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The Role of Science in Solving the Earth's Emerging Water Problems

by M. Sackler

The National Academies Press (NAP)--publisher for the National Academies--publishes more than 200 books a year offering the most authoritative views, definitive information, and groundbreaking recommendations on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health. Our books are unique in that they are authored by the nation's leading experts in every scientific field.

The Theory of Evolution in the Light of Facts (Routledge Library Editions: Evolution #3)

by Charles T. Druery

Originally published in 1913, The Theory of Evolution in the Light of Facts examines the theory of Descent; the book is a time capsule of information, providing a record of the explorations into Darwinian theory during the first half of the 20th century. The book examines the contradictions which arose between technical work of the period and the assumptions surrounding the theory of evolution. The book aims to address that which is considered ‘certain’ or ‘probable’ from postulation in order to explain and clearly define the theory of evolution. It does this through hypothesising on the development of animals and plants using the systems of Darwin and Lamarck. This book will be of interest to anthropologists and historians of natural science alike.

The Theory of Evolution in the Light of Facts (Routledge Revivals)

by Karl Frank

Published in 1913: The object of the present work is to throw some light on the theory of Descent. Among many of the students of nature of the present day we perceive that greater and greater contradictions arise between the actual results of their technical work and that which they put forward as ‘postulates’ of the theory of Evolution.

Nature Guiding

by William Gould Vinal

Nature Guiding is the science of inculcating nature enthusiasm, nature principles, and nature facts into the spirit of individuals. "Doing" nature-study means observing, wondering, and solving problems. It could include collecting, building, measuring, painting, planning, writing, touching, experimenting or any of a wide range of other activities. Most importantly, it allows children to be "original investigators."This book is intended as a resource for teachers and students engaged in nature study at summer camps and in schools. William Gould Vinal believed that the teacher of nature study should be "in sympathy with the simple life and the country way," that the nature study should emphasize observation of the interactions of plants and animals in their environment, and not be reduced to matters of taxonomy and anatomy. In Nature Guiding, he offers advice to camp counselors and school teachers on incorporating nature study into everyday activities, as well as suggestions for parents and others about using visits to state and national parks to teach nature lore.

Social Life in the Insect World

by J. Henry Fabre

Classical studies of insect behavior.

Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850--1930

by Staffan Müller-Wille Christina Brandt

This book examines the wide range of scientific and social arenas in which the concept of inheritance gained relevance in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Although genetics emerged as a scientific discipline during this period, the idea of inheritance also played a role in a variety of medical, agricultural, industrial, and political contexts. The book, which follows an earlier collection, Heredity Produced (covering the period 1500 to 1870), addresses heredity in national debates over identity, kinship, and reproduction; biopolitical conceptions of heredity, degeneration, and gender; agro-industrial contexts for newly emerging genetic rationality; heredity and medical research; and the genealogical constructs and experimental systems of genetics that turned heredity into a representable and manipulable object. Taken together, the essays in Heredity Explored show that a history of heredity includes much more than the history of genetics, and that knowledge of heredity was always more than the knowledge formulated as Mendelism. It was the broader public discourse of heredity in all its contexts that made modern genetics possible.ContributorsCaroline Arni, Christophe Bonneuil, Christina Brandt, Luis Campos, Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Bernd Gausemeier, Jean Gayon, Veronika Lipphardt, Ilana Löwy, J. Andrew Mendelsohn, Staffan Müller-Wille, Diane B. Paul, Theodore M. Porter, Alain Pottage, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Marsha L. Richmond, Helga Satzinger, Judy Johns Schloegel, Alexander von Schwerin, Hamish G. Spencer, Ulrike Vedder

Textbook of Arthropod Anatomy

by R. E. Snodgrass

The facts of arthropod structure are presented in clear, easy-to-use fashion in this text by R. E. Snodgrass. Examples of each of the classes from trilobites to insects are given. Musculature and mechanism of legs, eyes, feeding apparatus, body, head, and organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction are described and illustrated.Over 640 drawings, most of them by the author, are arranged in 88 figures.

The Berlin Discussion of the Problem of Evolution: Full Report of the Lectures Given in February 1907, and of the Evening Discussion

by Erich Wasmann, S.J.

First published in 1909, this book collects the author’s lectures on the ‘problem of evolution’ and the resultant debate. The first considers the validity of the Theory of Evolution and whether it is in opposition to the Christian view of creation. The second examines the assertion that evolution harmonises only with Monism rather than Theism and which of the two views is preferable. It also looks at the popular identification of Darwinism with evolution, if it is scientific and the results this leads to. The third looks at man’s position in the problem of evolution — whether we are bound to bring in considerations higher than the zoological — and the evidence for our descent from ‘brutes’.

