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Intrigas, mentiras y negocios rosa en los Pirineos

by Elly Grant Marcos David Castillo Ojeda

Tenemos a una respetada mujer policía Le añadimos unas dos o tres muertes violentas Algunas señoritas de la noche Y una cubeta llena de sangre Lo colocamos todo, y en los alrededores, en un pequeño centro turístico francés Lo revolvemos constantemente con dinero y codicia Hasta que todo quede claro El resultado será muy satisfactorio En la tercera novela de la saga “Muerte en los Pirineos” por Elly Grant, te da una idea del funcionamiento y el ambiente de una pequeña ciudad francesa en los Pirineos Orientales. Después de que la muerte repentina y violenta de una Madame local trae miedo a sus chicas de la calle; Danielle, la oficial de policía se encargará del caso, decidida a encontrar al asesino. Pero, ¿acaso no hay mal que por bien no venga? Descúbranlo, y contengan la respiración... que este será un viaje muy agitado.

Intriga en Nueva York (Serie Rebecca & Friends #Volumen 2)

by Roberto Pavanello

Continúan las aventuras de Rebecca Silver y sus primas, Jenny y Sara, esta vez en la Gran Manzana. La estatua de la Libertad será la protagonista del próximo espectáculo de David Dopperfield, el famoso ilusionista que deja hechizado a todo el mundo. Rebecca, Jenny y Sara tendrán la suerte de poder presenciarlo durante sus vacaciones en la Gran Manzana. ¿Qué tiene planeado el mago? ¿Hacerla desaparecer, reducirla a tamaño de llavero, pintarla de amarillo? Las tres amigas sospechan que sus trucos ocultan un oscuro secreto... Pero... ¿Lograrán descubrir qué esconde en la chistera?

Intriga en Bardino

by Nick Sweet Rodolfo Antonelli

Una serie de cadáveres tienden a pulular alrededor del investigador privado Art Blakey luego de que la femme fatale Inge Schwartz lo contrata para hallar a su hermana desaparecida, Gisela. Posteriormente, un hombre que dice haber secuestrado a Gisela llama a Inge y exige como rescate un Rembrandt de la familia; pero Blakey es acechado cuando va a recuperar dicha pintura de su escondite, y Gisela aparece muerta en el departamento de Art. Posteriormente Art descubre un nexo con la ficticia ciudad catalana de Fingerillo, cuando encuentra una cajita de cerillas, en la cual se puede leer la dirección de un bar. En Fingerillo, Art es abordado por el reportero independiente Miguel Pasqual, quien se ofrece a ayudarlo con la investigación; pero Art comienza a sospechar de él. A continuación Art hace contacto con un curador de valiosas obras de arte, y organiza una reunión con la persona que actualmente está en posesión del Rembrandt extraviado. Art reconoce al hombre, de nombre Jaime, de las fotografías que ha visto, en las cuales Jaime aparece tomado de la mano con Inge. En la reunión, Inge entra en el recinto sosteniendo una pistola en la mano. Sale entonces a la luz que ella y su hermana habían planeado un ‘falso secuestro’, junto con Jaime, para reclamar su herencia, o una parte importante de la misma luego de que el padre de ambas las hubiera desheredado. Jaime había irrumpido entonces en la propiedad y robado la pintura antes de esconderla en la aldea montañosa de Magro. Su objetivo era vender el Rembrandt robado y repartirse las ganancias; pero tenían que hallar una forma de no despertar las sospechas de la policía local, entonces contrataron los servicios de una pareja de ‘secuestradores’, a quienes acordaron pagarles una tarifa única por su participación en la estafa. Entonces el gángster Vince Caportorio se enteró de lo que estaba a punto de suceder y decidió que quería una parte del botín; asesinó a los dos

