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by Molly Cochran

An "exciting and well-written tale of contemporary witchcraft and romance" that will "please the legions of paranormal fans looking for a sophisticated supernatural thriller" (Publishers Weekly).When her widowed father dumps sixteen-year-old Katy Jessevar in a boarding school in Whitfield, Massachusetts, she has no idea that fate has just opened the door to both her future and her past. Nearly everyone in Whitfield is a witch, as is Katy herself, although she has struggled all her life to hide her unusual talents. Stuck at a boarding school where her fellow students seem to despise her, Katy soon discovers that Whitfield is the place where her mother committed suicide under mysterious circumstances when Katy was just a small child. With dark forces converging on Whitfield, it's up to Katy to unravel her family's many secrets to save the boy she loves--and the town itself--from destruction. Legacy is a compelling tale that is as believable as it is magical, and the irresistible romance continues in Poison, its sequel.


by Molly Cochran

When her widowed father exiles sixteen-year-old Katy Jessevar to a boarding school in Whitfield, Massachusetts, she has no idea that fate has just opened the door to both her future and her past. At school her fellow students instantly despise her, and Katy pieces together clues to learn that Whitfield is the place where her mother committed suicide under mysterious circumstances when Katy was just a small child. Like many of the New England families in Whitfield, her mother was from an old witching line, and Katy discovers that she too possesses special powers. With dark forces converging on Whitfield, it's up to Katy to unravel her family's many secrets to save the boy she loves--and the town itself--from destruction.


by Molly Cochran

Arthurian legend mixes with modern-day witchcraft in this haunting sequel to Legacy, which Publishers Weekly said "should please the legions of paranormal fans looking for a sophisticated supernatural thriller." After the riveting--and romantic--events of Legacy, Katy has won Peter's heart and is now claiming her place in the magical world. Though half the students at her boarding school come from witching lines, the use of magic is expressly forbidden at Ainsworth, so as to keep the witching world hidden from the blue-blooded preppies, aka Muffies, who also walk the halls. But the Muffies have at least a notion of magic, because Katy catches them staging a made-up ritual--and to her astonishment, the girls collapse at Katy's feet and fall into comas. When Katy is blamed, she becomes desperate to clear her name and finds herself battling all odds to harness her growing magical powers in order to save the Muffies and dispel the Darkness once more.


by Molly Cochran

The Darkness follows Katy to Paris in the final book in New York Times bestselling author Molly Cochran's Legacy trilogy, rife with paranormal witchcraft and romance.Katy can't stand the fact that her boyfriend, Peter, has changed so much since his wealthy uncle Jeremiah took him under his wing. In a fit of rebellion, she flies to Paris to attend cooking school. Lonely, she visits a schoolmate, Fabienne, who lives in a beautiful mansion in Paris. But it's Peter who answers the door. Katy is devastated that Peter is in Paris--on business for his uncle, he claims--and didn't tell her. Soon Katy is wrapped up in the mysteries of the strange house, which is occupied by only beautiful, shallow people. And they don't seem to age. Then an accidental trip through the underground passages of Paris leads Katy to the discovery of an ancient book that just might hold the secrets to the mansion...


by Molly Cochran

In the e-only companion to Molly Cochran's Legacy and Poison, Kaity Ainsworth learns that wishes come with consequences.On Walpurgisnacht, where it is said that fairies abound, Katy meets a troubled fairy who must grant her every wish. But her wish for Peter to love her madly quickly backfires when he follows her around obsessively and weeps over her inattention. So Katy tries a different approach--but a wish for popularity brings about trouble as well. Can her good intentions make up for the misfortune and disappointment that seem to follow every wish? Katy must battle the magic of the Fairy Queen and her henchman to undo the spells--but can she truly repair the damage she's done?

