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Showing 81,576 through 81,600 of 81,600 results

Flames of Deceit

by Rosey Dow Andrew Snaden

Christian romance/intrigue/courtroom drama

Meet Me with a Promise

by Joann A. Grote

Christian romance set in Minnesota during the Spanish-American War period. Sequel to Hold On My Heart which is already on Bookshare.

Letters from the Desert

by Carlo Carretto

This book was originally written as a series of letters to friends. After joining The Little Brothers of Jesus, a community to working and living with the poorest of the poor, the author burned all addresses as kind of renunciation. This is a series of deeply personal meditations springing from his life in the Sahara. They are beautiful prayerful, and intensely human. The book is small, but well worth pondering.

With Healing in His Wings

by Sally Krueger

Christian romance taking place in Kenya, East Africa, in the 1920's.

The Triumph of John and Betty Stam

by Mrs Howard Taylor

John Stam was daring, courageous, unafraid of danger. Betty, his wife, was kind, gracious, a sensitive poetess. Together they made a lasting contribution to missionary endeavor in China. Bandits, illness, the threatening Chinese Communist force, problems of child-raising on a primitive mission field--all these threatened to choke John and Betty's confidence in the Lord. But the Stams' faith grew stronger under pressure. Even when martyred by Chinese Reds, they displayed an unshakeable trust in God. The Triumph of John and Betty Stam offers an inspiring story of dedication and sacrifice-even martyrdom. This book will give spiritual strength to all who take time to read its contents.

Change of the Heart

by Lynn Bulock

Love Inspired Christian romance set in Missouri and Tijuana, Mexico.

Serving as Senders Today: How to Care for Your Missionaries

by Neal Pirolo

Serving As Senders: How to Care for Your Missionaries While They are Preparing to Go, While They are on the Field and When They Return Home. The title says it all! A missionary needs care in at least six areas: Moral Support, Logistics Support, Financial Support, Prayer Support, Communication Support, and Reentry Support. This book gives scores of practical ideas in how a team can provide the necessary care for a missionary. Chapter One tells "when" and "why" a missionary needs care. Chapters Two through Seven deal with each of the six areas of care. Chapter Eight brings it back to the individual's involvement in care giving. "I strongly believe that this is one of the most significant missionary books of this decade. Unless the Church and God's people respond to its message, the work of reaching the unreached is going to be greatly hindered. Every committed sender needs to get involved in distributing this book." -- George Verwer, Operation Mobilization "This key book makes the strategic point that mobilizers--the senders--are as crucial to the cause of missions as frontline missionaries. It is a book just crammed with solid, exciting insights on the most hurting link in today's mission movement." -- Dr. Ralph Winter, U.S. Center for World Mission.

The Reentry Team: Caring For Your Returning Missionaries

by Neal Pirolo

As Neal Pirolo criss-crossed the United States and several other countries conducting the Serving As Senders Seminar, it became increasingly clear to him that of the six areas of care, reentry care is the least understood. Grieved by the lack of care when a missionary returns home, he was motivated to provide the Church and missions community with this resource. The Reentry Team: Caring for Your Returning Missionaries, in Part I, Chapter 1 establishes the joint responsibility for missionary care between the Church and mission agency. Chapter 2 lays a clear five-point Scriptural pattern for a successful reentry. That is followed quickly in Chapter 3 with discussion of the "human dilemma" which makes it so difficult to follow that pattern. Part II is comprised of 70--good and not-so-good--stories written by returning missionaries. Commentary follows each story to help the reader identify with the situation, provide solutions, and then translate those solutions into help for his own returning missionary friend. Part III contains several general articles of value and a reference section. Consider what Peter Jordan, author of Re-entry; Making the Transition from Missions to Life at Home, said about the book: "THE REENTRY TEAM is a 'must read' for church leaders and laymen alike. Its practical wisdom and touchingly true-to-life stories will, without condemnation, assist the church in receiving back the ones they have sent out. The results? Healthy returnees will make enormous contributions to body life at home, the church will be blessed and built up, and world missions will go forward."

