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The Practice of Theoretical Curiosity

by Mark Zuss

The desire for knowledge is an abiding facet of human experience and cultural development. This work documents curiosity as a sociohistorical force initiating research across the disciplines. Projects generated by theoretical curiosity are presented as historical and material practices emerging as expressions of embodied knowledge and experience. The shifting cultural, philosophical and practical relations between theory and curiosity are situated within classical, medieval, early modern and contemporary communities of practice. The Practice of Theoretical Curiosity advocates for a critical, aesthetic engagement in everyday life. Its purpose is to examine the pedagogical grounds and questions that motivate research programs in the sciences, education, technoculture and post-war social movements. Theoretical curiosity continually resists disciplinary limits. It is a core, embodied process uniting human pursuits of knowledge and power. This inquiry into inquiry itself offers an appreciation of the vital continuity between the senses, perception, and affect and concept development. It is informed by a critical reading of phenomenology as the embodied practice of researchers. This study sponsors a deepening of theory in practice and the practice of theoretical exploration. As a contribution to pedagogical practice, it offers a historical critique of the usually unquestioned philosophical, political and ethical grounds for educational, scientific and social research. The Practice of Theoretical Curiosity profiles significant alliances and persona as agents for the pursuit of novel and often controversial research, adventures and discovery. It claims that the place of technology and the technical is the primary channel for contemporary inquiry. The technosciences of genomics, artificial life and astrobiology are considered as contemporary extensions of a perennial desire to pursue and resist the limits of existing knowledge and representation.

Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking

by Leonard Zusne Warren H. Jones

Updating and expanding the materials from the first edition, Anomalistic Psychology, Second Edition integrates and systematically treats phenomena of human consciousness and behaviors that appear to violate the laws of nature. The authors present and detail a new explanatory concept they developed that provides a naturalistic interpretation for these phenomena -- Magical Thinking. For undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in cognitive psychology, research methods, thinking, and parapsychology.

Story Bridges: A Guide for Conducting Intergenerational Oral History Projects (Practicing Oral History #1)

by Angela Zusman

Angela Zusman offers an informative guidebook with step-by-step directions for planning and implementing intergenerational oral history projects, using youth to interview elders. An expert on these programs, Zusman uses her experiences and those of other oral historians to show how community projects are organized, youthful historians located and trained, interviews conducted, and the project archived for future community needs. Included are a variety of sample documents and case studies designed to ease the process for the uninitiated.

Long-Distance Dependencies (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics)

by Mihoko Zushi

This book investigates the theory of locality within the framework of minimalism, with a special focus on restructuring and other related phenomena that exhibit an apparent violation of the strictly local conditions.

Cartas Cruzadas

by Markus Zusak

¿Conoces de verdad a la gente que más te quiere? ¿Sabes con qué sueñan tus mejores amigos?¿Te atreves a descubrir algo asombroso de ti mismo?Ed Kennedy es un joven taxista en un barrio pobre de una gran ciu­dad. Vive en un pequeño apartamento con su perro adicto al café y está completamente enamorado de su mejor amiga. Su tranquila vida, marcada tanto por la rutina como la incompetencia, cambia de repente cuando involuntariamente impide el robo de un banco. A partir de entonces, Ed empieza a recibir unos naipes que contienen mensajes cifrados. Guiándose por su instinto y su inteligencia, descubrirá que le conducen a devolver la felicidad y el bienestar a quienes, por una razón u otra, lo han perdido. Día tras día, noche tras noche, Ed irá descubriendo que el afecto, la amistad y el amor no son palabras huecas sino verbos vivos: si quieres sa­ber, pregunta; si pretendes ayudar, actúa; si quieres cambiar, no esperes. A menudo son los pequeños gestos los que mueven el mundo--gestos que incluso un chico cualquiera puede lograr.

