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2050 China: Becoming a Great Modern Socialist Country (Understanding Xi Jinping’s Governance)

by Angang Hu Yilong Yan Xiao Tang Shenglong Liu

This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.This book is arranged and developed around the theme of “2050 China,” it analyzes the factors and advantages of the Chinese road to socialist modernization, explores and summarizes the development goal and the basic logic of the socialist modernization of China, and further shows the general basis of the primary stage of socialism. According to the report delivered at the 19th Party Congress, and according to the “two-stage” strategic plan, this book looks ahead in detail to the overarching objective and sub-objectives of essentially achieving socialist modernization by 2035, discusses the building of a great modern socialist country in all respects from the perspective of the Party’s six-sphere integrated plan of economic, political, cultural, social, ecological civilization, and national defense construction, and provides policy proposals. This book also analyzes the influence and the effect of the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics on the world and it further presents the third centenary goal. In conclusion, this book is an elaboration of the work of the Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University. It reflects the intellectual innovation in the authors’ research on contemporary China, as well as the authors’ foresight and predictions about China’s future development.

2048: Humanity's Agreement to Live Together

by John Kirk Boyd

Creating an enforceable international guarantee of basic human rights Outlines the basics of a universally acceptable agreement Shows what everyone can do to make this agreement a reality In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a deeply inspiring document that has been translated into over 300 languages and dialects. But because its provisions are not enforceable, its promise has not been fulfilled. Human rights violations continue in every corner of the globe, the cause of countless individual tragedies as well as large-scale disasters like war, poverty and environmental ruin. It’s time to take the next step. 2048 sets out a visionary, audacious, but, Kirk Boyd insists, achievable goal: drafting an enforceable international agreement that will allow the people of the world to create a social order based upon human rights and the rule of law. Boyd and the 2048 Project aim to have this agreement, the International Convention on Human Rights, in place by the 100th anniversary of the Universal Declaration. Written documents have always played a key role in advancing human rights: the Code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence. The express purpose of the International Convention is to safeguard what Boyd calls the Five Freedoms, adding freedom for the environment to Franklin Roosevelt’s famous Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Boyd skillfully anticipates objections to the notion of a universal and enforceable written agreement—that it would be culturally insensitive, too expensive, unacceptably limit national sovereignty—and convincingly answers them. In fact some promising first steps have already been taken. He describes existing transnational agreements with effective compliance mechanisms that can serve as models. But Boyd wants to inspire more than argue. In 2048 he urges everyone to participate in the drafting of the agreement via the 2048 website and describes specific actions people can take to help make it a reality. “What you do with what you read” Boyd writes, “is as important as what this book says.” Little by little, working together creatively with the tools now available, we can take the next step forward in the evolution of human rights.

2034: A Novel of the Next World War

by Elliot Ackerman Admiral James Stavridis

From two former military officers and award-winning authors, a chillingly authentic geopolitical thriller that imagines a naval clash between the US and China in the South China Sea in 2034--and the path from there to a nightmarish global conflagration. <P><P>On March 12, 2034, US Navy Commodore Sarah Hunt is on the bridge of her flagship, the guided missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones, conducting a routine freedom of navigation patrol in the South China Sea when her ship detects an unflagged trawler in clear distress, smoke billowing from its bridge. On that same day, US Marine aviator Major Chris "Wedge" Mitchell is flying an F35E Lightning over the Strait of Hormuz, testing a new stealth technology as he flirts with Iranian airspace. By the end of that day, Wedge will be an Iranian prisoner, and Sarah Hunt's destroyer will lie at the bottom of the sea, sunk by the Chinese Navy. Iran and China have clearly coordinated their moves, which involve the use of powerful new forms of cyber weaponry that render US ships and planes defenseless. In a single day, America's faith in its military's strategic pre-eminence is in tatters. A new, terrifying era is at hand. <P><P>So begins a disturbingly plausible work of speculative fiction, co-authored by an award-winning novelist and decorated Marine veteran and the former commander of NATO, a legendary admiral who has spent much of his career strategically outmaneuvering America's most tenacious adversaries. Written with a powerful blend of geopolitical sophistication and human empathy, 2034 takes us inside the minds of a global cast of characters--Americans, Chinese, Iranians, Russians, Indians--as a series of arrogant miscalculations on all sides leads the world into an intensifying international storm. In the end, China and the United States will have paid a staggering cost, one that forever alters the global balance of power. Everything in 2034 is an imaginative extrapolation from present-day facts on the ground combined with the authors' years working at the highest and most classified levels of national security. Sometimes it takes a brilliant work of fiction to illuminate the most dire of warnings: 2034 is all too close at hand, and this cautionary tale presents the reader a dark yet possible future that we must do all we can to avoid. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The 2030 Spike: Countdown to Global Catastrophe

