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Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen: Handboek Voor Deelnemers

by Leony Coppens Carina Kregten

Dit praktische boek helpt pleegouders en andere opvoeders om het gedrag van hun (pleeg)kind door een traumabril te bekijken. Dit vergroot de kans op een stabiele opvoeder-kindrelatie en verkleint de kans op een (nieuwe) uithuisplaatsing. Het boek hoort bij de training Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen. Onderzoek laat zien dat de training leidt tot meer kennis, grotere tevredenheid en minder stress bij opvoeders.Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen: een training voor opvoeders is gebaseerd op recente wetenschappelijke inzichten. Die zijn op een overzichtelijke en concrete manier verwerkt in powerpointdia’s, casusbeschrijvingen en oefeningen. De training bestaat uit acht modules en is oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld door de Amerikaanse organisatie National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). In Nederland is Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen als ‘goed onderbouwde interventie’ opgenomen in de databank van het Nederlands Jeugd Instituut.In deze herziene versie van het Werkboek voor deelnemers zijn de ervaringen verwerkt van professionals die de training sinds 2012 geven. Theoretische informatie wordt compacter beschreven en er is meer aandacht voor het toepassen van de theorie in de praktijk van alledag. Ook zijn verwijzingen naar bronnen waar opvoeders meer kunnen zien en lezen over de verschillende onderwerpen uit de training vernieuwd. Bij het boek hoort een website met extra digitaal materiaal. Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen is vertaald en bewerkt naar de Nederlandse situatie door Leony Coppens en Carina van Kregten, beide al jaren actief in de zorg voor en behandeling van chronisch getraumatiseerde kinderen als therapeut, supervisor, docent en auteur. Naast het Werkboek voor deelnemers is er een Handleiding voor trainers.

Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen: Handboek Voor Deelnemers

by Carina Kregten Leony Coppens

Dit praktische boek is onmisbaar voor iedere professional die werkt met getraumatiseerde kinderen of hun opvoeders. Het hoort bij de training Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen. Deze training helpt pleegouders en andere opvoeders om het gedrag van hun (pleeg-)kind door een traumabril te bekijken. Dit vergroot de kans op een stabiele opvoeder-kindrelatie en verkleint de kans op een (nieuwe) uithuisplaatsing. Onderzoek laat zien dat de training leidt tot meer kennis, grotere tevredenheid en minder stress bij opvoedersZorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen: een training voor opvoeders is gebaseerd op recente wetenschappelijke inzichten. Die zijn op een overzichtelijke en concrete manier verwerkt in powerpointdia’s, casusbeschrijvingen en oefeningen. De training bestaat uit acht modules en is oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld door de Amerikaanse organisatie National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). In Nederland is Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen als ‘goed onderbouwde interventie’ opgenomen in de databank van het Nederlands Jeugd Instituut.In deze herziene versie van de Handleiding voor trainers zijn de ervaringen verwerkt van professionals die sinds 2012 de training geven. Er is meer aandacht voor het toepassen van kennis en vaardigheden in de dagelijkse praktijk. Daarnaast wordt theoretische informatie compacter gepresenteerd en is informatie toegevoegd over bijvoorbeeld de ‘window of tolerance’. Ook zijn verwijzingen naar bronnen waar opvoeders meer kunnen zien en lezen over de verschillende onderwerpen uit de training vernieuwd. Bij het boek hoort een website met powerpointdia's, werkbladen en filmpjes. Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen is vertaald en bewerkt naar de Nederlandse situatie door Leony Coppens en Carina van Kregten, beide al jaren actief in de zorg voor en behandeling van chronisch getraumatiseerde kinderen als therapeut, supervisor, docent en auteur. Naast de Handleiding voor trainers is er een Werkboek voor deelnemers.

