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Showing 88,551 through 88,575 of 90,451 results

Murder in Vegas

by Steve Allen

MURDER IN VEGAS Steve Allen's best-selling mysteries are acclaimed for their wit, charm, and stylish sense of fun. In this newest episode, the famous comedian faces his most challenging performance yet when a show in Las Vegas turns into an engagement with death. Murder is far from his thoughts as Steve Allen rehearses with legendary crooner Buddy Hamilton on the stage of the world-famous Colosseum in Las Vegas. The beat of fifty high-kicking showgirls sends pulses into high gear, and the gentler rhythm of Steve and Buddy's old soft-shoe routine is a guaranteed show-stopper. But the show is stopped instead by the appearance of Steve's wife Jayne Meadows in a terry- cloth robe. "Murder..." she moans, and faints rather gracefully into Steve's arms. The victim is Buddy's glamorous young wife Christie-strangled in the sauna. The prime suspect is Buddy. Steve must admit his old friend looks very guilty, Indeed. Certainly the police are quite sure of themselves as they put Buddy Hamilton behind bars. But for once, Steve is out to prove someone innocent rather than guilty. Armed with his personal knowledge of Buddy's eccentric family, a wife who was a witness of sorts to the crime, and his own seat-of-the-pants style of sleuthing, Steve frees the celebrated singer, then proceeds to track down the real killer with the aplomb that has become his hallmark.

Dangerous Games (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #4)

by Carolyn Keene

AMERICA'S HOTTEST TEEN DETECTIVES TEAM UP IN A SPLIT-SECOND RACE WITH TERROR. An urgent message draws NANCY DREW and her friends to the International Championship Games in California. It seems a mysterious figure called the Black Knight wants to force star athletes off the track and into the hospital. But when Nancy starts to dig for clues, the young sleuth finds she is a moving target in a high-risk event--where any mistake is fatal. Meanwhile... THE HARDY BOYS show up at the games to help beef up security and uncover a scandal. Along with acts of sabotage, there's evidence of illegal steroid use by certain athletes. But Frank and Joe's most critical problem is the Black Knight. The murderous phantom is about to deal a deathblow to the competition. And the brother detectives are top picks for the all-victim squad...

The Visitant (The Anasazi Mysteries, Book #1)

by W. Michael Gear Kathleen O'Neal Gear

At the Dawn of the Age of the Katsinas...A young war chief must enter the mesmerizing world of the insane if he is to save everything and everyone he loves...

Mindblower (Destroyer #142)

by Tim Somheil Warren Murphy Richard Sapir

When a bunch of greedy professors stole his patent idea, engineering geek Harry Kilgore got mad. And he got even. With his portable air cannon, capable of smashing anything to smithereens with the pure gravitational hammering of a 300 mph gust of wind, he can blow off rocks, bullets, poison gas, Masters of Sinanju--and, of course, all sense of ethics, morality and the law. Harry is stoked on the glory that nothing can stop him from doing whatever his crazy mood strikes-and right now, that means extorting billions of fun money from a Colombian drug cartel. As this maniacal geek and his supersonic air cannon leave a trail of pulverized victims in his wake, CURE must stop him before he rules the world with his mighty wind. So how does Remo figure on blowing Harry out of commission? Blow harder.

Nailed by the Heart

by Simon Clark

When the Stainforth family moves to the coast, it's a dream come true; but the coastal village was once a sacred place for an old religion. Its power stirs, infecting the dead with a new kind of life.

Everyone's Dead But Us

by Mark Richard Zubro

Tenth Tom and Scott mystery; on vacation the two men find themselves solving the murder of the owner of the resort they are staying in.

The Church of Dead Girls

by Stephen Dobyns

A rural upstate New York village has remain dormant for decades until it is stirred to life when, one by one, three young girls vanish.

Mystery Train (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #8)

by Carolyn Keene

AMERICA'S TOP TEEN DETECTIVES TEAM UP TO TRACK DOWN A CRIMINAL MASTER. NANCY DREW joins some of the best minds in the mystery field to help crack a famous unsolved case: the theft of the Comstock diamond. A private train will take the elite group from Chicago to San Francisco, the same route taken by the jewel thief fifteen years before. But someone is out to derail the search for clues and send Nancy on a chilling cross-country ride to terror. Meanwhile... FRANK AND JOE HARDY climb on board, lured by the promise of a $25,000 reward for whoever finds the diamond. Instead they find trouble: an open-air fist fight atop the speeding train, a runaway locomotive, and a beautiful gem of a different kind--actress Kate Harkins. Joe is dazzled by her entrance and stunned by her exit. The teen detectives suspect she's been kidnapped, and it soon becomes clear they've all been ticketed for disaster... on the MYSTERY TRAIN.

