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Graffiti: Learning to See the Art in Ourselves

by Erin Davis

Our culture is driven by a concept of beauty that negatively impacts adolescent girls. The Scriptures are full of assurances regarding our identity in Christ, inherent worth to the Creator, and the secrets to tapping into the source of true and lasting beauty, yet girls and young women continue to struggle with their focus on outer beauty. In Graffiti: Learning to See the Art in Ourselves, Erin Davis applies the language of God's Word on identity, beauty, and worth to the life of a contemporary young woman. In fact, women who have never adequately dealt with this issue will find themselves reviewing their youth, and redirecting their spiritual eyes.

Graffiti: Learning to See the Art in Ourselves

by Erin Davis

Our culture is driven by a concept of beauty that negatively impacts adolescent girls. The Scriptures are full of assurances regarding our identity in Christ, inherent worth to the Creator, and the secrets to tapping into the source of true and lasting beauty, yet girls and young women continue to struggle with their focus on outer beauty. In Graffiti: Learning to See the Art in Ourselves, Erin Davis applies the language of God's Word on identity, beauty, and worth to the life of a contemporary young woman. In fact, women who have never adequately dealt with this issue will find themselves reviewing their youth, and redirecting their spiritual eyes.

Graduate Theological Education and the Human Experience of Disability

by Robert C Anderson

Create pathways in theological education and congregational practice for people with disabilities! Graduate Theological Education and the Human Experience of Disability examines graduate schools of theology and their limited familiarity with the study of disability-and the presence of people with disabilities in particular-on their campuses. Dubbed a "missing note" by one theologian, this text offers critical research and illuminates new pathways for theologia and practice in the community of faith. Reviews of previous literature, theology, and practices illuminate how people with disabilities have historically been marginalized by the religious community. Theologians, people with disabilities, and researchers offer suggestions for incorporating disability studies into theological education and religious life. This text contains firsthand testimony from people with disabilities who are the necessary sources of wisdom for overcoming barriers. By infusing education into existing theological curriculum, seminaries may better prepare their students for leadership and ministry in their congregations. People with disabilities number 18% of the population, yet represent only 5-7% of congregational membership. This book explores aspects of theology and disability such as: the challenges faced by theological schools that desire to improve both theological curriculum and facilities a review of literature that connects theology and disability-from sources such as scripture, history, faith traditions, and social theory the various ideologies that shape the way the human body is understood-redefining "normal" in theological education an overview of critical boundaries that mark the limits and possibilities for theological inquiry about the human experience of disability creative concepts that religious communities may use to better include people with disabilities and their families how the religious community may benefit from the gifts, talents, and leadership of people with disabilities Graduate Theological Education and the Human Experience of Disability contains a reprint of Dr. Harold Wilke&’s landmark 1978 article from Theological Education (published by the Association of Theological Schools). Dr. Wilke, born without arms, was the theologian, minister and scholar who first articulated the need to address the human experience of disability in both theological education and congregational life. With extensive biographies and inclusive liturgies, this innovative text is a valuable resource for seminary professors and leaders, clergy, and disability advocates.

The Grad's Pocket Guide to Greatness

by Jennifer Youngman

This is a collection of uplifting, encouraging, and inspirational thoughts for the graduate. This little book mixes Scripture and the wisdom of some of the most thoughtful people in history, including St. Francis, Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, John Wooden, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Julian of Norwich, and many others. Many literary greats are represented, including A.A. Milne, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Emily Dickinson, Charles Dickens, and William Shakespeare. It is perfect for casual reading, or whenever the new graduate needs a bit of encouragement or some timeless wisdom to face a new challenge.

Gracism: The Art of Inclusion (BridgeLeader Books)

by David A. Anderson

We can't ignore color, class, or culture. Instead, we must engage matters of race with a different posture and embrace radical inclusion of the marginalized. Now with David Heiliger, David A. Anderson revives the biblical model for showing special grace to others on the basis of ethnicity, class, or social distinction—one of gracism. Responding to ongoing problems of prejudice and injustice, the original seven sayings of the gracist now become eight with a new chapter alongside a revised conclusion. Take this opportunity to extend God's grace to people of all backgrounds in this edition of Gracism.

