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American Ways, Third Edition: A Cultural Guide To

by Gary Althen Janet Bennett

Whether you're a businessperson beginning to work in the United States or a foreign student visiting for a semester, American Ways will help you navigate the diverse and changing culture of the United States. From the deep-seated attitudes that mark the American character to customs and everyday activities, Gary Althen and Janet Bennett provide invaluable information on religion, politics, education, and relationships.

Proceedings of the 25th Annual Cognitive Science Society: Part 1 and 2

by Richard Alterman David Kirsh

This volume features the complete text of the material presented at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. As in previous years, the symposium included an interesting mixture of papers on many topics from researchers with diverse backgrounds and different goals, presenting a multifaceted view of cognitive science. This volume includes all papers, posters, and summaries of symposia presented at the leading conference that brings cognitive scientists together. The theme of this year's conference was the social, cultural, and contextual elements of cognition, including topics on collaboration, cultural learning, distributed cognition, and interaction.

When Presidents Lie: A History of Official Deception and Its Consequences

by Eric Alterman

Alterman (English, City U. of New York-Brooklyn College) helps dispel two myths: that US presidents would never lie to the people; and that presidential lying began only with the current occupant of the position. Having a mere 500 pages, he does not go back farther than Franklin D. Roosevelt, and leaves out all the subsequent presidents except Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Reagan, and of course Bush the second. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Führung an Hochschulen in Konfliktsituationen: Ein Leitfaden zur Konfliktprävention und Krisenintervention für die Praxis (essentials)

by Urs Alter Werner Inderbitzin

Dieses essential gibt Führungskräften an Hochschulen einen praxisorientierten Leitfaden zum Konfliktmanagement und zur Krisenintervention an die Hand. Dabei wird auf das Spezifische von Konflikten an Hochschulen fokussiert, weil die gängige Konfliktliteratur hier nur beschränkt weiterhilft. Leser/innen verstehen die speziellen Treiber von Konflikten in Hochschulen und erhalten konkrete Hinweise für Konfliktprävention und Umgang mit Konflikten. An ausgewählten Konfliktsituationen und -beispielen wird aufgezeigt, wie Führungsverantwortliche in einer Hochschulkultur lösungsorientiert und deeskalierend wirken können.

Teamidentität, Teamentwicklung und Führung: Wir-Gefühl am Arbeitsplatz ermöglichen – das Potenzial des Teams nutzen (essentials)

by Urs Alter

Dr. Urs Alter veranschaulicht wichtige Zusammenhänge zwischen Teamführung und Arbeitsleistung. Dabei wird deutlich, dass Mitarbeitende ihre Identität auch in der Arbeitsrolle finden müssen, wenn von ihnen Engagement verlangt wird. Der Autor beschreibt, wie Führungskräfte dies ermöglichen können und wie eine Teamidentität geschaffen wird, die als „Wir-Gefühl“ das Verhalten im Team nachhaltig und wirksam prägt. Im Zentrum des Praxisbezugs stehen die Teamentwicklung und die Verankerung von Leitgedanken: Vision, Mission, Wertvorstellungen. Schließlich ermutigt das essentialFührungskräfte, sich mit tiefer gehenden Fragen nach Sinn und Zweck der Arbeit auseinanderzusetzen, wenn sie erfolgreich bleiben wollen.

Teamidentität, Teamentwicklung und Führung: Wir-Gefühl am Arbeitsplatz ermöglichen – das Potenzial des Teams nutzen (essentials)

by Urs Alter

Dr. Urs Alter veranschaulicht wichtige Zusammenhänge zwischen Teamführung und Arbeitsleistung. Dabei wird deutlich, dass Mitarbeitende ihre Identität auch in der Arbeitsrolle finden müssen, wenn von ihnen Engagement verlangt wird. Der Autor beschreibt, wie Führungskräfte dies ermöglichen können und wie eine Teamidentität geschaffen wird, die als „Wir-Gefühl“ das Verhalten im Team nachhaltig und wirksam prägt. Im Zentrum des Praxisbezugs stehen die Teamentwicklung und die Verankerung von Leitgedanken: Vision, Mission, Wertvorstellungen. Schließlich ermutigt das essentialFührungskräfte, sich mit tiefer gehenden Fragen nach Sinn und Zweck der Arbeit auseinanderzusetzen, wenn sie erfolgreich bleiben wollen. Für die vorliegende zweite Auflage wurde das essential gründlich durchgesehen und auf den aktuellen Forschungsstand gebracht.

