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An Island Affair

by Monica Richardson

A passion for all seasons... Returning to the beloved Eleuthera Islands of her childhood is the best decision Jasmine Talbot ever made. She's determined to succeed in transforming her family's magnificent Caribbean property into a one-of-a-kind B and B. But she needs Jackson Conner's help. A brilliant visionary, the hunky contractor is proud, egotistical...and impossible to resist. Starting his own business was a huge gamble. And so is Jackson's powerful desire for his alluring new boss. But what kind of future can he offer Jasmine when he has just discovered his entire past is a lie? Will his quest to uncover the truth-and the secret he's keeping-jeopardize Jackson's budding romance with the dazzling Bahamian beauty? Or give him the love that could be his lasting legacy...

The Island

by Heather Graham

On a weekend vacation Beth Anderson is unnerved when a stroll on the beach reveals what appears to be a skull. As a stranger approaches, Beth panics and covers the evidence. But when she later returns to the beach, the skull is gone. Determined to find solid evidence to bring to the police, Beth digs deeper into the mystery of the skull-and everywhere she goes, Keith Henson, the stranger from the beach, seems to appear. He claims to be keeping an eye on her safety, but Beth senses other motives. Then a body washes ashore, and Beth begins to think she needs more help than she bargained for. Because investigating is a dangerous game, and someone wants to stop Beth from playing.

The Island: Bougainvillea Shelter Island Capsized (The\bone Island Trilogy Ser. #4)

by Heather Graham

New York Times bestselling Heather Graham turns a sunny getaway into a gripping thriller when an unlikely vacationer finds something she shouldn&’t have!On a weekend vacation Beth Anderson is unnerved when a stroll on the beach reveals what appears to be a skull. As a stranger approaches, Beth panics and covers her morbid find. But when she later returns to the beach, the skull is gone.Determined to locate solid evidence to bring to the police, Beth digs deeper into the mystery of the skull—and everywhere she goes, Keith Henson, the stranger from the beach, seems to appear. He claims to be keeping an eye on her safety, but Beth senses other motives. Then a body washes ashore, and Beth begins to think she needs more help than she bargained for. Because investigating is a dangerous game, and someone wants to stop Beth from playing.Previously published.

The Island: The million-copy Number One bestseller 'A moving and absorbing holiday read'

by Victoria Hislop

'A moving and absorbing holiday read that pulls at the heartstrings' Evening StandardThe acclaimed million-copy number one bestseller and winner of Richard & Judy's Summer Read 2006. Victoria Hislop tells a dramatic tale of four generations, illicit love, violence and leprosy, from the thirties, through the war, to the present day.On the brink of a life-changing decision, Alexis Fielding longs to find out about her mother's past. But Sofia has never spoken of it. All she admits to is growing up in a small Cretan village before moving to London. When Alexis decides to visit Crete, however, Sofia gives her daughter a letter to take to an old friend, and promises that through her she will learn more. Arriving in Plaka, Alexis is astonished to see that it lies a stone's throw from the tiny, deserted island of Spinalonga - Greece's former leper colony. Then she finds Fotini, and at last hears the story that Sofia has buried all her life: the tale of her great-grandmother Eleni and her daughters and a family rent by tragedy, war and passion. She discovers how intimately she is connected with the island, and how secrecy holds them all in its powerful grip...Praise for The Island. . .'A vivid, moving and absorbing tale' Observer'Victoria Hislop . . . brings dignity and tenderness to her novel about lives blighted by leprosy' Telegraph'Wonderful descriptions, strong characters and an intimate portrait of island existence' Woman & Home'War, tragedy and passion unfurl against a Mediterranean backdrop in this engrossing debut novel' You magazine'Hislop's deep research, imagination and patent love of Crete creates a convincing portrait of times on the island'Evening Standard'A page-turning tale that reminds us that love and life continue in even the most extraordinary of circumstances'Sunday Express 'A beautiful tale of enduring love and unthinking prejudice'Express