by Colin Mason

The clock is relentlessly ticking! Our world teeters on a knife-edge between a peaceful and prosperous future for all, and a dark winter of death and destruction that threatens to smother the light of civilization. Within 30 years, in the 2030 decade, six powerful 'drivers' will converge with unprecedented force in a statistical spike that could tear humanity apart and plunge the world into a new Dark Age. Depleted fuel supplies, massive population growth, poverty, global climate change, famine, growing water shortages and international lawlessness are on a crash course with potentially catastrophic consequences. In the face of both doomsaying and denial over the state of our world, Colin Mason cuts through the rhetoric and reams of conflicting data to muster the evidence to illustrate a broad picture of the world as it is, and our possible futures. Ultimately his message is clear; we must act decisively, collectively and immediately to alter the trajectory of humanity away from catastrophe. Offering over 100 priorities for immediate action, The 2030 Spike serves as a guidebook for humanity through the treacherous minefields and wastelands ahead to a bright, peaceful and prosperous future in which all humans have the opportunity to thrive and build a better civilization. This book is powerful and essential reading for all people concerned with the future of humanity and planet earth.

The 2021 German Federal Election (New Perspectives in German Political Studies)

by Ross Campbell Louise K. Davidson-Schmich

The German Federal Election of 2021 was one of the most open and competitive in the post-war era. This book provides a systematic analysis of its domestic and international context, the shifting balance of the political parties, the election strategies and campaign themes, along with the challenges of government formation. An international array of scholars from Europe, North America and Australasia have contributed specially commissioned chapters on their principal areas of research. The discussion of individual topics is combined with sufficient background information so as to be accessible to readers who may not have detailed knowledge of German politics. In addition, by including links to multimedia election-related content we enhance the value of this volume and make it an indispensable reference tool.

2020 Press Conference Records of Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the People’s Republic of China

by Ministry of Ecology and Environment

This book records the press release of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China in 2020. It is divided into three parts chronologically. The first part contains the records of Minister Huang Runqiu‘s attendance at the press conference of the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference as well as the "Minister Channel". The second part contains the records of four press conferences on ecological and environmental protection held by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China. The third part contains the records of 12 regular press conferences held by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China.

The 2020 Presidential Election: Key Issues and Regional Dynamics (Palgrave Studies in US Elections)

by Luke Perry

This book adopts a regional approach to understanding 2020 presidential election outcomes, taking into account the tribalism that has come to define contemporary US politics and building a path to 270 Electoral College votes. The authors employ qualitative and quantitative methods to examine electoral outcomes in the Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast, enriching contextual understandings of the national results and illuminating nuances in public opinion, voter behavior, and party politics. From this foundation, the book offers a comprehensive assessment of prominent issues in the 2020 campaign, which fundamentally shaped and reshaped the nature of the election. Scholars examine seven key issues, including multiple crises that unfolded during the campaign, to understand how these issues affected public opinion and the 2020 campaign.

