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Showing 81,051 through 81,075 of 81,501 results

Errand into the Wilderness

by Perry Miller

Analysis of Puritan thought.

The Intellectual Life of Colonial New England

by Samuel Eliot Morison

Describes the thought of New England's scholars during the period.

The New England Mind: From Colony to Province (Volume II)

by Perry Miller

Well documented history of the thought of the time.

Roger Williams

by Perry Miller

Biography focusing on the impact of the individual on the American tradition.

A New Name (Love Endures #3)

by Grace Livingston Hill

Front Cover: "A young man's flight from justice brings him closer to God and the girl he loves."

Somnath: Itihas Ek Swar Anek

by Romila Thapar

An extension of the work of the writer in Narratives and the making of History. It gives an in depth knowledge of the inter-conflict of Turkish and Persian sources. Some have called this work even as Rashoman syndrome.

The Unusable Past: America's Puritan Tradition 1830-1930

by Jan C. Dawson

How the ideas and traditions of Puritanism conflict with our current literary trends.

Puritanism in America: New Culture in a New World

by Larzer Ziff

Useful study for understanding and interpreting the American literature of the Nineteenth Century. d

The Quiet Flame: Mother Marianne of Molokai

by Eva K. Betz

Marianne of Molokai, the lady who did not shun lepers, comes alive in this vividly written fiction for young people.

The Gift of Healing: A Personal Story of Spiritual Therapy

by Ambrose A. Worrall Olga N. Worrall

"This is an excellent, thrilling, and highly representative record of the life and ministry of a most lovable, amazing, authentic and committed couple. It is a joy to anticipate that through this book many persons will share the inspiration and strength and faith that accompanies acquaintance with Ambrose and Olga Worrall. I doubt if anyone can adequately estimate the faith which this testimony to the healing power in God's world may have upon many lives."-ROBERT M. COX, Executive Director, The Laymen's Movement

Nesting Instincts (Mysteries of Sparrow Island)

by Krysteen Seelen Susan Plunkett

ABBY IS WORKING FURIOUSLY to finish the centerpiece of The Nature Museum's "Wonderful World of Wings" exhibit, to be shown at the Leavenworth Bird Fest. She is also trying to brush up on her movie trivia now that the island's young people have sponsored "Cinema Classics" movie night. When her old beau from Cornell University unexpectedly appears, Abby is caught up in a whirlwind of romance, all the while trying to figure out who is responsible for the ring of credit card theft that has plagued the community. Could it be one of the youngsters she has become so fond of ? Or her long lost love? And can she corner the culprit before tourists get wind of the problem?

Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing

by Russell Targ Jane Katra

From the Table of Contents: chapter one The Illusion of Separation A Physicists Description of His Psi Experiences chapter two Our Astonishing Nonlocal Mind CIA Spying at SRI Yields Unequivocal Proof of TSP. chapter three What We Have Learned about Remote Viewing How You Can Learn to Do It Yourself chapter four The Masters of the Universe and the Mystery of Psi The Golden Experiments in Psi from This Century chapter five Precognition: Time and Time Again What Does It Mean to Look into the Future chapter six Are Psychic Abilities Using Psychic Abilities in the World, Including Spiritual Healing chapter seven The Making of a Healer Becoming a Healer Cosmic Consciousness, Mystical Experiences chapter eight The Healing Experience Mind-to-Mind Connections: Jane's Healing Experiences Chapter nine Minding the Body Significant Mind-Body Experiments and Distant Influence chapter ten Ways of Healing Spiritual and Energy Healing, Therapeutic Touch, Diseases chapter eleven a Prayer and the Healing Connection Healing Prayer Love and Surrender How to Do Spiritual Healing chapter twelve The Physics of Miracles and the Magic of Mind A Theory of Unity Consciousness and Hope for the Future The book also include an extensive bibliography.

