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The Perfect Golden Circle

by Benjamin Myers

Summer 1989, deep in the English countryside — during a time of mass unemployment, class war, and rebellion . . . . Over the course of a burning hot summer, two very different men — Calvert, an ex-soldier traumatized by his experience in the Falklands War, and his affable freind Redbone — set out nightly in a decrepit camper van to undertake an extraordinary project. Under cover of darkness, they traverse the fields of rural England in secret, forming crop circles in elaborate and mysterious patterns, painstakingly avoiding damaging the wheat to yield designs so intricate that their overnight appearances inspire awe amongst a mystified public. And as the summer wears on, and their designs grow ever more ambitious, the two men find that their work has become a cult international sensation—and that an unlikely and beautiful friendship has taken root as the wheat ripens from green to gold. But as harvest-time beckons—and as media and the authorities begin to take too much interest in their work—Calvert and Redbone have to race against time to finish the most stunning and original crop circle ever conceived: the Honeycomb Double Helix. Moving and exhilarating, tender and slyly witty, The Perfect Golden Circle is a captivating novel about the futility of war, the descruction of the English countryside, class inequality — ower of beauty to heal trauma and fight power.

Perfect Girls (Replica #4)

by Marilyn Kaye

Amy Candler heads to New York as a National Spelling Bee finalist. She wants to win the title, and she's psyched that her friends Tasha and Eric are coming along. The trip is going to be a blast -- in more ways than one. Wait till Amy discovers that correct spelling isn't what the organizers have in mind. Wait till she meets her "perfect" competitors. Wait till she fights to save them from themselves Amy can spell escape -- now she needs to find a way out!

A Perfect Fit: An Eshort Prequel To Healer Of Carthage (The Carthage Chronicles)

by Lynne Gentry

This e-short prequel to The Carthage Chronicles series offers an exclusive look at the romance of archaeologist Lawrence Hastings and Dr. Magdalena Kader­--parents of heroine Dr. Lisbeth Hastings from the upcoming novel Healer of Carthage--and how they stumbled upon a mystery thousands of years old and began the fateful journey to the Cave of the Swimmers. Before Lawrence Hastings became obsessed with the Cave of the Swimmers and the mysterious disappearances surrounding it, he was just a young archaeologist excavating the Tophet of Roman Carthage. After an embarrassing on-the-job injury, Lawrence meets Magdalena Kader, a beautiful local doctor caught between her loyalty to her father and his traditions and what her heart truly desires. Can they overcome their vastly different worlds to find something more?

A Perfect Darkness (Offspring #1)

by Jaime Rush

They live ordinary lives, but they are extraordinary. They are the Offspring, children of a mysterious experiment gone awry-and they are in terrible danger. A sexy stranger awakens Amy Shane in the dead of night. Lucas Vanderwyck barely has time to whisper a few words before three men burst into her bedroom and drag him away. But what Lucas reveals shatters Amy's safe little world forever. Lucas and Amy share a psychic gift-a gift that could put them in mortal danger. And as they share night after night of savage passion, as a shadowy government conspiracy tracks their every move, they will fight to save each other. But only with their powers of second sight can they escape the terror of a perfect darkness.

Perfect Circle

by Carlos Cortes

Set in the impenetrable jungles of the African Congo, this fast-paced debut tells the tale of a world poised for ecological crisis-and the secret that could save it. From corporate profiteers to the natives who've been expecting them, here is a story that asks if man and nature are fated to clash-or if the right man can break the cycle. Heir to a mining dynasty, geologist Paul Reece has chosen a simple life over the scheming opportunism of the International Mining Company. But when IMC approaches him about their mysterious discovery miles beneath the rain forest, Paul is compelled to set aside the sordid event that drove him from his legacy. For the project requires not only a brilliant engineer but one gutsy enough to descend 20,000 feet of solid rock-into the heart of a miracle. With Paul's expertise, IMC can unearth a windfall-unless Paul decides to bury them first. But Paul isn't alone in his quest. Congo's mystics have prepared for this day. Paul doesn't realize it yet, but he's been chosen to pilot a mission that will decide the fate of humanity.From the Paperback edition.

Perfect Circle

by Carlos Cortes

Set in the impenetrable jungles of the African Congo, this fast-paced debut tells the tale of a world poised for ecological crisis-and the secret that could save it. From corporate profiteers to the natives who've been expecting them, here is a story that asks if man and nature are fated to clash-or if the right man can break the cycle. Heir to a mining dynasty, geologist Paul Reece has chosen a simple life over the scheming opportunism of the International Mining Company. But when IMC approaches him about their mysterious discovery miles beneath the rain forest, Paul is compelled to set aside the sordid event that drove him from his legacy. For the project requires not only a brilliant engineer but one gutsy enough to descend 20,000 feet of solid rock-into the heart of a miracle. With Paul's expertise, IMC can unearth a windfall-unless Paul decides to bury them first. But Paul isn't alone in his quest. Congo's mystics have prepared for this day. Paul doesn't realize it yet, but he's been chosen to pilot a mission that will decide the fate of humanity.

