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Showing 11,501 through 11,525 of 36,684 results

Personal Best: 10 lessons to help you achieve your true potential

by Marc Woods

FROM MARC WOODS "I love to read and listen to inspirational stories, but sometimes it is difficult to apply any of their content to your own life. In writing Personal Best I wanted to share my life experiences, to relate how I dealt with, and overcame, the different challenges that I faced and then went on to achieve success. But, more importantly, I wanted to do it in a way that might be useful to others. In beating cancer as a teenager, I may have lost a leg, but I gained a new respect for life and a second chance. My experience taught me to approach life in a different way. It taught me to measure myself against my potential and not against others. It taught me about personal responsibility. It taught me that life is about being the best person you can be. If you are lucky, life teaches you what you don't learn at school. I’ve been very lucky. I’ve learnt some tough, but invaluable lessons about life on my journey. I’d like to share those lessons with you." "Personal Best is a truly inspirational book, written with great honesty, compassion and humility. Marc's ability to overcome adversity and triumph in so many diverse areas is an example to us all. His immense sporting achievements and his work on behalf of the Teenage Cancer Trust is unequalled and his indomitable spirit shines through." —Sarah, the Duchess of York "Marc has a remarkable story and is an absolute inspiration." —Roger Daltrey

Persona altamente sensibile: la superpotenza del sentimento elevato

by Andrew Cornwell

La chiave per vivere una vita felice se sei una persona altamente sensibile è abbracciare le buone qualità che possiedi e mostrarle al mondo, senza permettere ai tuoi difetti di controllarli. La parte negativa delle persone altamente sensibili è che la loro ipersensibilità erode le loro migliori qualità, e spesso nei momenti più inopportuni. L'obiettivo di questo book sarà quello di concentrarsi sul controllo delle tue emozioni e permettendo ai tuoi doni unici di brillare attraverso l'utilizzo di passaggi di azione specifici per riavvolgere il cervello e il modo di pensare. Riprogrammare la propria mente sarà un fattore importante nella gestione delle vostre abitudini e sensibilità. Una volta che si passa attraverso le pratiche e le fasi di azione di cui discutiamo qui, sarai veramente in grado in grado di vivere la tua migliore vita come persona altamente sensibile.

The Person in Psychology and Christianity: A Faith-Based Critique of Five Theories of Social Development (Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books)

by Marjorie Lindner Gunnoe

Integral to a Christian worldview and to psychology are foundational questions about personhood: What characteristics are essential? What is our purpose? Do we naturally incline toward good or bad? Are we accountable for self and responsible for others?The Person in Psychology and ChristianityErik EriksonJohn BowlbyB. F. SkinnerAlbert BanduraEvolutionary PsychologyFor each, Gunnoe includes a biography, a summary of the theorist's broad perspective on personhood, and an analysis of the theorist's stance on the four specific themes. This book is written for a general audience and suitable for undergraduate and graduate instruction.

The Person Called You: Why You're Here, Why You Matter & What You Should Do With Your Life

by Bill Hendricks

&“I can&’t stand my job anymore.&” &“I feel like I have no direction. Like I&’m just marking time.&”&“What is my purpose?&”Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? In the last 70 years, social scientists and churches been trying to help people understand who they are and how they fit with personality tests and spiritual gifts tests – but these only go so far.Bill Hendricks goes beyond personality types to explore and explain the fullness of human giftedness and the concept of personhood. Using the &“Discover Your Design&” test, The Person Called You provides a specific, comprehensive, and accurate understanding of the phenomenon of human giftedness from a Biblical perspective. It moves past the limited scope of other gift discovery tests to look at each person&’s unique God-given designs and motivations. This book helps the reader understand their deep uniqueness as a human being and purpose in life from a variety of angles –work, marriage, parenting, education, and one&’s relationship with God.The Person Called You is for anyone who knows they aren&’t quite where they ought to be – and not quite where they will flourish best – and wants to who they were created to be. It&’s a presentation of hope – hope that there actually are answers to some of life&’s most perplexing questions.

