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Showing 35,026 through 35,050 of 49,971 results

My Secret Garden: Women's Sexual Fantasies

by Nancy Friday

The #1 New York Times–bestselling author&’s &“groundbreaking&” work on women&’s sexual fantasies (Publishers Weekly). First published in 1973, My Secret Garden ignited a firestorm of reactions across the nation—from outrage to enthusiastic support. Collected from detailed personal interviews with hundreds of women from diverse backgrounds, this book presents a bracingly honest account of women&’s inner sexual fantasy lives. In its time, this book shattered taboos and opened up a conversation about the landscape of feminine desire in a way that was unprecedented. Today, My Secret Garden remains one of the most iconic works of feminist literature of our time—and is still relevant to millions of women throughout the world. &“The author whose books about gender politics helped redefine American women&’s sexuality.&” —The New York Times

The Power of Beauty: Our Looks, Our Lives

by Nancy Friday

Reflections on how physical appearance, and beliefs about it, affect women&’s lives from a #1 bestselling author who&’s &“enormously fun to read&” (The New York Times). Beauty and appearance play a pervasive role in our culture. Here, the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of the groundbreaking, controversial bestseller My Secret Garden delves into beauty's influence on popular media and the psyche of modern women. Combining in-depth cultural analysis with personal anecdotes, sexology, and individual case studies, Nancy Friday explores the dissatisfaction women feel about their bodies—and how it affects their sexual freedom. Her analysis is broad-reaching, examining how popular culture, advertising, stereotypes of women in the workplace, the sexual liberation of the 1960s, and the dynamics of family relationships put pressure on women to live up to an impossible feminine ideal. Also published under the title Our Looks, Our Lives

Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women's Sexual Fantasies

by Nancy Friday

A classic work on how women think about sex, from the New York Times–bestselling author of My Secret Garden and My Mother/Myself. Nancy Friday&’s groundbreaking books such as Forbidden Flowers offered an unprecedented honest look at the inner fantasy lives of ordinary women. In Women on Top, Friday returns to this topic, collecting detailed sexual fantasies from over 150 contemporary women from diverse backgrounds. Based on intimate personal interviews and letters, this book updates the conversation started in her earlier works on women&’s sexual fantasies, detailing how women&’s erotic lives have changed—and remained the same. &“This absorbing, titillating and empowering feminist book is also a ribald bedside companion.&” —Publishers Weekly

Denktraining mit geistig behinderten Menschen: Eine Anleitung für Pädagogen und Pflegefachpersonen (essentials)

by Annemarie Frick-Salzmann

Die Pädagogin und erfahrene Autorin Annemarie Frick-Salzmann stellt in diesem Band ihr eigens konzipiertes Denktraining für geistig behinderte Menschen vor. Geistig behinderte Menschen nach ICD-10 lassen sich auch geistig stimulieren. Vielerorts wird das zu wenig beachtet. In diesem essential werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten geistiger Anregungen in einem Denktraining aufgelistet. Das Konzept der Autorin ist einmalig und fußt vor allem auf induktiven Denkaufgaben (nach K. J. Klauer). Die induktiven Denkaufgaben sind sehr praxisbezogen und haben einen hohen Transfer auf die Bewältigung des Alltags. Die Arbeit ist auf eine Viertelstunde begrenzt und ist ein Dialogtraining. Der große Vorteil für die Bewohner eines Heimes ist, dass damit die persönliche Zuneigung motivierend ist und konzentriert gearbeitet werden kann. Zum Buch werden Arbeitsblätter online bereitgestellt.

Gedächtnis: Ein Blick ins Gehirn für Bildungs-, Gesundheits- und Sozialexperten (essentials)

by Annemarie Frick-Salzmann

Die Gedächtnistrainerin Annemarie Frick-Salzmann beschreibt, wie unser Gedächtnis funktioniert und welche Gehirnregionen für einzelne Gedächtnissysteme relevant sind. Sie beantwortet oft gestellte Fragen wie z.B. „Wie sehr können wir uns auf unsere Erinnerungen verlassen? Was können Ursachen für falsche Erinnerungen sein? Warum haben Vergessen und Gedächtnispannen auch positive Seiten?“ Gut nachvollziehbar widerlegt sie das Vorurteil über die Vergesslichkeit alternder Menschen. Sie gibt dem Leser Hinweise zum Lernen und Informationen anhand ausgewählter Texte zu Gehirnregionen und Funktionssystemen. Die Autorin stellt komplexe Sachverhalte einfach und verständlich dar und zeigt, dass wir uns dank der Plastizität unseres Gehirns neuen Situationen anpassen und bis ins hohe Alter lernen können.

