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Showing 9,876 through 9,900 of 21,372 results

Lessons at the Fence Post

by Paul D. Cummings

"Remember, life is a marathon and not a sprint.Train yourself to go the distance."The homespun wisdom that young Paul Cummings received while he and his granddad talked beside an Arkansas fence post has enriched his life beyond measure. Now he shares with us a treasure-trove of nearly two hundred inspiring insights into human nature and bedrock American values, a precious memento from a time that seems to have receded from memory. Yet as you will soon discover, a grandfather's good sense and warm-hearted words never lose relevance--especially in today's fast-paced world. Grandfather Cummings' thoughts are a family treasure. Now they can be your family treasure to pass down through the generations.From the Trade Paperback edition.

A Less Boring History of the World

by Dave Rear

Refreshes the parts other history books can’t reach...A bit ropy on the Renaissance?In the dark about the Enlightenment?Or, in fact, do you need a revision course on the entire history of the world and want to read a witty, irreverent, definitely not boring romp through everything that has ever happened on planet earth – from 15 billion years BC to the present day? Good.A Less Boring History of the World tells you everything you need to know from the Big Bang to Barack Obama, taking in the Byzantines, the Black Death, Bin Laden and the fall of bankers along the way, all boiled down to bite size chunks so that you can finally piece together all the different bits of history - and see how on earth we ended up in the mess we are today. A Less Boring History refreshes your memory and broadens your mind. And, if that’s not enough, it will also make you laugh. A lot.

Lesbianism and the Criminal Law: Three Centuries of Legal Regulation in England and Wales

by Caroline Derry

This book offers a comprehensive examination of the ways in which the criminal justice system of England and Wales has regulated, and failed or refused to regulate, lesbianism. It identifies the overarching approach as one of silencing: lesbianism has not only been ignored or regarded as unimaginable, but was deliberately excluded from legal discourses. A series of case studies ranging from 1746 to 2013 from parliamentary debates to individual prosecutions shed light on the complex process of regulation through silencing. They illuminate its evolution over three centuries and explore when and why it has been breached. The answers Derry uncovers can be fully understood only in the context of surrounding social and legal developments which are also considered. Lesbianism and the Criminal Law makes an important contribution to the growing bodies of literature on feminism, sexuality and the law and the legal history of sexual offences.

Les secrets des Juifs désormais révélés

by Bernard Levine

Vous l'avez demandé, à la demande générale, voici d'autres secrets de la vie et des coutumes des Juifs. Que font les Juifs chez eux tous les jours ? Que mangent-ils ? Comment observent-ils le sabbat ? Quelles sont les fêtes juives et bien plus encore ! Vous trouverez de la révélation et vous prendrez un grand plaisir à découvrir les secrets cachés de ce qui se passe dans le monde juif.

Les Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général du Canada: Une bibliographie

by Andrew David Irvine

Une bibliographie incontournable des Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général du Canada Alice Munro, Margaret Atwood, Antonine Maillet, Carol Shields, Marie-Claire Blais, Michael Ondaatje, Gilles Vigneault… Les écrivains canadiens sont depuis longtemps encensés sur la scène nationale comme à l’échelle mondiale, et les Prix du Gouverneur général jouent un rôle clé dans la reconnaissance de certains de nos meilleurs auteurs, illustrateurs et traducteurs. La liste est impressionnante : ce prestigieux prix a récompensé 705 oeuvres entre 1936 et 2017. Avec un souci minutieux au détail, Andrew Irvine présente l’histoire et l’évolution des Prix et vante leurs vertus indispensables à la carrière des écrivains et des traducteurs ainsi que dans l’élaboration d’une littérature nationale au Canada. Cette bibliographie est la toute première recension complète des Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général et donne des renseignements détaillés au sujet des cérémonies, des adaptations cinématographiques, des membres des jurys ainsi que d’autres informations clés. Le livre présente aussi une copie exhaustive et exacte de données bibliographiques tirées d’archives, une première dans le monde de l’édition. En somme, une référence incontournable. Ce livre est publié en français. - The definitive bibliography of Canada’s Governor General’s Literary Awards Alice Munro, Michael Ondaatje, Margaret Atwood, Antonine Maillet, Carol Shields, Marie-Claire Blais, Gilles Vigneault… For over three quarters of a century, the Governor General’s Literary Awards have been instrumental in recognizing many of Canada’s best authors, illustrators and translators. The result is impressive: between 1936 and 2017, 705 titles have been recognized with this prestigious award. With careful attention to detail, Andrew Irvine presents the history and evolution of the Awards and extols their importance for the careers of authors, illustrators and translators, as well as for the development of Canada’s national literature. The heart of the book contains the first comprehensive bibliography of the awards, including the first list of winning books organized according to their historically correct award categories; information about five books wrongly omitted from previous lists of winning titles; detailed information about award ceremonies, film adaptations and jury members; and other key information. This is a seminal work that belongs on the shelf of every scholar and every lover of Canadian literature. This book is published in French.