The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit

by J. D. Emerson René Pache

"The difference between a religion of mere letter and form and one of life and power lies in knowing the Holy Spirit."--Dr. R. A. TorreyCan you, or can any Christian go far in the Christian life without giving time and thought to the third Person of the Godhead? Obviously not, for the Holy Spirit takes the things of Christ and shows them to us, and makes the practical application of Bible knowledge obvious to us. He alone can transform Christian theory into life and deeds.Through this book, Dr. Pache will direct us into thinking again about who the Holy Spirit is, what He did before Pentecost, and what He has been doing since then in the lives of men. What place does the Holy Spirit have in the service of the Christian worker, and what will be His ministry in the future? THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT answers this question and others concerning conviction, baptism, filling, indwelling, and gifts of the Spirit.RENE PACHE was principal of Emmaus Bible School at Lausanne. He was the founder of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in Switzerland and France and gave much time to that organization. His published works include The Future Life and The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture.

The Persistence of the Soul: Mediums, Spirit Visitations, and Afterlife Communication

by Mark Ireland

Compelling evidence for afterlife messages backed by scientific research• Presents detailed accounts of experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the survival of consciousness after death, including the author&’s own test involving a secret message left behind by his late sister • Shares interviews with mediums to understand how they receive information from the spirit world and explains how to recognize fraudulent mediums • Explores the healing impact that afterlife communications can have on people who are grieving After the unexpected passing of his youngest son, Mark Ireland began a search for messages from the afterlife and discovered remarkable proof of life after death. Interweaving profound personal experience and compelling scientific evidence, Ireland presents a deep dive into psychic-medium phenomena, spirit visitations, after-life communication, reincarnation, synchronicity, and near-death experiences, pointing to the survival of consciousness after bodily death. He details how he confronted his resistance to engaging in the spiritual and parapsychological practices of his deceased father, prominent 20th-century psychic Dr. Richard Ireland, who counseled celebrities such as Mae West and the Eisenhower family. On his journey, he meets with respected mediums who deliver unexpected messages from his son, father, and others who have passed and explores the healing impact that such messages can have on people who are grieving. He shares his interviews with mediums to understand how they see, hear, and feel the information they receive from the spirits of the deceased, and he explains how to recognize fraudulent mediums. Ireland presents detailed accounts of scientific experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the continuity of consciousness, including the author&’s own test involving a secret message left behind by his deceased sister, Robin. The contents of this message were unknown to any living person and remained sealed in an envelope until the author received messages from a group of mediums. He exposes deceptive arguments made by skeptics and examines mediumship through the lens of multiple religious traditions—including some factions who seek to demonize the practice. Showing how spirit communication can be undeniably accurate and frustratingly ambiguous, Ireland reveals the profound healing and transformative possibilities available to those who come to believe in the persistence of the soul.

Persigue tus sueños: Tú puedes cambiarte la vida

by Ricardo Zárate

Quien procura los deseos de su corazón llega a conocer todo aquello de lo que es capaz. "Al fin y al cabo, a eso había ido a Londres, a arriesgar lo que tenía y lo que no tenía, a propiciar una ruptura con la persona que había sido durante toda mi vida. Había ido a cambiar mi destino." De manos de su mejor amigo, un chico recibe el folleto de una reconocida escuela de cine en Londres y se entera de que ahí estudian los hijos de Spielberg y otros famosos, que de seguro llegarán lejos. A pesar de su amor por el cine y de que su mayor sueño en la vida es convertirse en guionista, se resigna a guardar el folleto en un cajón y se inscribe en la carrera de ingeniería. Pero años después, algo en su interior le impide enfocarse en su prometedor futuro como ingeniero y, con apenas unos cuantos billetes en el bolsillo, se lanza al vacío, como equilibrista sin malla de protección. ¿Su meta? Entrar, acomo dé lugar, en aquella escuela del anuncio que pasó tanto tiempo latente en el buró y cuya colegiatura es inalcanzable para él. Una travesía de inimaginables desventuras y golpes de la fortuna. Porque hay puntos de quiebre tan tremendos que o te apartas de los algodones del confort mental, o no llegarás vivo al final del viaje hacia ti mismo; sólo así podrás transformarte en quien siempre has querido ser.

