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An Inconvenient Duke (Lords of the Armory #1)

by Anna Harrington

"Enchanting...Harrington combines suspenseful mystery and charming romance in this compulsively readable treat." —Publishers Weekly Starred ReviewAll's fair in war...and in love... Marcus Braddock, former general and newly appointed Duke of Hampton, is back from war. Now, not only is he surrounded by the utterly unbearable ton, he's mourning the death of his beloved sister, Elise. Marcus believes his sister's death wasn't an accident, and he's determined to learn the truth—starting with Danielle Williams, his sister's beautiful best friend.Danielle is keeping deadly secrets of her own. She has dedicated her life to a charity that helps abused women—the same charity Elise was working for the night she died. When Danielle's work puts her life in danger, Marcus comes to her rescue. But Danielle may not be the one in need of rescuing...Praise for Anna Harrington: "As steamy as it is luscious. My favorite kind of historical!"—GRACE BURROWES, New York Times bestselling author, for Dukes Are Forever "Harrington has created a richly woven novel, complete with romance, a touch of mystery, and wounded, believable characters."—Publishers Weekly for Along Came a Rogue "A touching and tempestuous romance, with all the ingredients Regency fans adore."—GAELEN FOLEY, New York Times bestselling author, for Dukes Are Forever "Thoroughly entertaining...seduction and adventure take center stage."—BookPage for Along Came a Rogue

The Inconvenient Duchess: The\inconvenient Duchess / An Unladylike Offer (The Radwells)

by Christine Merrill

Dear Cici and Father,I have come to Devon and married a duke. And I’m more tired and hungry than I have ever been in my life. Please let me come home.Compromised and wedded on the same day, Lady Miranda was fast finding married life not to her taste. A decaying manor and a secretive husband were hardly the stuff of girlish dreams. Yet every time she looked at dark, brooding Marcus Radwell, Duke of Haughleigh, she felt inexplicably compelled-and determined-to make their marriage real!

An Inconvenient Desire

by Alexia Adams

Investment banker Jonathan Davis has spent the last ten months renovating his Italian villa and getting over a nasty divorce from his supermodel wife. As a favor to a friend, he escorts Olivia Chapman to a medieval festival and can't help but fall for the gorgeous woman. When he discovers she's a model, however, his innate sense of risk analysis tells him to bail. Then his ex-wife abandons his previously unknown daughter at his door, and it's Olivia who steps in to help. But does Jonathan dare capitalize on his desire and venture his heart again?Olivia Chapman has hidden her ugly childhood scars under the glamour of her modeling career. She thinks her pretty face is her only asset, until she discovers a talent for motherhood when a frightened toddler literally arrives on the doorstep. Olivia can't bear to see another child go unloved. But caring for Hannah means staying with Jonathan, a man she finds almost impossible to resist.When a big surprise leaves both Olivia and Jonathan reeling, their mutual attraction could end up destroying their futures . . . or healing the past once and for all.Sensuality Level: Sensual

An Inconvenient Desire

by Alexia Adams

Investment banker Jonathan Davis has spent the last ten months renovating his Italian villa and getting over a nasty divorce from his supermodel wife. As a favor to a friend, he escorts Olivia Chapman to a medieval festival and can’t help but fall for the gorgeous woman. When he discovers she’s a model, however, his innate sense of risk analysis tells him to bail. Then his ex-wife abandons his previously unknown daughter at his door, and it’s Olivia who steps in to help. But does Jonathan dare capitalize on his desire and venture his heart again?Olivia Chapman has hidden her ugly childhood scars under the glamour of her modeling career. She thinks her pretty face is her only asset, until she discovers a talent for motherhood when a frightened toddler literally arrives on the doorstep. Olivia can’t bear to see another child go unloved. But caring for Hannah means staying with Jonathan, a man she finds almost impossible to resist.When a big surprise leaves both Olivia and Jonathan reeling, their mutual attraction could end up destroying their futures . . . or healing the past once and for all.Sensuality Level: Sensual

