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The Course of God’s Providence: Religion, Health, and the Body in Early America (North American Religions)

by Philippa Koch

Shows that a religious understanding of illness and health persisted well into post-Enlightenment early AmericaThe COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the power of narrative during times of sickness and disease. As Americans strive to find meaning amid upheaval and loss, some consider the nature of God’s will. Early American Protestants experienced similar struggles as they attempted to interpret the diseases of their time. In this groundbreaking work, Philippa Koch explores the doctrine of providence—a belief in a divine plan for the world—and its manifestations in eighteenth-century America, from its origins as a consoling response to sickness to how it informed the practices of Protestant activity in the Atlantic world. Drawing on pastoral manuals, manuscript memoirs, journals, and letters, as well as medical treatises, epidemic narratives, and midwifery manuals, Koch shows how Protestant teachings around providence shaped the lives of believers even as the Enlightenment seemed to portend a more secular approach to the world and the human body. Their commitment to providence prompted, in fact, early Americans’ active engagement with the medical developments of their time, encouraging them to see modern science and medicine as divinely bestowed missionary tools for helping others. Indeed, the book shows that the ways in which the colonial world thought about questions of God’s will in sickness and health help to illuminate the continuing power of Protestant ideas and practices in American society today.

A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons For Surrendering Your Weight Forever

by Marianne Williamson

If you are plagued by compulsive patterns of unwise eating, then this book is for you. In A Course in Weight Loss, best-selling author Marianne Williamson addresses the causal root of your weight-loss issues: a place within you where you have subconsciously forgotten your divine perfection. This forgetfulness has confused not only your mind but also your body, making you reach for that which cannot sustain you . . . and reject that which does. As your mind reclaims its spiritual intelligence, your body reclaims its natural intelligence as well. The 21 lessons in this book take you on a deep, sacred journey. One step at a time, you learn to shift your relationship with yourself – and your body – from one of fear to one of love. And you will begin to integrate the various parts of yourself – mind, body, and spirit – to become, once again, and in all ways, the beautiful and peaceful person you were created to be.

A Course in Miracles Made Easy: Mastering the Journey from Fear to Love

by Alan Cohen

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) – the self-study spiritual-thought system that teaches the way to love and forgiveness – has captivated the minds and captured the hearts of millions of people. Delivering inner peace where fear and pain once prevailed, its universal message is unsurpassed in its power to heal. Yet many students report that they have difficulty grasping the principles or keeping up with the lessons. So even while they yearn for the spiritual freedom the Course offers, they put the book aside, hoping to get to it one day.

The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (and Therefore the World)

by Pam Grout

ACIM, the Fun Version! A real-world rewrite of the lessons of A Course in Miracles by the #1 New York Times best-selling author of E-Squared.A Course in Miracles is profound, deeply moving, and as boring to read as a bookshelf assembly manual.Ask for a show of hands at any self-help gathering, and 95 percent will happily admit to owning the dense blue book that's a famous resource for spiritual transformation. Ask the obvious follow-up, "How many have actually read it?" and all but a smattering of hands go down. It's as if everyone wants the miracles, the forgiveness, and the mind shifts, but they just can't bear its ponderous heaviness. Pam Grout to the rescue! Her new book is for all those still struggling with the Course. Grout offers a modern-day rewrite of the 365-lesson workbook-the text at the heart of the Course. Unlike the original, it's user-friendly, accessible and easy for everyone to understand.In daily lessons with titles like "The Home Depot of Spiritual Practices" and "Transcending the Chatty Asshat in My Head," Grout drills down to the Course's essential message and meaning, grounding it in the context of everyday life in a way that's bound to stick. The lessons here blend eternal truths with pop culture and personal stories that are laugh-out-loud funny and deeply soul-stirring, often at the same time. You won't be tempted to use this Course in Miracles as a doorstop. You'll want to use it, every day, to change your life.

A Course In Miracles: Combined Volume

by Foundation For Inner Peace

This Combined Volume also includes the Supplements to A Course in Miracles: "Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice" and "Song of Prayer."

A Course in Miracles: Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers

by Helen Schucman PhD

A Course in Miracles is the acclaimed spiritual guide that teaches the way to universal love and peace is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The "miracles" of the title refers to shifts in perception from fear to love, which fosters the healing and sanctification of relationships. Although expressed in terms of traditional Christianity, this life-changing work constitutes nonsectarian, universal spiritual teachings.The three-part approach begins with an explanation of the course's theory and the development of the experience of forgiveness. The second consists of a workbook, comprising 365 lessons — an exercise for each day of the year — intended to influence students' perceptions. The third section presents a manual for teachers, in which the question-and-answer format provides responses for likely inquiries as well as definitions for terms used throughout the course. Written by Dr. Helen Schucman, a clinical and research psychologist, and edited by her colleague at Columbia University, Dr. William Thetford, from 1965 to 1970, A Course in Miracles has been translated into more than 20 languages and sold millions of copies around the world.