Persigue tu leon: Si tu sueño no te asusta, es demasiado pequeño

by Mark Batterson

Cuando la imagen de una bestia devoradora de hombres viaja a través del nervio óptico hacia la corteza visual, el cerebro transmite un mensaje urgente al cuerpo: ¡huye! Eso es lo que hacen las personas normales, pero no los perseguidores de leones. Más que ver un problema de doscientos cincuenta kilos, ven una oportunidad para que Dios aparezca y muestre su poder. Persigue tu león es más que un eslogan; se trata de un enfoque radicalmente diferente ante la vida. Solo cuando dejamos de temer al fracaso podemos agarrar a la oportunidad por la melena. Con garra y entusiasmo, el autor de best sellers del New York Times, Mark Batterson entrega un mensaje audaz a todos aquellos que tengan un gran sueño. Esta es una llamada de atención para dejar de vivir como si el propósito de la vida fuese simplemente llegar seguros a la muerte. Nuestros sueños deben asustarnos. Deben ser tan grandes que fuese imposible alcanzarlos sin Dios.

Perseverance: The Seven Skills You Need to Survive, Thrive, and Accomplish More Than You Ever Imagined

by Tim Hague

An inspiring story of beating the odds and learning to overcome--no matter what life hands you.After starting a family and flourishing in his career, Tim Hague was struck by misfortune. The irritating tremor in his foot turned out to be early onset Parkinson's disease. He was only 46 years old. But what seemed to be an end became a new beginning. Just three years later, Hague won the inaugural The Amazing Race Canada (with his son, Tim Jr., as his teammate). His remarkable life story shows that perseverance is not just a matter of willpower: it is a skill that can be learned and honed. And perseverance is the theme of his life. From the day he was born, Hague has gone from one struggle to another. Yet, remarkably, he doesn't have a trace of self-pity. In fact, he feels blessed. From his tough start in life as an unwanted mixed-race baby born in Texas in 1964, to his eventual move to the unforgiving climate of Winnipeg, Canada, to start a family under difficult circumstances, and his continuing battle with Parkinson's--Hague's life is a roadmap of perseverance. Parkinson's has forced him to retire early from the work he loves as a registered nurse. But as a healthcare professional, and now suffering from a challenging disease himself, Hague discusses living with Parkinson's like no one else could. He now works with charities to help promote Parkinson's awareness and his "Live Your Best" message. Drawing on his experience winning The Amazing Race, and referencing cutting-edge research and studies, Hague weaves a moving story of failure and success, outlining the elements of his philosophy that anyone can apply to their own lives, including: * The nature of luck: Luck comes to those who keep trying until the end--never stop until the race is over. * Find community: As a nurse, a husband and father, and a man living with Parkinson's, Hague knows better than most that we all need to ask for help sometimes, and that's a good thing. * Accept limits: By focusing on what we can do, we accomplish more than we ever thought possible. * Cease striving: We think of striving as a positive attribute, but all we end up doing is banging our heads against the wall. Have goals, but have fun. Do not create anxiety out of nothing and maintain perspective. * Live Your Best: No such thing as giving 110%--can only do your best. Inspirational and entertaining, Hague's message is both simple and profound: perseverance isn't just something a person has, or a trait we admire in others. Hague's book, like his life, is a guide to how we can all learn to persevere in the face of daily struggles--or even life-changing illness.