How to Fabricate Automotive Fiberglass & Carbon Fiber Parts

by Jeffrey Zurschmeide Daniel Burrill

This book explains how to use glass strand mat, woven fiberglass cloth, carbon fiber cloth, and hybrid fabrics. Also shown is how to correctly mix the typical resins (polyester, epoxy), hardeners, and gels. All the relevant tools are discussed. Constructing wood patterns to exacting standards from wood, Formica, aluminum, and other materials is essential and covered in detail.

High-Performance Subaru Builder's Guide

by Jeff Zurschmeide

Over 300 color photos are used to show you how to modify your Impreza, Legacy, Forester, Outback, WRX, or STI for improved acceleration, handling, braking, and style.

Powder Coating: A How-to Guide for Automotive, Motorcycle, and Bicycle Parts

by Jeff Zurschmeide

Powder coating at home is safe, affordable, and easy to do with the right information. Moreover, powder coating has a number of applications, including automotive, motorsports, household, and more. While powder coating has had limited coverage in several other books, this book is the authoritative guide that covers equipment, products, and the process from beginning to end.

Historia insólita de la música clásica: La asombrosa vida de los artistas más extraordinarios (Historia Incógnita)

by Alberto Zurrón

Conozca la vida íntima, anécdotas y peripecias singulares que vivieron los compositores e intérpretes más extraordinarios de la música clásica. Beethoven, Mahler, Mozart, Debussy, Chaikovski, Strauss, Chopin, Puccini, Bizet. Una obra llena de ingenio y datos sorprendentes que le descubrirá las facetas más desconocidas de la historia de la música. Un insólito acopio de risas, asombros y descubrimientos musicales. Si pensaba que los músicos clásicos son aburridos con este libro no dejará de sorprenderle hasta qué punto estaba equivocado. El mundo de la música está lleno de héroes y antihéroes, de batallas cotidianas sin más escudo que el talento, de más puñaladas que caricias, de más despropósitos que propósitos. Ellos eran humanos y ocultaron ese carácter a su música, pero esos dioses se ponían las zapatillas al llegar a casa y cuando no eran la compañía más insoportable del mundo eran la más jocosa. Un lector podrá tararear una pieza porque le suene, pero nunca podrá experimentar del todo la intensidad de la música si no conoce al mago que está detrás, fabricándola mientras un dolor de muelas le consumía o venía de enterrar a dos de sus hijos. Historia insólita de los genios de la música le acercará a estos hombres por encima de su música, extraerá de estos sublimes desvergonzados y descarados (pero ángeles, sobre todo) el origen y el destino de todos sus males, de todas sus aberraciones, de sus manías y sus originalidades. Una obra que le ayudará a entender a esos seres maravillosos que creía conocer pero sobre los que estaba equivocado.

Historia insólita de la música clásica II (Historia Incógnita)

by Alberto Zurrón

Conozca todos secretos del espíritu creador de los grandes maestros, las anécdotas y circunstancias insospechadas que han rodeado el insólito milagro de la creación genial de las más famosas obras de la música clásica. Los demonios, las circunstancias de pobreza y necesidad, las perversiones y las obsesiones de las que nacieron las más sublimes piezas de Beethoven, Mahler, Mozart, Debussy, Chaikovski, Strauss, Chopin, Puccini, Bizet. Una obra que le descubrirá el increíble proceso creador de estos genios.

The HIPAA Compliance Kit

by Ofer Zurr

The kit provides you with the most basic understanding of the regulations and offers practical ways to achieve compliance. Unlike the original lengthy and hard-to-follow legislation, this kit is written in simple, understandable language. The kit does not provide the state-by-state preemption analysis, which you can obtain from your state board or national professional organization. With basic knowledge of your state's mental health laws many psychotherapists may be able to apply the regulations, as described in this kit, to their practices. This kit uses parts of California law as an example of the preemption analysis.