Personality Theories: Journeys Into Self - An Experiential Workbook

by Willard B. Frick

The author has revised this popular experiential workbook by adding Carl Jung and Karen Horney to his cast of major personality theorists—Freud, Adler, Erikson, Bandura, Allport, Maslow, and Rogers—who provide the context within which students explore aspects of their own private experience. Through exercises, projects, and group activities, students are given the means to relate abstract theories and concepts to their own personality development and experience. Many exercises deal with private aspects of students’ lives and are designed to be completed individually out of the classroom and reviewed by the instructor. Other classroom exercises involve working with peers in small-groups.

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior

by Paul J. Frick Randy W. Kamphaus Christopher T. Barry

Psychologists offer an increasing variety of services to the public. Among these services, psychological assessment of personality and behavior continues to be a central activity. One main reason is that other mental health professionals often do not possess a high level of competence in this area. And when dealing with children and adolescents, psychological assessment seems to take on an even greater role. Therefore, it follows that comprehensive graduate-level instruction in assessment should be a high priority for educators of psychologists who will work with these youth. This textbook is organized into three sections, consistent with the authors' approach to teaching. Part I provides students with the psychological knowledge base necessary for modern assessment practice, including historical perspectives, measurement science, child psychopathology, ethical, legal, and cultural issues, and the basics of beginning the assessment process. Part II gives students a broad review of the specific assessment methods used by psychologists, accompanied by specific advice regarding the usage and strengths and weaknesses of each method. In Part III, we help students perform some of the most sophisticated of assessment practices: integrating and communicating assessment results and infusing assessment practice with knowledge of child development and psychopathology to assess some of the most common types of behavioral and emotional disorders in youth. A text focusing on assessment practices must be updated every four to six years to keep pace with advances in test development. For example, several of the major tests reviewed in the text, such as the Behavioral Assessment System for Children and the Child Behavior Checklist, have undergone major revisions since the publication of the last edition making the current content outdated. Further, another major test, the Conners' Rating Scales, is undergoing substantial revisions that should be completed before publication of the next edition. Finally, the evidence for the validity of the tests and the recommendations for their appropriate use evolve as research accumulates and requires frequent updating to remain current. For example, there was a special issue of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology published focusing on evidenced-based assessment of the major forms of childhood psychopathology that will need to be integrated into the chapters in Part 3. This latter point reflects an important trend in the field that should influence the marketing of the book. That is, there are several initiatives being started in all of the major areas of applied psychology (e.g., school, clinical, and counseling) to promote evidenced-based assessment practices. These initiatives have all emphasized the need to enhance the training of graduate students in this approach to assessment. This has been the orientation of this textbook from its first edition: that is, Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior has focused on using research to guide all recommendations for practice. The ability of the textbook to meet this training need should be an important focus of marketing the book to training programs across all areas of applied psychology.

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior

by Paul J. Frick Randy W. Kamphaus Christopher T. Barry

The fourth edition of this textbook offers a scientific and practical context within which to understand and conduct clinical assessments of children’s and adolescent’s personality and behavior. The new edition ensures that the content is relevant to diagnostic criteria for major forms of child and adolescent psychopathology in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It provides updated information on specific tests and discusses advances in research that have occurred since the last edition that are relevant for assessing the most common forms of psychopathology shown by children and adolescents. The volume is unique in providing both the scientific and ethical basis to guide psychological testing, as well as providing practical advice for using specific tests and assessing specific forms of psychopathology. This new edition:Highlights how current trends in psychological classification, such as the DSM-5 and the Research Domain Criteria, should influence the clinical assessment of children and adolescents.Provides updates to professional standards that should guide test users.Discusses practical considerations in planning and conducting clinical assessments. Evaluates the most recent editions of common tests used in the clinical assessment of child and adolescent personality and behavior.Provides an overview of how to screen for early signs of emotional and behavioral risk for mental problems in children and adolescents. Discusses practical methods for integrating assessment information collecting as part of a clinical assessment.Uses current research to guide clinical assessments of children with Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, conduct problems, depression, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder. Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior is a valuable updated resource for graduate students as well as veteran and beginning clinicians across disciplines, including school, clinical child, developmental, and educational psychology; psychiatry; counseling; and social work; as well as related disciplines that provide mental health and educational services to children and adolescents.