Persephone Rising: Awakening the Heroine Within

by Carol S. Pearson

Nautilus Award WinnerIn this empowering work, the bestselling author of The Hero Within and Awakening the Heroes Within speaks to the heroine in every woman, offering potent strategies to forge lives of greater happiness and fulfillment—through activating the archetypes inherent in the ancient Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone.Our era of professional and familial pressures, constant connection, and a renewed debate on “having it all” presents unprecedented challenges to contemporary women. In Persephone Rising, celebrated scholar of depth psychology and archetypes Carol S. Pearson brings a fresh vision for meeting those challenges and rising above them, as only she can. Drawing on her profound understanding of myth's enduring power to catalyze transformations, Pearson guides readers on a journey of self-discovery, teaching us how to activate and apply the archetypes of Demeter and Persephone, as well as Zeus and Dionysus, in our own lives— empowering readers to see the unexpected choices and opportunities available to us all.Illuminating ancient wisdom for a modern audience, Persephone Rising offers meaningful and effective strategies to answer the call to heroism in our own lives: to locate and harness the unique potential within each of ourselves, and ultimately to develop our own innate heroic gifts. Just as Demeter and Persephone discovered, in the midst of great difficulty, their own powers, gifts, and abilities for creating a better path not only for themselves, but the world, Persephone Rising teaches that each one of us has more options than choosing whether to lean in or out—we have the power to change ourselves, and thus our world.

Persephone Made Me Do It (Myth and Magick #3)

by Trista Mateer

Bestselling and Goodreads Choice Award-winning author Trista Mateer returns with another mythical approach to self-care in her newest poetry collection, Persephone Made Me Do It. Following her previous work in this series, Mateer weaves together mythology, tarot, poetry, and conversation to reveal a new side of a very old story. Alternating between the perspectives of poet and goddess, Persephone&’s lore is explored, related to modern issues, and ultimately reclaimed.&“You want to talk about duality? You want to talk about love? Let us speak instead of chaos.&” In this new collection of art and feminist verse from Trista Mateer, Persephone might have flowers in her hair—but she is out for blood. This is the third book in the Myth & Magick series, which also includes Aphrodite Made Me Do It and Artemis Made Me Do It.

The Perricone Prescription: A Physician's 28-Day Program For Total Body And Face Rejuvenation

by Nicholas Perricone

From the author of the New York Times runaway bestseller The Wrinkle Cure comes a groundbreaking, scientifically based, easy-to-follow total-body anti-aging program -a revolutionary plan of action that empowers you to firm your face, tone your figure, and improve our overall health and appearance. THE PERRICONE PRESCRIPTION Most people believe that sags, bags, and wrinkles-on the face and body-are inevitable. Many people choose to temporarily circumvent these signs of aging with surgery, chemical peels, Botox injections, or laser treatments. The good news, according to research scientist and practicing dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, M.D., is that by following a simple program of diet, exercise, and skin care you can prevent and even reverse many signs of aging. The Perricone Prescription clearly and succinctly explains the rock-solid laboratory research behind Dr. Perricone's revolutionary theories, revealing that inflammation at the cellular level, precipitated by poor nutrition, pollution, sunlight, irritating skin-care treatments, and stress, is the single most powerful cause of the signs of aging. Dr. Perricone gives you the knowledge and the tools to fight that inflammation from the inside out, while at the same time decreasing the likelihood of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other degenerative diseases. Step by step, Dr. Perricone guides you on the road to improved health and looks and increased well-being, providing: *a three-day "jump start" diet that will give you immediate, impossible-to- ignore results *the twenty-eight-day Perricone Program of meals, exercise, and skin care *delicious, nutritious, easy-to-follow recipes *the latest news in topical applications, supplements, and age-defying technology, including a breakthrough spider vein treatment for face and body, overnight skin brighteners, and muscle stimulation that rivals surgical face-lifts *a completely up-to-date resource guide *and much more! Packed with more than fifty startling before-and-after photos, detailed exercise illustrations, the latest research, and case studies from Dr. Perricone's thriving private practice, The Perricone Prescription is a lifelong anti-aging program that will benefit your entire body-and change your life!

