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The Owner's Manual for the Brain (4th Edition)

by Pierce Howard

Cutting-edge, user-friendly, and comprehensive: the revolutionary guide to the brain, now fully revised and updatedAt birth each of us is given the most powerful and complex tool of all time: the human brain. And yet, as we well know, it doesn't come with an owner's manual--until now. In this unsurpassed resource, Dr. Pierce J. Howard and his team distill the very latest research and clearly explain the practical, real-world applications to our daily lives. Drawing from the frontiers of psychology, neurobiology, and cognitive science, yet organized and written for maximum usability, The Owner's Manual for the Brain, Fourth Edition, is your comprehensive guide to optimum mental performance and well-being. It should be on every thinking person's bookshelf. What are the ingredients of happiness? Which are the best remedies for headaches and migraines? How can we master creativity, focus, decision making, and willpower? What are the best brain foods? How is it possible to boost memory and intelligence? What is the secret to getting a good night's sleep? How can you positively manage depression, anxiety, addiction, and other disorders? What is the impact of nutrition, stress, and exercise on the brain? Is personality hard-wired or fluid? What are the best strategies when recovering from trauma and loss? How do moods and emotions interact? What is the ideal learning environment for children? How do love, humor, music, friendship, and nature contribute to well-being? Are there ways of reducing negative traits such as aggression, short-temperedness, or irritability? What is the recommended treatment for concussions? Can you delay or prevent Alzheimer's and dementia? What are the most important ingredients to a successful marriage and family? What do the world's most effective managers know about leadership, motivation, and persuasion? Plus 1,000s more topics!

Trapped in the Mirror

by Elan Colomb

In this compelling book, Elan Golomb identifies the crux of the emotional and psychological problems of millions of adults. Simply put, the children of narcissist -- offspring of parents whose interest always towered above the most basic needs of their sons and daughters -- share a common belief: They believe they do not have the right to exist. The difficulties experienced by adult children of narcissists can manifest themselves in many ways: for examples, physical self-loathing that takes form of overeating, anorexia, or bulimia; a self-destructive streak that causes poor job performance and rocky personal relationships; or a struggle with the self that is perpetuated in the adult's interaction with his or her own children. These dilemmas are both common and correctable, Dr. Golomb tells us. With an empathic blend of scholarship and case studies, along with her own personal narrative of her fight for self, Dr. Golomb plumbs the depths of this problem, revealing its mysterious hold on the affairs of otherwise bright, aware, motivated, and worthy people. Trapped in the Mirror explores. * the nature of the paralysis and lack of motivation so many adults feel * stress and its role in exacerbating childhood wrongs * why do many of our relationships seem to be "reruns" of the past * how one's body image can be formed by faulty parenting * how anger must be acknowledge to be overcome * and, most important, how even the most traumatized self can be healed. Rooted in a profoundly humanist traditional approach, and suffused with the benefit of the latest knowledge about intrafamily relationships, Trapped in the Mirror offers more than the average self-help book; it is truly the first self-heal book for millions.

Plato, Not Prozac!: Applying Eternal Wisdom to Everyday Problems

by Lou Marinoff

If you're facing a dilemma -- whether it's handling a relationship, living ethically, dealing with a career change, or finding meaning in life -- the world's most important thinkers from centuries past will help guide you toward a solution compatible with your individual beliefs. From Kirkegaard's thoughts on coping with death to the I Ching's guidelines on adapting to change, Plato, Not Prozac! makes philosophy accessible and shows you how to use it to solve your everyday problems.Gone is the need for expensive therapists, medication, and lengthy analysis. Clearly organized by common problems to help you tailor Dr. Lou Marinoff's advice to your own needs, this is an intelligent, effective, and persuasive prescription for self-healing therapy that is giving psychotherapy a run for its money.