Intolerancia absoluta

by Kenneth Eade Alejandra Gutiérrez

La homofobia se vuelve mortal cuando un asesino en serie ataca en esta excelente nueva novela de suspenso legal. El abogado Brent Marks aboga por un caso de matrimonio de una pareja gay. Luego de obtener la victoria, la pareja es encontrada brutalmente asesinada pasando a convertirse en las primeras víctimas de un infame asesino en serie, cuyos blancos son parejas homosexuales. Toda la evidencia apunta a un fanático religioso que ha hablado abiertamente en contra del matrimonio gay y que le pide a Brent que lo defienda. ¿Podrá Brent resolverse a defender al único sospechoso del caso a quien la policía considera responsable? En un terreno donde la ética y la tolerancia chocan, Brent deberá resolver los asesinatos para armar una defensa viable, lo que lo llevará a él y a su equipo directamente a la senda del asesino. Elogios de la crítica “Kenneth Eade es uno de nuestros escritores de thrillers más sólidos y el hecho de que extrae sus historias del panorama filosófico contemporáneo es un gran mérito suyo”. Grady Harp, Amazon Hall of Fame, Top 100 y Vine Voice. “Intolerancia absoluta está llena de emocionantes giros inesperados, pero su verdadera sorpresa reside en la inesperada conclusión que resume con esmero los eventos sin tomar un camino predecible. Esto la convierte en una joya para los lectores de misterios y dramas legales acostumbrados a pistas que llevan a una sola dirección. Sin dar más detalles, baste decir que Intolerancia absoluta da que pensar de principio a fin y es una historia irresistible impulsada por asuntos sobre la religión y las libertades civiles de los gais”. Midwest Book Review.

Into The Wilderness (Mystery and the Minister's Wife #7)

by Traci Depree

Kate and Paul are delighted when their daughter Rebecca arrives for a surprise visit with her new boyfriend Marcus, but something about her handsome actor beau doesn't seem quite right. Rather than cancel his camping trip with men from the church, Paul brings Marcus along. But what starts out as a good time of bonding soon turns into disaster.

Into The Web: A Novel

by Thomas H. Cook

Twenty-five years ago, an unspeakable crime was committed and Roy Slater fled--from the life he thought he wanted, from the memories he couldn't avoid, and from the devastating suspicions of those he called friends. But now that his estranged father is dying, the prodigal son has returned to confront the past--and finds himself inextricably caught up with an old flame and a new murder, one that leads him inevitably back into the twisted web of deceit and violence from which he thought he'd escaped. In this haunting novel of literary suspense, Edgar Award-winner Thomas Cook once again delves deep into the realms of betrayal, passion and murder.

Into Thin Air

by Anson Barber

Rich and powerful Jameson Ward thinks he's finally met a woman he can settle down with. But suspicion, sabotage, and secrets threaten to destroy their relationship before it has a chance to get off the ground. Anson Barber presents her suspenseful new paranormal romance, Into Thin Air.Jameson Ward is tired of women who date him for his money. None of them touch his heart. But when Jameson literally runs into Nika on the street, he thinks he's finally found the end to his wild, jet-setting lifestyle. She is someone he can settle down with and be happy. He can tell she truly cares about him, not material things.Though Nika has won Jamie's heart, not everyone is as convinced of her sincerity. While brushing off suspicions by his staff that she is spying on his aeronautical enterprise, he discovers the many secrets she's really keeping. As his company unravels and his life crumbles around him, only Nika can pick up the pieces and make him whole again.Content Notes: Spicy, Paranormal, Shifters, Contemporary, Suspense

Into Thin Air

by Franklin W. Dixon

When the daughter of an amusement-park owner goes missing, it’s anything but fun and games in this Hardy Boys adventure—a new take on the classic series. Daisy Rodriguez is missing. Just like that, gone without a trace. Her father, Hector Rodriguez—owner of Funspot, Bayport’s local amusement park—is frantic. He feels he’s to blame, since Funspot was recently the location of another disappearance. Could Daisy’s vanishing be somehow connected? Joe and Frank Hardy figured out the first Funspot mystery and are up to their necks in this one, too. Daisy doesn’t seem to have an enemy in the world; no one has a bad word to say about her. So who in Bayport wants this girl gone?

Into Thin Air

by Carolyn Keene

George's neighbor Mark Rubin has been canned by his detective agency. J. Christopher Johnson, subject of an embezzlement investigation, has vanished in a helicopter crash--and Mark's boss blames him for blowing the case. But Mark is convinced that with Nancy's help he can blow the case wide open!

Into Thin Air

by Mary Ellen Porter

THE ONLY WITNESS When a child is abducted in front of Laney Kensington, she desperately tries to save the girl. But Laney is shot and left for dead; the kidnappers, their dark van and the girl long gone. FBI agent Grayson DeMarco explains she's the only witness to a worldwide child-trafficking ring. And if the kidnappers discover she's alive, they'll be back to finish the job. Yet Laney is determined to find the missing children. Even if it means returning to the search and rescue work she thought she'd left behind. And Grayson is just as determined to keep his sole witness protected. Especially when evidence hints that the real threat is closer than he ever imagined...

