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Grand Adventures

by Kc Burn Zahra Owens Sue Brown Amy Lane Mary Calmes Rowan Mcallister Shae Connor Dawn Kimberly Johnson Jaime Samms John Goode Andrea Speed Tinnean Ellis Carrington Mia Kerick Rhys Ford Phoenix Emrys Moria Mccain Madison Parker John Amory C. C. Dado Tempeste O'Riley Garrett Leigh Sophie Bonaste Cr Guiliano Le Franks Cardeno C. Brandon Witt J. E. Birk

On September 1, 2011, TJ Klune wrote, "'s not about the ending, it's about the journey..." in a review of Eric Arvin's Woke Up in a Strange Place. With those words, two men began a journey of love and invited us to ride along. TJ and Eric have shared so much with us: their wonderful books, their smiles, their humor, their lives, and their inspiring devotion to each other. In December of 2013, their journey took a detour when Eric was taken to the emergency room. He survived the surgery to remove a cavernous hemangioma from his brain stem, but the challenges TJ and Eric face are far from over. The authors in this anthology donated their talent as a way to support Eric's continued recovery, to help bring strength to TJ, and to show both of them just how much love surrounds them. Grand Adventures is a diverse range of stories about the journey of love. We're going on some grand adventures for a great cause. Thank you for joining us.Foreword by S.A. McAuleyAn Unexpected Thing by John AmoryThe Twinkie Ignition by J.E. BirkWhen Friendship Becomes More by Sophie BonasteIsle of Waiting by Sue BrownThe Jogger by KC BurnHolding Court by Cardeno C.For Dear Life by Mary CalmesUnder the Full Moon by Ellis CarringtonStripped by Shae Connor (2nd Edition)That Place Across the Hall by C.C. DadoMistaken MD by Phoenix EmrysCops and Comix by Rhys FordLast First Kiss by LE FranksTomorrow by John GoodeFrom Fantasy to Friends by CR GuilianoWitness Protected by Dawn Kimberly JohnsonWater Under the Bridge by Mia KerickA Gentle Shove of Human Kindness by Amy LaneAir (Roads #1.75 million) by Garrett LeighAn Atheist and a Yoga Instructor Walk into a Bar by Rowan McAllisterStalking 101 by Moria McCainSimple Desires by Tempeste O'RileyObject of Care by Zahra OwensKid Confusion by Madison ParkerFall Train by Jaime SammsThe Exhibition by Andrea SpeedWhat You Will by TinneanPrologue by Brandon Witt2015 Rainbow Awards Best LGBT Cover Runner-UpOne hundred percent of the income from this volume goes directly to TJ and Eric.

Grand Adventures (The\seattle Chronicles Ser. #1)

by Kc Burn Zahra Owens Sue Brown Amy Lane Mary Calmes Rowan Mcallister Shae Connor Dawn Kimberly Johnson Jaime Samms John Goode Andrea Speed Tinnean Ellis Carrington Mia Kerick Rhys Ford Phoenix Emrys Moria Mccain Madison Parker John Amory C. C. Dado Tempeste O'Riley Garrett Leigh Sophie Bonaste Cr Guiliano Le Franks Cardeno C. Brandon Witt J. E. Birk Claudia Milani Nealli