Zorg zoekt breekijzer: Nieuw leiderschap in een transformerende zorgwereld

by Kees Donkervoort Peter Langenbach Mirjam Speelmans

Gezocht: Breekijzer in de zorgMissie: transformeer de zorg! Opereert in complex zorgveld met veel stakeholders en sterke politieke kleuring. Moet soms buiten de lijntjes kleuren om dingen voor elkaar te krijgen. Weigert zich voetstoots neer te leggen bij bestaande conventies. Blijft tegen de stroom in roeien, ook als het niet direct wat oplevert. Weet mensen te raken met woorden en daden over de diepgang van zorgtransitie. Snapt technologie en maakt de échte verbinding met mensen. De ideale kandidaat Gedreven, authentiek, verbindend, en flexibel in leiderschapsstijl. Voelt zich als een vis in het water met een missiegedreven opdracht. Heeft een scherpe visie en overtuigt mensen daarmee. Intrinsiek nieuwsgierig en luistert echt. Kan met humor relativeren, ook als het tegen zit. Kent het zorgveld of heeft het vermogen zich dat snel eigen maken.  De zorg verdient een deltaplan. Als we doorgaan op de huidige weg loopt het stelsel, en daarmee de zorg voor de kwetsbaren in onze samenleving, vast. Voor het bedenken en de uitvoering hiervan hebben we een nieuw soort leiders nodig. Dit boek analyseert op basis van eigen ervaringen van de auteurs en interviews met prominente deskundigen welke profielen deze nieuwe leiders hebben en we nodig hebben voor de transformatie in de zorg

Zorg rondom hartfalen

by Tiny Jaarsma and Martje Wal

Dit is het eerste naslagwerk dat op een overzichtelijke manier aspecten die belangrijk zijn in de zorg aan patiënten met hartfalen beschrijft. Naast het beschrijven van de zorg, worden onderliggende oorzaken en behandelingsmogelijkheden van hartfalen op een toegankelijke manier beschreven. Het boek geeft veel praktische handvatten voor de dagelijkse praktijk.Chronisch hartfalen is een groot gezondheidsprobleem, met een grote impact op het leven van de patiënt en zijn of haar omgeving. De levensverwachting van de patiënt met hartfalen is beperkt en de aandoening brengt een aantal voorschriften en leefregels met zich mee.Verpleegkundigen kunnen in toenemende mate te maken krijgen met patiënten met hartfalen en een goede bron waarin ‘evidence based’ zorg is samengevat is daarom onmisbaar. Bij de diagnostiek, behandeling en zorg rondom de patiënt met hartfalen zijn diverse professionals betrokken. De inzichten van deze verschillende professionals zijn in dit boek samengebracht. In deze tweede druk is een hoofdstuk over palliatieve zorg en de rol van de mantelzorger toegevoegd. Daarnaast zijn verpleegkundige en medische inzichten geactualiseerd naar de meest recente richtlijnen. Zorg rondom hartfalen is primair bestemd voor gespecialiseerde hartfalenverpleegkundigen, verpleegkundigen (intra-, extra- en transmuraal), verpleegkundig specialisten en praktijkverpleegkundigen. Daarnaast is het boek ook voor medici en paramedici een interessant naslagwerk.

Zorba the Buddha

by Hugh B. Urban

Zorba the Buddha is the first comprehensive study of the life, teachings, and following of the controversial Indian guru known in his youth as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and in his later years as Osho (1931-1990). Most Americans today remember him only as the "sex guru" and the "Rolls Royce guru," who built a hugely successful but scandal-ridden utopian community in central Oregon during the 1980s. Yet Osho was arguably the first truly global guru of the twentieth century, creating a large transnational movement that traced a complex global circuit from post-Independence India of the 1960s to Reagan's America of the 1980s and back to a developing new India in the 1990s. The Osho movement embodies some of the most important economic and spiritual currents of the past forty years, emerging and adapting within an increasingly interconnected and conflicted late-capitalist world order. Based on extensive ethnographic and archival research, Hugh Urban has created a rich and powerful narrative that is a must-read for anyone interested in religion and globalization.