The Science of Stress: Living Under Pressure

by Gregory L. Fricchione Ana Ivkovic Albert S. Yeung

Our jobs and families; the deluge of e-mails, texts, and calls; the constant pinch on our time and money; the screaming match of politics and the threat of terrorism and war--there is no doubt about it, we are completely stressed out. Most of the time, we just shrug it off, but as neuropsychiatrists Gregory L. Fricchione, Ana Ivkovic, and Albert Yeung gently remind us in this book: stress can be really, really bad for our health. In fact, persistent stress is directly linked to chronic ailments like heart disease, diabetes, and depression, contributing to one of the biggest health challenges facing the world in the twenty-first century. Expertly but sensitively guiding readers through the latest research in the science of stress, they offer an illuminating and therapeutic look at our own worst enemy. As Fricchione and his colleagues show, alleviating stress is a task that no one physician can alleviate for us on his own. It is not the sort of problem that a surgeon can excise with a scalpel or an internist can eradicate with antibiotics. It requires everyone's efforts--the healthy, the sick, doctors, nurses, psychologists, clergy, community leaders, and everyone else--to pull together to address the stress-induced drivers in our community that undermine our health. Clearly and accessibly exploring the latest in modern neuroscience and immunology, the authors examine what those drivers are and how they reduce the body's metabolic reserve, making us more vulnerable to illness. They then look at the antidote: enhanced resilience, something we can achieve by smartly adjusting how we face the significant adversities that can spring up in so many facets of our lives. Offering innumerable insights on the personal and social causes of stress and the physiological effects they have, this book serves as an essential guide to show us how to alleviate stress and properly take care of ourselves. In doing so, it offers a crucial first step toward meeting the biggest health challenge of this century.

Why Conservation Is Failing and How It Can Regain Ground

by Eric T. Freyfogle

Critics of environmental laws complain that such rules often burden people unequally, restrict individual liberty, and undercut private property rights. In formulating responses to these criticisms, the conservation effort has stumbled badly, says Eric T. Freyfogle in this thought-provoking book. Conservationists and environmentalists haven't done their intellectual homework, he contends, and they have failed to offer an understandable, compelling vision of healthy lands and healthy human communities. Freyfogle explores why the conservation movement has responded ineffectually to the many cultural and economic criticisms leveled against it. He addresses the meaning of good land use, describes the many shortcomings of "sustainability," and outlines six key tasks that the cause must address. Among these is the crafting of an overall goal and a vision of responsible private ownership. The book concludes with a stirring message that situates conservation within America's story of itself and with an extensive annotated bibliography of conservation's most valuable voices and texts--important information for readers prepared to take conservation more seriously.

Trauma and Cognitive Science: A Meeting of Minds, Science, and Human Experience

by Jennifer J Freyd Anne P Deprince

Decipher the complex interplay of neurology, psychology, trauma, and memory!In the midst of the controversies over how repressed, false, and recovered memories should be interpreted, Trauma and Cognitive Science presents reliable original research instead of rhetoric. This landmark volume examines the way different traumas influence memory, information processing, and suggestibility. The research provides testable theories on why people forget some kinds of childhood abuse and other traumas. It bridges the cognitive science and clinical approaches to traumatic stress studies.Written by the foremost researchers in the field, including Bessel van der Kolk and Jennifer Freyd, these scientific evaluations of the way traumatic memories are processed offer powerful new perspectives on the interplay of biology and psychology. Trauma and Cognitive Science discusses a range of traumas, including combat, child abuse, and sexual assault across the lifespan. Fascinating perceptual experiments shed light on the cognitive uses of dissociation, the encoding and recall of memory, and the effects of early trauma on subsequent information processing. Trauma and Cognitive Science offers solid information on the most challenging questions in this field: How is memory encoded, stored, and retrieved? How is it forgotten? How does trauma influence these processes? What kinds of memories can be created by suggestion? What physical changes take place in the brain under traumatic stress? How is consciousness disturbed during and after trauma? What are the ethical, clinical, and societal implications of traumatic stress studies? How can people suffering from traumatic memories be healed? Trauma and Cognitive Science also offers an astonishing array of true case studies, including the story of an adult woman who was raped, went to court, and saw her rapist convicted--and then forgot the whole traumatic episode. The independently corroborated accounts of recovered memories and the carefully designed research studies on multiple modes and levels of memory may offer the key to understanding how we remember and why we forget. The results of these controlled scientific studies have wide-ranging implications for abuse survivors, combat veterans, rape victims, and people who have survived traumatic events from earthquakes to car accidents. Written in clear, accessible prose, Trauma and Cognitive Science belongs on the bookshelf of all mental health professionals, researchers in the areas of traumatic stress and child abuse, attorneys, judges, and survivors of abuse and trauma.

