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Radicalism In The Contemporary Age, Volume 3: Strategies And Impact Of Contemporary Radicalism

by Seweryn Bialer Sophia Sluzar

To understand contemporary society, it has become more and more essential to understand the phenomenon of radicalism—the aspirations of radical movements, the strategies and tactics of radicalism, and the impact of radicalism on contemporary society. Radicalism in the Contemporary Age grew out of the recognition of this need. A study in three volum

Reagan at CPAC: The Words that Continue to Inspire a Revolution

by Ronald Reagan

Contributors include Ben Shapiro, Senator Ted Cruz, U.S. Congressman Mark Meadows, Allie Beth Stuckey, Charlie Kirk, Katie Pavlich, Michael Reagan, KT McFarland, Dan Schneider, and Wayne LaPierre. Preface by Vice President Mike Pence. Ronald Reagan's wisdom is more relevant today than ever—and so are the speeches he gave at the Conservative Political Action Conference, collected here in one volume for the first time. Reagan’s wit, passion, and insight are on full display in these addresses that roused the conservative movement when it was embattled—and that celebrated its successes when Reagan led conservatives to political victory and the White House. In Reagan at CPAC, the former president's speeches are accompanied by commentaries from an all-star cast of conservative contributors who put Reagan's words in context while showcasing the remarkable relevance of Reagan's insights to the challenges we face today. Edited and introduced by Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, and with an afterword by Reagan’s former Counselor and Attorney General Edwin Meese III, Reagan at CPAC is an invaluable addition to any conservative’s bookshelf.

The Reformed Local Government System (Routledge Library Editions: Government)

by Peter G. Richards

Originally published in 1973 and revised as a third edition in 1978, this book provides a concise introductory account of the system of local administration since the Local Government Act of 1972 produced the most-far-reaching change in England and Wales since 1888. The book shows why such a major shake-up was necessary, and how the policies evolved which produced the new pattern of local authorities. The book contains basic factual material about the constitution and powers of the new councils and discusses the major problems which confront them. It also considers the respective roles of councillors officials and the political circumstances within which local government has to work.

Reformers and Babylon: English Apocalyptic Visions from the Reformation to the Eve of the Civil War

by Paul Kenneth Christianson

Starting in the 1530s with John Bale, English reformers found in the apocalyptic mysteries of the Book of Revelation a framework for reinterpreting the history of Christianity and explaining the break from the Roman Catholic Church. Identifying the papacy with antichrist and the Roman Catholic Church with Babylon, they pictured the reformation as a departure from the false church that derived its jurisdiction from the devil. Those who took the initiative in throwing off the Roman yoke acted as instruments of God in the cosmic warfare against the power of evil that raged in the latter days of the world. The reformation ushered in the beginning of the end as prophesied by St. John.Reformers and Babylon examines the English apocalyptic tradition as developed in the works of religious thinkers both within and without the Established Church and distinguishes the various streams into which the tradition split. By the middle of Elizabeth's reign the mainstream apocalyptic interpretation was widely accepted within the Church of England. Under Charles I, however, it also provided a vocabulary of attack for critics of the Established Church. Using the same weapons that their ancestors had used to justify the reformation in the first place, reformers like John Bastwick, Henry Burton, William Prynne, and John Lilburne attacked the Church of England's growing sympathies with Romish ways and eventually prepared parliamentarians to take up arms against the royalist forces whom they saw as the forces of antichrist. Scholars of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century intellectual history will welcome this closely reasoned study of the background of religious dissent which underlay the politics of the time.

Relevance Of Liberalism

by Irving Howe Giovanni Sartori Zbigniew Brzezinski Michael Mandelbaum Charles Frankel Edward Shils Sophia Sluzar Robert Bartley Seweryn Robert Nurick

This volume is the product of a conference held at theResearch Institute on International Change on 21 January1976. The subject of the conference, the relevance of liberalism in the contemporary world, represents one aspect of the institute's research focus on changes in values and the impact of these changes on international affairs. This focus reflects the belief that we are living in a time when the sudden expansion in popular political consciousness is altering fundamentally the ways in which politics is perceived, in which political values are translated into political action, and in which political movements and moods transcend state boundaries and thus have worldwide repercussions. Together these changes may result in profound discontinuities in political behavior, in social institutions, and in the basic values around which institutions and procedures are shaped.

