist. When Harry is also taken captive, Max resolves to locate his brother at all costs. The last thing he expects is for Harry to go rogue. Max&’s treacherous quest takes him to Vienna and Prague to Soviet East Germany and Communist Poland. Along the way, dangerous operators from Harry&’s past join the pursuit: his former lover Katarina, who&’s working for the Israelis, and former Nazi Hartmut Dietz, now an agent of East German intelligence. But can anyone be trusted? Even the American scientist Stanley Samaras may not be the hero Harry had believed him to be . . .

Lines in the Sand

by Lyn Gala

Three years ago, Carl Ragar turned on the mob. His conscience couldn't handle the murder of an innocent bystander, and he had to turn his back on his mentor, Petroc "Pete" Barbu, a man he'd admired and lusted after. Pete made no apologies for his job as an enforcer, but he'd never planned to get himself or Carl involved in the murder of a reporter. When Carl turned state's evidence, Pete couldn't even pretend to be surprised. Now Pete's still on the run, and Carl is unceremoniously dumped out of witness protection. Two men tangled in their own pasts, they will have to face the shifting moral lines in the sand that drove them to make disastrous choices. Once Pete and Carl were partners who trusted each other with their lives--now they're struggling to save their souls.

Lines and Shadows

by Joseph Wambaugh

Each night, thousands of immigrants stream north across the Mexican border towards San Diego, hoping to make a new life in the United States. Along the way, many find death instead. Bandit gangs roam the moonlit desert, robbing, raping, and killing these desperate, impoverished migrants. For decades Dick Snider has watched this happen. Now, in 1976, he's decided to end the bloodshed. A San Diego cop with an intimate awareness of the trials of border crossing, Snider has uncommon sympathy for the illegal immigrants who risk their lives to enter his country. Along with nine other policemen, he forms the Border Crime Task Force, a crack squad of heavily armed foot soldiers dedicated to wiping out the bandit thugs. With each midnight raid, the police raiders step closer to the border between sanity and madness.

Linee di confine

by Federico Greco L. E. Fitzpatrick

Quando si presenta il lavoro perfetto, Charlie non ci pensa due volte ad accettarlo. È la svolta che sta cercando, e nessuno – neppure il resto della squadra – può fargli cambiare idea. Si tratta di lavorare per un vecchio nemico e di attraversare il confine fino a Londra. Sono faccende rischiose ma Charlie non ha idea di quanto sia davvero alta la posta in gioco. La sua squadra dovrà confrontarsi col suo passato, ognuno di loro, e con un assassino più vicino di quanto possano immaginare. Riusciranno a uscire vivi dalla città? “Ricordiamo tutti quel ragazzino a Piccadilly. Quello sguardo determinato sul volto mentre attraeva tutte quelle persone. Usando solo la sua mente, le fece avvicinare a lui e poi le fece esplodere in mille pezzi. Può essere chiunque. Il tuo vicino, il tuo amico, il tuo amante. Resta vigile. I Comunicatori sono ovunque.” Linee di Confine è il secondo romanzo della serie dei Comunicatori di L.E. Fitzpatrick.

Líneas fronterizas

by L. E. Fitzpatrick

Cuando aparece el trabajo perfecto, Charlie no lo piensa dos veces antes de tomarlo. Este es el descanso que ha estado buscando, y nadie, ni siquiera el resto de su equipo, puede persuadirlo de lo contrario. El trabajo significa trabajar para un viejo enemigo y cruzar la frontera hacia Londres. Ambos son riesgosos, pero Charlie no tiene idea de qué tan alto está en juego realmente. El equipo tendrá que enfrentar su pasado, el uno al otro y un asesino que está más cerca de lo que creen. ¿Pero pueden todos salir de la ciudad con vida? "Todos recordamos a ese chico en Piccadilly. Esa mirada decidida que tenía en su rostro cuando él le quiso todas esas personas. Solo usando su mente, él los acercó a ellos y los hizo pedazos. Podría ser cualquiera. Su vecino, tu amigo, tu amante. Permanece vigilante. Los ladrones están en todas partes ". Border Lines es el segundo libro en L.E. Serie de Reachers de Fitzpatrick.