Into Thin Air

by Thomas Zigal

Mountain man, ex-hippie, and single father, Sheriff Kurt Muller feels like an outsider in his hometown of Aspen, Colorado. Old enough to remember Aspen's more rustic years, Muller can't quite get used to its new identity as "Glamour Gulch," where ski bums, Latino migrant workers, and extravagant jet-setters live in uneasy proximity. In this volatile mix, Muller finds his personal code of justice is more and more at odds with the compromises of elected office. But there's nothing ambiguous about a dead man floating down Roaring Fork River. A beautiful doctor identifies the John Doe as an acclaimed Argentine journalist, and Muller, drawn in by her stories of brutality and corruption in Argentina, skirts the edges of professional behavior--until she vanishes while under his protection. Implicated in her disappearance and suddenly the FBI's target in a drug-trafficking case based on his radical past, Muller searches desperately for a way to clear himself and protect his family from sinister forces on either side of the law. As he presses closer to the truth, Muller confronts Aspen's changing ethos and, ultimately, an unresolved family tragedy that has haunted his life.

Into the Woods (DeBeers #4)

by V. C. Andrews

Her life would never be the same once she ventured. . . INTO THE WOODS The only child of a U. S. naval officer father and a charming mother, Grace Houston is the center of her parents' universe -- until sudden tragedy tears her world apart. Now Grace and her mother, Jackie Lee, move from the naval base in Virginia to ritzy Palm Beach, Florida, to start all over again. It's hard enough being the new girl -- but Grace is enrolled at a prestigious private school where what you wear is more important than who you are. Now her own mother is pressuring her to do whatever it takes to be accepted by the in-crowd. But Grace just wants to close her eyes and disappear. . . . Soon Jackie Lee marries a sophisticated millionaire, Winston Montgomery, who is her ticket to high society. But happiness once again vanishes into the shadows. . . and it's not long before the young and dashing Kirby Scott works his way into Jackie Lee's life. He's got his eye on her newly inherited fortune -- and something much more precious: her beautiful, innocent daughter. . . .

Into the Whirlwind (BOSS, Inc. #2)

by Kat Martin

<P>A bodyguard, a bounty hunter, a private investigator, no one can handle the heat like the men of BOSS, Inc. Megan O'Brien is at her wit's end. Her three-year-old son has been kidnapped. No police, says the ransom demand. <P>Fearing for her son's life, Meg has no choice but to turn to her former bodyguard, Dirk Reynolds. Dirk's never forgiven Meg for the way she left him after their brief affair. But with bounty hunter Luke Brodie on his side, Dirk knows he's got to help Meg rescue her son. <P>The few clues they've gathered send them spiraling into a murky world of big banking and international crime. Meg may be way out of her depths, but she's seeing a side of Dirk she never suspected--one no woman could possibly resist. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Into the Water

by Paula Hawkins

<P>A single mother turns up dead at the bottom of the river that runs through town. Earlier in the summer, a vulnerable teenage girl met the same fate. They are not the first women lost to these dark waters, but their deaths disturb the river and its history, dredging up secrets long submerged. <P>Left behind is a lonely fifteen-year-old girl. Parentless and friendless, she now finds herself in the care of her mother's sister, a fearful stranger who has been dragged back to the place she deliberately ran from—a place to which she vowed she'd never return. <P>With the same propulsive writing and acute understanding of human instincts that captivated millions of readers around the world in her explosive debut thriller, The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins delivers an urgent, twisting, deeply satisfying read that hinges on the deceptiveness of emotion and memory, as well as the devastating ways that the past can reach a long arm into the present. Beware a calm surface—you never know what lies beneath. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Into the Water: A Novel

by Paula Hawkins

<P>A single mother turns up dead at the bottom of the river that runs through town. Earlier in the summer, a vulnerable teenage girl met the same fate. They are not the first women lost to these dark waters, but their deaths disturb the river and its history, dredging up secrets long submerged. <P>Left behind is a lonely fifteen-year-old girl. Parentless and friendless, she now finds herself in the care of her mother's sister, a fearful stranger who has been dragged back to the place she deliberately ran from—a place to which she vowed she'd never return. <P>With the same propulsive writing and acute understanding of human instincts that captivated millions of readers around the world in her explosive debut thriller, The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins delivers an urgent, twisting, deeply satisfying read that hinges on the deceptiveness of emotion and memory, as well as the devastating ways that the past can reach a long arm into the present. Beware a calm surface—you never know what lies beneath. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Into the Volcano: A Mallory and Morse Novel of Espionage

by Forrest Devoe

Jack Mallory and Laura Morse are top operatives for the Consultancy, a shadowy covert-services network run by the enigmatic British ex-commando known as Gray. When a friend and colleague is murdered, Gray orders them to take revenge, but it won't be easy...

