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Shadows on the Coast of Maine

by Lea Wait

FROM THE PUBLISHER Maine. Antiques. August. Maggie Summer, owner of the antique print business Shadows, is thrilled when her old college roommate, Amy Douglas, invites -- almost begs -- her to come to the coast of Maine to see her new house. August is the perfect time for antiquing and, as it turns out, for murder. Amy and Drew Douglas have just bought a creaky but gorgeous eighteenth-century house in the little town of Madoc. Built in 1774, the house sits high on a hill overlooking the river. The house is great, but not the neighbors, who seem to think that the property should never have been put up for sale. Until now, it's always belonged to one formidable Maine family. Amy and Drew are New Yorkers. What are they doing here, where they don't belong? Hostile neighbors are just the start of their problems. Who is behind a series of strange fires and bizarre accidents? Where is the baby that Amy hears crying in the night, and why do she and Drew want so obsessively to have a child of their own? And what is the relationship between Drew and an attractive teenager named Crystal? As Maggie searches for answers, she runs into fellow antiques dealer Will Brewer, a man with whom she once hoped for a romantic future. But can she trust him now? He, too, is part of the family that always owned Amy and Drew's house. Is his loyalty to Maggie or to his family? When a body turns up in the backyard, Maggie's Maine holiday suddenly turns into a hunt for a killer. Who will tell Maggie the truth? Is there a clue in her antique prints? Everything comes back to the house on the hill. What tragedies has it seen? What sorrows are soon to come? If only walls could talk, then Maggie would know whom to fear. Inspired to use her own Colonial house as a provocative fictional setting, author Lea Wait combines history and mystery in this richly nuanced and immensely entertaining new Shadows mystery.

Tales of the Wolf

by Lawrence Sanders

13 short stories about Wolf Lannihan, an antihero who always gets what he wants, whether it's cracking an unsolvable case or a beautiful woman.

Last to Leave

by Clare Curzon

CARLTON DELLAR. THE ESTEEMED POET, couldn't have hoped for a more eventful eightieth birthday. His extended family has gathered under the reproachful eye of his wife to celebrate what is silently suspected to be his last year. Hours later, the guests gather on the lawns in confusion as Larchmoor Place burns to the ground. Worse, Carlton's niece is unaccounted for and her twin brother has been brutally assaulted and now lies unconscious in the hospital. Superintendent Mike Yearlings of the Thames Valley CID strongly suspects arson, a feeling intensified when he learns that the guest list included the aging poet's brother Matthew, one of the country's most powerful and successful senior prosecutors. But as the family is questioned, it becomes clear to Yearlings and his team that perhaps Matthew Dellar is not the only member to be at risk from secret enmity and undercurrents of jealousy and frustration. And when a search of the wreckage uncovers a charred corpse, the enquiry steps up another level as they attempt to find a murderer. The tenth installment in this enthralling series, Last to Leave is an accomplished investigative drama from a British author of tried and true talent. CARLTON DELLAR. THE ESTEEMED POET, couldn't have hoped for a more eventful eightieth birthday. His extended family has gathered under the reproachful eye of his wife to celebrate what is silently suspected to be his last year. Hours later, the guests gather on the lawns in confusion as Larchmoor Place burns to the ground. Worse, Carlton's niece is unaccounted for and her twin brother has been brutally assaulted and now lies unconscious in the hospital. Superintendent Mike Yearlings of the Thames Valley CID strongly suspects arson, a feeling intensified when he learns that the guest list included the aging poet's brother Matthew, one of the country's most powerful and successful senior prosecutors. But as the family is questioned, it becomes clear to Yearlings and his team that perhaps Matthew Dellar is not the only member to be at risk from secret enmity and undercurrents of jealousy and frustration. And when a search of the wreckage uncovers a charred corpse, the enquiry steps up another level as they attempt to find a murderer. The tenth installment in this enthralling series, Last to Leave is an accomplished investigative drama from a British author of tried and true talent.

False Impression

by Jeffrey Archer

Why did a young woman steal a priceless Van Gogh painting? Why was an Olympic gymnast paid a million dollars when she didn't have a bank account? Why was an honors student working as a temporary secretary after inheriting a fortune? Why was an English countess willing to kill the banker, the lawyer and the gymnast?


by William Marshall

A Yellowthread Street Mystery. In a Hong Kong bank, 9 people lie untouched, seemingly uninjured and very dead. Detective Chief Inspector Harry Feiffer is on the case...