Los ocho consejos para mantener un matrimonio feliz

by William Glasser

Utilizando los métodos y las ideas adoptados en su libroChoice Theory, el mundialmente reconocido psiquiatra y experto en relaciones, Dr. William Glasser, junto con su esposa Carleen, ofrece una guía práctica para un matrimonio duradero, gratificante y exitoso. Los ocho consejos para mantener un matrimonio felizexhibe historias de parejas afligidas en la vida real y presenta soluciones simples y prácticas para superar las dificultades ilustradas en dichas historias. Mantener su amor vivo y fuerte no es tan difícil como usted cree; ¡permita que los Glasser y este libro indispensable le muestren cómo lograrlo!

Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception

by Claudia Hammond

Drawing on the latest research from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and biology, writer and broadcaster Claudia Hammond explores the mysteries of our perception of time in her book Time Warped. Why does life seem to speed up as we get older? Why does the clock in your head move at a different speed from the one on the wall? Why is it almost impossible to go a whole day without checking your watch? Is it possible to retrain our brains and improve our relationship with it? In Time Warped, Claudia Hammond offers insight into how to manage our time more efficiently, how to speed time up and slow it down at will, how to plan for the future with more accuracy, and she teaches how to use the warping of time to our own benefit.

Eat Q: Unlock the Weight-Loss Power of Emotional Intelligence

by Susan Albers

Susan Albers, Psy.D. presents a groundbreaking three-step program for conquering emotional eating—a practical, prescriptive, proactive approach using Emotional Intelligence that will help you slim down, eat healthfully and mindfully, and keep the pounds off.Introduced by the author of the bestselling The Hormone Cure, Sara Gottfried MD, Eat.Q. goes beyond traditional diet books to explore the link between emotions and eating, revealing how, when you increase your Emotional Intelligence, you naturally increase your ability to successfully manage your weight. Explaining the link between a high Eat.Q. and a good relationship with food, clinical psychologist Dr. Albers guides you through the most common emotional barriers to healthy and mindful eating, and offers 25 tools and techniques you can use to tailor the plan to your individual needs.Grounded in dozens of clinical studies that associate a low Emotional Intelligence with poor eating habits—including eating past fullness, eating when your angry or bored, and overeating favorite foods—Eat.Q. offers hope and help that works for anyone, no matter how many times they've tried to manage emotional eating in the past.

Don't Touch

by Rachel M. Wilson

<P>Step on a crack, break your mother's back,Touch another person's skin, and Dad's gone for good . . .Caddie has a history of magical thinking--of playing games in her head to cope with her surroundings--but it's never been this bad before. <P>When her parents split up, Don't touch becomes Caddie's mantra. Maybe if she keeps from touching another person's skin, Dad will come home. She knows it doesn't make sense, but her games have never been logical. <P>Soon, despite Alabama's humidity, she's covering every inch of her skin and wearing evening gloves to school.And that's where things get tricky. Even though Caddie's the new girl, it's hard to pass off her compulsions as artistic quirks. Friends notice things. <P>Her drama class is all about interacting with her scene partners, especially Peter, who's auditioning for the role of Hamlet. Caddie desperately wants to play Ophelia, but if she does, she'll have to touch Peter . . . and kiss him. <P>Part of Caddie would love nothing more than to kiss Peter--but the other part isn't sure she's brave enough to let herself fall. <P>From rising star Rachel M. Wilson comes a powerful, moving debut novel of the friendship and love that are there for us, if only we'll let them in.

The Art of Thinking Clearly

by Rolf Dobelli

Have you ever . . . Invested time in something that, in hindsight, just wasnt worth it? Paid too much in an eBay auction? Continued to do something you knew was bad for you? Sold stocks too late, or too early? Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external circumstances? Backed the wrong horse?These are examples of what the author calls cognitive biases, simple errors all of us make in day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to identify them, we can avoid them and make better choices: whether in dealing with personal problems or business negotiations, trying to save money or earn profits, or merely working out what we really want in life--and strategizing the best way to get it. Already an international bestseller, The Art of Thinking Clearly distills cutting-edge research from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience into a clever, practical guide for anyone whos ever wanted to be wiser and make better decisions. A novelist, thinker, and entrepreneur, Rolf Dobelli deftly shows that in order to lead happier, more prosperous lives, we dont need extra cunning, new ideas, shiny gadgets, or more frantic hyperactivity--all we need is less irrationality. Simple, clear, and always surprising, this indispensable book will change the way you think and transform your decision making--at work, at home, every day. From why you shouldnt accept a free drink to why you should walk out of a movie you dont like, from why its so hard to predict the future to why you shouldnt watch the news, The Art of Thinking Clearly helps solve the puzzle of human reasoning.