Permission to Speak: How to Change What Power Sounds Like, Starting with You

by Samara Bay

Use your voice to lead us to a better future with this game-changing guide to redefining what power and authority sound like—from a speech expert who&’s worked with Hollywood&’s biggest stars, political powerhouses, and businesspeople shaking up the status quo.&“I love this book—funny, surprising, stirring, and so important! What a beautiful accomplishment and gift to put into the world.&”—Rachel McAdamsGetting heard is a tricky business: It&’s what you say and how you show up, filtered through your audience&’s assumptions and biases—and maybe even your own. For women, people of color, immigrants, and queer folks, there&’s often a dissonance between how you speak and how we collectively think powerful people should speak: like the wealthy white men who&’ve historically been in charge. But, fortunately, the sound of power is changing.Permission to Speak is your tool kit for making that change. In this revolutionary take on how to use your voice to get what you want, sought-after speech coach Samara Bay offers a fresh perspective on public speaking and a new definition of what power sounds like: namely, you. Blending anecdotes with eye-opening research in leadership, linguistics, and social science, Permission to Speak shows you how to strike the right balance of strength and warmth to land your message; exactly what to do before a high-stakes scenario so that your voice, your mind, and your spirit are ready; and how to turn habits like vocal fry and upspeak into tools. Most important, you&’ll discover your voice story: why you talk the way you do, what&’s wonderful about it, and what you&’ve outgrown.Fiery, fun, and truly profound, Permission to Speak is a personal and cultural reckoning with what speaking in public is and what it can be. This book meets the moment and offers this provocation: When we change what power sounds like, we change who has it.

Permission To Rise: A memoir

by Angela McCluskey-Moses

Permission to Rise takes you on a brave trip down memory lane and explains how surrendering to Divine Love changed the author’s life. Permission to Rise provides endless opportunities to cultivate greater intimacy with Angela’s mind. Her story describes self-healing, heart-listening, determination and courage to transcend inner obstacles. Each page overspills with compassion, encouragement, wisdom and persistence. I strongly recommend this remarkable journey must be read by each and every growing up woman or anyone looking to rewrite their own story.” Solmaz Bulut, MS, LPC, Family and Children Mental Health Born Angela Cordeiro da Silva, the author grew up fighting poverty and childhood traumas at a very young age in the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She pushes herself through traumatic events up to and including a suicide attempt until she finally decides to rewrite her own story.

Permission to Rest: Revolutionary Practices for Healing, Empowerment, and Collective Care

by Ashley Neese

A revolutionary invitation to tend to our fundamental need for renewal, self-care, and mindfulness by disengaging from our devices and acknowledging the ways that we are burnout, from the author of How to Breathe.&“Permission to Rest shows us why slowing down is so important and exactly how to do so in a way that facilitates true rest and growth. It&’s the guide we didn&’t know we so desperately needed.&”—Dr. Will Cole, functional medicine expert, and New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting and Gut FeelingsIn a culture that constantly tells us to do more of everything but simultaneously pressures us to do nothing, Permission to Rest is a passionate cry for a more regulated, resourced, and rested life. Wellness expert Ashley Neese combines personal essays, contemplative questions, scientific research, and somatic practices to help us disrupt the state of urgency, reflect inward, and relax deeply. Neese examines common beliefs around rest and offers support and guidance to challenge the shame, guilt, and discomfort that often arise when we attempt to slow down.Neese presents a series of body-focused rest practices for those who are running on empty, such as Cultivating a Rest/Work Rhythm, Nature Bathing, and Social Media Sabbatical. She addresses common roadblocks when beginning a rest practice, the incredible health benefits of prioritizing rest, and a number of holistic resources for developing a sustainable relationship to rest. The practices work for those short on time, but their benefits build the more you practice every day. Permission to Rest is both a timely manifesto and compassionate call to action. In her signature warm, grounding, and authoritative style, Neese invites each of us to pause, look inward, learn to feel our own rhythms, and value rest as a deeply healing, empowering, and spiritual practice. This book is a reminder that we have the power to transform our lives from the inside out.