Zorach Explains Sculpture: What It Means And How It Is Made

by William Zorach

As noted American sculptor William Zorach explains in this practical and inspirational guide, sculpture is a language, as are music and the spoken word. It is one of the great natural means of human expression. In teaching students to explore this valuable medium, he offers lucid, insightful coverage of such topics as form in art, proportions, anatomy, rhythm, design, and other essentials.Students will also find a wealth of practical guidance for building a figure in clay, casting in plaster and stone, wood carving and wood sculpture, stone carving and sculpture, handling stone, and more. Hundreds of drawings and photographs enhance the text, ranging from ancient Greek terra-cottas to 20th-century masterpieces by Lachaise, Maillol, Brancusi, Epstein, and other masters. There are also many helpful drawings and diagrams illuminating various steps and stages in the sculpting process.Brimming with the distilled artistic wisdom of a lifetime, this enormously informative work belongs not only at the fingertips of every sculptor or sculpture student but in the library of anyone interested in the artistic process and how an artist's vision becomes reality.-Print ed.

Zora Neale Hurston's Final Decade

by Virginia Lynn Moylan

In 1948, false accusations of child molestation all but erased the reputation and career Zora Neale Hurston had worked for decades to build. Sensationalized in the profit-seeking press and relentlessly pursued by a prosecution more interested in a personal crusade than justice, the morals charge brought against her nearly drove her to suicide.But she lived on. She lived on past her accuser’s admission that he had fabricated his whole story. She lived on for another twelve years, during which time she participated in some of the most remarkable events, movements, and projects of the day.Since her death, scholars and the public have rediscovered Hurston’s work and conscientiously researched her biography. Nevertheless, the last decade of her life has remained relatively unexplored. Virginia Moylan fills in the details--investigating subjects as varied as Hurston’s reporting on the trial of Ruby McCollum (a black woman convicted of murdering her white lover), her participation in designing an "anthropologically correct" black baby doll to combat stereotypes, her impassioned and radical biography of King Herod, and her controversial objections to court-ordered desegregation.

Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food: Recipes, Remedies & Simple Pleasures (American Palate)

by Frederick Douglass Opie

Explore the African American foodways of early 20th century Florida through the life, work, and recipes of a celebrated author and Sunshine State native. Author and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston did for Florida what William Faulkner did for Mississippi, providing insight into a state&’s history and culture through various styles of writing. In this book, historian Fred Opie explores food as a recurring theme in Hurston&’s life and work. Beginning with her childhood in Eatonville, Florida, and the foodways of her family, Opie goes on to explore Hurston&’s ethnographic recording of dishes and recipes as well as natural food remedies. In other chapters, Opie examines African American foodways across Florida, including the importance of poultry and the social and political aspects of barbecue. Through simple dishes and recipes, foods prepared for everyday meals as well as special occasions, Opie offers a unique view of both Hurston and the food traditions in early twentieth-century Florida.

Zora Neale Hurston: A Life in Letters

by Carla Kaplan

"I mean to live and die by my own mind," Zora Neale Hurston told the writer Countee Cullen. Arriving in Harlem in 1925 with little more than a dollar to her name, Hurston rose to become one of the central figures of the Harlem Renaissance, only to die in obscurity. Not until the 1970s was she rediscovered by Alice Walker and other admirers. Although Hurston has entered the pantheon as one of the most influential American writers of the 20th century, the true nature of her personality has proven elusive. Now, a brilliant, complicated and utterly arresting woman emerges from this landmark book. Carla Kaplan, a noted Hurston scholar, has found hundreds of revealing, previously unpublished letters for this definitive collection; she also provides extensive and illuminating commentary on Hurston's life and work, as well as an annotated glossary of the organizations and personalities that were important to it. From her enrollment at Baltimore's Morgan Academy in 1917, to correspondence with Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Langston Hughes, Dorothy West and Alain Locke, to a final query letter to her publishers in 1959, Hurston's spirited correspondence offers an invaluable portrait of a remarkable, irrepressible talent.From the Trade Paperback edition.characters to grace American letters.