Practical Praying: Using the Rosary to Enhance Your Life

by John Edward

From the Introduction: Prayer. It's something we all do, even those of us who may not especially think that we believe in God or a Higher Power. Think about it. . . how many times in the course of a week, a day, or even a single hour do you say the words, "Oh God," or "God help me"? You may not think this is praying, but in a very fundamental way, it is prayer in its most basic form--a plea or call to God for help, assistance, or guidance. Like millions of people in this world, I use prayer every day of my life. It centers me, rejuvenates me, and puts me in touch with the universe and its maker. It has opened, and continues to open, my spirit and soul to the infinite power and possibilities of the life energy that connects us all. This is a book about how I came to embrace the power of prayer in a very practical way, thus the title, Practical Praying. Specifically, I will discuss and share with you my personal method of praying, using meditation and the Rosary. They have enhanced my life immeasurably, and it is my sincere hope that they will do the same for you. ... Yes, gentle reader, this is the same author who wrote such books as Developing Your Own Psychic Powers and Unleashing Your Psychic Potential. A touching and inspiring book.

Amazing Bible Trivia Book

by The Editors at Warner Press

792 questions about the Bible, with answers.

I Want a Baby, He Doesn't: How Both Partners Can Make the Right Decision at the Right Time

by Donna J. Wade Liberty Kovacs

What does a couple do when one partner wants a child and the other partner does not? This is a guide for couples who face that challenge.

The Puzzle Club: Counterfeit Caper

by Dandi Daley Mackall

Before there was a club, there was Alex, Christopher and Korina. And each of them had an important mystery to solve: Who was breaking into their friend Tobias' shop and destroying it? The young detectives use their special skills to find important evidence for the case. Then another mystery appears. Someone is printing fake money and using it in town. That's illegal! Who's behind it and why can't the police find the culprit? Meanwhile, Tobias is getting discouraged. He decides to sell the shop. Can Alex and Christopher unravel the evidence and solve the mystery before Tobias does something he will regret? What about Korina? Is she somehow involved in all of this? Read along as the three junior sleuths put together the pieces of their first mystery.

The Road to Forgiveness

by Carol Cox

From the book: "Having my father shoot you was hardly my idea of how to keep you here." She tilted her chin up in a gesture that reminded him of Catherine when she faced the consequences of some misdeed. "But I have to admit I'm grateful." "Grateful." He felt an ominous calm settle over him. "Grateful that I've been turned into a useless cripple?" "Better a cripple than a corpse," Hallie retorted. Jacob stepped away from her. "What makes you so sure I would have gotten killed? I might have come back as an officer. At the very least, I'd know whether I could stand up to the sound of bullets whizzing past me without turning tail and running. I'd know that I'm a man." His tone grew rough. "And everyone else would know it, too." Hallie spoke in a voice thick with emotion. "I said my prayers were answered, and I meant it, even though I never would have asked for you to be hurt. God really does know what's best, if you'll just let Him be in control instead of trying to figure it all out on your own. "Why do men have to be so bullheaded and determined to do things their way?" She started to walk away, then looked back over her shoulder. "Don't you know God cares about you, Jacob? He loves you even more than I do." She strode away quickly, leaving Jacob standing alone in stunned silence.

Irish Saints (Vision Series #63)

by Robert T. Reilly

[from dust jacket flaps:] Vision Books * Winner of The Thomas More Assn'n Medal The history of Ireland, like that of many lands, is studded with the names of canonized saints and other good people who have proven that sanctity spans all times. In telling the stories of Patrick and Brigid, the navigator Brendan, missionaries Columcille and Columban, martyrs Laurence O'Toole and Blessed Oliver Plunkett, Mother McAuley and her Sisters of Mercy, the saintly layman Matt Talbot, Father Theobald Mathew, and Bishop Galvin who so long resisted the Communist onslaught in China, Robert Reilly illumines Ireland's history, her people, and the land itself. The Irish saints whose stories are told in this book are "saints" in the broad religious sense. Some have been canonized by the Church; others, though not formally saints, are nonetheless saintly. This rich collection of biographies is for Catholic youngsters from 9 to 15. THE AUTHOR Robert T. Reilly is Director for Special Resources at The Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. He has an M.A. from Boston University and has taught Irish Literature, of which he has a large collection. Among his previous books are Red Hugh, Prince of Donegal, Massacre at Oak Hollow, and Rebels in the Shadows. Mr. Reilly is the father of nine children. [He has survived captivity by the Germans and held as a prisoner of war.]