Tissues, Cultures, Art (Palgrave BioArt)

by Ionat Zurr Oron Catts

Tissues, Cultures, Art narrates the twenty-five years of collaborative and sometimes provocative artistic practice and scholarly thought of Catts & Zurr, who pioneered the use of regenerative biology techniques to create Semi-Living art using living cells, tissues, and technological surrogate bodies. Through hands-on work in biological laboratories, the authors researched concepts such as partial-life and DNA-Chauvinism and explored the fantasies of living in a technologically mediated victimless utopia. The authors delve into life’s resistance to reductionism, systemisation and control, asking whether there is something unique to life without the need to resort to metaphysics. Their practices reach beyond the confines of art and are often cited as precursors to the cellular agriculture and biofabrication industries. Through a hybrid of personal reflections, poetics, and anecdotes with a more rigorous, scholarly approach – all illustrated with artworks - the authors present a critical view on the use of life as a raw material for human manipulation.

Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Libya

by Hamdi A. Zurqani

This book addresses the environmental challenges that Libya and similar countries in the regions are currently facing. Each chapter of this book provides a methodology using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information systems (GIS) dealing with one of these environmental challenges such as monitoring and mapping soil salinity and prediction of soil properties, monitoring and mapping of land degradation, spatiotemporal land use/cover, agricultural drought monitoring, hydrological applications such as spatial rainfall distribution, surface runoff, geo-morphometric analysis, flood hazard assessment and mapping, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, pollution hazard assessment, and climate-related geophysical processes. This book also assesses the impacts of climate change on natural resources using both RS and GIS, as well as other applications, covering different parts of Libya. This book is beneficial for graduate students, researchers, policy planners, and stakeholders in Libya as well as other countries that share similar environmental issues. Also, the methodologies followed in the book's chapters can be applied to any other regions around the world with similar landscapes and climatic conditions.

The Soils of Libya (World Soils Book Series)

by Hamdi A. Zurqani

This book presents the soil pedodiversity in Libya. Soils are the source of all life; there can be no life without them. Further, each soil has its own history and its present conditions, which have been shaped by many different factors (e.g. climate, biota, parent material, and relief or topography). The book, divided into eight chapters, provides extensive information on Libyan soils. Chapter one provides an introduction and a broad perspective of the subject, while Chapter two covers the history of soil mapping and research in Libya. Chapter three focuses on local factors of soil formation and describes the geology and climate of the region to explain the diversity of its soils. Chapter four discusses soil classification systems and those most commonly used in the country. The fifth chapter illustrates the constraints and limiting factors that negatively affect agricultural activities across the country. The land cover/land use and the vegetation of the country are described in Chapter six. In turn, Chapter seven presents the status quo of soil biology, the corresponding related research activities, and the other biological properties of Libyan soils. The final chapter (Chapter eight) focus on land degradation and desertification in Libya, emphasizing the main causes, impacts of the phenomena, and efforts to combat it. This book demonstrates the problems that the country is currently facing as a result of climate change, soil erosion, salinization, and pollution, and outlines potential remedies to improve local food security. Bringing together the perspectives and expertise of many distinguished scientists from various universities and institutions in and outside of Libya, the book represents a unique and highly valuable resource.

Historic Tales of the Upper Ohio Valley (American Chronicles)

by Paul Zuros

Local historian Paul J. Zuros weaves a rich narrative of the region, reliving these tales as only a local can. The Upper Ohio River runs along the border between West Virginia and Ohio, where the cities of Weirton and Steubenville face each other across the flowing water. The history of these two municipalities has been intertwined from their earliest days. Discover stories of the early pioneers on both sides of the river and what they learned about their Native American predecessors. Tales of bygone celebrations will entertain, and rumors of local haunts will chill readers to the bone. The stories of these industrial centers as well as their preindustrial past will intrigue and delight young and old.

