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Una herencia en juego: Un fenómeno TikTok (Una herencia en juego #Volumen 1)

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Adéntrate en la historia de una cenicienta moderna, repleta de giros inesperados y misterios sin resolver. CUARENTA Y SEIS MIL DOSCIENTOS MILLONES DE DÓLARES. -Pensé. El corazón me retumbaba contra las costillas y tenía la boca tan seca como el papel de lija. Tobias Hawthorne tenía cuarenta y seis mil doscientos millones de dólares. Tobias Hawthorne no se lo había dejado todo a sus nietos. No se lo había dejado todo a sus hijas. Los números de esa ecuación no salían. Pero ni de lejos. Y mi cerebro se paró en seco. Me pitaban los oídos. ¿Por qué a mí? ¿Por qué era yo la principal heredera de su fortuna? Uno por uno, todos los presentes se volvieron para mirarme. Atrapada en un mundo de riqueza y privilegios, con el peligro acechando a cada paso, Avery tendrá que ir a por todas y jugar a ese juego... si quiere sobrevivir. "Me tuvo en vilo hasta la última página".KATHARINE MCGEE, autora de las series El piso mil y American Royals "¡Lo más divertido que he leído en todo el año!".E. LOCKHART, autora de Éramos mentirosos "Imposible apartar la vista de las páginas hasta el final".Buzzfeed

La herencia

by John Grisham

Un thriller judicial apasionante. La herencia recupera las raíces más puras de John Grisham. Seth Hubbard está muriéndose de cáncer y ha decidido acabar con su vida. Es un hombre rico que no se fía de nadie, ni siquiera de su propia familia. Antes de ahorcarse, escribe a mano un nuevo testamento, aunque sabe muy bien que este texto provocará una lucha encarnizada entre sus hijos y su criada negra, la heredera principal. Jake Brigance es el abogado encargado de defender la última voluntad de Hubbard. ¿Por qué decidió Seth dejar su gran fortuna a la criada? ¿Estaba en su sano juicio después de los largos tratamientos de quimioterapia y de la ingestión continua de fuertes analgésicos? John Grisham nos transporta otra vez al mundo de Clanton, aquel pueblo sureño de su primera novela, Tiempo de matar. Han pasado tres años desde que Jake Brigance, el joven abogado blanco, defendió al padre de una niña negra violada que se había tomado la justicia por su mano. La crítica ha dicho:«John Grisham es el mejor narrador que existe en Estados Unidos hoy en día.»The New York Times «La herencia es un prodigio de narración detectivesca y el suspense tensiona el relato de forma magistral con la perfección del relato clásico.»Lluís Fernández, La Razón «John Grisham tiene un talento excepcional. En este país no hay nadie que escriba como él.»The Washington Post «Grisham es un narrador maravilloso que convence a sus lectores de la misma forma que un buen abogado convence al jurado.»The Philadelphia Inquirer «John Grisham es el maestro de los thrillers judiciales.»The Denver Post «John Grisham es mucho más que popular, es uno de los novelistas más populares de nuestros tiempos. Escribe bien, las tramas son excelentes y los personajes convincentes.»The Seattle Times

Heredero de la Niebla

by Raquel Pagno María João Patricio Martinho

Inácio Vaz acababa de llegar a París con algunas monedas en el bolsillo y un gran deseo de convertirse en abogado. Después de ser sorprendido por la belleza de Chloé Champoudry, mientras esperaba por la entrevista que le garantizaría la beca de estudios en la Sorbona, y encantado por la muchacha de los cabellos de fuego, cambió por error el Derecho por las Artes. Desesperado por haber renunciado a su sueño, Inácio descubre que su nombre no aparece en ninguna de las listas de matrícula. Dispuesto a aclarar el malentendido, no se da cuenta de que sus documentos de identidad habían sido cambiados. El rostro de la fotografía es el suyo, pero el nombre, el de otro. Stephen, su compañero de habitación, intenta convencerle para asumir la nueva identidad. Los documentos pertenecen al heredero de la dinastía Roux, un millonario desaparecido sin dejar rastro. Atrapado en un abanico de metiras y suspense, Inácio emprende una lucha contra su propia conciencia mientras, enamorado, busca a la mujer que le ha robado el corazón.