The 2020 Democratic Primary: Key Developments, Dynamics, and Lessons for 2024 (Palgrave Studies in US Elections)

by Luke Perry

This book examines the outcome, dynamics, and lessons of the 2020 Democratic Primary. The authors examine how Joe Biden separated himself from a crowded field of candidates, the role that primary rules played in this process, the influence of gender and race on the primary campaign, new developments with the Iowa Caucuses and national party conventions, and what all this could mean for the 2024 election.

The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks Against the United States: A Speculative Novel

by Jeffrey Lewis

This &“brilliantly conceived&” novel imagines a devastating nuclear attack on America and the official government report of the calamity (Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation and Command and Control). &“The skies over the Korean Peninsula on March 21, 2020, were clear and blue.&” So begins this sobering report by the Commission on the Nuclear Attacks against the United States, established by Congress and President Donald J. Trump to investigate the horrific events of the following three days. An independent, bipartisan panel led by nuclear expert Jeffrey Lewis, the commission was charged with finding and reporting the relevant facts, investigating how the nuclear war began, and determining whether our government was adequately prepared. Did President Trump and his advisers understand North Korean views about nuclear weapons? Did the tragic milestones of that fateful month—North Korea's accidental shoot-down of Air Busan flight 411, the retaliatory strike by South Korea, and the tweet that triggered vastly more carnage—inevitably lead to war? Or did America&’s leaders have the opportunity to avert the greatest calamity in the history of our nation? Answering these questions will not bring back the lives lost in March, 2020. It will not rebuild New York, Washington, or the other cities reduced to rubble. But at the very least, it might prevent a tragedy of this magnitude from occurring again. It is this hope that inspired The 2020 Commission Report. &“I couldn&’t put the book down, reading most of it in the course of one increasingly intense evening. If fear of nuclear war is going to keep you up at night, at least it can be a page-turner.&”—New Scientist

2020: A Novel

by Kenneth Steven

In the tradition of 1984 and It Can't Happen Here, 2020 is a timely dystopian novel about a country divided, a terrorist attack, and an populist leader who promises he alone is the solution. In 2020, Britain is at a breaking point. Years of economic turmoil, bitter debates over immigration, anger at the political elites, and fears about the future have created a maelstrom, a dis-United Kingdom, with citizens tempted to find easy answers in demagoguery and isolationism. The country is a bomb waiting to explode. Then it does. A major terrorist attack targets a sleeper train traveling between Edinburgh and London, leaving a staggering number of dead and wounded. Investigators soon identify the culprits as a radicalized group of young British Muslims. Horrific images from the attack and speculation by the media fan worries about further terrorist acts and the danger of an enemy within. In the aftermath, two far right organizations join to create a new radical group called White Rose, promising to stand up for English values. An unproven leader vows thathe can fix the nation. As the nightmare unfolds, a myriad of voices-from across the social and political spectrum-offer wildly differing perspectives on the chaotic events . . . and unexpectedly reveal modern Britain’s soul with 20/20 acuity. Thoughtful, compassionate, and provocative, Kenneth Steven’s 2020 is a parable for our times.

The 2019 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab (Digital Ethics Lab Yearbook)

by Christopher Burr Silvia Milano

This edited volume presents an overview of cutting-edge research areas within digital ethics as defined by the Digital Ethics Lab of the University of Oxford. It identifies new challenges and opportunities of influence in setting the research agenda in the field.The yearbook presents research on the following topics: conceptual metaphor theory, cybersecurity governance, cyber conflicts, anthropomorphism in AI, digital technologies for mental healthcare, data ethics in the asylum process, AI’s legitimacy and democratic deficit, digital afterlife industry, automatic prayer bots, foresight analysis and the future of AI. This volume appeals to students, researchers and professionals.