A Course in Meditation: A 21-Day Workout for Your Consciousness

by Osho

A 21-day course for modern meditators It can be difficult for the hyperactive 21st century mind to relax into an experience of silence and awareness. Recognizing this, the revered mystic Osho developed new meditation techniques to address the challenges of the modern mind. A Course in Meditation demonstrates these techniques in an easy-to-navigate format. Each day, learn a new aspect of meditative living followed by a simple, practical meditation and awareness practice. After each experience, reflect on the accompanying quote of the day, or use the provided space to take notes. Throughout the course, Osho imparts his unique insights on love, anger, relaxation, and more to guide you toward a space of inner acceptance, joy and mindfulness. A Course in Meditation shows how we can reclaim the meditative nature that we each come in to the world with, but lose over time as we are initiated into the ways of society. From beginners eager to find stillness to more experienced meditators who wish to elevate their practice, Osho’s guide to meditation can teach everyone to separate themselves from their minds for a transformation of consciousness that brings a new understanding of what it means to be alert and responsive to whatever life brings. “Without meditation you do not know the secrets of life, you know only the surface of life.” -OSHOOsho, known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in their search to define a new approach to individual spirituality that is self-directed and responsive to the everyday challenges of contemporary life. Osho was described by UK's Sunday Times as one of the "1000 Makers of the 20th Century." His internationally bestselling works are available in 60 languages around the world.

A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Tools to Shift, Transform and Ascend

by Jim Self Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifthConnect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book.Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.This unique, interactive book offers a self-contained programme to access a totally new way of life. It is A Course in Miracles for the 21st century, reaching far beyond that earlier initiative by incorporating the profound Shift in human consciousness that has been occurring over the last few decades.A Course in Mastering Alchemy has been specifically orchestrated by the Teachers of Light to expand your understanding, your consciousness and your ability to use the new energy tools and manifestation techniques they offer.What can Alchemy do for you?Alchemy is the ability to alter the frequencies of our thoughts to change how you perceive and interact with the world. Begin to experience a new higher level of conscious awareness. To master alchemy, new energy tools of unparalleled capacity have now become available. These are provided here for the first time in book form by the Teachers of Light. The guidance of these Ascended Beings has been given to Jim Self and Roxane Burnett and are presented in the hugely popular online Mastering Alchemy course.This book will provide you with all the information, exercises and practical experiences you need to:• Become conscious of the rules and limitations of your present reality.• Recognize that much of who you believe you are has very little to do with who you really are.• Step out of the unnecessary concept of “suffering” into a state of complete wellbeing.• Recreate yourself so you are no longer at the mercy of conditioned thoughts and emotionally charged reactions.• Begin to access your highest consciousness.• Create a new, strong and capable platform for experiencing the world.Join with Jim and Roxane and walk the pathway into your personal ascension.

The Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate: An Asian Approach to Analytical Thinking Drawn from Indian and Tibetan Sources

by Daniel E. Perdue

Buddhism is a wisdom tradition. It asserts that we are liberated by the power of our own understanding. The three purposes of Buddhist debate are to defeat your own and others' misconceptions, to establish your own correct view, and to clear away objections to your view. It is like the approach of a physician--to remove what does not belong and to strengthen what does. Thus, for Buddhists, reasoning and debate are not ends in themselves or idle intellectual speculation. Rather, they are used as one path to spiritual wellness, taking practitioners closer to the health of liberation through these efforts to remove mistaken views and to understand and strengthen correct ones. Reading and memorization are not enough. Students must be able to verbalize their understanding and defend it under the pressure of cross-examination. This book teaches the basic analytical skills and procedures used in Buddhist debate. It is based on the author's own practice and experiences gained in the debating courtyards of Tibetan monasteries in India and matured through years of leading popular university courses on the subject. Sample debate exchanges show readers how to get started with the Buddhist style of analytical thinking to challenge and defend assertions. Learning is supported by guided reflections, practical advice, and verbal exercises to be completed in practice with a partner. By the end of the course, readers will be able to engage in unscripted, full-fledged debates with a qualified partner about Buddhist characterizations and classifications of phenomena using the format and procedures of Buddhist debate. Moreover, these skills, once mastered, can then be applied to investigating the truth and falsity of views in any other subject.