Permission to Put Yourself First: Questions, Exercises, and Advice to Transform All Your Relationships

by Nancy Levin

New in paperback: Worthy author Nancy Levin shows you how to turn the old model of relationship on its head and build something better and more fulfilling than you've had before.Are you ready to go back to the drawing board in your love life--and end up more satisfied than you've ever been before? In these pages, master coach Nancy Levin takes a truly fresh look at relationships, showing you how to build them better from the ground up--or perform some skillful renovations.Newly available in paperback, Permission to Put Yourself First is for you if you fit any of these profiles: you're single and looking for a new relationship beyond what you've experienced before . . . you're happy alone but looking toward a great relationship in the future . . . you're divorced and determined never to do that again . . . or you're recovering from the death of a partner and unsure what's next. It's also for you if you're currently in a relationship that you want to refresh and restore; a relationship that challenges or threatens your boundaries; a relationship you're not sure you can salvage; or a relationship you recognize as the exact right teacher for you, even if it's not easy.Essentially, this book is for you if you're ready for something more in relationship than what the old models have offered. It's based on the essential truth that relationship is first and foremost where we learn to love ourselves. Drawing on many of the same exercises she uses with her clients, Nancy guides you through a 10-step process to dissolve your emotional and psychological roadblocks to self-love so you can have the relationship you truly desire.

Permission to Offend \ Permiso para ofender (Spanish edition): La guía compasiva para vivir sin filtros y sin miedo

by Rachel Luna

De la renombrada coach de vida Rache Luna, Permiso para ofender es una guía de empoderamiento que enseña a los lectores a establecer límites sin arrepentirse y a dejar de intentar complacer a otros. ¿Qué haces cuando la vida parece estar contra ti? Rachel Luna se ha hecho esta pregunta desde que era joven: perdió a sus padres a causa del sida, pasó una década intensa en el Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos, luchó contra un cáncer de mama triple negativo y ha tenido que enfrentar el racismo y la misoginia toda su vida. ¿Cuál fue su respuesta? Descubrir técnicas para permanecer resiliente y permitir a su yo brillar.Ahora, como coach de vida reconocida mundialmente, Luna creó un programa que cambió su vida y que ha llamado “Permiso para equivocarse”, cuyo objetivo es ayudarnos a desprendernos del miedo a ser juzgados, así como a tener conversaciones más productivas y expresar nuestras verdades. Después de años de éxito, Luna está lista para compartir su programa con el mundo. Fresco, honesto y entretenido, Permiso para ofender proporciona herramientas prácticas y accesibles que nos enseñan a establecer límites, dejar de querer complacer a los demás y perseguir lo que queremos. Con un esquema de siete pasos y la accesible y empática habilidad narrativa de Luna, Permiso para ofender es una guía imprescindible para entrar en tu propio poder. From renowned life coach Rachel Luna, Permission to Offend is an empowering guide to teach readers how to unapologetically set their own boundaries and stop trying to live up to others.What do you do when life seems to be completely against you? Rachel Luna has been asking herself this question ever since she was young: she lost both parents to AIDS, served an intense decade in the Marine Corps, fought Triple Negative Breast Cancer, and faced racism and misogyny throughout her life. Her response? Discovering techniques to remain resilient and allow her best self to shine.Now a world-renowned life coach, Luna created a life-changing program called “Permission Slips” to help us release our fear of judgment, have more meaningful conversations, and speak our truths. Following years of success, Luna is now ready to share her program with the world. Refreshing, honest, and entertaining, Permission to Offend offers practical and manageable tools, showing us how to set boundaries, stop caring about pleasing others, and go after what we want. With a seven-step framework, and Luna’s approachable, empathetic storytelling, Permission to Offend is a must-have guide for stepping into your power.~~~

