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Hyde Park Headsman (Thomas and Charlotte Pitt Mystery #14)

by Anne Perry

This is the 14th in the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series.

Death by the Riverside (Micky Knight Mystery #1)

by J. M. Redmann

P.I. Micky Knight is approached by a beautiful blond, who asks her to find a missing person. Knight thinks this will be a simple case, but it turns deadly, as she is forced to confront fears of both past and present. First in the Micky Knight series.

Cold Granite

by Stuart Macbride

Scottish police procedural set in Aberdeen.

Out Cold

by William G. Tapply

"Only a few writers of crime fiction have managed to generate prose this leanly poetic in the service of their hard-boiled stories. Tapply does it all the time." -The Boston Globe on Muscle Memory BOSTON-BASED ATTORNEY BRADY COYNE aspires to a quiet life. His solo law practice, handling routine legal work for a select group of clients, and his sedate, stable private life usually keep him far away from trouble. But one cold January morning, trouble comes to him. The morning after a snowstorm, Brady lets his dog out into the backyard of his Back Bay brownstone only to discover the body of an unfamiliar girl buried underneath the newly fallen snow. She is a teenager, maybe fifteen or sixteen, who apparently entered his backyard, bleeding, in the middle of the night, only to die from hypothermia and blood loss. The single clue to her identity is a small piece of paper with Brady's address scribbled on it. The police seem to believe that the girl is simply another runaway. one of many in the city-and the circumstances of her death are likely to remain unsolved. Shaken by his discovery of the body and the girl's tragic death, consumed by the question of who she was and why she (continued on back flap) (continued from front flap) seemed to be looking for him, Brady Coyne is determined to find out the truth. But it soon turns out that the mysterious girl's death is only the beginning-someone out there knows Brady is trying to find out what happened that night, and they are willing to do anything-or kill anyone-to keep the truth from coming out.


by Larry Bond Patrick Larkin

As the forces of white supremacy make their last stand against South Africa's black majority, America mobilizes Operation Brave Fortune to prevent global chaos.

Last Call

by Baxter Clare

Fourth in Detective L.A. Franco series; lesbian detective.

End Of Watch

by Baxter Clare

Fifth in the Franco series; lesbian detective.

Corazón Congelado

by Janet Evanovich

«Durante mi infancia mis aspiraciones eran sencillas: quería ser una princesa intergaláctica.» La cazarrecompensas Stephanie Plum tiene una misión bastante simple: todo lo que tiene que hacer es llevar a los tribunales a un viejecito sordo, casi ciego y con problemas de próstata, acusado de contrabando de cigarrillos. ¿Es culpa suya si se le escurre continuamente de entre las manos? Las cosas se complicarán todavía más después de que dos de sus amigos desaparezcan misteriosamente tras ser atacados por una jubilada enloquecida y de que su perfecta hermana Valerie le pida consejos sobre cómo hacerse lesbiana. Quizá la vida de Stephanie sería más fácil -y menos divertida- si no estuviera tratando de huir de su propia boda, si su abuela no se empeñara en acompañarla en una Harley Davidson y, por supuesto, si el increíblemente sexy Ranger no le ofreciera su ayuda a cambio de una perfecta noche de pasión...

Cuestión de Suerte

by Janet Evanovich

La cazarrecompensas Stephanie Plum vuelve a la carga. En esta nueva aventura su talento, su humor y su ingenio continúan a la máxima altura. Ahora nos la encontramos tratando de evitar que su amiga Carol salte por un puente. Después de ver cómo lo consigue -aunque, al fin y al cabo, ¿quién se suicida con una chaqueta de 400 dólares puesta?- nos daremos cuenta de que la acción no ha hecho más que empezar. Su compañero de trabajo, Ranger, ha desaparecido y Alexander Ramos, el traficante de armas, tiene mucho que ver en el asunto. Y, por si fuera poco, su abuela y Bob -un perro con trastornos alimentarios- se han metido en su casa. Pero Stephanie es capaz de todo, y ningún obstáculo podrá detenerla.


by Jo Bannister

No one seems to care too much about a sixteen-year-old prostitute known as Charisma - until she is found floating by the docks with her throat slashed. Inspector Liz Graham, new to Castlemere and interrupted from unpacking to lead the investigation, faces a distressing investigation into Charisma's hard life and hideous death. Only yards from the place where Charisma's body is discovered, workmen have been raising a tent to house traveling evangelist Michael Davey's week-long revival meeting. Questioning the crew uncovers nothing, until Sergeant Cal Donovan spots a face from his childhood, a known IRA heavy who is officially dead.... Before he has time to decipher this unlikely clue, another girl turns up dead. Liz tackles the dynamic reverend himself, who has become an overnight sensation in Castlemere. Against her better judgment, she is fascinated by him. But he couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the deaths of these young girls, could he? Could he?

The Railway Viaduct (Robert Colbeck series, #3)

by Edward Marston

Detective Inspector Robert Colbeck and partner find French intrigue behind rail deaths.