Courageously Expecting: 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss

by Jenny Albers

Using Scripture and personal narrative, Courageously Expecting empathizes with and empowers women to face a pregnancy after loss with faith and courage, despite inevitable feelings of grief and fear that accompany life after losing a baby.Pregnancy is widely regarded as the most joyful time in a woman's life, but for the mother who has experienced pregnancy loss, a subsequent pregnancy can feel like she's holding her breath and hoping for what she can't control. In Courageously Expecting, Jenny Albers meets women in this difficult season as someone who has also experienced the worst and cautiously hoped for the best. Through the telling of her own story, Scripture, and heartfelt prayer, she encourages readers to cling to faith in the face of fear and guides them tocultivate hope when doubt weighs heavy;realize that the past does not dictate the present or the future and that God creates a way in the wilderness of grief and loss;flip the script on the what-if, worst-case-scenario narrative in their minds and learn to take their thoughts captive; andfind the courage to humble themselves and ask for and accept help from others. Regardless of where readers are on their pregnancy after loss journey, Courageously Expecting is a companion to help them through the days when fear overshadows hope.

Courageous Quest (Gospel Time Trekkers #5)

by Maria Grace Dateno FSP Paul Cunningham

In this fifth volume of the Gospel Time Trekkers series, children ages 6-8 are taken on a journey that imaginatively retraces Jesus restoring Bartimaeus' sight and calling Zacchaeus down from the tree, revealing that a courageous quest can come in many forms!

Courageous Leadership

by Bill Hybels

The book you hold resonates with this conviction: that leaders such as you have the potential to be the most influential forces on planet Earth. Yours is the staggering responsibility and the matchless privilege of rallying believers and mobilizing their spiritual gifts in order to help people who are far from God become fully devoted followers of Christ. Life transformation and the eternal destinies of real people depend on the redemptive message entrusted to the local church. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to lead your church effectively so God’s message of hope can change the world? Then this book is for you. Courageous Leadership is Bill Hybels’ magnum opus, a book far too important to be written before its time. Only now, after nearly thirty years leading his own church from a handful of people with a burning vision into a globe-spanning kingdom force—only after almost three decades of victories and setbacks, of praying hard and risking big—is Hybels ready at last to share the lessons he has learned, and continues to learn, about Christian leadership. Too much is at stake for you not to maximize your spiritual gift of leadership, insists Hybels. In this passionate, powerful book, he unpacks the tools, tasks, and challenges of your calling. You’ll discover the power of vision and how to turn it into action. You’ll gain frontline insights for developing a kingdom dream team, discovering your leadership style, developing other leaders, making decisions, walking with God, embracing change, staying your God-given course, and much, much more. Drawing on his own richly varied life experiences, Hybels fleshes out vital principles with riveting firsthand stories. This is far more than another book on leadership strategies and techniques. You’ll find those topics in here, to be sure. But beyond them, you’ll find the very essence of one of today’s foremost Christian leaders—his fervent commitment to evangelism and discipleship and his zeal to inspire fellow church leaders even as he seeks to keep growing as a leader himself. If unchurched people matter to you . . . if you love seeing believers serve passionately with their spiritual gifts . . . if God’s heartbeat for the church is your heartbeat as well . . . then this book is a must. Courageous Leadership will convince you to lead with all your might, all your skill, and all your faith. And it will give you the tools to do just that.

Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes

by Ed Hindson

This book focuses on the lives of the "Hebrew heroes" from the Old Testament. Each one of them met God personally, believed His promises, and was changed forever by their encounter with the Promisor.

Courageous Faith: My Story from a Life of Obedience

by Charles F. Stanley

As trusted pastor Dr. Charles Stanley comes to the later years of his life, he is ready to share his personal story—on a more intimate level than ever before. As he walks us through his ups and downs, he shares how the biblical principles he’s taught all his life affected the way he’s actually lived.In this new book from Dr. Charles Stanley, he looks his readers in the eye and says, This is how my faith has worked for me at the most challenging times of my life and how it has led me to the victories God had in store for me. As Dr. Stanley looks back over his long life of ministry, he is now ready to share how his personal faith choices directed his every step. He shares how God walked with him through his most difficult days as a pastor when he faced internal conflict in a church he’d led for years. He bravely shares painful family issues that brought him to his knees and taught him to look to God for answers when life wasn’t simple and trite answers didn’t work. Dr. Stanley reminds us that choosing to follow and obey God when life is hard can be both the toughest and best thing we’ll ever do. As Dr. Stanley reflects on the biblical teachings that have led him through his difficulties and joys, he always comes back to this principle: Do what God says is right and leave the consequences to Him—no matter what that means.

