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Im Besitz von Frau Aa Ling: Die Geschichte von der "Dame der Nacht", die mich wirklich IN DIE HAND nahm!

by Mike Watson

Ach ja, das schöne "Aa Ling" ... oder sollte ich besser "Aa Chie" sagen, hehe, denn das war der Name, den sie mir gegeben hat. Die Realität mischte sich sozusagen mit kreativer Freiheit, und vieles von dem, was ich hier dargestellt habe, IST passiert – und obwohl dies eines meiner älteren Werke ist, überkommt mich immer noch ein Hauch von Nostalgie, wenn ich an sie denke. Ich habe seit Jahren nicht mehr mit ihr gesprochen - - aber ich wünsche ihr das Allerbeste, wo immer sie ist! Zusammenfassung - Ein I.T. Profi wird von "mageren Zeiten" getroffen und zieht nach Südchina, wo er in einem örtlichen "Bordell" (brothel) die wunderschöne und ach so dominante aus dem Wort GO "Aa Ling" trifft. Er lernt schnell, dass SEINE Wünsche nicht zählen - und er lernt auch schnell die Bedeutung dessen, was ich so oft sage, dass es bei echter Domina NICHT um Aussehen - oder "Körpertyp" - oder irgendwelche äußeren "Nuancen" geht. Eine Dame der Nacht kann Sie dominieren - - und Sie in der Hand halten - - wie sie es VERDIENT - - genau wie jede andere Dame - - und dieses Buch ist der lebende "Beweis" dieser Tatsache! WAHRE (und beachten Sie - ich spreche nicht von "Topping from the Bottom"!!) Domina-Liebhaber - Sie sollten sich das JETZT schnappen.

Im Alleingang (Spielzüge #1)

by Avon Gale Jutta Grobleben

Ein Titel der Spielzüge SerieDie Zukunft des zwanzig Jahre alten Lane Courtnall sieht rosig aus, nachdem er gedraftet wurde, für die Jacksonville Sea Storm zu spielen, dem Farmteam einer NHL-Mannschaft, auch wenn er sich als schwuler Mann in der Minor League unwohl fühlt. Er hat sich schon mehr als einmal im Ton vergriffen und damit seine Mannschaftskameraden gegen sich aufgebracht. Dann gerät er in einem Spiel gegen die Savannah Renegades, die Rivalen seiner Mannschaft, in einen Kampf mit dem Enforcer Jared Shore, bei dem die Handschuhe fliegen. Eine seltsame Art, eine Beziehung zu beginnen. Jared hat den Großteil seiner Karriere in den Minor Leagues gespielt. Er ist bisexuell und es kümmert ihn nicht, wer darüber Bescheid weiß. Aber er ist entschlossen, sich nicht wieder auf eine Affäre einzulassen, nachdem seine letzte ihn am Boden zerstört zurückgelassen hat. Aber vollkommen unerwartet führt ein One Night Stand mit dem Neuling Lane Courtnall dazu, dass er diesen Entschluss überdenkt. Durch Lane erinnert Jared sich daran, warum er das Spiel liebt und warum es sich lohnen könnte, sein Herz zu riskieren. Im Gegenzug hofft Jared, dass er Lane zeigen kann, wie er sich auf dem Eis, und abseits davon, in seiner Haut wohlfühlen kann. Aber sie befinden sich an unterschiedlichen Punkten in ihrer Karriere, und beide Männer müssen entscheiden, was ihnen am wichtigsten ist.


by Rick R. Reed

3rd EditionThe Internet is the new meat market for gay men. Now a killer is turning the meat market into a meat wagon. One by one, he's killing them. Lurking in the digital underworld of, he lures, seduces, and charms, reaching out through instant messages to the unwary. When the first body surfaces, openly gay Chicago Police Department detective Ed Comparetto is called in to investigate. At the scene, the young man who discovered the body tells him the story of how he found his friend. But did this witness play a bigger role in the murder than he's letting on? For Comparetto, this encounter is the beginning of a nightmare--because this witness did more than just show up at the scene of the crime; he set the scene. Comparetto is on a journey to discover the truth--before he loses his career, his boyfriend, his sanity... his life. Because in this killer's world, IM doesn't stand for instant message... it stands for instant murder.First Edition published by Regal Crest/Quest, May 2007.Second Edition published by MLR Press, February 2009.