Becoming a Mountain: Himalayan Journeys in Search of the Sacred and the Sublime

by Stephen Alter

Stephen Alter was raised by American missionary parents in the hill station of Mussoorie, in the foothills of the Himalayas, where he and his wife, Ameeta, now live. Their idyllic existence was brutally interrupted when four armed intruders invaded their house and viciously attacked them, leaving them for dead. The violent assault and the trauma of almost dying left him questioning assumptions he had lived by since childhood. For the first time, he encountered the face of evil and the terror of the unknown. He felt like a foreigner in the land of his birth. This book is his account of a series of treks he took in the high Himalayas following his convalescence--to Bandar Punch (the monkey’s tail), Nanda Devi, the second highest mountain in India, and Mt. Kailash in Tibet. He set himself this goal to prove that he had healed mentally as well as physically and to re-knit his connection to his homeland. Undertaken out of sorrow, the treks become a moving soul journey, a way to rediscover mountains in his inner landscape. Weaving together observations of the natural world, Himalayan history, folklore and mythology, as well as encounters with other pilgrims along the way, Stephen Alter has given us a moving meditation on the solace of high places, and on the hidden meanings and enduring mystery of mountains.

Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most

by Adam Alter

A groundbreaking guide to breaking free from the thoughts, habits, jobs, relationships, and even business models that prevent us from achieving our full potential.Almost everyone feels stuck in some way. Whether you&’re muddling through a midlife crisis, wrestling writer&’s block, trapped in a thankless job, or trying to remedy a fraying friendship, the resulting emotion is usually a mix of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, anger, and numbness. But it doesn&’t have to be this way. Anatomy of a Breakthrough is the roadmap we all need to escape our inertia and flourish in the face of friction. Adam Alter has spent the past two decades studying how people become stuck and how they free themselves to thrive. Here he reveals the formula he and other researchers have uncovered. The solution rests on a process that he calls a friction audit—a systematic procedure that uncovers why a person or organization is stuck, and then suggests a path to progress. The friction audit states that people and organizations get unstuck when they overcome three sources of friction: HEART (unhelpful emotions); HEAD (unhelpful patterns of thought); and HABIT (unhelpful behaviors). Despite the ubiquity of friction, there are many great &“unstickers&” hidden in plain sight among us and Alter shines a light on some exceptional stories to share their valuable lessons with us. He tells us about the sub-elite swimmer who unstuck himself twice to win two Olympic gold medals, the actor who faced countless rejections before gaining worldwide fame, the renowned painter who became paralyzed and had to relearn to paint with a brush strapped to his wrist, and Alter&’s own story of getting unstuck from a college degree that made him deeply unhappy. Artfully weaving together scientific studies, anecdotes, and interviews, Alter teaches us that getting stuck is a feature rather than a glitch on the road to thriving, but with the right tweaks and corrections we can reach even our loftiest targets.

Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave

by Adam Alter

An illuminating look at the way the thoughts we have and the decisions we make are influenced by forces that aren't always in our control Why are people named Kim, Kelly, and Ken more likely to donate to Hurricane Katrina victims than to Hurricane Rita victims? Are you really more likely to solve puzzles if you watch a light bulb illuminate? How did installing blue lights along a Japanese railway line halt rising crime and suicide rates? Can decorating your walls with the right artwork make you more honest? The human brain is fantastically complex, having engineered space travel and liberated nuclear energy, so it's no wonder that we resist the idea that we're deeply influenced by our surroundings. As profound as they are, these effects are almost impossible to detect both as they're occurring and in hindsight. Drunk Tank Pink is the first detailed exploration of how our environment shapes what we think, how we feel, and the ways we behave. The world is populated with words and images that prompt unexpected, unconscious decisions. We are so deeply attracted to our own initials that we give more willingly to the victims of hurricanes that match our initials: Kims and Kens donate more generously to Hurricane Katrina victims, whereas Rons and Rachels give more openly to Hurricane Rita victims. Meanwhile, an illuminated light bulb inspires creative thinking because it symbolizes insight. Social interactions have similar effects, as professional cyclists pedal faster when people are watching. Teachers who took tea from the break room at Newcastle University contributed 300 percent more to a cash box when a picture of two eyes hung on the wall. We're evolutionarily sensitive to human surveillance, so we behave more virtuously even if we're only watched by a photograph. The physical environment, from locations to colors, also guides our hand in unseen ways. Dimly lit interiors metaphorically imply no one's watching and encourage dishonesty and theft, while blue lights discourage violent activity because they're associated with the police. Olympic taekwondo and judo athletes are more likely to win when they wear red rather than blue, because red makes them behave aggressively and referees see them as more dominant. Drunk Tank Pink is full of revelatory facts, riveting anecdotes, and cutting-edge experiments that collectively explain how the most unexpected factors lead us to think, feel, and behave the way we do. .