Winning from Within

by Erica Ariel Fox

Life is a series of negotiations, whether or not you think of yourself as a negotiator . From seemingly insignificant daily decisions to major life choices, you negotiate every time you aim to persuade, argue over a decision, or resolve a conflict. But as negotiations and leadership expert Erica Ariel Fox reveals, the most important negotiations--the ones that determine the impact of our actions and the quality of our lives--are those we have with ourselves. Most of us recognize the difference between our knowledge--what we know we should do and say--and our knowhow--what we actually do and say in real life when it counts. Fox calls this the "Performance Gap," and she shows you how to close it, turning breakdowns into breakthroughs, whether struggling with a difficult client, arguing with a combative teenager, or organizing for community action. Winning from Within combines insights from Western psychology and Eastern philosophy with practical applications from real business situations and everyday life. Fox shows that the ability to achieve mastery over how we interact with each other comes from within, from the "center" where desires, thoughts, feelings, and impulses to take action live side-by-side. Winning from Within offers a profound and highly practical seven-step method for making changes that last--at work and at home.

You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation

by Deborah Tannen

Deborah Tannen uses telling examples to stunningly demonstrate how even in the closest of relationships women and men live in different worlds made of different words. The deft way she elucidates how our complex verbal give and take works or does not work and shows how the sexes can unravel their tangled language has made You Just Don't Understand a cultural phenomenon and has kept it on the New York Times best seller list for over 4 years.

Boundaries for Leaders: Results, Relationships, and Being Ridiculously in Charge

by Henry Cloud

In Boundaries for Leaders, clinical psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Henry Cloud leverages his expertise of human behavior, neuroscience, and business leadership to explain how the best leaders set boundaries within their organizations--with their teams and with themselves--to improve performance and increase employee and customer satisfaction. In a voice that is motivating and inspiring, Dr. Cloud offers practical advice on how to manage teams, coach direct reports, and instill an organization with strong values and culture. Boundaries for Leaders: Take Charge of Your Business, Your Team, and Your Life is essential reading for executives and aspiring leaders who want to create successful companies with satisfied employees and customers, while becoming more resilient leaders themselves.

Bullied: What Every Parent, Teacher, and Kid Needs to Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear

by Carrie Goldman

Carrie Goldman became an unexpected voice for the antibullying movement after her blog post about her daughter Katie's bullying experience went viral and an online community of support generated international attention. In Bullied, Goldman brings together the expertise of leading authorities with the candid accounts of families dealing firsthand with peer victimization to present proven strategies and concrete tools for teaching children how to speak up and carry themselves with confidence; call each other out on cruelty; resolve conflict; cope with teasing, taunting, physical abuse, and cyberbullying; and be smart consumers of technology and media. As a mother, she calls on us all—families, schools, communities, retailers, celebrities, and media—to fiercely examine our own stereotypes and embrace our joint responsibility for creating a culture of acceptance and respect. For parents, educators, and anyone still wrestling with past experiences of victimization and fear, Bullied is an eye-opening, prescriptive, and ultimately uplifting guide to raising diverse, empathetic, tolerant kids in a caring and safe world. At least 25 percent of kids have been bullied online. One in five teens has been bullied at school. More than half of bullying behaviors will stop in less than ten seconds when another student intervenes.