Life of a Fossil Hunter

by Charles Hazelius Sternberg

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

A History of Astronomy (Routledge Revivals)

by Walter W. Bryant

A History of Astronomy, first published in 1907, offers a comprehensive introduction to the steady development of the science since its inception in the ancient world up to the momentous progress of the nineteenth century. It includes biographical material relating to the most famous names in the study of astronomy – Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Herschel – and their contributions, clear and accessible discussions of key discoveries, as well as detailing the incremental steps in technology with which many of the turning points in astronomy were intimately bound up.

25 historias asombrosas de la Astronomía: Curiosidades, maravillas y hechos reales

by Germán Puerta

¿QUÉ TIENEN QUE VER LA LUNA Y EL TITANIC? ¿QUIÉN INVENTÓ EL TELESCOPIO? ¿REALMENTE FUIMOS A LA LUNA? La Astronomía es una ciencia fundamental cuyo progreso ha estado estrechamente vinculado con el desarrollo cultural de la humanidad, además de ser la base del mundo moderno y del progreso tecnológico. Su historia está llena de curiosidades, hechos extraordinarios y divertidos, muchas veces fantásticos y exóticos, pero siempre ligados al afán del ser humano por entender el extraño y fabuloso mundo que habita. En este libro, el reconocido comunicador y divulgador científico Germán Puerta Restrepo, autor del clásico Guía para viajeros del cielo, nos presenta 25 episodios asombrosos que nos recuerdan la íntima y milenaria conexión que tenemos con los astros y su maravillosa facultad para sorprendernos

Concepts of Classical Optics

by John Strong

An intermediate course in optics, this volume explores both experimental and theoretical concepts, offering practical knowledge of geometrical optics that will enhance students' comprehension of any relevant applied science. Its exposition of the concepts of classical optics is presented with a minimum of mathematical detail but presumes some knowledge of calculus, vectors, and complex numbers.Subjects include light as wave motion; superposition of wave motions; electromagnetic waves; interaction of light and matter; velocities and scattering of light; polarized light and dielectric boundaries; double refraction; and the interference of two sources laterally separated. Additional topics cover Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction; coherent sources separated in depth; applications of physical optics; images of points by single surfaces and by systems of surfaces; magnification, aperture, and field; and image defects.Illustrative problems appear throughout the text, assuring students of an opportunity to attain a full understanding of the material. The appendixes feature short topics of lively research interest that can be used simply for reference or formally incorporated by the instructor into the course.

Information and Intrigue

by Colin B. Burke

In Information and Intrigue Colin Burke tells the story of one man's plan to revolutionize the world's science information systems and how science itself became enmeshed with ideology and the institutions of modern liberalism. In the 1890s, the idealistic American Herbert Haviland Field established the Concilium Bibliographicum, a Switzerland-based science information service that sent millions of index cards to American and European scientists. Field's radical new idea was to index major ideas rather than books or documents. In his struggle to create and maintain his system, Field became entangled with nationalistic struggles over the control of science information, the new system of American philanthropy (powered by millionaires), the politics of an emerging American professional science, and in the efforts of another information visionary, Paul Otlet, to create a pre-digital worldwide database for all subjects. World War I shuttered the Concilium, and postwar efforts to revive it failed. Field himself died in the influenza epidemic of 1918. Burke carries the story into the next generation, however, describing the astonishingly varied career of Field's son, Noel, who became a diplomat, an information source for Soviet intelligence (as was his friend Alger Hiss), a secret World War II informant for Allen Dulles, and a prisoner of Stalin. Along the way, Burke touches on a range of topics, including the new entrepreneurial university, Soviet espionage in America, and further efforts to classify knowledge.

Japan and Her People: Vol. II (Routledge Revivals)

by Anna C. Hartshorne

This book provides an overview of Japan in late 19th century and its history. It also provides an insight of Japanese society as it moved from the traditional Edo period lifestyle towards industrialization and explores Japan's lifestyles, customs, culture, and everyday behavior.

The Devil and the Vice in the English Dramatic Literature Before Shakespeare (Routledge Revivals)

by L. W. Cushman

Originally published in 1900, this book was the first investigation of the devil and the Vice as dramatic figures, and a study of these figures led to a new view of the subject: it is, in brief, that the appearance of the devil in the non-dramatic as well as in the dramatic literature is limited to a definite range. As a dramatic figure the devil falls more and more into the background and the Vice is distinct in origin and function from the devil.