An Inconvenient Desire

by Alexia Adams

Investment banker Jonathan Davis has spent the last ten months renovating his Italian villa and getting over a nasty divorce from his supermodel wife. As a favor to a friend, he escorts Olivia Chapman to a medieval festival and can’t help but fall for the gorgeous woman. When he discovers she’s a model, however, his innate sense of risk analysis tells him to bail. Then his ex-wife abandons his previously unknown daughter at his door, and it’s Olivia who steps in to help. But does Jonathan dare capitalize on his desire and venture his heart again?Olivia Chapman has hidden her ugly childhood scars under the glamour of her modeling career. She thinks her pretty face is her only asset, until she discovers a talent for motherhood when a frightened toddler literally arrives on the doorstep. Olivia can’t bear to see another child go unloved. But caring for Hannah means staying with Jonathan, a man she finds almost impossible to resist.When a big surprise leaves both Olivia and Jonathan reeling, their mutual attraction could end up destroying their futures . . . or healing the past once and for all.Sensuality Level: Sensual

Inconvenient Attraction: An upstairs downstairs romance with a twist (The Eddington Heirs #1)

by Zuri Day

Undeniable chemistry sets an event planner and her client on a collision course in Zuri Day's steamy new novel introducing The Eddington Heirs.Their passion is against the rules…But rules are meant to be broken. Tech developer Cayden Baker has been blindsided by Avery Gray twice. It seems the stunning event planner who totaled his luxury car is also responsible for planning his elite charity event. And since he's a member of the club where she works, fraternizing is strictly off-limits…though he&’s never been one to follow others&’ rules. Then Cayden discovers Avery&’s involvement in a scandal that upended his life years ago. Will it change everything for them now, too? From Harlequin Desire: A luxurious world of bold encounters and sizzling chemistry. Love triumphs in these uplifting romances, part of The Eddington Heirs series: Book 1: Inconvenient Attraction

An Inconvenient Affair (The Alpha Brotherhood #1)

by Catherine Mann

Hillary Wright has always been a magnet for Mr. Wrong. Her latest left her in trouble with the law, and to clear her name, she's agreed to an undercover sting-as the "date" for infamous Troy Donavan. The notorious hacker is now a government good guy...and a sexy billionaire playboy. Troy has a reputation as the sort of man she's vowed to avoid, and his secretiveness adds fuel to Hillary's distrust. But with his kisses like molten sin, her fierce resistance is melting. And being sensible in the face of such overpowering desire is just not an option.

La inconveniencia de seducir a un bastardo (Serie Chadwick #Volumen 4)

by Mariam Orazal

Cuando el poder de la pasión va más allá de las normas. Cuando el ímpetu femenino se impone incluso al más férreo control. El corazón aventurero de lady Arabella Gordon la ha llevado en numerosas ocasiones al borde del escándalo. Incorrecta y rebelde, está decidida a vivir según su voluntad, y eso incluye al esposo menos apropiado en el que podría haber puesto sus ojos. Michael Callahan no es otra cosa que un desposeído de la alta sociedad, un bastardo criado en las minas de carbón. Convertido ahora en un magnate, ha conseguido el respeto que su nacimiento le negó, pero todo podría echarse a perder si no logra apartar sus manos de la joven aristócrata que ha llegado a obsesionarle. ¿Logrará Arabella romper la coraza de un hombre que no conoce el amor?¿Sabrá Michael comprender a tiempo que ella es la única que puede curarlo?


by Alexa Montes

Se ela acha que eu sou incontrolável, espera só até eu chegar no quarto dela.  Fui contratada para gerir uma banda, não ficar bêbada e acordar casada com o vocalista depois de uma noite de um inesquecível e bruto...  Bom, você sabe. O ponto é: isso não sou eu. Sou profissional. Levo meu trabalho a sério.  Infelizmente, o único trabalho que Ash Woodcox parece estar levando a sério, é o trabalho de entrar nas minhas calças.  Isso não vai acontecer, não importa quão sexy ele seja. Vou controlar meus desejos. Pena que Ash é incontrolável. Quando um ex-cliente ciumento começa a espalhar rumores sobre mim, de repente sou colocada sob os holofotes.  Não vou deixar Ash arruinar sua carreira por mim.  Ash não vai deixar ninguém "desrespeitar a mulher dele".  Se você acha que o bad boy de uma banda de rock sulista é incontrolável, espera só até ele se apaixonar por você... ou descobrir que te engravidou em Vegas.   