Renewable Energy Resources And Rural Applications In The Developing World

by Norman L. Brown

The energy situation in developing countries is desperate.Because these countries are primarily dependent on fossil fuels--chiefly oil--for industrial growth, they have been hard hit by oil price increases. Further, in the rural areas, where most of the population lives, there are limited supplies of increasingly expensive diesel fuel or kerosene. Noncormzercial energy sources such as firewood, dung, and agriouZtural residues are generally used in rural areas, but under the pressure of growing populations the forests are disappearing. This is resulting in a critical shortage of firewood for cooking and heating, as well as in the destruction of the environment. In addition, when dung and agricultural residues are burned, valuable fertilizers are destroyed. Thus, the rural areas--the sources of food and fiber--face a particularly alarming situation.

Reviewing before the Edinburgh 1788-1802 (Routledge Revivals)

by Derek Roper

First published in 1978, Reviewing before the Edinburgh is a study of English literary reviewing during the fifteen years before the founding in1802 of the Edinburgh Review, and an assessment of the reviewers’ achievement. The long introductory chapter describes the aims, methods, staffing, readership, influence, and development of the five important Reviews of the 1790s: the Monthly Review, Critical Review, English Review, Analytical Review, and British Critic. The author argues that this type of Review declined during the 19th century, not because of poor performance, but because the ambitious aim of comprehensive reviewing had become impossible to achieve. The remaining chapters discuss and evaluate the work of these Reviews, chiefly in the fields of poetry, fiction, and political and religious controversy. The book fills a gap in the literary and political history of the period; provides a compact summary of its review criticism; and gives a better perspective on both reviewers and reviewed in years that were unusually fertile in political controversy and literary experiment. It will be of interest to students of literature and history.

Rule, Protest, Identity: Aspects of Modern South Asia (Routledge Revivals)

by Peter Robb David Taylor

First published in 1978, Rural, Protest, Identity consists of eleven essays on modern South Asia. Its concern is with the diversity of the region, to suggest how its study may be enriched by the juxtaposition of various disciplines, and in particular through the examination of familiar subjects from less familiar points of view. Four papers deal with the ruling of modern India. One examines the relationship between the British government and an Indian state, one the legal implications of the emergency under Mrs. Gandhi, and two the role of civil servants in the formation of Indian government policy. Four more papers deal with aspects of protest movements: one with British Ceylon, one with a follower of Gandhi, and two with Gandhi himself. Three final papers treat questions of identity from literary or linguistic standpoints. Two discuss ideas or stereotypes as expressed in famous books, and the third considers a linguistic movement in Pakistan. This book will be of interest to student of South Asian studies, history, economics, literature and political science.

Social and Technological Management in Dry Lands

by Nancie L. Gonzalez

Recent international attention has focused on desertification and its concomitants, especially the diminution of flora and fauna in arid and semiarid lands and the resulting reduction in the economic value of those lands. Natural factors such as drought and wind erosion, as well as various technological practices, have been blamed for the present situation in many countries. Most observers agree that human beings have been both perpetrators and victims of desertification. Anthropologists have long been interested in documenting hew different societies have affected and been affected by their environments. The papers in this volume present ease studies of societies ranging from ancient Peru to contemporary Israel, along with several topically oriented works. All are designed to illustrate how various societies--whether by water management or by the exploitation of plants and animals--have attempted to achieve ecological balance. Social organization and ideology as well as technology are discussed as important variables affecting the ways in which populations adapt to, or cope with, desertification.

The Social Democratic Image of Society: A Study of the Achievements and Origins of Scandinavian Social Democracy in Comparative Perspective (Routledge Revivals)

by Francis Castles

This book, originally published in 1978, constitutes a genuinely comparative study of the world's only truly succesful democratic socialist parties: the Social Democraic Parties of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The measure of achievement is not merely political success, the fact that in Scandinavia the Social Democrats have become 'natural parties of goverment', for just as importantly, the author shows that a political success grounded on the symbiotic relationship between party and trade union movement has been the foundation for a higher level of welfare state provision and egalitarian striving than in virtually any other advanced Western nations. It is a book for friends and foes of democratic socialism alike; for the former to provide an understanding of the tasks ahead and for the latter to know the enemy better.

