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Showing 73,726 through 73,750 of 75,751 results

Animal Models of Spinal Cord Repair (Neuromethods #76)

by Håkan Aldskogius

The development of treatment strategies that can help patients with spinal cord injury to regain lost functions and an improved quality of life is a major medical challenge, and experimental spinal cord research has to meet these challenges by resolving fundamental problems, establishing a basis for possible novel treatment strategies of spinal cord injury, and motivating their clinical translation. In Animal Models of Spinal Cord Repair, expert researchers examine a broad range of experimental models for research on spinal cord injury, how they have contributed to our current state of knowledge, and what their advantages are in the further advancement of spinal cord repair. With models from simple lamprey to non-human primates, the information presented is intended to guide the implementation of animal models for spinal cord repair as well as to raise the awareness of the relevance of experimental models which may not be in the current mainstream of this research. As a part of the Neuromethods series, this work contains the kind of detailed description and implementation advice to guarantee successful results in the laboratory. Comprehensive and cutting-edge, Animal Models of Spinal Cord Repair presents the background information and hands-on methods descriptions, as well as the basic and clinical issues, needed to stimulate and guide researchers with different backgrounds towards the development of improved strategies for functionally relevant repair of the injured human spinal cord.

Appendix to the Rice Economy of Asia (Routledge Revivals)

by Beth Rose

Originally published in 1985, Beth Rose’s Appendix to the Rice Economy of Asia provides twenty-six tables detailing various rice statistics across Asia from the beginning of the twentieth century through to the 1980’s. Statistics presented include; total crop area, rice production and yield, import and export, rice prices, farm wages and populations of countries or areas within Asia. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental Studies and Economics.

Applied Optics and Optical Design, Part One

by A. E. Conrady

"For the optical engineer it is an indispensable work." -- Journal, Optical Society of America"As a practical guide this book has no rival." -- Transactions, Optical Society"A noteworthy contribution," -- Nature (London)Part I covers allordinary ray-tracing methods, together with the complete theory of primary aberrations and as much of higher aberration as is needed for the design of telescopes, low-power microscopes and simple optical systems. Chapters: Fundamental Equations, Spherical Aberration, Physical Aspect of Optical Images, Chromatic Aberration, Design of Achromatic Object-Glasses, The Optical Sine Theorem, Trigonometric Tracing of Oblique Pencils, General Theory of Perfect Optical Systems, and Ordinary Eyepieces.Part II extends the coverage to the systematic study and design of practically all types of optical systems, with special attention to high-power microscope objectives and anastigmatic photographic objectives. Edited and completed from the author s manuscript by Rudolf Kingslake, Director of Optical Design, Eastman Kodak Company. Chapters: Additional Solutions by the Thin-Lens Method , Optical Path Differences, Optical Path Differences at an Axiallmage Point, Optical Tolerances, Chromatic Aberration as an Optical Path Difference, The Matching Principle and the Design of Microscope Objectives, Primary Aberrations of Oblique Pencils, Analytical Solutions for Simple Systems with Remote Stop, Symmetrical Photographic Objectives, and Unsymmetrical Photographic Objectives.

Artificial Reefs: Marine and Freshwater Applications

by Frank M. D'itri

In this book fisheries biologists, ecologists, limnologists, oceanographers, aquatic resource managers and planners, commercial fisherman and environmental scientists are offered information on the latest artificial fishing reef designs, siting and placement methods, and ecological research as well as an overview of current united states legislation and regulations.

Asimov's New Guide to Science

by Isaac Asimov

This is a large book containing sections on physics, the universe, early science, scientists, etc. This book is very large but is written in Asimov's usual, clear style.

Aspects of symmetry

by Sidney Coleman

This collection of review lectures on topics in theoretical high energy physics has few rivals for clarity of exposition and depth of insight. Delivered over the past two decades at the International School of Subnuclear Physics in Erice, Sicily, the lectures help to organize and explain material that a the time existed in a confused state, scattered in the literature. At the time they were given they spread new ideas throughout the physics community and proved very popular as introductions to topics at the frontiers of research.

Atlas Of Plant Viruses: Volume II

by Robert G. Francki R.I.B; Milne

This book assembles a comprehensive collection of plant virus electron micrographs of good quality, offers a consistent treatment, and backs the visual data with a consistent and comprehensive text. Although this book is primarily about the structure of virus particles and infected cells, the results of biochemical experiments are referred too when relevant, so that the virus particles described appear as part of a replicating complex. Similarly, infected cells are portrayed as active rather than static structures.