On Her Majesty's Secret Service (James Bond #11)

by Ian Fleming

Another wonderful James Bond novel.

Down Among the Dead Men

by Patricia Moyes

Most folks in Berrybridge Haven agreed that fog had caused the nasty accident that drowned Pete Rawnsley. Only a few old salts whispered that it was no accident at all.


by Jo Bannister

From Publishers Weekly Set in Northern Ireland, Bannister's third Brodie Farrell suspense novel (after 2002's True Witness) tells the emotionally draining tale of two sisters, 14-year-old Juanita and 11-year-old Emerald Daws, left alone in the world after their father allegedly murdered their mother in revenge for her frequent affairs with local teenagers. In the aftermath of the tragedy, the girls' uncle hires Brodie, who runs the search business "Looking for Something?," to find a missing relative to care for them. Brodie disappears for most of the story, leaving Juanita and Emerald in the custody of her friend, out-of-work teacher Daniel Hood, who soon becomes emotionally attached to his young charges, despite their intense hostility toward anyone older than themselves. Wracked with panic attacks from the misfortunes he suffered in True Witness, Daniel proves ineffective as both an instructor and investigator and is nearly killed several times before Brodie returns to help solve this sordid case. Suspense builds gradually in the uncomplicated plot, which at times could use clearer direction with fewer psychological digressions. Bannister's occasional use of Irish slang and syntax may confuse some readers. A tense final scene redeems an overly drawn-out resolution to a disturbing case of mayhem in the wilds of Ulster.

She Wakes

by Jack Ketchum

Amidst the beauty of the landscape, Lelia, a gorgeous but dangerous woman, befriends a group of tourists... to lure them into a nightmare of pain and terror.

Hatteras Blue (Tiller Galloway Thriller #1)

by David Poyer

1945. Lieutenant Commander Lyle Galloway II, U.S. Coast Guard, is on patrol off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The war with Germany has just ended, but not all Nazis may plan to surrender. Suddenly, the radar on his old destroyer picks up a contact, moving unusually fast.... Today. A rubber raft containing the bones of three people is unearthed from a sand dune on Hatteras Island. Shortly thereafter, Tiller Galloway-- Lyie's son, a down-on-his-luck salvage diver recently paroled from prison for smuggling drugs-- is approached with a deal. An enigmatic man named Keyes wants to explore a wreck off the coast. Galloway agrees, but only for a hefty fee and a cut of whatever they find. Keyes is after a secret hoard that would make both men rich. But, unknown to them, there is a greater secret at large after forty years, a plot as deep and treacherous as the currents off Hatteras. D. C. Poyer knows Hatteras intimately, from the rolling dunes to the dangerous offshore waters. Filled with surprise and suspense, undersea diving and adventure, Hatteras Blue is both thrilling and authentic.

Little Town Lies

by Anne Strieber

From Publishers Weekly Murder, child sexual abuse, drug and alcohol addiction, kinky sex and more seethe under the homey veneer of the little East Texas town of Maryvale in Strieiber's ungainly second novel (after 2004's An Invisible Woman). Social worker Sally Hopkins leaves her Houston-based job and heads "home" to Maryvale to lick her wounds and try to find peace in the only place she ever felt happy in her rough childhood. At her request, Sally's Uncle Ed, the local sheriff, gives her a job and a chance to contribute her expertise, though this expertise seems to derive from elementary psychology texts rather than experience or insight. In addition, Sally's raw emotional baggage makes her an unlikely choice as either a social worker or (an untrained) member of the sheriff's department. Her rapid rise is even more unlikely as her first bumbling attempts to investigate a series of animal mutilations gets off to an inauspicious start. Most readers should be well ahead of Strieiber's dithering heroine in figuring out most of the lies and secrets behind Maryvale's placid exterior.

