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Showing 81,276 through 81,300 of 81,568 results

10 Things Every Ministers Wife Needs to Know

by Jeana Floyd

In ministry, survival can mean a lot of things - such as the difference between "existing" in a place and "thriving" in a place of ministry. It can mean you surviving your husband's job joyfully, or grudgingly. One thing is for sure, your survival and the way you feel about ministry are critical to your husband's success.Jeana Floyd A strong marriage plays a pivotal role in the success of a ministry. Being the wife of a minister can be tremendously rewarding, but it is also a commitment of time, personal investment, and patience. Ministry is a challenging vocation, even in the best of times. Jeana Floyd knows these challenges well and has created this faith-affirming guide for pastors wives. Sharing years of wisdom and insight from her participation in her husband's growing and visionary ministry, 10 Things Every Minister's Wife Needs to Know is filled with practical tips on marriage, prayer, stewardship, parenting, and faith. With "interactive testimonies" included from other wives of pastors at the end of each chapter, the book shares poignant and powerful insights any woman or wife can appreciate.

10 Things Every Minister Needs to Know

by Dr Ronnie Floyd

For 30 years, Ronnie Floyd has been used of god to help build churches that change lives and impact communities. The experience and wisdom he has collected over that time is now, thankfully, here for you in print to feast on. I highly recommend it. Dr. Robert Lewis, Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, Arkansas and Founder, Men's Fraternity Realistic solutions to avoid being side-tracked by church "games and politics" How a disciplined daily schedule will make your life, family, and ministry stronger Have you suddenly realized the fire that burned in your spirit years ago for ministry has waned? Are you a pastor feeling overwhelmed by the demands on your time, energy, and spirituality? Ronnie Floyd can relate - yet with 30 years of pastoral ministry, he is still passionately committed to God's calling in his life. What has sustained his passion for ministry? In this book, he will share the very best perspective, encouragement, and solutions for all ministers. Each day, Dr. Ronnie Floyd and his ministry can be seen internationally through his television ministry, Winners. As pastor of First Baptist Church of Springdale and The Church at Pinnacle Hills, Arkansas, he is a gifted communicator, leader, pastor, and author of 18 books. Pastor Floyd and his wife, Jeanna, will be married for 30 years in December of 2006. They have two sons, two daughters-in-law and one grandchild.

10 Temptations of Church: Why Churches Decline and What To Do About It

by John Flowers Karen Vannoy

Church after church faces eventual death while helplessly lamenting its fate. What perversity is at work that causes those who sincerely love the church to become obstacles to growth? Like the apostle Paul, churches don't always do the things they want, but instead they do the very thing they hate. Why? While the theological answer is sin at work in us, the organizational answer may just be that members of dying churches unconsciously find a payoff in the church's decline. They are tempted by church.

10 Steps To Hear From God: A Simple Guide to Knowing Your Purpose

by Charisma House

Christians are always seeking direction for their lives both on a grand scale and for particular situations. This book will help anyone learn how to discern God&’s will and His purpose. It will appeal to youth, new graduates, and those in mid-career who want to redefine or clarify their purpose in life. Seek Him and you will find. In 10 Steps To Hear From God readers will discover:How they can know God&’s willMisconceptions about discovering God&’s willHow God speaksSteps to uncovering your gifts and talentsThe power of surrender