Mean Season

by Heather Cochran

What would you do if a movie star was living under your roof?Prepping for his new movie in the tiny town of Pinecob, West Virginia, up-and-coming actor Joshua Reed lands himself another drunk-driving conviction, this time involving a stolen limo, a dark country road and a cow. Rather than let him rot in jail for the summer, twenty-five-year-old Leanne Gitlin, his fan club president, agrees to vouch for him so he can serve out his sentence under house arrest. In her home.But playing the gracious guest isn't in Joshua Reed's repertoire. And while everyone in town is thinking up excuses to drop by the Gitlin house, Leanne quickly finds herself counting the days until her famous visitor leaves.Leanne, the youngest of five, watched her family fall apart and dutifully stayed put to help her mother pick up the pieces. Stuck in Pinecob, she was itching for something new, but Joshua Reed's media circus isn't quite what she had in mind.In a debut novel as endearing as it is wise, Heather Cochran has whipped up one season the town of Pinecob won't soon forget.

Amore in opposizione

by Charlie Cochet Claudia Nogara

Lo stagista americano Kelly Sutton è entusiasta di essere stato accolto alla prestigiosa Photonic Royal Society di New London. Da più di un anno collabora al Progetto Marte, una missione così segreta che nemmeno lui ne conosce i dettagli. L’unica cosa di cui è certo è che i suoi studi contribuiranno ad aiutare l’umanità, e questo gli basta. L’ordinato mondo di Kelly finisce sottosopra quando le preoccupazioni per lo strano comportamento del suo mentore lo portano a indagare e scoprire una crudele verità. Quello che doveva essere un progetto volto a migliorare la vita umana si rivela una ricerca che potrebbe portare alla distruzione di massa. La terrificante scoperta obbliga Kelly a scegliere tra guardare dall’altra parte per mantenere il suo incarico, come ha sempre fatto, o rischiare la carriera e forse persino la vita per fare la cosa giusta e salvare l’uomo che ha conquistato il suo cuore.

À feu et à sang (THIRDS #2)

by Charlie Cochet Ingrid Lecouvez

Suite de Contre vents et maréesTHIRDS, tome 2Quand une série de bombes explosent dans un Centre de Jeunesse Therian, blessant les membres du THIRDS de l'équipe Destructive Delta, et provoquant un désaccord entre les agents Dexter J. Daley et Sloane Brodie, la paix semble impossible à atteindre. Plus encore quand un nouveau groupe semant la terreur, l'Ordre d'Adrasteia a toujours l'air d'avoir une longueur d'avance. Avec la panique et l'intolérance qui se propagent, et les rues jonchées de la propagande de l'Ordre, l'hostilité entre humains et Therians croît à mesure que les jours passent. Dex et Sloane, avec le reste de l'équipe, sont déterminés à faire tomber l'Ordre et à rétablir la paix, sans parler de régler un différend personnel. Mais plus l'équipe s'investit dans l'enquête sur les attentats, plus ils croient à un motif plus sinistre que le simple désir de répandre le sang et semer le chaos. Quand il découvre l'horrible vérité derrière les intentions de l'Ordre, Sloane est forcé de faire face aux secrets d'un passé qu'il pensait avoir à tout jamais laissé derrière lui, un passé qui pourrait non seulement le détruire, ainsi que sa carrière, mais aussi la réputation de l'organisation qui a fait de lui ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. Maintenant plus que jamais, Dex et Sloane ont besoin l'un de l'autre, et, avec la confiance, la force de leur lien fera la différence entre la justice et la guerre totale.

Champs de ruines (Thirds Ser. #3)

by Charlie Cochet Ingrid Lecouvez

Suite de À feu & à sangTHIRDS, tome 3Les rues de New York sont plus dangereuses que jamais maintenant que l'Ordre d'Adrasteia se retrouve sans leader, et la Coalition Ikelos, un groupe Therian nouvellement apparu, en guerre. Des civils innocents sont pris entre deux feux et bien que le THIRDS rassemble de plus en plus de membres de l'Ordre dans l'espoir d'empêcher le groupe volatil de se réorganiser, les membres de la Coalition continuent de s'échapper et de causer des ravages au nom d'une justice de défense auto proclamée. Pire encore, quelqu'un à l'intérieur du THIRDS fournit des informations à la Coalition. C'est à Destructive Delta que revient la tâche de débusquer la taupe et de mettre fin à la guerre avant que quelqu'un d'autre soit blessé. Mais pour remplir cette mission, l'équipe devra accepter les séquelles causées par l'explosion du Centre de Jeunesse Therian. Un accrochage avec des membres de la Coalition conduit l'Agent Dexter J. Daley à une découverte choquante et soudain, il devient clair que la violence aléatoire n'est pas si aléatoire qu'elle en a l'air. Ce qui se trame est plus important que Dex et Sloane le croyaient à l'origine, et leur fougueux partenariat est mis à l'épreuve. Alors que l'affaire prend une tournure explosive, Dex et Sloane courent le danger de perdre plus que leur relation.