Ordinary Heroes

by Scott Turow

FROM THE PUBLISHER "Stewart knew his father had served in World War II. But when, after his father's death, he discovers a packet of wartime letters to a former fiancee and learns of his father's court-martial and imprisonment. he is plunged into the mystery of his family's secret history and is driven to uncover the truth about this enigmatic, distant man who always refused to talk about his war." "As he pieces together his father's past through military archives, letters, and, finally, notes from a memoir his father wrote in prison, secretly preserved by the officer who defended him, Stewart starts to assemble a dramatic and baffling chain of events. He learns how Dubin, a JAG lawyer attached to Patron's Third Army and eager for combat experience, got more than he bargained for when he was ordered to arrest Robert Martin, a wayward OSS officer who, despite his spectacular bravery with the French Resistance, appeared to be acting on orders other than his commander's." "In pursuit of Martin, Dubin and his sergeant had parachuted into Bastogne just as the Battle of the Bulge reached its apex. Pressed into the leadership of a desperately depleted rifle company, the men were forced to abandon their quest for Martin and his fiery, maddeningly elusive comrade, Gita Lodz, as they fought for their lives through the ferocious winter battle that would determine Europe's fate." Reconstructing the terrible events and agonizing choices his father faced on the battlefield, in the courtroom, and in love, Stewart gains a closer understanding of his past, of his father's character, and of the brutal nature of war itself.

Driving Lessons

by Ed Mcbain

A sunny, quiet, perfectly ordinary school day in autumn turns ghastly by dark when sixteen-year-old Rebecca Patton runs down and kills a pedestrian during a driving lesson.

In Self-Defense (Hardy Boys Casefiles #45)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Gang war! The Hardys pay a visit to Bayport's newest martial arts school and find that someone's trying to run the place out of the neighborhood. The Scorpions a tough street gang, say the building is on their turf, and the school's students have already felt the Scorpions' sting. The home boys may want to rumble with the Hardy boys, but when high explosives come into the picture, Frank and Joe figure there's more than a street fight at stake. The unknown enemy is willing to use deadly force to destroy the school, and the Hardys will have to get down to business-and give a lesson of their own. =============== From inside the book: SHATTERING EXPERIENCE Kay Lewis walked around the room of the self- defense center to one of the mats lying near the front window. "This is a good spot here. We'll need plenty of room for this." "For what?" Joe asked warily. "It's a surprise," Kay said with a smile. "If I told you, I'd lose the advantage of sur-" Her words were cut off by a loud crash. The window next to her exploded, and shards of glass flew across the room. Something shattered on the floor next to the mat Kay was standing on. Frank heard a muffled whump-and a wall of fire erupted around Kay Lewis!

Strategic Moves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #43)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Mind games While attending an international summer school at England's Oxford University, the Hardys learn just how much times have changed. Frank's roommate, Pyotr Zigonev, is the USSR junior chess champ, and he has become a pawn in an international power play. But just as the boys rally to Zigonev, they discover that the CIA has joined forces with the KGB! The American and Soviet spy masters are out to foil a master of terrorism, and Frank and Joe and Zigonev are caught in the middle. One false move and they'll lose the ultimate game-a danger-packed contest played out in the cold gray shadows of Stonehenge. =============== From inside the book: DARK ALLEY "May we help you?" Frank asked the two men who had stepped out of the darkened alley. The older of the two stared at Frank, then turned his gaze to Ziggy and Petra. "Yes, you can." Then, like a snake uncoiling to strike, the man pulled a small blackjack from his pocket and struck Joe on the chin. Joe staggered to the side, slamming into Frank, and both of them lost their balance and fell to the ground. The younger man grabbed Petra and pulled her into the alley. "Hey!" Ziggy yelled, and burst into the alley. Frank and Joe jumped up and followed him. A bright glint of steel drew Joe's attention to the man who held Petra. Joe saw that one hand covered her mouth and the other held a switchblade to her throat. Joe started toward the younger man. "Don't try it, mate," the older man growled from behind him, "or we'll kill the girl."

Castle Fear (Hardy Boys Casefiles #44)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: The battle of Britain Jed Shannon, a young American movie star on location in England, has received a threat against his life. When the Hardys set out to investigate, they are drawn into a case worthy of Sherlock' Holmes-and into a conspiracy as thick as the London fog. Jillian Seabright, a beautiful British actress befriended by Jed has vanished. The key to the mystery lies in her resemblance to missing emerald heiress Emily Cornwall. Frank and Joe trace the damsel in distress to a medieval mansion on the moors-Castle Fear. Dodging bullets and battle-axes, the boys are out to prove that chivalry is not dead-but one wrong move and they will be! =============== From inside the book: LETHAL WEAPON As the Hardys were passing the stone stairway that led up to the ground floor of the castle, the door at its top creaked open. Framed in the light was a huge man, staring down at them. Moving much faster than a man his size usually did, he darted out a hand to grab something off the wall. Frank sucked in his breath through his teeth when he saw what it was. Though rusty and covered with spiderwebs, the ancient battle-ax the man now held in his hands looked lethal enough to take care of both him and Joe. Snarling in rage, the man charged toward them, swinging the ax like a baseball bat. The sharp edges sliced the air as he whipped the handle back and forth. Frank and Joe had no choice-they had to retreat before the whistling blade got any closer. Unless the man got tired, they didn't stand a chance.