The Island: The million-copy Number One bestseller 'A moving and absorbing holiday read'

by Victoria Hislop

'A moving and absorbing holiday read that pulls at the heartstrings' Evening StandardThe acclaimed million-copy number one bestseller and winner of Richard & Judy's Summer Read 2006. Victoria Hislop tells a dramatic tale of four generations, illicit love, violence and leprosy, from the thirties, through the war, to the present day.On the brink of a life-changing decision, Alexis Fielding longs to find out about her mother's past. But Sofia has never spoken of it. All she admits to is growing up in a small Cretan village before moving to London. When Alexis decides to visit Crete, however, Sofia gives her daughter a letter to take to an old friend, and promises that through her she will learn more. Arriving in Plaka, Alexis is astonished to see that it lies a stone's throw from the tiny, deserted island of Spinalonga - Greece's former leper colony. Then she finds Fotini, and at last hears the story that Sofia has buried all her life: the tale of her great-grandmother Eleni and her daughters and a family rent by tragedy, war and passion. She discovers how intimately she is connected with the island, and how secrecy holds them all in its powerful grip...Praise for The Island. . .'A vivid, moving and absorbing tale' Observer'Victoria Hislop . . . brings dignity and tenderness to her novel about lives blighted by leprosy' Telegraph'Wonderful descriptions, strong characters and an intimate portrait of island existence' Woman & Home'War, tragedy and passion unfurl against a Mediterranean backdrop in this engrossing debut novel' You magazine'Hislop's deep research, imagination and patent love of Crete creates a convincing portrait of times on the island'Evening Standard'A page-turning tale that reminds us that love and life continue in even the most extraordinary of circumstances'Sunday Express 'A beautiful tale of enduring love and unthinking prejudice'Express

The Island

by Jill Jones

A Cornish island forgotten by time sets the stage for this thrilling romance cloaked in ancient secrets; “top-notch reading fun!” (RT Book Reviews) Keely Cochrane has never questioned the ironclad traditions of Keinadraig, the island where she was raised—until her best friend rebels, leaving the island only to be found dead days later in London. When American PI Jack Knight shows up on Keinadraig looking for answers, Keely goes to great lengths to help Jack get to the bottom of her friend’s death—and the ancient tale of the mythical dragon that has ruled her home island for centuries. Their partnership opens up a whole new world to Keely—and an unquenchable longing for the passion Jack offers her. But before they can find a happy ever after, they must risk their lives to unlock a mystery more dangerous than either of them imagined. “The secrets of Keinadraig . . . are worth waiting for.” —Publishers Weekly

Isla del hombre lobo

by K. Matthew Felix Rigaud

En el reino de Fieldedge, los presos condenados a muerte son enviados a la Isla hombre lobo, un lugar maldecido donde las bestias gigantes devoran sus presas humanas. De pie en la orilla rocosa, mirando a la nave navegar más lejos de su alcance, Meera no puede pensar en otra cosa que la desesperanza de su situación. Tiene sobrepeso, lento y débil. Pocas personas harían una comida más fácil para los lobos. El gong en la nave que huye suena como una campana de la cena, y cada hombre lobo en la isla es alertado de la presencia de Meera. Sin embargo, su suerte parece dar vuelta cuando ella es rescatada por un extranjero magnífico. ¿Pero es este héroe lo que parece ser, o es realmente un lobo vestido de humano que busca un tipo diferente de carne?

La isla del día antes

by Umberto Eco

Tras el éxito de El nombre de la rosa y El péndulo de Foucault , Umberto Eco vuelve a la novela para contarnos la historia de Roberto de la Grive, un joven piamontés que en el verano de 1963 llega como náufrago a una nave abandonada en los Mares del Sur, y en la embarcación solo encuentra animales desconocidos y extrañas máquinas. Confinado en este exiguo espacio, Roberto nos pone al corriente de su pasado y nos lleva hasta la época renacentista para hacernos partícipes de duelos y lances amorosos, de especulaciones intelectuales entorno a los cálculos que falicitaron en aquel entonces la navegación y los artilugios que permitieron al hombre ir avanzando en el descubrimiento de tierras lejanas. Novela filosófica y a la vez de aventuras, La isla del día de antes se suma felizmente a la gran tradición de Swift y Voltaire para indagar con el poder de la imaginación los fallos y pecados de nuestra realidad.

