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Trouble in the Pipeline (Hardy Boys Casefiles #26)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Savage test Frank and Joe fly to Alaska to trace Scott Sanders, who's supposed to be working on a top-secret project for a mining firm. When company officials claim they've never heard of Scott, the Hardys grow suspicious. They find that some company managers have been selling jobs on the big oil pipeline. But before the brother detectives can dig deeper, they're kidnapped and forced to bail out over the Arctic wilderness. Stranded, Frank and Joe face their toughest test-fighting hunger, grizzly bears, and bullets to survive-while at trail's end a group called the Assassins waits to give them their final exam.... ================ From inside the book: UNWELCOME VISITOR The quiet of the sunlit night was interrupted by a splashing sound. The Hardys looked up to see a large brown bear waddling toward them. "Is it a grizzly?" Joe whispered. "Looks like it," Frank answered, glancing at the fire. "It probably smelled the fish. Where'd you put the guts?" "I threw them in the-" Joe stopped suddenly, staring. The fish guts had landed on a nearby rock. The bear went right to the fish guts. In one gulp, he licked them up. Then, twitching his nose, he headed for what was left of the fish beside the fire. "He's coming nearer," Joe whispered, eyes wide. The bear abruptly rose up on its hind legs, throwing a long shadow that fell like night over the boys. Then the unnatural silence was shattered with one giant roar as the grizzly began its charge!

Blood Money (Hardy Boys Casefiles #32)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Will to Kill Frank and Joe are investigating a series of gangland killings. Crime kingpin Josh Moran is dead and buried, but his murderous legacy lives on. In his will, he left $10 million to be divided among his enemies. The catch is that the money will be paid in three months-to those who survive! The Hardys find themselves in a deadly race against time, for one of the beneficiaries of Moran's blood money is a former detective for the NYPD-their own father, Fenton Hardy. Frank and Joe must unmask the triggerman before the dead man's hit list reaches into their own family! =============== From inside the book: TIGHT SQUEEZE Frank's eyes snapped open. I must have drifted off, he realized. The clock on the wall said 1:30. Frank was thirsty. He got out of bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom and got a drink of water. Then he stepped back out into the hall. An arm snaked around his neck. "Don't move," a voice whispered in his ear. "Don't speak. Don't even breathe." The man's grip tightened, the crook of his arm pressing into Frank's neck. Two or three seconds of pressure, Frank knew, and he would pass out. Any more than that-and he'd die.

Flesh and Blood (Hardy Boys Casefiles #39)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family with a vengeance A tornado has hit Bayport, but the deadliest storm is still brewing-in the Hardy home. Years ago, Fenton Hardy sent a criminal named Leonard Mock to prison. Now Mock's son has returned to Bayport to seek revenge. He has vowed to put Frank and Joe's father away for good! But Leonard Mock lost his son to adoption when the boy was five. His name was changed, and the only clue to his identity is that he has since befriended the Hardy boys. Then the brothers uncover a shocking and horrifying piece of evidence. The person out to murder their father may very well be none other than Chet Morton-their best and most trusted friend! ================ NO TIME TO LOSE "I'm going to open the screen door real fast," Frank whispered to Chet. "You think you can kick the front door open?" "No sweat," Chet answered. Frank peered back in through the window and saw Joe peek around the corner of the inner room. That was what he had been waiting for. He pulled the screen door, and it creaked loudly. "Now!" he barked to Chet. Chet planted his foot next to the door knob, then kicked hard. The door groaned and snapped open. Frank dashed in and confronted the figure sitting in the chair. "Frank!" Joe shouted. "It's Callie." Frank would have been relieved to find his girlfriend, but the digital timer on the bomb that was ticking at her feet showed that in thirty seconds they would all be dead.