Gracism: The Art of Inclusion (BridgeLeader Books)

by Dr. David Anderson

Best Cover Winner, 2007 ECPA Christian Book Awards (Midlevel Publisher)

Graciously Keep Me This Night: Devotions from Scripture's Darkest Hours

by Steve Kruschel

"Graciously keep me this night." Martin Luther once prayed those words to God. So many others have joined his plea. A man named Job lost his children in a freak accident, then struggled with the point of life itself. A woman named Ruth waited in the dark, hoping the man she loved would reciprocate her love. An apostle nervously watched his life hang in the balance as a storm wrecked his ship. In love, Jesus graciously watched over each and every one of them.In love, Jesus graciously keeps you, too. He has felt the pain that stabs your heart, the betrayals that send you to tears, and the guilt that keeps you awake. He endured them all to make you his own. Let these devotions remind you of that good news — that you belong to Jesus, even when the darkness comes.

Gracious Wild

by Stacey L.L. Couch

Gracious Wild is the story of Stacey Couch's incredible journey out of the mundane world of science and reason into the vast shamanic realms of creativity and inspiration. Readers will travel on this intimate exploration of what happens when one woman allows the messengers of nature to guide her. These winged guides wrap her mind up in the mysteries they present, leading her to a richer, more fulfilling life. Stacey's tale begins on an isolated island where, as a scientist, her main responsibility is to care for a couple dozen foxes in captivity. As a result of a series of ecological tragedies, the fox population is on the verge of extinction and a novel hawk species begins nesting on the island for the first time in recorded history. It is during her time watching the nesting hawks alone in nature that her real quest begins-a series of hawks become her guides; rousing life's biggest questions like "why am I here?" Gracious Wild weaves Stacey's relationship with the hawks alongside her study of shamanism with a good deal of information included for those seeking more details about this spiritual path. Stacey's belief is, "that wild animals are trying to speak and interact with us every day. To listen to them is to listen to that which is divine within each of us. Their calls mirror our own inner calling to a greater purpose. " Gracious Wild offers a vivid and candid tale of a woman who loses then rewrites the meaning of her life at the same time showing readers their own humanity; how being open to spirit messages from animals can provide important and beneficial (life-changing) guidance.

Gracious Ghosts of Cheyenne (Haunted America)

by Jill Pope

Haunted Cheyenne author Jill Pope shares the lighter side of the paranormal spectrum with stories of departed loved ones, spirit guides and angels. Homeowners of a quaint West First Avenue home continually find bright-red lipstick prints throughout the house. The owner of a flagstone house on East Twenty-Third Street awoke to the apparition of a weathered, elderly man leaving a loving kiss on her forehead while whispering "Good morning, granddaughter." A caller to a Cheyenne radio station recounted the tragic story of the death of her two sisters before she was born and their childhood tea party visitations. From the lingering smell of roses to phantasms in family photos, these local stories remind us that the deceased can give reassuring touches and guidance through struggles and share in our important moments and milestones.

Gracious Christianity: Living the Love we Profess

by Douglas Jacobsen; Rodney J. Sawatsky

Douglas Jacobsen and Rodney Sawatsky provide a blueprint for recovering a vibrant faith as they demonstrate how believers can manifest the fruit of the Spirit to a watching world. This book not only serves as an introduction to or review of the basics of the Christian faith but also shows how true, Spirit-led Christianity is a force for peace, justice, and goodness in today's volatile and violent world.