El heredero

by Jo Nesbo

Una violenta historia de venganza ambientada en ambientes carcelarios y los bajos fondos de Oslo. Jo Nesbø aparca su aclamada serie «Harry Hole» para ofrecernos su mejor novela independiente hasta la fecha. Media vida en la cárcel La carrera delictiva de Sonny Lofthus empezó al morir su padre, un policía corrupto. Aparcó entonces su brillante porvenir para abrazar el crimen organizado. El precio que cobra ahora por cumplir condena en silencio es el acceso a mercancías que entran en la prisión de alta seguridad de Staten. Los reclusos también ven en él a una figura sanadora, es su más íntimo confesor. Le han mentido toda la vida Hay montada una formidable espiral de corrupción en torno a Sonny que lo mantiene narcotizado. Pero cuando descubre la verdad sobre el suicidio de su padre y los interrogantes que nunca se cerraron, buscará la manera de salir de Staten. Tras fugarse, solo desea venganza Sabe demasiado sobre demasiada gente. Perseguirá a quienes causaron la caída de su padre, sin descanso, desde los bajos fondos a las altas esferas policiales. Pero a él también lo persiguen demasiados enemigos. Son dos las preguntas: quién lo alcanzará primero y qué hará él cuando se vea acorralado. La crítica ha dicho...«Una versión moderna de los evangelios mezclados con Cosecha roja. De nuevo, el nivel es increíble.»Jyllands-Posten «Probablemente, el mayor autor de novela negra de nuestra época, por qué no decirlo.»The New York Times Book Review «Con ritmo frenético y violencia inusitada, El heredero avanza implacable como un tren de mercancías hasta su imaginativo final, dejando atrás una larga estela de cadáveres y reputaciones mancilladas. Simplemente genial.»The Independent «Así deberían ser todas las novela negras.»Dagens Næringsliv «Una de las mejores novelas de Nesbø, que hurga en los misterios más insondables: el pecado, la redención, el amor, el mal, la condición humana...»Kirkus «Una novela que sabe pulsar todas las teclas del alma humana con tal intensidad que parece que contenga tanto la Biblia como las aventuras de Batman. Tiene una factura realmente genial.»Ekstra Bladet «Un nuevo éxito de Jo Nesbø, que no da tregua desde su liderato absoluto.»Dagsavisen (Noruega)

Hereafter: A Shadowlands Novel (A Shadowlands Novel #2)

by Kate Brian

Rory Miller thought her life was over when a serial killer set his sights on her and forced her into witness protection. But a fresh start on Juniper Landing Island was exactly what she and her family needed. For the first time in years she and her sister hang out at the beach, gossip about boys, and party together. She's also made friends with a local clique-including a magnetic and mysterious boy named Tristan. But Rory's world is about to change again. Picturesque Juniper Landing isn't what it seems. The truth about the swirling fog that rolls in each morning, the bridge that leads to nowhere, and those beautiful locals who seem to watch Rory's every move is more terrifying than being hunted by Steven Nell. And all Rory ever wanted was the truth. Even if it means learning that she can never go home again. From the best-selling author of the Private and Privilege series comes the second novel in a heart-stopping trilogy about a girl who must pick up the pieces after the only life she's ever known ends.

Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green

by Helen Phillips

Mad's dad is the Bird Guy. He'll go anywhere to study birds. So when he's offered a bird-tracking job in Central America, his bags are packed and he's jungle bound. But going bird tracking in the jungle and disappearing completely are very different things, and when the Very Strange and Incredibly Creepy Letter arrives, Mad can't shake the terrible feeling that her father is in trouble. Roo, Mad's younger sister, is convinced that the letter is a coded message. And their mom is worried, because the letter doesn't sound like Dad at all. But Mad is sure it's a sign of something sinister. The only way to get to the bottom of it is to go to Lava Bird Volcano and find their dad themselves. Though they never could have imagined what they're about to discover. From new talent Helen Phillips, Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green is the story of what can happen when two sisters make some unusual friends, trust in each other, and bravely face a jungle of trouble all to bring their family back together.

Here We Lie

by Paula Treick DeBoard

“A complex look at the long-standing consequences of privilege and toxic masculinity…. Compulsively readable!” —Kate Moretti, New York Times bestselling author of The Vanishing Year“This story particularly resonates now, in the throes of the #MeToo movement.”—BooklistMegan Mazeros and Lauren Mabrey are complete opposites on paper. Megan is a girl from a modest Midwest background, and Lauren is the daughter of a senator from an esteemed New England family. When they become roommates at a private women’s college, they forge a strong, albeit unlikely, friendship, sharing clothes, advice and their most intimate secrets.The summer before senior year, Megan joins Lauren and her family on their private island off the coast of Maine. It should be a summer of relaxation, a last hurrah before graduation and the pressures of postcollege life. Then late one night, something unspeakable happens, searing through the framework of their friendship and tearing them apart. Many years later, Megan publicly comes forward about what happened that fateful night, revealing a horrible truth and threatening to expose long-buried secrets.In this captivating and timely novel, Paula Treick DeBoard explores the blurred lines of consent and misconduct, showing how the abuse of power can lead to devastating consequences.

Here We Lie

by Sophie Mckenzie

The stunning new thriller from the bestselling author of R&J pick Close My Eyes. Jed is the man I will marry. Unless his past catches up with us ... On holiday with family and her adoring fiancé, Jed, Emily couldn't be happier. But overnight, the idyllic trip turns into a waking nightmare when one of the group is found dead in what appears to be a terrible accident. The devastated party returns to London to cope with their loss while trying to resume their normal lives. But new revelations shed a shocking light on the holiday tragedy and set Emily on a perilous journey to discover the truth about what happened. Soon a terrifying series of threats and lies bring her face to face with the dark truths at the heart of her family - and into life-threatening danger ...

Here Today, Gone Tamale

by Rebecca Adler

Reporter turned Tex-Mex waitress Josie Callahan is about to go from serving queso to solving cases... After losing her newspaper job in Austin and having her former fiancé unfriend her on Facebook, Josie Callahan scoops up her Chihuahua, Lenny, and slinks back to Broken Boot, Texas. Maybe working as head waitress at Milagro--her aunt and uncle's Tex-Mex restaurant--isn't exactly living the dream, but it is a fresh start. And business is booming as tourists pour into Broken Boot for its famous Wild West Festival. But when a local jewelry designer is found strangled outside Milagro after a tamale-making party, Josie's reporter instincts kick in. As suspects pile up and alibis crack faster than taco shells, Josie needs to wrap up this case tighter than her tía's tortillas--before another victim calls for the check... INCLUDES TEX-MEX RECIPES!From the Paperback edition.

Here Lies Daniel Tate: A Novel

by Cristin Terrill

A young, street-savvy runaway looking for a place to call home realizes he might have conned his way into the wrong family in this &“unique suspense novel with twists and turns that will keep readers guessing&” (School Library Journal) from award-winning author Cristin Terrill.It seems too good to be true when Daniel Tate, missing since he was abducted from one of California&’s most elite private enclaves at the age of ten, turns up on a snowy street in Vancouver six years later. At first too traumatized to speak, he is eventually able to tell the authorities who he is and is reunited with his overjoyed family. In time, they tell him, he&’ll recover the memories he&’s missing; all that matters is that they have him back.It&’s perfect. A miracle. Except for one thing:That boy isn&’t Daniel Tate.But he wants to be. A young con artist who&’s been taking on false identities for years, this impostor has stumbled onto the scam of a lifetime. Daniel has everything he&’s ever dreamed of—wealth, privilege, the chance to make a fresh start, and most importantly, a family that loves him. Now that he&’s finally found a place to belong, he doesn&’t question his luck.Until he realizes that maybe Daniel isn&’t missing at all. Maybe someone knows what really happened to the boy he&’s pretending to be…and if he can&’t uncover the truth—he could be next the next Daniel Tate to disappear.