The Mystic Jesus: The Mind of Love (The Marianne Williamson Series)

by Marianne Williamson

Returning to the topic of her beloved classic bestseller A Return to Love, spiritual guide Marianne Williamson builds on the ideas introduced in that book to lead us toward the light through the inspiring guidance of the mystic Jesus.In A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, Marianne Williamson revealed how we each become miracle-workers when expressing love and forgiveness in our everyday lives. With The Mystic Jesus, Williamson reveals the role of Jesus in the teachings of the Course. For many, Jesus has become a precious relic, revered yet lacking the immediacy of authentic spiritual force. In The Mystic Jesus, Williamson writes of a Jesus who transcends both glib imagery and outdated religious dogma. She writes not only of an historical Messiah but of a spirit alive in all of us today.Williamson brings to The Mystic Jesus her talent at making the densest theological theories relevant to our everyday lives. She merges psychological and religious understanding, presenting Jesus as a guide to another way of thinking, therefore the builder of another kind of world. The Jesus in The Mystic Jesus truly is, in the words of St. Augustine, “ever ancient, ever new.”The Jesus presented here is a radical love, an ever-present teacher, an evolutionary elder brother, and a savior from the fear-based, twisted thinking that dominates our world. The Mystic Jesus is both theological and practical, signature Williamson in both its intellectual clarity and emotional impact.

The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World

by Desmond Tutu Mpho Tutu

How do I forgive? Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu has witnessed some of the worst crimes people can inflict on others. So wherever he goes, he inevitably gets asked this question. This book is his answer. Writing with his daughter, Mpho, an Anglican priest, they lay out the simple but profound truths about the significance of forgiveness, how it works, why everyone needs to know how to grant it and receive it, and why granting forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves when we have been wronged. They explain the four-step process of forgiveness--Telling the Story, Naming the Hurt, Granting Forgiveness, and Renewing or Releasing the Relationship--as well as offer meditations, exercises, and prayers to guide the reader along the way."With each act of forgiveness, whether small or great, we move toward wholeness," they write. "Forgiveness is how we bring peace to ourselves and our world."veness and granting forgiveness; and renewing or releasing the relationship. Forgiveness is hard work. Sometimes it even feels like an impossible task. But it is only through walking this fourfold path that Tutu says we can free ourselves of the endless and unyielding cycle of pain and retribution. The Book of Forgiving is both a touchstone and a tool, offering Tutu's wise advice and showing the way to experience forgiveness. Ultimately, forgiving is the only means we have to heal ourselves and our aching world.

Boost Your Brain: The New Art and Science Behind Enhanced Brain Performance

by Majid Fotuhi Christina Breda Antoniades

Based on cutting-edge science, Boost Your Brain is internationally recognized neurologist Majid Fotuhi's complete program for increasing brain size and enhancing brain function, including memory, creativity, comprehension, and concentration.Our brains don't have to decline as we get older, argues Dr. Fotuhi. Depending on the things we do or neglect to do, we can actually get smarter and measurably improve our brain speed. In Boost Your Brain, the founder of the NeurExpand Brain Center and host of the PBS series Fight Alzheimer’s Early offers a three-month brain-optimization program—with noticeable results in just a few weeks.Boost Your Brain explores the very latest neuroscience research and offers actionable, authoritative advice on how readers of every age can experience the benefits of a bigger, better brain. Featuring more than two dozen black-and-white illustrations, Boost Your Brain: The New Art and Science Behind Enhanced Brain Performance includes a foreword by Michael Roizen, M.D., coauthor of the bestselling YOU series and author of the Real Age books.

High Price: A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society

by Carl Hart

High Price is the harrowing and inspiring memoir of neuroscientist Carl Hart, a man who grew up in one of Miami’s toughest neighborhoods and, determined to make a difference as an adult, tirelessly applies his scientific training to help save real lives. Young Carl didn't see the value of school, studying just enough to keep him on the basketball team. Today, he is a cutting-edge neuroscientist—Columbia University’s first tenured African American professor in the sciences—whose landmark, controversial research is redefining our understanding of addiction.In this provocative and eye-opening memoir, Dr. Carl Hart recalls his journey of self-discovery, how he escaped a life of crime and drugs and avoided becoming one of the crack addicts he now studies. Interweaving past and present, Hart goes beyond the hype as he examines the relationship between drugs and pleasure, choice, and motivation, both in the brain and in society. His findings shed new light on common ideas about race, poverty, and drugs, and explain why current policies are failing.

