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Showing 49,701 through 49,725 of 49,936 results

7 Stories

by Morris Panych

In this fast-paced, sophisticated and hilarious play, a man contemplating suicide on a seventh-storey building ledge confronts the stories of the people who live inside the building. These "seven stories" lead to a charming and surprising ending.Cast of 2 women and 3 men.

7 Steps to Attain Perfection: One seeking to know Jesus Christ in truth and in Spirit

by John Molokwu

7 Steps To Attain Perfection, an embodiment of rudimentary guiding principles capturing the essence of being Born Again, was conceived out of a nurtured desire spanning 11 years of tuning and fine-tuning its contents to equip a believer with necessary steps taking them on a purposeful journey through life's unpredictable experiences. It begins the moment someone takes the decisive step to accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour to fulfilling their calling in God's vineyard. 7 Steps To Attain Perfection is equipped with biblical citations, anecdotes, and metaphorical connotations meant to expose your thoughts to new possibility of attaining perfection in Christ Jesus. It relates to every believer's struggle for acceptance and respect in a world of perverseness, deceitfulness, slothfulness, and actus reus. 7 Steps To Attain Perfection remains a great privilege for me having been inspired to tap from the wealth of wisdom, knowledge and understanding endowed by the Holy Spirit flowing through the ‘Still Small Voice' as I listened in the Spirit and penned down the Words as the Spirit gave me inspiration. Anyone applying the teachings in this book will transform their life through becoming changed for the better according to John 15:1-5.

The 7 Sexes: Biology Of Sex Determination

by Elof Axel Carlson Becky Phillips

Few of us know much about the biology of sex determination, but what could be more interesting than to discover how we are shaped into males and females? In this book, Elof Carlson tells the incredible story of the difficult quest to understand how the body forms girls and boys. Carlson's history takes us from antiquity to the present day to detail how each component of human reproduction and sexuality was identified and studied, how this knowledge enlarged our understanding of sex determination, and how it was employed to interpret such little understood aspects of human biology as the origin of intersex births.

The 7 Secrets Of Sound Healing

by Jonathan Goldman

What if sound could be used to heal and transform? Now Sound Healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman reveals how it can! Through practical information and exercises, you'll see how the amazing power of sound functions as personal vibrational therapy for enhancement of mind, body, and spirit. This book provides a basic understanding of the principles of using sound as a healing modality, and how it may be used to restore balance. It combines the ancient wisdom of how sound can heal and transform, with the modern understanding of the science of sound, where quantum physicists echo the revelations of sacred texts that declare: "Everything is sound!" Secrets of Sound Healing explores the many different therapies that use sound to heal and transform, including ancient, modern, and futuristic methods, and features a practical application of knowledge and techniques that will assist you in leading a more harmonious life.

7 Secrets of Highly Successful Kids

by Peter Kuitenbrouwer

7 Secrets of Highly Successful Kids contains the interviews which appeared in the bestselling 2001 edition, along with updates on where some of those kids are now. Find out if their secrets have helped them in the long run, or if their blueprints for success have changed over the past five years.

7 Secrets of Confidence: Straight-talking advice on how to become more confident

by Steve Miller

7 SECRETS OF CONFIDENCE is a no-nonsense, easy-to-use guide to overcoming your inner fears. Full of encouraging, step-by-step advice, this book is here to help you build your self-belief - learning to have confidence is at the heart of the Steve Miller brand. What sets Steve's book apart in this genre is that he has personally commissioned a survey to discover the top things people in the UK feel unconfident about. These form the structure of the book, and straight-talking Steve tells you what to DO about each one. Invaluable, informative, funny and life-changing, 7 SECRETS OF CONFIDENCE is the empowering new book from GMTV regular Steve Miller - it will bring out the successful and confident person in everyone.

The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking

by Matthew Hutson

Everyone - even the most jaded and sceptical - believes in magic. In this wonderful exploration of psychology, Matthew Hutson reveals the healing power of John Lennon's piano; the reason gamblers kiss their tickets and why admitting you have no free will staves off addiction. The 7 Laws are contagion works; similarities carry a spell; superstitions make you lucky; mind triumphs over matter; souls live on (foreget death); people see people everywhere; everything happens for a reason.