Los Ilustres Vínculos del Sr. Darcy.

by Abigail Reynolds Denise De Nikle

Hay una sola cosa en la que el afamado libertino Lord Charles Carlisle, y su primo, Fitzwilliam Darcy pueden estar de acuerdo: una fiesta de campo organizada por la Marquesa de Bentham está destinada a ser insoportablemente aburrida. Para aliviar su aburrimiento, Lord Charles apuesta a que puede seducir a la bella amiga de su hermana durante su estadía en Bentham Park. Después de todo, eso es dinero fácil para un seductor experimentado. ¿Por qué le importaría si su serio primo no aprueba este comportamiento? Pero Darcy descubre que su nueva víctima no es otra que Elizabeth Bennet, la mujer que rechazó su propuesta de matrimonio. Él no puede quedarse mirando cómo la mujer a la que aún ama es cruelmente arruinada. Lo que él no sabe es que Lord Charles guarda un oscuro secreto, y sus atenciones para con Elizabeth pueden no ser lo que parecen. Luego de un rescate de media noche, encuentros clandestinos, un hijo perdido años atrás, conspiraciones, extorsiones, y un intento de huída, todos pueden estar de acuerdo en que esta fiesta lo es todo, excepto aburrida.

Ilusões do Coração

by Julia Sutton

O primeiro ano na Universidade Chattlesbury está chegando ao fim. Cinco estudantes tornaram-se amigos e suas vidas estão progredindo tanto academicamente quanto pessoalmente. Forçado a amadurecer cedo demais, a vida de Will pode ser a mesma novamente? Prejudicada pela perda pessoal, Evelyn pode superar sua dor? Segredos e revelações ameaçam destruir o mundo que Sophie conhece. O crescente amor de Juliette por um homem pode superar a oposição daqueles ao seu redor? Ann está se esforçando para conseguir a única coisa que vai conseguir preenchê-la. Vida e sonhos colidem em “Ilusões do Coração”, com cinco personagens enfrentando novos desafios. É uma estória edificante de otimismo, amor, perda e tenacidade do espírito humano.

Una ilusión como lo nuestro

by Elsa Jenner

¡Llega a Montena la autora revelación del mundo de la autopublicación: Elsa Jenner! PARA BIEN O PARA MAL, EL PODER DE LA ILUSIÓN NO TIENE LÍMITES. Adriana llega a Barcelona dispuesta a comerse el mundo, pero la escuela Carme Barrat tiene planes muy distintos para ella. El éxito posee un lado oscuro y la oscuridad siempre es peligrosa. ¿Hasta dónde estará dispuesta a llegar para lograr su sueño? ENIGMÁTICA, SEXI Y PROVOCADORA. LA NUEVA OBRA DE ELSA JENNER. Autora de la saga A bordo y de las novelas Seamos historia, El comandante, El lado oscuro del cazador (su primer thriller romántico) y Mil veranos contigo, que se situó en los primeros puestos del ranking del premio literario Amazon Storyteller y que fue publicada por Suma en 2022. Una ilusión como lo nuestro supone un nuevo reto en su carrera literaria y una prueba más del amor que Elsa dedica a sus historias para brindar lamejor experiencia al lector.

A Ilusão de Merit

by Colleen Hoover

Prémio Goodreads para Melhor Romance N.º 1 do New York Times «Nem todos os erros merecem ser punidos. Por vezes, merecem apenas perdão.» Merit Voss tem uma vida pouco normal. Vive numa igreja reconvertida com uma família disfuncional e pouco ortodoxa: a mãe, sobrevivente de cancro, ocupa um quarto na cave, o pai é agora casado com a antiga enfermeira da mãe, o meio-irmão mais novo não pode comer nem fazer nada que seja pertido e tanto o irmão mais velho como a sua irmã gémea, Honor, são a imagem absurda da perfeição. E Merit sente que nunca será assim. Merit coleciona troféus que não ganhou e segredos de família que é obrigada a guardar. Numa visita a um antiquário em busca do próximo troféu, Merit conhece Sagan, que logo a deixa completamente desarmada e com um novo brilho nos olhos ? até ela perceber que ele é inalcançável. Cansada de se sentir invisível, e cada vez mais mergulhada no abismo, Merit decide acabar com a ilusão da família perfeita e revelar a verdade há tanto tempo escondida. Mas não estará Merit também a esconder a verdade sobre si mesma? Os elogios da crítica: «Merit é complexa e encantadora no seu combate contra a depressão. E a escrita de Hoover brilha, ao revelar uma luz de esperança numa casa disfuncional.» - Booklist


by Elizabeth Hand

Madeleine and Rogan are first cousins, best friends, twinned souls, each other’s first love. Even within their large, disorderly family-all descendants of a famous actress-their intensity and passion for theater sets them apart. It makes them a little dangerous. When they are cast in their school’s production of Twelfth Night, they are forced to face their separate talents and futures, and their future together. This masterful short novel, winner of the World Fantasy Award, is magic on paper. .