A Perfect Blood

by Kim Harrison

Ritually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other.Pulled in by the FIB to help investigate, former witch-turned-day-walking demon Rachel Morgan soon realizes a horrifying truth: others want to create their own demons, and to do so they need her blood. She's faced vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and more--but this time Rachel's toughest challenge might be humanity itself.

A Perfect Blood (Rachel Morgan Series #10)

by Kim Harrison

New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison returns to the Hollows with the electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed Pale Demon! Ritually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other. Pulled in to help investigate by the I. S. and the FIB, former witch turned day-walking demon Rachel Morgan soon realises a horrifying truth: a human hate group is trying to create its own demons to destroy all Inderlanders, and to do so, it needs her blood. She's faced vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and more, but humanity itself might be her toughest challenge yet

A Perfect Blood

by Kim Harrison

Ritually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other.Pulled in by the FIB to help investigate, former witch-turned-day-walking demon Rachel Morgan soon realizes a horrifying truth: others want to create their own demons, and to do so they need her blood. She's faced vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and more--but this time Rachel's toughest challenge might be humanity itself.

Perfect Betrayal (Double Helix #2)

by Jade Kerrion Double Helix

Return to USA Today bestselling author Jade Kerrion's world of the Double Helix - where humans and mutants strive for dominance, and one man's choice will shatter the impasse. He can defeat his enemies, but can he defeat his friends?Danyael Sabre, an object of desire, would much rather not be. An alpha empath by birth, a doctor by training, and an empathic healer by calling, he is stalked by the military that covets his ability to kill, not heal. Bereft of two days of memories, he goes on the run under the protection of an assassin, Zara Itani.The more he uncovers of his lost hours, the more he doubts everything that once anchored him. He knows only that he endangers those around him and that he is falling in love with Zara, who hates him for reasons he no longer remembers.As forces - both powerful and ruthless - threaten those he cares for, Danyael has only two options. He can betray his values and abandon the path of the healer, or he can wait to be betrayed, not by enemies, but by his friends."Higher octane than Heroes, more heart than X-Men." Read the second novel in the award-winning Double Helix series today. Welcome to the Genetic Revolution!

A Perfect Beast-After Earth: A Novel

by Michael Jan Friedman Robert Greenberger Peter David

The official prequel novel of the epic film After Earth, directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Jaden Smith and Will Smith After their exodus from Earth, the last humans settled a remote planet, Nova Prime. When an alien force known as the Skrel descended from the skies, the United Ranger Corps, an elite defense unit, valiantly resisted. Centuries passed without an attack, and many colonists believed that, with other security measures in place, the resources devoted to maintaining their military strength would be better spent elsewhere. Little did they know that trouble was coming to Nova Prime--and it had a taste for blood. The latest in a long line of decorated warriors, Conner Raige is one of the Rangers' most promising young cadets, although his brash confidence and tendency to act on instinct have earned him as many skeptics as admirers. Conner's ancestors were on the front lines of humanity's victory against the Skrel. But when a deadly ground war breaks out, Conner's up against an entirely different beast--because, this time, the Skrel have brought a secret weapon: ferocious killing machines designed to eliminate humanity from Nova Prime . . . and the universe.BONUS: Includes the first three novellas of Ghost Stories, the thrilling eBook original prequel series!From the Paperback edition.

The Perfect Assassin: Book 1 In The Chronicles Of Ghadid (The Chronicles of Ghadid #1)

by K. A. Doore

A novice assassin is on the hunt for someone killing their own in K. A. Doore's The Perfect Assassin, a breakout high fantasy beginning the Chronicles of Ghadid series. Divine justice is written in blood.Or so Amastan has been taught. As a new assassin in the Basbowen family, he’s already having second thoughts about taking a life. A scarcity of contracts ends up being just what he needs.Until, unexpectedly, Amastan finds the body of a very important drum chief. Until, impossibly, Basbowen’s finest start showing up dead, with their murderous jaan running wild in the dusty streets of Ghadid. Until, inevitably, Amastan is ordered to solve these murders, before the family gets blamed.Every life has its price, but when the tables are turned, Amastan must find this perfect assassin or be their next target.“The Perfect Assassin is a thrilling fantastical mystery that had me racing through the pages.” —S. A. Chakraborty, author of The City of Brass“Full of rooftop fights, frightening magic, and nonstop excitement and mystery, I absolutely loved it from start to finish!” — Sarah Beth DurstThe Chronicles of Ghadid#1: The Perfect Assassin#2: The Impossible Contract#3: The Unconquered CityAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Perfect Assassin: A Doc Savage Thriller