Il primo settembre 2011, nella recensione a 'Risvegliarsi in uno strano posto' di Eric Arvin, TJ Klune scrisse "[...] non è arrivare da qualche parte ciò che conta, è il viaggio [...]". Con quelle parole, due uomini iniziarono il loro percorso d'amore, invitandoci a seguirli. Eric e TJ hanno condiviso molto con noi: i loro meravigliosi libri, i sorrisi, le battute, la quotidianità e l'ammirevole dedizione con cui si sono dedicati l'uno all'altro. A dicembre del 2013, il loro viaggio ha subito una deviazione inaspettata quando Eric è stato ricoverato d'urgenza. È sopravvissuto all'operazione per l'asportazione di un emangioma cavernoso dal tronco cerebrale, ma le battaglie che ancora aspettano i nostri due ragazzi sono ben lontane dall'essere concluse. Gli autori presenti in questa antologia (e i traduttori) hanno donato il loro talento per sostenere il ricovero prolungato di Eric, aiutare TJ a recuperare energie e mostrare a entrambi quanto sono amati. Grand Adventures raccoglie storie di tutti i tipi che hanno in comune il cammino dell'amore. Ci stiamo imbarcando in una grande avventura a sostegno di una nobile causa, vi ringraziamo per averci seguito. La totalità degli introiti di questo volume è destinata a Eric e TJ. Prefazione, di S.A. McAuley Prologo, di Brandon Witt Qualcosa di inaspettato, di John Amory Merendine combustibili, di J.E. Birk Semplici desideri, di Tempeste O'Riley Quel che volete, di Tinnean Aria (Strade #1.75 million), di Garrett Leigh Soggetto a cure, di Zahra Owens L'acqua che scorre, di Mia Kerick Amore e amicizia, di CR Guiliano Vicini di pianerottolo, di C.C. Dado Dottore per caso, di Phoenix Emrys Più che amici, di Sophie Bonaste La mostra, di Andrea Speed Verdetto finale, di Cardeno C. Guardia e ladri, di Rhys Ford Per la vita e la morte, di Mary Calmes Testimone protetto, di Dawn Kimberly Johnson Treno d'autunno, di Jaime Samms A nudo, di Shae Connor Stalking: 30 e lode, di Moria McCain Sotto la luna piena, di Ellis Carrington Sabbia e briciole, di Sue Brown Un ateo e un istruttore di yoga entrano in un bar, di Rowan McAllister L'ultimo primo bacio, di LE Franks Il corridore, di KC Burn Kid & Kid, di Madison Parker Domani, di John Goode Una spintarella di umana bontà, di Amy Lane

La gran serpiente

by Pierre Lemaitre

Divertida, inmoral, jugosa: así es la primera novela negra de Pierre Lemaitre. Siempre hay que desconfiar de las señoras de mediana edad bien vestidas, con aspecto de jubiladas y acompañadas de un dálmata espantadizo, como Mathilde Perrin, una viuda de sesenta y tres años algo entrada en carnes bajo cuya apariencia anodina se esconde una pistolera a sueldo de gatillo fácil y nervios de acero. Experimentada y diligente en el manejo de armas de gran calibre, capaz de dar esquinazo a la policía y agotar a sus perseguidores, esta veterana heroína de la Resistencia ejecuta sin piedad los encargos de un misterioso comandante cuando no está cuidando su jardín de las afueras de París. Sin embargo, los frecuentes descuidos y el mal carácter de la antaño perfeccionista Mathilde, que la vuelven cada vez más incontrolable y perturbadora, empiezan a preocupar a las altas esferas, dispuestas a deshacerse de ella antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Brillante combinación de una trama ingeniosa y precisa con un ritmo trepidante, La gran serpiente es la primera novela negra escrita por Pierre Lemaitre. Un tablero de asesinatos encadenados cargado de diálogos mordaces, escenas impactantes y grandes dosis de humor cáustico y descarnado. La crítica ha dicho...«Un logro absoluto: una lengua deliciosa, una trama perfecta, un tono sutilmente sarcástico.»Le Canard Enchaîné «Una novela suculenta, divertida y muy maliciosa.»Biblioteca «Negra, muy entretenida y completamente imprevisible.»Madame Figaro «Una delicia desde el principio hasta el final.»La Croix

El gran frío

by Hannah Howe

“¡Emergencia!” “¡Dios! ¿Quién le disparó?” “No lo sé”. “Qué desastre”. “Mejor llamen al Dr. Warburton”. *** Luces brillantes. Un fuerte olor a antiséptico. Dolor. Náuseas. Me siento muy débil. El gato. ¿Quién le dará de comer al Gato? “Marlowe” “Está balbuceando”. “Perdió mucha sangre”. Oscuridad. “¿La perdimos?” ¡No quiero morir! *** Una confusión de imágenes, mi madre, mi padre, pero su rostro es muy vago. “¡Papá!” Nada. *** Un hombre con mala cara con una aguja. “Voy a dormirla. No sentirá nada. Cuente regresivo desde diez…” “Diez, nueve, ocho...” *** Pesadillas, muy vívidas, demasiado reales. Muy confundida, muy débil *** Voces distantes. Risas. Una enfermera, sonriente, tranquilizadora. *** Alan, lágrimas en los ojos. “No llores, Alan, no llores…” *** Me duele todo. No puedo mover el hombre ni el brazo. Muy cansada. Más pesadillas. Demasiado oscuras para pensar en ellas. Haz que se vayan *** Estoy sudando. Me ahogo. Recupero el aliento, como si respirara por primera vez Los ojos pestañean, me despierto. Jadeo. Trato de levantarme, pero la cabeza me duele demasiado. Me dejo volver a caer en la almohada. Me duele todo, ¡pero estoy viva! *** Estaba viva, pero con una tormenta de nieve cerniéndose sobre la ciudad y un asesino desconocido cercándome, enfrentaba el momento más peligroso de mi vida y la muy real posibilidad de sentir el gran frío. ***

