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Wild Analysis (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Sigmund Freud

'Psychoanalytic treatment utilised the patient's capacity to love and desire as a means to an end. The stuff of romance became the stuff of cure. When Freud is writing about technique in psychoanalysis - and these papers [in Wild Analysis] represent his most significant contributions to the subject over three decades of work - it is important to remember that he is talking about what a couple, an analyst and a so-called patient, can do in a room together. For better or worse.' Adam Phillips

Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious

by Sigmund Freud

Renowned as the father of psychoanalysis, Freud was uniquely qualified to write this fascinating exploration of the nature of wit — including jokes and joking — and its role and function as a manifestation and vehicle of unconscious impulses. First analyzing the techniques and tendencies of wit, the great analyst probes the origins of wit in the "pleasure mechanism." He then discusses the motives of wit, wit as a social process, the relation of wit to dreams and the unconscious, and wit and the various forms of the comic.Until the publication of this important study, the literature on which was insubstantial; those investigations that existed tended to neglect wit in favor of the larger, more general area of the comic. In Freud's hands, however, the study of wit became another avenue of investigation into the psyche. With characteristic insight and intelligence he shows that wit, although it belongs to aesthetics, is subject to the same laws, shares the same mechanism and serves the same tendencies as neuroses, dreams and psychopathological acts.Published a few years after Freud's breakthrough work, The Interpretation of Dreams, the present volume is not only an acutely perceptive psychological study, its lighthearted tone and abundant store of jokes and witticism make it one of the most accessible and enjoyable of Freud's works. It is presented here in an excellent English translation by A. A. Brill, Freud's chosen translator and former Chief of the Clinic of Psychiatry, Columbia University.

Wit And Its Relation To The Unconscious

by Freud, Sigmund

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The "Wolfman" and Other Cases

by Sigmund Freud

When a disturbed young Russian man came to Freud for treatment, the analysis of his childhood neuroses—most notably a dream about wolves outside his bedroom window—eventually revealed a deep-seated trauma. It took more than four years to treat him, and "The Wolfman" became one of Freud's most famous cases. This volume also contains the case histories of a boy's fear of horses and the Ratman's violent fear of rats, as well as the essay "Some Character Types," in which Freud draws on the work of Shakespeare, Ibsen, and Nietzsche to demonstrate different kinds of resistance to therapy. Above all, the case histories show us Freud at work, in his own words. .

Freud Verbatim: Quotations and Aphorisms

by Sigmnd Freud

The founder of psychoanalysis and one of the twentieth century’s most influential thinkers, in his own words. Sigmund Freud is on the very short list of historical figures who have profoundly influenced—perhaps even revolutionized—the way we think and the way we see the world and ourselves. This book compiles quotes, maxims, observations, and witticisms from the founder of psychoanalysis and the popularizer of such terms as ego, superego, and id. Covering subjects ranging from politics and religion to love and sex, this collection assembles passages from Freud’s major works, as well as making use of personal letters to his friends and family. Organized into ten thematic chapters, this thought-provoking compilation provides a representative look into all of Freud’s work.

Electra vs Oedipus: The Drama of the Mother–Daughter Relationship

by Hendrika C. Freud

Electra vs Oedipus explores the deeply complex and often turbulent relationship between mothers and daughters. In contrast to Sigmund Freud’s conviction that the father is the central figure, the book puts forward the notion that women are in fact far more (pre)occupied with their mother. Drawing on the author’s extensive clinical experience, the book provides numerous case studies which shed light on women’s emotional development. Topics include: love and hate between mothers and daughters the history of maternal love childbirth and depression rejected mothers. Electra vs Oedipus will be a valuable resource for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and all those with an interest in the dynamics of the mother–daughter relationship.

Men and Mothers: The Lifelong Struggle of Sons and Their Mothers

by Hendrika C. Freud

Not all men vie with their fathers for the love of their mothers. In some families the mother becomes the central figure for her son - the father is excluded (or excludes himself) and does not come between mother and son. The main thesis of this book - using clinical vignettes and quotes from the work of Marcel Proust to illustrate the author's points - is that in these cases fantasies of matricide replace patricide. Men develop their male gender identity by being permitted to separate from their mother early on, but when a man does not resolve his infantile tie to his mother he risks remaining in a passive and/or dependent position towards her. Over-identification with the mother might ensue, hampering masculine development. Mothers who seek emotional support by binding their sons too closely can become seductive towards them. The child is inclined to try to satisfy the emotional needs of his mother, and he fears rejection if he asserts his independence instead of complying.