Zora Neale Hurston: Southern Storyteller

by Della A. Yannuzzi

Biography of Zora Neale Hurston. What this young southern African-American woman lacked in material wealth was balanced by a big talent and a strong will to succeed.

Zora Hurston and the Chinaberry Tree

by William Miller

As a child, African-American writer Zora Hurston would climb high up in the branches of her favorite tree and dream of living in the cities beyond the horizon. Encouraged by her mother, Zora explored her hometown and listened to the stories of its people-- stories her dying mother asked her to promise to remember always. Text copyright 2004 Lectorum Publications, Inc.

Zora and Langston: A Story Of Friendship And Betrayal

by Yuval Taylor

Zora and Langston is the dramatic and moving story of one of the most influential friendships in literature. They were best friends. They were collaborators, literary gadflies, and champions of the common people. They were the leading lights of the Harlem Renaissance. Zora Neale Hurston, the author of Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Langston Hughes, the author of “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” and “Let America Be America Again,” first met in 1925, at a great gathering of black and white literati, and they fascinated each other. They traveled together in Hurston’s dilapidated car through the rural South collecting folklore, worked on the play Mule Bone, and wrote scores of loving letters. They even had the same patron: Charlotte Osgood Mason, a wealthy white woman who insisted on being called “Godmother.” Paying them lavishly while trying to control their work, Mason may have been the spark for their bitter and passionate falling-out. Was the split inevitable when Hughes decided to be financially independent of his patron? Was Hurston jealous of the young woman employed as their typist? Or was the rupture over the authorship of Mule Bone? Yuval Taylor answers these questions while illuminating Hurston’s and Hughes’s lives, work, competitiveness, and ambition, uncovering little-known details.


by Judith Bloom Fradin

Zora Neale Hurston was confident, charismatic, and determined to be extraordinary. As a young woman, Hurston lived and wrote alongside such prominent authors as Langston Hughes and Alain Locke during the Harlem Renaissance. But unfortunately, despite writing the luminary work Their Eyes Were Watching God, she was always short of money. Though she took odd jobs as a housemaid and as the personal assistant to an actress, Zora often found herself in abject poverty. Through it all, Zora kept writing. And though none of her books sold more than a thousand copies while she was alive, she was rediscovered a decade later by a new generation of readers, who knew they had found an important voice of American Literature.

Zoots--Financing Growth (A)

by William A. Sahlman Todd Krasnow Michael J. Roberts

Traces the genesis and founding of Zoots, the largest chain of dry cleaning establishments in the U.S. Founded by some of the founders of the very successful Staples chain, the company raises a very large amount of capital without fully proving its business model, and by 2006 is in need of yet more funding. Pushes students to dissect the business model and current operations--and their financial performance--and figure out what went wrong initially, if the business model and operations are now on solid footing, and, assuming capital can be raised, whether it is better to take the "bird in the hand" of significant capital at an admittedly disappointing valuation, or wait for a strategic investor who would pay a higher price but will need significantly more time to complete due diligence.

The Zoot-Suit Riots: The Psychology of Symbolic Annihilation (CMAS Mexican American Monograph)

by Mauricio Mazón

Los Angeles, the summer of 1943. For ten days in June, Anglo servicemen and civilians clashed in the streets of the city with young Mexican Americans whose fingertip coats and pegged, draped trousers announced their rebellion. At their height, the riots involved several thousand men and women, fighting with fists, rocks, sticks, and sometimes knives. In the end none were killed, few were seriously injured, and property damage was slight and yet, even today, the zoot-suit riots are remembered and hold emotional and symbolic significance for Mexican Americans and Anglos alike. The causes of the rioting were complex, as Mazón demonstrates in this illuminating analysis of their psychodynamics. Based in part on previously undisclosed FBI and military records, this engrossing study goes beyond sensational headlines and biased memories to provide an understanding of the zoot-suit riots in the context of both Mexican American and Anglo social history.