Líneas Carmesí

by Cole Steele

Una víctima de una picadura de insecto aparece en la sala de emergencias de Memorial Hospital infectada con un virus mortal que se cree que se ha extinguido. Mientras investiga un fatal accidente peatonal, Roman Lee descubre que los dos están relacionados con la ayuda de la Dra. Marlene Scott. El CEO de una compañía farmacéutica bajo el escrutinio del Congreso por aumentar el precio de las recetas para salvar vidas trama venganza fuera de la red en el sitio en las profundidades del Amazonas. Jaxson Lathos está desarrollando un virus dirigido a mujeres embarazadas y niños. El virus llega desde el Amazonas a los Estados Unidos por las aves migratorias infectadas. Él solo será el único con la cura y podrá nombrar su precio por la cura.

Lineage Most Lethal: An Ancestry Detective Mystery (Ancestry Detective #2)

by S. C. Perkins

In S. C. Perkins's Lineage Most Lethal, the captivating second mystery in the Ancestry Detective series, Texas genealogist Lucy Lancaster grapples with a mystery rooted in World War II and espionage.It's the week before New Year's Eve and genealogist Lucy Lancaster is ready to mix work and play at the beautiful Hotel Sutton, enjoying herself while finalizing the presentation for her latest client, hotel heiress Pippa Sutton. Freshly arrived at the hotel—and determined not to think about Special Agent Ben Turner, who went radio silent on her after one date—Lucy is stopped in her tracks when a strange man comes staggering toward her. She barely has time to notice his weak, sweaty appearance before he presses a classic Montblanc pen onto her hand, gasps, “Keep them safe,” and collapses at her feet, dead.When Lucy shows the fountain pen to her grandfather, an avid collector and World War II veteran, she’s in for another shock. Not only does Grandpa recognize the Montblanc, he also reveals a secret: he was an Allied spy during the war and the pen is both a message regarding one of his wartime missions and the key to reading a microdot left by the dead man. On the microdot is a series of ciphers, some decrypted to form names. Could they be the descendants of Grandpa’s fellow spies? When two from the list end up murdered—including the chef at the Hotel Sutton—and Grandpa’s life is put in jeopardy, Lucy’s sure she’s right. And with Lucy’s and Pippa’s names possibly on the list, too, she’s got to uncover the past to protect those in the present.With a secret Allied mission, old grievances, and traitors hiding behind every corner, Lucy must use her research skills to trace the list’s World War II ancestors and connect the dots to find a killer in their midst—a killer who’s determined to make sure some lineages end once and for all.

Lineage (The Blood & Sacrifice Chronicles #1)

by C. Vonzale Lewis

Smart-mouthed Nicole Fontane has a way of getting herself into trouble. She’s been fired from every job she’s had but still refuses to work in her father’s apothecary shop because of his practice of Earth Magick. On Tulare Island where Nicole grew up, Magick has always been a way of life—one she’s determined to avoid at all costs. With less than two hundred dollars in the bank and rent due, Nicole is forced to take a job at Tribec Insurance as a last resort. Little does she realize, the moment she sets foot inside the building, she becomes a pawn. A sinister force has set its sights on her and will stop at nothing to use her in a sadistic game. Tribec’s proprietors, the Stewart family, are curiously preoccupied with the Naqada, the mysterious pre-dynastic Egyptian society. Nicole finds it creepy, but on the bright side, the job reconnects her with her estranged friend, Marta. Yet the eerie atmosphere, disappearing Magick wards, and the smell of blood inside Tribec bring Nicole to a startling conclusion—the Stewarts are practicing Blood Magick, the deadliest of the Five Principles. By the time Nicole uncovers the truth, Marta and her four children have gone missing, and all signs implicate the Stewarts and an archaic blood ritual to an Old One, a Naqada god imprisoned on Tulare Island. Battling the evil of Blood Magick will demand Nicole confront a hidden past and unlock the Magick buried within. But can she set aside her deep-rooted fears to work with a team of vigilante Mages? Or will the clock run out on Marta and her children—and on Nicole?