Les Écossais: The Pioneer Scots of Lower Canada, 1763-1855

by Lucille H. Campey

This is the first fully documented account, produced in modern times, of the migration of Scots to Lower Canada. Scots were in the forefront of the early influx of British settlers, which began in the late eighteenth century. John Nairne and Malcolm Fraser were two of the first Highlanders to make their mark on the province, arriving at La Malbaie soon after the Treaty of Paris in 1763. By the early 1800s many Scottish settlements had been formed along the north side of the Ottawa River, in the Chateauguay Valley to the southwest of Montreal, and in the Gaspe region. Then, as economic conditions in the Highlands and Islands deteriorated by the late 1820s, large numbers of Hebridean crofters settled in the Eastern Townships. The first group came from Arran and the later arrivals from Lewis. Les Ecossais were proud of their Scottish traditions and customs, those living reminders of the old country which had been left behind. In the end they became assimilated into Quebec’s French-speaking society, but along the way they had a huge impact on the province’s early development. How were les Ecossais regarded by their French neighbours? Were they successful pioneers? In her book, Lucille H. Campey assesses their impact as she unravels their story. Drawing from a wide range of fascinating sources, she considers the process of settlement and the harsh realities of life in the New World. She explains how Quebec province came to acquire its distinctive Scottish communities and offers new insights on their experiences and achievements.

Leprechaun Luck: A Wee Book of Irish Wisdom

by Erin Gobragh

A collection of Irish blessings, sayings, and verses about such things as friendship, home, and happiness.

Leonardo’s Choice

by Carol Gigliotti

Leonardo's Choice: Genetic Technologies and Animals is an edited collection of twelve essays and one dialogue focusing on the profound affect the use of animals in biotechnology is having on both humans and other species. Communicating crucial understandings of the integrated nature of the human and non-human world, these essays, unlike the majority of discussions of biotechnology, take seriously the impact of these technologies on animals themselves. This collection's central questions revolve around the disassociation Western ideas of creative freedom have from the impacts those ideas and practices have on the non-human world. This transdisciplinary collection includes perspectives from the disciplines of philosophy, cultural theory, art and literary theory, history and theory of science, environmental studies, law, landscape architecture, history, and geography. Included authors span three continents and four countries. Included essays contribute significantly to a growing scholarship surrounding "the question of the animal" emanating from philosophical, cultural and activist discourses. Its authors are at the forefront of the growing number of theorists and practitioners across the disciplines concerned with the impact of new technologies on the more-than-human world.

Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide: The Modern Era

by Leonard Maltin

WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHORNow that Netflix and Hulu can deliver thousands of movies at the touch of a button, the only question is: What should I watch?With nearly 16,000 entries and more than 13,000 DVD listings, Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide remains "head and shoulders above the rest." (The New York Times) It also includes an up-to-date list of mail-order and online sources for buying and renting DVDs and videos, official motion picture code ratings from G to NC-17, old and new theatrical and video releases rated four-stars to BOMB, exact running times, reviews of little-known sleepers, foreign films, rarities, and classics, and Leonard's list of 60 breakthrough performances."****"—USA Today