by Alexa Montes

Me contrataron para ser la representante de la banda, no para emborracharme y despertar casada con el cantante luego de una noche de sucio, rudo e inolvidable... Bueno, ya me entienden. El punto es que esta no soy yo. Soy una profesional. Me tomo mi trabajo con seriedad. Por desgracia, lo único que Ash Woodcox se tomaba con seriedad era volver a meter mano dentro de mis pantalones. No volvería a pasar, sin importar lo sexy que fuera. Iba a controlar mis deseos. Qué mal que Ash fuera tan incontrolable. Cuando un excliente celoso comienza a esparcir rumores sobre mí, de nuevo me convierto en el centro de atención.. No dejaré que Ash arruine su carrera por mí. Ash no dejará que nadie "le falte el respeto a su mujer." Si creías que un chico malo y estrella de rock sureño era incontrolable, solo espera a que se enamore de ti..., o descubra que te embarazó en Las Vegas.

Incontra il Tuo Capo, Chris Baker - Libro 1 della serie Lei è la Miliardaria

by Ellen Dominick Alice Arcoleo

Il nuovo avvocato Richard Holder non vede l'ora di diventare intimo con le colleghe della compagnia per cui lavora. Ma dopo aver incontrato il suo provocante capo, riceverà un'offerta che non potrà rifiutare. Dovrà sottomettersi e ingoiare molto più del suo orgoglio. Riuscirà Richard ad obbedire alla sua nuova Dominatrice e a tenersi il lavoro?

La inconfesable tentación de una dama (El azahar #Volumen 4)

by Zahara C. Ordóñez

«Pensé que serías una tormenta devastadora y ahora no puedo dejar de pensar en ti como la lluvia de otoño que besa los campos tras un verano de sed. Tan necesaria como perfecta». Lidia Alborada lleva toda la vida enamorada de Andrés Ferrera y está convencida de que se casará con él en cuanto el joven termine sus estudios. No hay día en el que no le escriba una carta de amor y sueñe con su boda. Pablo Morente es hijo de criadores de caballos y ha trabajado al servicio de grandes señores. Sin embargo, un desafortunado accidente se llevó a su padre y hundió a su familia en la desgracia. Cuando cree que no tendrá más oportunidades, un inesperado giro de su destino lo lleva a trabajar en casa de los Alborada. La llegada de Pablo trastocará los planes de Lidia. Ha jurado amar a Andrés, pero ¿quién podría resistirse a un mozo de cuadras con una mirada capaz de doblegar la más férrea de las voluntades? ¿Quién podría resistirse a amar lo que más desea?

La Inconfesable Distracción

by Carolina Fernández Peñaranda Rebecca Onix

Chelsea es una mujer infeliz. Está casada y tiene dos hijos, pero no se siente realizada. Es por ello que necesita cambiar su rutina. Un encuentro virtual va a dar un giro a su vida...


by Mauricio R B Campos

A young mage of Chaos, disillusioned with the world, decides to plunge into a journey of self-knowledge called 'Breaking the Ego', which provides for an exchange of beliefs, 'follow and believe the contrary of your convictions.' But in this process, she didn’t expect to find passion in the arms of a young man from the elite of her hometown. Now will she be able to stay true to the advanced magical practice she has decided to initiate despite her heart's appeals. How can she reconcile her journey of inner discovery with a feeling that drives her away from her search for her true self?