Icewater Mansions

by Doug Allyn

Michelle 'Mitch' Mitchell works underwater on oil rigs in the Texas Gulf until the death of her father takes her back to her home in Michigan...

Biggie and the Poisoned Politician (Biggie Weatherford #1)

by Nancy Bell

Biggie is actively planning the town's Pioneer Days festival when she learns of Mayor Gribbons' scheme to establish a landfill right next to her family cemetery. She meets the mayor at a local diner, but the man suddenly falls dead into his angel food cake. Biggie certainly didn't like him very much, but she wouldn't kill him. With the help of her grandson, 12-year-old JR, her voodoo-practicing maid Willie Mae, and Willie Mae's wise, ne'er-do-well husband Rosebud Robichaux, Biggie decides to solve the murder while charging onward with the preparations for the town's big celebration.

Endangered Species (Hardy Boys Casefiles #64, Operation Phoenix #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: The killing fields of Kenya! The Hardys join their father on an undercover mission into the African wild. On the trail of a multimillion- dollar smuggling operation, they're out to learn the fate of a missing U.S. Customs official. Thrust into a world of poisonous snakes and man-eating lions, the boys soon confront the most dangerous beast of all... Poachers armed with high-powered weapons are devastating herds of endangered species. Shocked by the slaughter, Frank and Joe are dead set on shutting the smugglers down. But they pay a terrible price for the truth: a tragic murder that will lead them out of Africa and into the most painful and perilous investigation of their lives! =============== From inside the book: STAMPEDE! Frank and Joe crouched down in the tall, dry grass. The large elephant herd was barely fifty feet away, drinking at the edge of the water hole. As the boys watched, an enormous female elephant left the bank and walked toward Dr. Bodine, lifting her trunk and trumpeting into the air. Dr. Bodine stepped forward to greet the great beast and stroked the animal's trunk. "Incredible," Joe said, shaking his head. "That elephant walked up to Doc Bodine like they were old friends." Frank nodded vaguely, then sniffed the air. "You smell smoke?" He turned around. Not far from where Dr. Bodine stood, thick clouds of black smoke rose above bright red flames. The grass was ablaze. "Fire!" Frank yelled. "And it's moving this way!" "That's not the only thing," Joe said, pointing toward the water hole. The elephants were panicking. Twenty-ton animals were moving toward them, running faster and faster to escape the smoke and flames. "The herd is stampeding," Joe shouted. "And we're right in their path!"

Bait and Switch

by Larry Brooks

Wolfganschmitt is drawn into a plot to try and seduce his soon-to-be ex-wife and ends up knowing somehow he can't trust anyone including his ex girlfriend, or is it the FBI or the IRS?

The Girl In the Glass: A novel

by Jeffrey Ford

A trio of con men posing as spiritualists in Depression-era America try to solve the murder of a young girl.

The Burning

by Richard Snow

To Scott Keegan, a traveling salesman working his way through Minnesota during the hottest summer on record, Hinckley was no different from any other fair-sized lumber town. For Jim Root, aging locomotive engineer on the St. Paul & Duluth, it simply marked the halfway point on an increasingly difficult run. For lovely young Betty Langdon, it was half home, half prison. For ten-year-old Jemmy Stockholm it was a dull place to spend the summer, but the only place he knew. None of them -none of Hinckley's 2,000 people-knew the town was soon to be engulfed in a cataclysm that would forever change their lives. As the temperature continued to rise throughout that summer, a smoky haze hung over the dry forests of Pine County, Minnesota. The underbrush smoldered .. , and slowly the flames spread. Until early one September morning they ignited a raging wildfire. The tragedy of that day unfolds in Richard Snow's gripping new novel. Hundreds would die that afternoon as the fire storm swept through the town. And heroes would be born. Ordinary people would find themselves possessed of extraordinary courage as they fought to escape the inferno. THE BURNING: a novel that blazes with period adventure as it tells the true story of the men and women who battled a terrifying natural disaster.

Mind Catcher

by John Darnton

13-year-old Tyler lies in a hospital, his brain damaged in an accident. Two doctors use their experiments to send Tyler far beyond medical science...

The Mormon Murders

by Steven Naifeh Gregory J. Smith

From the Publisher On October 15, 1985, two pipe bombs shook the calm of Salt Lake City, Utah, killing two people. The only link-both victims belonged to the Mormon Church. The next day, a third bomb was detonated in the parked car of church-going family man, Mark Hoffman. Incredibly, he survived. It wasn't until authorities questioned the strangely evasive Hoffman that another, more shocking link between the victims emerged... It was the appearance of an alleged historic document that challenged the very bedrock of Mormon teaching, questioned the legitimacy of its founder, and threatened to disillusion millions of its faithful-unless the Mormon hierarchy buried the evidence. Drawing on exclusive interviews, The Mormon Murders reconstructs a secret conspiracy of God, greed, and murder that would expose one of the most ingenious con men in the annals of crime-and shake the very foundation of a multibillion-dollar empire to its core.