Foul Play (Hardy Boys Casefiles #46)

by Franklin W. Dixon

from the back of the book: Crime comes to bat Someone's embezzling major league money from the minor league Bayport Blues, and retired baseball great, manager Stuart Murphy, is the prime suspect. He want's the Hardy boy's to clear his name-and as a sign of good faith, he gives them a vintage baseball card valued at $100,000! But the boys face a dangerous lineup of hoods and henchmen who want the card at all costs. The game Is heating up fast, and every pitch is down and dirty. Frank and Joe are right in the line of fire, and they'll have to come out swinging-or risk becoming the ultimate victims of foul play! =============== From inside the book: WILD PITCH "Hey, Heather!" Joe called out, and he headed over to her. He followed her onto the baseball field, allowing himself to imagine what it would be like to be in the stadium not as a fan, but as a baseball star, one who would impress a certain attractive photographer. Joe glanced at Heather but did a double take when he saw the sudden change in her expression. Her smile disappeared, and her brown eyes opened wide with fear. "Joe!" she shouted. "Look out!" Joe spun around too late. Three baseballs were rocketing straight for his head!

Power Play (Hardy Boys Casefiles #50)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Experiment in terror Bright Futures Development has announced the invention of a powerful new solar energy cell and the Hardy boys have gone undercover to protect it from industrial spies. But the action proves too hot to handle; a company employee assigned to the solar cell lab has turned up dead! Was it an inside job? Or was it a rival company out to burn the competition? Frank and Joe follow a trail of deceit and double-dealing and discover that the truth behind the solar power source is much darker than they suspected. Plenty of high-energy action awaits them as they fly straight into a fiery web of danger! =============== From inside the book: CRASH LANDING Frank settled back in the passenger seat of the solar-powered ultralite as it soared through the air. It was so peaceful up in the clouds, and quiet- almost too quiet, he told himself. He cocked his head and listened. He couldn't hear the propeller anymore. "Trouble?" he asked the pilot. "We lost power for a second," Theresa told him. She punched the starter switch once, twice, three times. Nothing happened. Theresa smiled at Frank nervously. "Looks like we may be in for a rough landing. I can't get it-" A sudden downdraft threw the plane into a dive. The nose pitched down violently, and Theresa's head was thrown forward to smash into the controls. Frank was hurtling toward the ground in a flying coffin, with an unconscious pilot!

Dirty Deeds (Hardy Boys Casefiles #49)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: The Hardys get the shaft! Frank, Joe, and Callie are off to Virginia City, Nevada, heart of the Comstock Lode, to visit Callie's friend Kerry Prescott. Kerry's father, Ted, has developed a system to extract new gold from old mines-but the deeper Ted digs, the more danger he finds. Someone means to put him down for good! Gold fever is running high, and lives are at stake. But Frank and Joe stake a claim of their own: they're out to put a stop to a gold-digging, gun-toting gang of desperadoes. The Hardys head for a showdown eighty feet underground, where they discover just how wild the Wild West can be. =============== From inside the book: ROCKY ROAD As Frank guided the jeep partway down the mountainside, then into a gorge between two steep rock walls, he said, "Maybe we ought to look in on Ted before we-" Frank stopped in midsentence. A loud rumbling sound was coming from overhead. The top of the jeep was off, and he glanced upward. "What is it?" Joe said as he looked up toward where the noise came from. Then he yelled, "Frank! Watch out!" Frank had seen it, too. Bouncing and smashing down from the bluff to their right, looking bigger by the instant, was a gigantic boulder. It was on a collision course for the jeep!