La Isla de Vidrio

by Kathryn Le Veque Paula Andrea Silva Fauré

La Isla de vidrio por Kathryn Le Veque Una mujer inmanejable y un atrevido caballero; ¿Pueden ellos hallar el amor? 1333 A.D. – La encantadora y educada Señora Aubrielle Grace di Witney es lo que amablemente se llama una mujer ingobernable. Su tío, el Conde de Wrexham, ha recibido la custodia de su sobrina porque su madre ya no puede manejar la belleza de testaruda cabeza. Como un cobarde, el conde abdica a sus deberes a su caballero más poderoso, Sir Kenneth St. Héver con las instrucciones de convertirle en una sumisa señora. Aubrielle y Kenneth están en descuerdo desde el inicio; Kenneth espera obediencia y Aubrielle es menos que complaciente. Cuando las batallas terminan un extraño, maravillosa comodidad se instala, Kenneth llega a descubrir que Aubrielle es una señora con un secreto. A causa de este secreto, su madre es asesinada y Kenneth se encuentra así mismo protegiendo a Aubrielle porque quiere hacerlo, no porque se le ha ordenado. Sectas misteriosas y un loco guerrero quieren a la señora muerta por diferentes razones. Pronto se convierte en una prueba de las habilidades de astucia y caballerescas de Kenneth para mantener con vida a su amada Aubrielle.

La isla de los secretos (Un romance en la colonia #Volumen 1)

by Arlene Sabaris

América a finales de 1700. Los viajes desde diversos puertos de España hacia el nuevo continente iniciaron por el Caribe. La Hispaniola era conocida como un paraíso terrenal indiscutible y fuente inagotable de riqueza para los comerciantes... El Vizconde de Salinas había aprovechado el poder inherente a su nobleza para ampliar su fortuna siendo uno de los nobles españoles que abandonaron Cádiz para convertirse en hacendados en la parte este de la isla. Su mujer y sus hijas lo convencieron de dejarlas pasar unos meses con él en el nuevo continente, abandonando la comodidad que les daba su posición. Modestia, honestidad y obediencia era todo lo que el padre esperaba de sus tres hijas mientras durara su estancia en la Nueva España. Sofía y sus hermanas, Lucía y Leonor, entusiasmadas por la vida en la isla, los nuevos amigos y la experiencia de un ambiente distinto a todo lo que conocían, solo deseaban que aquella aventura no terminara nunca. Las jovencitas, todas menores de veintiún años, ven muy pronto sus deseos hechos realidad cuando conocen vecinos de su edad e inician una amistad de verano que pronto se convertirá en mucho más, en especial para el joven Alonso y la mayor de las hermanas, Sofía. El destino, sin embargo, terminará por develar secretos que el joven Alonso guarda sobre su verdadera identidad y romperá las esperanzas del primer y único amor de la joven Sofía. El vizconde, consciente de que la juventud y belleza de Sofía pueden convertirse en un amuleto de la suerte para sus propios planes, si logra que la joven acceda a casarse con el Marqués de Ferrand, luchará con cualquier obstáculo que se atraviese en su camino, incluso si ello significa sacrificar la felicidad de su propia hija. ¿Podrá el amor superar todas las dificultades, aun cuando sean tan poderosas como el honor, la sociedad y el dinero? ¿Será capaz el destino de destruir el lazo que los une, o por el contrario será precisamente el que los ate para siempre?