The 10-Second Rule: Following Jesus Made Simple

by Clare De Graaf

&“This book is catalytic! If you long for something brief, simple, motivational, biblically sound and easy to understand—to move you from good intentions to transformational living, read this book. I loved it and highly recommend it.&” —Chip Ingram, President and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge; Author of The Genius of GenerosityLearn how to answer God&’s call to action with this &“wonderful, inspirational book that reinforces how one simple gesture, one small act of kindness, can make an enormous difference&” (Laura Schroff, New York Times bestselling author of An Invisible Thread).FINDING YOUR WAY BACK TO FAITHDo you sometimes feel as if your faith has gone flat? Does your spiritual life feel listless and boring? Perhaps you&’ve unconsciously drifted toward what Clare De Graaf calls beige Christianity. You go to church, attend a Bible study, and even volunteer, but there&’s no spark anymore—no joy in your spiritual walk. You may not understand what is happening to your faith, but you do know that you long for something more.If you want to break out of this spiritual gerbil cage and begin living the adventure Jesus intends for you, the place to begin again is living by The 10-Second Rule: Just do the next thing you&’re reasonably certain Jesus wants you to do (and do it within the next ten seconds before you change your mind!).The Rule is like a spiritual defibrillator! Just a few chapters in, you&’ll begin to experience the excitement of making yourself available to God 24-7, and impacting the lives of everyone around you, even total strangers. All over the world, Christians just like you are returning to the simple faith of Jesus and living by the 10-Second Rule. In living by the Rule, you&’ll rediscover the revolutionary power of simple obedience as Jesus taught it, the early church lived it, and before religious Christianity tamed it. Finally, a rule you&’ll love keeping!

10 respuestas para los escépticos: Tenga las respuestas preparadas

by Alex McFarland

Alex McFarland lleva dos décadas respondiendo preguntas de personas de todas las edades sobre la cosmovisión y la Biblia. Con el fin de demostrarle a nuestra cultura que el cristianismo es sensato y relevante, ha debatido con escépticos y pasado incontables horas hablando individualmente con personas sobre Cristo. En 10 respuestas para los escépticos, Alex identifica los 10 tipos de escepticismos más comunes que asedian las mentes incrédulas. Además, ofrece estrategias que han sido comprobadas para que pueda conectarse intelectual y espiritualmente con aquellos individuos que se sienten escépticos sobre los reclamos del cristianismo.Los escépticos de hoy en día buscan autenticidad, integridad y la verdad sin rodeos, y cómo usted responda a esas preguntas es tan importante como las respuestas que ofrece. Aprenderá cómo responder preguntas intimidantes, identificará la raíz detrás de las preguntas y desmantelará las &“bombas espirituales&” que lanzan los incrédulos. Además, recibirá ánimo para afrontar a los escépticos que conozca al perseverar en amor, ¡esta es la mejor apologética que puede ofrecer como discípulo de nuestro amado Señor!

10 Reasons Satan Does Not Want the Believer Filled and Speaking in Tongues

by James Elam Jr.

For years the body of Christ has been taught--incorrectly--that the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues ended with the early-church apostles. Yet James T. Elam Jr. sets forth in this new book that if we wish to become bold, empowered witnesses who bring glory to God and thwart the devil, then having the Holy Spirit’s power and speaking in tongues is as vital today as it was on the Day of Pentecost. He shows why tongues is God’s supernatural way for you to: · Walk in love. · Pray for God’s perfect will in your life. · Receive power to break every assignment of the devil. · And much more. James explains the benefits of this powerful, life-changing gift in simple terms, while calling all believers to be filled and empowered for greater service.

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity

by Rebecca McLaughlin

The author uses teen-friendly illustrations and biblical truth to address 10 questions teens face about the Christian worldview, challenging young people to think deeply about hard topics and stand for truth in a secular age.