Prepare For Battle: Basic Training in Spiritual Warfare

by Neal Pirolo

"I hate war!" Neal declares in his opening paragraph. "But my hatred for the enemy of our souls is greater than my abhorrence of war!" Making reference to over 700 Scriptures that point to victory in battle, Neal focuses on the basics, yet with significant, new insights: Spiritual Armor, Spiritual Weapons, Our Attitude Toward War, Tactics of satan, Spiritual Authority, Principles of War, and Strategies for Battlefield Living. Each chapter is followed by PRACTICAL INSIGHTS written by Yvonne from her experiences. Reader comments: "Some people deny that we are at war, yet others have convoluted ideas about it. Neither is effective in battle. The Pirolos' understanding of spiritual warfare (based on Scripture) and their own experiences (also based on Scripture) provide insightful and useful help for any Christian's life." Aimee W. "This is a practical, concise manual on spiritual warfare. It is simple to read and understand, but very well thought out and very Scripturally-based. This book is not just for pastors and missionaries, but should be in the library of every Christian." Michelle V.

I Think God Wants Me To Be A Missionary: Issues to Deal With Long Before You Say, Good-bye!

by Neal Pirolo

Prompted by the high attrition rate of missionaries who do not first "count the cost" of cross-cultural ministry, Neal Pirolo offers this book to help candidates look closely at scores of issues that should be clarified long before they say, "Good-bye." In an easy-to-read style of dialogue, four young people represent thousands of people who are making the statement: "I Think God Wants Me to be a Missionary!" "I really enjoyed writing this book," Neal happily says, now that it is written. He continues, "It was a real challenge to become twenty-five people, each with their own personality and style of talking and praying. I related most easily with Jason. He's a happy-go-lucky guy about to graduate from high school. But one day, deep in his spirit.... "Then there is Helen, a most proper young lady who has been home schooled since kindergarten. She attends a church that is very active in missions. Her concern is.... Neal continues his reflections: "Kevin, graduating from college, has his own set of challenges, not the least being the embarrassment to him, his three college friends, as well as the whole church. You see, on one Sunday he walked into church with these three men, Nigerians, with skin as black as the good church peoples' Bibles! He realized--too late--that he probably should have given the church advanced notice. But, over the next several months, a lot is going to change.... "Kyle probably had the most difficult issues. Wonderfully, there is a young lady in his church. Just when they realized that their relationship was more than "just friends," they cannot remember. But for some time now there has been an unspoken agreement that wedding bells were in their future. But, one Sunday evening...." Middletown is where we want to discover truth and live in it. We will enter the lives of these four "missionary-hopefuls." In the first four chapters each person in turn goes to his pastor with a specific issue. However, as they face the one, others arise. In Chapters Five through Seven, then, the youth and their pastors and others become involved in the dialogue as these young people deal with scores of issues that should be considered long before they say, "Good-bye."

Internationals Who Live Among Us: Doing World Missions at Home

by Neal Pirolo

"We are here. We're living among you. The reasons for which we came are diverse. Some are noble; some motives are not so pure. But we are here. What are you going to do with me? Well, not me. But the others... You see, I am one of the fortunate few who has recently found a friend in America. Oh, here he comes now. Let me introduce him to you. This is Jonathan." "Hi! Yes, I grew up in a church that emphasized missions. Speakers came from distant lands telling of the challenge to reach the lost. My heart was stirred with compassion, so I began praying for various missionaries. But circumstances of my life would not allow me to travel to those faraway places I had heard about. One day I opened my eyes to realize that God has brought the internationals of the world to the doorstep of every church in America! And now my wife and I have opened the door of our home and our hearts to an international student. We are involved! What a great pleasure! What an opportunity God has put before us. Its better than a day at the beach,I realized after my first contact with international students. My wife says it makes her feel like an ambassador with a teacup!" Christian, one of the most strategic "foreign" mission fields today is at the very doorstep of our homes. * Strategic because it is so close at hand. They have moved into our neighborhood. * Strategic because it represents the segment of our population with the most dramatic growth. * Strategic because it does not cost the "mega- bucks" of going to another country. * Strategic because it is good training for those who will go to another country. * Strategic because so little effort yields such a great harvest. * Strategic because it reaches people who are open to the Gospel. * Strategic because it is in His Word: "Do not take advantage of aliens in your land; do not wrong them. They must be treated like any other citizen: Love them as yourself..." (Leviticus 19:33-34).

Her Home or Her Heart

by Kasandra Elaine

Christian romance set mostly on a cruise ship on the Mississippi River.

Woman at the Well

by Dale Sams Rogers

The growing up years and family life of Dale Evans Rogers.