Homo Novus - A Human Without Illusions

by Ulrich J. Frey Kai P. Willführ Charlotte Störmer

Converging evidence from disciplines including sociobiology, evolutionary psychology and human biology forces us to adopt a new idea of what it means to be a human. As cherished concepts such as free will, naïve realism, humans as creation's crowning glory fall and our moral roots in ape group dynamics become clearer, we have to take leave of many concepts that have been central to defining our humanness. What emerges is a new human, the homo novus, a human being without illusions. Leading authors from many different fields explore these issues by addressing a range of illusions and providing evidence for the need, despite considerable reluctance, to relinquish some of our most cherished ideas about ourselves.

All Learning Is Social and Emotional: Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for the Classroom and Beyond

by Nancy Frey Douglas Fisher Dominique Smith

While social and emotional learning (SEL) is most familiar as compartmentalized programs separate from academics, the truth is, all learning is social and emotional. What teachers say, the values we express, the materials and activities we choose, and the skills we prioritize all influence how students think, see themselves, and interact with content and with others. <p><p>If you teach kids rather than standards, and if you want all kids to get what they need to thrive, Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, and Dominique Smith offer a solution: a comprehensive, five-part model of SEL that's easy to integrate into everyday content instruction, no matter what subject or grade level you teach. You'll learn the hows and whys of: <p>• Building students' sense of identity and confidence in their ability to learn, overcome challenges, and influence the world around them. <p>• Helping students identify, describe, and regulate their emotional responses. <p>• Promoting the cognitive regulation skills critical to decision making and problem solving. <p>• Fostering students' social skills, including teamwork and sharing, and their ability to establish and repair relationships. <p>• Equipping students to becoming informed and involved citizens. <p><p>Along with a toolbox of strategies for addressing 33 essential competencies, you'll find real-life examples highlighting the many opportunities for social and emotional learning within the K-12 academic curriculum. Children's social and emotional development is too important to be an add-on or an afterthought, too important to be left to chance. Use this book's integrated SEL approach to help your students build essential skills that will serve them in the classroom and throughout their lives.

Experiments With People: Revelations From Social Psychology, 2nd Edition

by Kurt P. Frey Aiden P. Gregg

This book showcases 28 intriguing social psychological experiments that have significantly advanced our understanding of human social thinking and behavior. Each chapter focuses on the details and implications of a single study, while citing related research and real-life examples along the way. All the chapters are fully self-contained, allowing them to be read in any order without loss of coherence. This 2nd Edition contains a number of new studies and, together with its lively, conversational tone, it makes an ideal text for courses in social psychology, introductory psychology, or research design.

Innovative Lehre an der Hochschule: Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Lernerfahrungen aus COVID-19

by Dieter Frey Monika Uemminghaus

Dieses Buch vermittelt anschaulich und konkret, wie an der Exzellenzuniversität LMU München im Rahmen des Multiplikatoren-Programms entwickelte innovative Lehrkonzepte von Dozent*innen aller Fachgebiete in der eigenen Lehrtätigkeit umgesetzt werden können. Neben grundlegenden Hinweisen zu lernpsychologisch fundierten Maßnahmen für Führung von Teams, Motivation von Studierenden sowie Wertevermittlung und Begeisterung werden neue Ansätze digitaler Lehre vermittelt. Ergänzend fließen ganz aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus den ersten durch COVID-19 bedingten, rein digitalen Semestern ein und bieten die Chance, aus diesen Erfahrungen für die Lehrformate der Zukunft zu lernen. In einem zweiten Buchteil berichten Lehrende aus unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten von konkreten Innovationsmaßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Lehrqualität und stellen ihre spezifischen Ansätze zur Lösung von universitärer Lehre immanenten Problemlagen vor. Diese kurzen Best-Practice-Berichte, die in ausführlicherer Form im Internet als downloadbare Online-Ressource bereitgestellt werden, geben Anregungen, wie diese Projekte für andere Lehrende diverser Fachgebiete adaptierbar sind.