The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking: How Irrationality Makes us Happy, Healthy, and Sane

by Michael Hutson

Everyone - even the most jaded and sceptical - believes in 'magic', in the form of luck, mind over matter, the power of similarities, jinxes, and destiny. In this wonderful exploration of psychology, Matthew Hutson takes us on a fascinating tour of magical thinking in everyday life, revealing the healing power of John Lennon's piano; the reason gamblers kiss their tickets; and why admitting you have no free will staves off addiction.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: Guided Journal for Teens

by Sean Covey

A Guided Journal to Build Effective Habits and Transform Your Life“If you follow this simple process, I promise that you will see positive changes in your relationships and find a higher level of personal satisfaction in your life.” ―Sean Covey, New York Times bestselling author#1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Psychology eBooksYou’re a busy teen in a stressful world. How do you manage your time and stay organized?Learn to stay motivated with new high-performance habits. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: Guided Journal offers journal prompts, worksheets, and exercises to help you accomplish all your short and long-term goals. Goal setting just got easier. When The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens was released as a card deck, a whole new approach to Stephen R. Covey’s time-tested principles was born. Now, this companion The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: Guided Journal offers teens and young adults another way to turn inspiration into action. Its concise format is accessible and easy to stick with. Each habit is broken down into a weekly format inspiring both beginners and seasoned 7 Habits readers to get motivated, build confidence, and boost inspiration and personal growth.Cultivate success, skill, and self-growth. Featuring thought-provoking prompts, worksheets, and self-development quotes that show you how to achieve your goals, this is the ultimate guided self-growth journal for teens and young adults.Inside, find: Journaling prompts for self-discovery and for building confidence and self-esteem Worksheets for strategic time management and deeper understanding of the 7 Habits Self-motivation tips, exercises, and challenges for optimal goal achievementIf you enjoyed other Sean Covey bestsellers like A Self-Guided Workbook for Highly Effective Teens or The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 52 Cards for Motivation and Growth Every Week of the Year, you’ll love The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: Guided Journal.

60 Ways To Feel Amazing

by Lynda Field

Life is a precious gift, miraculous and amazing but we are not always able to appreciate this miracle fully. When we face obstacles and difficulties our lives can become such a struggle that we lose touch with the amazingness of it all. This little book is full of ways to bring the magic back into your life. All the techniques are simple, practical and tried and tested many times. Use this book to help you feel as amazing as you truly are.

60 Ways To Change Your Life

by Lynda Field

This little book will inspire you to embrace change and face life with a positive attitude. It will help you take control of your destiny and change your life for the better - forever.

60 Social Situations and Discussion Starters to Help Teens on the Autism Spectrum Deal with Friendships, Feelings, Conflict and More

by Lisa A. Timms

Teenagers and older children on the autistic spectrum are, like the rest of us, surrounded by complex social codes and rules that govern everyday interaction. Interpreting these and reading social cues such as sarcasm, idioms and body language often presents a real challenge, but this book of realistic and thought-provoking stories can help. Designed with both parent and child in mind, every story outlines a real-life situation that young people on the spectrum are likely to encounter. Each of these is followed with questions such as 'what else might he have done?', 'how do you think she felt?' and 'why do you think they were upset?', along with practical tips for parents on how to facilitate constructive discussions. As children consider these questions with adults, they begin to put themselves into someone else's shoes and are encouraged to think about how their actions and behaviour may affect those around them, gaining invaluable skills and understanding that will be transferable to everyday life situations. Packed with 60 stories exploring real-life situations, this book will be an essential tool for parents, caregivers, teachers, and anyone else wishing to enable young people on the autistic spectrum to improve their social skills.

60 Innovative Cognitive Strategies for the Bright, the Sensitive, and the Creative: New Investigations Into the Home of the Mind

by Eric Maisel

In this book, Dr. Maisel employs the metaphor of "the room that is your mind" to provide 60 cognitive strategies that enable smart, sensitive, creative clients to engage in dynamic self-regulation for greater awareness, insight, and enhanced mental capabilities. Issues that are examined include repetitive and obsessional thinking, self-criticism and a lack of self-confidence, anxiety and depression, reliving traumatic memories, and overdramatizing and catastrophizing. This is the perfect book for cognitive-behavioral therapists to suggest to clients and will be of great interest to clients whose needs for imaginative and metaphorically rich strategies often go unmet.