The Altman Code (Covert-One #4)

by Robert Ludlum Gayle Lynds

IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, ON THE DARK WATERSIDE DOCKS OF SHANGHAI, a photographer is recording cargo being secretly loaded when he's brutally killed and his camera destroyed. Shortly thereafter Covert-One director Fred Klein brings word to the president that there's a Chinese cargo ship rumored to be carrying tons of chemicals to be used by a rogue nation to create new biological weapons. The president cannot let the ship land and risk the consequences of a new stockpile of deadly chemical weapons. Klein is ordered to get the president solid proof of what the Chinese ship is ferrying. Covert-One agent Jon Smith is sent to rendezvous in Taiwan with another agent, who lias acquired the ship's true manifest. But before Smith can get the document, the two agents are ambushed, the second agent is murdered, the proof is destroyed, and Smith escapes with only his life, scant clues to the mystery behind the cargo ship, and a verbal message - the president's biological father is still alive, held prisoner by the Chinese for fifty years. As the Chinese cargo ship draws ever closer to its end port, Smith must race against the clock to uncover the truth about the ship and its cargo, a truth that probes the deepest secrets of the Chinese ruling party, the faction in Washington working to undermine the elected government, and the international cabal who is thrusting the world to the very brink of war.

Ultimate Justice

by Mimi Latt

From the Back Cover. Edited. When gifted New York prosecutor Alexandra Locke puts her rising career on hold to be near her dying mother, she hesitatingly accepts a position in the office of her father, Thomas Kendall, the politically ambitious Los Angeles District Attorney. But their already strained father-daughter relationship grows far worse when Alexandra hears a shocking deathbed confession. . Flying in the face of her father's re election bid, Alexandra vows to investigate. . Alexandra joins forces with her handsome former lover and together they pry open a case that was once nailed shut.

Is New York Burning?

by Dominique Lapierre Larry Collins

Four years after 9/11, terrorists have hidden an atomic bomb in the heart of New York. If the President of the United States does not force his Israeli allies to abandon all the land they have occupied in the aftermath of the 1967 War, Manhattan will be wiped off the face of the earth. Will George W. Bush give in to this blackmail? Could a terrorist group have really gotten access to an atomic bomb and smuggled it into the United States? Can the forces of the most powerful nation on the planet find the hidden bomb and defuse it before it can explode? Could they, if necessary, evacuate New York? Researched for two years, the authors studied thousands of documents and interviewed scores of people from the most secret centers in the war on terrorism. Is New York Burning? is a diabolical thriller set at the very heart of today's world and its madness. The final collaboration from the authors of the world famous Is Paris Burning? and 0 Jerusalem.

Behind the Door

by Frank Lambirth

From the back cover: Drive carefully on those remote mountain roads. Because you don't want an accident that can put you inside Skystone Hospital. Where ambulances pull in, but not out. Where the greedy, the lustful, the violent run the wards just like they run the rest of the world. Only with more pain, and a lot more terror. Where no one ever leaves sane or alive, or in one, unbloodied piece. Adult content.

Bitter End: A Novel Of Suspense

by Christine Kling

"Since kindergarten, Seychelle and her best friend, Molly, had been as close as sisters. Molly even dated Seychelle's brother. But it all ended suddenly when Nick Pontus, a slick, older, up-and-coming entrepreneur, came along. A smitten Molly quit school, married her new beau, and never spoke to Seychelle again. After thirteen years, it still stings." "Seychelle didn't see the sniper who picked Nick off at the helm of his yacht, but she knows that there are plenty of people in South Florida who wanted to see the gambling-boat tycoon dead: the Russian mobsters looking for a piece of his casino action, the Indian gamers who resent his competition, and the ecological activists fighting his plans to develop Fort Lauderdale's waterfront. But it's Molly whom the cops zero in on. And despite her bitter feelings and against her better judgment, when her back-from-the-blue friend asks for help, Seychelle can't just weigh anchor and cruise. She's got to dive in." What she finds is a money-skimming scam aboard Nick's flagship gambling boat, Nick's new trophy wife turned merry rich widow, and Nick and Molly's teenage son, a scared kid with a big secret ... and a killer on his trail. Protecting the boy, proving Molly's innocence, and navigating between squalls of gunfire add up to a tall order as salvage jobs go. But like any good captain, Seychelle will never abandon ship. Even if it means risking her life.

There Came A stranger

by Andrew J. Fenady

After losing his horse in a running gunfight with Comancheros, ex-Yankee Adam Dawson walks into the frontier town of Pinto, Texas, where his life becomes a ticking time bomb set off by a bloody fistfight. Chad Walker is also an ex-Yankee. He's physically crippled from a Confederate bullet, mentally warped, and bitter. He feels a kinship toward his Yankee comrade and offers Dawson a job on his ranch. Soon after reaching the ranch, Dawson realizes that Walker's wife, Lorena, is a virtual prisoner in her own home. Lorena believes Dawson to be her passport to freedom from her abusive husband, as well as her passport to his riches--all it takes is murder. And so the seductive Lorena sets her sights on Dawson. Torn between naked desire and duty, Adam Dawson realizes he can have it all: the ranch, the money, an empire--and the beautiful Lorena...all it takes is murder.

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