A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation and Spirituality in the Book of Jonah (New Studies in Biblical Theology #Volume 26)

by Daniel C. Timmer

The book of Jonah is arguably just as jarring for us as it was for the ancients. Ninevah's repentance, Jonah's estrangement from God and the book's bracing moral conclusion all pose unsettling questions for today's readers. For biblical theologians, Jonah also raises tough questions regarding mission and religious conversion. Here, Daniel Timmer embarks on a new reading of Jonah in order to secure its ongoing relevance for biblical theology. After an examination of the book?s historical backgrounds (in both Israel and Assyria), Timmer discusses the biblical text in detail, paying special attention to redemptive history and its Christocentric orientation. Timmer then explores the relationship between Israel and the nations—including the question of mission—and the nature of religious conversion and spirituality in the Old Testament. This New Studies in Biblical Theology volume concludes with an injunction for scholars and lay readers to approach Jonah as a book written to facilitate spiritual change in the reader. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

Gracias a Dios por el día que Jesús tomó tu lugar

by Bernard Levine

No es lo que estás haciendo ... ¡Es lo que hizo Jesús! Gracias a Dios por el día en que Jesús tomó tu lugar Cuando piensas lo asombroso que es realmente que Dios dio su propia sangre para salvarnos de todos nuestros pecados. No hay nada tan grande como el sacrificio de Jesús que alha hecho por nosotros. El precioso don de Jesús es mucho mayor que toda la riqueza del universo. En este mundo de incertidumbre Hay una garantía muy segura y verdadera Jesús regresa.

Gracia venidera: El poder purificador de las promesas de Dios

by John Piper

Explora esta asombrosa cualidad de la gracia de Dios: ¡nunca termina! En esta obra fundamental, John Piper revela cómo la gracia no es solo el regalo inmerecido de Dios para nosotros en el pasado, sino también el poder de Dios para hacer que el bien suceda hoy, mañana y para siempre. La verdadera vida para el seguidor de Jesús es realmente una confianza continua de que Dios es confiable y cumple sus promesas. Esto es vivir por fe en la gracia futura, que proporciona la misericordia, provisión y sabiduría de Dios, todo lo que necesitamos, para lograr sus provechosos planes para nosotros. En Gracia venidera, capítulo por capítulo, uno para cada día del mes, Piper revela cómo atesorar las promesas de Dios nos ayuda a romper el poder de los problemas persistentes del pecado como ansiedad, desaliento, codicia, lujuria, amargura, impaciencia, orgullo, vergüenza innecesaria, y más. La máxima alegría, paz y esperanza en la vida y la muerte se encuentran en una conciencia continua y segura de la realidad de la gracia futura.

Una gracia sutil

by Ellen Gable

1896, Filadelfia. Finalista IAN Book Awards. En esta secuela independiente de "In Name Only" (2009 FQP), "A Sutil Grace" continúa la historia de la familia O'Donovan adinerada y poco convencional a medida que se acercan al comienzo de un nuevo siglo. (Ficción religiosa) A los 19 años, Kathleen (hija mayor) es soltera y no tiene perspectivas. Temiendo el destino solitario de una vieja sirvienta, su impaciencia lleva a un enamoramiento con el primer hombre que muestra interés. El hijo suave y apuesto del jefe de policía local parece una pareja perfecta. ¿Pero su actitud impulsiva le impedirá reconocer a su verdadero amado? Un giro inquietante de los acontecimientos trae una sombra oscura que amenaza la felicidad de toda la vida que ella desea. El Dr. Luke Peterson (el nuevo médico de la familia) también deja una gran impresión en Kathleen. Su afecto por ella lo lleva a revelaciones sorprendentes: sobre Kathleen, sobre su práctica y, lo más importante, sobre sí mismo. Will (el hijo mayor) cree que Dios puede estar llamándolo a una vocación religiosa. Finalmente, descubre las circunstancias ocultas de sus humildes comienzos que lo obligan a embarcarse en una peregrinación a Roma.