The 6 Types of Working Genius: A Better Way to Understand Your Gifts, Your Frustrations, and Your Team

by Patrick M. Lencioni

New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni unveils a truly groundbreaking new model that will change the way we think about work and teams forever. The 6 Types of Working Genius is the fastest way to help people identify the type of work that brings them joy and energy, and avoid work that leads to frustration and burnout.Beyond the personal discovery and instant relief that Working Genius provides, the model also gives teams a remarkably simple and practical framework for tapping into one another&’s natural gifts, which increases productivity and reduces unnecessary judgment. In classic Lencioni fashion, Pat brings his model to life in a page-turning fable that is as relatable as it is compelling. He tells the story of Bull Brooks, an entrepreneur, husband, and father who sets out to solve his own frustration at work and stumbles into a new way of thinking that changes the way he sees his work, his team, and even his marriage. What sets this book—and the model behind it—apart from other tools and assessments is the speed at which it can be understood and applied, and the relevance it has to every kind of work in life, from running a company to launching a product to managing a family. In addition to this book, Lencioni and the Table Group have created a 10-minute assessment that helps individuals quickly identify their gifts and apply this model to themselves and their teams. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have already discovered their Working Genius, and experience the transformation in your work, your team, and your life. Learn more about the Working Genius at

The 6 Needs of Every Child: Empowering Parents and Kids through the Science of Connection

by Amy Elizabeth Olrick Jeffrey Olrick

Like most parents, Amy and Jeffrey Olrick left the hospital with their first child desperate to know, "What do we do?" But years of parenting three kids and Jeffrey's work as a child psychologist convinced them to ask a better question: "How shall I be with this new person?" In a culture obsessed with parenting formulas, it's easy to miss the fact that science and lived experience have proven that human development and thriving are a matter of relationship. Drawing on decades of psychological research, neuroscience, and their own experience as parents and people of faith, the Olricks present six relational needs for human growth that will transform the way you think about your child--and yourself. Together, the needs form a trustworthy compass to guide you and your child to a path of purpose and relational wholeness.For parents who feel pulled in a hundred directions, dizzied by the volume of clashing strategies, and jaded by the parenting programs that complicated their own childhoods, The 6 Needs of Every Child is a groundbreaking roadmap integrating the science of connection with practical tools. You'll be equipped with:An in-depth look at the six essentials your child needs to thriveTools to use when you feel stuckThe secret to secure connection with your childSelf-assessment tools to discern your unique parenting styleMore than a parenting guide, this book is your invitation to break free from the myth of perfect parenting and embrace your child's long journey of growth. With insight, humor, and compassion, it calls parents to discover the power of being imperfectly present with their children, developing mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience that will sustain them for a lifetime.

Las 6 necesidades de cada niño: Empoderar a padres e hijos a través de la ciencia de la conexión

by Amy Elizabeth Olrick Jeffrey Olrick

Como la mayoría de los padres, Amy y Jeffrey Olrick salieron del hospital con su primer hijo desesperados por saber: «¿Qué hacemos?». Pero años de crianza de tres hijos y el trabajo de Jeffrey como psicólogo infantil los convenció de hacer una pregunta mejor: «¿Cómo debo estar con esta nueva persona?». En una cultura obsesionada con las fórmulas parentales, es fácil pasar por alto el hecho de que la ciencia y la experiencia vivida han demostrado que el desarrollo humano y la prosperidad son una cuestión de relación. Basándose en décadas de investigación psicológica, neurociencia y su propia experiencia como padres y personas de fe, los Olrick presentan seis necesidades relacionales para el crecimiento humano que transformarán la forma en que piensa sobre su hijo y sobre sí mismo. Juntas, las necesidades forman una brújula confiable para guiarlo a usted y a su hijo hacia un camino de propósito y plenitud relacional.Para los padres que se sienten atraídos en cientos de direcciones, mareados por el volumen de estrategias contradictorias y cansados por los programas para padres que complicaron su propia infancia, Las 6 necesidades de cada niño es un mapa de ruta innovadora que integra la ciencia de la conexión con herramientas prácticas. Estará equipado con:• Una mirada profunda a los seis elementos esenciales que su hijo necesita para prosperar• Herramientas para usar cuando se sienta atrapado• El secreto para asegurar la conexión con su hijo• Herramientas de autoevaluación para discernir su estilo de crianza únicoMás que una guía para padres, este libro es su invitación a liberarse del mito de la paternidad perfecta y abrazar el largo viaje de crecimiento de su hijo. Con perspicacia, humor y compasión, llama a los padres a descubrir el poder de estar imperfectamente presentes con sus hijos, desarrollando una capacidad de recuperación mental, emocional y espiritual que los sostendrá durante toda la vida.The 6 Needs of Every ChildLike most parents, Amy and Jeffrey Olrick left the hospital with their first child desperate to know, "What do we do?" But years of parenting three kids and Jeffrey's work as a child psychologist convinced them to ask a better question: "How shall I be with this new person?"In a culture obsessed with parenting formulas, it's easy to miss the fact that science and lived experience have proven that human development and thriving are a matter of relationship. Drawing on decades of psychological research, neuroscience, and their own experience as parents and people of faith, the Olricks present six relational needs for human growth that will transform the way you think about your child--and yourself. Together, the needs form a trustworthy compass to guide you and your child to a path of purpose and relational wholeness.For parents who feel pulled in a hundred directions, dizzied by the volume of clashing strategies, and jaded by the parenting programs that complicated their own childhoods, The 6 Needs of Every Child is a groundbreaking roadmap integrating the science of connection with practical tools.