Permission to Offend: The Compassionate Guide for Living Unfiltered and Unafraid

by Rachel Luna

When you choose to become unfiltered and unafraid, YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE.Looking at Rachel Luna today, you would never guess what she has been through. Both her parents died from AIDS, she survived a cancer diagnosis that upended her life, and she served for a decade in the United States Marine Corps. However, with every challenging experience, Rachel noticed herself becoming a more watered down version of her true self, questioning her every thought, decision, and action, and filtering each through the expectations of other people. She finally had a revelation: her life would stay the same until she became radically honest with herself and others.In Permission to Offend, certified master coach Rachel Luna reveals her “Permission Slips” for living in truth, faith, freedom, and abundance. She delivers actionable steps for ending validation addiction, recognizing your values and anchoring your life in them, defining your beliefs, accepting rejection, and activating your truth. Rachel introduces her Offender Identity Framework so you can get more of what you want without losing what matters most.If you have ever wondered what it would feel like to live completely unfettered by the opinions and judgments of others, Permission to Offend is for you. It’s time for you to step out of the corner and into the light.This book will show you how.

Permission to Live Free: Living the Life God Created You For

by Jackie Greene

God made you to be your truest, most authentic self. He's already given you permission to live your life unapologetically--what are you waiting for? Join pastor, Bible teacher, and women's ministry leader Dr. Jackie Greene as she helps you cast off counterfeit living and finally live freely in God.After years of struggling with people-pleasing and living unauthentically, Dr. Jackie had a revelation that God had designed her precisely the way he wanted her--quirks and all. That message has changed her life, and in Permission to Live Free she wants to use it to change yours, too.Through her popular Permission Conferences, Permission World Facebook group, newly launched podcast, Permission Talk, and Dig Deep Bible studies, Dr. Jackie has already changed the lives of thousands of women who were ready to start living the life they were called to live.Permission to Live Free will give you the tools and encouragement you need to:Not change who you areNot settleStart right where you areShow up as the bold woman you were created to beIt's time to let go of what's holding you back from living in the fullness of who God uniquely designed you to be. No more counterfeit living--you were made for more! Let Dr. Jackie show you the way. Praise for Permission to Live Free:"In a world that celebrates sameness, Jackie Greene's ministry and mission untether us from fear and give us permission to be the unique individuals that God intended. Each chapter of this book will shake you awake from the doldrums of comparison and complacency and challenge you to live out your God-given design freely and fully. Instead of melding seamlessly into the mold, you'll discover the power of accepting your unique identity and then surrendering it fully to Jesus Christ. More than ever before, we need these words. And we need this work. Write on, Jackie. Write on."--Priscilla Shirer, Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author

Permission to Dream: How to be Radically Resilient and Hopeful

by Christine Caine

Do you have a dream God has put on your heart? A desire to change the world around you for the better? As you pursue those dreams and your purpose in this life, you will encounter moments where you feel unworthy, ill-equipped, or like you're not enough. And when you do, it is important to know that God is for you. The highs and lows are part of your story, but they aren't the whole story. With God's help, you can build the resilience to keep pushing forward and hold onto hope--even in the face of setbacks or obstacles.Permission to Dream by bestselling author Christine Caine will:teach you about resiliency and how to be strong despite the you listen and tune into God's calling so you can overcome previous pain.provide you with steps on how to overcome feelings of unworthiness.teach you strategies to help you manage disappointment and maintain hope.This book is for anyone who:knows their purpose but isn't sure how to take the next step forward.questions their value.feels like they're not wondering what God has planned for them.Curated from messages shared in Unstoppable, Undaunted, and Unexpected, along with new insights and encouragement, Permission to Dream is a reminder that you are needed in this world, and you matter. Your purpose is bigger than you know, and God has created you to do something that will reflect his light in the world, and he has qualified you to do it. With his help, you can fulfill all that He's created you to do.