2019 Press Conference Records of Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the People’s Republic of China

by Rong Wang

This book introduces the press release work carried out by Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China in 2019. It is divided into four parts, each arranged chronologically. The first part contains the records of Li Ganjie, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, who attended the press conference on "Promoting Ecological Civilization and Building a Beautiful China". The second part contains the records of Minister Li Ganjie's attendance at the press conference of the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference as well as the "Minister channel". The third part contains the records of four press conferences on ecological and environmental protection held by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China. The fourth part contains the records of 12 regular press conferences held by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

The 2019 Parliamentary Elections in India: Democracy at the Crossroads?

by Subrata K. Mitra Rekha Saxena Pampa Mukherjee

This book presents a comprehensive overview of India’s electoral democracy and political system. It provides an in-depth analysis of the 2019 parliamentary elections to explore three crucial facts of India’s political life: the legitimacy of political competition as the only basis of power; elections as the only legitimate basis of political competition; and political parties as the only legitimate agency to conduct political competition. The book argues that the vitality and resilience of India’s electoral democracy remain high owing to large mass participation in elections that are competitive and relatively free and fair. The volume includes key theoretical, empirical, and comparative perspectives on parties and elections from experts, and covers all major political parties of India, along with the performance of many representative regional parties. It discusses themes such as elections and party competition in India; ideology, interest, religion, and gender as they affect social mobilisation and political transaction; economic and politial change, and multiparty democracy; the dynamics of the Muslim vote; fluctuating electoral fortunes; and electoral campaigns and role of social media. This book will be an essential read for scholars and researchers of political science, political sociology, election studies, Indian politics, South Asian politics, and South Asian studies. It will also interest those in politics, public policy and governance, civil society organisations, media and journalism, and the general reader.

The 2019 European Electoral Campaign: In the Time of Populism and Social Media

by Dominic Wring Bengt Johansson Edoardo Novelli

The 2019 European Electoral Campaign: In the Time of Populism and Social Media examines political advertising during the 2019 elections to the European Parliament, which has become the largest supranational campaign of its kind in the world. Based on a research project funded by the European Parliament, and an archive of more than 11,000 campaign items, the book draws on results from a major content analysis covering every one of the 28 member states involved. The 2019 European Electoral Campaign delivers a unique comparative assessment on the state of political communication within a European Union convulsed by momentous change. This book will be of interest to scholars, researchers and students of political communication, media, political science, history, European (Union) studies as well as a wider readership including politicians, political strategists, and journalists.

2018 Congressional Elections

by Professor Elizabeth A. Theiss-Morse Michael W. Wagner

"What do the 2018 midterm elections mean?" The 2018 Congressional Elections supplement provides the answers, drawing on the most recent National Election Study surveys to offer a close analysis of the key issues and races, including: the outcome of the battle for control; the role of independents in elections, particularly in this era of partisan polarization; the influence of record campaign spending on election outcomes; and Trump's impact on Congressional Elections This essential supplement complements, supports, and updates American Government texts and courses as well as Voting, Election, and Campaigns courses.

2018 Congressional Elections

by Professor Elizabeth A. Theiss-Morse Michael W. Wagner

"What do the 2018 midterm elections mean?" The 2018 Congressional Elections supplement provides the answers, drawing on the most recent National Election Study surveys to offer a close analysis of the key issues and races, including: the outcome of the battle for control; the role of independents in elections, particularly in this era of partisan polarization; the influence of record campaign spending on election outcomes; and Trump's impact on Congressional Elections This essential supplement complements, supports, and updates American Government texts and courses as well as Voting, Election, and Campaigns courses.

The 2018 and 2019 Indonesian Elections: Identity Politics and Regional Perspectives (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

by Leonard C. Sebastian Alexander R. Arifianto

The 2018/2019 Indonesian elections were among the most divisive elections in Indonesian history, where identity politics and ethno-religious sentiments were prevalent not just during the 2019 presidential election, but also during the 2018 regional executive elections as well. Contributors to this edited volume analysed the dynamics between identity politics, national and local politics and produce findings and insights that will inform prospective readers regarding the future of identity politics and how it may affect Indonesian politics for the intermediate future. This book is an up-to-date study addressing contemporary Indonesian politics that should be read by Indonesian Studies and more broadly Southeast Asian Studies specialists. It is also a useful reference for those studying Electoral Politics, Religion and Politics, and Comparative Politics.