Gracia para todo momento volumen II: Más pensamientos inspiradores para cada día del año

by Max Lucado

Mantener una consistencia diaria en la vida de oración no es siempre fácil. El libro Gracia para todo momento, volumen I demuestra a sus lectores que sí es posible tener un tiempo devocional. Ahora llega Gracia para todo momento, volumen II. Este libro de devocionales diarios para un año ofrece cautivadores relatos de inspiración, poder, y esperanza que le inspirarán aun durante los días más atareados. Lucado, el autor inspiracional de América, nuevamente nos ayuda con nuestro caminar diario llenando cada lectura con fotografías que nos inspirarán a vivir una vida llena de gracia. Así como en el volumen I, fotografías a todo color añaden un toque especial a esta colección.

Gracia para todo momento - Devocional para la familia: 100 Devocionales para que las familias disfruten de la gracia de Dios

by Max Lucado

Los devocionales para usted y su hijo, uno al lado del otro, hacen que esta edición familiar especial del éxito de ventas de Max Lucado, Gracia para todo momento, sea ideal para incorporar los devocionales en su rutina familiar.Cada uno de los cien devocionales en este hermoso libro ofrece una lectura para adultos de Gracia para todo momento y una lectura para niños sobre el mismo tema de Gracia para todo momento para niños.Con los devocionales lado a lado, usted y sus hijos pueden leer cada devocional y luego hablar y orar juntos. Los devocionales incluyen las Escrituras para leer en voz alta y preguntas enriquecedoras diseñadas para llevar a su familia más profundamente en la fe, ya sea en la mesa del desayuno, en las cenas familiares o justo antes de acostarse. Este nuevo devocional familiar viene en respuesta a innumerables solicitudes de lectores de una herramienta que equipa a la familia para leer Gracia para todo momento juntos. Disfrute de un tiempo familiar de calidad con la adición de debates de fe más ricos, para que pueda crecer en Cristo a través de las generaciones. Ya sea que su familia haya compartido devociones durante años o que desee iniciar un nuevo hábito, este libro lo invita a celebrar la gracia que Dios nos ofrece a cada uno de nosotros.Grace for the Moment Family DevotionalThe devotionals for you and your child, side by side, make this special family edition of Max Lucado's bestseller, Grace for the Moment, ideal for incorporating devotionals into your family routine.Each of the 100 devotions in this beautiful book offers an adult reading from Grace for the Moment and a children's reading on the same topic from Grace for the Moment for Kids.With the devotions next to one another, you and your children can read each devotion and then talk and pray together. Devotions include Scripture for reading aloud and enriching questions designed to take your family deeper in faith—whether over the breakfast table, at family dinners, or just before bed.This new family devotional comes in response to countless requests for a tool that equips a family to read Grace for the Moment together. Enjoy quality family time with the addition of richer faith discussions so that you can grow in Christ across the generations. Whether your family has shared devotions for years or you are hoping to jump-start a new habit, this book invites you to celebrate the grace God offers each one of us.

Gracia para todo momento: Pensamientos inspiradores para cada día del año

by Max Lucado

Sientate en silencio por cinco minutos cada día y permite que Max Lucado te inspire con pensamientos que te darán esperanza. Este hermoso libro incluye 365 lecturas extraídas de sus numerosos libros de mayor venta combinadas con la Palabra de Dios, lo cual te daran esperanza en cada momento de tu día.

Gracia -Guía del participante: Más que lo merecido, mucho más que lo imaginado

by Max Lucado

Hablamos como si entendiéramos lo que significa "gracia". Pero ¿realmente lo entendemos? ¿Nos conformamos con una gracia cualquiera? Gentilmente forma parte de alabanzas y calza muy bien en el rótulo de las iglesias. Nunca causa problemas ni exige respuestas. Cuando alguien pregunta: "¿crees en la gracia?", ¿quién puede responder que no?Max Lucado tiene una pregunta aún más profunda: ¿has sido cambiado por la gracia? ¿moldeado por la gracia? ¿fortalecido por la gracia? ¿animado por la gracia? ¿ablandado por la gracia? ¿tomado a la fuerza por la nuca y sacudido hasta los sentidos por la gracia? Gracia es la voz que nos llama a cambiar y nos da el poder para lograrlo. Hagamos que la gracia verdadera te atrape.Características que incluye:Siete sesiones de estudio y comentarios sobre las EscriturasFormas de iniciar una conversación para usar con la familia o en grupos pequeños