10 Questions And Answers On Buddhism

by Rose Publishing

According to the 2010 edition of Operation World, Buddhism is the world's 4th largest religion.* Did you know that Buddhism draws "large numbers of people who switch ... from Protestantism and Catholicism"? (Pew Forum survey, 2007)* Did you know that George Lucas, Jennifer Lopez, Tiger Woods, Tina Turner and others have said they believe in Buddhist principles?* Have you heard people describe themselves as a "Buddhist Christian"? (You might be surprised how much this is happening today.)Buddhism is on the rise, especially among young people. The kind face of the Dalai Lama appears to promise peace and reconciliation without "religion." That's the problem: Some people are now starting to call themselves Buddhist Christians and claim to "belong" to both. This pamphlet investigates the beliefs of Buddhism that every Christian should know.The 10 Questions & Answers on Buddhism pamphlet takes a close look at Buddhist philosophy and how it compares with Christianity. Topics in the pamphlet include:* Who was Buddha?* What did Buddha teach?* What's the Buddhist view of the Afterlife?* What's the Buddhist view of Scriptural Documents?* Is reincarnation, in the Buddhist view, as positive as people in the west think it is?Used for?* Individual study* Discipleship* Small Group or Sunday School class* Christian School* Homeschoolers* New Believers' class* Church libraryWhy Buy?* Easy to read. Explains the Bible visually.* Attractive. Full-color, packed with fascinating charts and illustrations.* Easy to understand. Uses concise and simple language.* Fast. This glossy attractive booklet can take less than 20 minutes to read.* Durable. 10 Q&A on Buddhism glossy coating helps it last.* Convenient. This pamphlet's small size makes it easy to carry inside of your Bible, folder, or binder.* Engaging. 10 Q&A on Buddhism offers fascinating facts and handy study tips that revitalize individual and group Bible studies.* Lightweight. Easier to mail than a book, enabling you to uplift and equip friends, family members, and missionaries anywhere in the world.

10 Questions And Answers On Angels

by Rose Publishing

Angels are fascinating beings! They are God's creatures given by him for our help. Learn about what the Bible says (and doesn't say) about these powerful servants of God. Author Robert M. Bowman (background: Christian Research Institute, Watchman Fellowship, lecturer at Biola University) sorts through myths and misinformation to answer these questions and more:* Are angels for real?* Do angels have bodies?* Should we look to angels for spiritual guidance?* Are we guaranteed angelic protection?* Will we become angels?* Do we each have a guardian angel?* Should you trust every angel?Charts include a comparison of angels and people, and Jesus and the angels.

10 Q&A on Seventh-Day Adventism

by Colleen Tinker Paul Carden

Why do Seventh-day Adventists worship on Saturdays only? Who was the 7th Day Adventist's prophet, Ellen G. White, and what did Ellen White teach about Jesus (identified as Michael the Archangel), the Trinity (both God the Father and Jesus have tangible bodies), and salvation? What is the Seventh-day Adventists Bible paraphrase, The Clear Word Bible, and how does the Clear Word translation alter the original Greek and Hebrew meanings to fit Ellen White's unusual teachings? Why do Seventh-day Adventists consider Sunday worship "the mark of the beast?" What is the "investigative judgment," and how does it deny the biblical belief that Jesus paid fully for our sins at the cross? Christians need to be aware of traditional Seventh-day Adventists teachings.Find out with this handy Christian pamphlet, 10 Quesitons and Answers for Seventh-Day Adventism. 10 Reasons Cults Experts are Concerned About Seventh-day Adventism (SDA): Find out what SDA members really believe, and why.* This short, simple 14-page overview gives side-by-side comparisons of the most important issues--and the beliefs that every SDA member holds.* In just a few minutes, you will grasp the basic problems with the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist prophet, Ellen G. White. * Know the history and strange teachings of SDA about salvation, atonement, and their failed end times prophecies.* Find out that the SDA church considers itself to be the only true remnant church. * See examples showing how the Seventh-day Adventist Bible paraphrase, The Clear Word, changes dozens of biblical passages to add in Ellen G. White's unusual doctrines. * SDA's believe that worshipping on Sunday is the mark of the Beast (a sign you are not a true Christian). * Glossary that shows how SDA members use Christian terms but mean something else.