La gran estafa

by John Grisham

La justicia no siempre se imparte en el tribunal. Mark, Todd y Zola decidieron estudiar Derecho en Washington para cambiar el mundo, para hacer de él un lugar mejor. Pero ahora que están en el tercer año, se dan cuenta de que han sido víctimas de un fraude: pidieron un cuantioso préstamo para estudiar en lo que ha terminado siendo una escuela de segunda categoría, centrada en ganar dinero, y tan mediocre que los alumnos rara vez aprueban el examen final. Investigando, descubren que la escuela es parte de una cadena operada por un fondo de dudosa reputación que, además, también dirige un banco especializado en préstamos estudiantiles. Sin embargo, no todo está perdido. Puede que haya una forma de librarse de la deuda, desenmascarar al banco, destapar el fraude y sacar provecho al mismo tiempo. Pero para que su plan tenga éxito, tendrán que abandonar la escuela sin graduarse, lo que sería una locura... O quizá no. Reseñas:«El mejor autor vivo de thriller.»Ken Follett «Narrado con mucha inteligencia. Bravo por Grisham por poner el foco en un problema real y darle forma en un libro gratificante y entretenido.»The Washington Post «La trama se sostiene a lo largo del libro con imaginación y, como siempre ocurre con los libros de Grisham, la brillante historia pone de manifiesto un problema de la vida real: estudiantes que se endeudan de por vida para pagar sus estudios universitarios y el escándalo de ciertas escuelas y sus promesas incumplidas.»The Sunday Times «Un thriller fuerte con un toque malvado. Como siempre, Grisham es un auténtico placer, nunca una obligación.»The New York Times «Grisham es muy bueno cuando se deja llevar por su sardónico sentido del humor al tratar de cuestiones éticas legales y económicas.»USA Today «Grisham es el gigante del thriller.»Time Out «Nadie lo hace mejor que Grisham.»Telegraph «Grisham es el león del thriller literario.»Chicago Sun-Times

El gran desierto (Cuarteto de Los Ángeles #Volumen 2)

by James Ellroy

Retrato único de una ciudad y sus entrañas, El gran desierto es la segunda novela del «Cuarteto de Los Ángeles», tetralogía que se ha convertido en un clásico de la novela negra del siglo XX. Los Ángeles, Nochevieja de 1949. El cadáver mutilado de un hombre joven, los ojos arrancados, mordeduras por todo el cuerpo... es el primer asesinato de la oleada que sembrará el pánico en los entornos comunistas de la ciudad. Danny Upsaw, ayudante del sheriff, se obsesiona con el caso mientras se convierte en anzuelo contra los comunistas en Hollywood. Se sumarán a la caza de brujas Mal Considine, ambicioso fiscal del distrito, y Buzz Meeks, expolicía caído en desgracia. Considine busca un ascenso; Meeks, dinero. Tres hombres sumidos en una espiral de codicia y engaño que les confrontará con sus propios demonios. La crítica ha dicho...«Un gran libro que se extiende sobre una atmósfera rica y densa. [...] Suspersonajes están creados con trazos firmes, los diálogos, duros y sarcásticos, son excelentes, y quieres saber desesperadamente cómo acabará todo.»The New York Times «Ellroy crea un caleidoscopio de pasión humana y oscura obsesión.»Library Journal «La Dalia Negra, El gran desierto, LA Confidential y Jazz blanco son de esas novelas que vas a releer siempre con perdurable fascinación.»El País «Es imposible que estos libros te dejen impasible. Puedes odiarlos, sí. Su lectura no nace del placer, es el reflejo de una obsesión. Sexo, mujeres, crimen, política, poder, corrupción. [...] Una vez aprendida y asimilada su sintaxis de anfetamina es imposible dejar el vicio.»Rodrigo Fresán, El Cultural