by James Patterson Brian Sitts

Prof. Brandt Savage—grandson of the legendary action hero—is forced into a top-secret training program where he discovers his true the perfect assassin. Dr. Brandt Savage is on sabbatical from the University of Chicago. Instead of doing solo fieldwork in anthropology, the gawky, bespectacled PhD finds himself enrolled in a school where he is the sole pupil. His professor, &“Meed,&” is demanding. She&’s also his captor. Savage emerges from their intensive training sessions physically and mentally transformed, but with no idea why he&’s been chosen, and how he&’ll use his fearsome abilities. Then his first mission with Meed takes them back to her own training ground, where Savage learns how deeply entwined their two lives have been. To prevent a new class of killers from escaping this harsh place where their ancestors first fought to make a better world, they must pledge anew : Do right to all, and wrong to no one.

Perfect (Perfect #1)

by Jan Springer

Terra, 2054 La contaminazione ambientale ha reso impossibile la vita sulla terra. Il numero dei malati supera di gran lunga quello delle persone sane. Gli ospedali sono sovraffollati. Le economie collassano. I governi si alleano per formare un unico potere mondiale chiamato “Ordine dell’Autorità”. (OA). Per salvare la razza umana l’OA crea le “Biosfere”, grandi bolle all’interno delle quali si sviluppano città energeticamente autonome. Solo le persone sane possono entrarvi. Tutti gli altri vengono lasciati morire…Per controllare la popolazione, ad ogni essere umano viene impiantato un microchip che inibisce il desiderio di accoppiarsi. L’arte di fare l’amore svanisce… Secoli dopo… Un gruppo ribelle di giovani medici tentano segretamente di manomettere i loro microchip ed iniziano a sperimentare l’intimità. Ora cercano alleati che possano unirsi alla loro causa e aiutarli, alla fine, a liberare l’umanità. I dottori Zack e Noah seducono l’esperta di piante Anica Maine convincendola ad entrare in un mondo segreto di piaceri proibiti e stuzzicanti esperimenti sessuali… con la piena consapevolezza che venire scoperti significherebbe l’Eliminazione.

Perfección (Traición #Volumen 2)

by Scott Westerfeld

La segunda parte de la emocionante serie Traición. ¿Y si cumplir tus sueños se convirtiera en una pesadilla? Tally tenía un sueño: ser perfecta. Ahora ya lo ha hecho realidad y ha perdido, como consecuencia, casi todos los recuerdos de su pasado. Su única preocupación es ser admitida en la mejor pandilla de la ciudad, y para lograrlo solo tiene que ganarse la aprobación de Zane -el chico más popular y deseado- durante una peculiar fiesta de disfraces que se celebrará en Nueva Belleza. Pero la noche de la fiesta, un encuentro fugaz hará que el mundo de Tally se tambalee... Reseña:«Nunca me cansaré de recomendarla.»Stephenie Meyer, autora de Crepúsculo

Perelandra (The Space Trilogy #2)

by C. S. Lewis

Just as readers have been transfixed by the stories, characters, and deeper meanings of Lewis's timeless tales in The Chronicles of Narnia, most find this same allure in his classic Space Trilogy.<P><P> In these fantasy stories for adults, we encounter, once again, magical creatures, a world of wonders, epic battles, and revelations of transcendent truths. <P> Perelandra, the second novel in Lewis's science fiction trilogy, tells of Dr. Ransom's voyage to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus, which turns out to be a beautiful Eden-like world. He is horrified to find that his old enemy, Dr. Weston, has also arrived and is putting him in grave peril once more. As the mad Weston's body is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom engages in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of Perelandra!

Perelandra: Libro 2 de La trilogía cósmica

by C. S. Lewis

Perelandra, la segunda novela de la trilogía de ciencia ficción de Lewis, narra el viaje del Dr. Ransom al planeta paradisíaco de Perelandra, o Venus, que resulta ser un hermoso mundo parecido al Edén. Se horroriza al descubrir que su viejo enemigo, el Dr. Weston, también ha llegado y lo pone en grave peligro una vez más. Mientras el cuerpo del loco Weston es tomado por las fuerzas del mal, Ransom emprende una lucha desesperada para salvar la inocencia de Perelandra.PerelandraPerelandra, the second novel in Lewis's science fiction trilogy, tells of Dr. Ransom's voyage to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus, which turns out to be a beautiful Eden-like world. He is horrified to find that his old enemy, Dr. Weston, has also arrived and is putting him in grave peril once more. As the mad Weston's body is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom engages in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of Perelandra.