Finish Strong

by Richard G. Capen

In this inspirational book of values, former ambassador Dick Capen presents a refreshing balance of optimism and realism to remind us that it's never too soon, never too late, to "finish strong."

Teach Your Children Well

by Madeline Levine

Psychologist Madeline Levine, author of the New York Times bestseller The Price of Privilege, brings together cutting-edge research and thirty years of clinical experience to explode once and for all the myth that good grades, high test scores, and college acceptances should define the parenting endgame. Teach Your Children Well is a toolbox for parents, providing information, relevant research and a series of exercises to help parents clarify a definition of success that is in line with their own values as well as their children’s interests and abilities. Teach Your Children Well is a must-read for parents, educators, and therapists looking for tangible tools to help kids thrive in today’s high-stakes, competitive culture.

The Honest Truth about Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves

by Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely, behavioral economist and the New York Times bestselling author of The Upside of Irrationality and Predictably Irrational, examines the contradictory forces that drive us to cheat and keep us honest, in this groundbreaking look at the way we behave: The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty. From ticket-fixing in our police departments to test-score scandals in our schools, from our elected leaders' extra-marital affairs to the Ponzi schemes undermining our economy, cheating and dishonesty are ubiquitous parts of our national news cycle-and inescapable parts of the human condition. Drawing on original experiments and research, in the vein of Freakonomics, The Tipping Point, and Survival of the Sickest, Ariely reveals-honestly-what motivates these irrational, but entirely human, behaviors.

You Can't Lie to Me: The Revolutionary Program to Supercharge Your Inner Lie Detector and Get to the Truth

by Janine Driver

What if you could increase your salary by 15 percent, kick problems and worries to the curb, and get a better night's rest simply by learning how to detect a lie the moment it starts (or even before)? What if you had an easy-to-use test that tipped you off the instant someone held something back from you? An innate lie detector so powerful it becomes an unconscious skill, applicable with any person, in any situation, to help you act fast before what began as an innocent white lie suddenly takes hold of you, your paycheck, or your happiness? No machine built to date has proven more effective than a well-trained human lie detector, says world-renowned body language expert Janine Driver, a former federal law enforcement investigator who has trained agents at the ATF, CIA, and FBI. Today, Driver teaches people like you to supercharge your internal "BS Barometer" quickly and accurately so you can protect yourself from liars and manipulators. You Can't Lie to Me will change the way you look at job applicants, coworkers, dates, salespeople, money managers—anyone from whom you want and deserve the truth— while simultaneously strengthening and deepening your relationships with your siblings, children, friends, and lovers. Driver distills nearly two decades of behind-the-scenes knowledge, cutting-edge science, and relatable case studies into a simple, powerful five-step program. Whether it's with your teenager, spouse, mechanic, or fellow board member, and whether you are communicating face-to-face or through phone calls, e-mails, texts, Facebook posts, or handwritten notes, you will have all the tools and confidence you need to spot deception. More important, you will recognize the truth as you build the caring, authentic connections that make life worth living. In You Can't Lie to Me learn how to perfect your inner lie detector ("BS Barometer") and ban liars from your life, so you can feel more confident and create stronger, more trusting relationships. Lie detection expert Janine Driver delivers a step-by-step, foolproof program to: outsmart disloyal coworkers—and beat them to the plum promotions protect your children from predators and guard aging loved ones—and their nest eggs—from unscrupulous con artists hire honest employees whose resumes and experience you can trust say yes to honest partners and avoid lying cheaters get your boss's attention with these little tips save thousands of dollars each year using rich people's #1 trick