by M. Raymond

This book presents, in modern terminology, "the doctrine of Abandonment - and the doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ for the individual man - be he considered "ordinary" or "extraordinary."

Kings of Israel Student Study Outline

by R. Petermeyer В. Horton

KINGS OF ISRAEL Student Study Outline <p><p> R. Petermeyer, В. Horton, Editor

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, Vol. II

by Saint Teresa of Avila Otilio Rodriguez Kieran Kavanaugh

Three classic essays, "The Way of Perfection," "Meditations on the Song of Songs," and the "Interior Castle," were written by St. Teresa as guides to spiritual formation.

The Year of the Intern

by Robin Cook

The nurse is desperate. "Dr. Peters, the patient has stopped breathing and he doesn't have any pulse." "I'm on my way." Dr. Peters, in his fifteenth day of internship, is running again. True, he has been trained to run, through high school, the Ivy League, and a prestigious eastern medical school. Now he has run all the way to Hawaii for his year as an intern. He has run away from the pressure and competition of the mainland medical system. He is tired-tired and scared. And with good reason. After two weeks on call, his exhausted nervous system is in rebellion. Worse yet, three years of the best medical training this country has to offer have taught him too little of practical value. He knows less than a nurse about medication; his surgical knots won't hold; all his knowledge about Schwartzman reaction and other esotérica is useless in the practical hurly-burly of daily hospital life. As for the man who has stopped breathing- "What time did he die?" Peters asks the nurse. "He died when you pronounced him dead, Doctor." Some parts of Hawaii do not disappoint. The climate and the girls are joyful. But in his attempt to grow as a doctor, Peters on his own. As posstesor of a medical degree he is called "Doctor" he is a stage prop, a human mechanism holding retractors through endless operations, staring at the back of the surgeon, unable to see, to learn. On the ward, senior doctors see to it that Peters does the work-ups-fills out charts, draws blood, the "scut" work-and handles night calls. Thus Peters alternates between frustrating days and panic-filled nights. In the emergency room it is much the same. Amid the banality of common colds, backaches, and surfing lacerations, Peters delivers a baby, handles the multiple wreckage of an automobile accident, and deals as best he can with patients who need years of psychiatric care rather than a few hurried minutes with an intern.

The Song of Bernadette

by Franz Werfel Ludwig Lewisohn

"This book is the fulfilment of my vow. In our epoch an epic poem can take no form but that of a novel. The Song of Bernadette is a novel but not a work of fiction. In face of the events here delineated, the sceptical reader will ask with better right than in the case of most historical epic narratives: 'What is true? What is fiction?' My answer is: All the memorable happenings which constitute the substance of this book took place in the world of reality. Since their beginning dates back no longer than eighty years, there beats upon them the bright light of modern history and their truth has been confirmed by friend and foe and by unbiased observers. My story makes no changes in this body of truth. I exercised my right of creative freedom only where the work, as a work of art, demanded certain chronological condensations or where there was need of striking the spark of life from the hardened substance. I have dared to sing the song of Bernadette, although I am not. a Catholic but a Jew; and I drew courage for this undertaking from a far older and far more unconscious vow of mine. Even in the days when I wrote my first verses I vowed that I would evermore and everywhere in all I wrote magnify the divine mystery and the holiness of man - careless of a period which has turned away with scorn and rage and indifference from these ultimate values of our mortal lot."

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