El gran derrame

by Kenneth Eade Ana Claudia Macoretta

Nuestra madre Tierra necesita ayuda, pero ¿a qué precio? Vive la intriga y el misterio de este súper ventas de la colección de intriga jurídica del galardonado escritor a quien la crítica aclama como «uno de los más importantes autores contemporáneos de suspense». Tras un catastrófico derrame de petróleo que amenaza las costas de Santa Bárbara, la novia del abogado Brent Marks inicia acciones legales contra las petroleras. Las victorias iniciales obtenidas en la demanda colectiva dan paso a una declaración abierta de guerra contra el uso de combustibles fósiles. Cuando ella desaparece, se sospecha que ha sido obra de una trama oculta y Brent se debate entre proseguir o desistir del caso.

La Gran Conspiración; Un Misterio de la Biblioteca de Nueva York

by David Richard Beasley

Rudyard Mack, detective de la Biblioteca de Nueva York, debe determinar si su novia, Arbuthnot Vine, presidente del Sindicato de Bibliotecas, fue la víctima intencional de un apuñalamiento. Arbie puede haber sido atacada porque encabezará una marcha en el Ayuntamiento para protestar por los despidos. Cuando es secuestrada, Mack es llevado al mundo turbio de la política de Nueva York, al corazón de una misteriosa conspiración.

Un gramo de odio

by Frantz DelPlanque

Una novela negra original y provocadora que ha deslumbrado a Amélie Nothomb Después de una treintena de asesinatos no esclarecidos, Jon Ayaramandi se despide de su carrera como asesino profesional para asentarse en una pequeña ciudad del País Vasco francés. Lee novelas sobre samuráis, come ostras, escucha rock y hace el amor en busca de la eternidad. Hasta que el novio de Perle, amante frustrada y ahora casi hija adoptiva de Ayaramandi, desaparece misteriosamente. Ella no lo dejará en paz hasta que lo haya encontrado. Pero Jon no cree poseer ningún talento para buscar a un individuo sin tener que matarlo. La crítica ha dicho:«El francés Frantz Delplanque renueva la novela negra europea... Una trama de ritmo subyugante protagonizada por un asesino a sueldo... La novela admite múltiples lecturas y temas, desde las relaciones esporádicas al instinto de paternidad. La música juega un papel fundamental, pero el gran hallazgo de Delplanque es su protagonista.»Xavi Ayén, La Vanguardia «Diálogos rápidos y efectistas, personajes enigmáticos y llenos de contradicciones, situaciones convencionales y otras originales dentro del género, y otros muchos ingredientes complementarios que proporcionan al texto múltiples atractivos... En definitiva, una novela que merece la pena conocer y contará con nuestra recomendación.»Rafa Navarro, Librería Beta Imperial «Un enredo tragicómico, plagado de referencias musicales y literarias, ambientado en el País Vasco francés, protagonizado por el vasco Jon Ayaramendi: un entrañable -sí-, asesino profesional jubilado... Tiene escenas dignas de Tarantino.»Anna Abella, El Periódico de Catalunya «Frantz Delplanque es el invitado más divertido de BCNegra. Un gramo de odio es una parodia de la novela negra clásica... Grandes ideas con cucharadas de ironía. Después de todo, ha hecho reír a Amélie Nothomb.»Josep Lambies, Time Out Barcelona «Una novela negra con una trama exigente y una buena investigación detrás.»José Oliva, Agencia EFE «Delplanque sirve capítulos como quien dispara singles de 45', reivindicando la pura ficción en un ejercicio que hace que los crímenes de Ayaramandi "casi acaben siendo legítimos"».David Morán, ABC «El trayecto del tren de Montpellier a París dura 3 horas 20 minutos. Es el tiempo que me llevó leer la novela de Delplanque. Me ha gustado mucho... Es excelente.»Amélie Nothomb, Le Monde «Ideal para degustar con un vinilo de The Who como banda sonora y una copa de vino sobre la mesa de noche.»Libération «La novela negra firmada por Delplanque, con sus pequeñas sentencias filosóficas a propósito de los amores-amistades transitorios, destaca por su jubilosa eficacia. ¡BINGO!»Rolling Stone «Una historia tortuosa y llena de humor. La vida criminal de Jon había comenzado por una pena de amor, y se acaba por la misma razón. El asesino a sueldo se compromete, y el lector también con él. Fatalidad y triunfo del autor.»Le Canard Enchainé