Der Zehnerübergang zur Anbahnung eines Stellenwertverständnisses: Eine Entwicklungsforschungsstudie mit Blick auf den Förderschwerpunkt Hören und Kommunikation (Kölner Beiträge zur Didaktik der Mathematik)

by Anna-Katharina Zurnieden

Aus Perspektive der Mathematikdidaktik stellt das Stellenwertsystem im Lernprozess häufig eine Hürde dar, der möglichst frühzeitig begegnet werden sollte. Gleichzeitig scheint eine Hörschädigung den mathematischen Lernprozess negativ zu beeinflussen. Im Rahmen dieser Forschungsarbeit werden zum einen Design-Prinzipien sowie ein Lehr-Lernarrangement zum Zehnerübergang entwickelt, die eine Möglichkeit der frühzeitigen Anbahnung eines Stellenwertverständnisses (speziell mit Blick auf den Förderschwerpunkt Hören und Kommunikation) darstellen. Hierbei wird bewusst eine von gängigen Erarbeitungen abweichende Übergänge fokussierende Herangehensweise gewählt, die jedoch als Ergänzung zu verstehen ist und zudem im Hinblick auf den weiteren Verlauf der Lehr- und Lernprozesse anschlussfähig ist. Zum anderen werden lokale Theorien zu Lehr- und Lernprozessen am Zehnerübergang generiert. Somit bietet die Arbeit erste Einsichten zu möglichen Hürden sowie Anhaltspunkte für Hilfestellungen und Strategien zum Umgang mit Herausforderungen, insbesondere im Kontext des Förderschwerpunkts Hören und Kommunikation.

Corruption and Democratic Transition in Eastern Europe: The Role of Political Scandals in Post-Milošević Serbia (Political Corruption and Governance)

by Marija Zurnić

This book examines the relationship between corruption scandals and transitional processes in post-Milošević Serbia after 2000. The study challenges the view that corruption has always been understood as a conflict between private interests and the public good, as these concepts are defined in Western democracies, and explores how anti-corruption discourse has been used for political mobilisation. Through an examination of high-profile political scandals in Serbia, the author shows how the meaning of corruption changed over time. In the early 2000s, corruption focused on the legacy of Milošević’s rule and was identified through the public’s limited access to the privatisation process. By the end of the decade, conceptualisations of corruption in public debate were so diversified that each anti-corruption measure undertaken by the state was interpreted as an act of corruption by other voices in the discourse. The book will appeal to students and scholars interested in corruption studies, discourse analysis and Balkan politics.

Curiosity Studies: A New Ecology of Knowledge

by Perry Zurn Arjun Shankar

The first English-language collection to establish curiosity studies as a unique field From science and technology to business and education, curiosity is often taken for granted as an unquestioned good. And yet, few people can define curiosity. Curiosity Studies marshals scholars from more than a dozen fields not only to define curiosity but also to grapple with its ethics as well as its role in technological advancement and global citizenship. While intriguing research on curiosity has occurred in numerous disciplines for decades, no rigorously cross-disciplinary study has existed—until now. Curiosity Studies stages an interdisciplinary conversation about what curiosity is and what resources it holds for human and ecological flourishing. These engaging essays are integrated into four clusters: scientific inquiry, educational practice, social relations, and transformative power. By exploring curiosity through the practice of scientific inquiry, the contours of human learning, the stakes of social difference, and the potential of radical imagination, these clusters focus and reinvigorate the study of this universal but slippery phenomenon: the desire to know. Against the assumption that curiosity is neutral, this volume insists that curiosity has a history and a political import and requires precision to define and operationalize. As various fields deepen its analysis, a new ecosystem for knowledge production can flourish, driven by real-world problems and a commitment to solve them in collaboration. By paying particular attention to pedagogy throughout, Curiosity Studies equips us to live critically and creatively in what might be called our new Age of Curiosity.Contributors: Danielle S. Bassett, U of Pennsylvania; Barbara M. Benedict, Trinity College; Susan Engel, Williams College; Ellen K. Feder, American U; Kristina T. Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Narendra Keval; Christina León, Princeton U; Tyson Lewis, U of North Texas; Amy Marvin, U of Oregon; Hilary M. Schor, U of Southern California; Seeta Sistla, Hampshire College; Heather Anne Swanson, Aarhus U.