Blind Spot: Why We Fail to See the Solution Right in Front of Us

by Gordon Rugg

The Voynich Manuscript has been considered to be the world's most mysterious book. Filled with strange illustrations and an unknown language, it challenged the world's top code-crackers for nearly a century. But in just four-and-a-half months, Dr. Gordon Rugg, a renowned researcher, found evidence (which had been there all along) that the book could be a giant, glittering hoax. In Blind Spot: Why We Fail to See the Solution Right in Front of Us, Dr. Rugg shares his story and shows how his toolkit of problem-solving techniques—such as his Verifier Method—can save the day, particularly in those times when the experts on your team have all the data in front of them but are still unaccountably at an impasse. In the tradition of Malcolm Gladwell and Dan Ariely, Dr. Rugg, a rising star in computer science, challenges us to re-examine the way we think, and provides new tools to solve problems and crack codes in our own lives.

Mind Whispering: A New Map to Freedom from Self-Defeating Emotional Habits

by Tara Bennett-Goleman

With her book Mind Whispering, Tara Bennett-Goleman, the New York Times bestselling author of Emotional Alchemy, draws on the the fields of cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and Eastern traditions to present a workable means to overcome the negative patterns in our lives.Mind Whispering is a new map of the emotional mind. This groundbreaking approach shows us that we have a choice of our moods, emotions, actions, and reactions. Mind Whispering teaches how to manage our brains, and incorporate the timeless wisdom of mindfulness into everyday situations.Ultimately, Mind Whispering exposes the modes of being that act as obstacles in our lives and relationships, and shows us how we can choose to improve our relationships and free ourselves, living with a lasting sense of happiness. With a foreword by the Dalai Lama, Bennett-Goleman's Mind Whispering: A New Map to Freedom from Self-Defeating Emotional Habits gives you the keys to lasting emotional freedom.

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

by Neil Strauss

Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to charm women. This is not fiction. These men really exist. <P><P>They live together in houses known as Projects. And Neil Strauss, the bestselling author and journalist, spent two years living among them, using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity. The result is one of the most explosive and controversial books of the last decade--guaranteed to change the lives of men and transform the way women understand the opposite sex forever.On his journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pick-up artist) to PUG (pick-up guru), Strauss not only shares scores of original seduction techniques but also has unforgettable encounters with the likes of Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Heidi Fleiss, and Courtney Love. And then things really start to get strange--and passions lead to betrayals lead to violence. The Game is the story of one man's transformation from frog to prince to prisoner in the most unforgettable book of this generation.

Untangling the Mind

by David Theodore George

Free yourself from emotional turmoileven when that turmoil is caused by others We have a much greater understanding of human behavior now than we did just a few decades ago. Yet even with this greater understanding of the human mind, why we do what we do can sometimes seem like a mystery. People are often left with unsettling questions about their own (or others) behavior. We ask ourselves, Why did I make a spectacle of myself? Why am I so stressed? Why am I constantly so negative?In his years as a clinician, Dr. Ted George has been struck by how much easier it is for people to say they have a physical illness than it is to admit they feel out of control with an emotion--be it anger, fear, or depression. With a physical issue, you have the source of the problem in concrete terms, such as in a lab report, but with an emotional issue, it can be much harder to define whats gone wrong. Untangling the Mind helps make sense of whats happening--and why. With knowledge of how the brain translates sensory signals into emotions, you will increase your understanding of your own--and others--behaviors. As you learn about your psychological and neurological makeup, you will begin to see new possibilities for optimism, motivation, and well-being. We can control our behavior and our feelings, no matter how much they may have ruled us in the past, and Dr. George helps us know how. Once you understand the deeply rooted instincts that activate your emotions, you can live more peacefully, behave in ways that are more in keeping with the person youd like to be, and enjoy your life more fully. And youll be better able to remain unaffected by the drama of other peoples emotional storms.

Staying OK: How to Maximize Good Feelings and Minimize Bad Ones

by Amy Harris Thomas A. Harris

A sequel to I'm OK—You're OK. This book offers advice on making important changes and taking charge of your life, resolving conflicts, and rooting out the causes of worry, panic, depression, regret, confusion and feelings of inadequacy.

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