Shock Waves (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #3)

by Carolyn Keene

America's top teen dectectives team up to dive for deadly treasure. Nancy Drew and her boyfriend, Ned, are among the guests invited to plush Padre Island, on the Gulf Coast. Everyone's geared up for spring break, including Frank and Joe Hardy. The brother detectives happen to be staying at the home of wealthy friend Buck Calhoun. While scuba diving, Buck makes a play for Nancy, which Ned intercepts. But the games end when Buck finds a sunken wreck -- and a very dead body. Meanwhile... Padre Island's social set is raided by a squad of resort sharks. The sophisticated crime ring has ripped off a fortune in loot. But they've never left a clue -- until they snatch a pair of melted keys belonging to Joe Hardy. The worthless keys have deep personal value for the young sleuth. And he vows to track them down -- no matter what the risk...

Live Girls

by Ray Garton

A strip club in New York's Times Square is very different from the others--the girls there happen to be vampires.

The Case of the Blonde Bonanza

by Erle Stanley Gardner

Perry Mason asks, "Why would anyone hire a girl with the figure of a strip teaser and pay her $100 a week to put on weight?"

The Case of the Amorous Aunt

by Erle Stanley Gardner

Perry Mason tells Della Street to get her notebook and pen ready, since they are getting Aunt Lorraine and Montrose Dewitt out of bed.

The Devil's Own Rag Doll

by Mitchell Bartoy

Novel of race relations in Detroit in the early 1940s.

Apocalypse Dawn (Left Behind - Apocalypse #1)

by Mel Odom

From the decks of U.S. Navy carriers patrolling the Mediterranean to Fort Benning, Georgia, and the dusty sands of the Turkish-Syrian border, this new suspense thriller runs side by side with the phenomenal series that has sold more than 50 million copies. New characters and situations are added to those from the already explosive Left Behind series to raise the tension to a fever pitch. With technical accuracy from the same people who create best-selling military thrillers, this new series will satisfy the fans of the original Left Behind series who are looking for more.

Dead Egotistical Morons

by Mark Richard Zubro

Seventh in the Paul Turner mystery series.

The Last Resort (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #5)

by Carolyn Keene

AMERICA'S HOTTEST TEEN SLEUTHS TEAM UP WHEN MURDER STUNS A POSH WINTER PARADISE Nancy Drew is called to be part of a dream team of super sleuths at a glamorous winter playground. Major rock star Brad MacDougal is shooting a big-budget video at fabulous Mount Mirage, and owner Ken Harrison is worried. The deadly prankster who's been plaguing the resort may target the video for sabotage. Meanwhile... The Hardy Boys have also been asked to join the security force. At first Nancy, Frank, and Joe manage to cover all bases and have fun doing it, Joe even gets close to country singer Roseanne James. Then a music mogul is found murdered. Suddenly the posh playground becomes a combat zone where rock stars and billionaires rub elbows with cold-blooded killers. And where someone has scheduled the teen trio to check out far sooner than planned...

The Titan Game

by Niven Busch

The rules of the Titan Game are as deadly as gas and as devious as fog: torturers can become esteemed customers, bystanders are seldom innocent, a man's worst enemy is often himself...


by Thomas Tessier

Jeff has always loved Georgianne, ever since they were kids-with a love so strong, so obsessive, it sometimes drives him to do crazy things. Scary things.

La piel del tambor

by Arturo Pérez Reverte

Un pirata informático que se infiltra en el Vaticano. Una iglesia barroca, en Sevilla, que mata para defenderse. Tres pintorescos malvados que aspiran a mantener viva la copla española. Una bella aristócrata andaluza. Un apuesto sacerdote-agente especialista en asuntos sucios. Un banquero celoso y su secretario ludópata. Una septuagenaria que bebe coca-cola. La tarjeta postal de una mujer muerta un siglo atrás. Y el misterioso legado del capitán Xaloc, último corsario español, desaparecido frente a las costas de Cuba en 1898. Con esos ingredientes, Arturo Pérez-Reverte construye en La piel del tambor una ingeniosa, compleja y fascinante trama novelesca. Con su imaginación desbordante, su espectacular dominio de la ingeniería narrativa y de los diversos géneros superpuestos -misterio, policíaco, historia, romanticismo, aventura, folletín- el autor de El Club Dumas y La tabla de Flandes nos sumerge sin aliento en una historia que corta al lector cualquier posible retirada, arrastrándolo a un enigma cuya clave se esconde a la sombra de los viejos muelles del Guadalquivir; donde todavía hoy, en las noches de luna llena, sombras de mujer agitan sus pañuelos y goletas siguen zarpando rumbo a las Antillas.


by William Boyd

Armadillo es una divertida, disparatada y entretenida novela sobre el absurdo de la vida en una gran metrópoli como Londres, donde acontecimientos sorprendentes pueden volver del revés hasta la existencia del más ordenado y aburrido corredor de seguros.