Línea de Sangre: Una Novela De Espionaje De Granger

by John J. Davis

Los thrillers de espionaje redefinen al criminal: la serie Granger Spy Novel presenta a una familia encantadora con problemas letales atrapados en el punto de mira de los traficantes de armas de todo el mundo. Línea de sangre Cuando un simple allanamiento de morada resulta no ser tan simple, Ron Granger debe dejar de lado su tranquila vida rural y regresar a la Agencia Central de Inteligencia para enfrentarse a los traficantes internacionales de armas. Ayudado por su hermosa esposa, Valerie, y su ingeniosa hija adolescente, Leecy, Ron debe decidir rápidamente a quién creer: a los oportunistas calculadores, a los criminales astutos o a las agencias de inteligencia rivales hambrientas de poder. Cualquier aliado puede ser fatal, todos ellos en carrera por poseer el avance tecnológico que cambiará para siempre la faz de la guerra moderna. Pero cuando Leecy es secuestrada, Ron y Val deben elegir entre la misión y el rescate. Ante una decisión imposible, con el tiempo corriendo, Ron sólo sabe una cosa: Cuando no puedes confiar en nadie más, confía en tu familia.

Línea de Quiebre

by Cole Steele

Los detectives Román Lee y Lonnie Temple descubren una conspiración en el Hospital Memorial con la ayuda de la Dra. Marlene Scott. El primer procedimiento en el mundo para unir de forma física un cerebro humano con un implante de IA es un éxito y todos los ojos se posan en la compañía del multimillonario Sebastián Conroy, Neurolink, y su empleado recientemente repotenciado, John Bentley. Pero apenas unas semanas después de ser dado de alta, algo ha estado sucediendo agudizando su memoria y su personalidad. John Bentley está perdiendo la noción del tiempo. Los minutos se convierten en horas. Despertar en un callejón junto al edificio donde trabaja es solo el comienzo. Podría haber perdido mucho más…

Line up for Murder

by Marian Babson

The annual January sale at Bonnard's in London has always been the sale of the year, but this year--Bonnard's one hundredth anniversary sale--promises to be more special than ever before. For weeks, and in all the biggest newspapers in the world, Bonnard's has been advertising its plans to slash the prices on even the most expensive merchandise, and as usual buyers have begun to line up for the sale several days before the doors open. Dorothy Witson, a delightful woman who simply loves to stand on line, arrives five full days before the Bonnard's sale. She has her eye on a refrigerator- freezer for her niece and nephew. But, she is not first on line--she is third. In front of her is a young couple hoping to purchase a furniture set for their living room and a foreigner interested in buying two fur coats which he plans to sell for his own profit. Fed and cheered by their relatives, feted by the publicity-conscious Bonnard management, tolerated if not welcomed on their forays into the neighboring luxury hotel, Dorothy and her companions amusingly pass the time together. But not everyone in line is a zealous bargain-hunter; one of the people waiting for Bonnard's doors to open has murder on his mind. The identities of the killer and the intended victim are Marian Babson's skillfully kept secret as she unfolds the diverse personalities at the head of the line, their reasons--stated and otherwise--for being there, and the sometimes complex relationships that develop among them during the days and nights they spend encamped on the pavement.

A Line to Kill: A Novel

by Anthony Horowitz

The New York Times bestselling author of the brilliantly inventive The Word Is Murder and The Sentence Is Death returns with his third literary whodunit featuring intrepid detectives Hawthorne and Horowitz.When Ex-Detective Inspector Daniel Hawthorne and his sidekick, author Anthony Horowitz, are invited to an exclusive literary festival on Alderney, an idyllic island off the south coast of England, they don’t expect to find themselves in the middle of murder investigation—or to be trapped with a cold-blooded killer in a remote place with a murky, haunted past.Arriving on Alderney, Hawthorne and Horowitz soon meet the festival’s other guests—an eccentric gathering that includes a bestselling children’s author, a French poet, a TV chef turned cookbook author, a blind psychic, and a war historian—along with a group of ornery locals embroiled in an escalating feud over a disruptive power line. When a local grandee is found dead under mysterious circumstances, Hawthorne and Horowitz become embroiled in the case. The island is locked down, no one is allowed on or off, and it soon becomes horribly clear that a murderer lurks in their midst. But who?Both a brilliant satire on the world of books and writers and an immensely enjoyable locked-room mystery, A Line to Kill is a triumph—a riddle of a story full of brilliant misdirection, beautifully set-out clues, and diabolically clever denouements.