Leonard Maltin's 151 Best Movies You've Never Seen

by Leonard Maltin

What 151 movies have you never seen—but should?What French film could teach Hollywood how to make a smart, sexy romantic comedy? (page 233)Where will you find a female-centric Western with a gender-bending protagonist? (page 10)What film won a Special Jury Prize at Sundance and then fell off the radar? (page 261)What farcical comedy includes such real-life characters as Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger? (page 50)In what unsung comedy will you find Michael Douglas giving his all-time best performance? (page 130)What debut film from the director of The Dark Knight creates palpable chills—despite a shoestring budget and a no-name cast? (page 79)What John Wayne movie was out of circulation for thirty years—and still qualifies as a sleeper? (page 121)What terrific Heath Ledger movie was released the same month as Brokeback Mountain—and flopped? (page 26)What clever modern-day film noir was made for just half a million dollars? (page 18)What captivating film stars one of the seminal artists of the twentieth century? (page 203)

Léon Duguit and the Social Obligation Norm of Property: A Translation and Global Exploration

by Paul Babie Jessica Viven-Wilksch

This book demonstrates the importance of Léon Duguit for property theory in both the civil and common law world. It translates into English for the first time ever Duguit’s seminal lecture on property, the sixth of a series given in 1911 in Buenos Aires. It also collects essays from the leading experts on the social function of property in major civil and common law jurisdictions internationally.The book explores the importance that the notion of the social function of property has come to have not only in France but in the entire civil law tradition, and also considers the wide – if un-attributed and seldom regarded – influence in the common law tradition and theory of property.

Lens on Outdoor Learning

by Wendy Banning Ginny Sullivan

The outdoors is full of rich learning experiences for preschool and pre-kindergarten children. Lens on Outdoor Learning is filled with stories and colorful photographs that illustrate how the outdoors supports children's early learning. Each story is connected to an early learning standard such as curiosity and initiative; engagement and persistence; imagination, invention, and creativity; reasoning and problem-solving; risk-taking, responsibility, and confidence; reflection, application, and interpretation; and flexibility and resilience. Much of the teaching in these experiences is indirect and involves provisioning, observing, and conversing with children as they spend quality time in nature. Children's dialogue and actions are included in each story to show just how engaged they became during these experiences. Lens on Outdoor Learning will inspire early childhood professionals to use this outdoor approach in their own setting.Wendy Banning is coordinator of Irvin Learning Farm, an inquiry-based, hands-on outdoor learning space for children and adults in North Carolina. She is also an educational consultant, teacher, trainer, and photographer.Ginny Sullivan is co-principal of Learning by the Yard, a partnership of landscape architects and educators that helps schools develop their grounds as habitat, focusing on native plants. Ginny consults, trains teachers, and involves schools and centers in the design of their outdoor spaces to help children learn about the natural world.

The Lens

by Nk Guy

Which lens should I buy for my camera? It's such a simple question, but choosing the right lens or lenses is actually one of the most important photographic decisions you can make. Nothing affects the quality of a photo more than the lens. It's no longer just about the megapixels-it's the glass that makes all the difference! Many first-time buyers of DSLRs don't venture past the basic lens included in the box. While some are reluctant to spend more money, others are confused by all the buzzwords or are overwhelmed by all the choices out there. It's really a shame, because interchangeable lenses give you amazing scope for quality photography. Take in vast sweeping scenes with a wide angle lens. Capture faraway birds with a telephoto lens. Examine the tiniest detail of a flower with a macro lens. Record the perfect portrait with a prime lens. Anything is possible when you choose the right lens for the job! This book isn't a simple catalogue of available lenses. New products are coming out all the time, and comparing specific lenses can be difficult. Instead, author N.K. Guy gives you all the information you need to make smart buying decisions. Optical technology is demystified, arcane terminology is decoded, and practical tips are provided. The Lens will help you build the perfect lens collection to suit your needs-now and in the future.

Lemon-Aid New and Used Cars and Trucks 2007–2017

by Phil Edmonston George Iny

<p>“Dr. Phil,” Canada’s best-known automotive expert, invites another driver to come aboard. <p>After forty-six years and almost two million copies sold, Phil Edmonston is joined by a co-pilot for the Lemon-Aid Guide — George Iny, along with the editors of the Automobile Protection Association. The 2017 Lemon-Aid has everything: an encyclopedic lineup of the best and worst cars, trucks, and SUVs sold since 2007; secret warranties and tips on the “art of complaining” to help you get your money back; and new-car buying tips that will save you tons of money by revealing the inflated cost of fancy and frivolous add-ons. Lemon-Aid is an essential guide for careful buyers and long-time gear-heads who don't know as much as they think.</p>

The Lele of the Kasai

by Mary Douglas

This first volume is a compilation of numerous essays by Douglas on the Lele in the Belgian Congo covering a fifteen year period. There are early indications of Douglas's cultural imagination and written expression that were to make her works accessible and relevant to a western readership of non-anthropologists. The intellectural tools and examples she gained from Africanist ethnography continue to serve her explorations of European and American society.

