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Showing 79,326 through 79,350 of 79,411 results

Between Planets

by Robert A. Heinlein

The message had seemed simple, yet it was more complex than Don could have imagined. He was being called from Earth to an alien world for reasons unknown--save only that his life depended on it. But setting out for Mars and getting there in good shape turned out to be a lot more complicated than Don ever would have guessed possible. It was trouble enough being inexplicably hounded by Earth's secret police. But when he was hijacked by Venusian rebels, Don suddenly realized that he was trapped in the center of a war between worlds that could change the fate of the Solar System forever.

The Angel is Near

by Deepak Chopra

In a burned-out village in Kosovo, two soldiers are struck down by a flash of blinding light ... In New York, a doctor runs to help a stricken neighbor, only to be charged with the bloody murder of the man he came to save ... In a Nevada laboratory, a cynical scientist analyzes a bizarre life form-and discovers the impossible ... All around the world the fabric of reality is unraveling. Scientists scramble to understand it. Ordinary people confront strange, terrifying phenomena. And an American doctor named Michael Aulden stands at ground zero in a war of the body, mind and soul-as humankind must choose between the goodness that has always been ours, or the evil that has found a home on earth...

And All the Stars a Stage

by James Blish

No synopsis available.


by Newt Gingrich William R. Forstchen

The year is 1945, In Europe, the Third Reich reigns triumphant. The Soviet Union is a fragment of its former self, and Britain has accepted a dictated armistice. In the Pacific, after a brief, sharp war with Japan, America is the only significant military presence. Now the world's two superpowers eye each other warily across the Atlantic Ocean that grows smaller daily. The Big Show is about to start... Who will win? The Americans with their formidable industrial base and superior logistical techniques-or the Germans with their science fiction super weapons that turn out not to be fictional after all? Only one thing is certain: if America is beaten, this alternate Reich will last a thousand years...

Traitor to the Living

by Philip Jose Farmer

A machine that enables the living to communicate with the dead threatens to allow angry and vengeful ghosts to reenter the world of the living and enact cruel revenge

Gods of Riverworld (Riverworld #5)

by Philip Jose Farmer

Thirty billion people from throughout Earth's history have been resurrected along the great and winding waterways of Riverworld. Most began life anew--accepting without question the sustenance provided by their mysterious benefactors. But a rebellious handful, including Mark Twain, Richard Burton, and Peter Jairus Frigate, burned to confront the unseen masters who controlled their fate--and these few launched an invasion that will ultimately yield the mind-boggling truth. The story was chronicled in four previous volumes, and is now concluded in Gods of Riverworld. Riverworld's omnipotent leaders must finally be confronted, and the renegades of Riverworld--led by the intrepid Sir Richard Francis Burton--will control the fantastic mechanism that rules them. But the most awesome challenge lies ahead. For in the vast corridors and secret rooms of the tower stronghold, an unknown enemy watches and waits to usurp the usurpers....


by Orson Scott Card

The sphere is alien in origin, but has been controlled by man for millennia. A legend as old as the stars rules this constructed world: When the seventh seventh seventh human Heptarch is crowned, he will be the Kristos and will bring eternal salvation... or the destruction of the cosmos.<P> Patience is the only daughter of the rightful Heptarch, but she, like her father before her, serves the usurper who has destroyed her family. For she has learned the true ruler’s honor: Duty to one’s race is more important than duty to one’s self.<P> But the time for prudence has passed, and that which has slept for ages has awakened. And Patience must journey to the heartsoul of this planet to confront her destiny... and her world's.

Prentice Alvin (Tales of Alvin Maker #3)

by Orson Scott Card

The Tales of Alvin Maker series continues in volume three, Prentice Alvin. Young Alvin returns to the town of his birth, and begins his apprenticeship with Makepeace Smith, committing seven years of his life in exchange for the skills and knowledge of a blacksmith. But Alvin must also learn to control and use his own talent, that of a Maker, else his destiny will be unfulfilled.

The Death of Grass

by John Christopher


by Alexander Besher

Winy Fat, head of a South-east Asian biotech drug cartel, is siphoning off vital chi essence from enslaved humans held on plantations in the former Golden Triangle. And bootleg chi products are flooding the world's black markets, offering global consumers everything they have always craved: super-enhanced intelligence, greater creativity, heightened sexual powers, multimedia implants and even short-term immortality.