Here Lies Alice

by J.A. Baker

A widower lets a new woman into his heart and his home—but she has her own agenda, in this thriller from the bestselling author of The Girl I Used to Be. Ever since Sophia Saunders was murdered, her husband, Peter, and daughter, Lauren, have been trying to rebuild their lives. Desperate to fill the emotional void, Peter becomes involved with a woman from his grief support group. But as his relationship with Alice progresses, Lauren becomes unsettled. Why can&’t she find any trace of Alice online? Who is she, really, and what does she want? Lauren is right to be suspicious. But the deeper her investigation of Alice goes, the greater the danger grows . . .

Here in the Dark: A Novel

by Alexis Soloski

USA TODAY BESTSELLER • A dark and stylish novel of psychological suspense about a young theater critic drawn into a dangerous game that blurs the lines between reality and performanceA MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF 2023: Bustle, Nylon, Chicago Review of Books, Entertainment Weekly, Zibby Mag, CrimeReads and more! Vivian Parry likes the dark. A former actress, she now works as the junior theater critic at a major Manhattan magazine. Her nights are spent beyond the lights, in a reserved seat, giving herself over to the shows she loves. By day, she savages them, with words sharper than a knife.Angling for a promotion, she reluctantly agrees to an interview, a conversation that reveals secrets she thought she had long since buried. Then her interviewer disappears and she learns―from his devastated fiancée―that she was the last person to have seen him alive. When the police refuse to investigate, Vivian does what she promised herself she would never do again: she plays a part. Assuming the role of amateur detective, she turns her critical gaze toward an unsanitary private eye, a sketchy internet startup, a threatening financier, fake blood, and one very real corpse. As she nears the final act, she finds that the boundaries between theater and the real world are more tenuous and more dangerous than even she could have believed. . .Gripping, propulsive, and shot through with menace and dark glamor, Alexis Soloski’s Here in the Dark takes us behind the scenes of New York theater, lifting the curtain on the lies we tell ourselves and each other.

Here in Avalon

by Tara Isabella Burton

An &“enchanting&” (Caroline Kepnes, author of You) New York City fairy tale about two sisters that fall under the spell of an underworld cabaret troupe that might be a dangerous cult—but one that makes the materialist world left in its wake feel like a sinister cult itself.Rose has come a long way. Raised—and often neglected—by a wayward mother in New York City&’s chaotic bohemia, Rose has finally built the life she&’s always wanted: a good job at a self-help startup, a clean apartment, an engagement to a stable if self-satisfied tech CEO who shares her faith in human potential, hard work, and the sacrifice of childish dreams. Rose&’s sister Cecilia, on the other hand, never grew up. Irresponsible and impetuous, prone to jetting off to a European monastery one month and a falcon rescue the next, Cecilia has spent her life in pursuit of fairy-tale narratives of transcendence and true love—grand ideas Rose knows never work out in the real world. When Cecilia declares she&’s come home to New York for good, following the ending of a whirlwind marriage, Rose hopes Cecilia might finally be ready to face adulthood: compromises and all. But then Cecilia gets involved with the Avalon: a cultish-sounding cabaret troupe—one that appears only at night, on a mysterious red boat that travels New York&’s waterways—and soon vanishes: one of a growing number of suspicious disappearances among the city&’s lost and loneliest souls. The only way Rose can find Cecilia is by tracking down the Avalon herself. But as Rose gets closer to solving the mystery of what happened to her sister, the Avalon works its magic on her, too. And the deeper she goes into the Avalon&’s underworld, she more she begins to question everything she knows about her own life, and whether she&’s willing to leave the real world behind.