Contre vents et marées (THIRDS #1)

by Charlie Cochet Ingrid Lecouvez

THIRDS, tome 1Lorsque le témoignage de Dexter J. Daley, inspecteur aux Homicides, aide à envoyer son partenaire en prison pour meurtre, les conséquences - et la frénésie médiatique - ne sont pas loin derrière lui. Il se retrouve très vite sans compagnon, sans amis, et, après une rencontre désagréable dans un parking après le procès, il a de la chance de ne pas se retrouver sans dents. Dex craint d'être transféré des Forces de Police Humaine du commissariat de la Sixième Avenue, ou pire, de se faire renvoyer. Mais son père adoptif - un sergent de la Section Défense Reconnaissance Intelligence Humains Therians, autrement connue sous le nom de THIRDS - tire quelques ficelles, et Dex est recruté en tant qu'agent de l'unité Défense. Dex est déterminé à reprendre sa vie en main et il est impatient de commencer son nouveau travail. Mais sa première rencontre avec le chef d'équipe Sloane Brodie, un jaguar therian qui se trouve également être son nouveau partenaire, tourne au désastre. Quand l'équipe est appelée à enquêter sur les meurtres de trois militants HumaniTherians, il devient vite évident pour Dex que se faire accepter par son coéquipier et le reste de l'équipe très unie sera beaucoup plus difficile que d'attraper le tueur - et tout aussi dangereux.

Grandeur et décadence (THIRDS #4)

by Charlie Cochet Ingrid Lecouvez

Suite de Champs de ruinesTHIRDS, tome 4Sloane Brodie, chef d’équipe du THIRDS, est gravement blessé après une attaque de la Coalition et l’Agent Dexter J. Daley jure de faire payer Beck Hogan pour ce qu’il a fait. Mais les plans de vengeance de Dex tournent court. Avec Ash en arrêt, récupérant toujours de ses propres blessures, Sloane à l’hôpital, et Destructive Delta dans la ligne de mire de la Coalition, le Lieutenant Sparks ne veut prendre aucun risque. L’affaire est retirée des mains de l’équipe de Dex, l’enquête étant confiée au chef d’équipe Sebastian Hobbs. Dex refuse d’être mis à l’écart alors qu’une autre équipe se lance après Hogan, et il décide de mettre ses anciens talents d’inspecteur des FPH à l’œuvre pour trouver Hogan avant Theta Destructive, quel qu’en soit le prix. Avec un rétablissement long et douloureux qui l’attend, Sloane n’a vraiment pas besoin d’un partenaire qui ratisse la ville, surtout quand les mensonges – même s’ils sont bien intentionnés – commencent à s’accumuler rapidement et prendre des proportions démesurées. Le désir de vengeance ne lui est que trop familier, mais certaines choses sont plus importantes, comme l’homme qui a promis de se tenir à ses côtés. Alors que Dex s’aventure sur un chemin obscur, c’est à Sloane de lui montrer ce qui est en jeu, et finalement mettre un nom sur ce qui sommeille dans son cœur.

Liebe gegen den Strich

by Charlie Cochet A. D. Ferencz

Kelly Sutton ist ein ehrgeiziger junger Amerikaner, der als Praktikant bei der Photonic Royal Society in New London arbeitet. Seit über einem Jahr ist er dem Projekt Mars zugeteilt, das so geheim ist, dass selbst Kelly nicht weiß, worum es sich dabei genau handelt. Er weiß nur, dass seine Mitarbeit an dem Projekt zum Wohl der Menschheit ist. Und mehr interessiert ihn auch nicht. Kellys Welt wird auf den Kopf gestellt, als ihn die Sorge um das merkwürdige Verhalten seines Mentors zufällig über ein streng gehütetes, fürchterliches Geheimnis stolpern lässt. Hinter dem Projekt, das offiziell der Verbesserung des menschlichen Lebens dienen soll, verbirgt sich das Potential zu Gewalt und Vernichtung. Diese schreckliche Erkenntnis zwingt Kelly zu einer Entscheidung. Soll er die Augen vor der Wahrheit verschließen und seinen Job behalten, wie er es immer getan hat, oder soll er seine Karriere riskieren und den Mann retten, der ihm das Herz geraubt hat?

