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Showing 79,151 through 79,175 of 79,408 results

The High House

by James Stoddard

Carter Anderson's father is the Master of the High House, a mystical dwelling filled with twisting corridors, magical books, and secret passageways. As Master, his father maintains not only the High House, but the world, keeping it safe from evil. Mr. Anderson sends Carter away for his own safety; but when Carter returns, he finds that the House's worst enemies have invaded -- and his father is nowhere to be found.


by Mickey Zucker Reichert

In a land where magic is real, where elves and dragons menace the unwary, and where the Norse gods wage a deadly campaign, using mortals as theirfavorite pawns, Loki, god of deception, and Freyr, god of war, are locked in a battle that could tip the universal balance toward order or eternal chaos. Searching the alternate timeways, Freyr has reached out to snatch Al Larson, twentieth-century American soldier, from the midst of a firefight in Vietnam, flinging him through time and space into the body of an elvish warrior to stand against Loki and his sorcerous ally, Bramin. Torn from a world where bullets and grenades are the weapons of choice, and locked into an elvish body on a world where sword and spell are the means of battle, Al must adapt swiftly- or die. For the gods have marked him as their own private battleground, and Al's only chance rests in completing the quest Freyr has set him, a quest that will lead him to the very gates of Hel, where he must save a god--or destroy one! 0071125002958 0""71125N00295""8I ON WINGS OF DEATH-- Heat seared the back of Larson's neck, and he ran, even as he thought, Dragon. Goddamned fire- breathing dragon like every legend and fairy tale I've ever read. A wall of trees rose before him. With a joyous sob, Larson ran between them. Yet even here there was scant safety as flame gouted through the trees with a heat that made him scream. Clutching his sword, Larson ran on with a speed born of desperation. Branches rustled overhead, too loud for wind. Fire lanced before Larson, the stabbing Fires coming closer and closer, threatening to set the entire forest ablaze. Spotting the light of a campfire in the distance, Larson fled toward this one possible chance of aid. Flame shot down, and a wall of heat knocked Larson to one knee at the edge of the camp. "Dragon!" he screamed his warning through lungs that felt raw. "Fire ... breathing ... dragon!"

The Best of Edmond Hamilton

by Edmond Hamilton

Here is a collection of some of the finest short fiction penned by one of “fathers” of modern science fiction. These stories were selected (and edited) by his wife Leigh Brackett, an author and a screenwriter. Her screen-writing credits include works on such films as The Big Sleep, Rio Bravo, The Long Goodbye and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. This collection spans nearly half a century of Edmond Hamilton's work and was selected from a repository of hundreds of stories that he had written over that period.

How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy

by Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card shares his advice on how to break into this field, how to develop fantastic story ideas, and evolve fresh plots.

The Fifth Dominion (Imajica #1)

by Clive Barker

An Infinite Summer

by Christopher Priest

Collection of science fiction short stories including: An Infinite Summer (novelette), Whores, Palely Loitering (novelette), The Negation (novelette), and The Watched (novella).

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Volume 3: Second Variety

by Philip K. Dick

Many thousands of readers consider Philip K. Dick the greatest science fiction mind on any planet. Since his untimely death in 1982, interest in Dick's works has continued to mount and his reputation has been further enhanced by a growing body of critical attention. The Philip K. Dick Award is now given annually to a distinguished work of science fiction, and the Philip K. Dick Society is devoted to the study and promulgation of his works.<P><P> This collection includes all of the writer's earliest short and medium-length fiction (including some previously unpublished stories) covering the years 1952-1955. These fascinating stories include Second Variety, Foster, You're Dead and The Father-Thing, and many others.

Radio Free Albemuth

by Philip K. Dick

Spiritwalk (Newford #2)

by Charles De Lint

Tamson House in downtown Ottawa is a place of hidden power, for the House is a door to other lands where Celtic and native American magicks mingle and leak into our own. Magic breathes in the walls of the House, mystery sleeps in its enclosed garden. Leylines rest beneath its foundations, and inside its rooms Weirdin discs are thrown into patterns that speak of the distant past and the shadowed future to come. <P> The House takes up a entire city block and yet is even larger than it seems, for rooms appear and disappear and the twisty overgrown garden paths lead to a vast and primal Wood that no city streets have ever contained. There is something dark within that Wood, threatening the existence of Tamson House and all who dwell within it. Three green children hang from a tree; a coyote man waits in the moonless dark, the Autumn Lady carries her heavy gift; shadows are lost; the Westlin Wind sings; and old spirits wake and walk between worlds. <P> Whether you are returning to the halls of Tamson House, or entering its doors for the very first time, prepare yourself for wonders and terrors and enchantments dark and bright, where modern characters and old spirits meet and walk between worlds, and ultimately, wage a battle that threatens the existence of Tamson House--a strange, rambling old house and haven for artists, musicians, writers and others: Blue, the biker; Emma, the Autumn Lady; Esmeralda, the Westlin Wind; and a host of other unforgettable characters.<P> Spiritwalk is the sequel to the classic Moonheart.

The Silver Spike

by Glen Cook

"Gentleman, the silver spike is loose in the world. It's not the Dominator. He's dead. But the undying black essence that drove him remains. And that could be used by an adept to summon, coerce, and shape powers even I cannot begin to fathom. That spike could become a conduit to the very heart of darkness, an opener of the way that would confer upon .its possessor powers perhaps exceeding even those the Dominator possessed. "Our mission, our holy mission, given the White Rose by Old Father Tree himself, is to recover the silver spike and deliver it for safekeeping, at whatever cost to ourselves, before someone of power seizes upon it and shapes it to his own dark purposes and is, in his turn, shaped--perhaps into a shadow so deep there would be no chance ever for the world to win free."