La isla de… ¿dónde? (Historias de la isla #1)

by Sue Brown Juan J. Roldán

Volumen 1 de la serie Historias de la islaCuando el mejor amigo de Liam Marshall, Alex, pierde su lucha contra el cáncer de colon, le deja a Liam un último deseo: que compre un billete de tren hacia Ryde, en la Isla de Wight, y que esparza sus cenizas desde el muelle. Liam está cansado, exhausto, y necesita urgentemente unas vacaciones. Sin embargo, en vez de sol, mar, arena, y chicos bronceados y atractivos, lo que obtiene es una chatarra de tren, niños revoltosos, y ni rastro de Ewan McGregor. Liam habría hecho cualquier cosa por su amigo, pero cumplir con el último deseo de Alex implica desprenderse de la única familia que le queda a Liam. Perdido, se queda helado en el muelle... hasta que Sam Owens llega al rescate. La familia de Sam ha ido en vacaciones a la Isla de Wight desde que él tiene memoria, pero nunca ha conocido a nadie como Liam. Sam está decidido a hacer que Liam siempre recuerde esas vacaciones, por lo que se dedica a cuidarle, tanto dentro como fuera de la habitación. Incluso le presenta a toda su familia. Pero del mismo modo que Sam ayuda a Liam a seguir adelante, se ve forzado a reconocer que quiere que Liam se aferre, no a su vida anterior, sino a la que él y Sam tienen en común.

Isla and the Happily Ever After

by Stephanie Perkins

“Stephanie Perkins’s characters fall in love the way we all want to, in real time and for good.” —Rainbow Rowell, Award-winning, bestselling author of Eleanor & Park and FangirlA New York Times Bestseller Love ignites in the City That Never Sleeps, but can it last?Hopeless romantic Isla has had a crush on introspective cartoonist Josh since their first year at the School of America in Paris. And after a chance encounter in Manhattan over the summer, romance might be closer than Isla imagined. But as they begin their senior year back in France, Isla and Josh are forced to confront the challenges every young couple must face, including family drama, uncertainty about their college futures, and the very real possibility of being apart.Featuring cameos from fan-favorites Anna, Étienne, Lola, and Cricket, this sweet and sexy story of true love—set against the stunning backdrops of New York City, Paris, and Barcelona—is a swoonworthy conclusion to Stephanie Perkins’s beloved series.

La Isla

by Victoria Hislop

El viaje físico y emocional de una joven inglesa que trata de desvelar su historia familiar marcada por la tragedia, la guerra y las pasiones amorosas y enterrada en el más absoluto de los silencios. Alexis, una joven arqueóloga británica de origen griego, viaja a Creta para desenterrar la misteriosa historia de su madre, Sofía, celosa guardiana de su pasado. Al llegar al pueblo de Plaka, punto de partida de su investigación, se sorprende al ver que se encuentra a unas pocas millas en barca de Spinalonga, la principal colonia de leprosos de Grecia desde 1903 hasta 1957. ¿Qué oscuros misterios oculta esa isla habitada por el olvido? ¿Por qué la madre de Alexis rompió tan violentamente con su pasado? Intrigada por estas preguntas, la joven está decidida a desvelar la turbulenta historia de sus antepasados y sus dolorosos secretos... La crítica ha dicho...«Apasionante. Impactante. Emocionante.»Daily Telegraph «El nuevo Capitán Corelli.»The Sunday Express «Una primera novela fascinante que ofrece, además de una historia de amor, una verdadera lección de tolerancia.»The Times «Sagas familiares, historias de amor prohibido, secretos devastadores... Una historia palpitante, vívida y absorbente.»The Observer

Isis Rising (Isis Rising #2)

by Jean Stewart

Sequel to the popular Return to Isis, this stirring romantic fantasy continues the adventures of Whir and Kali, as they rebuild Isis from the ashes. A rousing futuristic adventure and an endearing love story destined to capture your heart!

Ishtar's Legacy (Wild Women #3)

by Rachel Sullivan

The Wild Women turn the tides on their oppressors in a war across the U.S. in this paranormal romantic thriller by the author of Lilith&’s Children. As leaders from Wild Women groups in foreign countries get wind of a potential exposure in America, they send their ambassadors to assess the situation. What they find is defected Hunters: men who have been oppressing Wild Women for decades, now helping Wilds. When American resistance leader Faline Fay aligned with an ex-Hunter, her coterie took it badly. But these foreign Wilds make that look like a walk in the forest. They are ready to declare war on their American sisters for turning against their own kind. Now Faline has one shot to stop the bloodshed, taking freedom for herself and every other Wild Woman. But can she succeed with her hands literally tied behind her back?