Grammar and Composition Work Text I

by James A. Chapman

Textbook on grammar and composition for religious schools.

A Grain of Truth

by Antonia Lloyd-Jones Zygmunt Miloszewski

"A Grain of Truth, like every great crime novel, digs up more unsettling questions than it does answers; it also demonstrates the seemingly endless possibilities of the form itself to serve as smart social criticism." --Maureen Corrigan, on NPR's Fresh AirPraise for the first novel in the Teodor Szacki series:"In Entanglement Miloszewski takes an engaging look at modern Polish society in this stellar first in a new series starring Warsaw prosecutor Teodor Szacki. Readers will want to see more of the complex, sympathetic Szacki."-Publishers WeeklyIt is spring 2009, and prosecutor Szacki is no longer working in Warsaw-he has said goodbye to his family and to his career in the capital and moved to Sandomierz, a picturesque town full of churches and museums. Hoping to start a "brave new life," Szacki instead finds himself investigating a strange murder case in surroundings both alien and unfriendly.The victim is found brutally murdered, her body drained of blood. The killing bears the hallmarks of legendary Jewish ritual slaughter, prompting a wave of anti-Semitic paranoia in the town, where everyone knows everyone. The murdered woman's husband is bereft, but when Szacki discovers that she had a lover, the husband becomes the prime suspect. Before there's time to arrest him, he is found murdered in similar circumstances. In his investigation Szacki must wrestle with the painful tangle of Polish-Jewish relations and something that happened more than sixty years earlier.Zygmunt Miloszewski was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1975. His first novel The Intercom was published in 2005 to high acclaim. In 2006 he published The Adder Mountains; in 2010, the crime novel Entanglement; and this year its sequel, A Grain of Truth.

A Grain of Truth

by Christian Unge

Stressed-out, sleep-deprived and pill-popping Dr Tekla Berg is as unusual a central character as you will find" Irish Independent"Tekla is a terrific character" Literary Review"Tekla Berg is a brilliant character" Susi Holliday"A memorable protagonist" Imran Mahmood"Tekla is a scalpel-sharp character" Jens LapidusA woman is found wandering the corridors of Nobel Hospital in Stockholm, accompanied by a young boy. She appears to be looking for a man who was involved in a car accident earlier that day.Meanwhile, in one of the emergency rooms, Tekla Berg is fighting to save a patient who was seriously injured in the same incident. The resulting chaos goes beyond anything anyone could have predicted, leaving hospital staff, police and everyone else involved equally shocked and perplexed.Hospital Director Monica Carlsson has stepped up her attempts to privatise her fiefdom with the launch of an exclusive patient hotel, a controversial liver transplant unit and the prestigious recruitment of star surgeon Klas Nyström. It soon becomes obvious that Klas has his own agenda and is working to undermine Tekla at every turn.But Tekla is too distracted to meet this challenge head on: she has become obsessed with the mystery surrounding the woman and her young charge - for the boy's identity remains unknown and no trace of his past can be found.Reviews for Hell and High Water"A gripping crime novel . . . fast-moving and packed with convincing detail and memorable characters" Literary Review"As gripping as it could be . . . An authentic and seriously exciting debut" Irish IndependentTranslated from the Swedish by George Goulding and Sarah de Senarclens