Leihmutterschaft und Familie: Impulse aus Recht, Theologie und Medizin

by Edward Schramm Michael Wermke

Das Buch betrachtet das Thema Leihmutterschaft aus einer breit angelegten, interdisziplinären Perspektive. In Deutschland ist die Leihmutterschaft verboten, in vielen anderen Ländern legal. Viele Menschen erfüllen sich den Wunsch nach einem Kind daher im Wege einer Leihmutterschaft im Ausland. Das Buch nimmt dies zum Anlass, aktuelle Erkenntnisse und Impulse aus der Rechtswissenschaft, Theologie, Soziologie, kindlichen Entwicklungspsychologie, Medizin, Genetik und Philosophie zu diesem Phänomen aufzugreifen und zu analysieren. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, inwiefern sich das Wohl des Kindes, die Interessen der Leihmütter sowie die Bedürfnisse der Wunscheltern in der deutschen Rechtsordnung, der sozialen Wirklichkeit und den kirchlichen Institutionen widerspiegeln.

Leibniz: Logico-Philosophical Puzzles in the Law

by Giovanni Sartor Bernardo Pieri Alberto Artosi

This volume presents two Leibnizian writings, the Specimen of Philosophical Questions Collected from the Law and the Dissertation on Perplexing Cases. These works, originally published in 1664 and 1666, constitute, respectively, Leibniz's thesis for the title of Master of Philosophy and his doctoral dissertation in law. Besides providing evidence of the earliest development of Leibniz's thought and amazing anticipations of his mature views, they present a genuine intellectual interest, for the freshness and originality of Leibniz's reflections on a striking variety of logico-philosophical puzzles drawn from the law. The Specimen addresses puzzling issues resulting from apparent conflicts between law and philosophy (the latter broadly understood as comprising also mathematics, as well as empirical sciences). The Dissertation addresses cases whose solution is puzzling because of the convoluted logical form of legal dispositions and contractual clauses, or because of conflicting priorities between concurring parties. In each case, Leibniz dissects the problems with the greatest ingenuity, disentangling their different aspects, and proposing solutions always reasonable and sometimes surprising. And he does not refrain from peppering his intellectual acrobatics with some humorous comments.

LEGO Ninjago Secret World of the Ninja New Edition

by Shari Last

This edition does not include a minifigure. Step into the action-packed world of LEGO? NINJAGO™ and discover everything there is to know about the legendary Ninja! Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the NINJA? Join Lloyd and the Ninja on an amazing journey of discovery. Learn the truth about the Ninja's incredible powers. Uncover secrets about mysterious locations. Revisit ancient history and fierce battles. Get up close with great vehicles, mighty mechs, fantastic dragons, and much more in this must-have guide to the NINJAGO world. ©2023 The LEGO Group.

LEGO Minifigures Character Encyclopedia LEGO® Movie edition

by DK

Get to know all the fantastic minifigures who populate the LEGO world, including the LEGO Movie characters in the LEGO Minifigures Character Encyclopedia: LEGO Movie Edition.Go on the ultimate LEGO adventure and meet every single LEGO Minifigure character, from the Punk Rocker and Lawn Gnome to the DJ and Pirate Captain, plus the exciting new characters from The LEGO Movie, scheduled for release in February 2014.Inside you'll find character biographies and fun LEGO facts, not to mention information on each Minifigures' personality, its likes and dislikes, and real-world information behind its creation.Enhanced with fun animations to bring readers closer than ever to the LEGO Minifigures world, the LEGO Minifigures Character Encyclopedia: LEGO Movie Edition is a must-have for any LEGO fan.