Mit Erfolg zur Professur oder Dozentur: Ein Karriereratgeber mit über 180 Fragen und Antworten

by Dieter Frey Karl-Walter Jauch Mariella Theresa Stockkamp

Mit diesem Ratgeber bereiten Sie sich erfolgreich auf eine Professur vor und erkennen Stolpersteine und Hürden auf Ihrem Weg zur Professur. Klar, prägnant, gut strukturiert, unterhaltsam und lehrreich zugleich, basiert diese hilfreiche Lektüre fast 200 Fragen von Jungwissenschaftler*innen auf ihrem Weg zur Professur, die in über 25 Workshops gestellt wurden. Wissenschaftlich fundierte psychologische Exkurse, praktische Checklisten sowie Erfahrungsberichte namhafter Professor*innen runden den Inhalt ab. Dazu ist der Karriereratgeber digital angereichert und so können Sie Ihr neu erworbenes Wissen anhand von 50 Fragen und Antworten auf der Springer Nature Flashcard App jederzeit kondensiert abrufen. Zielgruppen: Das Buch richtet sich an Wissenschaftler*innen jeder Karrierestufe und begleitet Sie auf dem Weg zu Ihrer Traumstelle: Von der Entscheidung für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere bis zu Ihren ersten Tagen in der Professur. Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs steht der Bewerbungsprozess inklusive des Umgangs mit Berufungskommissionen. Zu den Autoren und der Autorin: Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey ist Leiter des LMU Center for Leadership and People Management und Mitglied der Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Karl-Walter Jauch ist Ärztlicher Direktor und Vorsitzender des Vorstands am Klinikum der Universität München. Mariella Theresa Stockkamp, M.Sc. Psych., ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am LMU Center for Leadership and People Management.

Psychologie der Märchen: 41 Märchen wissenschaftlich analysiert - und was wir heute aus ihnen lernen können

by Dieter Frey

Dieses Buch bringt zwei Dinge zusammen, die Menschen faszinieren: Märchen und Psychologie. Ein Autorenteam rund um den bekannten Sozialpsychologen Dieter Frey analysiert berühmte Märchen aus Sicht der wissenschaftlichen Psychologie: Märchen befassen sich seit jeher mit zentralen Fragen und Schwierigkeiten des menschlichen Lebens und der Entwicklung – wie auch die Psychologie! Aber kommen beide heute auch zu den gleichen Schlüssen? Stimmt die "Moral von der Geschicht‘" jedes Mal auch aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive? 41 Märchenklassiker – jeweils nochmal kurz zusammengefasst – wollen in diesem Buch neu entdeckt und verstanden werden. Erfahren Sie, welche Lektionen wir auch heute noch von Hans im Glück, Schneewittchen, Rumpelstilzchen und all den anderen für unsere Lebensgestaltung, Führung und Erziehung lernen können. Ein spannendes Lesebuch – für Märchenfreunde, Eltern, Erzieher/-innen, Studierende der Psychologie, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften und alle, die sich von Psychologie faszinieren lassen.

Psychologie der Rituale und Bräuche: 30 Riten und Gebräuche wissenschaftlich analysiert und erklärt

by Dieter Frey

Dieses Buch betrachtet bekannte Rituale, Sitten und Bräuche des menschlichen Lebens aus psychologischer Perspektive: Welche neuen Erkenntnisse bietet die moderne Wissenschaft zu den teils uralten Ritualen unseres individuellen oder gesellschaftlichen Lebens, die uns Menschen bis heute beeinflussen? – Dazu stellen die Autoren den historischen Hintergründen neue, psychologische Erklärungen gegenüber und erweitern so unser Wissen darüber, warum es gewisse Bräuche gibt, welche Funktion sie für unser (Zusammen-)Leben erfüllen und warum sich manche Rituale nach wie vor erhalten haben oder im Laufe der Zeit aufgegeben oder modifiziert wurden. Darüber hinaus bietet das Buch erstaunliche Erkenntnisse über das Urteilen, Denken und Verhalten von Menschen und gibt ganz konkrete Tipps für unser Handeln – z.B. in der Erziehung in Kindergärten und Schulen, Führung in Unternehmen und der Politik oder unserem alltäglichen Leben.