The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence (International Psycho-analysis Library)

by Anna Freud The Institute of Psychoanalysis

This book deals with one particular problem that is with the ways and means by which the ego wards off unpleasure and anxiety, and exercises control over impulsive behavior, affects, and instinctive urges. It is a major contribution to psychoanalytic psychology.

War and Children

by Anna Freud Dorothy T. Burlingham

This book looks at the record of children in modern war told honestly and completely, by two of the world's outstanding child psychologists, Anna Freud and Dorothy Burlingham. The work focuses on how war affects psychological development in children; the need for personal attachment, for emotional stability, and for permanency of educational influence.

The Harvard Lectures

by Anna Freud

This remarkable series of introductory lectures on psychoanalysis is, in fact, a lucid, elegant and profound overview of classic psychoanalytic theory, in which the main aspects of psychoanalytic psychology are spelt out. The simple and clear language characteristic of the author's lecturing, the precision of her concepts and their mutual relationships, and their liveliness of this comprehensive synthesis make for a thought provoking, exciting reading experience.

Normality and Pathology in Childhood: Assessments of Development (Writings Of Anna Freud #Vol. 6)

by Anna Freud

The author's book deals with a most neglected aspect of psychoanalysis - normality. Its chief concern is with the ordinary problems of upbringing which face all parents and the usual phenomena encountered by every clinician. Yet, though primarily practical and clinical in its approach, it also makes a major theoretical contribution to psychology. The author begins with an account of the development of analytic child psychology, its techniques and its sources in child and adult analysis and direct observation of the child. The author then describes the course of normal development, how it can be hindered or eased, what are the unavoidable stresses and strains and how variations of normality occur. The author outlines a scheme for assessing normality and for gauging and classifying pathological phenomena in terms of the obstruction of normal progress rather than the severity of symptoms. Stress is laid on the problem of predicting the outcome of infantile factors for adult pathology in the face of the child's continual development. Finally, child analysis is considered both as a therapeutic method and as a means for the advance of knowledge.

Practitioner-Based Research: Power, Discourse and Transformation

by Dawn Freshwater John Lees

Practitioner-Based Research is concerned, in particular, with the research which is undertaken by healthcare practitioners and the evidence which they generate as a result of investigating their practice. In so doing it recognizes that, as well as working in academic life, practitioner researchers are often working as practitioners outside the Academy. It argues that the work of practitioner researchers has a significant contribution to make to healthcare research and so needs to be disseminated further in order to create balanced research communities within the healthcare professions. This book will help academic researchers to broaden the limited ontological and epistemological perspectives of their research. It will also encourage healthcare practitioners who have not been trained academically to develop their research skills and to realize that they are actually researching in their practice on a day-to-day basis. Finally, it will provide a degree of transparency about therapeutic processes to help clients and patients to see aspects of professional practice and development which are usually hidden from them.

Trickster in Tweed: The Quest for Quality in a Faculty Life (Writing Lives: Ethnographic Narratives)

by Thomas S Frentz

How do academics survive the bureaucracy, the petty jealousies, the absurdities of operating in the university? More important, how do they, as humans, cope with the darker shadows that enter professional lives-- illness, sorrow, death? Coyote, The Trickster, a well known figure in the American Indian world, is also the icon for communication scholar Tom Frentz. Frentz uses the survival strategies of The Trickster in his articulate, amusing, and often emotional autoethnography of striving for quality through the worlds of academia and medicine.