10 Q&A on Mormonism

by Bill Mckeever Paul Carden

What do Mormons teach about Jesus, the Trinity, God, baptism for the dead, and how to be saved? The Latter-day Saints often use Christian terms, but mean something completely different. The 10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism bestselling pamphlet will help you to compare Christian beliefs with Mormon beliefs.This full-color ebook provides a clear summary of what Mormons (Latter-day Saints) believe, their practices, and history. 10 Q & A's offers sound tips for interacting with Mormon friends, neighbors, and co-workers, and much more. 10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism is an excellent tool for outreach and missions groups, or for anyone wanting to understand more about this controversial religious group. This compelling Q & A ebook examines 10 critical questions regarding the beliefs and practices of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and responds with what the Bible teaches about each:*Did the Christian church really need to be restored?*Was Joseph Smith a true prophet of God?*What is Mormon scripture?*Is the Bible trustworthy Scripture?*Is the Book of Mormon an ancient document?*Is the God of Mormonism the God of the Bible?*Does Mormonism teach the truth about Jesus?*Can we earn our salvation?*Why do Mormons build temples?*Does Mormonism teach polygamy?10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism ebook provides answers to 10 of the most important questions regarding Mormonism. Readers and students of other religions and cults will find answers to these and other claims Mormons make:*After the death of the original apostles, the church slipped into "the Great Apostasy."*Joseph Smith, the church's founder, is a modern "prophet, seer, and revelator" revealing divine truth.*Mormonism claims four "standard works" or writings including the Bible, but also the Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrines and Covenants.*All humans preexisted in heaven before becoming human.*After he rose from the dead, Jesus went to the Americas.*Sin that is not overcome robs the Mormon of any assurance of reaching the celestial kingdom.*Mormonism believes that God is one among many gods stretching into eternity past. This pamphlet explores the beliefs, practices and history of this controversial group, including interesting ideas and prophecies by founder Joseph Smith. Among many other ideas, many Mormons believe:*The restoration of true Christianity began when God and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith.*Joseph Smith is second only to Jesus.*The Book of Mormon is "the most correct of any book on earth."*God was a mortal who attained his exalted state by obedience to eternal laws and principles. The 10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism includes a "Glossary of Mormon Terms." The glossary is extremely helpful to those who desire to witness to Mormons. The glossary explains the following terms and many others:*Baptism for the dead--A temple ritual in which a Mormon "proxy" is baptized on behalf of a deceased person.*First Vision--An event that Mormons claim took place in 1820 in which God and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith and told him all the churches were wrong and that their creeds were an abomination.*Priesthood--The priesthood gives Mormon males the power and authority to act on behalf of God.*Temples--Special buildings reserved for ordinances for the dead, marriages for "time and eternity," and "sealings" of families for eternity. The 10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism offers a listing of additional resources for learning more about Mormons/Latter-day Saints, and additional insights and information that improve outreach to Mormon co-workers and acquaintances. The following is a sampling of helpful tips:*Don't assume that a Mormon defines a word the same way you do.*Do define your terms and have them define theirs.*Do concentrate on core issues such as what the Mormons believe about God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and other key issues.Paul Carden, general editor, is a longtime specialist in the field of cults and new religions around the world. He is the executive director of the Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR) in San Juan C...

10 Q&A on Atheism and Agnosticism

by Alex Mcfarland Dr Norman Geisler

Leading apologists Dr. Norman Geisler and Alex McFarland (President of Southern Evangelical Seminary) look at the important questions of life, including: What can we know about the existence of God?; What can we know about right and wrong?; Is belief in God compatible with science?; Is there scientific evidence supporting the belief in God?; If there is a good God, why is there evil?; What about all the evil done in the name of God?; Is the Bible an unreliable collection of myths?; and Is there meaning and purpose to life? The chart provides a comprehensive yet understandable examination of what atheists and agnostics believe and also explains the evidence for the biblical God.