Scene of the Crime (Hardy Boys Casefiles #24)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book Danger pay Frank and Joe go undercover as apprentice stuntmen on a major movie. They've been asked to investigate a number of serious accidents that have delayed filming. Right from the first scene the action gets rough. Frank's stunt misfires, and the next one turns into a flaming disaster. The Hardys are certain it's deliberate sabotage. But the young detectives find the real drama is off the set when they become involved in a bizarre plot to steal a fortune. Unfortunately, they get themselves arrested! The brothers must break out of jail fast-or lose their only chance to be cleared of a million-dollar frame-up. ================ From inside the book: STUNT TARGET Frank raced the red Porsche across the smooth green lawn. No sabotage here, he thought as the restraining cable caught, stopping the car. "That's a wrap," the director said, nodding happily. "But let's take one more for insurance. Action!" Frank floored the gas pedal and aimed the car for the house. Right on cue, Janet came out the door and onto the porch. She pretended to freeze in horror. The Porsche reached the foot of the steps, and Frank waited for the cable's jerk. It didn't come! He stomped on the brakes, but the pedal sank to the floor. The car plunged ahead, smashing into the first brick step. Frank's hands were nearly thrown from the wheel. It took everything he had to fight the out-of-control car. But even as he battled the steering wheel, the car hurtled up the steps, straight for Janet!

Running on Empty (Hardy Boys Casefiles #36)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Car chase crazy Chet's borrowed Corvette has been hot-wired, and Chet is steamed. But when he tries to nab the crooks, he gets nabbed instead. Frank and Joe put the pedal to the metal, in pursuit of Chet's kidnappers. The brothers go undercover to get the drop on a chop- shop ring-and find themselves riding with some pretty fast company. The hot Caddys, Camaros, and Corvettes are burning up the road, putting the Hardys on a crash course with danger. If they don't hit the curves just right, they'll be eating the car thieves' dust! ================ From inside the book: GUNNING THE ENGINES "Did you see anyone following us?" Frank asked, joining Joe in the parking garage. "No," Joe replied. "What's up?" Before Frank could answer, the stillness was shattered by a thunderous rumble. A half second later a black TransAm burst from the access ramp. Like some great hungry beast seeking its prey, it zeroed in on the Hardys. Frank and Joe dove in opposite directions, the TransAm missing them by inches. Two men jumped from the car. They were the same height and wore identical gray suits. Dark sunglasses hid their eyes. They were mirror images of each other, except for their hair-and the guns they aimed at Frank and Joe.

Danger Zone (Hardy Boys Casefiles #37)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: A crisis hits home When an ultrasecret project takes Fenton Hardy to Massachusetts, the Hardy Boys come home one afternoon to find that kidnappers have taken their mother. The kidnappers demand to talk to Frank and Joe's father within twenty-four hours-or the boys may never talk to their mother again! The key to the case is at Prometheus Computing, where Fenton is in charge of security. The company's latest product is a highly advanced computer chip, sure to shape the future of artificial intelligence. But to protect the chip and their family, the Hardys will have to rely on their natural intelligence and courage. They must find their father and infiltrate the DANGER ZONE before time runs out on their mother! ================ From inside the book: AMBUSHED! The security guard directed Frank and Joe into a courtyard surrounded by ivy-covered walls. "What is this place?" Joe asked. They both spun around at a loud metallic boom behind them. A metal gate had crashed to the ground, sealing off the exit. Then each window in the building was thrown open, and from the second floor up, long ropes flopped to the ground. "I think we have visitors," Frank said. Suddenly the walls came alive. Clutching the ropes, a dozen people rappeled downward. Within seconds, they surrounded the brothers. Frank gulped. The black uniforms weren't very welcoming, nor were the flak vests and gas masks. But the worst-definitely the worst-were the submachine guns, pointed at their heads!

Diplomatic Deceit (Hardy Boys Casefiles #38)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Capital crimes The Hardys and friend Callie Shaw are off to Washington, D.C. Callie finally has the chance to meet her Parisian pen pal, Madeleine Berot, whose parents have been assigned to the French embassy. But when Maddy is caught shoplifting, Frank and Joe suspect that there's something rotten in the state of French diplomacy. Determined to get to the bottom of the Madeleine Berot mystery, the Hardys find themselves caught in a web of international intrigue. They take off on a tingling chase through the nation's capital, pursuing a gang of continental con artists. In a case of D.C. deceit, it's up to Frank and Joe to nip the caper in the bud! ================ From inside the book: ON TRACK FOR TERROR Joe took off in pursuit of the man who had nearly pushed Callie onto the tracks. The guy darted to the edge of the subway platform, trying to wriggle through the crowd. It didn't work. Joe stretched out an arm and caught him by the shoulder, turning him around. The man quickly took his hand out of his pocket, clenched in a fist. Joe moved, ready to block a blow, but this guy wasn't throwing a punch. Instead his hand opened about a foot from Joe's face, releasing a cloud of reddish powder that burned Joe's eyes as if someone had thrown acid in them. Suddenly blinded, Joe recoiled. His antagonist gave him a vicious shove, and Joe staggered backward, his arms flailing. His right foot stepped back and found only air under it. Joe was going over the edge of the platform- just as the train was coming in!