A Grain of Truth

by Christian Unge

Stressed-out, sleep-deprived and pill-popping Dr Tekla Berg is as unusual a central character as you will find" Irish Independent"Tekla is a terrific character" Literary Review"Tekla Berg is a brilliant character" Susi Holliday"A memorable protagonist" Imran Mahmood"Tekla is a scalpel-sharp character" Jens LapidusA woman is found wandering the corridors of Nobel Hospital in Stockholm, accompanied by a young boy. She appears to be looking for a man who was involved in a car accident earlier that day.Meanwhile, in one of the emergency rooms, Tekla Berg is fighting to save a patient who was seriously injured in the same incident. The resulting chaos goes beyond anything anyone could have predicted, leaving hospital staff, police and everyone else involved equally shocked and perplexed.Hospital Director Monica Carlsson has stepped up her attempts to privatise her fiefdom with the launch of an exclusive patient hotel, a controversial liver transplant unit and the prestigious recruitment of star surgeon Klas Nyström. It soon becomes obvious that Klas has his own agenda and is working to undermine Tekla at every turn.But Tekla is too distracted to meet this challenge head on: she has become obsessed with the mystery surrounding the woman and her young charge - for the boy's identity remains unknown and no trace of his past can be found.Reviews for Hell and High Water"A gripping crime novel . . . fast-moving and packed with convincing detail and memorable characters" Literary Review"As gripping as it could be . . . An authentic and seriously exciting debut" Irish IndependentTranslated from the Swedish by George Goulding and Sarah de Senarclens

The Grail Murders (Tudor Mysteries, Book 3): A thrilling Tudor mystery of murder, intrigue and hidden treasure

by Paul Doherty

The search for hidden treasure brings Rodger Shallot face to face with murder...In Paul Doherty's The Grail Murder, Richard Shallot's third journal, he must pit his wits against the terrifying and mysterious Templars. Perfect for fans of Ellis Peters and C.J. Sansom.In 1522 the rogue Roger Shallot and his sober-sided master Benjamin Daunbey are sent for by Cardinal Wolsey. Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, has been arrested for treason and Benjamin and Roger are made to witness his bloody execution. The true reason for Buckingham's downfall soon becomes apparent: he was searching at Templecombe Manor and Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset for two precious relics - the Holy Grail and Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur.Benjamin and Shallot are ordered to Templecombe, accompanied by the leaders of King Henry VIII's dreaded secret service, the Agentes in Rebus, to find these relics for the King. They must pit their wits against the Templars, a secret organisation plotting against the Tudors, of which Buckingham may have been a part and who may still have a member of their society close to the crown.The difficulties that wily Shallot - running true to his boast of possessing the fastest legs and quickest wits in Christendom - has to face soon make their presence felt: a duel, blackmail, the curses of a witch, the grisly hand of glory, decapitated heads, mysterious fires - and silent murder in the eerie Templar chapel.What readers are saying about The Grail Murders: 'This book had it all, locked room murders, a mysterious country manor house, an abbey, Templar conspiracy and Arthurian folklore - excellent!''Fascinating... historical mysteries brought to life with lots of accurate historical facts''Excellent story. Always enjoyed the Shallot stories, he is a lovable rogue'

The Grail Keepers Duo

by Evelyn Vaughn

A. K. A. Goddess Reporting a break-in, avoiding my overprotective ex-lover, dodging dangerous men out to kill me. . . ;not exactly a typical day for a comparative mythology professor. So how did I, Maggi Sanger, get mixed up in all this?It started with a family legend that connects me to a goddess and charges me with recovering the grail she hid away ages ago. Apparently some powerful people heard the story and are bent on destroying the grail at any cost - including my life. Now I have to find it before the enemy closes in. . . . ; Her Kind of Trouble Mysterious strangers, warnings at sword point, threats of bodily harm. . . ;all this effort to make me leave Egypt has made me more determined than ever to find the legendary Isis Cup and keep it out of the wrong hands. After all, I'm Maggi Sanger, full-time college professor, sometime grail hunter and all-around stubborn woman who won't be pushed around. And things are getting even more complicated. The local women want my help, my exasperating ex wants me to marry him and the bad guys want me dead. It'll take some quick thinking and new allies to get me out of Egypt alive. . . ;.