Drunk Tank Pink: The Subconscious Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave

by Adam Alter

Drunk Tank Pink' is a particular shade of pink. In 1979 psychologists discovered that it has an extraordinary effect: if you stare at it for two minutes, you dramatically weaken in strength. In this brilliant study of the strange recesses of our minds, Adam Alter reveals the world is full of such hidden forces that shape our every thought, feeling and behaviour - without us ever realizing. Some letters in product names make us more likely to buy them (nearly all successful brands contain a 'k' sound) We're more likely to be critical if we write in red rather than green biro Your first report at school can determine your future career Understanding these cues is key to smarter decision-making, more effective marketing, and better outcomes for our selves and our societies. Prepare for the most astounding and fast-paced psychology book since Blink and Predictably Irrational.

Irresistible: The Rise Of Addictive Technology And The Business Of Keeping Us Hooked

by Adam Alter

Welcome to the age of behavioral addiction—an age in which half of the American population is addicted to at least one behavior. We obsess over our emails, Instagram likes, and Facebook feeds; we binge on TV episodes and YouTube videos; we work longer hours each year; and we spend an average of three hours each day using our smartphones. Half of us would rather suffer a broken bone than a broken phone, and Millennial kids spend so much time in front of screens that they struggle to interact with real, live humans. In this revolutionary book, Adam Alter, a professor of psychology and marketing at NYU, tracks the rise of behavioral addiction, and explains why so many of today's products are irresistible. Though these miraculous products melt the miles that separate people across the globe, their extraordinary and sometimes damaging magnetism is no accident. The companies that design these products tweak them over time until they become almost impossible to resist. By reverse engineering behavioral addiction, Alter explains how we can harness addictive products for the good—to improve how we communicate with each other, spend and save our money, and set boundaries between work and play—and how we can mitigate their most damaging effects on our well-being, and the health and happiness of our children.Adam Alter's previous book, Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave is available in paperback from Penguin.

Vom Neandertal in die Philharmonie: Warum Der Mensch Ohne Musik Nicht Leben Kann

by Eckart Altenmüller

Warum haben wir Menschen Musik? Wie entfaltet Musik ihre Wirkung? Was geht dabei in unserem Gehirn vor? Fördert Musik die Intelligenz? Dient sie dem Gruppenzusammenhalt? Teilt Musik Emotionen mit? Dieses Buch erklärt die zahlreichen Wirkungen von Musik auf Fühlen und Denken, auf die Organisation von Gruppen sowie auf unsere körperliche und geistige Gesundheit. Im ersten Teil des Werkes werden die evolutionären Grundlagen der Musikwahrnehmung und des Musizierens dargestellt. Die faszinierenden neuen Erkenntnisse zu den positiven, aber auch den negativen Auswirkungen intensiven Musizierens auf das Nervensystem werden in den folgenden Kapiteln geschildert. Glücklicherweise macht Musik nur selten krank – viel wichtiger sind die bislang noch gar nicht ausgeschöpften heilenden Potenziale und die große Macht der positiven Emotionen, die durch Musik ausgelöst werden. Mit diesen erfreulichen und zukunftsweisenden Aspekten schließt das Buch, das jeden ansprechen wird, der eine Liebe zur Musik empfindet, sei es als Musizierender oder als Hörer.