Perduti per Sempre

by Nuno Morais

Carl “Kalle” Nebuloni ha perso i genitori e una sorella in un tragico incidente automobilistico. A Lisbona, dove vive, si divide fra il lavoro e il prendersi cura della nipotina, unica sopravvissuta all’incidente. Ma sarà davvero stato un incidente? Con la scoperta di nuovi sconvolgenti indizi, Kalle si vede improvvisamente forzato ad affrontare la possibilità che la morte di quasi tutta la sua famiglia non sia stata dovuta ad un caso sfortunato. Che ragione ci potrà essere dietro questa scomparsa? Chi avrà voluto farli sparire? Questa sparizione avrà forse una relazione con altri tragici avvenimenti che, dall’altra parte del mondo, causano la morte di un gruppo di investigatori interessati ad una storia di rapimenti e adozioni illegali di minori? E si tratterà appena di rapimenti e adozioni illegali di bambini o starà succedendo qualcosa di più sinistro e molto più orribile? Kalle dovrà affrontare la propria paura di scoprire la verità e dovrà investigare per conto proprio l’enigma che nessuna autorità sembra essere interessata a risolvere.

Perdonare Thayne (Compagni predestinati #2)

by J. R. Loveless Caterina Bolognesi

Un libro della serie Compagni predestinatiNicholas Cartwright ha fatto tutto ciò che era in suo potere per dimenticare la notte di sei mesi prima a Senaka, quando il suo compagno predestinato l'ha rifiutato, lasciandolo distrutto e disilluso. Si è buttato nel lavoro, consumandosi fino all'esaurimento, e trova ormai intollerabile il tocco di chiunque altro. Improvvisamente il suo compagno ha bisogno del suo aiuto e gli chiede forse più di quanto Nick riesca a dare. Thayne Whitedove è sempre stato un nomade. Passa i giorni sulla strada e le notti tra le braccia di qualche facile conquista, fino a quando un fatidico sbaglio non lo costringe a tornare a casa per trovare conforto. Purtroppo, l'unico modo per rimediare al suo errore di giudizio è accettare la sola cosa che non ha mai voluto: il suo compagno. Thayne deve decidere se fuggire oppure restare e lottare per ottenere il perdono di Nick.

Perdition Valley (Deathlands #76)

by James Axler

Journeying across the devastated frontier of postnuclear AMerica, Ryan Cawdor and his companions have unlocked clandestine knowledge of preDark tech, secrets that give them an edge for staying alive, an edge augmented with an ability to fight ... and win. Each day brings a new chance to find someplace to call home-somewhere apart from the grim reality of a civilization struggling to be reborn. COLD FIRE Hunted across the southwestern desert, Ryan doesn't know who wants him dead badly enough to slaughter innocents as a way of luring him into the open. But the advanced tech his pursuers are using is unknown in Deathlands, created by the most brilliant minds of twentieth-century America. Now evil is alive and stalking the warrior group. His name is Delphi, and he's prepared to reclaim the one man who understands with brutal certainty how time can be controlled, manipulated. In the Deathlands, the past may be lost, but its secrets are deadlier than ever!

The Perdition Score: A Sandman Slim Novel

by Richard Kadrey

Sandman Slim returns in a stunning, high-octane thriller filled with the intense kick-ass action and inventive fantasy that are the hallmarks of New York Times bestselling author Richard Kadrey.The request from Thomas Abbot, the Augur of the Sub Rosa council, couldn't come at a better time for James Stark, aka Sandman Slim. For a man who's most recently met Death--and death's killer--a few months of normal life is more than he can handle. He needs a little action, and now Abbott wants Stark and Candy to investigate the disappearance of a young boy--and help uncover council members who might be tied to Wormwood's power brokers.Stark's plans change when he meets a dying angel who gives him a vial of a mysterious black liquid that could be a secret weapon in the ongoing war between angels who want to allow human souls into Heaven and rebel angels willing to die to keep them out. When one of Stark's closest friends is poisoned with the black liquid, Stark and Candy have to go to the only place where they might find a cure: Hell.But standing in their way are the damned souls who, even after death, still work for Wormwood. The secret deal they've struck with the rebel angels is darker than anything Stark has encountered. Not only does the fate of the world hang in the balance, but also the souls of everyone in it. Stark has to find a way to break the stalemate in the angel war, score the Perdition cure for the black poison, and make it back to LA in one piece--where an old enemy waits to finish him once and for all.