by Elizabeth Bear

Rife with intrigue and betrayal, heroism and sacrifice, Grail brings Elizabeth Bear's brilliant space opera to a triumphant conclusion. At last the generation ship Jacob's Ladder has arrived at its destination: the planet they have come to call Grail. But this habitable jewel just happens to be populated already: by humans who call their home Fortune. And they are wary of sharing Fortune--especially with people who have genetically engineered themselves to such an extent that it is a matter of debate whether they are even human anymore. To make matters worse, a shocking murder aboard the Jacob's Ladder has alerted Captain Perceval and the angel Nova that formidable enemies remain hidden somewhere among the crew. On Grail--or Fortune, rather--Premier Danilaw views the approach of the Jacob's Ladder with dread. Behind the diplomatic niceties of first-contact protocol, he knows that the deadly game being played is likely to erupt into full-blown war--even civil war. For as he strives to chart a peaceful and prosperous path forward for his people, internal threats emerge to take control by any means necessary.

The Graham Masterton Collection Volume Two: The Devil in Gray and The Devils of D-Day

by Graham Masterton

Two chillingly ingenious horror novels from the award-winning author of The Manitou and “the living inheritor of the realm of Edgar Allan Poe” (San Francisco Chronicle). Graham Masterton “has always been in the premier league of horror scribes” alongside such luminaries as Stephen King and Peter Straub (Publishers Weekly). Here are two of Masterton’s most strikingly original novels, where the horrors of history wreak demonic evil on the present day. The Devil in Gray: In Richmond, Virginia, a bizarre and brutal serial killer is somehow entering locked rooms, mutilating victims, and disappearing without a trace—and a homicide detective’s sanity is tested as he tracks a murderer beyond the human capacity for evil. The Devils of D-Day: In a French village, an American surveyor discovers an abandoned Nazi tank. When he unseals its hatch, a demonic force is released into the world and a new global war threatens to drag mankind to the gates of hell.

Graham (Clube de Motoqueiros Discípulos do Diabo #1)

by Scott Hildreth

ANDY – O dia em que o banco onde trabalhava foi roubado por seis mascarados foi o pior dia da minha vida. No dia seguinte, perdi meu emprego por não seguir o protocolo durante o assalto. Eventualmente, encontrei outro emprego. Felizmente, era ao lado do homem mais sexy que eu já conheci. Seu nome era Baker. Ele era um motoqueiro, um durão, e ele era um deus do sexo. BAKER – Seis meses depois de meu Clube de Motoqueiros ter roubado um banco, um rosto familiar passou pela porta ao lado - a gerente do banco que havíamos roubado. Ela não tinha ideia de quem eu era, mas eu nunca esquecia os rostos das minhas vítimas. Especialmente quando eles eram tão sexys como o ela. Também da Série DISCÍPULOS DO DIABO (Logo em português) Volume 2 - Cash O musculoso do clube é pego de surpresa quando uma noite com a vizinha de outro membro se transforma em um vício que ele não pode resistir. Volume 3 – Ghost O homem- chave do clube, Ghost, se apaixona por uma famosa  influencer. Volume 4 – Goose Ally Northrop é uma piloto de corridas que anseia entrar no clube como motorista de fuga. Sua outra habilidade é arrombar cofres. Parece uma combinação perfeita... Volume 5 – Reno Quando um homem ameaça uma garçonete em um restaurante que Reno está comendo, ele não pode deixar de intervir. Há um problema: o homem trabalha para o chefe do maior cartel do México ... Volume 6 – Tito Eu estava me preparando para uma noite com um motoqueiro durão. Enquanto meu pai não descobrisse, tudo ficaria bem. As chances de Taddeo "Tito" Silva estar na mira dele eram ...

The Graft: A gritty crime thriller to set your pulse racing

by Martina Cole

Success comes at a deadly price... THE GRAFT by the 'undisputed queen of crime writing' (Guardian) and Sunday Times No.1 bestseller Martina Cole is an unflinching novel that exposes a world that many would rather ignore...When Nick Leary hears the sound of an intruder's footsteps downstairs one night, something inside him snaps. The thought of losing his beautiful wife and sons, their luxurious home and possessions, everything he's grafted for, pushes him to attack.But this single act sets in motion something way beyond Nick's control.He's picked the wrong fight this time, and now it's too late to go back...For more novels that will take you deep into the dark and dangerous criminal underworld, check out Martina Cole's THE BUSINESS, THE LIFE and REVENGE