Here I Stay

by Barbara Michaels

In this contemporary gothic novel by a New York Times bestseller, siblings renovating an old mansion discover it is home to dark secrets.Andrea Torgesen is certain that hard work is exactly what her younger brother Jim needs to help him recover from the trauma of a serious car accident—and turning a decrepit old mansion into a beautiful country inn seems to be the perfect project. But unearthly voices and eerie visions haunt Jim from almost the first instant he sets foot in the dreary old house. And his strange obsession with a long-neglected graveyard is most troubling to his concerned sibling. There is evil in this place where the unthinkable is possible—a terrifying force that Andrea and Jim must confront . . . or forfeit their lives.Originally published in 1983.

Here Comes the Fudge (A Candy-Coated Mystery #9)

by Nancy Coco

Fudge shop owner Allie McMurphy never expected her maid of honor duties to include clearing the groom of murder . . . THE BODY OF A CRIME It&’s late spring on picturesque Mackinac Island, Michigan. Allie is prepping her Historic McMurphy Hotel and Fudge Shop for the start of the tourist season and her best friend Jenn&’s wedding. But when Jenn&’s fiancé Shane, a crime scene investigator on the island, misses a dinner date, the two friends go looking for him. Led by Allie&’s bichonpoo Mal into an alley, they come upon Shane standing over a body with a bloody knife in his hand. Shane won&’t say what&’s happened, just tells them to call 911. As the CSI is taken into custody by his colleagues, including Allie&’s beau Rex Manning, the fudge maker vows to prove her friend&’s fiancé is not a killer—before the ceremony turns into a jailhouse wedding . . . Praise for Nancy Coco and the Candy-Coated Mysteries &“An easy romantic read complete with fudge recipes that make it even sweeter.&” —Kirkus Reviews &“Full of disguises, danger, and one determined amateur sleuth.&” —Fresh Fiction &“A fun and fast-paced cozy mystery.&”—Criminal Element Help support pet adoption—see details inside.

Here Comes the Corpse: A Tom And Scott Mystery (Tom & Scott Mysteries #9)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Chicago area high school teacher Tom Mason and his lover, professional baseball player Scott Carpenter have had a taxing year. After publicly coming out, Scott and Tom have had to deal with a firestorm of publicity, a major loss of privacy, a great outpouring of support and an equal number of cranks. Now, finally, they are going to do something that they've always wanted - get married in a service before their family and close friends. Despite the potential problems of such of an event, the ceremony comes off with nary a hitch. With the reception in full swing - with a guest list ranging from long-time family friends and co-workers to the cream of the social elite - a small problem emerges. Tom happens to stumble over an ex-boyfriend from many years ago in the bathroom. Unfortunately, what he stumbles across is actually the corpse of the murdered ex-boyfriend and in addition to casting something of a pall across the proceedings, it puts Tom in the awkward position of being the prime suspect in the murder. If he's ever going to get to go on his long-planned honeymoon, Tom is going to have to uncover the truth behind the murder of this unwanted guest.