The Gambler's Fortune

by Juliet E. Mckenna

The renowned thief Liyak employed her great courage and cunning to escape the evil, mindbending sorcery ...

The Alien Within (Voyagers #2)

by Ben Bova

Eighteen years ago, astronaut Keith Stoner had been the American member of a joint U.S.–Soviet mission to capture an alien ship that had entered the solar system. It was the greatest adventure in the history of Earth—but disaster struck when a bomb placed on the Soviet craft forced its recall. Stoner refused to return to Earth, staying behind in the strange ship alone where he fell into suspended animation.<P> Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Stoner, is now head of Vanguard Industries. Jo’s dogged determination has forced the recovery of the alien ship, and now her company is in control of the vast new technology—and in control of Keith Stoner. What Camerata doesn’t know, however, is that when Stoner wakes, someone else awakens, too. The alien presence in Stoner’s mind that has kept him alive all these years is now free, and intends to explore the world.<P> And it will let nothing stand in its way.

Empire Builders (Privateers #2)

by Ben Bova

Dan Randolph never plays by the rules. A hell-raising maverick with no patience for fools, he is admired by his friends, feared by his enemies, and desired by the world's loveliest women. Acting as a twenty-first privateer, Randolph broke the political strangle-hold on space exploration, and became one of the world's richest men in the bargain.<P> Now an ecological crisis threatens Earth--and the same politicians that Randolph outwitted the first time want to impose a world dictatorship to deal with it.<P> Dan Randolph knows that the answer lies in more human freedom, not less--and in the boundless resources of space. But can he stay free long enough to give the world that chance?


by Greg Bear

Multi-award winning author Greg Bear established himself as the most ambitious and imaginative of the potential successors to Arthur C. Clarke with his bestselling space operas Eon and Eternity. Tangents is his first collection of short stories and includes two tales that won both Hugo and Nebula Awards: 'Tangents' a remarkable account of contact with beings from another dimension, and the original short version of his classic novel Blood Music.

The Caterpillar's Question

by Piers Anthony Philip Farmer

Tappy was thirteen, blind, crippled and mute. Jack was hired to drive her across the country to a place where they were supposed to help her, but Jack wondered. They said she could speak if she wanted to badly enough, that the condition was hysterical. As they drove, he found himself liking the young girl and becoming more and more intrigued with her behavior. Why did she want to stop and walk around in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps Jack would regret his wanting to know when they both disappeared somewhere ... else?

Carrier 10: Arsenal

by Keith Douglass

Book 10 in the Carrier series. This time, tombstone and the crew are stuck in the middle of a rapidly worsening situation. Caught between micromanaging unscrupulous politicians back home and a Cuban faction which is sick and tired of being pushed around by the U.S. and thinks it can turn things around with a blow that will break the United States' will, can tombstone and the crew of Jefferson pull off another miracle?


by Wil Mccarthy

mycora: technogenic life. Fast-reproducing, fast-mutating, and endlessly voracious. In the year 2106, these microscopic machine/ creatures have escaped their creators to populate the inner solar system with a wild, deadly ecology all their own, pushing the tattered remnants of humanity out into the cold and dark of the outer planets. Even huddled beneath the ice of Jupiter's moons, protected by a defensive system known as the Immunity, survivors face the constant risk of mycospores finding their way to the warmth and brightness inside the habitats, resulting in a calamitous "bloom." But the human race still has a trick or two up its sleeves; in a ship specially designed to penetrate the deadly Myco system, seven astronauts are about to embark on mankind's boldest venture yet--the perilous journey home to infected Earth! Yet it is in these remote conditions, against a virtually omnipotent foe, that we discover how human nature plays the greatest role in humanity's future.

Dark Sleeper

by Jeffrey E. Barlough

SOMETHING HAS AWAKENED... the fog-enshrouded city of Salthead. An undead sailor dances along the wharves. A sunken ship rises from the waters and sails into the harbor. The ghost of a long dead boy haunts a tavern. The vicious canine of the local miser evolves into an even more terrifying beast... And in the course of investigating these events, the eminent professor of metaphysics, Titus Tiggs, and his colleague, Dr. Daniel Dampe, encounter something more sinister than anything they had found before-a mystical presence intent on destroying the city of Salthead and every person in it...

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