Atlas Of Plant Viruses: Volume I

by Robert G. Francki R.I.B; Milne

This book assembles a comprehensive collection of plant virus electron micrographs of good quality, offers a consistent treatment, and backs the visual data with a consistent and comprehensive text. Although this book is primarily about the structure of virus particles and infected cells, the results of biochemical experiments are referred too when relevant, so that the virus particles described appear as part of a replicating complex. Similarly, infected cells are portrayed as active rather than static structures.

Bacterial Enzymes and Virulence

by Ian Alan Holder

All aspects of the relationship between the elaboration of exoenzymes and the virulence of bacteria are addressed in the following pages. The authors have provided the most current information available in their areas of expertise. In circumstances where definitive information is lacking, the speculations of the authors should prove interesting to the reader.

Biochemical Basis of Plant Breeding: Volume 1 Carbon Metabolism (Routledge Revivals)

by Carlos A. Neyra

First published in 1985: This book presents a comprehensive survey of progress and current knowledge of those biochemical processes with greater potential for the development of superior cultivars: Photosynthesis, photorespiration, nitrate assimilation, biological nitrogen fixation, and starch and protein synthesis.

Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers for Environmental and Biomedical Applications

by Susheel Kalia Luc Avérous

This volume incorporates 13 contributions from renowned experts from the relevant research fields that are related biodegradable and biobased polymers and their environmental and biomedical applications. Specifically, the book highlights: Developments in polyhydroxyalkanoates applications in agriculture, biodegradable packaging material and biomedical field like drug delivery systems, implants, tissue engineering and scaffolds The synthesis and elaboration of cellulose microfibrils from sisal fibres for high performance engineering applications in various sectors such as the automotive and aerospace industries, or for building and construction The different classes and chemical modifications of tannins Electro-activity and applications of Jatropha latex and seed The synthesis, properties and applications of poly(lactic acid) The synthesis, processing and properties of poly(butylene succinate), its copolymers, composites and nanocomposites The different routes for preparation polymers from vegetable oil and the effects of reinforcement and nano-reinforcement on the physical properties of such biobased polymers The different types of modified drug delivery systems together with the concept of the drug delivery matrix for controlled release of drugs and for antitumor drugs The use of nanocellulose as sustainable adsorbents for the removal of water pollutants mainly heavy metal ions, organic molecules, dyes, oil and CO2 The main extraction techniques, structure, properties and different chemical modifications of lignins Proteins and nucleic acids based biopolymers The role of tamarind seed polysaccharide-based multiple-unit systems in sustained drug release

Bioenergetics Of Wild Herbivores

by Robert J. Hudson

Bioenergetics is an emerging discipline which offers a more profound understanding of the ecology, behaviour, and evolution of wild herbivores. Increasingly, bioenergetic principles have been applied in management since they provide insight into population dynamics and are relevant to manipulation of habitats and assessment of the impacts of resource development. Growing interest in the agricultural potential of wild herbivores has provided further impetus. In spite of this promise, there are few comprehensive syntheses of the concept and its application to wild herbivores. This volume attempts to fill this need. This book provides a great amount of detail but its expressive aim is to lead us to the whole animal, to a herd, to population as integral parts of an ecological entity which in turn is the result of evolutionary forces.The concept of this book promises the realization of an overdue change in the approach to bioenergetics, to nutrition and husbandry, and thus to the management of wild herbivores: the final emancipation from rules and views based primarily on domesticated herbivores or on experimental animals held under unnatural conditions, necessarily impending them behaviourally, physically, and psychically.

Cassava: New Potential For A Neglected Crop

by James H. Cock

In this book, the author brings together the latest information on improved strains, modem production systems, better processing methods, innovations in storage and marketing, and the prospects for using cassava to produce fuel alcohol.

Catalysis of Organic Reactions (Chemical Industries Ser. #22)

by Robert L. Augustine

This book provides a complete updating of important developments in the study of catalysis as it applies to organic synthesis — with applications in major industrial processes. It covers a broad variety of catalytic processes — both homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamics

by P. Fischer

This book contains eighteen papers, all more-or-less linked to the theory of dynamical systems together with related studies of chaos and fractals. It shows many fractal configurations that were generated by computer calculations of underlying two-dimensional maps.

Chemi- and Bioluminescence

by John G. Burr

This book focuses on instrumentation of chemi- and bioluminescence and discusses the nature of chemiluminescence as the exothermic oxidation of a substrate organic compound to give an energy-rich product that is luminescent. It describes the applications of chemiluminescence.

Chemically Active

by Vicki Cobb

Fun scientific experiments that can be practiced in your home kitchen with simple materials available at your local drug & hardware stores.

