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Showing 95,126 through 95,150 of 97,915 results

Theory of International Trade

by Avinash Dixit Victor Norman

This book expounds trade theory emphasizing that a trading equilibrium is general rather than partial, and is often best modelled using dual or envelope functions. This yields a compact treatment of standard theory, clarifies some errors and confusions, and produces some new departures. In particular, the book (i) gives unified treatments of comparative statics and welfare, (ii) sheds new light on the factor-price equalization issue, (iii) treats the modern specific-factor model in parallel with the usual Heckscher-Ohlin one, (iv) analyses the balance of payments in general equilibrium with flexible and fixed prices, (v) studies imperfect competition and intra-industry trade.

A Theory of Parties and Electoral Systems

by Richard S. Katz

Winner, George H. Hallett Award, 1998, Representation and Electoral Systems Organized Section of the American Political Science AssociationPolitical parties and elections are the mainsprings of modern democracy. In this classic volume, Richard S. Katz explores the problem of how a given electoral system affects the role of political parties and the way in which party members are elected. He develops and tests a theory of the differences in the cohesion, ideological behavior, and issue orientation of Western parliamentary parties on the basis of the electoral systems under which they compete. A standard in the field of political theory and thought, The Theory of Parties and the Electoral System contributes to a better understanding of parliamentary party structures and demonstrates the wide utility of the rationalistic approach for explaining behavior derived from the self-interest of political actors.

They Never Come Back: A Story of Undocumented Workers from Mexico

by Frans J. Schryer

For Mexicans on both sides of the border, the migrant experience has changed significantly over the past two decades. In They Never Come Back, Frans J. Schryer draws on the experiences of indigenous people from a region in the Mexican state of Guerrero to explore the impact of this transformation on the lives of migrants. When handicraft production was able to provide a viable alternative to agricultural labor, most migrants would travel to other parts of Mexico to sell their wares. Others opted to work for wages in the United States, returning to Mexico on a regular basis. This is no longer the case. At first almost everyone, including former craft vendors, headed north; however it also became more difficult to go back home and then reenter the United States. One migrant quoted by Schryer laments, "Before I was an artisan and free to travel all over Mexico to sell my crafts. Here we are all locked in a box and cannot get out." NAFTA, migrant labor legislation, and more stringent border controls have all affected migrants' home communities, their relations with employers, their livelihoods, and their identity and customs. Schryer traces the personal lives and careers of indigenous men and women on both sides of the border. He finds that the most pressing issue facing undocumented workers is not that they are unable to earn enough money but, rather, that they are living in a state of ongoing uncertainty and will never be able to achieve their full potential. Through these stories, Schryer offers a nuanced understanding of the predicaments undocumented workers face and the importance of the ongoing debate around immigration policy.

Thoughts on Death and Immortality: From the Papers of a Thinker, along with an Appendix of Theological Satirical Epigrams, Edited by One of his Friends

by Ludwig Feuerbach

Never translated before, 'Thoughts on Death and Immortality' was the first published work of Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872). The scandal created by portrayal of Christianity as an egoistic and inhumane religion cost the young Hegelian his job and, to some extent, his career. Joining philosophical argument to epigram, lyric, and satire, the work has three central arguments: first, a straightforward denial of the Christian belief in personal immortality; second, a plea for recognition of the inexhaustible quality of the only life we have; and third, a derisive assault on the posturings and hypocrisies of the professional theologians of nineteenth-century Germany.

To the Eagle's Nest

by Joseph Dimona

A group of American actors are kidnapped while filming The Secret Life of Hitler by a terrorist organization that makes a series of increasingly bizarre demands. It is left to American Justice agent George Williams to battle the forces in Germany to save the Americans. Williams unknowingly steps into the middle of ancient hatreds and desperate Cold War gambits, on a search that takes him around the world trying to rescue the actors.

Towards a Constitutional Charter for Canada

by Albert S. Abel

In this timely book, edited from a manuscript left unfinished at his death, one of Canada's leading constitutional scholars presents his prescription for constitutional change. The book diagnoses the failure of Canada's present constitution, both in dealing with the country's distinctive characteristics--regional identity and regional disparity--and in providing for effective national economic management. Drawing upon comparisons with other federal constitutions and with the European Economic Community, it proposes a new constitutional charter which would shift important responsibilities to the provinces while strengthening the economic powers of the central government. Specific recommendations are set out for a provincial residuary power, restructured taxing and spending powers, and a Canadian Equalization Council--the last a unique redistributive mechanism designed to ensure that residents of every province have access to adequate government services. Throughout, the plan pays close attention to the need to formulate constitutional provisions in a way which protects them against distortion by subsequent interpretation. At a time when the need for solutions to Canada's constitutional problems has never been more pressing, Albert Abel's is a particularly valuable individual contribution to the Canadian constitutional debate.

Trade Unions and Politics in Western Europe

by J. E. Hayward

This book analyses the politics and political issues associated with Trade Unions and Trade Unionism in Western Europe.