Curious Minds: The Power of Connection

by Perry Zurn Dani S. Bassett

An exhilarating, genre-bending exploration of curiosity&’s powerful capacity to connect ideas and people.Curious about something? Google it. Look at it. Ask a question. But is curiosity simply information seeking? According to this exhilarating, genre-bending book, what&’s left out of the conventional understanding of curiosity are the wandering tracks, the weaving concepts, the knitting of ideas, and the thatching of knowledge systems—the networks, the relations between ideas and between people. Curiosity, say Perry Zurn and Dani Bassett, is a practice of connection: it connects ideas into networks of knowledge, and it connects knowers themselves, both to the knowledge they seek and to each other. Zurn and Bassett—identical twins who write that their book &“represents the thought of one mind and two bodies&”—harness their respective expertise in the humanities and the sciences to get irrepressibly curious about curiosity. Traipsing across literatures of antiquity and medieval science, Victorian poetry and nature essays, as well as work by writers from a variety of marginalized communities, they trace a multitudinous curiosity. They identify three styles of curiosity—the busybody, who collects stories, creating loose knowledge networks; the hunter, who hunts down secrets or discoveries, creating tight networks; and the dancer, who takes leaps of creative imagination, creating loopy ones. Investigating what happens in a curious brain, they offer an accessible account of the network neuroscience of curiosity. And they sketch out a new kind of curiosity-centric and inclusive education that embraces everyone&’s curiosity. The book performs the very curiosity that it describes, inviting readers to participate—to be curious with the book and not simply about it.

Rule of Law Dynamics

by Michael Zürn André Nollkaemper Randall Peerenboom

This volume explores the various strategies, mechanisms, and processes that influence rule of law dynamics across borders and the national/international divide, illuminating the diverse paths of influence. It shows to what extent, and how, rule of law dynamics have changed in recent years, especially at the transnational and international levels of government. To explore these interactive dynamics, the volume adopts an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together the normative perspective of law with the analytical perspective of social sciences. The volume contributes to several fields, including studies of rule of law, law and development, and good governance; democratization; globalization studies; neo-institutionalism and judicial studies; international law, transnational governance, and the emerging literature on judicial reforms in authoritarian regimes; and comparative law (Islamic, African, Asian, Latin American legal systems).

Splitsville USA: A Democratic Argument for Breaking Up the United States

by Christopher F. Zurn

Splitsville USA argues that it’s time for us to break up to save representative democracy, proposing a mutually negotiated, peaceful dissolution of the current United States of America into several new nations. Zurn begins by examining the United States’ democratic predicament, a road most likely headed for electoral authoritarianism, with distinct possibilities of ungovernability and violent civil strife. Unlike others who share this diagnosis, Zurn presents a realistic picture of how we can get to reform and what it would involve. It is argued that "Splitsville" represents the most plausible way for American citizens to continue living under a republican form of government. Despite recent talk of secession and civil war, this book offers the most extensive treatment yet of the issues we need to think through to enable a peacefully negotiated political divorce. Splitsville USA is a provocative conversation opener about the problems that have gotten us into our current political pickle and how to get out of it by seizing the reins of our own constitutional destiny. The book will appeal to readers of political science, American politics, history, political philosophy, and law, along with all general readers interested in the future of democracy in the United States.

Women in World Christianity: Building and Sustaining a Global Movement

by Gina A. Zurlo

A groundbreaking, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary analysis of women’s experiences in World Christianity Women in World Christianity: Building and Sustaining a Global Movement is the first textbook to focus on women’s experiences in the founding, spread, and continuation of the Christian faith. Integrating historical, theological, and social scientific approaches to World Christianity, this innovative volume centers women’s perspectives to illustrate their key role in Christianity becoming a world religion, including how they sustain the faith in the present and their expanding role in the future. Women in World Christianity features findings from the Women in World Christianity Project, a groundbreaking study that produced the first quantitative dataset on gender in every Christian denomination in every country of the world. Throughout the text, special emphasis is placed on women in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the period of Christianity’s shift from the global North to the global South. Easily accessible chapters – organized by continent, tradition, and select topics – introduce students to the wide variety of Christian belief and practice around the world. The book also discusses issues specifically relevant to women in the church: gender-based violence, ecology, theological education, peacebuilding and more. This textbook: Provides a balanced view of women’s involvement in Christianity as a world religion and how they sustain the faith today Introduces students to female theologians around the world whose scholarship is generally overlooked in Western theological education Discusses women’s essential contributions to Christian mission, leadership, education, relief work, healthcare, and other social services of the church Complements the growing body of literature about Christian women from different continental, regional, national, and ecclesiastical perspectives Explores the contributions of contemporary Christian women of all major denominations in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, and Oceania Helps students become more aware of the unique challenges women face worldwide, and what they are doing to overcome themWomen in World Christianity: Building and Sustaining a Global Movement is an excellent primary textbook for introductory courses on World Christianity, History of Christianity, World Religions, Gender in Religion, as well as undergraduate and graduate courses specifically focused on women in World Christianity.