Complex Problem Solving: The European Perspective

by Peter A. Frensch Joachim Funke

This volume presents a state-of-the-science review of the most promising current European research -- and its historic roots of research -- on complex problem solving (CPS) in Europe. It is an attempt to close the knowledge gap among American scholars regarding the European approach to understanding CPS. Although most of the American researchers are well aware of the fact that CPS has been a very active research area in Europe for quite some time, they do not know any specifics about even the most important research. Part of the reason for this lack of knowledge is undoubtedly the fact that European researchers -- for the most part -- have been rather reluctant to publish their work in English-language journals. The book concentrates on European research because the basic approach European scholars have taken to studying CPS is very different from one taken by North American researchers. Traditionally, American scholars have been studying CPS in "natural" domains -- physics, reading, writing, and chess playing -- concentrating primarily on exploring novice-expert differences and the acquisition of a complex skill. European scholars, in contrast, have been primarily concerned with problem solving behavior in artificially generated, mostly computerized, complex systems. While the American approach has the advantage of high external validity, the European approach has the advantage of system variables that can be systematically manipulated to reveal the effects of system parameters on CPS behavior. The two approaches are thus best viewed as complementing each other. This volume contains contributions from four European countries -- Sweden, Switzerland, Great Britain, and Germany. As such, it accurately represents the bulk of empirical research on CPS which has been conducted in Europe. An international cooperation started two years ago with the goal of bringing the European research on complex problem solving to the awareness of American scholars. A direct result of that effort, the contributions to this book are both informative and comprehensive.

Cognition and Neuropsychology: International Perspectives on Psychological Science (Volume 1)

by Peter A. Frensch

This is the first of two volumes which together present the main contributions from the 29th International Congress of Psychology, held in Berlin in 2008, written by international leaders in psychology from around the world. The authors present a variety of approaches and perspectives that reflect cutting-edge advances in psychological science. Cognition and Neuropsychology is dedicated to summarizing and characterizing the current scientific research in three substantive content areas, (i) Perception, Attention, and Action, (ii) Social Cognition, and (iii) Learning, Memory and Development. While some of the contributions focus on relatively narrow areas of research, others adopt a much broader stance, trying to understand and explain many different facets of behaviour across widely differing situations. Some contributions even try to bridge the fundamental gap between behaviour and genetics. The final part contains two chapters that discuss fundamental general issues in psychology, such as the fate of mentalism and the significance of phenomenal analyses. All chapters offer fascinating insights into current theorizing on the mind, and are written by some of the best-known scholars of our time. This book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, professionals, teachers and students in the field of psychology.

Mit Sportpsychologie durch Grenzsituationen: Psychologische Flexibilität am Beispiel des Extremsports (essentials)

by Marie Ottilie Frenkel Carolin Krupop Violetta Oblinger-Peters

ExtremsportlerInnen treffen oft auf unerwartete und risikoreiche Umstände, sogenannte Grenzsituationen, zu deren Bewältigung übliche Maßnahmen nicht ausreichen. Die Autorinnen präsentieren Strategien, derer sich ExtremsportlerInnen bedienen, um ihre Aufmerksamkeit, Gedanken und Gefühle achtsam auszurichten und letztendlich engagiert und wertegeleitet zu handeln. Diese Tipps aus der Sportpsychologie zur Steigerung der Psychologischen Flexibilität können in einer Vielzahl von Berufen genutzt werden, um in riskanten Grenzsituationen souverän Bestleistungen abzurufen.

Attention, Cooperation, Purpose: An Approach to Working in Groups Using Insights from Wilfred Bion

by Robert French Peter Simpson

This book describes an approach based on attention that can help individuals and groups to cooperate more effectively. It presents the first book-length reassessment of Wilfred Bion's ideas on groups. Every group has a purpose or purposes - or, as Bion put it, "every group, however casual, meets to 'do' something." The approach described here shows how individual group members' use of attention - both broad or "evenly suspended" and focused - can promote a better understanding of purpose, making it possible for them to do what they have met to do. This work of attention enables group members to maintain a clear sense of their purpose and also to recognise how easily they can become distracted, losing focus and dispersing their energies into activities that are off task. The approach builds on the authors' experience of using Bion's insights into group dynamics over twenty-five years in different contexts, formal and informal, as group members, managers, leaders, teachers, consultants, researchers, family members, and friends.