Here Comes the Bribe: A Bed-and-Breakfast Mystery

by Mary Daheim

Judith McMonigle Flynn has her hands full with unexpected family ties and a dead body in the backyard in this delightfully zany mystery in Mary Daheim's popular Bed-and-Breakfast series.Rodney Schmuck and his wife, Millie, Hillside Manor's latest guests, seem normal, well, except for that last name. Innkeeper Judith McMonigle Flynn is touched to hear that the fortysomething couple is in town to visit family. Rodney is especially eager to see his long-lost mother--who he insists is Judith. Shocked to meet an alleged son she's sure she never had, she can't believe Rodney when he swears he has proof from a Norway General Hospital birth certificate listing Judith Anne Grover as his mother.The father's name is Unknown.Judith has never heard of Rodney, let alone given him life. But she's got a bigger problem when one of the B&B guests turns up dead in the backyard. To Judith's surprise, Joe is willing to help investigate. He can't ignore a potential homicide that hits so close to home.But Rodney is seeking compensation for Judith's so-called abandonment of him. Perhaps she'll sign over Hillside Manor? Fat chance of that, Judith declares, and wonders what kind of scheme Rodney has on his devious mind. For that matter, she also wonders why the rest of the guests in his party are acting so strangely. With Joe hot on the killer's trail, Cousin Renie is persuaded to help Judith discover the truth about the Schmucks and their mysterious hangers-on. If they don't act fast, Hillside Manor could end up as Schmucks' Gold Mine.

Here Comes the Body (A Catering Hall Mystery #1)

by Maria DiRico

After her philandering husband&’s boat went down, newly single Mia Carina went back to Astoria, the bustling Queens neighborhood of her youth. Living with her nonna and her oversized cat, Doorstop, she&’s got a whole new life—including some amateur sleuthing . . . Mia is starting work at Belle View, her father&’s catering hall, a popular spot for weddings, office parties, and more—despite the planes that occasionally roar overhead on their way to LaGuardia and rattle the crystal chandelier. Soon she&’s planning a bachelor party for a less-than-gentlemanly groom. But it goes awry when the gigantic cake is wheeled in and a deadly surprise is revealed . . . Since some of her family&’s associates are on the shady side, the NYPD wastes no time in casting suspicion on Mia&’s father. Now, Mia&’s going to have to use all her street smarts to keep him out of Rikers Island . . . Italian recipes included! &“Mamma mia! What a nifty story. This endearing new heroine has a lot on her plate—all of it delicious fun!&” —Laura Levine, author of Death of a Gigolo &“A catered feast of a mystery.&” —Sherry Harris, author of Let&’s Fake a Deal

Here Comes Santa Paws (A Melanie Travis Mystery #24)

by Laurien Berenson

It&’s the most wonderful time of the year in Connecticut, but Melanie Travis finds surviving this December may take a real Christmas miracle when a yuletide murderer comes to town . . . As Melanie attempts to deck the halls in a house overrun by pampered Poodles, her event planner friend, Claire, is busy playing Santa for the wealthiest clientele on Connecticut&’s Gold Coast. A personal shopper gig in the affluent town of New Canaan seems like business as usual. Except Claire&’s stylish stint comes at a higher price than she bargains for when she stumbles over her newest customer&’s dead body. Named a prime suspect for murder, she begs for Melanie&’s help, then vanishes like cookies and milk on Christmas Eve . . . Determined to track down Claire, Melanie and her nosy Aunt Peg dash into a dizzying investigation. But with a grinchy New Canaan detective on their case and disturbing clues piling up like presents beneath the tree, the crime-solving duo must hurry to rein in a sinister Kris Kringle before they&’re the next ones on someone&’s deadly wish list . . .

Here Comes The Corpse (Tom & Scott Mystery #9)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Chicago area high school teacher Tom Mason and his lover, professional baseball player Scott Carpenter have had a taxing year. After publicly coming out, Scott and Tom have had to deal with a firestorm of publicity, a major loss of privacy, a great outpouring of support and an equal number of cranks. Now, finally, they are going to do something that they've always wanted - get married in a service before their family and close friends. Despite the potential problems of such of an event, the ceremony comes off with nary a hitch. With the reception in full swing - with a guest list ranging from long-time family friends and co-workers to the cream of the social elite - a small problem emerges. Tom happens to stumble over an ex-boyfriend from many years ago in the bathroom. Unfortunately, what he stumbles across is actually the corpse of the murdered ex-boyfriend and in addition to casting something of a pall across the proceedings, it puts Tom in the awkward position of being the prime suspect in the murder. If he's ever going to get to go on his long-planned honeymoon, Tom is going to have to uncover the truth behind the murder of this unwanted guest.