Psychologie der Sprichwörter: Weiß die Wissenschaft mehr als Oma?

by Dieter Frey

Dieses Buch untersucht gängige Sprichwörter des Volksmunds aus psychologisch-wissenschaftlicher Perspektive: Stimmen die alten Sprichwörter mit den Erkenntnissen der modernen Wissenschaft überein? Weiß die Wissenschaft mehr oder gar weniger als Oma, die sich viele Zusammenhänge des alltäglichen Lebens durch "Lebensweisheiten" erklärte? 33 kompakte Kapitel beleuchten 33 bekannte Sprichwörter und erklären, was die Wissenschaft dazu weiß, unter welchen Bedingungen ein Sprichwort gilt und wo ggf. die Grenzen seiner Gültigkeit liegen. Ein Buch für Studierende und Dozierende der Psychologie, denn es bietet durch die Breite der Themen eine Übersicht über viele Phänomene und Theorien der Psychologie - gleichzeitig aber auch für interessierte Laien, die für Alltagsphänomene psychologische Erklärungen suchen.

Psychologie des Guten und Bösen: Licht- und Schattenfiguren der Menschheitsgeschichte - Biografien wissenschaftlich beleuchtet

by Dieter Frey

Warum gibt es das Böse in der Welt, das uns zur Verzweiflung bringt? Und warum andererseits das Gute, das die Welt zum Positiven verändert? Dieses Buch nähert sich dem Phänomen von Gut und Böse in Gestalt ganz konkreter, bekannter Personen der Menschheitsgeschichte und versucht zu erklären: Warum gehören sie zu den Bösen oder Guten? Was hat sie geprägt? Was waren Ursachen und Auslöser für ihre Taten? Was bedeutet dies für unsere heutige Zeit? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen werden dabei aus der Wissenschaft und vor allem aus der (Sozial-)Psychologie abgeleitet. Damit liest sich dieses Werk gleichzeitig als lebensnahes Psychologielehrbuch wie auch als Biografie berühmter Personen, die uns seit jeher – im Guten wie im Schlechten – faszinieren.

Practical Techniques For Enhancing Self-Esteem

by Diane Frey C. Jesse Carlock

First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Happiness: A Revolution in Economics (Munich Lectures in Economics)

by Bruno S. Frey

A leading economist discusses the potential of happiness research (the quantification of well-being) to answer important questions that standard economics methods are unable to analyze.Revolutionary developments in economics are rare. The conservative bias of the field and its enshrined knowledge make it difficult to introduce new ideas not in line with received theory. Happiness research, however, has the potential to change economics substantially in the future. Its findings, which are gradually being taken into account in standard economics, can be considered revolutionary in three respects: the measurement of experienced utility using psychologists' tools for measuring subjective well-being; new insights into how human beings value goods and services and social conditions that include consideration of such non-material values as autonomy and social relations; and policy consequences of these new insights that suggest different ways for government to affect individual well-being. In Happiness, emphasizing empirical evidence rather than theoretical conjectures, Bruno Frey substantiates these three revolutionary claims for happiness research. After tracing the major developments of happiness research in economics and demonstrating that we have gained important new insights into how income, unemployment, inflation, and income demonstration affect well-being, Frey examines such wide-ranging topics as democracy and federalism, self-employment and volunteer work, marriage, terrorism, and watching television from the new perspective of happiness research. Turning to policy implications, Frey describes how government can provide the conditions for people to achieve well-being, arguing that a crucial role is played by adequate political institutions and decentralized decision making. Happiness demonstrates the achievements of the economic happiness revolution and points the way to future research.