Social Policy 1830-1914: Individualism, Collectivism and the Origins of the Welfare State (Routledge Library Editions: The History of Social Welfare #1)

by Eric J Evans

First published in 1978, this book gathers an extensive range of documents which illuminate the complex and important process by which the State in Britain has taken on increased responsibility for the health and welfare of its citizens. It uses extracts from a variety of sources, including reports, debates, speeches, articles and reviews, and commentary from leading figures of the period, such as Disraeli, Dickens, Edwin Chadwick and Churchill. The book begins with a discussion of the notion of an ‘age of laissez-faire’ in the mid-nineteenth century, and an examination of the extent to which the Liberal government embarked on a conscious policy of ‘welfarism’ between 1906 and 1914. The extracts themselves cover the entire field of social policy, including factory legislation, public health, housing, education, poverty, pensions and unemployment. This book will be of interest to those studying the history of social welfare and social policy.

Socialist Development and Public Investment in Tanzania, 1964-73

by W. Edmund Clark

With its emphasis on rural development as opposed to urban development, Tanzania has pursued an individual path in socialist development. This work is the first empirical analysis of public investment in matters of agriculture, education, rural health, manufacturing, and commerce, comparing the actual program of investment to the strategy outlined in the Arusha Declaration of 1967. In Socialist Development and Public Investment in Tanzania 1964-1976, Dr Clark finds that Tanzania has been more successful in reorienting its program of social investment than its program of economic development. This failure stems from real differences within Tanzania, and among socialists generally, about appropriate investment strategies for a country at Tanzania's stage of development. In fact, no clear specification of an economic strategy exists and, as a result, policy has been heavily determined by the interests of the dominant political groups. It also reflects the fact that, in its initial stages, Tanzanian socialism was not a mass movement. It was imposed from the top and consequently, the bureaucracy remains relatively immune from the pressures of the people and the poverty in which they live. Dr Clark argues that Nyerere's basic strategy is appropriate to Tanzania at a stage when it lacks the resources to pursue the traditional socialist goal of an integrated industrial economy, but that the implementation of this strategy should and must be improved. Skillfully blending political and social with economic analysis, he provides a provocative interpretation of socialist investment strategy in Tanzania and provides an illuminating perspective on the economics of developing countries.

The Soviet Theory of Development: India and the Third World in Marxist-Leninist Scholarship

by Stephen Clarkson

Until now the innumerable and widely distributed Soviet writings on the third world haven been scrutinized for the clues they contain on the Kremlin's aid, trade, and foreign policies, on Soviet strategies for local communist parties, and even on shifts in the Sino-Soviet Relationship. But they have rarely been analysed in their own terms and for what they are – the application of marxist-leninist theory by Soviet scholars to the problems of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Based on research in Paris, New York, the Soviet Union, and India, this book provides a long needed insight into how Soviet thinkers understand such crucial problems in development as planning in mixed economies, foreign aid from socialist and capitalist donors, agrarian reform, and the class struggle.A concerned observer of Soviet development theory for some fifteen years, Stephen Clarkson is neither hostile nor uncritical. He argues that western students and third world policy-makers alike have a good deal to learn from marxist-leninist political economy because it presents an integrated approach to understanding the dilemmas of underdevelopment. Although Soviet scholarship benefits from some important theoretical advantages, it also suffers, in Clarkson's view, from severe intellectual handicaps. The book examines the Soviet analysis of third world development as a whole, drawing particularly on the most extensive and sophisticated school of interpretation, the Russian writings on India.This book makes an important contribution to Soviet and third world studies by offering the reader a guide to the publications on development, a complex and evolving aspect of the Soviet view of the world.