Here Comes The Copper (Murder Room #279)

by Henry Wade

PC John Bragg is young and full of ambition, and with his eye on making Superintendent one day, he squares up to each case that comes his way as an opportunity to show himself brave, reliable and a good detective. In town and country, at scenes of murder, robbery, fraud, abduction, military and industrial spying and arson, PC John Bragg's character grows as his mettle is tested.From dealing with artists' models in a murder case, to ensuring a bejewelled, high-spirited American heiress doesn't attract the wrong sort of attention, to protecting the pay destined for a staff of quarrymen, PC Bragg has his work cut out for him.

Here Comes The Copper

by Henry Wade

PC John Bragg is young and full of ambition, and with his eye on making Superintendent one day, he squares up to each case that comes his way as an opportunity to show himself brave, reliable and a good detective. In town and country, at scenes of murder, robbery, fraud, abduction, military and industrial spying and arson, PC John Bragg's character grows as his mettle is tested.From dealing with artists' models in a murder case, to ensuring a bejewelled, high-spirited American heiress doesn't attract the wrong sort of attention, to protecting the pay destined for a staff of quarrymen, PC Bragg has his work cut out for him.

Here Comes Charlie M: Charlie M, Here Comes Charlie M, And The Inscrutable Charlie Muffin (The Charlie Muffin Thrillers #2)

by Brian Freemantle

Home is where the heat is for disgraced British spy Charlie Muffin, &“a marvelous creation&” from the multimillion-selling author (The Daily Mail). Charlie Muffin has come back to England. The ex-spy, a veteran of twenty-five years&’ service to the Crown, was last seen in Berlin, where an attempt on his life by his own organization led to international embarrassment. They had expected Charlie—a disheveled, middle-aged survivor of every double cross in the book—to die easily. Instead, he disappeared. But after months on the run, dulling his instincts with alcohol and laziness, the strain of life in the shadows finally gets to Charlie. By now the heat back home must have died down, and he shouldn&’t have any trouble sneaking across the Channel. Now, he expects, he can finally be safe in England. Charlie Muffin is dead wrong. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Brian Freemantle including rare photos from the author&’s personal collection.

Here Comes Charlie M (The Charlie Muffin Thrillers #2)

by Brian Freemantle

Home is where the heat is for disgraced British spy Charlie Muffin, &“a marvelous creation&” from the multimillion-selling author (The Daily Mail). Charlie Muffin has come back to England. The ex-spy, a veteran of twenty-five years&’ service to the Crown, was last seen in Berlin, where an attempt on his life by his own organization led to international embarrassment. They had expected Charlie—a disheveled, middle-aged survivor of every double cross in the book—to die easily. Instead, he disappeared. But after months on the run, dulling his instincts with alcohol and laziness, the strain of life in the shadows finally gets to Charlie. By now the heat back home must have died down, and he shouldn&’t have any trouble sneaking across the Channel. Now, he expects, he can finally be safe in England. Charlie Muffin is dead wrong. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Brian Freemantle including rare photos from the author&’s personal collection.

Here Comes a Candle

by Fredric Brown

This noir classic by an Edgar Award winner delves into the mind of a criminal: &“Close to the perfect psycho thriller . . . a relentless dance of death tempo.&” —The New York Times With innovative style far ahead of its time, this novel follows Joe Bailey, perched precariously on the fence between two lives. He&’s seeing a good-hearted girl who holds the promise of a comfortably content, if uneventful, future. But he&’s also passionately drawn to a femme fatale—and the world she inhabits, run by a tough Milwaukee racketeer. Haunted by a childhood rhyme and accompanying trauma, Bailey wrestles with his demons, in this psychologically complex tale with a shocking twist by an award-winning author praised as &“a natural storyteller&” (The New York Times Book Review).

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