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Showing 21,076 through 21,100 of 21,380 results

Thereby Hangs A Tale: Stories of Curious Word Origins

by Charles Earle Funk

Have you ever wondered why there's a bed in bedlam or why politicians utter so much bunk before elections? This book answers such questions in a readable and informative way. charity Saint Jerome, who translated the New Testament into Latin in the fourth century, sought to avoid the use of the ordinary Latin word for "love," amor, because of the distinctly worldly associations attached to that word. It did not agree with his interpretation of agape, in the original Greek, which denotes more nearly brotherly love or the deep affection between close friends. So he substituted, wherever the Greek text would naturally have required amor, one or another rather colorless word, one of them being caritas. Its meaning is "dearness," but, being colorless, it was capable of taking the color of its biblical surroundings and thus came to mean, specifically, Christian love of one's neighbor, and especially of the poor. The English word charity, derived from it, perhaps owes its sense particularly to the great passage in I Corinthians, chapter 13, which begins: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." c

Mental Floss Presents Instant Knowledge

by Julie Sussman Will Pearson

Mental_floss is proud to present a full-bodied jolt of inspiration for thirsty minds on the go. Blended with titillating facts, startling revelations, and head-scratching theories collected from around the world, Instant Knowledge will jumpstart riveting exchanges at cocktail parties, the watercooler, or any powwow. Building upon the success of the mental_floss magazine, CNN news segment, board game, and website, comes a book filled with interesting facts and theories.

For Girls Only: Wise Words, Good Advice

by Carol Weston

Looking for some words of wisdom? for girls only is here to help with tips, advice, and tons of fun, clever quotes about friends, family, school, life, and love. Carol Weston, advice columnist, novelist, and best-selling author of girltalk, adds her own spin to over five hundred carefully chosen quotations. You'll find insight and inspiration in the words of Socrates and Seinfeld, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Latifah, Mark Twain and Halle Berry -- and in proverbs and quotations from around the world and throughout history that are still perfect for here and now.

Stress Free for Good: 10 Scientifically Proven Life Skills for Health and Happiness

by Fred Luskin Kenneth R. Pelletier

Plan for creating a life with less stress that can lead to better physical and emotional health. These 10 suggested skills were developed over many years that the authors spent doing research at Stanford University's school of medicine.

Understanding Dreams

by The Earthworks Group

It has been said that dreams are the windows to the soul -- and now those windows can be opened wide! The book you hold in your hands is a concise compendium of prescriptive information, an easy-to-use reference guide to the meanings and import of the remarkable visions that visit us while we sleep. Here in one volume are the essential keys to unlocking the mysteries of the subconscious -- and to putting the power of dreams at your fingertips! The meaning behind more than 800 dream symbols, The history of dream interpretation, sleep patterns, the workings of the unconscious mind, How to keep a "dream diary, and more.

Primal Myths: Creation Myths Around the World

by Barbara C. Sproul

A fascinating, respectful and comparative look at the way in which different cultures explain our being, our relationship to one another, how we relate to Nature and how we relate to the Ones who are at the center of our creation stories. An excellent reference for those interested in world views and religions.

The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide To Our Wisdom Traditions

by Huston Smith

"In detailed, absorbing, richly illustrated, and highly readable chapters on Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and primal religions, we find refreshing and fascinating presentations of both the differences and similarities among worldwide religious traditions."

The Nag Hammadi Library in English (Third Edition)

by James M. Robinson

The complete, one-volume, English language version of the renowned library of 4th-century manuscripts discovered in Egypt in 1945.

NIV Harmony of the Gospels

by Stanley N. Gundry

The classic Robertson/Broadus Harmony of the Gospels, newly revised for students of the New International Version.

Henry Ford: Putting the World on Wheels

by Dina El Nabli

This is the fascinating story of Henry Ford whose childhood interests led him to leave the Ford family farm in Michigan in search of a career with machinery.

Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses

by Bruce Feiler

One part adventure story, one part archaeological detective work, one part spiritual exploration, Walking The Bible vividly recounts an inspiring personal odyssey -- by foot, jeep, rowboat, and camel -- through the greatest stories ever told. Feeling a desire to reconnect to the Bible, award-winning author Bruce Feiler set out on a perilous, 10,000-mile journey retracing the Five Books of Moses through the desert. Traveling over three continents, through five countries, and four war zones, Feiler is the first person to complete such a historic expedition. He crosses the Red Sea, climbs Mt. Sinai, and interviews bedouin and pilgrims alike, as he attempts to answer the question: Is the Bible just an abstraction, or is it a living, breathing entity? Both a pulse-pounding adventure and an uplifting spiritual quest, Bruce Feiler's Walking the Bible is a stunning and elevating work of courage, scholarship, and heart that revisits the inscrutable desert landscape where the world's great religions were born -- and uncovers fresh answers to the most profound questions of the human spirit.