2017 Press Conference Records of Ministry of Environmental Protection, the People's Republic of China

by Min. of Environmental Protection of RPC

This book introduces readers to the press release work carried out by China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection in 2017. The routine press release work in 2017 was first launched by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP). In 2017, 12 directors of the MEP and three directors of the Environmental Protection Department of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Tribune came together to answer citizens’ questions on key social issues such as Environmental Quality Monitoring, Prevention of Air Pollution, Ecosystem Protection, Water Pollution Prevention, Environmental Supervision, Legal Enforcement etc. This book will provide readers with an overview of China’s environmental protection policy initiatives, help raise public awareness of the environment, and lay the foundation for all citizens to participate in environmental governance.

The 2017 Gulf Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Gulf Studies #3)

by Mahjoob Zweiri Md Mizanur Rahman Arwa Kamal

This book provides an overview of the origins, repercussions and projected future of the ongoing Gulf crisis, as well as an analysis of the major issues and debates relating to it. The Gulf region witnessed an extraordinary rift when, on 5 June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut all diplomatic ties and imposed a siege on the State of Qatar following the hacking of the Qatar News Agency website. This book approaches the Gulf crisis from an interdisciplinary perspective by bringing together a group of top scholars from a wide range of disciplines and areas of expertise to engage in a nuanced debate on the current crisis. With the pressing role of media in general and social media in particular, new political realities have been created in the region. The book addresses the role that cyber and information security play on politics, as well as the shift of alliances in the region as a result of the crisis. It scrutinizes the role of media and information technology in creating political cultures as well as conflicts. The book also explores the long-term economic implications of the siege imposed on Qatar and identifies how the country's economy is adjusting to the impact of the siege. Thus, the book considers the extent of social and economic changes that the crisis has brought to the region. This book invites in-depth understanding of the regional crisis and its implications on nation building and the reconfiguration of political and economic alliances across the region. It will appeal to a broad interdisciplinary readership in the area of Gulf studies.

The 2016 US Presidential Campaign

by Robert E. Denton

This volume focuses on the 2016 Presidential campaign from a communication perspective, with each chapter considering a specific area of political campaign communication and practice. The first section includes chapters on the early candidate nomination campaigns, the nominating conventions, the debates, political advertising and new media technologies. The second section provides studies of critical topics and issues of the campaign to include chapters on candidate persona, issues of gender, wedge issues and scandal. The final section provides an overview of the election with chapters focusing on explaining the vote and impact of new campaign finance laws and regulations in the 2016 election. All the contributors are accomplished scholars in their areas of analysis. Students, scholars and general readers will find the volume offers a comprehensive overview of the historic 2016 presidential campaign.

2016-2017 Directory of American Politics: The Definitive Guide to Political Organizations and Resources in the United States

by Arlander C. Brown

The 2015-2016 edition of The Directory of American Politics is the most comprehensive listing of government and private political organizations yet published, with information on the offices of federal and state elected officials, interest groups, media outlets, Super PACs, and registered lobbyists-in short, an exhaustive listing of every significant organization and individual involved in the American political system.Each entry contains detailed contact information, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Also included are selected email and Internet addresses, websites, descriptions of committee assignments, senior staff by name and responsibility, a listing of sponsored legislation, and more. Entries are categorized by state, including those for congressional office holders, and are indexed alphabetically and by subject on topics ranging from voting records to campaign finance. Each person listed in the directory is also indexed alphabetically.