The Zoot-Suit Riots: The Psychology of Symbolic Annihilation (CMAS Mexican American Monograph)

by Mauricio Mazón

Los Angeles, the summer of 1943. For ten days in June, Anglo servicemen and civilians clashed in the streets of the city with young Mexican Americans whose fingertip coats and pegged, draped trousers announced their rebellion. <P><P>At their height, the riots involved several thousand men and women, fighting with fists, rocks, sticks, and sometimes knives. In the end none were killed, few were seriously injured, and property damage was slight and yet, even today, the zoot-suit riots are remembered and hold emotional and symbolic significance for Mexican Americans and Anglos alike. The causes of the rioting were complex, as Mazón demonstrates in this illuminating analysis of their psychodynamics. Based in part on previously undisclosed FBI and military records, this engrossing study goes beyond sensational headlines and biased memories to provide an understanding of the zoot-suit riots in the context of both Mexican American and Anglo social history.

Zoot Suit

by Kathy Peiss

ZOOT SUIT (n.): the ultimate in clothes. The only totally and truly American civilian suit.--Cab Calloway, The Hepster's Dictionary, 1944Before the fashion statements of hippies, punks, or hip-hop, there was the zoot suit, a striking urban look of the World War II era that captivated the imagination. Created by poor African American men and obscure tailors, the "drape shape" was embraced by Mexican American pachucos, working-class youth, entertainers, and swing dancers, yet condemned by the U.S. government as wasteful and unpatriotic in a time of war. The fashion became notorious when it appeared to trigger violence and disorder in Los Angeles in 1943--events forever known as the "zoot suit riot." In its wake, social scientists, psychiatrists, journalists, and politicians all tried to explain the riddle of the zoot suit, transforming it into a multifaceted symbol: to some, a sign of social deviance and psychological disturbance, to others, a gesture of resistance against racial prejudice and discrimination. As controversy swirled at home, young men in other places--French zazous, South African tsotsi, Trinidadian saga boys, and Russian stiliagi--made the American zoot suit their own.In Zoot Suit, historian Kathy Peiss explores this extreme fashion and its mysterious career during World War II and after, as it spread from Harlem across the United States and around the world. She traces the unfolding history of this style and its importance to the youth who adopted it as their uniform, and at the same time considers the way public figures, experts, political activists, and historians have interpreted it. This outré style was a turning point in the way we understand the meaning of clothing as an expression of social conditions and power relations. Zoot Suit offers a new perspective on youth culture and the politics of style, tracing the seam between fashion and social action.

Zoos and Tourism

by Warwick Frost

Zoos are important and popular tourist attractions. Spread around the world, they are typically located in major cities, with visitation levels comparable to other major attractions. Nature-based attractions constructed in artificial settings, they face the challenge of trying to balance potentially conflicting aims of conservation, education and entertainment. The best are continually developing fresh and effective techniques on visitor interpretation and management, the worst highlight the manipulation of animals for human gratification. Taking a global approach, this book examines the problems and paradoxes of zoos as they try to balance their roles as visitor attractions while repositioning themselves as leading conservation agencies.

Zoos and Aquariums in the Public Mind (Psychology and Our Planet)

by John Fraser Joe E. Heimlich Kelly Riedinger

This book summarizes a range of psychological research into how zoos and aquariums operate in the minds of visitors and the broader public. Bringing together core findings from emerging international research, the book provides data-based summaries that situate the content in the larger context of how cultural institutions shape public understanding. The focus of this book is to bring into a single resource, the major strains of research that have explored how zoos and aquariums are situated in public consciousness, to ground the discourses around what zoos and aquariums do in the empirical data and evidence, and to find opportunities to summarize well-established fact to support future research expanding on the known. Among the topics discussed:History of zoo and aquarium developmentThe role of zoos and aquariums in environmental literacyEmpathy development at zoosApplying behavior change theories to the zoo visitor’s experienceSocial radiation of ideas from cultural institutionsProfessional practitioners, zoo industry professionals, and business leaders will find this book an invaluable guide to the psychological literature surrounding the zoo industry.