Virtual-Reality-Therapie: Anwendung in Klinischer Psychologie und Psychotherapie

by Michael Altenhofer Paul Pauli Daniel Gromer Johannes Lanzinger Marcus Täuber Sabine Edlinger-Starr

Die Expositionstherapie ist die effektivste Methode zur Behandlung von Angststörungen, insbesondere spezifischer Phobien. Doch was tun, wenn die Vorstellungskraft nicht reicht und für Konfrontationen mit angstauslösenden Situationen der Aufwand zu groß ist? Mit Virtual Reality eröffnen sich völlig neue Chancen. Computer-generierte realitätsnahe Spinnen, Höhen, Flugreisen oder soziale Kontakte erlauben, die Therapie unkompliziert unter kontrollierten Bedingungen und mit graduellen Steigerungen der Reizintensität durchzuführen. In diesem Fachbuch werden theoretische Grundlagen, wissenschaftliche Studien und erprobte Strategien für den Einsatz von VR in der Behandlung von Ängsten und Phobien kompakt, fundiert und praxisnah beschrieben. Sie erhalten wertvolle Tipps, wie auch Sie diese Technologie für Ihre therapeutische Arbeit nutzen.

Memory, Language, and Bilingualism

by Jeanette Altarriba Ludmila Isurin

"The relationship between memory and language and the topic of bilingualism are important areas of research in both psychology and linguistics and are grounded in cognitive and linguistic paradigms, theories and experimentation. This volume provides an integrated theoretical/real-world approach to second language learning, use and processing from a cognitive perspective. A strong international and interdisciplinary team of contributors present the results of various explorations into bilingual language processing, from recent advances in studies on bilingual memory to studies on the role of the brain in language processing and language forgetting. This is a strong yet balanced combination of theoretical/overview contributions and accounts of novel, original, empirical studies which will educate readers on the relationship between theory, cognitive experimentation and data and their role in understanding language learning and practice"--

The Arabs and Muslims in the Media: Race and Representation after 9/11

by Evelyn Alsultany

After 9/11, there was an increase in both the incidence of hate crimes and government policies that targeted Arabs and Muslims and the proliferation of sympathetic portrayals of Arabs and Muslims in the U.S. media. Arabs and Muslims in the Media examines this paradox and investigates the increase of sympathetic images of "the enemy" during the War on Terror. Evelyn Alsultany explains that a new standard in racial and cultural representations emerged out of the multicultural movement of the 1990s that involves balancing a negative representation with a positive one, what she refers to as "simplified complex representations." This has meant that if the storyline of a TV drama or film represents an Arab or Muslim as a terrorist, then the storyline also includes a "positive" representation of an Arab, Muslim, Arab American, or Muslim American to offset the potential stereotype. Analyzing how TV dramas such as West Wing, The Practice, 24, Threat Matrix, The Agency, Navy NCIS, and Sleeper Cell, news-reporting, and non-profit advertising have represented Arabs, Muslims, Arab Americans, and Muslim Americans during the War on Terror, this book demonstrates how more diverse representations do not in themselves solve the problem of racial stereotyping and how even seemingly positive images can produce meanings that can justify exclusion and inequality.

Psychodynamic Organisational Theory: Key Concepts and Case Studies

by Jacob Alsted Ditte Haslund

On the surface, people go to work and come home again. They sometimes manage people while most are managed themselves. But beneath the function and structures of the work itself, a whole range of emotions affects the success of the relationship between employee and manager and ultimately the organisation they both belong to. Psychodynamic Organisational Theory: Key Concepts and Cases provides a comprehensive but accessible introduction to this fascinating field of study. Featuring case vignettes which bring the various concepts to life, the book is divided into four parts. Part I looks at how the individual relates to the organisation and the unconscious energies they bring, while Part II examines group dynamics and how they affect productivity, including a chapter on meetings. Part III explores the realm of leadership and what roles a manager can play in managing their staff, while Part IV introduces the idea of personality and describes how the manager’s personality influences management dynamics as well as the wider organisational culture. Central to the book, as well as the idea that organisational phenomena are often unconscious, is the understanding that relationships are always reciprocal. Through complex psychological dynamics manager and employee influence and change each other during the process of managing and being managed. This text will be essential reading for students and scholars of leadership, HRM, and organizational psychology, as well as consultants and managers looking for practical insights into how human relationships affect the success of every organisation.

