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Showing 73,776 through 73,800 of 74,098 results

TIM: Defender of the Earth

by Sam Enthoven

TIM (that's Tyrannosaur: Improved Model), is the product of a top-secret military experiment, and up to now he's been living in a comfy lab beneath London's Trafalgar Square. But his world is about to change. Humanity is facing the greatest threat it has ever known: the brilliant, demented Professor Mallahide and his growing swarm of vicious nanobots. Tim must form an unlikely alliance with fourteen-year-old Chris and his classmate Anna-Professor Mallahide's daughter-to prevent our whole planet from becoming one seething tide of machines. The stage is set for the smackdown of the century. Who will prevail-the awesome, all-consuming Mallahide and his swarm? or TIM, DEFENDER OF THE EARTH!

SCIENCE: Order & Design

by Dawn McKenzie

Explore the many wonderful levels of creation with this colorful and beautifully designed book! From taking a look at the things you might find in your backyard to the species that occupy the rainforest, your child will receive a greater understanding of the beautiful world that God has created. Other topics included are healthy living, the miraculous stages of a baby’s development, exploring the animals of the sea, the intricate designs of the plant life, and more! Section reviews are included to support the information that your child has learned in each lesson.

Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers

by John Burroughs

From the Biographical Sketch:<P> "Probably no other American writer has a greater sympathy with, and a keener enjoyment of, country life in all its phases--farming, camping, fishing, walking--than has John Burroughs. His books are redolent of the soil, and have such "freshness and primal sweetness," that we need not be told that the pleasure he gets from his walks and excursions is by no means over when he steps inside his doors again. As he tells us on more than one occasion, he finds he can get much more out of his outdoor experiences by thinking them over, and writing them out afterwards."<P> Mary E. Burt

Science and Technology class 9 - Maharashtra Board

by Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research

Created by the Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research, the textbook for class 9 Science and Technology textbook is based on the new syllabus. From the Primary level till today, students have studied Science from various textbooks. From class 9 onwards, students will be able to study the fundamental concepts of Science and Technology from a different point of view through the medium of the different branches of Science. The basic purpose of this textbook can be said to be ‘Understand and explain to others’ the science and technology that relates to our everyday lives. While studying the concepts, principles and theories in Science, do make the effort to understand their connection with day to day affairs. While studying from this textbook, use the sections ‘Can you recall?’ and ‘Can you tell?’ for revision. Many experiments have been included in the textbook.

The Wolf Girls: An Unsolved Mystery from History

by Jane Yolen Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple

From the book jacket: In 1920 a missionary brought two young girls to an orphanage in India. The girls didn't know how to talk, walk, or eat from a plate. Some people thought the girls had been abandoned by their parents. Some people said the girls were brought up by wolves in the wild. Still others thought that the missionary who ran the orphanage made up the story about the girls. No one knows for sure. Become a detective as you read this true story study the clues, and try to figure out the fate of the wolf girls of Midnapore. The Unsolved Mystery from History series is written by acclaimed author Jane Yolen and former private investigator Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple. Read carefully and check your clues. You might be the first to solve a puzzle that has baffled people for years. Poet, novelist, storyteller, and picture-book author Jane Yolen has won four awards for her body of work in children's literature: the Regina Medal, the Kerlan Award, the Keene State Award, and the Boston Public Library's Literary Lights for Children Award. Her many books include Owl Moon, which won the Caldecott Medal, and Moon Ball. Her daughter, Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple, has worked as a parole officer and a private investigator and wrote Meet the Monsters with Jane Yolen. The two also collaborated on The Mary Celeste: An Unsolved Mystery from History. Jane lives in Hatfield, Massachusetts, and Heidi lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Roger Roth has illustrated several books for children, including The Mary Celeste: An Unsolved Mystery from History, Wishing for Methuselah, and The Sign Painter's Dream, a Reading Rainbow book. His work has been exhibited at the Society of Illustrators and has appeared in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. He lives in Springfield, Pennsylvania.

القانون في الطب 2

by ابن سينا

اعلم أن المرارة كيس معلّق من الكبد إلى ناحية المعدة من طبقة واحدة عصبانية ولها ضمّ إلى الكبد ومجرى فيه يجذب الخلط الرقيق الموافق لها والمرار الأصفر ويتصل هذا المجرى بنفس الكبد والعروق التي فيها يتكون الدم وله هناك شعب كثيرة غائصة وإن كان مدخل عمودها من التقعير والفم ومجرى إلى ناحية المعدة‏.‏ والأمعاء ترسل فيه إلى ناحيتهما فضل الصفراء على ما ذكرناه في الكتاب الأول‏.‏ وهذا المجرى يتصل أكثر شعبه بالاثني عشري وربما اتصل شيء صغير منه بأسفل المعدة وربما وقع الأمر بالضد فصار الأكبر المتصل بالوعاء الأغلظ إلى أسفل المعدة والأصغر إلى الاثني عشري‏.‏ وفي أكثر الناس هو مجرى واحد متصل بالاثني عشري‏.‏ وأما مدخل الأنبوبة المصاصة للمرارة في المرارة فقريب من مدخل أنبوبة المثانة في المثانة‏.‏ ومن عادة الأطباء الأقدمين أن يسموا المرار الكيس الأصغر كما أنه من عادتهم أن يسموا المثانة الكيس الأكبر ومن المنافع في خلقة المرارة تنقية الكبد من الفضل الرغوي وأيضاً تسخينها كالوقود تحت القدر وأيضاً تلطيف الدم وتحليل الفضول وأيضاً تحريك البراز وتنظيف الأمعاء وشدّ ما يسترخي من العضل حوله وإنما لم يخلق في الأكثر للمرارة سبيل إلى المعدة لتغسل رطوباتها بالمرة كما تغسل بها في رطوبات الأمعاء لأن المعدة تتأذى بذلك وتغثّي ويفسد الهضم فيها بما يخالط الغذاء من خلط رديء ويأتيها من العرق الضارب‏.‏ وللعصبة التي تتصل بالكبد شعبتان صغيرتان جداً والمرارة كالمثانة طبقة واحدة مؤلفة من أصناف الليف الثلاثة وإذا لم تجذب المرارة المرار أو جذبت فلم تستنق عنه حدثت آفات فإن الصفراء إذا احتبست فوق المرارة أو رمت الكبد وأورثت اليرقان وربما عفنت وأحدثت حميات رديئة‏.‏ وإذا سالت إلى أعضاء البول بإفراط قرحت وإذا سالت إلى عضو ما أحدثت الحمرة والنملة وإذا دبت في البدن كله ساكنة غير هائجة أحدثت اليرقان وإذا سالت عن المرارة إلى الأمعاء بإفراط أورثت الإسهال المراري والسحج‏.‏  