Un pintor de hoy

by John Berger

Un viejo artista, una Europa convulsa, una desaparición misteriosa. Londres, 1958. El pintor húngaro Janos Lavin ha huido sin dejar rastro horas después de la inauguración de su primera exposición individual. Ni su mujer ni sus amigos comprenden por qué se ha marchado justo cuando alcanzaba el éxito por el que llevaba luchando tantos años. Sin embargo, todas las claves están en el diario que Lavin ha dejado tras de sí... Un pintor de hoy es el retrato de un hombre atormentado por el recuerdo de un amigo muerto, que se debate entre su fidelidad al arte y a la política mientras intenta mantener la fe en el ser humano. Pero además, y sobre todo, es un viaje apasionante al interior de la creación artística. Pintor y novelista, John Berger, ganador del prestigioso Booker Prize, nos sorprende en la que fue su primera novela con una historia sobre la libertad, el sacrificio y lo que significa ser un artista hoy en día.

Divide y conquistarás (Tom Clancy's Op-Center #7)

by Tom Clancy

Una de las novelas más verosímiles y atractivas de la saga Op-Center. Tom Clancy incorpora a sus habituales tramas de intriga internacional una variante novedosa: la manipulación psicológica. Esta vez Paul Hood, el director de Op-Center, es convocado por la primera dama norteamericana para investigar el origen de ciertas conductas de su esposo, el presidente Lawrence, que se muestra apesadumbrado, misterioso e incluso, temeroso. Hood sospecha que ha caído bajo la influencia de tres importantes hombres de su entorno, que buscarían hacer creer al mundo que las capacidades intelectuales del presidente flaquean para tomar ellos las riendas del gobierno. El equipo de Op-Center cuenta con poco tiempo para convencer al presidente del complot que comienza a cerrarse en torno suyo y evitar así el caos mundial.

Deuda de honor (Jack Ryan #6)

by Tom Clancy

Llamado de su retiro, Jack Ryan se da cuenta rápidamente de que los problemas de la paz son tan complejos como los de la guerra: los enemigos se han convertido en amigos, los amigos en enemigos, e incluso las formas de conflicto han cambiado. Lo que no puede entender con tanta premura es qué clase de conflictos debe afrontar. Y cuando uno de estos nuevos enemigos se prepara para atacar el centro de la economía mundial, Ryan, con la ayuda de los oficiales de la CIA John Clark y Domingo Chávez, acepta el desafío. Porque una deuda de honor debe ser pagada, y el precio será muy alto.

El hijo del acordeonista

by Bernardo Atxaga

La diferencia entre las incisiones antiguas y las nuevas se borrará con el tiempo y sólo quedará, sobre la corteza, una única inscripción, un libro con un mensaje principal: Aquí estuvieron dos amigos, dos hermanos.» Ésta es la novela más personal de Bernardo Atxaga. En ella recorremos, como si miráramos un mosaico hecho con distintos tiempos, lugares y estilos, la historia de dos amigos: Joseba y David, el hijo del acordeonista. Desde los años treinta hasta finales del siglo XX, desde Obaba hasta California, de la infancia en la escuela a los infiernos de la guerra y de la violencia, Atxaga aborda de forma valiente el tema de la memoria, la nostalgia, la amistad y también de la tristeza del que deja su tierra sabiendo que no volverá. Y en el centro de las múltiples ramificaciones de esta historia, la única posibilidad de salvación frente a las circunstancias más dramáticas: el amor.

Nuestra Señora de la Soledad

by Marcela Serrano

Una intriga policial que excede el género negro para dar paso a una verdadera novela de aprendizaje. Carmen Avila, escritora chilena, ha desaparecido, y el enigma debe resolverlo Rosa Alvallay -detective de 54 años, divorciada, dos hijos-, que tiene el exilio a sus espaldas y un nuevo caso entre las manos. Las pistas son los tres hombres que tuvo Carmen: su marido, un esquivo escritor mexicano y un guerrillero que fue su amante; y también la última frase que dejó la mujer desaparecida: "Me siento como una princesa en un minarete". La última obra de Marcela Serrano sigue las huellas de "Nosotras que nos queremos tanto, Antigua vida mía" y "El albergue de las mujeres tristes", y rastrea entre las distintas soledades la mayor de todas, que es única, insondable y mujer: "Nuestra Señora de la Soledad".

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