The Dead Season (Hardy Boys Casefiles #35)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Haunted hotel Callie Shaw invites Frank and Joe to Runner's Harbor, a hotel in Barbados run by her cousins. But just as the brothers arrive, they're met by a horrifying host. Then things get even scarier. From trap doors and secret passages to ghostly gunmen, the young detectives come face-to-face with the mysterious spirit world. It seems Runner's Harbor has a skeleton in every closet-and they're all out to put the brother team into an early grave. ================ From inside the book: SKELETON CREW Slowly Joe walked along the rocking deck. He had one hand on the rail and the other on his torch. The boat lurched in the water, and Joe lost his balance, waving the torch awkwardly in the direction of the wheelhouse. The flame cast an eerie light, but he had no difficulty picking out the figure at the wheel of the ship. It was a man, or what remained of a man. The body was nothing but a skeleton frozen in time.

Final Cut (Hardy Boys Casefiles #34)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Studio sleuths When Frank and Joe visit a local movie and TV studio they stumble across a real-life drama-someone has murdered screenwriter Bennett Fairburn. To track the killer the brother detectives go undercover as gofers at the studio. From the start it's clear the Hardys have been cast as victims in a sinister plot. A series of deadly "accidents stalk the brother team, and while shooting a TV series Frank and Joe find themselves on the wrong end of some lethal stunts. The clues they need are buried in the script, but unless they uncover the villain fast, the brothers Hardy will be show biz history. ================ From inside the book: DEATH SCENE Trish went to the dressing room door and turned the knob. The door wouldn't budge. "What's going on with-" She stopped talking suddenly as she began to cough. Harsh fumes were beginning to fill the trailer, and Frank and Joe were coughing now, too. Frank went to the door and pushed it, but nothing happened. He kicked at it beside the knob, but it didn't budge. The heavy gas was quickly flooding the room. Joe gasped, "We're suffocating!" Someone had turned the trailer into a huge, comfortably furnished gas chamber!

Trial by Fire

by Harold Coyle

Enjoying a brief period of peace, the United States is caught by surprise when a government overthrow in Mexico suddenly destabilizes the two countries almost 2,000 mile long undefended border..Diplomatic negotiations begin, but a series of savage cross border attacks on civilians compels the U. S. to mobilize its armed forces, invade Mexico and establish a security zone. While politicians and the people debate the controversial invasion, the United States Army must win quickly what could deteriorate into a long, bloody war.

Nowhere To Run (Hardy Boys Casefiles #27)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Wheels of fire Sparks fly when "Biker" Bob Conway roars into town, looking for Frank and Joe. The motorcycle racer needs their help to prove his innocence in a hijack case. The problem is, Biker just escaped from jail. To make things worse some very dangerous people are looking for him. One is a bounty hunter; the others are members of a motorcycle gang called the Sinbads. Frank and Joe can't leave a friend in trouble, and they defy their father in taking Biker's case. The brother detectives burn rubber in a high-speed race with both sides of the law where murder is the final pit stop. ================ From inside the book: MOTORCYCLE MANIAC "The pits!" Joe suddenly slammed his hand on the van's dashboard. "You mean the old quarry outside of town, where Biker used to practice motocross?" Frank asked. "Let's check it out." Frank and Joe began to search the quarry, but they didn't see even a trace that Biker Conway had been there. Then the sudden roar of an engine cut the air. Frank saw a big black cycle ridden by a black-clad figure drive straight toward Joe. There was no time for thinking-only for acting. Frank leapt for Joe. Joe fell to the ground, hard, then jumped to his feet as the motorcycle roared past him. "That guy nearly ran us down, Frank," he said angrily. There was no answer. Frank lay facedown in the dirt, motionless, a thin line of blood trickling down the side of his head.