Global Christianity: A Guide to the World’s Largest Religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe

by Gina Zurlo

Explore Christian life in every corner of the world.Christianity is now a majority-global South religion, with more believers living in Africa, Asia, and Latin America than in Europe and North America. However, most Americans have little exposure to Christians around the world.In addition, the United States is still the country that sends the most international missionaries. While many American churches support missionaries overseas, they may not understand the beliefs, practices, histories, and challenges Christians experience abroad.Global Christianity is an accessible quick-reference guide to the global church. Filled with at-a-glance maps and charts, it puts relevant and up-to-date information into the hands of churches, mission organizations, and individuals. Useful for prayer, missions, outreach, and study of the global church, this is the new standard resource on the world's largest religion.Understand Christianity within each continent, country, tradition, and movement with:Current demographic information from the United NationsResearch from the Center for the Study of Global ChristianityA focus on historical, sociological, political, and religious contexts"Things to consider" within each local context, such as political conflicts, church-state relations, religious freedom, gender equality, education, health, economics, and climate change.This resource will satisfy those looking for background on the global church and equip individuals and churches to strategically pray for, give to, and unite with fellow Christians around the world.

Designing Pilot Projects as Boundary Objects

by Francesco Zurlo Viviane dos Guimarães Alvim Nunes

This book describes a collaborative Design Pilot Project held in Brazil (called MODU. Lares) involving micro and small enterprises and other actors in the furniture sector. The experience was based on an action research method and evaluated by using a tool, in order to assess the value of pilot project as a boundary object capable of fostering innovation and sustainability. The impact of the Design Pilot Project in triggering change in a fragmented local system with a poor environmental and social record, as well as management and innovation issues, were assessed with the help of the same tool, taking into account environmental, technological, economic, sociocultural, and organizational indicators. The collaborative network established was chiefly based on four elements: prototypes, meetings, exhibitions and the Pilot Project (as an overall process). The results indeed demonstrate that a Design Pilot Project can be a valid instrument for establishing a collaborative environment that promotes sustainability and innovation, particularly in contexts with a weak associative culture. Such collaborative projects can constitute the first step in a design policy cycle in developing countries, contributing to the definition of ideas and objectives among local stakeholders, minimizing the risks of failure, and increasing the chances of receiving governmental support.

Designing Proximity: Reflections on Future Cities (Springer Series in Design and Innovation #45)

by Francesco Zurlo Laura Galluzzo

This book showcases nine possible scenarios for future cities, based on different aspects and characteristics of the term "proximity". Different points of view have been investigated on many themes related to the city of proximities: from bottom-up design actions to the inclusive city, from neighborhood services to public space in transformation, to platforms and economies of proximity. When discussing the concept of proximity, it is imperative to several aspects of building and inhabiting the city of fifteen minutes. The city and its neighborhoods are complex structures, made up of stratified levels of evolving systems, that encompass administrative and political aspects, urban spatial considerations, the dynamics of human interaction, and more. The necessity to re-appropriate the urban space leads all inhabitants to contemplate different aspects of their lives concerning proximity space, reflecting on how behavior, actions, and relationships can be improved and transformed to make our future more sustainable. This book envisions future scenarios that will make public space an active and functional place for the city, more inclusive, responding to the needs and desires of the different populations that inhabit it.

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