Children's Ideas in Science

by Rosalind Driver Edith Guesne Andrée Tiberghien

Children arrive in their science classrooms with their own ideas and interpretations of the phenomena they are to study even when they have received no systematic instruction in these subjects whatsoever. These ideas and interpretations are a natural result of everyday experience - of practical physical activities, of talking with other people, and of the media. This book documents and explores the ideas of school students (aged 10-16) about a range of natural phenomena such as light, heat, force and motion, the structure of matter and electricity. It also examines how students' conceptions change and develop with teaching. The editors have brought together science educators who come from different parts of the work but whose work is focused on the same determination to bring insight into the conceptual world of children in science classrooms - insight which will be helpful in making science teaching and learning more rewarding for teachers and children alike.

Chinese Rural Development: The Great Transformation

by William L. Parish

This text examines the Pacific War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, from the perspective of those who fought the wars and lived through them. The relationship between history and memory informs the book, and each war is relocated in the historical and cultural experiences of Asian countries.

The Climatic Scene

by Michael J. Tooley Gillian M. Sheail

Originally published in 1985, this volume of essays was compiled in honour of Gordon Manley, a major and distinctive twentieth-century figure in climatology. The range and scope of the topics covered reflect the eclectic interests of Manley, whose orientation was always towards the importance of climate and its impact on mankind. The state of the art of climatic change is considered at different scales by the contributors: from instrumental records on a local scale from Durham and Manchester to discussions on the regional and continental scale. Methodological problems relating to climatic change are treated. The effects of climate and climatic change on plant distribution, disease vectors and agricultural pests are also considered.

Clostridia In Gastrointestinal Disease

by Peter. S. Borriello

The aim of this book is to bring together the information available on established clostridial diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including the more recent observations with respect to the mechanisms of action and to critically review the data available which implicate clostridia in the gastrointestinal diseases of unknown etiology such as infantile necrotizing enterocolitis and large bowl cancer. Information on the wide range of gut diseases in animals, both natural and laboratory induced, in which clostridia have been shown to be involved or are being implicated, has been included, as in many instances these observations sever to help delineate the etiologies of human disease.

Coastal Wetlands

by Harold H. Prince

This book represents the proceedings of the firstGreat Lakes Costal Wetlands Colloquium (November 5-7, 1984; East Lansing, Michigan). The theme wasNatural and Manipulated Water Levels in Great Lakes Wetlands. This material constitutes both Great Lakes wetlands and the state of understanding about them. It is intended to provide fisheries and wildlife biologists, ecologists, aquatic resource managers and planners and environmental scientists information about the coastal wetlands in regard to eight priority areas. The colloquium and publication of the proceedings were cosponsored by Sea Grant Program and Environment Canada.


by Carl Sagan Ann Druyan

WHAT ARE THESE GRACEFUL VISITORS TO OUR SKIES? WE NOW KNOW THAT THEY BRING BOTH LIFE AND DEATH AND TEACH US ABOUT OUR ORIGINS. Comet begins with a breathtaking journey through space astride a comet. Pulitzer Prize-winning astronomer Carl Sagan, author of Cosmos and Contact, and writer Ann Druyan explore the origin, nature, and future of comets, and the exotic myths and portents attached to them. The authors show how comets have spurred some of the great discoveries in the history of science and raise intriguing questions about these brilliant visitors from the interstellar dark. Were the fates of the dinosaurs and the origins of humans tied to the wanderings of a comet? Are comets the building blocks from which worlds are formed? Lavishly illustrated with photographs and specially commissioned full-color paintings, Comet is an enthralling adventure, indispensable for anyone who has ever gazed up at the heavens and wondered why. "SIMPLY THE BEST." *The Times of London "FASCINATING, EVOCATIVE, INSPIRING." *The Washington Post "COMET HUMANIZES SCIENCE. A BEAUTIFUL, INTERESTING BOOK." *United Press International "MASTERFUL . . . SCIENCE, POETRY, AND IMAGINATION." *The Atlanta Journal & Constitution

Commander Toad and the Dis-asteroid (Commander Toad #4)

by Jane Yolen

Young fans of Star Wars and silliness will toad-ally love Commander Toad! When Commander Toad and the crew of the Star Warts learn that a disaster has struck an asteroid, they race across the galaxy to the rescue. But it's hard to figure out just what is wrong, especially when there is a language barrier between the Star Warts' crew and the pigeon inhabitants of the dis-asteroid. A hero is needed, but is even intrepid Commander Toad brave enough to save the day?

Comparative Pathobiology of Viral Diseases (Routledge Revivals #1)

by Richard G. Olsen Steven Krakowka James R. Blakeslee

First Published in 1985, this book offers a full insight into the differences and similarities between varying diseases. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes, diagrams, and references this book serves as a useful reference for students of medicine and other practitioners in their respective fields.

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Showing 73,726 through 73,750 of 75,751 results