Think You're Crazy? Think Again: A Resource Book for Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis

by Paul French Richard Bentall Anthony P. Morrison Julia Renton

Are you troubled by hearing voices or seeing visions that others do not? Do you believe that other people are trying to harm you or control you? Do you feel that something odd is going on that you can’t explain or that things are happening around you with a special meaning? Do you worry that other people can read your mind or that thoughts are being put in your head? Think You’re Crazy? Think Again provides an effective step-by-step aid to understanding your problems, making positive changes and promoting recovery. Written by experts in the field, this book will help you to: understand how your problems developed and what keeps them going use questionnaires and monitoring sheets to identify and track changes in the links between your experiences, how you make sense of these and how you feel and behave learn how to change thoughts, feelings and behaviour for the better practice skills between sessions using worksheets Based on clinically proven techniques and filled with examples of how cognitive therapy can help people with distressing psychotic experiences, Think You’re Crazy? Think Again will be a valuable resource for people with psychosis.

Why Men Fall Out of Love: What Every Woman Needs to Understand

by Michael French

The groundbreaking book that breaks the silence of the male code. Why do men fall out of love? It's rarely a simple issue of attraction, sex, or money trouble. In this provocative no-holds-barred guide, Michael French brings unparalleled insight into the male psyche and reveals why so many men feel trapped, unhappy, or unfulfilled, and what women can do about it. Based on interviews with men from all ages and walks of life this grippingly honest book illustrates why, when it comes to relationships, so many men feel "outgunned and outmatched" by women. Discover: * The 4 relationship busters that lead couples to flounder and sink-the loss of intimacy / the quest for validation / the perfection impulse / the fading of attraction-and strategies for dealing with them head-on * Six key reasons why men fall out of love-from issues of identity, power, and fear to stereotypes about who they really are and what they want * The truth about men and (mis)communication-and ways for them to open up * Three questions a woman needs to ask a man before she becomes emotionally involved * The Relationship Audit-how couples can figure out what is driving them apart and find ways to mend their relationship. By finally bringing men's true feelings to the surface, Michael French offers a dramatic new approach to understanding men and their hidden emotions. This guide illuminates the deeper reasons why men fall out of love and, more important, shows how relationships can be healed. "An impressive, insightful, and completely accessible view deep into the heart's of men and their struggle with love." -Joel D. Block, Ph.D., author of Naked Intimacy. "Read this brilliant book and untie the knot of life- why does love fade?" -Susan Braudy, former editor of Ms. Magazine.

Bringing Our Histories into School-Based Therapy: How Therapists' Backstories Enrich Work with Children and Young People

by Lyn French Reva Klein

This is a book that delves into the relationship between therapists’ sometimes fraught engagement with their own emotional histories and those of their clients, offering a creative template for opening up important conversations. Each of the chapter authors contributing to this volume focuses on seminal life events that inflect the emotional tenor and quality of attunement in the consulting room. A broad range of subjects is covered, which either highlight themes around identity or reflect the kinds of challenges that bring young people to therapy, including bereavement, the experience of otherness, dislocation and migration, disrupted family relationships and life-threatening illness. With compelling clinical vignettes illuminating the resonances between therapists’ stories and those of the clients they present, this book is an engaging and insightful read for all practitioners in the field, especially those working in child and adolescent mental health.

Therapeutic Practice in Schools: Working with the Child Within: A Clinical Workbook for Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Arts Therapists

by Lyn French Reva Klein

This book is an indispensable guide to providing therapy services for children and adolescents in primary and secondary school settings. The contributors have extensive experience in the field and carefully examine every aspect of the work, ranging from developing an understanding of the school context in all its complexity, through to what to say and do in challenging therapy sessions and in meetings with school staff or parents and carers. Therapeutic Practice in Schools opens with an overview of key psychoanalytic concepts informing therapy practice. This is followed by a detailed exploration of the hopes and anxieties raised by providing therapy in schools, the factors that either enable or impede the therapist's work and how to manage expectations as well as measure outcomes. The practical aspects of delivering therapy sessions are also covered, from the initial assessment phase through recognising and working with anxieties, defences, transference and counter-transference to working with endings. An awareness of the impact of social identity, gender, race and culture on both the therapist and client is woven into the book and is also discussed in depth in a dedicated chapter. The manual offers a comprehensive yet highly readable guide to the complex world of school-based therapy. It provides practical examples of how therapists translate theory into everyday language that can be understood by their young clients, ensuring that trainees starting a placement in schools, as well as therapists beginning work in the educational setting for the first time, are able to take up their role with confidence.