Into the Volcano: A Mallory And Morse Novel Of Espionage (Mallory & Morse Novels)

by Forrest DeVoe Jr.

“As much fun to read as watching a stack of Bond DVD’s.” — Mississippi Clarion-Ledger“[A] stylish spy thriller … This is escapism at its finest and most fun.” — Booklist

Into the Valley (Inspector Carlyle #14)

by James Craig

To everyone's surprise, John Carlyle has been promoted to Commander. The new job comes with its own office, a PA, and a diary filled with meetings. Struggling to come to terms with the his new responsibilities, Carlyle finds his position threatened by investigative journalist Bernie Gilmore. Gilmore is digging into Carlyle's relationship with ex-drug dealer Dominic Silver and the pair's involvement in the killing of gangster Tuco Martinez. Carlyle hopes he can put Bernie off the scent but Dom favours more drastic measures. Meanwhile, Carlyle's new boss, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Michelle Mara, wants him to help out mysterious 'security consultant' Gregory Cosneau. Pining for his old job, Carlyle has to try and keep everyone happy, or face losing everything.Praise for James Craig:'A cracking read' BBC Radio 4'Fast paced and very easy to get quickly lost in''Craig writes like an angel'

Into the Valley

by James Craig

To everyone's surprise, John Carlyle has been promoted to Commander. The new job comes with its own office, a PA, and a diary filled with meetings. Struggling to come to terms with the his new responsibilities, Carlyle finds his position threatened by investigative journalist Bernie Gilmore. Gilmore is digging into Carlyle's relationship with ex-drug dealer Dominic Silver and the pair's involvement in the killing of gangster Tuco Martinez. Carlyle hopes he can put Bernie off the scent but Dom favours more drastic measures. Meanwhile, Carlyle's new boss, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Michelle Mara, wants him to help out mysterious 'security consultant' Gregory Cosneau. Pining for his old job, Carlyle has to try and keep everyone happy, or face losing everything.Praise for James Craig:'A cracking read' BBC Radio 4'Fast paced and very easy to get quickly lost in''Craig writes like an angel'

Into the Valley (Inspector Carlyle #14)

by James Craig

To everyone's surprise, John Carlyle has been promoted to Commander. The new job comes with its own office, a PA, and a diary filled with meetings. Struggling to come to terms with the his new responsibilities, Carlyle finds his position threatened by investigative journalist Bernie Gilmore. Gilmore is digging into Carlyle's relationship with ex-drug dealer Dominic Silver and the pair's involvement in the killing of gangster Tuco Martinez. Carlyle hopes he can put Bernie off the scent but Dom favours more drastic measures. Meanwhile, Carlyle's new boss, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Michelle Mara, wants him to help out mysterious 'security consultant' Gregory Cosneau. Pining for his old job, Carlyle has to try and keep everyone happy, or face losing everything.Praise for James Craig:'A cracking read' BBC Radio 4'Fast paced and very easy to get quickly lost in''Craig writes like an angel'

Into the Sweet Hereafter (Vintage Sweets Mysteries #3)

by Kaye George

Spring has sprung in the charming tourist town of Fredericksburg, Texas, and one of the tastiest attractions is a trip to Tally&’s Old Tyme Sweets—until a bizarre burglary leaves a bitter aftertaste . . . Tally Holt is thrilled to see her new replicas of vintage sweets displayed in the window of Bella&’s Baskets, a gift basket shop owned by her friend, Yolanda Bella. There&’s just one problem—the creations appear to be melting. The ladies assume the culprit is the broiling heat of the Texas sun—until that night, the store window is smashed, and there&’s only one thing missing: the replicas. Tally is positively stumped. Clearly, the useless fake candies are more special than she bargained for—but why? When a rash of seemingly unrelated burglaries sweeps through the area, Tally is determined to sleuth out the answer—and stop a thief from killing more than the town&’s appetite . . .