Courageous Compassion (The Library of Wisdom and Compassion #6)

by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Venerable Thubten Chodron

The sixth volume of the Dalai Lama&’s definitive Library of Wisdom and Compassion series.Courageous Compassion, the sixth volume of the Library of Wisdom and Compassion series, continues the Dalai Lama&’s teachings on the path to awakening. The previous volume, In Praise of Great Compassion, focused on opening our hearts with love and compassion for all living beings, and the present volume explains how to embody compassion and wisdom in our daily lives. Here we enter a fascinating exploration of bodhisattvas&’ activities across multiple Buddhist traditions—Tibetan, Theravada, and Chinese Buddhism. After explaining the ten perfections according to the Pali and Sanskrit traditions, the Dalai Lama presents the sophisticated schema of the four paths and fruits for sravakas and solitary realizers and the five paths for bodhisattvas. Learning about the practices mastered by these exalted practitioners inspires us with knowledge of our minds&’ potential. His Holiness also describes buddha bodies, what buddhas perceive, and buddhas&’ awakening activities. Courageous Compassion offers an in-depth look at bodhicitta, arhatship, and buddhahood that you can continuously refer to as you progress on the path to full awakening.

Courageous Christians: Devotional Stories for Family Reading

by Joyce Vollmer Brown

Most Christian parents dream of raising children who will love God with their whole being and seek to serve Christ with their very lives. However, sometimes parents feel they lack solid Christian role models for their children outside of their family. Our kids need Christian heroes. Courageous Christians, by Joyce Brown, is just the family reader we need to fill this gap! The vast array of men, women, and children profiled in this book give everyone someone with whom to identify. These personalities are from different parts of the world and different time periods. These are people who have moved mountains with their faith, had courage beyond belief, and have demonstrated selfless, sacrificial love. Courageous Christians is a book that can be used by families with children of all ages. Joyce Brown provides clear, simple, well-explained stories of various Christian heroes. With sixty daily readings, this book will provide a perfect format for family devotions. This delightful family reader will teach children and parents alike what truly makes a Christian hero.

Courageous Christians: Devotional Stories for Family Reading

by Joyce Vollmer Brown

Most Christian parents dream of raising children who will love God with their whole being and seek to serve Christ with their very lives. However, sometimes parents feel they lack solid Christian role models for their children outside of their family. Our kids need Christian heroes. Courageous Christians, by Joyce Brown, is just the family reader we need to fill this gap! The vast array of men, women, and children profiled in this book give everyone someone with whom to identify. These personalities are from different parts of the world and different time periods. These are people who have moved mountains with their faith, had courage beyond belief, and have demonstrated selfless, sacrificial love. Courageous Christians is a book that can be used by families with children of all ages. Joyce Brown provides clear, simple, well-explained stories of various Christian heroes. With sixty daily readings, this book will provide a perfect format for family devotions. This delightful family reader will teach children and parents alike what truly makes a Christian hero.

Courageous Bride: Montclair in Wartime, 1939-1946 (Brides of Montclair #14)

by Jane Peart

"Niki's heart was thrumming as the taxi stopped with a jerk in front of the gray, stone building behind tall, black iron gates. On a metal plaque was engraved Les Soeurs de Merci. Niki thrust several franc notes staring through the rungs of the gate. Years ago another young woman-perhaps her mother- had stood in the same place, a baby in her arms, the child she was going to give up. What emotions had run through her heart?" Niki had come to France to seek her true identity and to experience the richness of her French heritage. But what begins as a romantic, carefree summer holiday for Niki, her stepbrother Luc Montrose, and their friend Paul Duval, ends with the outbreak of war, changing their lives forever. As World War II ravages Europe, Niki wants desperately to serve her native country in its time of need. She finds herself making dangerous decisions and facing dramatic challenges, aware of- but unable to do anything about- the impact the war is having on her loved ones back at Montclair. Caught up in the firestorm of world conflict, this courageous young woman with an unknown past faces an uncertain future, with only her newfound faith to sustain her.


by Randy Alcorn Alex Kendrick Stephen Kendrick

From the creators of Fireproof comes an inspiring new story about everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners willingly stand up to the worst the world can offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they're quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift farther and farther away from them. Will they be able to find a way to serve and protect those who are most dear to them? When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God . . . and to their children?

Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace

by Terra A. Mattson

The stakes have never been higher as daughters of every age are navigating a world of hyper-sexualization, social media hangover, extreme loneliness, and a flood of confusing messages. Whether readers desire to know more of who they are created to be or are raising daughters who are just beginning their own journeys, Courageous leads women and those they love through transformation as they experience: confidence in who God made them to be resiliency regardless of circumstances faithfulness to God's heartbeatbold living through faith-filled risk-taking the joy of finding their voice and then using it for the voicelessvibrant community with other daughters Crafted with biblical wisdom, professional insights, and personal stories, Courageous explores the core concerns that plague every woman's relationship with God, self, and others. Terra Mattson invites women and girls to join a global movement of Courageous Girls as they discover an empowered sense of purpose and an identity rooted in God's grace so they can love and be loved like never before. Exploring issues such as the comparison game, body image, sexuality, and friendships, Courageous is for any woman investing in the next generation of girls. The stakes have never been higher to nurture the daughter in every woman to be confident in who she is, emboldened to use her voice for world change, and deepen her roots in grace.

The Courage Way: Leading and Living with Integrity

by The Center for Courage & Renewal Shelly L. Francis

The Courage WayLeading and Living with IntegrityLeadership can be exhausting, lonely, frustrating, disappointing, and downright discouraging. You have to make good decisions while balancing inevitable tensions and knowing when to take risks. You need to keep your values in sight regardless of the pressures around you and stay calm in the storms that arise. At its core, leadership is a daily, ongoing practice, a journey toward becoming your best self and inviting others to do the same. And at the heart of this daily practice is courage. And that's where The Courage Way comes in. It's a guide to leadership that names and explores this important resource and shows leaders how to access and draw upon courage in all that they do. It has its roots in the work of Parker J. Palmer, who in fifty years of teaching, speaking, and writing has explored the human spirit—what he has called “the inner landscape”—and its role in life and leadership.Shelly Francis identifies key ingredients needed to cultivate courage, the most fundamental being trust—in ourselves and in each other. She describes the Center for Courage & Renewal's Circle of Trust approach, centered around eleven “touchstones,” poetic and practical operating guidelines for holding the meaningful conversations of inner work and trust building. Each chapter features true stories of how leaders in all kinds of settings have overcome challenges and strengthened their organizations through touchstones like “Extend invitation, not demand,” “No fixing, saving, advising, or correcting,” and “When the going gets rough, turn to wonder.”This graceful and inspiring book is a guide to courageous leadership and a journey of self-discovery—the two are inextricable. As Francis writes, “Courage is not only in you—it is you. In your moments of courage, that's when you meet your true self.”

Courage Under Fire: Faith in the Face of Crime (True Blue K-9 Unit)

by Sharon Dunn

A killer in the shadows watches…and waitsThe thrilling True Blue K-9 Unit continuesA deadly stalker has rookie K-9 officer Lani Branson in his crosshairs, and he won’t stop until she’s dead. Her boss, K-9 police chief Noah Jameson, won’t let that happen on his watch, especially since there’s a chance this is the same person who killed his brother. Can they unmask the murderer who’s been terrorizing the unit before he strikes again?

The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection and Renewal

by Megan Scribner Parker J. Palmer

20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection & Renewal is a helpful companion to Parker J. Palmer's classic work on restoring identity and integrity to professional life. A superb resource for those who wish to extend their exploration of the ideas in The Courage to Teach, as individuals or part of a study group, the Guide provides practical ways to create "safe space" for honest reflection and probing conversations and offers chapter-by-chapter questions and exercises to further explore the many insights in The Courage to Teach. The bonus online content includes a 70-minute interview with Parker Palmer, in which Palmer reflects on a wide range of subjects including the heart of the teacher, the crisis in education, diverse ways of knowing, relationships in teaching and learning, approaches to institutional transformation, and teachers as "culture heroes." Discussion questions related to the topics explored in the interview have been integrated into the Guide, giving individuals and study groups a chance to have "a conversation with the author" as well as an engagement with the text.

The Courage to Teach

by Parker J. Palmer

Reflections on teaching by a givted educator focusing on creating a learning community in the classroom.

The Courage to Teach

by Parker J. Palmer

"This book is for teachers who have good days and bad --and whose bad days bring the suffering that comes only fromsomething one loves. It is for teachers who refuse to hardentheir hearts, because they love learners, learning, and theteaching life."- Parker J. Palmer [from the Introduction]Teachers choose their vocation for reasons of the heart, because they care deeply about their students and abouttheir subject. But the demands of teaching cause too manyeducators to lose heart. Is it possible to take heart in teaching once more so that we can continue to do what good teachers always do -- give heart to our students?In The Courage to Teach, Parker Palmer takes teachers on an inner journey toward reconnecting with their vocation and their students -- and recovering their passion for one of the most difficult and important of human endeavors.

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