Les mésaventures prometteuses de Chance (Les mésaventures prometteuses de l'amour #1)

by Charlie Cochet Céline Etcheberry

Les mésaventures prometteuses de l'amour, tome 1Chance Irving est un jeune homme qui a le don de se créer des ennuis - pas surprenant, car c'est tout ce qu'il a jamais connu. Après avoir perdu tout ce qui lui était cher lors d'une nuit fatidique, il décide de laisser New York et son passé derrière lui, et rejoint la Légion étrangère française. Mais même à Alger, Chance ne parvient pas à se débarrasser de ses anciennes habitudes, et il finit par être transféré vers une unité composée de marginaux et d'agitateurs comme lui - une unité qu'il intègre juste à temps pour être capturé et jeté dans une cellule avec son nouveau commandant, Jacky Valentine. Jacky est un commandant très respecté qui a un faible pour les cas désespérés, et le genre d'homme qui irait à la guerre pour quiconque, et les trois jeunes garçons tourmentés de son unité qu'il a plus ou moins adoptés pensent la même chose de lui. Soudain, Chance commence à penser que sa vie n'a pas à être aussi misérable et aride que les friches autour de lui. Mais même après leur évasion, avec la promesse d'un avenir avec Jacky pour lui remonter le moral, ou peut-être à cause de cela, Chance n'arrête pas de faire des erreurs. Il désobéit aux ordres, se déchaîne contre les garçons dont s'occupe Jacky, et s'autodétruit en plein cœur du désert, jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un lui fasse comprendre qu'il blesse plus que lui-même. Un titre 'Rêves Intemporel' : bien que la réaction face aux relations de même sexe à travers le temps et à travers les cultures n'ait pas toujours été positive, ces histoires célèbrent l'amour entre eux d'une manière qui peut évoquer, minimiser ou ignorer la stigmatisation historique.

Retour aux origines

by Charlie Cochet Myriam Abbas

Kelly Sutton, jeune homme enthousiaste , mais qui ne prend pas de risques est un interne américain à la Photonic Royal Society à la Nouvelle Londres. Il travaille sur le Projet Mars depuis plus d’un an, une mission gardée si secrète par la société que même Kelly ne sait pas exactement ce que c’est. Ce que Kelly sait, c’est que sa contribution à cette tâche profitera à l’humanité, et ça lui suffit. Le monde de Kelly se retrouve bouleversé quand le comportement de son mentor l’inquiète et l’amène à enquêter puis à tomber par hasard sur une vérité diabolique. Ce qui est censé être un projet pour faire progresser la vie humaine s’avère être une entreprise capable de destruction massive. La terrifiante réalité force Kelly à choisir entre détourner le regard pour garder son travail, comme il l’a toujours fait, ou risquer sa carrière et même sa vie pour faire ce qui est juste en sauvant l’homme qui a conquis son cœur.

Against the Grain (THIRDS #5)

by Charlie Cochet

Sequel to Rise & FallTHIRDS: Book FiveAs the fiercest Defense Agent at the THIRDS, Destructive Delta's Ash Keeler is foul-mouthed and foul-tempered. But his hard-lined approach always yields results, evident by his recent infiltration of the Coalition. Thanks to Ash's skills and the help of his team, they finally put an end to the murdering extremist group for good, though not before Ash takes a bullet to save teammate Cael Maddock. As a result, Ash's secrets start to surface, and he can no longer ignore what's in his heart. Cael Maddock is no stranger to heartache. As a Recon Agent for Destructive Delta, he has successfully maneuvered through the urban jungle that is New York City, picking up his own scars along the way. Yet nothing he's ever faced has been more of a challenge than the heart of Ash Keeler, his supposedly straight teammate. Being in love isn't the only danger he and Ash face as wounds reopen and new secrets emerge, forcing them to question old loyalties.