Venedig ist überall: Vom Übertourismus zum Neuen Original

by Bruno S. Frey

Kultureller Übertourismus ist das neue Schlagwort für von Touristen extrem stark frequentierte und damit überfüllte historische Sehenswürdigkeiten, Museen und Städte. Ein Kulturtourismus also, der negative Auswirkungen sowohl für die kulturellen Orte als auch für die dort lebenden Menschen zeitigt. In Reaktion darauf wird vermehrt protestiert und Kulturträger und Bürgermeister ergreifen zunehmend Maßnahmen, um den Touristenstrom zu begrenzen. Ist dies das Ende einer „Kultur für alle“?In diesem Buch schlägt Bruno S. Frey - renommierter und vielzitierter Kulturökonom - im Gegenteil eine Erweiterung des Angebotes als „Neue Originale“ vor: Die wichtigsten Monumente werden an einem geografisch geeigneten Ort identisch kopiert. Ergänzend werden den Besuchern mithilfe digitaler Informationstechnologien (Augmented und Virtual Reality inklusive Hologramme) Geschichte und Kultur der Orte nahe gebracht. Angrenzende Hotels, Restaurants und Läden bieten die notwendige begleitende Infrastruktur. Auf diese Weise kann der Touristenstrom zwischen den ursprünglichen und den „Neuen Originalen“ verteilt werden. Diese Idee wird mit seinen organisatorischen und ökonomischen Herausforderungen skizziert und von bestehenden Disneyland-Konzepten abgegrenzt. Gerade für Familien mit Kindern und allgemein kulturell interessierte Personen – also für die größte Zahl der Besucher – können diese „Neuen Originale“ sehr attraktiv sein.

The Intimacy Factor

by Lawrence S. Freundlich Pia Mellody

In her first book in over 10 years, Pia Mellody--author of the groundbreaking bestsellers Facing Codependence and Facing Love Addiction--shares her profound wisdom on what it takes to sustain true intimacy and trusting love in our most vital relationships. Drawing on more than 20 years' experience as a counsellor at the renowned Meadows Treatment Centre in Arizona, Mellody now shares what she has learned about why intimate relationships falter--and what makes them work. Using the most up-to-date research and real-life examples, including her own compelling personal journey, Mellody provides readers with profoundly insightful and practical ground rules for relationships that achieve and maintain joyous intimacy. This invaluable resource helps diagnose the causes of faulty relationships--many of them rooted in childhood--and provides tools for readers to heal themselves, enabling them to establish and maintain healthy relationships.

The Logic of Sortals: A Conceptualist Approach (Synthese Library #408)

by Max A. Freund

Sortal concepts are at the center of certain logical discussions and have played a significant role in solutions to particular problems in philosophy. Apart from logic and philosophy, the study of sortal concepts has found its place in specific fields of psychology, such as the theory of infant cognitive development and the theory of human perception. In this monograph, different formal logics for sortal concepts and sortal-related logical notions (such as sortal identity and first-order sortal quantification) are characterized. Most of these logics are intensional in nature and possess, in addition, a bidimensional character. That is, they simultaneously represent two different logical dimensions. In most cases, the dimensions are those of time and natural necessity, and, in other cases, those of time and epistemic necessity. Another feature of the logics in question concerns second-order quantification over sortal concepts, a logical notion that is also represented in the logics. Some of the logics adopt a constant domain interpretation, others a varying domain interpretation of such quantification. Two of the above bidimensional logics are philosophically grounded on predication sortalism, that is, on the philosophical view that predication necessarily requires sortal concepts. Another bidimensional logic constitutes a logic for complex sortal predicates. These three sorts of logics are among the important novelties of this work since logics with similar features have not been developed up to now, and they might be instrumental for the solution of philosophically significant problems regarding sortal predicates. The book assumes a modern variant of conceptualism as a philosophical background. For this reason, the approach to sortal predicates is in terms of sortal concepts. Concepts, in general, are here understood as intersubjective realizable cognitive capacities. The proper features of sortal concepts are determined by an analysis of the main features of sortal predicates. Posterior to this analysis, the sortal-related logical notions represented in the above logics are discussed. There is also a discussion on the extent to which the set-theoretic formal semantic systems of the book capture different aspects of the conceptualist approach to sortals. These different semantic frameworks are also related to realist and nominalist approaches to sortal predicates, and possible modifications to them are considered that might represent those alternative approaches.

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