The Crown of Silence

by Storm Constantine

when shan was fifteen years old, dark soldiers came out of the west, like a cloud of evil boiling over the soft hills of his homeland. They commanded terrible beasts, which killed with hooked claws like scythes and cold eyes that dripped icy fire. The soldiers wore helmets that looked like fiends, tusked and snarling and sneering. The terrible consequences of war have left the boy Shan wounded in body and mind by the invading army of Magravandias. He is taken from his devastated village by the magus Taropat, chosen by the master's mysterious impulse to make Shan his pupil--and a weapon against the invading empire. In his forest hideaway, Taropat teaches the boy both magic and how to hone his loathing of the Mag- ravandian empire into a lethal weapon. The magi of the forest seek to make a hero; bent on revenge, Shan willingly accepts the role. Taropat is far more, even, than the powerful wizard he seems. Shan learns the tragic truth of what befell Khaster Leckery, companion to the dark Dragon Heir, Valraven Palindrake, and husband toValraven's sister. And Shan discovers he himself is soon to become an inextricable part of Khaster's story. The Crown of Silence is the second volume in the Chronicles of Magravandias, Storm Constantine's breathtaking new fantasy masterpiece. The first is Sea Dragon Heir.

The Earth Lords

by Gordon R. Dickson

A hidden labyrinth beneath the Canadian wilderness where dwarfish Lords and Ladies ride humans like horses - and plot the final downfall of mankind. Bart Dybig is a "Steed", but one gifted with mental and physical abilities unsuspected by those who have enslaved him. Soon, he vows, he will surprise the Lords and escape to the world above - if there's a world to go back to. For the Earth Lords are building a doomsday device of unimaginable power to completely destroy mankind. Only Bart and his strange heritage can stop them

The Compleat Dying Earth

by Jack Vance

A collection of Vance stories.

Dream of Glass

by Jean Mark Gawron

Jean Mark Gawron creates a haunting world where information is God and artificial intelligences have joined ranks with misfit hackers to undermine a fascist state. Dream of Glass is an adventure in cyberspace and a mystery, too, that pursues the timeless question of what an individual is.

Dry Water

by Eric S. Nylund

Larry Ngitis is a painfully shy writer who travels to the sleepy town of Dry Water in hopes of getting his life and career back on track. He is soon besieged by some of the town's more unconventional denizens, including a witch, a mage-necromancer and assorted ghosts all of whom believe that Larry is a prophet of local legend returned to reveal the source of a mystical, magical spring that gave the town its name.

The Dream Years

by Lisa Goldstein

One strange and magical winter day in 1924, a young surrealist follows a dark-haired woman down the avenues of time to the Paris riots of 1968. Together they learn the awesome power of the imagination to turn lies into truth, death into love, darkness into light...

Dragon Burning (Dragon Circle #3)

by Craig Shaw Gardner

The war between the Wizards is about to come to an end. The citizens of Chestnut Circle are about to have their day of reckoning. And Nick Blake is about to realize his destiny. because the Dragon has awakened, and its fire is beyond anyone's control.

Behind The Walls Of Terra

by Philip Jose Farmer

There was the universe of the Lords in the beginning, and that was the only one we knew about. Then, after ten thousand years of civilization, my ancestors formulated the theory of artificial universes. Once the mathematics of the concept was realized, it was only a matter of time and will until the first pocket universe was made. Then the same 'space' would hold two worlds of space-matter, but one would be impervious to the inhabitants of the other, because each universe was at right angles to the other! "However, the first new universe was crude ... it embodied no new principles. It was, in fact, an exact imitation of the original. Well, not exact in the sense that it was not a copy of the world as it was but as it had been in our past." "The copy was this--my world?" Kickaha said. "Earth's?"

Don't Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear

by Jody Lynn Nye

Throughout space and time, mother still knows best. (Don't pick up that raygun -- you don't know where it's been!) The moms of the galaxy finally get their due.

Colony Fleet

by Susan R. Matthews

Four hundred years have passed since the leaders of an ecologically threatened Earth launched a great fleet of asteroid ships toward the stars. Five pristine planets were designated to be colonized by descendants of the first crews. Each new world would be inhabited by a homogenous mix of creators and facilitators, workers and intelligentsia. All would prosper in harmonious equality. But things have changed over the centuries...<P> Hillbrane Harkover belongs to the Jneers, the privileged third of the tripartite class system that evolved during the voyage. Now, with the first world landing mere months away, she finds herself betrayed by one of her own, expelled from her caste, and exiled to the dangerous fringes of the fleet. Abandoned here, where lowly Mechs toil in unsafe, unhealthy conditions, Hillbrane no longer has a place in the cruel hierarchy she has always taken for granted. But a four-century-old dream is suddenly in dire jeopardy, doomed by custom, suspicion, and class hatred. And someone on the outside may be the only one who can save the first colony--and the fleet--from catastrophe.

The Curse Of Sagamore

by Kara Dalkey

The Broken Goddess

by Hans Bemmann

An academic meets the fairy-tale princess of his dreams - at a conference on fairy tales. But is she real? What follows is the story of a quest in pursuit of the elusive princess, through a realm of talking beasts, monstrous dangers and magical gifts. By the author of "The Stone and the Flute".

The Complete Stories, Book 2

by Isaac Asimov

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