Spooks: The Haunting of America—The Private Use of Secret Agents

by Jim Hougan

&“Probably the most eye-opening and engrossing exposé to date of the bizarre &‘power games&’ played by multinational corporations and tycoons.&” —Publishers Weekly A classic of investigative reporting, Spooks is a treasure trove of who-shot-who research on the metastasis of the US intelligence community, whose practices and personnel have engulfed the larger society. Teeming with tales of wiremen, hitmen, and mobsters; crooked politicians and corrupt cops going about their business of regime-change, union-busting, wiretapping, money laundering, and industrial espionage, read about: • Richard Nixon&’s &“Mission Impossible&” war on Aristotle Onassis • Not-so-deep-fake porno films starring the CIA&’s enemies • The Robert Vesco heist, targeting billions in numbered Swiss accounts • Robert Maheu and the kidnapping of billionaire Howard Hughes • The murder-for-hire of a Columbia University professor • Bobby Kennedy&’s archipelago of private intelligence agencies—Intertel and the &“Five I&’s&” • &“The Friendly Ghost&” and Nixon&’s secret account in the offshore Castle Bank & Trust &“One of the best non-fiction books of the year, a monument of fourth-level research and fact-searching.&” —Los Angeles Times&“This book will curl your hair with its revelations and the names it names. A landmark book in its field of investigative reporting.&” —John Barkham Reviews &“Hougan is a superb storyteller and the pages teem with unforgettable characters. Admirable.&” —The Washington Post &“Hougan is exhilarating on the mystique of spooks.&” —The New York Review of Book

State, Power, Socialism

by Nicos Poulantzas Stuart Hall

Developing themes of his earlier works, Poulantzas here advances a vigorous critique of contemporary Marxist theories of the state, arguing against a general theory of the state, and identifying forms of class power crucial to socialist strategy that goes beyond the apparatus of the state.This new edition includes an introduction by Stuart Hall, which critically appraises Poulantzas's achievement.

Strategies Against Violence: Design For Nonviolent Change

by Israel W. Charny

"What would you do to advance the cause of peace in this mad world?" An outstanding group of professionals in psychology, psychiatry, sociology, political science, law, education, journalism, philosophy, and the arts answer this question, working with the concepts and tools of their fields to build a plan or model for behaviours that are likely to advance man toward peace and nonviolent change. They provide a rich sampling of the new ideas for human life that are needed if we are, in fact, ever to evolve into a more peaceful species. The book grew out of a series of sessions organized and chaired by Israel Charny at the annual meetings of the American Ortho-psychiatric Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The contributions are organized around three themes: the person, the community and the culture, and the world. Topics include a model for nonviolent strength to counter aggression by others; an examination of the psychology of Adolph Eichmann, with some startling conclusions about how men should cultivate their normal aggressive emotions and enjoy fantasies of violence; how the American democratic process can be turned unknowingly toward disastrous collective violence; and the problem of reducing the contagion of violence spread by daily newscasts of violent events.

Strategy and Structure: Studies in Peace Research

by Johan Niezing

This text offers a selection of writings that are more definite versions from past conferences. Including papers from lectures at the Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia (course: Theories on Development, Conflict and Peace, 1975 and 1976); from conferences of the VVK (the Belgian-Dutch Association of Peace Researchers) in 1976 and 1977; Chapter V was also a contribution to the 1977 meeting of the Dutch Association for Political Science. Most of the chapters of this book have also been published earlier in one way or another. Chapter II has been published in a Dutch journal, ‘Transactie’ and in a modified English version in the Bulletin of Peace proposals, 1976, 2. Chapter IV appeared in a Dutch journal Tntermediair’, 1974, 1. Chapter V was published originally in the Annals of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Science of our Brussels University. Chapter VI has its own history: it can be viewed as a very condensed version of a rather extensive study in the Dutch language: ‘Budgetteringssysteem en Bewapeningsproces; een studie over de politieke en polemologische betekenis van PPBS’ (published as Vol. Ill of a series of publications in the Dutch language of our Brussels Polemological Centre).

The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation (Routledge Revivals)

by James E. Meade

First published in 1978, The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation presents the full findings and recommendations of the ‘Meade’ committee set up by The Institute for Fiscal Studies. It represents the most important contemporary examination of the structure of UK taxation and direct taxation systems in general. The results of two years’ intensive research and discussion by this independent committee are presented as a report under the joint authorship of an outstanding team of tax experts. The committee brought together professional practitioners-lawyers, accountants and taxation administrators-and academic specialists in fiscal studies, and here provides a unique review of direct taxation which is comprehensive, singularly original and full of good sense.The book begins with a return to first principles, restates the objectives of a good tax system and analyses existing structures. It goes on to examine the feasibility of basic reforms which would allow the system to become more straightforward in operation and which would base taxation on what individuals take out of the economy rather than on what they put into it.