Gracia divina vs. condena humana

by Philip Yancey

En 1987, una bomba del Ejército Republicano Irlandés enterró a Gordon Wilson y a su hija de veintiún años bajo metro y medio de escombros. Sólo Gordon sobrevivió. Y perdonó. De los que pusieron la bomba, dijo: "He perdido a mi hija, pero no les guardo rencor...Esta noche, y todas las noches voy a orar para que Dios los perdone." Sus palabras captaron la atención de los medios de información, y en el dolor de un hombre, el mundo pudo captar un destello de la gracia. En este libro el galardonado escritor Philip Yancey explora la gracia al nivel de la calle. Si el amor de Dios es para quienes no merecen la gracia, entonces, pregunta, ¿qué aspecto tiene cuando actúa? Y si los cristianos son los únicos que la pueden distribuir, ¿cuán efectiva es la labor que hacemos para derramar gracia sobre un mundo que conoce muchísimo más de crueldad y de falta de perdón, que de misericordia? La gracia no excusa el pecado, dice Yancey, pero valora al pecador. La gracia genuina es sorprendente y escandalosa. Sacude nuestras ideas convenciéndoles con su insistencia en acercarse a los pecadores para tocarlos con la misericordia y la esperanza.

La gracia de Dios

by Andy Stanley

Ninguno de nosotros merece lo que Dios nos ofrece: una vida libre de pecado y la esperanza de un futuro glorioso. Pero, aunque parezca increíble, todo esto se nos sirve en bandeja. ¿Por qué? Por la gracia de Dios, por su favor inmerecido y el amor y la amabilidad que nos brinda profusamente y nos viene brindando desde la Creación. Pero, si podemos acceder a esto tan fácilmente, ¿por qué vivimos una vida carente de gracia? ¿Por qué nuestras iglesias están llenas de cristianos desilusionados, cansados de las exigencias de la religión, que luchan contra sus derrotas personales ocasionadas por sus propios problemas o comportamientos?Acompaña al pastor Andy Stanley a medida que sigue el recorrido de la gracia a través el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento y observa la gracia de Dios en acción en las vidas de algunos de los mejores y peores personajes. El autor también utiliza anécdotas de su propia vida para demostrar que la gracia no es una mera respuesta natural, sino la más importante. Estas historias desvelan los misterios de la gracia y son una muestra de su poder transformador para liberarnos.


by Max Lucado

GraciaHablamos como si entendiéramos el término. El banco nos da un periodo de gracia. El político sórdido cae en desgracia. Los músicos hablan de una nota ornamental. Decimos que una bailarina se mueve con gracia y que un payaso que tiene gracia es gracioso. Usamos esta palabra para hospitales y como nombre de pila para las niñas, con ella nos referimos a los reyes, y damos gracias antes de comer. Hablamos como si supiéramos lo que significa la gracia.El exitoso autor, Max Lucado, dice que nos conformamos con una gracia cualquiera, una gracia que es como un pez dorado que se queda en su pecera sobre el estante y nunca causa problemas ni demanda atención. Gracia significa mucho más de lo que pensamos, y en su nuevo libro Lucado comparte las verdades de este mensaje fundamental de su ministerio. El autor desafía a los lectores no solo a recibir la gracia, sino a ser cambiados por la gracia. Moldeados por la gracia. Fortalecidos por la gracia. Animados por la gracia. Ablandados por la gracia. Tomados a la fuerza por la nuca y sacudidos hasta los sentidos por la gracia.