Ishmael in Love: A Short Story

by Robert Silverberg

A lonely dolphin narrates this touching tale of interspecies love from the Hugo and Nebula Award–winning author of Needle in a Timestack. Meet Ishmael. He&’s a bottle-nosed dolphin employed at a seawater recovery station on St. Croix. He&’s the foreman of the Intake Maintenance Squad, which means he and his team clear the intake valves of obstructions like starfish or algae. He works hard for his wages of fish and is highly educated. He&’s also in love—with a human. Lisabeth Calkins is a twenty-seven-year-old specialist in human-cetacean relations. Though immune to the charms of her human anatomy, Ishmael believes he has found his soulmate. She gave him his name, when he was only a number among many others. Sure, there are obstacles to their being together, just like in every other epic romance. Ishmael can see a way forward—through human interference, through biology, and even acts of sabotage. But can Lisabeth? &“Time and again, Silverberg sets the bar high for himself and then clears it, as in a tale told from the perspective of an English-speaking dolphin who has developed feelings for a human woman.&” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) Praise for Robert Silverberg and his short stories &“When Silverberg is at the top of his form, no one is better.&” —George R. R. Martin, #1 New York Times–bestselling author &“The short stories in Robert Silverberg&’s First-Person Singularities are inventive, sublime, and endlessly entertaining.&” —Foreword Reviews &“Decades after being originally published, most of these stories are still just as entertaining and powerful as they were when first released. A singularly unique collection.&” —Kirkus Reviews

The Ishcrin Affair

by Gareth Vaughn

Clem Turner is pretty sure nothing else can go wrong. Assigned by the head of his museum to check out a possible acquisition, his train ride from Chicago to Duluth has been full of problems -- lost luggage, food poisoning, and now an unscheduled stop in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin. Hoping for a bit of distraction, he decides to check out the local fair, only to run right into a different sort of predicament.The 1890s aren’t a great time to fall for another man, but with Anton Hess it’s hard to resist. An adventurer and businessman, Anton has captured the legendary ishcrin, a beast with wings, spines, and a nasty disposition, and he’s charging people to see it. For the nickel admission, though, Clem gets much more than he bargained for, and faces the prospect of the greatest disaster of his journey yet -- a broken heart.

Isha, Unscripted

by Sajni Patel

Unwilling to yield to familial expectations, an aspiring screenwriter attempts to pursue her dreams during an unforgettable night of chaos in this hilarious and heartfelt novel by Sajni Patel.Isha Patel is the black sheep of the family. She doesn&’t have a &“prestigious&” degree or a &“real&” career, and her parents never fail to remind her. But that&’s okay because she commiserates with her cousin, best friend, and fellow outcast, Rohan. When Isha has a breakthrough getting her script in front of producers, it doesn&’t go according to plan. Instead of letting her dreams fall through the cracks, Rohan convinces her to snag a pitch session with an Austinite high-profile celeb: the one and only Matthew McConaughey, who also happened to be her professor at the University of Texas years ago—he has to remember her, right? Chasing Matthew McConaughey isn&’t easy. Isha needs a drink or two to muster up courage, and she gets a little help from the cutest bartender she&’s ever encountered. But when the search for the esteemed actor turns into a night of hijinks and unexpected—albeit fun—chaos, everything falls apart. Isha&’s dreams seem farther than ever, but she soon realizes who she really needs to face and that her future may just be alright, alright, alright.

Isali Dreams

by Zahra Owens Stuart Wakefield

Diplomat and linguist Everett leads a quiet life on an Earth colony outpost until he’s called on to translate for a strange creature discovered on a crashed ship. Despite the magnetic attraction he feels to it, Everett can’t communicate well enough to resolve the apparent murder of the ship’s pilot. At least not until Isali, the survivor, shows up in Everett’s dreams. Isali is on the run from a supreme being hellbent on destroying him, and Everett soon finds himself caught up in a fight for their lives. The increased intimacy between them triggers memories for Everett, but can he put the pieces together before Isali’s nemesis destroys them both?