10 Q & A Magic, Spells, and Divination

by Rose Publishing

What does the Bible teach about various forms of the occult like magic and spells? The bestselling 10 Q & A on Magic, Spells & Divination pamphlet explains the attraction of the occult in today's society and addresses 10 popular questions with the truth of God's Word. Full color and glossy, the 14-panel resource covers a breadth of topics such as white magick, casting spells, witches, psychics, and much more. 10 Q & A on Magic, Spells & Divination pamphlet is an excellent teaching tool for youth and adult Bible study groups seeking biblical answers about the occult. The 10 Q & A on Magic, Spells & Divination pamphlet explains the contemporary rise of occult elements in the media and in games, and the lure of the occult. Written by a former astrologer who is now a Christian, the pamphlet answers these questions (Read her powerful story below in the ""reviews"" section of this page):*Is white magick OK since it is using powers for good?*Does casting spells really work?*Are witches also Satanists? What's the difference?*Does astrology work?*Is it OK to read your horoscope just for fun?*What's the difference between a psychic and a biblical prophet, since both foretell the future?*Is it OK to contact the dead?*Are there such things as ghosts and haunted houses?*What about the Ouija boards®--isn't it just a game?*Can we use crystals as a source of spiritual power?10 Q & A on Magic, Spells & Divination provides answers to 10 of the most important questions regarding the occult. Here are a few interesting facts revealed in the pamphlet:*Witchcraft and Wicca are modern religions and are a subset of Neopaganism*A growing number of Goths follow Wicca and call themselves ""Goth --Wiccans""*Astrologers are often guided by spirit beings like demons who give them information*God forbids any effort to communicate with the dead or other spirits*The Ouija® board was designed as a tool to contact the deadThis 10 Q & A on Magic, Spells & Divination includes a ""Glossary of Definitions."" The glossary explains the following terms and many others--*Ankh: From Egyptian paganism, a cross topped by a loop. Used in occultism to signify immortality or eternal life; also represents the union of male and female.*Pantheism: The belief that God and creation are essentially one, and that the universe and its inhabitants share in God's divine nature.The resource also offers a listing of additional resources for learning more about magic, the occult, Wicca, and New Age beliefs, as well as ""You Should Also Know"" sections with additional insights and information that improve understanding and equip people for outreach.""Talking Tips"" provides some do's and don'ts for witnessing to people involved in the occult:*Do remember that people in the occult have a different worldview and may have had negative experiences with churches or Christians.*Don't be fearful. God ""has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline"" (2 Timothy 1:7 NASB).*Do keep the main focus on what the person believes about God and Jesus.

10 Q & A Jehovah's Witnesses

by Christy Darlington Paul Carden

What should you know about the Jehovah's Witnesses who come to your door? If you are a Christian or just interested in knowing the beliefs of this religious group, the 10 Questions & Answers on Jehovah's Witnesses ebook will help. It compares Christian beliefs and Watchtower teachings on 10 of the most important questions regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, including information on how the Jehovah's Witnesses began, the prophecies made by their leader, Charles Taze Russell, the number of people who will go to heaven, and the reliability of the Watchtower's New World Translation, and much more. This full-color ebook explains the key beliefs, practices, and history of this group and how their teachings contradict biblical Christianity. This bestselling tool compares Jehovah's Witness beliefs with Christian beliefs, and helps Christians know how to respond when Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door. 10 Questions & Answers on Jehovah's Witnesses is an excellent tool for outreach and missions groups, or for anyone wanting to understand more abut this controversial religious group. This compelling 10 Q & A ebook examines critical questions regarding the beliefs and practices of the Jehovah's Witnesses and responds with what the Bible teaches about each:*How did Jehovah's Witnesses begin? *Is God's true name really Jehovah?*Is the Trinity really a pagan doctrine?*Is Jesus Christ God?*Is the Holy Spirit just God's active force?*Will only 144,000 people go to heaven?*Can only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved?*Is the Watchtower's New World Translation reliable?*Which is the final authority: the Bible or the Watchtower?*What else do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? 10 Questions & Answers on Jehovah's Witnesses ebook provides answers to 10 of the most important questions regarding Jehovah's Witnesses.Readers and students of other religions and cults will find answers to these and other claims Jehovah's Witnesses make:*It's critical to call God by his personal name, Jehovah*Christianity's idea of the Trinity is like Babylonian and Egyptian mythology*After the death of the original apostles, Christianity slipped into "the Great Apostasy"*In heaven, Jesus was an archangel*Only the 144,000 Christians living between Pentecost and 1935, called the "anointed class," will live in Heaven as spirits forever *Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in holidays and celebrationsThis ebook explores the beliefs, practices and history of this controversial group, including interesting ideas and prophecies by founder Charles Taze Russell. Among many other ideas, Russell believed:*He was chosen by God to provide spiritual truth for Jehovah's true worshippers in the last days.*The world would end in 1914. He changed that year to 1915, then to 1918.*The Great Pyramids in Giza foretold dates for the end of the world.The 10 Questions & Answers on Jehovah's Witnesses offers a listing of additional resources for learning more about Jehovah's Witnesses, and "You Should Also Know" sections that provide additional information on topics such as:*Troublesome teachings*Misconceptions of the Trinity*The only true God*The Holy Spirit is God*The 144,000*Two destinies*New World Translation translators*Christians in world governmentsThe ebook also offers "Tips for Talking with Jehovah's Witnesses." The following is a sampling of the helpful tips to improve outreach to JW co-workers and acquaintances:*Do pray to "Jehovah God"*Do challenge the Jehovah's Witness trust in the Watchtower*Do ask the Jehovah's Witness to help you understand how to reconcile their beliefs with the Bible.