The Turkish Economy in Crisis: Critical Perspectives on the 2000-1 Crises

by Ziya Onis Barry Rubin

This book provides a set of critical perspectives on the economic crises of 2000 and 2001 focusing on both the origins and consequences of the crises. Attention is drawn to the role of domestic actors as well as key external actors such as the International Monetary Fund in precipitating the twin crises.

Twelve African Writers (Routledge Revivals)

by Gerald Moore

Originally published in 1980, this book introduces the student to twelve of the most exciting and significant African authors of the 20th Century, whose work represents Anglophone and Francophone writing (with translation) drawn from West, East and Southern Africa. Twelve African Writers was a revised, updated and extended edition of the pioneering Seven African Writers which did so much to make students aware of African literature. The book also contains an extensive bibliography of the works not just of the selected writers, but other important African authors and recommendations of further critical works.

Unemployment and Labour Force Behaviour of Young People: Evidence from Canada and Ontario

by A. Leslie Robb Byron Spencer Frank Denton

While the unemployment rate for young people has always tended to be well above the average, this tendency has been greatly accentuated in recent years. There is a large turnover in the youth labour force, and the employment of experience of those between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five has been marked by seasonal variations. This study discusses the factors which contribute to the high youth unemployment rate, examines the historical record of labout force participation, and provides some projections into the future.

The United States and Fascist Italy

by Gian Giacomo Migone Molly Tambor Gian Giacomo Migone Molly Tambor

Originally published in Italian in 1980, Gli Stati Uniti e il fascismo: Alle origini dell'egemonia Americana in Italia is regarded today as a crucial text on the relationship between the United States and Italy during the interwar years. Aside from the addition of two new prefaces - one by the author and one by the book's translator, Molly Tambor - the original text has remained unchanged, so that Anglophone readers now have the opportunity to engage with this classic work. By analyzing the enduring relationship between the United States - especially its financial establishment - and fascist Italy up until Mussolini's conquest of Ethiopia in 1935, this book provides answers to some key questions about the interconnectedness of America's rise to hegemonic global financial power in the twentieth century and its support of Italian fascism during this time.

The Urban Land Nexus and the State

by A. J. Scott

This book was first published in 1980.

US National Security Reform: Reassessing the National Security Act of 1947 (Routledge Global Security Studies)

by Heidi B. Demarest Erica D. Borghard

This collection of essays considers the evolution of American institutions and processes for forming and implementing US national security policy, and offers diverse policy prescriptions for reform to confront an evolving and uncertain security environment. Twelve renowned scholars and practitioners of US national security policy take up the question of whether the national security institutions we have are the ones we need to confront an uncertain future. Topics include a characterization of future threats to national security, organizational structure and leadership of national security bureaucracies, the role of the US Congress in national security policy making and oversight, and the importance of strategic planning within the national security enterprise. The book concludes with concrete recommendations for policy makers, most of which can be accomplished under the existing and enduring National Security Act. This book will be of much interest to students of US national security, US foreign policy, Cold War studies, public policy and Internationl Relations in general.

The Use of Man

by Claire Messud Aleksandar Tisma Bernard Johnson

The Use of Man starts with an unexpected discovery. World War II is ending. Sredoje Lazukić has been fighting all through it. Now, as one of the victorious Partisans, he has come home to Novi Sad. He visits the house he grew up in. Strangers nervously show him around. He looks up the mother of Milinko, his best friend. Milinko's girlfriend, Vera, was the daughter of a Jew, a bookish businessman. Her house stands empty and open. Venturing in, Sredoje is surprised to find the diary of the German tutor that Milinko, Vera, and he all shared, Fräulein, who died on the operating table just before the war. Here, however, in a cheap notebook in Vera's old room, is a record of Fräulein's lonely days, with the sentimental caption Poésie. . . .The diary survived. Sredoje survived. Vera and Milinko have survived too. But what survives? A few years back Sredoje, Vera, and Milinko were teenagers, struggling to make sense of life. Life, they now know, can be more bitter than death. A work of stark poetry and illimitable sadness, The Use of Man is one of the great books of the 20th century.

Vietnam Trauma in American Foreign Policy: 1945-75

by Alan R. Beals

This study of ten fateful decisions made on Indochina between 1961-75 highlights the ascent of the civilian militarists and of strategy over diplomacy in United States policymaking and reveals the inexorably interlinked and escalating character of the decisions and the central purpose of American presidents: not to have to face the expected domestic political consequences of defeat in Indochina. As a result, we were led into a prolonged stalemate in which "acting" and the management of programs became a more important preoccupation than thinking about our purposes and values, in which analysis become wholly subjective and therefore defective, and in which decision-making occurred in a closed system which did not allow for divergent inputs.