The 6 Husbands Every Wife Should Have

by Steven Craig

"You're not the person I married--you've changed!""I'm not the one who changed, you did!" Throughout his career as a marriage counselor, Dr. Steven Craig has heard those accusations repeated by couples over and over, reflecting a dangerous belief common to many strained relationships--the belief that change should be avoided at all costs. And yet the truth is as striking as it is straightforward: marriages don't fail when people change; they fail when people don't change.In The 6 Husbands Every Wife Should Have, Dr. Craig divides the typical marriage into six stages, outlining the common misconceptions and opportunities for growth at each stage. From the earliest stage--becoming the right person for one's spouse in the new marriage--to thinking and acting as a team and thereafter adjusting to the dynamics of parenthood, caring for older children and elderly parents, adapting to the empty nest, and, finally, growing into the golden years as a dependable companion, 6 Husbands shows how a successful marriage, far from being dependent on finding the right person, actually depends on the husband and wife becoming the right people. Using Dr. Craig's communication tools, checklists, and assessments designed to inspire change, couples will learn who they need to become in order to support each other at every stage of their life together, and they will also learn how to create a road map for getting there.As Dr. Craig says, "A marriage isn't a marathon; it's a decathlon. . . . Success in a marriage, as in a decathlon, is determined by how well one achieves in each individual event, not simply by getting to the finish line." With flexibility and awareness as watchwords, The 6 Husbands Every Wife Should Have shows couples not only the skills they will need to succeed but how and when to apply those skills in order to win the race--together.

6 Below: Miracle on the Mountain

by Davin Seay Eric Lemarque

In this riveting first-person account, former Olympian and professional hockey player Eric LeMarque tells a harrowing tale of survival—of how, with only a lightweight jacket and thin wool hat, he survived eight days stranded in the frozen wilderness after a snowboarding trip gone horribly wrong. Known by his National Guard rescuers as “the Miracle Man,” Eric recounts his rise to success and fame as a hockey player and Olympian, his long and painful fall due to crystal meth addiction, and his unbelievable ordeal in the wilderness. In the end, a man whose life had been based on athleticism would lose both his legs to frostbite and had to learn to walk—and snowboard—again with prosthetics. He realized that he couldn’t come to terms with his drug addiction or learn to walk again by himself. He had to depend on God for his strength. Now an inspirational speaker committed to raising awareness for the dangers of drugs and crystal meth, Eric, in 6 Below, confronts the ultimate test of survival: what it takes to find your way out of darkness, and—after so many lies—to tell the truth and, by the grace and guidance of God, begin to live again.

The 5Cs Positive Teacher Interpersonal Behaviors: Implications for Learner Empowerment and Learning in an L2 Context (Second Language Learning and Teaching)

by Ali Derakhshan

This book argues that, in line with the tenets of positive psychology in SLA and the rhetorical/relational goal theory, positive teacher-student interpersonal relationships are deemed to be of great significance for empowering students to accomplish favorable academic outcomes and to successfully learn a second/foreign language (L2), whether at its affective, behavioral, or cognitive levels. Therefore, understanding the role of teacher interpersonal behaviors and their effect on students' learning gains in the domain of SLA is of utmost importance, particularly as this line of research is at its nascent stage of development, and, as a result, available empirical evidence is still inconclusive. To address this issue, drawing on the mixed methods design, this book mainly aims to, first, empirically scrutinize the role of “5Cs” positive teacher interpersonal variables (i.e., care, clarity, closeness, confirmation, and credibility) in L2 students' affective, behavioral, and cognitive learning outcomes through the mediation of student-perceived learner empowerment in the L2 context of Iran. Second, it is intended to show how L2 teacher educators, teachers, and materials developers, among other key educational stakeholders, can facilitate the provision of interpersonally rich language learning environments with the ultimate goal of enhancing students' L2 learning.