Superpower Intervention in the Middle East (Routledge Revivals)

by Peter Mangold

Strategically placed on the global chess board, as well as controlling vast oil resources, the Middle East was one of the main theatres of Cold War. In the 1950s the Soviet Union had taken advantage of Arab Nationalists’ disillusion with British and French Imperialism, along with the emerging Arab-Israeli conflict, to establish relations with Egypt, Syria and Iraq. The United States responded by moving in to shore up the Western position. Confrontation was inevitable. Superpower Intervention in the Middle East was written in 1978, when this confrontation was at its height. The book’s main theme focuses on how the superpowers became competitively involved in local Middle East conflicts over which they could exercise only limited control, and the risks of nuclear confrontation of the kind which occurred at the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. The threat to Western oil supplies is also examined. This is a fascinating work, of great relevance to scholars and students of Middle Eastern history and political diplomacy, as well as those with an interest in the relationship between the Western superpowers and this volatile region.

Superships And Nationstates: The Transnational Politics Of The Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization

by Harvey B Silverstein

With the explosion of national, international, and multinational actors becoming involved in ocean exploitation, concern has arisen over how this common resource is to be managed. One focus of these concerns has been with those international organizations already involved in ocean issues. The subject of this book is one of those international organizations, the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) and how it operates. The tasks and functioning of IMCO have not only been neglected by observers of international organization, but are unknown to many of those individuals specifically concerned with the operation of the1Specialized Agencies of the United Nations system.

Tactical Nuclear Weapons: European Perspectives (Routledge Library Editions: Nuclear Security)

by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

In the 1970s tactical nuclear warfare was a topical issue. The introduction of the new generation of tactical nuclear weapons into Europe could have had disastrous consequences. These new weapons had already been developed by nuclear-weapon laboratories and pressures were growing for their deployment. On first sight, smaller and more accurate nuclear weapons may seem more humane and militarily preferable to the relatively high-yield tactical nuclear weapons currently deployed. But some of these new types of weapons would blur the distinction between nuclear and conventional weapons and their use would make escalation to strategic nuclear war extremely likely. Indeed, the argument for these new weapons is that their use in wartime is more credible (and therefore ‘acceptable’) than current types of tactical nuclear weapons. This perception could easily lead to the exceedingly dangerous idea that some types of tactical nuclear war were ‘winnable’. The fact has to be faced that any use of nuclear weapons is almost certain to escalate until all available weapons are used. To believe otherwise is to believe that one side will surrender before it has used all the weapons in its arsenal. History shows that this is most unlikely to happen. Because of its importance, SIPRI organized a meeting to discuss the whole question. Originally published in 1978, this book is the outcome of that meeting.

Taking Rights Seriously

by Ronald Dworkin

What is law? What is it for? How should judges decide novel cases when the statutes and earlier decisions provide no clear answer? Do judges make up new law in such cases, or is there some higher law in which they discover the correct answer? Must everyone always obey the law? If not, when is a citizen morally free to disobey?A renowned philosopher enters the debate surrounding these questions. Clearly and forcefully, Ronald Dworkin argues against the "ruling" theory in Anglo-American law-legal positivism and economic utilitarianism-and asserts that individuals have legal rights beyond those explicitly laid down and that they have political and moral rights against the state that are prior to the welfare of the majority. Mr. Dworkin criticizes in detail the legal positivists' theory of legal rights, particularly H. L. A. Hart's well-known version of it. He then develops a new theory of adjudication, and applies it to the central and politically important issue of cases in which the Supreme Court interprets and applies the Constitution. Through an analysis of John Rawls's theory of justice, he argues that fundamental among political rights is the right of each individual to the equal respect and concern of those who govern him. He offers a theory of compliance with the law designed not simply to answer theoretical questions about civil disobedience, but to function as a guide for citizens and officials. Finally, Professor Dworkin considers the right to liberty, often thought to rival and even pre-empt the fundamental right to equality. He argues that distinct individual liberties do exist, but that they derive, not from some abstract right to liberty as such, but from the right to equal concern and respect itself. He thus denies that liberty and equality are conflicting ideals. Ronald Dworkin's theory of law and the moral conception of individual rights that underlies it have already made him one of the most influential philosophers working in this area. This is the first publication of these ideas in book form.