Evolution (Routledge Revivals)

by F. B. Jevons

First published in 1900, this philosophical essay on Evolution questions how the acceptance of Evolution as scientific should influence the thoughts and actions of humankind from the perspective of morality and moral conduct. In his discussion, Frank B. Jevons deals with such subjects as pessimism and optimism towards evolutionary theory, the laws of motion and matter, and the importance of scientific evidence.

El hombre, su época y su obra folclórica

by Juan Bautista Ambrosetti

A medida que más se ahonda en el conocimiento de la vida y la obra del argentino Ambrosetti, más nítida surge la imagen de un hombre de ciencia auténtico: vocación indudable, revelada con temprana precocidad; espíritu observador; mente sistemática; hábitos metódicos; amor al estudio, tanto en los libros como en la vida y en la naturaleza; rigor en la documentación de los datos y en la legitimidad de las conclusiones, noblemente rectificadas cuando nuevos aportes lo convencían de lo erróneo de una interpretación; tendencia a especializarse partiendo de una amplia base de cultura general; laboriosidad incansable y actitud humilde de perenne estudioso... Pero no fue, a Dios gracias, sólo eso. No se deshumanizó en aras de la ciencia. El "loco de los cacharros" no echó en olvido al hombre que los modeló con esfuerzo, los decoró con arte y los usó con provecho. Llegó hasta el pueblo no para ver a cada individuo como un coleóptero pinchado en un corcho, sino como a un ser humano, en cuyo microcosmos no desdeñó penetrar con interés y a veces con emoción. Esta capacidad de conmoverse lo eleva de la destreza técnica y de la erudición fría a la personalidad de un sabio integral. Ante el Valle de Namuncurá en la sierra de Lihú Calel, imaginando la resurrección de los indios quilmes entre remolinos de polvo y fragores de tormenta, extrayendo restos humanos en la primera tumba abierta en el Pucará de Tilcara, el arqueólogo siente, en el fondo de su alma, que la ciencia no ha muerto a la poesía.

Tutorials in Radiotherapy Physics: Advanced Topics with Problems and Solutions

by Patrick N. McDermott

The Topics Every Medical Physicist Should Know Tutorials in Radiotherapy Physics: Advanced Topics with Problems and Solutions covers selected advanced topics that are not thoroughly discussed in any of the standard medical physics texts. The book brings together material from a large variety of sources, avoiding the need for you to search through and digest the vast research literature. The topics are mathematically developed from first principles using consistent notation. Clear Derivations and In-Depth Explanations The book offers insight into the physics of electron acceleration in linear accelerators and presents an introduction to the study of proton therapy. It then describes the predominant method of clinical photon dose computation: convolution and superposition dose calculation algorithms. It also discusses the Boltzmann transport equation, a potentially fast and accurate method of dose calculation that is an alternative to the Monte Carlo method. This discussion considers Fermi–Eyges theory, which is widely used for electron dose calculations. The book concludes with a step-by-step mathematical development of tumor control and normal tissue complication probability models. Each chapter includes problems with solutions given in the back of the book. Prepares You to Explore Cutting-Edge Research This guide provides you with the foundation to read review articles on the topics. It can be used for self-study, in graduate medical physics and physics residency programs, or in vendor training for linacs and treatment planning systems.

21st Century Ellis

by Edited by B. A. Friedman

For years, the Marine Corps has touted the prescience of Lieutenant Colonel "Pete” Ellis, USMC, who predicted in 1921 that the United States would fight Japan and how the Pacific Theater would be won. Now, for the first time, those predictions and other works by the "amphibious prophet” are available in print. Included is two works by Ellis on naval and amphibious operations, including Advanced Base Operations in Micronesia, the study of tactics and operations in the Pacific Ocean that the United States Navy and Marine Corps would use to win the war against Imperial Japan. Ellis describes the form and functions of a modern Marine Corps designed to win its Nation’s battles. Ellis’ ideas about how the Marine Corps should fight are still in use throughout the world today. Ellis’ ideas on amphibious operations are well known, but his ideas on counterinsurgency and conventional war have been overshadowed and forgotten. Ellis wrote two articles based on his warfighting experiences in the Philippines and as part of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War I. These articles, last published in the early 1920’s, are both republished in this book and show Ellis as a prescient thinker who was ahead of his time. Ellis identifies concepts that the U. S. military struggles with even today, and that other thinkers would not identify for decades after Ellis’ death. Also included are six essays by the editor, introducing the ideas of Pete Ellis and putting them in a modern context. As the United States turns its focus to the Pacific, Ellis’ ideas can inform policymakers on the dynamics of strategy and warfare in the vast reaches of the Pacific Ocean. Edited by Captain B. A. Friedman, USMC, 21st Century Ellis reveals the strategic insights of Pete Ellis for then and now.