Isabel's Bed: A Novel

by Elinor Lipman

Isabel is a glamorous blonde with a sensational past; Harriet is a bookish single would-be writer who never takes risks - except once. That risk is to answer an advert; Isabel wants to tell her story and only a ghostwriter, constantly on-hand in her luxurious Cape Cod hideaway, will be able to do it for her. The job goes to Harriet, who quickly discovers that living with Isabel is a lesson - in sex-appeal, in secrets and in seizing the moment - she's needed all her life.

Isabella's Spring Break Crush

by Angela Darling

A trip to grandma's gets a lot more interesting when a cute crush is involved!Isabella isn't exactly thrilled to be spending spring break with her twin brother and their sunscreen-obsessed, worrywart grandma in Florida. That is, until Grandma Miriam actually turns out to be a lot more fun when Mom isn't around--she sings along in the car, buys them ice cream, and has tons of cool day trips planned for the three of them. But when Grandma Miriam introduces Isabella to her friend's gorgeous grandson, Ryan, all thoughts of day trips with her grandma and brother go out the window. Will Isabella be able to get Ryan alone before spring break is over? And if she does, what then?

Isabella's Lover

by Franklin Díaz

A young teenager is starting to work at NatWest Bank at only 17 years of age. There, he will meet his co-workers and, among them, Isabella, a gorgeous woman that will especially impress him from day one. Over time, they will develop a great friendship that will, later on, create a maelstrom of contradictory feelings from which escaping will not be an option. A long and complicated road waits for them. The couple will have to fight with themselves and test the limits of their emotional resistance. A love story full of suspense and strong emotions from the first to the last chapter. Would you fall in love with someone knowing they are in a relationship? Would you love them anyway?


by Loretta Chase

The traditional Regency classic from New York Times bestseller Loretta Chase is back...At the advanced age of 26, the independent, wealthy and imminently practical Isabella Latham has no expectation of marriage. But, good-hearted and dutiful, Isabella accompanies her two young country cousins to oversee their London debut...only to find that it's she who is attracting suitors...all of whom do seem to have quite an excess of creditors!There's the sinfully sexy Basil Trevelyan, a rake through and through, but so charming that even sensible Isabella is almost tempted. But then there's his maddeningly handsome--and maddeningly arrogant!--cousin, Edward Trevelyan, seventh Earl of Hartleigh, who has no need of Isabella's dowry; but whose adorable orphaned ward needs a mama. Could he love Isabella for herself? Isabella is too busy trying to decide whether to kiss him--or kill him!Poor, poor Isabella. What's a girl to do? But more importantly...who's a girl to choose?


by Fiona Mountain

_________________An epic 18th-century historical romance from the author of the celebrated Rebel HeiressFletcher Christian and Isabella Curwen are first cousins who grow up together in the Lake District; kindred spirits who, like Heathcliff and Cathy, are bound to fall in love. But Isabella is promised to another cousin, John, and Fletcher, dashing though he is, comes from the poor side of the family.When Isabella, an only child and heir to the Curwen fortune, inherits and John becomes her guardian, he and her relations conspire to prevent her and Fletcher's union. Isabella marries John; Fletcher joins the Navy and later signs on for the Bounty voyage. And the rest, you might think, is history. In fact, it is only the first act in the drama of Fletcher and Isabella - for love cannot be denied forever.

Isabella (Nine Months Ser. #4)

by Maggie Wells

Isabella and Carlos live in St. Louis, Missouri. While finishing their senior year in high school, they decide to have a baby together and get married. When Carlos joins the military and tragedy strikes, Isabella is devastated. A year later, she is reunited with Pete, a boy she thinks is het second chance at love. But he could have a dark side that puts Isabella and her baby's safety in danger.

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