LEGO® Minifigure A Visual History New Edition: With exclusive LEGO spaceman minifigure!

by Gregory Farshtey Daniel Lipkowitz Simon Hugo

*The Library Edition does not include the LEGO® Minifigure.Celebrate the epic journey of the LEGO® minifigure. Enter the world of minifigures with this fully updated edition. The first minifigure was created in 1978, and today the entire minifigure population could circle the globe more than five times!Starring more than 2,000 of the most popular and rarest minifigures from the LEGO® Minifigure Series and themes including LEGO® NINJAGO®, THE LEGO® MOVIE™, LEGO® Star Wars™, LEGO® City, LEGO® Harry Potter™, and many more.From astronauts and vampires to Super Heroes and movie characters, feast your eyes on the most awesome minifigures of every decade!©2020 The LEGO Group.

LEGO Minifigure Handbook

by Hannah Dolan

Meet the coolest LEGO® Minifigures ever!The strange, the spooky, and the silly - all of your favourite LEGO® minifigures are here.Go back in time with retro minifigures from the LEGO archives.Meet new characters from fun LEGO themes, including LEGO® NINJAGO®, LEGO® City, and LEGO® Collectible Minifigures.Your guide to more than 300 awesome minifigures! ©2020 The LEGO Group.

LEGO Ideas on the Go (Lego Ideas)

by Hannah Dolan Jessica Farrell

This edition does not include a model.Grab your LEGO collection and go on a great adventure!Play games around the campfire, build Rocky Mountains to climb, or imagine dense jungles to trek through. Be inspired by nature and build animals and ecosystems. Take your minifigures on an exploration to discover more about the world around you. Plus there are plenty of fun ideas and games for a stay-cation, too—no adventure is too small for a minifigure!With more than 50 new LEGO ideas, you&’ll have everything you need for a LEGO adventure on the go!©2023 The LEGO Group.

LEGO Idea A Day: Packed with Hundreds of Ideas to Inspire You!

by DK

A stand-up spiral-bound book to flip over each day and discover a fun, new idea to build with your LEGO® bricks.Flip the page and discover a new LEGO® build idea to inspire you every day—with 150 build ideas!Get creative with 150 fun LEGO ideas for the whole family to create, from cute animals and cool vehicles to dream homes, space rockets, magical beasts, LEGO games, and much more. The stand-up spiral-bound format makes it perfect for displaying in the home and enjoying as a family, inspiring creativity, and screen-free fun. Build your favorite pets to add to your animal collection, create a reward chart (for every member of the family!), celebrate a birthday with LEGO cupcakes, and get on the move with helicopters, monster trucks, and hot-air balloons. Each day brings a new surprise and LEGO inspiration.Build LEGO fun into every day!©2023 The LEGO Group

LEGO Harry Potter Character Encyclopedia New Edition (LEGO Harry Potter)

by Elizabeth Dowsett

This edition does not include minifgure. Get to know more than 200 minifigures from the LEGO Harry Potter world!Whether wizards, Muggles, friends, or foes, find out about all your favorite Hogwarts students and teachers, as well as creatures and other characters. Meet Harry&’s friends Ron, Hermione, and Ginny; Hogwarts&’ teachers including Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, and Sprout; plus, Hagrid, Dobby, and other popular characters from the Wizarding World.Discover all the most popular LEGO Harry Potter minifigures as well as rare and unique minifigures you may never have seen before in the LEGO Harry Potter Character Encyclopedia – the ultimate handbook for fans of LEGO Harry Potter.© & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s22). ©2022 The LEGO Group.

LEGO® FRIENDS Character Encyclopedia: The Ultimate Guide to the Girls and Their World

by Catherine Saunders

Take a trip to Heartlake City and join in on the fun with the LEGO® Friends in the new LEGO® Friends Character Encyclopedia from DK. Meet Mia, Stephanie, Andrea, Olivia, and Emma-and all the LEGO Friends characters! Find out about their pets, hobbies, vehicles, and favorite places to just hang out. Learn about their likes and dislikes, their cool outfits, and even discover their top secrets! Featuring tons of images and fascinating facts about the popular LEGO Friends sets and mini-dolls, LEGO Friends Character Encyclopedia also comes with a mini-doll in a new and exclusive outfit and two cool accessories!

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