Incompatible: Una novela de magia del caos

by Mauricio R B Campos

Una joven maga del Caos, desilusionada con el mundo, decide emprender un viaje de autoconocimiento llamado 'Ego Break', que prevé un intercambio de creencias, "seguir y creer lo contrario de tus convicciones". Sin embargo, en el proceso, no esperaba encontrar la pasión en los brazos de un joven de la élite de su ciudad natal. ¿Puede ahora mantenerse fiel a la práctica mágica avanzada que decidió comenzar a pesar de las súplicas de su corazón? ¿Cómo podrá conciliar su viaje de descubrimiento interior con un sentimiento que la aleja de esta búsqueda de su verdadero yo?


by Mauricio R B Campos

Una giovane maga del Caos, disillusa dal mondo, decide di immergersi in un viaggio di conoscenza di sé chiamato "Rottura dell’Ego", che prevede un cambio di credenze, "segui e credi l'opposto delle tue convinzioni". Tuttavia, nel processo, non si aspettava di trovare la passione tra le braccia di un giovane dell'élite della sua città natale. Ora sarà in grado di rimanere fedele alla pratica magica avanzata che ha deciso di iniziare nonostante le richieste del suo cuore? Come riuscirà a conciliare il suo viaggio di scoperta interiore con una sensazione che la impedisce di cercare il suo vero "io"?


by Sky Corgan Nicole Grassi

Dall'autrice bestseller di USA Today Sky Corgan arriva un nuovo sensuale romanzo. Ho passato la maggior parte della mia vita adulta ad evitare di frequentare gli uomini, il che è divertente se pensate che lavoro per un'agenzia che organizza incontri. Il mio capo mi chiama "La Bestia" a causa del mio temperamento. Il mio lavoro è quello di mandare via i clienti problematici—gli incompatibili. Ed ecco che arriva il signor Alfred Barnes. È pieno di sé, sfacciato, e assolutamente bellissimo. Gli uomini come luicredono di possedere il mondo, ma qui sono io che comando. Sbatterlo fuori dal mio ufficio è uno dei miei piaceri più grandi...fino a quando non scopro che ha mentito sulla sua identità. Qualcuno verrà licenziato, e probabilmente quel qualcuno sarò io. Ora il signor Barnes mi vuole. Mi vuole nel modo più inaspettato. Non ho mai avuto a che fare con qualcuno come lui prima d'ora, e anni di terapia mi dicono che è esattamente ciò di cui non ho affatto bisogno. Ma che ne sa però la mia psicologa?Anche lei ha i suoi segreti, e sto iniziando a pensare che vogliano tutti distruggermi. Sto iniziando a credere di essere io quella incompatibile. Questo romanzo non ha un seguito.

The Incomparable Countess

by Mary Nichols

BETRAYED...For one long, hot summer Frances and Marcus had meant everything to each other. And then he betrayed her by marrying someone else. At seventeen, Frances had possessed an inner fire, a joy of life. Now, years later, Marcus, Duke of Loscoe, is confounded by the ice-cold society hostess she has become.Having learned how to suppress her youthful dreams and desires, Frances, Countess of Carringham, can't deny she's pained to hear that Marcus is looking for a new wife to care for his motherless child. Nor can she disguise that she is still susceptible to his charm....


by Robert Cummings

2nd EditionJack Russo is two hundred pounds of deadly Army specialist fighting two wars--one in Iraq in 2004 and the other against the US military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, which keeps him closeted and lonely. When his injured gun truck driver is replaced with new recruit Shawn Farrelly, Jack is instantly attracted even though the private's sexuality is a mystery. Recently married, Shawn joined the military to get benefits for his wife, only to end up in a combat zone with a sexy squad leader to whom he is inexplicably drawn--and who clearly wonders if Shawn would be open to some male-male experimentation. But war is a dangerous time to explore new feelings, and all too soon a rescue mission devolves into an ambush. Despite seeing no escape, Jack and Shawn decide to go out with smiles on their faces--together.First Edition published by Silver Publishing, February 2011

Incognito Ex (Silver Valley P.D. #8)

by Geri Krotow

When she is targeted by a vicious mobsterA past love is her only hopeWhen a Russian gangster targets Coral Staufer, she is desperate for help. Coral stumbles across an undercover agent none other than the man she loved and lost, Trevor Stone. Trevor will risk anything to stop her from becoming a mob casualty…even risk his career to protect Coral. But when their past love reignites, their entire mission—and very lives—are at stake.


by Suzanne Allain

Can a young lady allow her beloved sister to sacrifice herself on the marriage altar? Emily Smithfield cannot. So when her mother announces that a marriage has been arranged between Emily's older sister Lydia and Lord Wesleigh, a man the sisters have never met, Emily offers to marry the gentleman in her sister's stead. This will mean Lydia can marry the man she loves. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.