Illusions - Vaganti della notte 4

by Kristen Middleton Anna Sigillo

Ultimo libro della Saga Vaganti della Notte! Determinati a trovare Anne, Nikki e Nathan partecipano al suo finto funerale a Shore Lake. Nel frattempo, Duncan scompare dopo aver condotto delle indagini per conto suo sulla scomparsa di Anne, mentre il fratello di Celeste, Martin, torna in Montana per vendicare la morte di suo padre. In quest'ultimo libro, le illusioni saranno svelate, le bugie scoperte, e l'amore verrà ancora una volta messo alla prova. Nikki sarà in grado di scoprire finalmente la verità su quello che accade a Shore Lake, oppure sarà ancora una volta una pedina nella mente malata di un nemico della cui esistenza non si rende nemmeno conto?

Illusions of Love: A Novel

by Cynthia Freeman

A long-denied love reignites after decades—and puts a marriage at risk—in this &“absorbing&” New York Times bestseller (People). Twenty-five years ago, Martin Roth made the most difficult decision of his life. He gave up the girl he loved, married a different woman, and raised a family. But he&’s just been given another shot at happiness. Sylvia has loved Martin since she was a young girl. They have two great children and a wonderful life together—until a love from Martin&’s past threatens everything she&’s worked so hard to build. Jenny McCoy can&’t believe she and Martin have found each other again—but she&’s never gotten over his cruel betrayal. Is she ready to forgive the sins of the past for a second chance? Moving between countries and across time, Illusions of Love tells the story of a man, his heritage, and the crisis of faith that brings his life to a crossroads.

Illusions of Happiness

by Elizabeth Lord

“A somber yet intriguing historical saga with a satisfying ending that will appeal to fans of Danielle Steel.” —Booklist Madeleine Ingleton returns home from her Swiss finishing school to a whirlwind of social engagements and parties—and to Hamilton Bramwell, the wealthy and agreeable young man whom her parents are determined she marry. Instead, Madeleine’s eye is caught by a young milkman, and she experiences feelings that lead to disaster. She soon finds herself friendless and homeless, until a chance meeting offers her hope for the future. But she has a tough decision to make, which will change her life forever.

Illusions of Fate

by Kiersten White

Dive into a world of enchantment and romance in this lush fantasy, which Stephanie Perkins, international bestselling author of Anna and the French Kiss, called "an absolute delight--a magical, sparkling, dangerous world with witty repartee and a romance that will light your heart on fire." Fans of Libba Bray and Cassandra Clare will fall in love with this captivating stand-alone novel from Kiersten White, New York Times bestselling author of the Paranormalcy trilogy.Jessamin has been an outcast since she moved from her island home of Melei to the dreary country of Albion. Everything changes when she meets the gorgeous, enigmatic Finn, who introduces her to the secret world of Albion's nobility, a world that has everything Jessamin doesn't--power, money, status . . . and magic. But Finn has secrets of his own, and the vicious Lord Downpike will do anything to possess them. Unless Jessamin, armed only with her wits, can stop him.

Illusions et faux-semblants (THIRDS #7)

by Ingrid Lecouvez Charlie Cochet

Dexter J. Daley n’a jamais eu la vie facile, mais il a toujours trouvé une façon de relever la tête et d’avancer avec le sourire. Enlevé chez lui des bras de Sloane Brodie, son compagnon et partenaire au THIRDS, Dex se retrouve dans une situation aussi mystérieuse et dangereuse que l’est le Therian qui le questionne. Il se voit également confirmer ce qu’il a toujours secrètement pensé : la mort de ses parents n’était pas un accident. Découvrir toute la vérité sur les meurtres de John et Gina Daley enclenche une série d’événements qui changera à jamais les vies de Dex et Sloane. Alors que les secrets enfouis refont surface et que de nouvelles vérités sont révélées, l’amour que se portent Dex et Sloane est mis à l’épreuve avec, en jeu, bien plus que leur relation. Et si traverser ces eaux emplies de meurtres et d’agences gouvernementales secrètes ne suffisait pas, une chose inexplicable arrive à Dex… et rien ne sera plus jamais pareil.