The Auspicious Troubles of Chance (The Auspicious Troubles of Love #1)

by Charlie Cochet

The Auspicious Troubles of Love: Book OneChance Irving is a young man with a gift for getting into trouble--not surprising, as trouble is all he's ever known. After losing everything he held dear one fateful night, he decides to leave New York and his past behind, and joins the French Foreign Legion. But even in Algiers, Chance can't seem to shake his old ways, and he ends up being transferred to a unit made up of misfits and rabble-rousers like him--a unit he finds just in time to be captured and thrown into a cell with his new commandant, Jacky Valentine. A highly respected commandant with a soft spot for hard luck cases, Jacky is the kind of guy who would go to war for you, and the three equally troubled youths from his unit he's more or less adopted feel the same way about him. Suddenly Chance starts to think that his life doesn't have to be as desolate and barren as the wastelands around him. But even after their escape, with the promise of a future with Jacky to buoy his spirits, or maybe because of it, Chance can't stop making mistakes. He disobeys orders, lashes out at the boys in Jacky's care, and blazes a trail of self-destruction across the desert--until someone makes him realize he's hurting more than just himself. A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.

Between the Devil and the Pacific Blue

by Charlie Cochet

For the last six months, Detective James Ralston has worked the nightshift as security for the Pacific Blue Hotel, and every night at 2 a.m. his rounds lead him to the radio room where the handsome and mysterious Franklin Fairchild sits listening to waltzes as old as the hotel itself. James is drawn to Franklin, but Franklin is a man at the end of his rope, and James has no intention of getting caught up in whatever trouble Franklin is in. A heated encounter late one night sends James down a disturbing path and has him questioning everything around him, including his very sanity.

Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts

by Charlie Cochet

Julian "Quinn" Quintero, a gruff, tough Miami SWAT officer, has been injured on the job, and all he's looking for is a little peace and quiet to recover--difficult to achieve with his large Cuban family. An adventure in picking up his prescriptions puts him in the path of his geeky, brownie-baking neighbor, Spencer Morgan. Spencer sweeps into Quinn's life like a tropical storm of sunshine and rainbows. Not surprisingly, it's chaos at first sight. Quinn's in need of a little tender loving care, and Spencer decides he's just the man for the job. Their very different lives might clash, but they might also find some common ground--and maybe more.

Blood & Thunder (THIRDS #2)

by Charlie Cochet

Sequel to Hell & High WaterTHIRDS: Book TwoWhen a series of bombs go off in a Therian youth center, injuring members of THIRDS Team Destructive Delta and causing a rift between agents Dexter J. Daley and Sloane Brodie, peace seems unattainable. Especially when a new and frightening group, the Order of Adrasteia, appears to always be a step ahead. With panic and intolerance spreading and streets becoming littered with the Order's propaganda, hostility between Humans and Therians grows daily. Dex and Sloane, along with the rest of the team, are determined to take down the Order and restore peace, not to mention settle a personal score. But the deeper the team investigates the bombings, the more they believe there's a more sinister motive than a desire to shed blood and spread chaos. Discovering the frightful truth behind the Order's intent forces Sloane to confront secrets from a past he thought he'd left behind for good, a past that could not only destroy him and his career, but also the reputation of the organization that made him all he is today. Now more than ever, Dex and Sloane need each other, and, along with trust, the strength of their bond will mean the difference between justice and all-out war.

Catch a Tiger by the Tail (THIRDS #6)

by Charlie Cochet

Sequel to Against the GrainTHIRDS: Book SixCalvin Summers and Ethan Hobbs have been best friends since childhood, but somewhere along the line, their friendship evolved into something more. With the Therian Youth Center bombing, Calvin realizes just how short life can be and no longer keeps his feelings for his best friend a secret. Unfortunately, change is difficult for Ethan; most days he does well to deal with his selective mutism and social anxiety. Calvin's confession adds a new struggle for Ethan, one he fears might cost him the friendship that's been his whole world for as long as he can remember. As partners and Defense Agents at the THIRDS, being on Destructive Delta is tough at the best of times, but between call-outs and life-threatening situations, Calvin and Ethan not only face traversing the challenges of their job, but also working toward a future as more than friends.