10 Principles for Studying Your Bible

by Charles F. Stanley

What would you give to have true contentment, joy without end, and lasting peace? Most of us would say, "Anything!" especially when we are dealing with the stormy pressures of life. In 10 Principles for Studying Your Bible, Dr. Charles Stanley provides practical insight into God's word by walking you through the highlights of his own personal Bible study. He explains, "You don't have to go through life wondering if the next storm will be the one that washes your life out to sea. God has an answer for your greatest need, but it is only found in the study of His Word." "God tells us that if we seek Him, we will find Him," writes Dr. Stanley. "And when we uncover His truth, we gain clear direction for our lives and circumstances." Those who begin this journey into understanding the Bible quickly realize His Word is a doorway to divine principles and life's greatest blessings.

Las 10 Plagas de la Cibergeneracian (Especialidades Juveniles)

by Alejandro Gomez

SPANISH EDITION. This book contains true stories of teens who were transvestites, homosexuals, bulimic, and anorexic and experienced a changed life when they found Jesus.

Las 10 objeciones más comunes al cristianismo

by Alex McFarland

La sociedad actual tiene un gran número de objeciones y preocupaciones con respecto al cristianismo. La gente tiene preguntas difíciles acerca de la fe, que necesitan respuestas sólidas. Alex McFarland, un apologista experimentado, está listo para explorar 10 objeciones comunes al cristianismo al ofrecer respuestas directas que den confianza y comprensión. Los cristianos tendrán respuestas eficaces de sus creencias, y estarán dispuestos a defender su fe y su visión del mundo.

The 10 Myths of Teen Dating: Truths Your Daughter Needs to Know to Date Smart, Avoid Disaster, and Protect Her Future

by Daniel Anderson Jacquelyn Anderson

Few topics are more difficult for parents to discuss with their daughters than dating and relationships. Due to their lack of knowledge about the world their teens face coupled with the scant dating information they received as teens, many parents feel ill-equiped to guide their daughters through the minefield that is teen dating.In The 10 Myths of Teen Dating, this father and daughter team combines the latest scientific research with poignant, personal stories to help parents engage their daughters in wise conversations. Weaving in solid biblical truths with practical application and discussion starters, Daniel and Jacquelyn seek to equip parents to teach their daughters how to date for today ... and tomorrow.

The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Jehovah's Witness

by Ron Rhodes

Rhodes exposition of the history, doctrine and practices of the Jehovah's Witnesses is truly eye-opening, and will greatly encourage all who seek to reach out to Jehovah's Witnesses with the truth. His strong biblical stance, and his passion for the truth are infectious, and will aid anyone in their conversations with a Jehovah's Witness. This is an easy-to-use layout, and has clear, concise descriptions. this book is great for a quick reference.