Perdition (Dred Chronicles #1)

by Ann Aguirre

WELCOME TO HELL The prison ship Perdition, a floating city where the Conglomerate's most dangerous criminals are confined for life, orbits endlessly around a barren asteroid. Life inside is even more bleak. Hailed as the Dread Queen, inmate Dresdemona "Dred" Devos controls one of Perdition's six territories, bordered on both sides by would-be kings eager to challenge her claim. Keeping them at bay requires constant vigilance, as well as a steady influx of new recruits to replace the fallen. Survival is a constant battle, and death is the only escape. Of the newest convicts, only one is worth Dred's attention. The mercenary Jael, with his deadly gaze and attitude, may be the most dangerous criminal onboard. His combat skill could give her the edge she needs, if he doesn't betray her first. Unfortunately, that's what he does best. Winning Jael's allegiance will be a challenge, but failure could be worse than death... FIRST IN A NEW SERIES!


by Hilary Scharper

"Stunning... richly complex and unpredictable." -Historical Novel ReviewMarged Brice is 134 years old. She'd be ready to go, if it wasn't for Perdita . . .The Georgian Bay lighthouse's single eye keeps watch over storm and calm, and Marged grew up in its shadow, learning the language of the wind and the trees. There's blustery beauty there, where sea and sky incite each other to mischief... or worse...Garth Hellyer of the Longevity Project doesn't believe Marged was a girl coming of age in the 1890s, but reading her diaries in the same wild and unpredictable location where she wrote them might be enough to cast doubt on his common sense.Everyone knows about death. It's life that's much more mysterious..."Hilary Scharper deftly mines the beauty and wonder of both the human heart and nature in this haunting tale of enduring love." -Cathy Marie Buchanan, bestselling author of The Painted Girls

Perdidos para siempre

by Nuno Morais

Un libro apasionante que cuenta una historia terrible. Carl “Kalle” Nebuloni perdió a sus padres y a una hermana en un trágico accidente automovilístico. En Lisboa, donde vive, se debate entre su trabajo y el cuidado de su sobrina, la única superviviente del accidente. ¿Pero fue realmente un accidente? Con el descubrimiento de nuevas e inquietantes pruebas, Kalle se ve repentinamente obligado a enfrentarse a la posibilidad de que la muerte de casi toda su familia no haya sido obra de una casualidad desafortunada. ¿Qué motivo pudo haber detrás de su desaparición? ¿Quién querría hacerlos desaparecer? ¿Se relaciona esta desaparición con otros hechos trágicos que, a distancia de medio mundo, provocan la muerte de un grupo de investigadores interesados ​​en una historia de secuestro y adopción ilegal de niños? ¿Y se trata solo de secuestros y adopciones ilegales de niños, o está sucediendo algo más siniestro y mucho más horrendo? Kalle tendrá que afrontar su miedo a descubrir la verdad e investigar por sí mismo el acertijo que ninguna autoridad parece interesada en resolver.

Perdido Street Station (Bas-Lag #1)

by China Miéville

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from China Mieville's Embassytown. Beneath the towering bleached ribs of a dead, ancient beast lies New Crobuzon, a squalid city where humans, Re-mades, and arcane races live in perpetual fear of Parliament and its brutal militia. The air and rivers are thick with factory pollutants and the strange effluents of alchemy, and the ghettos contain a vast mix of workers, artists, spies, junkies, and whores. In New Crobuzon, the unsavory deal is stranger to none--not even to Isaac, a brilliant scientist with a penchant for Crisis Theory. Isaac has spent a lifetime quietly carrying out his unique research. But when a half-bird, half-human creature known as the Garuda comes to him from afar, Isaac is faced with challenges he has never before fathomed. Though the Garuda's request is scientifically daunting, Isaac is sparked by his own curiosity and an uncanny reverence for this curious stranger. While Isaac's experiments for the Garuda turn into an obsession, one of his lab specimens demands attention: a brilliantly colored caterpillar that feeds on nothing but a hallucinatory drug and grows larger--and more consuming--by the day. What finally emerges from the silken cocoon will permeate every fiber of New Crobuzon--and not even the Ambassador of Hell will challenge the malignant terror it invokes . . . A magnificent fantasy rife with scientific splendor, magical intrigue, and wonderfully realized characters, told in a storytelling style in which Charles Dickens meets Neal Stephenson, Perdido Street Station offers an eerie, voluptuously crafted world that will plumb the depths of every reader's imagination.

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