Grace's Ground War, a Novella

by Hallee Bridgeman

RUTH AUBERTIN's father, a highly decorated veteran of the Great War, moves his family from British Palestine to the wild of Great Britain after the Hebron masacre in 1929. He has always known the Germans would return to France, and trained his children from the time they could walk, turning them into finely tuned weapons with multiple skills ranging in weapons training to hand-to-hand combat. When the Germans roll into France, Ruth and her brothers volunteer with the British Special Services and Ruth joins the Virtues team under the code name of GRACE. Never knowing the bond of sisterhood before, Ruth grows close to the six other women on the team and learns to rely on them and their varied skills as she goes undercover in Occupied France. Working directly for the notorious Praetorian, she and her team plan the largest prisoner escape in the war to date. The arrest of TEMPERANCE raises the stakes. Now they have to move their time table up, increasing the overall risk of the mission. Can Ruth and her team pull off the mission, or will too many variables crash together at the wrong time? GRACE'S GROUND WAR is part five of seven serialized novellas entitled the Virtues and Valor series.

Graces: Prayers & Poems for Everyday Meals and Special Occasions

by June Cotner

Saying grace at mealtime is a time-honored tradition for many families and a newfound source of spiritual connection for others. Whether you're a master at giving the blessing or fairly new to this sacred art, Graces will bring inspiration to your meals and special gatherings.Seeing the need for such inspiration at her family's table, June Cotner compiled a notebook of poems, prayers, and songs that she solicited from friends, strangers, family members, and ministers. She has turned her family's well-worn notebook into this elegantly packaged edition, which will complement your finest table settings.Arranged by thirteen themes, this beautiful gift book contains poems, prayers, songs, invocations, and salutations by figures as diverse as Leunig and Browning, Emerson and Starhawk, Kahlil Gibran and Schweitzer. Whether you need a Sanskirt Salutation to the Dawn, a Gaelic Blessings, or ancient Chinese Prayer, Graces offers fitting words for every occasion.Having a collection of original, traditional, and multicultural blessings makes it easy to share wisdom and insight with family and friends before meals or at special gatherings. The graces compiled here have been used by people of all religions beliefs, and special attention was given to how easily the words can be spoken by both adults and children.Life if full of occasions when it seems appropriate to say grace. Graces contains 133 prayers, poems, and blessings that span the centuries and draw from many traditions. Bring spiritual focus to your meals by bringing Graces to your table.

Gracefully You: Finding Beauty and Balance in the Everyday

by Jenna Dewan

Actress and dancer Jenna Dewan shares her uplifting message of how to elevate your life and experience beauty every day—perfect for fans of Jessica Alba’s The Honest Life and Kate Hudson’s Pretty Happy. The frustrations and challenges that come with modern living can leave us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and disconnected. In Gracefully You, Jenna Dewan uses her own deeply personal journey to show you how to find your true voice, connect to your deeper self, and live with grace. From demonstrating how movement is essential to feeling good (whether it’s by going on a nature hike or dancing with your friends) to providing mantras that will help you begin each day with good intentions, Jenna shares clear advice on how you can cultivate happiness in every aspect of your life. Learn how to create a home sanctuary, connect with nature to restore balance, foster healthy relationships of all kinds by establishing physical and spiritual boundaries, and maintain space for your own identity through it all. Filled with stunning photos, Gracefully You is a beautiful, insightful, and powerful vision for anyone who wants to feel better, focus on what’s important, and maintain a sense of balance—all with strength and grace.

Graceful Exits: How Great Beings Die

by Sushila Blackman

Death is a subject obscured by fear and denial. When we do think of dying, we are more often concerned with how to avoid the pain and suffering that may accompany our death than we are with really confronting the meaning of death and how to approach it. Sushila Blackman places death--and life--in a truer perspective, by telling us of others who have left this world with dignity. Graceful Exits offers valuable guidance in the form of 108 stories recounting the ways in which Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist, and Zen masters, both ancient and modern, have confronted their own deaths. By directly presenting the grace, clarity, and even humor with which great spiritual teachers have met the end of their days, Blackman provides inspiration and nourishment to anyone truly concerned with the fundamental issues of life and death.

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