The Graft: A gritty crime thriller to set your pulse racing

by Martina Cole

Success comes at a deadly price... THE GRAFT by the 'undisputed queen of crime writing' (Guardian) and Sunday Times No.1 bestseller Martina Cole is an unflinching novel that exposes a world that many would rather ignore...When Nick Leary hears the sound of an intruder's footsteps downstairs one night, something inside him snaps. The thought of losing his beautiful wife and sons, their luxurious home and possessions, everything he's grafted for, pushes him to attack.But this single act sets in motion something way beyond Nick's control.He's picked the wrong fight this time, and now it's too late to go back...For more novels that will take you deep into the dark and dangerous criminal underworld, check out Martina Cole's THE BUSINESS, THE LIFE and REVENGE

The Graft: A gritty crime thriller to set your pulse racing

by Martina Cole

Looking back, Nick Leary couldn't say exactly what kept him awake that night. He'd had a lot on his mind; perhaps he'd been thinking about the 'respectable' Essex business that he ran, or about his two young sons sleeping in the room next door. Or was it simply the sound of his beautiful wife's steady breathing beside him . . . Whatever it was, he was awake when he heard someone's footsteps downstairs, and Nick's instinct was to fight. It had always been that way, to protect the things he treasured most: his family, his privacy, his reputation. He'd grafted for these things all his life and no one was going to jeopardise them now. Unless, of course, Nick's instinct is wrong, and what happens this time is the start of something even he cannot stop . . .(P)2012 Headline Digital


by Matt Hill

Manchester, 2025. Local mechanic Sol steals old vehicles to meet the demand for spares. But when Sol's partner impulsively jacks a luxury model, Sol finds himself caught up in a nightmarish trans-dimensional human trafficking conspiracy.Hidden in the stolen car is a voiceless, three-armed woman called Y. She's had her memory removed and undertaken a harrowing journey into a world she only vaguely recognises. And someone waiting in the UK expects her delivery at all costs.Now Sol and Y are on the run from both Y's traffickers and the organisation's faithful products. With the help of a dangerous triggerman and Sol's ex, they must uncover the true, terrifying extent of the trafficking operation, or it's all over.Not that there was much hope to start with.A novel about the horror of exploitation and the weight of love, Graft imagines a country in which too many people are only worth what's on their price tag. From the Paperback edition.o begin with.

Grady (Coven)

by Lisa Benjamin

Jane, Grady, Tamsin, James, and Emily are witches. They meet at Coven House to practice magic. They meet to stay safe and to keep others safe from the Dark Ones. The Dark Ones are witches, too. They want power, and they will kill to get it.

Grådighetens pris: Daniel & dødssyndene 1: Grådighet (Daniel & dødssyndene 1: Grådighet #1)

by Michael Clasen

GRÅDIGHETENS PRIS I Guineabukten blir et dansk frakteskip angrepet av pirater. En av vaktene blir skadet og vender hjem til sin barndoms by Haubjerg. Her slår han seg ned som privatdetektiv, og han kommer til å gripe avgjørende inn i en rekke mystiske og skjebnesvangre begivenheter på godset Tranedal. Privatdetektiven Daniel Dreyer opptrer for første gang i GRÅDIGHETENS PRIS, som er bind 1 i serien om Daniel & Dødssyndene. Boken er en avslørende, samfunnsorientert krim. Det viser seg at det foregår merkelige og truende ting rett under overflaten.

The Gracie Allen Murder Case: Philo Vance #11 (Philo Vance)

by S.S. Van Dine

The beloved 1930s comedienne becomes the famed detective’s sidekick in the series that “transport[s] the reader back to a long-gone era of society” (Mystery Scene).During a glamorous night on the town, Gracie Allen finds a dead body—and a cigarette case nearby that belongs to her date for the evening. Detective Philo Vance is on the scene, but questioning Gracie is causing more confusion than enlightenment. To prevent her from creating more chaos, Vance decides to keep her close by as his unofficial sleuthing partner. Now, with the help of the zany star—or in spite of it—he intends to find the real killer . . .“Mr. Van Dine’s amateur detective is the most gentlemanly, and probably the most scholarly snooper in literature.” —Chicago Daily Tribune“The best of the American mystery men.” —The Globe

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