The Harper Book of American Quotations

by Gorton Carruth Eugene Ehrlich

More than 8000 quotations grouped into 264 alphabetical categories where they are listed alphabetically by author. Valuable index includes authors and their quotations, the topic of quotations and familiar or key words. Very enjoyable and comprehensive.

Women of Ideas: And What Men Have Done to Them

by Dale Spender

This is a classic reference work and, from beginning to end, a provocative and stimulating read. With characteristic energy, humour and learning, Dale Spender has dug into the hidden past and uncovered shining examples of women's creativity and intellectual prowess which had been suppressed or stolen by men. Men have removed women from literary and historical records and deprived women of the knowledge of their intellectual heritage. Now this lost history of women's thought is set out for all to see.

Holt Western World

by Christopher L. Salter

This book is all about geography and history of the Western world along with test taking strategies.

Elements of Language, Second Course

by Lee Odell Richard Vacca Renee Hobbs Judith L. Irvin John E. Warriner

This book is a student's guide to the language arts skills and strategies that helps to read, write,create and analyze presentations or media messages.

Holt Handbook: Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Sentences

by Holt Rinehart Winston Staff

"The reason English is a required subject in almost all schools is that nothing in your education is more important than learning how to express yourself well. You may know a vast amount about a subject, but if you are unable to communicate what you know, you are severely handicapped. No matter how valuable your ideas may be, they will not be very useful if you cannot express them clearly and convincingly. Language is the means by which people communicate. By learning how your language functions and by practicing language skills, you can acquire the competence necessary to express adequately what you know and what you think."

The Least You Should Know About English: Basic Writing Skills (Form C)

by Teresa Ferster Glazier

Basic English writing skills for students.

The Psychotherapist’s Guide to Psychopharmacology

by Michael J. Gitlin

Gitlin (psychiatry, UCLA) provides a guide to medicines used for treating mental and emotional disorders, designed to familiarize mental health professionals who do not prescribe medicine with the latest medical treatment options. He describes the type of treatment used for numerous disorders, explaining in detail how each medication works and its effects.

The Religious Traditions of Asia: Religion, History and Culture

by Joseph M. Kitagawa

From the Encyclopedia of Religion the history of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Islam in Asia.

Behind Bars: Surviving Prison

by Jeffrey Ian Ross Stephen C. Richards

This book explains the process leading up to prison and the experiences of what happens there.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam

by Yahiya J. Emerick

Presents Islam--from it's revelation, through its interactions with people of the book, to the Islamic empire and its amazing strides in the scientific and mathematical fields to how Islam is perceived in the modern world. Also presents Islam's view on Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cultural Etiquette

by Carol Turkington

Surviving in a foreign country may sometimes seem a bit like playing a game of Monopoly without knowing the rules-Park Place, Marvin Gardens, all those railroads-and what's the deal with that little iron, anyway? In much the same way, making sense of other cultures without any preparation can be a frustrating and downright difficult undertaking if you don't know the score. When you're in a foreign country, the signs don't make sense, buses operate under a set of alien rules, and how do you decipher the body language and intent of the natives when "no" seems to mean "yes" and people keep giving you shocked looks for behavior that wouldn't raise an eyebrow back home? This book will help guide you through the mystifying minefield of international culture-when to do the right thing, when to avoid the wrong thing, and how to understand the difference. This book gives an overview of each country, discussing how to dress, eat, entertain (and be entertained!), tip (or not tip!), speak, negotiate, barter, and travel into and out of the countries of our world. It also informs you how to avoid problems of health and safety, and who to call if you've plunged in recklessly anyway and gotten into trouble. In short, it's a handy sidekick to keep you out of trouble, something you can turn to when you've kissed instead of bowed, or shaken instead of stirred. Whether you're leaving the safe haven of your own country for business or pleasure, the more you learn about other cultures, the better you will be able to decipher foreign attitudes and actions, making you a more sophisticated, sensitive, and successful ambassador.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Baseball

by Johnny Bench Larry Burke

In this book, Johnny Bench brings the game of baseball back to the fans and introduces it to newcomers. In his inimitable, authoritative voice, Bench explains the rules, history and lore of baseball in terms anyone can understand and appreciate.

Open Court Reading, Book 4

by Carl Bereiter Marilyn Jager Adams Michael Pressley Marsha Roit Robbie Case Anne Mckeough Jan Hirshberg Marlene Scardamalia Ann Brown Joe Campione Iva Carruthers Gerald H. Treadway

This book is a comprehensive collection of literary work by various authors falling under various genres that deals with wide range of topics.

Push, Pull, Empty, Full: A Book of Opposites

by Tana Hoban

In this concept book, young children learn about opposites--day/night, thick/thin, big/little...

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