Twice Burned

by Bruce Porterfield

Bruce Porterfield spent three terms in Bolivia with the New Tribes Mission. Much of his time there was spent with other missionaries in seeking to make a friendly contact with primitive tribes in remote areas of the country. The story of this work is told in his book, Commandos for Christ. In his second book, ["jungle Fire," which is also available in this library] Porterfield uses the novel as a means of revealing much truth about missionary work, the needs, problems and opportunities faced. In his latest book, Twice Burned, he again turns to the novel as a means of clarifying the issues between ecumenical and mass-meeting evangelism compared to the New Testament pattern of Gospel preaching and church planting.

Jungle Fire

by Bruce Porterfield

The many instances in this book have been drawn from the experiences of many missionaries. Some of the heartaches, clashes of ideas concerning methods of mission boards, love affairs, raw jungle life in reaching savage tribes, the defeats and victories, have been the realities of many new and experienced servants of God. Some of the methods and practices of a number of mission boards and their personnel are clearly seen in this novel. However, it is not the author's intention to single out any one organization while writing about some of the things that commonly occur. The inward struggles and outward circumstances that Brian Allmand faces are the very things that many new missionaries have come up against. These or similar experiences have crushed and defeated many well intentioned missionaries because methods and principles became insurmountable barriers to them. Brian is one of the few missionaries with firm convictions who is willing to challenge what appears to be man-guided rules. He gets into all kinds of difficulties for speaking out on his convictions. Was it worth it? The results in principle of his convictions have also been those of a few in true life.

Family for Keeps

by Margaret Daley

Love inspired Christian romance set in Colorado.

The Other Brother

by Lena Nelson Dooley

Christian romance set in Minnesota in 1891.

Over Her Head

by Gail Gaymer Martin

Christian romance.

Adult Bible Studies - Summer 2015

by Sarah Mcgiverin

Adult Bible Studies - Summer 2015

The Little Locksmith: A Memoir

by Katharine Butler Hathaway

First published in 1942 and reprinted here by the Feminist Press, this is the deeply honest memoir of Katharine Butler, who was disabled from childhood due to tuberculosis of the spine. Butler describes her bedridden childhood and her emergence as a teenager with a notably different-looking body. She writes openly of her longing for sexual love and her sense that it was forever denied to her because of her difference. Much of the book concerns the author's renovation of and hopes for a house in Castine on the coast of Maine, which she dreamed would become a house for children, artists, and lovers. Nancy Mairs' afterword provides fascinating information about the author's life.

Commandos for Christ

by Bruce E. Porterfield

BRUCE PORTERFIELD spent three terms in Bolivia with the New Tribes Mission. Much of his time there was spent with other missionaries in seeking to make a friendly contact with primitive tribes in remote areas of the country. The story of this work is told in Commandos for Christ. "For a few minutes we waited in the deep shadows on the edge of the jungle. A deathly stillness lay over everything. After what seemed a lifetime, I was unable to bear the suspense any longer. I let out a lusty shout. At the far side of the clearing an Indian appeared. Quite tall, with long black hair and fierce black eyes, he was altogether naked. In one hand he held a long bow and about a dozen arrows. We stared at each other without moving. What a moment that was! Before us stood the first living aboriginal Indian we had ever seen. He must have looked exactly as his primitive ancestors did. I felt he and I were staring at each other across three thousand years____" This is typical of the tight situations in which Bruce Porterfield and his colleagues found themselves day after day

Valiant in Fight: A Book of Remembrance

by Laverne E. Tift

In the early months of World War II, many ships and stations of our Navy had no chaplain officially assigned. Chiefly, through the efforts of a unique Christian organization called "The Navigators", when the need for a Christian preacher was obvious, some "Navigator" trained man would step forward and fill the bill. These men and their associates were dedicated, fearless, top-notch fighting men, who loved and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ. Such a one was Machinist Mate first class, La Verne E. Tift aboard the heavy cruiser USS Minneapolis, operating with the Pacific Fleet out of Pearl Harbor. He was the "spark-plug" and acting teacher of our Bible study and prayer groups. Since leaving the Navy in 1945 he has become a Minister of the Gospel, serving various churches in California. He and his wife Grace reside in Fresno, California.

Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal

by Westminster John Knox Press

This electronic version of the hymnal is specially adapted for use with paperless braille devices. Find a hymn quickly by adding the number sign to the hymn number. Also, refrains are repeated each time they're to be sung. This version does not have musical notation but is otherwise complete. Special proofreading was performed by Terry Gorman.

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