The War Ledger

by Jacek Kugler A.F.K. Organski

The War Ledger provides fresh, sophisticated answers to fundamental questions about major modern wars: Why do major wars begin? What accounts for victory or defeat in war? How do victory and defeat influence the recovery of the combatants? Are the rules governing conflict behavior between nations the same since the advent of the nuclear era? The authors find such well-known theories as the balance of power and collective security systems inadequate to explain how conflict erupts in the international system. Their rigorous empirical analysis proves that the power-transition theory, hinging on economic, social, and political growth, is more accurate; it is the differential rate of growth of the two most powerful nations in the system—the dominant nation and the challenger—that destabilizes all members and precipitates world wars. Predictions of who will win or lose a war, the authors find, depend not only on the power potential of a nation but on the capability of its political systems to mobilize its resources—the "political capacity indicator." After examining the aftermath of major conflicts, the authors identify national growth as the determining factor in a nation's recovery. With victory, national capabilities may increase or decrease; with defeat, losses can be enormous. Unexpectedly, however, in less than two decades, losers make up for their losses and all combatants find themselves where they would have been had no war occurred. Finally, the authors address the question of nuclear arsenals. They find that these arsenals do not make the difference that is usually assumed. Nuclear weapons have not changed the structure of power on which international politics rests. Nor does the behavior of participants in nuclear confrontation meet the expectations set out in deterrence theory.

The War System: An Interdisciplinary Approach

by Richard Falk Samuel S Kim

An interdisciplinary study of this nature and scope reflects contributions of many scholars in divene disciplines and fields concerned with human conflict behavior in general and with human war-prone behavior in particular. They are too numerous to enumerate here. Still, our deep gratitude goes to those scholars whose writings have been incorporated in this volume as "sample representatives" of what their particular disciplines can contribute to the study of war.

Wealth and The Wealthy in the Modern World (Routledge Revivals)

by W. D. Rubinstein

First published in 1980, Wealth and The Wealthy in the Modern World looks at the careers of the very wealthy and the extent of wealth-holding and wealth distribution in the major Western nations since the Industrial Revolution. Each essay examines how wealth was created, controlled and maintained in each country. It also considers the relationship between wealthy persons and the rest of society and the divisions amongst the wealthy class. Social mobility into top wealth and income brackets is also discussed, as are the idiosyncratic features of wealth-holding in each society. Together these essays provide a broad, yet detailed portrait of a social class which has had extraordinary influence on shaping the social history of the Western world in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This book will be of interest to students of economics, political science, and development studies.

West German Foreign Policy, 1949-1979

by Wolfram F Hanrieder

This collection of original papers by prominent political and academic figures from both sides of the Atlantic focuses on the political, economic, military-strategic, and domestic dimensions of West Germany's foreign policy. The authors first consider the changing constraints and opportunities that have shaped West German foreign policy. Succeeding chapters examine Germany's relationship with the United States, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and the Third World; the evolution and development of Germany's Eastern European policy; the role of Germany in a changing political, strategic, and economic environment; arms proliferation and control; and prospects for the future.

Western Water Resources: Coming Problems And The Policy Alternatives

by K Boulding

A collection of 14 proceedings for the Symposium on western water resources: coming problems and the policy alternatives, held in Denver, CO, USA, on the 27 Sep 1979.

Witness (50th Anniversary Edition)

by Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker Chambers has written one of the really significant American autobiographies... penetrating and terrible insights into America in the early twentieth century. -- Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

The Working Class in Weimar Germany: A Psychological and Sociological Study

by Erich Fromm

&“The analysis unveils a sociotypology of [the working class] on the eve of the Third Reich, its potential for resistance as well as seduction.&” —Political Psychology Building upon Fromm&’s 1929 lecture &“The Application of Psycho-Analysis to Sociology and Religious Knowledge,&” in which he outlined the basis for a rudimentary but far-reaching attempt at the integration of Freudian psychology with Marxist social theory, this study is an attempt to obtain evidence about the systemic connections between &“psychic make-up&” and social development. Originally an investigation of the social and psychological attitudes of two large groups in Weimar Germany, manual and white-collar workers, a questionnaire was developed to collect data about their opinions, lifestyles, and attitudes—from what books they read and their thoughts on women&’s work to their opinions about the German legal system and the actual distribution of power in the state.The Working Class in Weimar Germany can ultimately help us understand the establishment of fascism after 1933—that despite all the electoral successes of the Weimar Left, its members were not in the position, owning to their character structure, to prevent the victory of National Socialism.

World Labour Rights and Their Protection (Routledge Library Editions: Work & Society)

by James Avery Joyce

Originally published in 1980, this book examines a range of Government attitudes to their workers arguing that these provide the touchstone for all civil justice. The book looks at the United Nations system of Human Rights protection and the procedures of the International Labour Office (ILO) in implementing the international conventions which protect workers’ rights. It also examines in detail the record of 9 countries where workers were seriously abused in the 1970s namely Chile, Czechoslovakia, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Palestine, the Soviet Union, Southern Africa, Tunisia and Uruguay.

World Power Trends And U.S. Foreign Policy For The 1980s

by Ray S. Cline

This book, based on information consolidated to cover the calendar years 1978 and 1979, assesses the power of nations in the international context as a basis for planning American defense and foreign policy. It suggests a realistic way of thinking about the balance of power in the 1980s.

The Year Book Of World Affairs, 1979

by Georg Schwarzenberger George W. Keeton

This book, under the auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs, aims to provide an independent international forum for the constructive criticism of, and research into, world affairs 1979.

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