Illusions & Dreams

by Z. Allora

After Randy Camster failed at marriage, his life centered around work, TV sports, and listening to his friend Jake complain about how Randy's lack of a sex life will be the downfall of mankind. Not true! Well, not totally. Randy has just never understood the fascination with sex... until ladyboy performer Lalana Dulyarat shimmies into his world via an Internet ad for Thailand tourism. After that, it doesn't take much for Jake to convince Randy to take a Bang Cock vacation. Finding an adorable little imp named Boon-nam wasn't on Jake O'Neil's itinerary. Gay, straight, and undecided, Jake has had 'em all, but never a virgin aching to explore her new body after successful affirmation surgery. Talk about pressure. And what's with everyone warning him not to break Boon-nam's heart? His is the one in danger. Jake's openness about sexuality has always made Randy wonder if he is too focused on gender. Lalana is even more beautiful in real life than he'd hoped, but she's keeping her "male parts" and has no intention of ever having surgery. Does it really matter? A return ticket to reality awaits. The clock is ticking on the two couples' hopes for love, unless they can find a way to span gender, culture, and half a world. 2015 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention

Illusions: A Novel

by Janet Dailey

Delaney Westcott is a beautiful career woman in a man's world. Owner and chief asset of a personal security business -- where she guards the rich and famous from the unwanted attention of friends and enemies -- she can take care of herself. Except for the one time she didn't: when she fell headlong for handsome cowboy Jared McCallister, a man she couldn't have.After it ended suddenly, Delaney threw herself into her work with a fury and intensity calculated to erase every other thought from her mind. And she promised that she'd never let any man touch her so deeply again. Ever.But when Delaney finds herself in Jared's hometown of Aspen, Colorado, on a dangerous job, she begins to wonder if she is strong enough to refuse him a second time...


by S. A. Ozment

Ever since arriving in Hollywood, Skylar Murphy has been loving life. He's starring in a hit television show and on the verge of grabbing the lead role in the most anticipated movie of the decade. Poised on the edge of superstardom, he doesn't want or need any complications to distract him from that goal. Whether he's sleeping with a woman or a man, his noncommittal, no-strings-attached love life suits him perfectly, and despite his rep for playing gay roles, the world still thinks he's straight. At the launch party for his new show, Skylar meets Aiden Moore, an openly gay firefighter by day and cater waiter to the stars by night. Skylar is immediately attracted to him, but Aiden rejects him. When an arsonist appears to have targeted Skylar, their paths keep crossing. Always up for a challenge, Skylar works to win Aiden over, and he agrees to a date. Soon enough they can't stay away from each other. Despite hiding their relationship away from the ever-present paparazzi, they're happy together until a jilted fan joins forces with the arsonist to sabotage their future.

Illusions (Laurel #3)

by Aprilynne Pike

"I don't do patrols, I don't go hunting, I just stick close to you. You live your life. I'll keep you safe," Tamani said, sweeping a lock of hair from her face. "Or die trying." Laurel hasn't seen Tamani since she begged him to let her go last year. Though her heart still aches, Laurel is confident that David was the right choice. But just as life returns to normal, Laurel realizes that a hidden enemy lies in wait. Once again, Laurel must turn to Tamani to protect and guide her, for the danger that now threatens Avalon is one that no faerie thought would ever be possible. And for the first time, Laurel cannot be sure that her side will prevail.

The Illusionist's Apprentice

by Kristy Cambron

Not all illusions happen on the stage. Wren Lockhart, apprentice to master illusionist Harry Houdini, uses life on a vaudeville stage to escape the pain of her past. She continues her career of illusion after her mentor’s death, intent on burying her true identity. But when a rival performer’s act goes tragically wrong, the newly formed FBI calls on Wren to speak the truth—and reveal her real name to the world. She transfers her skills for misdirection from the stage to the back halls of vaudeville, as she finds herself the unlikely partner in the FBI’s investigation. All the while Houdini’s words echo in her mind: Whatever occurs, the crowd must believe it’s what you meant to happen. She knows that if anyone digs too deep, secrets long kept hidden may find their way to the surface—and shatter her carefully controlled world. Set during one of the richest, most vibrant eras in American history, this Jazz Age novel of illusion, suspense, and forgotten pasts is perfect for fans of The Magician’s Lie, challenging all to find the underpinnings of faith on their own life’s stage. “Prepare to be amazed by The Illusionist's Apprentice.” —Greer Macallister, bestselling author of The Magician's Lie and Girl in Disguise