A Line to Kill: A Novel (A Hawthorne and Horowitz Mystery)

by Anthony Horowitz

The New York Times bestselling author of the brilliantly inventive The Word Is Murder and The Sentence Is Death returns with his third literary whodunit featuring intrepid detectives Hawthorne and Horowitz.When Ex-Detective Inspector Daniel Hawthorne and his sidekick, author Anthony Horowitz, are invited to an exclusive literary festival on Alderney, an idyllic island off the south coast of England, they don’t expect to find themselves in the middle of murder investigation—or to be trapped with a cold-blooded killer in a remote place with a murky, haunted past.Arriving on Alderney, Hawthorne and Horowitz soon meet the festival’s other guests—an eccentric gathering that includes a bestselling children’s author, a French poet, a TV chef turned cookbook author, a blind psychic, and a war historian—along with a group of ornery locals embroiled in an escalating feud over a disruptive power line. When a local grandee is found dead under mysterious circumstances, Hawthorne and Horowitz become embroiled in the case. The island is locked down, no one is allowed on or off, and it soon becomes horribly clear that a murderer lurks in their midst. But who?Both a brilliant satire on the world of books and writers and an immensely enjoyable locked-room mystery, A Line to Kill is a triumph—a riddle of a story full of brilliant misdirection, beautifully set-out clues, and diabolically clever denouements.

The Line That Held Us

by David Joy

From critically acclaimed author David Joy comes a remarkable novel about the cover-up of an accidental death, and the dark consequences that reverberate through the lives of four people who will never be the same again.When Darl Moody went hunting after a monster buck he's chased for years, he never expected he'd accidentally shoot a man digging ginseng. Worse yet, he's killed a Brewer, a family notorious for vengeance and violence. With nowhere to turn, Darl calls on the help of the only man he knows will answer, his best friend, Calvin Hooper. But when Dwayne Brewer comes looking for his missing brother and stumbles onto a blood trail leading straight back to Darl and Calvin, a nightmare of revenge rips apart their world. The Line That Held Us is a story of friendship and family, a tale balanced between destruction and redemption, where the only hope is to hold on tight, clenching to those you love. What will you do for the people who mean the most, and what will you grasp to when all that you have is gone? The only certainty in a place so shredded is that no one will get away unscathed.

Line of Vision

by David Ellis

David Ellis' Line of Vision has won the 2002 Edgar Award for Best First Novel by an American Author! Marty Kalish has been accused of murdering his lover's husband. He had a motive. He was at the scene of the crime. He manipulated evidence to hide his guilt. He even confessed. But that's not the end of the story. That's only the beginning.

Line of Succession

by Brian Garfield

Five bombs upend the foundation of the American governmentSturka is an artist with explosives. A sturdy man approaching middle age, he learned his trade on the darkest battlefields of the twentieth century: Indochina, Palestine, Guyana, Biafra, and the fetid jungles of South America, where he fought alongside Che Guevera but was quick enough not to die with him. He doesn&’t know where his new employers hail from; he only knows how well they pay. Today he packs plastic explosive into the false bottoms of three handbags and two suitcases, to be left at strategic locations around Washington, D.C. But this is no ordinary café bombing. Today Sturka targets the men at the top of the American government. The attack causes a crisis of succession, the likes of which America has never seen. If the right man doesn&’t take charge quickly, the country will tear itself apart.

Line of Succession: Number 73 in Series (The Destroyer #73)

by Richard Sapir Warren Murphy

Breathlessly action-packed and boasting a winning combination of thrills, humour and mysticism, the Destroyer is one of the bestselling series of all time.

Line of Sight

by Rachel Caine

After three Athena Academy students are kidnapped, FBI special agent Katie Rush is first on the scene. The Athena grad will stop at nothing to make sure the girls are returned safely--even if it means working with a psychic. This unconventional relationship is not ideal for a by-the-book agent, but Katie can't dismiss his dead-on revelations. Now in a race against time, with young girls' lives on the line, Katie must do something she's never attempted: Put her trust in a handsome stranger.