Science Order and Design Activity Book

by Abeka Books

Dive deeper into the world of science with this fun and informative activity book! From solving a metabolic mystery crossword, labeling the anatomy of a flower, to searching for health terms in a word-hunt game, and matching the different flight patterns of birds, your child will come to love the subject of science even more. <p><p>A STEM project is also included in this book, allowing your child to perform an investigation or develop a design related to the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. <p><p>Your child will develop important research skills and learn to apply the scientific method through this project. Offer your child a thorough review through the fun activities in this book. It’s a win-win solution for you and your child!

Understanding the Whole Child: Prenatal Development Through Adolescence

by Jennifer Paris Antoinette Ricardo Dawn Rymond

This text is a presentation of how and why children grow, develop, and learn. We will look at how we change physically over time from conception through adolescence. We examine cognitive change, or how our ability to think and remember changes over the first 20 years or so of life. And we will look at how our emotions, psychological state, and social relationships change throughout childhood and adolescence.

Exploring God’s World

by Hilary Hasty Judy Hull Moore

This teaching text includes a copy of the student book with answers inserted throughout. It also includes added teaching helps such as lesson plans, notes on vocabulary, and introductions to concepts, oral reading applications, comprehension questions, and discussions to help you explain complex concepts on an age appropriate-level. The extra activities included that you can use to help your child apply scientific concepts to real life. This book helps present information in a logical order and give your child a better understanding of science.

The Emerald Horizon: The History of Nature in Iowa

by Cornelia F. Mutel

Beginning with the geological forces that shaped the land, Mutel traces the evolution of Iowa's prairies and woodlands to the present time. She emphasizes the dramatic impact of Euro-American settlement and shows how farming and logging have destroyed fragile prairie and forest abitats. She discusses the potential of restoration and provides information for those who wish to launch restoration programs. The issues prominent in Iowa mirror those to be encountered in other prairie states.

CK-12 People's Physics Book Version 3 (with Videos)

by Ck-12 Foundation

An open source textbook.

CK-12 Life Science For Middle School

by Ck-12 Foundation

An open source textbook.

CK-12 Earth Science For Middle School

by Ck-12 Foundation

An open source textbook.

CK-12 Earth Science For High School

by Ck-12 Foundation

An open source textbook.

CK-12 Basic Physics - Second Edition

by Ck-12 Foundation

An open source textbook.

Worms (Nature's Children)

by Jen Green

In this book you will learn about the various families of worms, how worms travel, what they eat and how they reproduce.

Natuurwetenskappe Graad 6

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Natuurwetenskappe Graad 7

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Natuurwetenskappe Graad 8

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations

by Robert Silverberg

POMPEII! TROY! BABYLON! ANGKOR! KNOSSOS! CHICHEN ITZA! The fantastic stories of how men lived at the dawn of civilization!POMPEII -- proud city of the Caesars preserved in its last agonized moment of life by a sudden torrent of volcanic ash. TROY -- the golden treasures of a great mythical city discovered hidden beneath a hilly Turkish town. BABYLON-the great tower of Babel rising over the desert like a modern skyscraper. ANGKOR -- its vine-enshrouded towers brooding over the steaming jungles of Cambodia. KNOSSOS-glittering, maze-like palace, home of the Minotaur, where Cretan aristocracy lived in glittering splendor. CHICHEN ITZA-site of the great Mayan pyramid and the Sacred Well of death. Here are Robert Silverberg's fascinating stories of six great civilizations that lived and died as long as 7,000 years ago and the men who helped to rediscover them.

Privileged Hands

by Geerat Vermeij

Memoirs of blind physical scientist Geerat Vermeij

Silkies and Other Guinea Pigs (World Book's Animals of the World)

by Dan Blunk

Topics include: different kinds of guinea pigs, how they are cared for and shown, and where they came from.

Siamese and Other Short-haired Cats (World Book's Animals of the World)

by Karen Ingebretsen

Topics include what a Siamese is, what they look like and how to care for a pet cat.

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Showing 73,776 through 73,800 of 74,098 results