The Illusionist

by Françoise Mallet-Joris Terry Castle

Bored and lonely, 15-year-old Hélène decides to pay a visit to her father's mistress. Within days, she is captivated by Tamara, a Russian émigré whose arts of enchantment include lingering kisses, sudden dismissals, and savage, rapturous reunions. As long as she submits to Tamara, Hélène is permitted to stay near her: reading forbidden novels, meeting Tamara's bohemian friends, and learning more "refinements of depravity" than the gossiping matrons of her provincial French town could imagine existed.Flemish writer Françoise Mallet-Joris was 20 years old in 1951 when her first novel, Le Rempart des Beguines - published in English as The Illusionist - created a sensation in France. This contemplative, beautifully written book, with its dark undercurrents of desire, has its origins in Madame Bovary and the novels of Colette, and was a precursor to Françoise Sagan's similarly themed Bonjour Tristesse.


by Zoraida Córdova

The most wanted rebel returns in Zoraida Córdova's gripping conclusion to the Hollow Crown duology.For years, she was wielded as a weapon. Now it's her time to fight back.Reeling from betrayal at the hands of the Whispers, Renata has few options and fewer allies. Reluctantly, she agrees to join forces with Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy. Their goals: find the fabled Knife of Memory, kill the ruthless King Fernando, and bring peace to the nation. Together, Renata and Castian have a chance to save everything, if only they can set aside their complex and intense feelings for each other. Renata's heart may still beat for Dez, but as the danger of their quest increases, so does her attraction to Castian. With the king's forces on their heels at every turn, there is little room for mistakes. A dark, twisted history lies behind the elusive weapon, and the fate of the kingdom is held in the balance. Still, the greatest danger is within Renata - the Gray, her fortress of stolen memories, has begun to crumble, threatening her grip on reality. She'll have to control her magics, her mind, and her heart to unlock her power and protect the Moria people once and for all. In this thrilling conclusion to the Hollow Crown duology, Zoraida Córdova weaves an epic finale brimming with adventure, romance, and justice.Praise for Zoraida Córdova'Epic and spellbinding' Dhonielle Clayton, New York Times bestselling author of The Belles series'Compelling' Sara Holland, New York Times bestselling author of Everless'Brilliant' Kat Howard, author of An Unkindness of Magicians

Illusionary (Hollow Crown #2)

by Zoraida Córdova

In this thrilling adventure, our magical heroine embarks on a dangerous journey in order to bring justice to the kingdom—perfect for fans of Sabaa Tahir and Sarah J. Maas. Reeling from betrayal at the hands of the Whispers, Renata Convida is a girl on the run. With few options and fewer allies, she's reluctantly joined forces with none other than Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy. They're united by lofty goals: find the fabled Knife of Memory, kill the ruthless King Fernando, and bring peace to the nation. Together, Ren and Castian have a chance to save everything, if only they can set aside their complex and intense feelings for each other.With the king's forces on their heels at every turn, their quest across Puerto Leones and beyond leaves little room for mistakes. But the greatest danger is within Ren. The Gray, her fortress of stolen memories, has begun to crumble, threatening her grip on reality. She'll have to control her magics—and her mind—to unlock her power and protect the Moria people once and for all.For years, she was wielded as weapon. Now it's her time to fight back.

Illusionary (Hollow Crown)

by Zoraida Córdova

The most wanted rebel returns in Zoraida Córdova's gripping conclusion to the Hollow Crown duology.For years, she was wielded as a weapon. Now it's her time to fight back. Reeling from betrayal at the hands of the Whispers, Renata Convida is a girl on the run. With few options and fewer allies, she's reluctantly joined forces with none other than Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy. They're united by a lofty goal: find the fabled Knife of Memory, kill the ruthless King Fernando, and bring peace to the nation. Together, Ren and Castian have a chance to save everything, if only they can set aside their complex and intense feelings for each other. With the king's forces on their heels at every turn, their quest across Puerto Leones and beyond leaves little room for mistakes. But the greatest danger is within Ren-the Gray, her fortress of stolen memories, has begun to crumble, threatening her grip on reality. She'll have to control her magics-and her mind-to unlock her power and protect the Moria people once and for all. The most wanted rebel returns in Zoraida Córdova's gripping conclusion to the Hollow Crown duology.(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Illusion Town