Zoos and Animal Rights: The Ethics Of Keeping Animals

by Stephen St Bostock

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Zooplankton of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: A Guide to Their Identification and Ecology

by William S. Johnson Dennis M. Allen

Beautifully illustrated, this is the only identification guide to zooplankton of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.Zooplankton are critical to the vitality of estuaries and coastal waters. In this revised edition of Johnson and Allen's instant classic, readers are taken on a tour of the miniature universe of zooplankton, including early developmental stages of familiar and diverse shrimps, crabs, and fishes. Zooplankton of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts details the behavior, morphology, and coloration of these tiny aquatic animals. Precise descriptions and labeled illustrations of hundreds of the most commonly encountered species provide readers with the best source available for identifying zooplankton.Inside the second edition• an updated introduction that orients readers to the diversity, habitats, environmental responses, collection, history, and ecological roles of zooplankton• descriptions of life cycles• illustrations (including 88 new drawings) that identify 340-plus taxa and life stages• range, habits, and ecology for each entry located directly opposite the illustration• appendices with information on collection and observation techniques and citations of more than 1,300 scientific articles and books

Zooplankton Ecology

by M. Alexandra Teodósio and Ana B. Barbosa

This book aims at providing students and researchers an advanced integrative overview on zooplankton ecology, covering marine and freshwater organisms, from microscopic phagotrophic protists, to macro-jellyfishes and active fish larvae. The first book section addresses zooplanktonic organisms and processes, the second section is devoted to zooplankton spatial and temporal distribution patterns and trophic dynamics, and the final section is dedicated to emergent methodological approaches (e.g., omics). Book chapters include comprehensive synthesis, observational and manipulative studies, and sediment-based analysis, a vibrant imprint of benthic-pelagic coupling and ecosystem connectivity. Most chapters also address the impacts of anticipated environmental changes (e.g., warming, acidification).

Zooplankton: Sensory Ecology and Physiology

by Petra H. Lenz; Daniel K. Hartline; Jennifer E. Purcell; David L. Macmillan

Zooplankton is a major work of reference for researchers in plankton biology, physiology and behavior, which combines behavioral and psychological approaches to the study of plankton on present and interdisciplinary investigation of sensory processes in pelagic environments. The breadth of perspective thus achieved provides valuable insights into the larger scale ecological processes of biological productivity, community structure and population dynamics. Technological advances in almost all aspects of biological research have opened up opportunities for a re-examination of the sensory ecology of planktonic organisms. In this wide-ranging collection, leading researchers in planktonic behavior and physiology address the rapidly developing interface between these two major areas. The studies presented range from the laboratory to the field and from the cell to the whole organism, but share the common goal of understanding the special sensory world of organisms that live in pelagic environments and how their behavior and physiology relate to it.

Zoonotic Tuberculosis

by Charles O. Thoen John B. Kaneene James H. Steele

Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria, Third Edition is a comprehensive review of the state of the art in the control and elimination of infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in animals and humans. This update to the most complete and current reference available on Mycobacterium bovis includes new coverage of the latest molecular techniques; more information on human infection and One Health; updates to the information on the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD), the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Tuberculosis Eradication Program; and coverage of additional African countries. The Third Edition upholds the book's reputation as a truly global resource on M. bovis.Written by an international list of tuberculosis experts, chapters cover the status of tuberculosis in many regions throughout the world and deal with issues related to the detection, spread, and control of Mycobacterium bovis, as well as the economic impact of outbreaks. Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria offers valuable information for public health officials, medical doctors, state and federal regulatory veterinarians, veterinary practitioners, and animal caretakers.

Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain

by Denis O. Krause Stephen Hendrick

Examining the development, spread and transmission of zoonotic disease through the food chain from animals, through production processes to humans, this book discusses the ways modern food production systems contribute to the risk of zoonotic disease, and where mitigation strategies need to be focused. This book discusses pathogens that have recently emerged as important infections, and new trends in animal production such as organic livestock farming and raw milk consumption.

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