10 Minutes in the Word: John (10 Minutes in the Word)

by Zondervan

Embrace your time with the Lord, no matter how busy you are! 10 Minutes in the Word: John is a perfect companion to studying the book of John from the Bible. Each day, read the assigned scripture, followed by the daily insights, explanations, and thoughts this devotional offers to truly understand this important book in the Bible.10 Minutes in the Word: John invites you to delve into the gospel of John, the book where Jesus' love for us is most fully explained. Whether you’re on a quick lunch break, between classes, or relishing some peace and quiet during your down time, 10 Minutes in the Word: John will bring you closer to God and understanding His heart.At a reasonable price and with a beautifully designed interior, 10 Minutes in the Word: John is small enough to easily slip into a backpack, handbag, or diaper bag. Keep it on hand for whenever you have a spare moment to connect with the Lord.

10 Minutes in the Word: Psalms (10 Minutes in the Word)

by Zondervan

Embrace your time with the Lord, no matter how busy you are! 10 Minutes in the Word: Psalms offers encouraging insights and meaningful reflections in just 10 minutes. For the days when you most need the presence of God, 10 Minutes in the Word: Psalms is the perfect way to grow in your faith that fits into your busy schedule.This devotional invites you into the Psalms, a place of praise and reflection. Realign your heart with God’s as you read through the Scripture and spend just a few minutes with Him. Whether you’re on a quick lunch break, between classes, or relishing some peace and quiet during nap time, 10 Minutes in the Word: Psalms gives you what you need to keep going. Just 10 minutes a day will guide you into Psalms, helping you feel closer to God and His Word.

10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs (10 Minutes In The Word Ser.)

by Zondervan

Embrace your time with the Lord, no matter how busy you are! 10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs offers tangible reminders of God&’s wisdom and meaningful reflections in just 10 minutes. For the days when you need help discerning direction, 10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs is the perfect way to engage with God.This devotional invites you into Proverbs, the book of wisdom. Realign your heart with God&’s as you read through the Scripture and spend just a few minutes with Him. Whether you&’re on a quick lunch break, between classes, or relishing some peace and quiet during nap time, 10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs gives you what you need to keep going. Just 10 minutes a day will bring you closer to God and learning His Word.With a beautifully designed interior, 10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs is small enough to easily slip into a backpack, handbag, or diaper bag. Keep it on hand for whenever you have a spare moment to connect with the Lord.

10-Minute Talks: 24 Messages Your Students Will Love

by Jonathan McKee

Sometimes you don’t have their attention for very long. Whether you’ve planned for a short message or your program has run long, a ten-minute talk is sometimes all you have space for in your youth ministry. So make sure you make it ten minutes that really count! If you need to communicate something meaningful in just a little time, 10 Minute Talks has just what you need—more than two dozen ready-to-go, story-based talks. With talks for spiritual growth, targeted at your Christian students, and outreach talks, perfect for any teenager, you’ll be prepared to give them a bite of truth that they can walk away remembering. Following the method Jesus used most often, these 10 Minute Talks give you stories that can impact students with one simple point. Each talk gives you the tools you need to make it count, and the flexibility to make it work for your context. Along with each topic and title, you’ll find: • The Big Idea • Scripture • The Story • The Transition Statement • Application • Closing Don’t get caught with nothing to say—or too much to say in the time you’ve got! Get 10 Minute Talks and get a meaningful message across quickly!

10-Minute Talks: 24 Messages Your Students Will Love

by Jonathan Mckee

Sometimes you don’t have their attention for very long. Whether you’ve planned for a short message or your program has run long, a ten-minute talk is sometimes all you have space for in your youth ministry. So make sure you make it ten minutes that really count! If you need to communicate something meaningful in just a little time, 10 Minute Talks has just what you need—more than two dozen ready-to-go, story-based talks. With talks for spiritual growth, targeted at your Christian students, and outreach talks, perfect for any teenager, you’ll be prepared to give them a bite of truth that they can walk away remembering. Following the method Jesus used most often, these 10 Minute Talks give you stories that can impact students with one simple point. Each talk gives you the tools you need to make it count, and the flexibility to make it work for your context. Along with each topic and title, you’ll find: • The Big Idea • Scripture • The Story • The Transition Statement • Application • Closing Don’t get caught with nothing to say—or too much to say in the time you’ve got! Get 10 Minute Talks and get a meaningful message across quickly!

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