by Jayne Castle

A new adventure begins on Harmony… <P><P> With its opulent casinos and hotels, the desert city of Illusion Town is totally unique—and will take you on a thrill ride you’ll never forget.<P> Hannah West isn’t the first woman to wake up in Illusion Town married to a man she barely knows, but she has no memory of the ceremony at all. For that matter, neither does Elias Coppersmith, her new husband. All either can remember is that they were on the run…<P> With Hannah’s dubious background and shaky para-psych profile, she could have done much worse. The cooly competent mining heir arouses her curiosity—as well as other parts of her mind and body. And even her dust bunny likes him.<P> But a honeymoon spent retracing their footsteps leads Hannah and Elias into the twisting underground catacombs, where secrets from both their pasts will come to light—and where the energy of their clashing auras will grow hot enough to burn… <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Illusion Town (Harmony #8)

by Jayne Castle

A new adventure begins on Harmony . . . Hannah West isn't the first woman to wake up in Illusion Town married to a man she barely knows, but she has no memory of the ceremony at all. For that matter, neither does Elias Coppersmith, her new husband. All either can remember is that they were on the run . . . With Hannah's dubious background and shaky para-psych profile, she could have done much worse. The cooly competent mining heir arouses her curiosity - as well as other parts of her mind and body. And even her dust bunny likes him. But a honeymoon spent retracing their footsteps leads Hannah and Elias into the twisting underground catacombs, where secrets from both their pasts will come to light - and where the energy of their clashing auras will grow hot enough to burn . . .Praise for Jayne Castle:A new adventure begins on Harmony . . . Welcome to Illusion Town, a desert city filled with opulent casinos and hotels - and home to a thrilling ride you'll never forget.Hannah West isn't the first woman to wake up in Illusion Town married to a man she barely knows, but she has no memory of the ceremony at all. For that matter, neither does Elias Coppersmith, her new husband. All they can remember is that they were on the run . . . With Hannah's dubious background and shaky para-psych profile, she could have done much worse. The coolly competent mining heir arouses her curiosity - as well as other parts of her mind and body. And even her dust bunny likes him.But a honeymoon spent retracing their footsteps leads Hannah and Elias into the twisting underground catacombs, where secrets from both their pasts will come to light-and where the energy of their clashing auras will grow hot enough to burn . . .'You are always guaranteed a marvelous read with a Castle book' RT Book Reviews'A suspenseful tale complete with murder, mayhem, and escalating danger . . . best dust bunny EVER' Caffeinated Book Reviewer'A riveting plot filled with plenty of sexy twists and dangerous turns' Booklist

Illusion Of Night

by C. J. Black

Let CJ Black take you on an epic journey, where the battle between humans and specters rages on. Dane Tanderes leads his army against a cruel and vicious lord. When Dane captures the lord's son, he devises a plan to use his prisoner in a bid to win the war. But when unexpected passion flares, Dane must make a choice that could cost his people their only chance to return to the light. A spectral war has torn the veils that separate life and death into pieces. Beings of the darkness slip through these rifts as armies of man wage a losing battle against the corporeal invaders.Dane Tanderes was once a mortal man condemned to an unjust death, cursed to live as a fiend until such time as the gods decree him worthy of forgiveness. Now that he has escaped back to the world of the living he is determined to never again live in darkness. Dane is instrumental in the war against those he once called brethren, fighting to give his people a chance return to the light.Vanlyn Sarn is the second son of a cruel lord. He lives a life of one of misery and degradation, despised by his brother and father for reasons known only to them. He is tasked by his father to journey deep into enemy territory and escort troops to aid in the fighting. However, Vanlyn knows the true nature of this mission. He is not expected to return.When Dane takes Vanlyn prisoner, he plans to use the young prince as a pawn to seduce Vanlyn into betraying his kingdom and his people. But passion ignites red hot and Dane is torn between his burgeoning feelings for the young prince and doing what his honor demands. Which decision will lead him to what he desires most?Content Notes: graphic m/m sex, spanking, bondage

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