Nikola Tesla for Kids: His Life, Ideas, and Inventions, with 21 Activities (For Kids series)

by Amy M. O'Quinn

Nikola Tesla was a physicist, scientist, electrical engineer, and world-renowned inventor whose accomplishments faded into oblivion after his death in 1943. Tesla was undeniably eccentric and compulsive; some considered him to be somewhat of a "mad" scientist. But in reality, he was a visionary. Many of his ideas and inventions that were deemed impossible during his lifetime have since become reality. He was the first to successfully use rotating magnetic fields to create an AC (alternating current) electrical power supply system and induction motor. He is now acknowledged to have invented the radio ahead of Marconi. Among other things, he developed the Tesla coil, an oscillator, generators, fluorescent tubes, neon lights, and a small remote-controlled boat. He helped design the world's first hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls. Nikola Tesla for Kids is the story of Nikola Tesla's life and ideas, complete with a time line, 21 hands-on activities, and additional resources to better understand his many accomplishments.

A History of Chemistry From Earliest Times to the Present Day

by Ernst Sigismund Von Meyer

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. <P><P>This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. <P><P>As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

The Call of Everest: The History, Science, and Future of the World's Tallest Peak

by Thomas Hornbein Conrad Anker

In 1963, the American Mount Everest Expedition made mountaineering history. It was the first American venture to successfully scale the legendary peak and the first successful climb up the hazardous West Ridge (a climb so difficult no one has yet repeated it). In 2012, adventurer Conrad Anker led a National Geographic/The North Face team up the mountain to enact a legacy climb. Environmental changes and overcrowding led to challenges and disappointments, but yet the mountain maintains its allure. Now, steely-eyed Anker leads a team of writers in a book designed to celebrate the world's most famous mountain, to look back over the years of climbing triumphs and tragedies, and to spotlight what has changed - and what remains eternal - on Mount Everest. Telltale signs of Everest's current state, never-before-published photography, and cutting-edge science expose the world's tallest peak - its ancient meaning, its ever-present challenges, and its future in a world of disappearing ice.

The Comstocks of Cornell: John Henry Comstock and Anna Botsford Comstock

by Anna Botsford Comstock

The Comstocks of Cornell is the autobiography written by naturalist educator Anna Botsford Comstock about her life and her husband's, entomologist John Henry Comstock—both prominent figures in the scientific community and in Cornell University history.A first edition was published in 1953, but it omitted key Cornellians, historical anecdotes, and personal insights. Karen Penders St. Clair's twenty-first century edition returns Mrs. Comstock's voice to her book by rekeying her entire manuscript as she wrote it, and preserving the memories of the personal and professional lives of the Comstocks that she had originally intended to share. The book includes a complete epilogue of the Comstocks' last years and fills in gaps from the 1953 edition. Described as serious legacy work, the book is an essential part of Cornell University history and an important piece of Cornell University Press history.

Ghosts of Tsavo: Stalking the Mystery Lions of East Africa

by Phillip Caputo

1898, Tsavo River Kenya, the British Empire has employed 140 workers to build a railroad bridge. The bridge's construction comes to a violent halt when two maneless lions devour all 140 workers in a savage feeding frenzy that would make headlines and history - all over the world. Caputo's Ghosts of Tsavo is a new quest for truth about the origins of these near-mythical animals and how they became predators of human flesh.

Grave Secrets of Dinosaurs: Soft Tissues and Hard Science

by Phil Manning

Many of us have seen dinosaur bones and skeletons, maybe even dinosaur eggs, but what did those fearsome animals really look like in the flesh? Soft-tissue fossils give tantalizing clues about the appearance and physiology of the ancient animals. Bone structure is just the beginning of our knowledge today, thanks to amazing digs like these. Drawing on new breakthroughs and cutting-edge techniques of analysis, Dr. Manning takes us on a thrilling, globe-spanning tour of dinosaur mummy finds from the first such excavation in 1908 to a baby dinosaur unearthed in 1980, from a dino with a heart in South Dakota to titanosaur embryos in Argentina. And he discusses his own groundbreaking analysis of Dakota, discovered by Tyler Lyson. Using state-of-the-art technology to scan and analyse this remarkable discovery, National Geographic and Dr. Manning create an incredibly lifelike portrait of Dakota. The knowledge to be gained from this exceedingly rare find, and those that came before it, will intrigue dinosaur-loving readers of all ages.

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