Bahamas Blue (Tiller Galloway Thriller #2)

by David Poyer

Trapped in an underwater coral tunnel, divers with barbed spears at each end, lungs near bursting, Tiller Galloway is in trouble again. After five years in jail for drug smuggling, he'd put his life in order, running recreational group dives off the North Carolina coast and doing salvage work on sunken ships on the side. But his old boss wants him back. Juan Alberto Mendieta Nunez-Sebasti-ano a feared kingpin nicknamed The Baptist once employed Tiller as a small cog in his cocaine distribution network. Now he needs Tiller's special skills in diving and salvage to rescue the cargo of a small freighter resting 400 feet deep off the Bahamas. When The Baptist makes it impossible to refuse his offer, Tiller and his partner Shad Aydlett arrive at the beautiful island of Green Turtle Key- only to be turned against each other by a deadly crossfire of motives and a cargo whose potential for destruction is more vast than even The Baptist can predict.

Voice In The Night

by Velda Johnston

Carla has supported her 6 year old daughter in New York City for several years after her abusive, alcoholic, husband drowned in an Arizona River. Just when she's falling in love, her husband begins calling in the night asking her to come back to him. Before she can move forward in her life, she must return to Arizona to learn who is tormenting her and stop him.

Night Shadows

by Ron Ely

Once enamored with the high stakes, Jake Sands drops out after the deaths of his wife and child. Laying his hat in the quiet community of Santa Barbara,

Trace Evidence

by Elizabeth Becka

A forensic thriller that unlocks criminal secrets...and criminal science. In the bestselling tradition of Patricia Cornwell and Kathy Reichs, comes a riveting forensic thriller by a dazzling new talent in crime fiction. This authentic, high-octane debut is inspired by Elizabeth Becka's own career and her experience using physical evidence recovered from crime scenes to unlock the secrets of the dead and bring justice to those who have no voice. "The combination of a credible, likeable hero, and a bizarre, chilling story is rare in crime fiction, but in Trace Evidence Elizabeth Becka makes the tumblers click perfectly

Cry Wolf

by Wilbur Smith

Gareth Swales was a dapper English gentleman on the face of it, but he was an unrepentant rogue at heart, with a shrewd eye for shady deals of every description...

Necessary Madness

by Jenn Crowell

After eight years of marriage, Gloria's husband dies of leukemia, leaving her with a son to raise in an adopted country. She must contend with the madness of grief for her son's sake, if not her own.

Speak Softly, She Can Hear

by Pamela Lewis

Carole was told she killed another girl while drunk in a motel room with Eddy who's main purpose was in helping her lose her virginity.


by Kyle Mills

"A secret Department of Homeland Security is recruiting agents to work undercover in the Middle East, and the director wants his second-in-command, Matt Egan, to bring aboard an old friend, Salam al Fayed - better known as Fade." "He seems perfect for the job: A New Yorker and ex-Navy Seal, he is the son of immigrants and he speaks perfect Arabic. Trouble is, he's "retired"; he got shot in the back in the line of duty, and the U.S. government refused to pay for the risky surgery that could have helped him." "Now Fade lives the life of a hermit, walking around with a bullet lodged near his spine and liable to shift at any moment, and the last thing he wants to hear is that his country needs him - least of all, his ex-best friend, Matt Egan, whom he sees as responsible for his present condition." Against Egan's wishes, the director forces the issue and tries none too subtly to "persuade" Fade to join the team. But Fade, angry and hopeless, is prepared to fight back at any cost, and the ensuing confrontation is a bloody one. And the chase is on - will Matt be able to find his friend-turned-fugitive before Fade can take the ultimate revenge?

Criminal Damage

by Margaret Yorke

Something murderous is about to happen in Middle Bardolph. The sunny village seems as neat and proper as Mrs. Newton...

Without a Trace (Hardy Boys Casefiles #31)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Badland bonanza Rancher Roy Carlson asks Frank and Joe to visit his spread in New Mexico after one of his cowboys disappears. While searching the area in an ultralight plane, the Hardys are forced to land. Suddenly the brother detectives are fighting to survive in a vast wilderness-and along with rattlesnakes and tornadoes a deadly enemy is on their trail. There's a million-dollar bonanza at stake as Frank and Joe uncover the real mystery of the Circle C Ranch. But unless the brothers make their way home, their lives won't be worth a plugged nickel. ================ From inside the book: FINAL DESCENT Frank banked the ultralight airplane, preparing to circle back to the homestead. Suddenly he felt a jerk on his right foot pedal, and the ultralight whipped into a spin. Frank frantically worked the rudder pedals. The right one was stuck in the stop position. Trying the left pedal, he managed to move it slightly-but then it stuck, too. Fighting panic, Frank glanced behind him at the tail. The rudder was definitely jammed, which meant that a cable must have broken and the control line had fouled. The ultralight kept whirling in a tight circle-and the ground was moving up closer and closer. If Frank didn't get control back, the ultralight would crash!