Therapeutic Practice in Schools Volume Two: The Contemporary Adolescent:A Clinical Workbook for counsellors, psychotherapists and arts therapists

by Lyn French Reva Klein

In common with Therapeutic Practice in Schools: Working with the Child Within (Routledge 2012), this second volume serves as a practical handbook for school-based counsellors, psychotherapists, arts therapists and play therapists working with young people. Written in accessible language, it is eminently applicable to the practice of both qualified and trainee therapists. Therapeutic Practice in Schools: The Contemporary Adolescent begins with an overview of key psychoanalytic ideas informing our understanding of adolescence before moving on to focus on life circumstances and issues which commonly bring young people to the therapist’s consulting room in the school. Dedicated chapters on key themes including identity, relationships, sex and sexuality, anger issues, self-harm, bereavement and bullying aim to deepen our understanding of the adolescent experience while also providing the therapist with invaluable insights into what one might say in the ‘here and now’ of the session. Chapter authors, all with considerable experience in the field, discuss approaches to sustaining the therapeutic relationship in the face of ambivalence or defiant resistance as well as thinking about the impact of social media on all aspects of adolescent development. The advantages and limitations of working with adolescents in the educational setting where school staff will have their own reasons for referring students for therapy, while the young people themselves might come with a very different agenda, are also covered. It is widely acknowledged that engaging troubled or troublesome adolescents in therapy can make an enormous difference to their lives. This book ensures that both trainee and qualified therapists are supported in the often daunting yet ever stimulating and enlivening task of working with young people in the school setting.

Against Sex: Identities of Sexual Restraint in Early America (Gender and American Culture)

by Kara M. French

How much sex should a person have? With whom? What do we make of people who choose not to have sex at all? As present as these questions are today, they were subjects of intense debate in the early American republic. In this richly textured history, Kara French investigates ideas about, and practices of, sexual restraint to better understand the sexual dimensions of American identity in the antebellum United States. French considers three groups of Americans—Shakers, Catholic priests and nuns, and followers of sexual reformer Sylvester Graham—whose sexual abstinence provoked almost as much social, moral, and political concern as the idea of sexual excess. Examining private diaries and letters, visual culture and material artifacts, and a range of published works, French reveals how people practicing sexual restraint became objects of fascination, ridicule, and even violence in nineteenth-century American culture. Against Sex makes clear that in assessing the history of sexuality, an expansive view of sexual practice that includes abstinence and restraint can shed important new light on histories of society, culture, and politics.

The Science of Weird Shit: Why Our Minds Conjure the Paranormal

by Chris French

An accessible and gratifying introduction to the world of paranormal beliefs and bizarre experiences.Ghostly encounters, alien abduction, reincarnation, talking to the dead, UFO sightings, inexplicable coincidences, out-of-body and near-death experiences. Are these legitimate phenomena? If not, then how should we go about understanding them? In this fascinating book, Chris French investigates paranormal claims to discover what lurks behind this &“weird shit.&” French provides authoritative evidence-based explanations for a wide range of superficially mysterious phenomena, and then goes further to draw out lessons with wider applications to many other aspects of modern society where critical thinking is urgently needed.Using academic, comprehensive, logical, and, at times, mathematical approaches, The Science of Weird Shit convincingly debunks ESP, communicating with the dead, and alien abduction claims, among other phenomena. All the while, however, French maintains that our belief in such phenomena is neither ridiculous nor trivial; if anything, such claims can tell us a great deal about the human mind if we pay them the attention they are due. Filled with light-bulb moments and a healthy dose of levity, The Science of Weird Shit is a clever, memorable, and gratifying read you won&’t soon forget.

Educational and Psychological Measurement

by Brian F. French W. Holmes Finch

This new text provides the most current coverage of measurement and psychometrics in a single volume. Authors W. Holmes Finch and Brian F. French first review the basics of psychometrics and measurement, before moving on to more complex topics such as equating and scaling, item response theory, standard setting, and computer adaptive testing. Also included are discussions of cutting-edge topics utilized by practitioners in the field, such as automated test development, game-based assessment, and automated test scoring. This book is ideal for use as a primary text for graduate-level psychometrics/measurement courses, as well as for researchers in need of a broad resource for understanding test theory.

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