Into the Sun

by Deni Béchard

In this monumental novel, Deni Ellis Béchard explores the personal impact of America’s imperial misadventures.Kabul — 10 years after 9/11: When a car bomb explodes in a crowded part of the city, a Japanese-American journalist is shocked to discover that the vehicle’s passengers were acquaintances — three fellow ex-pats who had formed an unlikely love triangle. Alexandra was a Canadian human rights lawyer for imprisoned Afghan women. Justin was a born-again Christian from Louisiana who taught at a local school. Clay was an ex-soldier who worked as a private contractor. The car’s driver, Idris, one of Justin’s most promising pupils, is missing. Convinced the events that led to the fatal explosion weren’t random, the journalist is determined to uncover why these three people were targeted, and who is responsible.In vivid and evocative prose, Deni Ellis Béchard brings to life the city of Kabul, along with the people who live there: the hungry, determined, and resourceful locals who are just as willing as their occupiers to reinvent themselves to survive.

Into the Sun: A Novel

by Deni Ellis Béchard

<P>When a car explodes in a crowded part of Kabul ten years after 9/11, a Japanese-American journalist is shocked to discover that the passengers were acquaintances-three fellow ex-pats who had formed an unlikely love triangle. <P>Alexandra was a human rights lawyer for imprisoned Afghan women. Justin was a born-again Christian who taught at a local school. Clay was an ex-soldier who worked as a private contractor. The car's driver, Idris, was one of Justin's most promising pupils-and he is missing. <P>Drawn to the secrets of these strangers, and increasingly convinced the events that led to the fatal explosion weren't random, the journalist follows a trail that leads from Kabul to Louisiana, Maine, Québec, and Dubai. In the process, the tortured narratives of these individuals become inseparable from the larger story of America's imperial misadventures. <P>In this monumental novel, Deni Ellis Béchard draws an unsentimental portrait of those who flock to warzones, indelibly capturing these journalists, mercenaries, idealists, and aid workers. More importantly, Béchard vividly brings to life the city of Kabul itself, along with the people who live there: the hungry, determined, and resourceful locals who are just as willing as their occupiers to reinvent themselves to survive.

Into the Storm: Troubleshooters 10 (Troubleshooters #10)

by Suzanne Brockmann

Troubleshooters: They Never Let You Down. The tenth addictive romantic suspense novel in New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann's Troubleshooters series, filled with thrilling adventure, excitement and passion. In INTO THE STORM, Petty Officer Mark 'Jenk' Jenkins and security expert Lindsey Fontaine are caught in a race against time to find a killer.In a remote corner of New Hampshire, SEAL Petty Officer Mark 'Jenk' Jenkins and Troubleshooter security expert Lindsey Fontaine are going head-to-head in a raid-and-rescue training exercise. Despite the frigid temperatures, tension smoulders between the two, leading to an impulsive night of passion. But when a team member vanishes into the wilderness, Jenk and Lindsey must put aside their feelings as they launch a manhunt with the FBI. With the horrifying discovery of a brutally murdered young woman, the situation turns deadly serious. There is a serial killer on the loose - one who knows the backwoods terrain and doesn't play by the rules of engagement. With a blizzard raging and facing a cunning opponent, Jenk and Lindsey must work together if they are to save their colleague - and each other.

Into the Storm: A Novel (Troubleshooters #10)

by Suzanne Brockmann

Bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann blends high adventure, harrowing drama, and heart-racing passion into thrilling novels of suspense. Whether tackling danger or wrestling with desire, her elite heroes and heroines never fail to give their all, in stories that soar above and beyond expectations. Now, in her electrifying new novel, Brockmann takes us INTO THE STORM.In a remote, frozen corner of New Hampshire, a Navy SEAL team and the elite security experts of Troubleshooters, Incorporated are going head-to-head as fierce but friendly rivals in a raid-and-rescue training exercise. Despite the frigid winter temperatures, tension smolders between veteran SEAL Petty Officer Mark "Jenk" Jenkins and former cop turned Troubleshooter Lindsey Fontaine after an impulsive night goes awry. And then, suddenly, Tracy Shapiro, the Troubleshooters' new receptionist, vanishes while playing the role of hostage during a mock rescue operation.Teaming up with the FBI to launch a manhunt in the treacherous wilderness, Jenk and Lindsey must put aside their feelings as a record snowstorm approaches, dramatically reducing any hope of finding Tracy alive. The trail is colder than the biting New England climate until a lucky break leads to a horrifying discovery-a brutally murdered young woman wearing the jacket Tracy wore when she disappeared. Suddenly there is a chilling certainty that Tracy has fallen prey to a serial killer-one who knows the backwoods terrain and who doesn't play by the rules of engagement.In a race against time, a raging blizzard, and a cunning opponent, Jenk and Lindsey are put to the ultimate test. Rising everything, they must finally come together in a desperate attempt to save Tracy-and each other.From the Hardcover edition.

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