Thinking About The Curriculum: The nature and treatment of curriculum problems (Routledge Revivals)

by William A Reid

First published in 1978, this book looks at the ‘curriculum crisis’ of the 1970s, examining the effect it has had for Curriculum Studies and curriculum policy making. It focuses on a time when long-established structures and procedures were challenged and schools were accused of having lost touch with the wants and needs of communities. The author argues that the curriculum should become part of community interest and be led by this, rather than by professionals and initiates. Indeed, he feels that the curriculum must have an identity which avoids alliances with technocrats, bureaucrats or ideologues, but yet has a positive philosophy and a commitment to good values.

Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story

by Arnold Schwarzenegger

In his signature larger-than-life style, Arnold Schwarzenegger&’s Total Recall is a revealing self-portrait of his illustrious, controversial, and truly unique life.The greatest immigrant success story of our time. His story is unique, and uniquely entertaining, and he tells it brilliantly in these pages. He was born in a year of famine, in a small Austrian town, the son of an austere police chief. He dreamed of moving to America to become a bodybuilding champion and a movie star. By the age of twenty-one, he was living in Los Angeles and had been crowned Mr. Universe. Within five years, he had learned English and become the greatest bodybuilder in the world. Within ten years, he had earned his college degree and was a millionaire from his business enterprises in real estate, landscaping, and bodybuilding. He was also the winner of a Golden Globe Award for his debut as a dramatic actor in Stay Hungry. Within twenty years, he was the world&’s biggest movie star, the husband of Maria Shriver, and an emerging Republican leader who was part of the Kennedy family. Thirty-six years after coming to America, the man once known by fellow body­builders as the Austrian Oak was elected governor of California, the seventh largest economy in the world. He led the state through a budget crisis, natural disasters, and political turmoil, working across party lines for a better environment, election reforms, and bipartisan solutions. With Maria Shriver, he raised four fantastic children. In the wake of a scandal he brought upon himself, he tried to keep his family together. Until now, he has never told the full story of his life, in his own voice. Here is Arnold, with total recall.

Underground to Palestine: And Other Writing on Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East (Forbidden Bookshelf #14)

by Mark Crispin Miller I. F. Stone D. D. Guttenplan

A moving and unforgettable eyewitness account of the courageous exodus of Holocaust survivors from post-World War II Europe to the Promised Land, now expanded with Stone's frontline reporting on the Arab-Israeli crises of 1948-49 and the Suez War of 1956, and with a new foreword by D. D. Guttenplan In the spring of 1946, American journalist I. F. Stone embarked on an incredible adventure, accompanying Holocaust survivors as they made their historic voyage from Eastern Europe to the biblical Promised Land. Undertaken in secrecy against the strict orders of Palestine's British colonial governors, this harrowing escape began in the displaced persons camps of Germany and Poland. An illegal convoy of the homeless, proud, and determined, these refugees traveled by train and by foot across the European continent before boarding the ship that would carry them past the British blockade to their ancient, ancestral home. No account of the historic twentieth-century exodus is as poignant, powerful, exhilarating, and dramatic as this acclaimed first-person narrative. Through the words of author I. F. Stone, one of America's most provocative and revered investigative reporters, these courageous men, women, and children live again. Largely implicit but nevertheless unyielding is Stone's belief in a binational Arab-Jewish state, a creed unacceptable to the Zionist movement of the time. Included are essays written in the years following Israel's establishment, reflecting on the state of the newly reborn nation and the volatile situation in the Middle East thirty years beyond the establishment of Mandatory Palestine. Caught between the immediate, innate sense of belonging he felt in Palestine and his own developing critique of Zionism, Stone wrote into each of these works a personal struggle, a question of justice unsolved today. With a new introduction by D. D. Guttenplan, this edition reveals a perspective indispensable to understanding past and present tensions in the Middle East.

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