Darkest Hour Before Dawn (THIRDS #9)

by Charlie Cochet

Sequel to Thick & ThinTHIRDS: Book NineTHIRDS Team Leader Sebastian Hobbs and Chief Medical Examiner Hudson Colbourn are as much in love now as they were nearly seven years ago when a tragic event on the job destroyed their relationship. The two drift together only to be pulled apart time and time again. When Hudson draws the interest of dangerous enemies, both within and outside the organization, Seb wants nothing more than to protect the man who still means everything to him. As life-and-death events, an uncertain future, and startling truths draw Hudson and Seb to each other yet again, they must make a choice: trust their love and take strength from what they share, or lose what matters most… for good this time.

Disarming Donner (North Pole City Tales Ser. #5)

by Charlie Cochet

North Pole City Tales: Book FiveAs a beloved Rein Dear and Christmas elf for Mayor Kringle, Donner prides himself on his flawless reputation, good sense, and wise decisions. Donner never does anything until he's thought it through properly. He's certainly not one to get flustered, infuriated, or fall prey to romantic nonsense. At least not until the most unlikely of elves begins chipping away at Donner's defenses. Calder is a Dockalfar--a dark elf. He's wicked, untrustworthy, and armed with lethal magic. At least that's what everyone thinks. It's easy for them to believe the worst and mistrust him before they've even spoken to him, but Calder is out to prove that he's more than his Dockalfar blood, especially to a certain Rein Dear who has caught his eye. But it will take more than sweet words for Donner to admit what's in his heart.

Finding Mr. Wrong (Dreamspun Desires #41)

by Charlie Cochet

He’s nobody’s definition of Mr. Right—but that might make him perfect. Matthew Hart is heir to the family fortune and owner of Hart & Home. When a near-death experience has him fretting over the future, he decides he needs a husband, and not just any husband—an appropriate man to protect the Hart legacy. The last thing Matthew expects is to cross paths with Jax Foster, his first love and the boy who crushed his heart when he disappeared. Jax is unlikely to make Matthew’s list of suitable candidates. Bad boy, vagabond, deep in debt, with a father who can’t keep out of trouble, Jax has nothing to offer—except his heart and a second chance at the romance they never got to explore.

Forgive and Forget (Dreamspun Desires #7)

by Charlie Cochet

He's hot. He's dangerous. And he can't remember anything. As the owner of Apple'n Pies, Joe Applin leads a quiet, uneventful life, content to spend his days serving customers who come from all over to eat his delicious homemade pies. Along with his motley crew--Bea, Elsie, and Donnie--Joe couldn't be happier in his little kingdom of baked goods and java. Experience has taught Joe that love is overrated--and at times dangerous. He has no intention of repeating past mistakes. But then he meets a mysterious, handsome man with amnesia, and Joe can't deny something sweet is in the works. He isn't one to take risks, not with his heart and certainly not with his life, but the more time he spends with the man he knows as Tom, the closer he is to losing both.

The Foxling Soldati (Soldati Hearts #2)

by Charlie Cochet

Sequel to The Soldati PrinceSoldati Hearts: Book TwoFoxling Toka has served the Soldati king for centuries, and now he attends to the kingdom’s cherished Soldati prince. It’s a position of honor, and as Toka helps the once-human prince adapt to their magical realm, he finds joy in their friendship. He also grows bolder in his encounters with Rayner, Soldati warrior and the king’s second. But the laws are clear: servants and Soldati are not permitted to mate. It doesn’t matter that Toka lost his heart to the dashing cad long ago. Rayner never imagined he would fall in love with a servant, but the clever and beautiful foxling has ensnared him, and he resents the regulations keeping them apart. When an arrogant and spiteful king visits from a neighboring realm, Rayner is in danger of losing everything. But Soldati warriors don’t surrender, and he intends to fight all the harder to keep Toka where he belongs—in Rayner’s arms.

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