59 Seconds

by Richard Wiseman

A psychologist and best-selling author gives us a myth-busting response to the self-help movement, with tips and tricks to improve your life that come straight from the scientific community.Richard Wiseman has been troubled by the realization that the self-help industry often promotes exercises that destroy motivation, damage relationships, and reduce creativity: the opposite of everything it promises. Now, in 59 Seconds, he fights back, bringing together the diverse scientific advice that can help you change your life in under a minute, and guides you toward becoming more decisive, more imaginative, more engaged, and altogether more happy.From mood to memory, persuasion to procrastination, resilience to relationships, Wiseman outlines the research supporting the new science of "rapid change" and, with clarity and infectious enthusiasm, describes how these quirky, sometimes counterintuitive techniques can be effortlessly incorporated into your everyday life. Or, as he likes to say: "Think a little, change a lot."From the Hardcover edition.

59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot

by Richard Wiseman

Professor Richard Wiseman offers many quick and practical ways to improve your life gleaned from today's cutting edge-science, and in the process gives a psychologist's myth-busting response to the self-help movement. Whether you're looking to be more decisive in your life, to find a new job, or simply to be happier, the chances are that this book has the answers you need. For years, the self-help industry has failed the public, often promoting exercises that destroy motivation, ruin relationships, increase anxiety and reduce creativity. Here, psychologist Richard Wiseman exposes these modern-day mind myths and presents a fresh approach to change that helps people achieve their aims and ambitions in minutes not months. From mood to memory, persuasion to procrastination, resilience to relationships, Wiseman outlines the research supporting this new science of rapid change and describes how these quirky techniques can be incorporated into everyday life. • Find out why putting a pencil between your teeth instantly makes you feel happier • Discover why even thinking about going to the gym can help you keep in shape • Learn how putting just one thing in your wallet will improve the chance of it being returned if lost • Discover why writing down your goals is more effective than visualizing them • Find out why retail therapy doesn't work to improve mood and what does

500 Tips for Communicating with the Public

by Michael Kindred Maggie Kindred

This is a light-hearted, easily digestible guide with a wealth of handy hints and tips for communicating with the public. For those in the helping professions, communicating with the public can sometimes be a challenge, and different skills are needed to those used when communicating with friends and family. This book addresses these issues by providing hundreds of tips on how to communicate with the public, covering topics such as managing conflict, assertiveness, feelings, listening and boundaries. It also includes guidance on reflection, supervision, confidentiality and anti-discrimination. The book uses a fun and accessible approach, making the advice easy to read and then put into practice. This handy guide will be invaluable to a range of practitioners in the helping professions including health visitors, social care workers, probation officers and teachers, as well as any other professional looking for tips on how to communicate effectively.

50 Tips to Build Your Self-Esteem (50 Tips Ser.)

by Anna Barnes

Having a positive sense of self-esteem and confidence enables us to avoid the obstacles that can hold us back and to really make the most of life, even when we face knockbacks. This book of simple, easy-to-follow tips provides you with the motivation, tools and techniques needed to feel better inside and out, making you a more confident person.

50 Tips to Build Your Confidence

by Anna Barnes

Feeling confident and having high self esteem help us to lead a happy life and achieve our goals, and yet sometimes it's all too easy to lack faith in ourselves. This book of easy-to-follow tips provides you with the tools and techniques needed to shake off your worries with a positive, can-do attitude and boost your confidence in everyday life.

50 Tips to Build Your Confidence

by Anna Barnes

Feeling confident and having high self esteem help us to lead a happy life and achieve our goals, and yet sometimes it's all too easy to lack faith in ourselves. This book of easy-to-follow tips provides you with the tools and techniques needed to shake off your worries with a positive, can-do attitude and boost your confidence in everyday life.

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