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications (INNS Series of Texts, Monographs, and Proceedings Series)

by Joshua Alspector Rodney Goodman Timothy X Brown

The world is witnessing the rapid evolution of its own nervous system by an unparalleled growth in communication technology. Like the evolution of the nervous systems in animals, this growth is being driven by a survival-of-the-fittest-mechanism. In telecommunications, the entities that fuel this growth are companies and nations who compete with each other. Companies with superior information systems can outrun and outsmart others because they serve their customers better. On the threshold of an explosion in the variety, speed and usefulness of telecommunication networks, neural network researchers can make important contributions to this emerging new telecommunications infrastructure. The first International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications (IWANNT) was planned in response to the telecommunications industry's needs for new adaptive technologies. This workshop featured 50 talks and posters that were selected by an organizing committee of experts in both telecommunications and neural networks. These proceedings will also be available on-line in an electronic format providing multimedia figures, cross-referencing, and annotation.

Die Psychologie des Phubbing: Ursachen und Auswirkungen der Smartphone-Nutzung in Gesprächssituationen

by Yeslam Al-Saggaf

Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Auswirkungen von Phubbing durch Eltern auf ihre Kinder, Partner auf ihre Partner, Chefs auf ihre Angestellten, Freunde auf ihre Freunde und Familienmitglieder auf andere Familienmitglieder. Nach einer Zusammenfassung der Erkenntnisse aus der veröffentlichten Forschung über die spezifischen Auswirkungen auf diese phubbenden Personen in wichtigen Beziehungen werden die psychologischen Prädiktoren für Phubbing (die Auslöser) dargelegt, gefolgt von einer umfassenderen Darstellung der psychologischen Auswirkungen von Phubbing-Verhalten. Das letzte Kapitel befasst sich mit der Rolle sozialer Normen bei der Erklärung von Phubbing über die individuellen Prädiktoren hinaus, die das Verhalten auslösen, und versucht, eine Verbindung zwischen Phubbing und sozialer Theorie herzustellen.

The Psychology of Phubbing (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Yeslam Al-Saggaf

This book focuses on the effects of phubbing by parents on their children, partners on their partners, bosses on their employees, friends on their friends, and family members on other family members. Having synthesised the findings from published research about the specific effects on these phubbed individuals in important relationships, the book then presents an exposition of the psychological predictors of phubbing (the triggers), followed by a broader account of the psychological effects of phubbing behaviour. The final chapter looks at the role of social norms in explaining the act of phubbing beyond the individual predictors that trigger the behaviour as it tries to draw a connection between phubbing and social theory.

Animal Joy: A Book of Laughter and Resuscitation

by Nuar Alsadir

A Time Must-Read Book of 2022 A Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2022Aster(ix) Journal's 12 Best Nonfiction Books of 2022An invigorating, continuously surprising book about the serious nature of laughter.Laughter shakes us out of our deadness. An outburst of spontaneous laughter is an eruption from the unconscious that, like political resistance, poetry, or self-revelation, expresses a provocative, impish drive to burst free from external constraints. Taking laughter’s revelatory capacity as a starting point, and rooted in Nuar Alsadir’s experience as a poet and psychoanalyst, Animal Joy seeks to recover the sensation of being present and embodied. Writing in a poetic, associative style, blending the personal with the theoretical, Alsadir ranges from her experience in clown school, Anna Karenina’s morphine addiction, Freud’s un-Freudian behaviors, marriage brokers and war brokers, to “Not Jokes,” Abu Ghraib, Frantz’s negrophobia, smut, the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, laugh tracks, the problem with adjectives, and how poetry can wake us up. At the center of the book, however, is the author’s relationship with her daughters, who erupt into the text like sudden, unexpected laughter. These interventions—frank, tender, and always a challenge to the writer and her thinking—are like tiny revolutions, pointedly showing the dangers of being severed from one’s true self and hinting at ways one might be called back to it.A bold and insatiably curious prose debut, Animal Joy is an ode to spontaneity and feeling alive.

Saint Joan of New York: A Novel About God and String Theory (Science and Fiction)

by Mark Alpert

SAINT JOAN OF NEW YORK is a novel about a math prodigy who becomes obsessed with discovering the Theory of Everything. Joan Cooper, a 17-year-old genius traumatized by the death of her older sister, tries to rebuild her shattered world by studying string theory and the efforts to unify the laws of physics. But as she tackles the complex equations, she falls prey to disturbing visions of a divine being who wants to help her unveil the universe’s mathematical design. Joan must enter the battle between science and religion, fighting for her sanity and a new understanding of the cosmos.

Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Community: History and Contemporary Reappraisals (Relational Perspectives Book Series)

by Judith L. Alpert Elizabeth R. Goren

Trauma is one of the hottest contemporary topics within psychoanalysis, whilst many psychoanalysts are increasingly interested in applying their skills outside the traditional setting of the consulting room, especially in response to disasters, wars and serious social issues. Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Community seeks to correct the misconceptions of what analysts do and how they do it and debunk the stereotype of psychoanalysts stuck in their offices plying their wares on the worried well. <P><P>Bringing together a group of eminent contributors, this volume considers how psychoanalysis may best be expanded to help in social and community settings, to understand these wider issues from a psychoanalytic perspective, and provide clear clinical guidance and clinical examples of how best to work in a wide variety of non-traditional ways. The innovative work featured includes taking testimony, in-situ interviewing, documentary film-making, social activism, ethnic and political conflict mediation, on-site workshops as well as direct clinical interventions. The reader is taken from the Holocaust, Hiroshima and the Vietnam War to the Balkan Wars and Palestinian-Israeli conflict, from the political violence of the disappeared in Argentina to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina, and from chronic conditions of poverty in India to racism in the post-Jim Crow South. <P><P>Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Community will appeal to psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists and anyone studying on the increasing number of trauma courses being given today in universities. Lay readers with an interest in the traumatic fallout as a result of chronic conditions or the myriad disasters that occur globally will find this book illuminating. For the non-specialist mental health professional, including non-analytic psychotherapists, social workers and others who work in the community, this book offers concrete advice on dealing with intervention issues such as entry and integration, as well as on management of multiple and complex trauma in a non-clinical setting.

Psychoanalysis and Women: Contemporary Reappraisals

by Judith L. Alpert

Within the psychoanalytic framework, there is a growing body of research and thinking about female development. In addition, there is ongoing research within other areas of psychology, such as developmental psychology and social psychology, which has important implications for an understanding of women's adult development. Often these research findings are not readily available to the analytic community, nor has much of the research been incorporated into a psychoanalytic framework. Psychoanalysis and Women broadens analytic thinking by integrating contemporary literature from psychoanalysis with that of other areas, both within and outside psychology, which has implications for the undertanding of women's development. This literature is conceptualized within a psychoanalytic framework. A basic premise underlying this book is that psychoanalysis needs continuing review and revision in terms of what women and men are about and a continuing focus on whether and how unfounded biases prevent analysts from understanding patients. The present volume considers how sexism and feminism are affecting psychoanalysis and exemplifies how the emerging field of psychoanalysis of women and the issues its existence raises should be conceptualized. It also exemplifies some of the positive contributions that a feminist outlook gives to the study of human behavior and should esxpand the range of hypotheses that we have about people.

The Neurologic Diagnosis: A Practical Bedside Approach

by Jack N. Alpert

An introductory text that transitions into a moderately advanced, case-based analysis of neurologic disorders and diseases, this book emphasizes how to simplify the process of making a neurologic diagnosis. Medical students and residents are often intimidated by a deluge of data, perception of anatomic complexity, extensive differential diagnoses, and often have no organized structure to follow. Diagnostic methods of general medicine are not applicable. Indeed, neurology is a unique specialty since it requires the intermediary step of an anatomic diagnosis prior to proffering a differential diagnosis. Yet the required knowledge of neuroanatomy need not be profound for the student or resident who will not specialize in neurology or neurosurgery. The Neurologic Diagnosis: A Practical Bedside Approach, 2nd Edition is primarily directed to neurology and neurosurgery residents but it will be useful for medical and family practice residents who will discover that a great percentage of their patients have neurologic symptoms. A one-month neurology rotation out of four years of medical school is not sufficient to make a cogent neurologic diagnosis. The aim of this concise, practical book -- which includes an in-depth video of how to perform a neurologic examination -- is to facilitate the process of establishing a neuroanatomic diagnosis followed by a rigorous analysis of symptoms and signs to reach a well-thought out differential diagnosis. Focused and succinct, this book is an invaluable resource for making a lucid neurologic diagnosis.

The Impact Of Managed Care On The Practice Of Psychotherapy: Innovations, Implementation And Controversy

by Richard M. Alperin David G. Phillips

Published in 1996, The Impact Of Managed Care On The Practice Of Psychotherapy is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychotherapy.

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