Turtle Baby

by Abigail Padgett

The characters introduced in earlier books are here agaiEstrella and henry, Rombo and martin, Eva Broussard, elderly dog Mildred, Dar Reinert, Madge Aldenhoven. This time Estrella is pregnant, and Dr. Andrew LaMarche continues to court Bo. Will she give in? Other books by Abigail Padgett are available from Bookshare.

Witness to Murder (Hardy Boys Casefiles #20)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Fatal charm While trying to help Annie Shea, the pretty new girl in town, Joe accidentally runs down her old boyfriend, Phil. Joe's in a tight spot, but Annie seems afraid to help. Then the Hardys learn that Phil is the prime suspect in a million- dollar diamond robbery and Annie may be involved. But when Annie is kidnapped the brother detectives swing into action. They follow her to the lair of America's most infamous gem thief, Cutter. Outnumbered, the Hardys take on the diamond man's gang in an all-out effort to save Annie-and clear Joe of murder. ================ From inside the book: SCREAM FROM THE GRAVE Joe saw a sleazy-looking blond guy lunge and pull Annie behind a row of cars in the mall parking lot. Annie screamed, "Joe, help!" "Help, Joe, help me!" She sounded like the voice in the recurring nightmare that so often robbed him of sleep. It was Iola's voice, calling out to him from a roaring ball of fire as the car exploded. Joe clenched his teeth so tightly that he could feel his jaw muscles jump. But this wasn't Iola screaming for him. It was Annie. Annie needed help! Joe jumped into the van and twisted the key. The motor roared to life, and Joe headed the van straight for the struggling pair.

Countdown to Terror (Hardy Boys Casefiles #28)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Death policy Frank and Joe fly to Halifax, Canada, to check out an insurance scam. But as they leave the airport their car is sprayed with bullets. Soon the brother detectives discover they're number one on somebody's hit list. First a friend of their father's is seriously hurt in a bomb blast. Then one of their suspects winds up dead. What started out as a white-collar crime has become an all-out war. And unless the young sleuths track down the stunning secret behind the vicious attacks-they'll be crossing the border in a body bag.... ================ From inside the book: LAST WORDS "Listen . . . important," Dundee said. He glared at Frank, his eyes blazing as he tried to force the words out before his body betrayed him. "Find them . . . Fort. . ." The effort was too much. Gerry Dundee's eyes rolled up, and the tautness went out of his muscles. He sagged into the grass. Frank and Joe stared at each other. He'd left them a world of trouble, a desperate need to get help-and half a clue.

The Deadliest Dare (Hardy Boys Casefiles #30)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Last laugh When Bayport is hit by a rash of vicious pranks, Frank and Joe investigate. They aren't sure the tricks are meant to be funny, especially the mysterious phone tip that leads them to a spooky mansion that happens to be on fire. After dousing the blaze, the brother detectives find a vital clue. The trail leads them to a bizarre club dedicated to danger. But the pranks may be only a cover for an ultraserious game plan. Soon the young sleuths find themselves playing straight men for a deadly practical joke-where the punch line is murder. ================ From inside the book: NO JOKE Carefully Frank and Joe worked their way down along the slippery cliff walk that led to the old Hickerson Mansion. Joe touched his brother's shoulder. "There's definitely somebody in there," he whispered. "Right-I saw a flashlight shining around in there, too. Shall we follow?" But when Frank stepped across the threshold, he stopped. Lightning flashed, and for a few seconds Frank could see a length of carpeted corridor in the crackling light. Two sets of muddy footprints ran down the faded carpeting and through the doorway at the far end. Then the Hardys heard the sounds of feet running and a door slamming. "They're taking off!" Frank charged for the doorway. He slid open the heavy oak doors and dived into the next room. Joe followed him but stopped short next to his brother. The room they'd burst into was on fire.

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