Wipeout (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #96)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: MEDITERRANEAN MAYHEM AND MYSTERY! Frank and Joe are in the south of France for the famous Almanarre Cup windsurfing championship. They're investigating a strange series of "accidents" that threaten to put champion windsurfer Doug Newman out of the competition... and into serious danger! While looking into the case of the sabotaged surfer, the Hardys stumble on to a load of counterfeit cash. The criminal waters run deep, and the stakes are much higher than the boys first believed. Confronting attackers from the sea and the air, Frank and Joe discover that if they are going to make waves, they had better be prepared for a fight-or a WIPEOUT! =============== From inside the book: Wipeout Doug tacked, then aimed his board directly at an incoming roller. Suddenly he was upside down in midair. The bottom of his board was reaching for the sky, and the tip of his mast was aimed at the wave. A forward roll, one of the toughest maneuvers in boardsailing! Frank was about to shout congratulations when Doug's mast seemed to come loose at the base. The loss of support threw Doug completely off balance. A second wave caught the tip of Doug's sail. The mast seesawed wildly. Suddenly it cracked Doug across the forehead, and the board landed upside down in the surging water. Joe stared, horror-struck. "His feet," he shouted to Frank. "They're caught in the foot straps! He's sure to drown!"

Tricks of the Trade (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #104)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: DOUBLE-DEALING AND DIRTY TRICKS IN A HARDY BOY HOUDINI WHODUNIT Danger takes center stage as Frank and Joe head to New York for a magic seminar hosted by the legendary Lorenzo the Magnificent. But the biggest mystery of all in the Big Apple is sorcery of a more sinister kind: the case of the disappearing diamonds! The magic turns more menacing by the minute as the Hardys face flash fires, flying knives, and venomous fumes. They'll have to act fast and think even faster to learn all the TRICKS OF THE TRADE-because the safecracker is determined to make them disappear too! =============== From inside the book: Tricks of the Trade Lorenzo, the magician, held the third knife up to the audience. "Here comes the tricky part. I'm going to aim this knife directly above Larissa's head. Ready?" he asked his assistant. Larissa nodded. "One." Lorenzo paused and drew the knife back. "Two." He took aim. "Three!" But as soon as the magician said "Three," and let go of the knife, Frank had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. From where he stood, it looked as if Lorenzo's throw was off. The knife was headed right for Larissa. But this time it wasn't going to miss.

Irish Gold

by Andrew M. Greeley

The veteran Greeley plots this latest work with some admirable cunning, which shows up clearly in a highly believable trading expos and in the exacting re-creation of the supposed death of an enigmatic crime lord from Capone-era Chicago. Unfortunately, it all counts for naught beside the truly tiresome twosome around whom this third book in a series (after Irish Gold and Irish Lace) revolves. Nuala Anne McGrail is an Irish beauty with a fine singing voice, all kinds of sexy outfits, a job as an accountant and the gift of second sight. She talks dirty, likes to be fondled and must be the least likely virgin featured in recent literature. Her dutiful betrothed is Dermot Coyne, who also doubles as the narrator. A former commodities trader who's now a bestselling author, Dermot is currently under investigation for the $3 million he netted during his brief trading days. When Nuala "sees" an empty coffin in a cemetery plot, the hunt for a missing corpse is on. The shooting death of Jimmy Sullivan, onetime rival to Al Capone, emerges as just the kind of long-unexplained mystery that exactly suits Nuala's otherworldly gifts and Dermot's dogged legwork. Dermot's trial is fun, and so is Jimmy's turbulent history. But the lovers' dialogue is laughable with its lewd promises for the upcoming wedding night. And then there's Dermot's continuous declarations of his endless devotion and the lustful attention Nuala elicits from every breathing male in Chicago. One might be tempted to opine that Greeley knows less about love (or lust) than he might think. Library Journal

Falling Star (Inspector Henry Tibbett Mystery #5)

by Patricia Moyes

It was an easy enough scene for Bob Meakin to play. They might be able to shoot it in 1 take. But he tripped on the stairs, and fell directly under the wheels of the incoming train...

Warrant for X

by Philip Macdonald

A conversation is overheard in a London tea shop. A crime is going to be committed, but who is going to do it, and what are they going to do? An Anthony Gethryn mystery.

The Polferry Riddle

by Philip Macdonald

What at first seems like a quiet isolated country house on the British coast becomes the sinister setting for murder. An Anthony Gethryn mystery.

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