Line of Fire: The Firefighters of Station Five Book 4 (The Firefighters of Station Five)

by Jo Davis

The fourth novel in JO DAVIS's scorching-hot series FIREFIGHTERS OF STATION FIVE, where the tough and sexy firemen give off their own heat...To the other men of the A-shift, Tommy's a lucky guy who has it all. But deep inside, the golden boy of Station Five hides a private pain. He was once a star quarterback on the fast track, until tragedy derailed his dream. Since then, he's struggled with the choices he's made - including his decision to become a firefighter.His one ray of light shines in beautiful nurse Shea Ford. And when a dangerous rescue lands Tommy in the ER, what better opportunity to win her over? As Shea gives in to her feelings for him, Tommy and she reach the heights of passion. But when a conspiracy culminates in deadly arson, Tommy will lose more than he ever imagined. A ruthless enemy is closing in, threatening to destroy the couple's love - and their lives.Don't miss Jo Davis's paranormal romance alter-ego J. D. Tyler, and her sexy, dark Alpha Pack series.

Line of Fire

by Jo Davis

To his fellow firemen, Tommy Skyler has it all. But the golden boy of Station Five hides a private pain. He was once a star quarterback until tragedy derailed his dream. Since then, he's struggled with his choices-including his decision to become a firefighter. His one ray of light shines in beautiful nurse Shea Ford. When a dangerous rescue lands Tommy in the ER, what better opportunity to win her over? But when a conspiracy culminates in deadly arson, Tommy realizes that a ruthless enemy is closing in, threatening to destroy the couple's love- and their lives. .

Line of Fire (Hardy Boys Casefiles #16)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Bull's-eye revenge Frank and Joe take on the case of Denny Payson, a friend who suspects that his father was murdered in a chemical plant fire five years ago. Lucius Crowell, owner of the plant, has taken care of Denny and his mother since the accident, but Denny is convinced that the fire was a cover-up for the factory's dirty secret. Now Crowell is running for public office, and Denny, an expert sports marksman, is determined to have his revenge. Nothing Frank and Joe say can convince him to give up his murderous plan. But another crack marksman-a hit man-is after Denny. Can the Hardys save Denny before he turns on them? =============== From inside the book: LEAP OF FAITH Chest burning, Joe tore across the wide expanse of concrete in the unfinished building, Frank right at his side. Behind them, they could hear George mounting the stairs. They'd never reach the far side of the building. Then Frank was grabbing Joe's arm, pulling him off course. He led him to a set of large square holes in the floor, set in the middle of the building. Without letting go of Joe, Frank threw himself over the edge. As they dropped, a gunshot rang out over their heads. Joe closed his eyes. . . .

Line of Fire

by Andy McNab

Andy McNab's action-packed series featuring ex-deniable operator Nick Stone returns with Line of Fire. Nick is back in London, but if he thought he was home for a break, he’s very, very wrong. Backed into a corner by a man he knows he cannot trust, Stone strikes a devil's bargain.In exchange for his own safety – a life for a life – Stone is charged with locating someone who doesn’t want to be found, currently hiding out in one of the remotest corners of the UK. And for the first time in a long time, he’s not operating alone.But Stone and his team don’t find just anyone. They find a world-class hacker, so good that her work might threaten the stability of the western world as we know it. These are dangerous waters and Stone is quickly in over his head. Before he finally knows which way to turn, the choice is ripped out of his hands.Most people might think of home as safety but Nick Stone isn’t most people. For him and his team, it’s just another place to get caught in the line of fire...

Line of Fire

by Andy McNab

Andy McNab's action-packed series featuring ex-deniable operator Nick Stone returns with Line of Fire. Nick is back in London, but if he thought he was home for a break, he’s very, very wrong. Backed into a corner by a man he knows he cannot trust, Stone strikes a devil's bargain.In exchange for his own safety – a life for a life – Stone is charged with locating someone who doesn’t want to be found, currently hiding out in one of the remotest corners of the UK. And for the first time in a long time, he’s not operating alone.But Stone and his team don’t find just anyone. They find a world-class hacker, so good that her work might threaten the stability of the western world as we know it. These are dangerous waters and Stone is quickly in over his head. Before he finally knows which way to turn, the choice is ripped out of his hands.Most people might think of home as safety but Nick Stone isn’t most people. For him and his team, it’s just another place to get caught in the line of fire...

Line of Fire (Corps #5)

by W.E.B. Griffin

Line of Fire brings to life a desperate mission of World War II that captures the drama and courage of the men who fought it. Two Marines, reporting on Japanese air activity, are trapped on a small Coastwatcher island. A special rescue team is assembled to save them--under enemy gunsight. It is am exciting and powerful story of real heroism that only W.E.B. Griffin could tell...

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