Incognito (Cameron Andrews Mysteries)

by Nanisi Barrett D'Arnuk

DEA Operative Cameron Andrews can finally use her Master’s Degree in International Affairs when she's assigned to help Ambassador John Taylor in Argentina negotiate a trade treaty. But it’s a front for her real objective: extricate the ambassador’s eighteen-year-old son, Tad, from the trouble he is in with the Salavados Cartel and then work with the Argentine authorities to trap the Cartel in a sting.Since her boss gave her the authority to use any means at her disposal, Cam falls back into a cover she's used before: the very wealthy and independent Canadian, Laura Stuard.By playing the headstrong Laura to the hilt, Cameron is invited to the Salavados compound where they make a business proposal to her: use her SeaFarer Cruise Liners to move the drugs to Canada.It is a dangerous and exhausting game Cameron and Tad are playing, because not all the Salavados brothers are convinced by “Laura Stuard.” Cameron will have to stretch her considerable skills to not get killed during this scheme.


by Kate Hoffmann

Do you have a forbidden fantasy? Shy author/research assistant Lily Hart does. Movie director Aidan Pierce has been the star attraction in Lily's steamy fantasies for more than a year. But when she unexpectedly runs into him for real, she doesn't know what to do. . . except slip into her alter ego--Lacey St. Clair, the pen name she's taken to write the deliciously racy The Ten-Minute Seduction!Aidan Pierce is used to Hollywood starlets on his arm and in his bed. Fabulous yet authentic Lacey isn't like them--and he likes that. But when he finds out she's really Lily Hart, he wonders if he can trust her. But he's not ready to relinquish the mind-shattering sex just yet. . . .


by Emily Duvall

When Melanie Cahill turned her back on Luke Harrison seven years ago, she cut ties with him completely. Not once has she checked on what happened to him. Nor does she care. Then her incarcerated brother asks her for an unthinkable favor that puts Melanie directly back in Luke's path. She needs uncomplicated. She needs easy. Luke has never been either. Luke hasn't forgotten about Melanie. He built himself a flawless reputation in the business of selling gemstones. There's room for few imperfections in his life, including Melanie. He sees through her the second she walks through his door. She wants something from him. If only the attraction didn't get in the way. If only he could put aside his selfish agenda. Luke puts her in an impossible situation... one that promises their past won't stay buried.

El incidente suizo: Un jefe ardiente. Enemigos de los amantes. Dulce comedia romántica.

by Amey Zeigler

Durante los últimos doce años, más de la mitad de su vida, Lainey Peterson se ha preparado para diseñar, crear y producir barras de chocolate de calidad. Pero cuando descubre que su pasantía de Chocolate en la prestigiosa Alpine Foods de Suiza ha sido cancelada, promete hacer lo que sea necesario para llegar a Chocolate. Yves Claremont, un jefe de departamento joven y ambicioso, sacrificaría todo para ascender a vicepresidente en Alpine Foods y redimir el nombre de su padre. Impresionado con el currículum y la encantadora determinación de Lainey, Yves le ofrece una pasantía en su departamento de Cuidado de Mascotas y le promete una recomendación para Chocolate si le va bien. Lainey se siente atraída por el enigmático y apasionado Yves Claremont. Él no puede ocultar su creciente atracción por ella. Pero las relaciones entre oficinistas están estrictamente prohibidas por Alpine Foods, y un compañero de trabajo perspicaz, celoso del éxito de Yves, socavará el futuro de Yves y Lainey de cualquier manera que pueda.

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