The 2015 UK General Election and the 2016 EU Referendum

by Ian R. Lamond Chelsea Reid

This book brings together the established field of political communication and the emerging field of critical event studies to develop new questions and approaches. Using this combined framework, it reflects upon how we should understand the expression of democratic participation in mainstream mass media during the 2015 UK General Election and the 2016 referendum on Britain's membership of the EU. Are we now living in an era where democratic participation is much more concerned with spectacle rather than substantive debate? The book addresses this conceptual journey and reflects on differing models of democratic participation, before applying that framework to the two identified case studies. Finally, the authors consider what it means to be living in a period of democratic spectacle, where political events have become evental politics. The book will be of use to students and scholars across the fields of political science and culture and media studies, as well as wide readers interested in the current issues facing British politics.

The 2015 Canadian Federal Election Debate on Foreign Policy: The Munk Debates (The Munk Debates)

by Stephen Harper Thomas Mulcair Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau squared off on September 28, 2015, in Toronto, for the first-ever federal election debate on Canada’s foreign policy.Too often, foreign policy issues have been afterthoughts in federal election campaigns. Now, for the first time, Canadians will have the opportunity to see the three federal party leaders recognized in Parliament defend their foreign policy visions for the country in a nationally televised debate. From the war against terror to Canada-U.S. relations to challenges and opportunities of international trade, the Munk Debate on Canada’s Foreign Policy will provide the public with important insights into how our next prime minister will defend and project Canada’s interests and values on the global stage.

2013-2014 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory

by Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board

The National Research Council's Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board (ARLTAB) provides biennial assessments of the scientific and technical quality of the research, development, and analysis programs at the Army Research Laboratory, focusing on ballistics sciences, human sciences, information sciences, materials sciences, and mechanical sciences. "2013-2014 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory" summarizes the findings of the Board for the first biennial assessment. This report discusses the biennial assessment process used by ARLTAB and its five panels; provides detailed assessments of each of the ARL core technical competency areas reviewed during the 2013-2014 period; and presents findings and recommendations common across multiple competency areas.

2012 Treasurer's Report

by National Academy of Sciences Treasurer

The income that supports the activities of the Academy comes from two major sources: program revenue received from sponsors to pay for the myriad studies and other activities undertaken each year by the National Research Council (NRC), and a much smaller sum that we obtain from our own endowment under the endowment spending policies adopted by the Council. Regarding the first of these, the 2012 results are not as strong as the 2011 results. Our total program revenue for 2012 ($298 million) experienced a decline of approximately 8% below 2011 revenue. This decline was anticipated based on the ongoing federal budget constraints and we anticipate for 2013 a continuation of this moderate downward trend.<P><P> To partially compensate for the downward trend in the NRC program level, the federal government announced toward the end of 2012, two settlements concerning the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, one with BP Exploration and Production, Inc. and one with Transocean Deepwater, Inc. As part of these legal settlements, the NAS has been asked to establish a new $500 million, 30-year program on human health and environmental protection in the Gulf of Mexico. The NAS program will be for studies conducted based on scientific merit and integrity with emphasis on freedom of inquiry and independent, nonpartisan advice and recommendations. Among its activities, the program will fund projects in the public interest and not otherwise supported by private industry or government agencies. Building on existing Academy work and remaining mindful of the tragic loss of life and other human and environmental consequences of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the NAS is starting a careful plan to guide the work of this long term program.<P> With respect to the second source of revenue, it has for many years been the formal policy of the Council to limit annual endowment spending to 5% of the average value of endowment for the twelve quarters ending in June of the previous year. When the endowment declined significantly in 2008, the Council made the prudent decision to hold spending to only 4% and to avoid spending whenever possible from endowments with value below the original gift amount, starting in 2009. This 4% draw produced $14.3 million of funding in 2009. These practices will continue for endowment spending in 2013. The return on the endowment in 2012 was positive at approximately 10.2% and roughly in line with the major stock indices.

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