Permission to Dream

by Chris Gardner Mim Eichler Rivas

In the spirit of The Last Lecture, The Secret, and The Alchemist, this small book presents BIG ideas for turning your “one day” into today, including the generational transfer of a dream and a powerful blueprint for a masterpiece life—from the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir and major motion picture The Pursuit of Happyness.On a winter’s day, Chris Gardner set off with his nine-year-old granddaughter Brooke to find the harmonica of her dreams. The search sends them North “beyond the wall” into a foreboding Chicago neighborhood and, soon, on a harrowing adventure that will change both of their lives—and ours. Chris is still mourning the loss of his girlfriend to brain cancer. Her question haunts him: “Now that we know how short life can be, what will you do with the time you have left?” After five years, he feels an urgency—what he calls, “Atomic Time” in which every second counts—to find an answer, but is stuck. Even while giving Brooke permission to aspire to one day become President of the United States, he knows it’s time to reclaim his own permission to dream.Lost, Chris and his granddaughter board a bus, reminding him of earlier rides through dark times when dreams of a better life kept him alive. As the two wind through a changing cityscape, Chris reflects on past lessons that offer powerful guidance for dreaming your way to monumental success. At its heart, this book lays out a blueprint for building a dream-come-true life—even during uncertainty. Gardner delivers the secrets to achieving a prosperous career—from a method for identifying your ultimate dream to a playbook for becoming world class at it. His tools include the “new 3 R’s”—or the Rep, the Rap and the Rolodex—which reveal how to earn a stellar reputation, develop a rap for marketing yourself, and amass a Rolodex of rewarding relationships. No matter how much wealth you achieve, Chris notes, true success comes from enriching the lives of others—so all can still have access to the American Dream. Toward the end, Brooke observes that in Atomic Time it’s never too late for anyone to reinvent themselves and change their fortune. Chris, hearing her, realizes what his next pursuit will be—to go back to high school and give permission to dream to the next generation of problem solvers and change makers. A true fable, Permission to Dream is a timeless and timely manifesto for turning dreams into action—beginning right now.

Permission to Dream: Write, Collage, and Play Your Way to Living the Life of Your Dreams

by Lisa Hammond

What would we do if we knew we could not fail? In our busy and often overbooked lives, it is sometimes dif? cult to discern what our true dreams and passions are. The Permission to Dream Journal is designed to help readers discover their dreams and to aid them in achieving them. As the founder of Femail Creations and the booming home-party business, Barefoot Parties, Lisa Hammond brings her own success and wisdom to readers with The Permission to Dream Journal, along with quotes from other great role models like Oprah Winfrey, Dolly Parton, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, and others. In this one-of-a-kind journal, sections include Remember Your Dreams, Building Your Dreams, and Living Your Dreams. Each section begins with a wish list and various prompts like "What is your craziest dream? What would it take to accomplish it? Make a to-do list. Put your passions at the top of the list," followed by blank pages for Dream Doodles and Creative Collaging. The Permission to Dream Journal sets out to motivate readers not only to dream, but to make their dreams happen on their own terms.

Permission to Dream: Stepping Stones to Create a Life of Passion and Purpose

by Lisa Hammond

Trade secrets and inspiration from one of America's top women entrepreneurs. What would we do if we knew we could not fail? With our busy and oft over-booked lives, it is sometimes difficult to discern what our true dreams and passions are. Permission to Dream is designed to help you discover your dreams and aid you in achieving them. Lisa Hammond, author and founder of Femail Creations, brings her own success and wisdom to the table with Permission to Dream, a set of forty-eight motivational cards. Each card contains a quote from an inspiring woman -- Oprah Winfrey, Dolly Parton, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, and more--who has followed her dreams and achieved success, along with Lisa Hammond's own practical tips and quotes. This deck is sure to encourage your dreams and help make them happen. Keep it on your desk for motivation or in your purse for a quick pick-me-up.

Permission to Come Home: Reclaiming Mental Health as Asian Americans

by Jenny Wang

&“Dr. Jenny T. Wang has been an incredible resource for Asian mental health. I believe that her knowledge, presence, and activism for mental health in the Asian American/Immigrant community have been invaluable and groundbreaking. I am so very grateful that she exists.&”—Steven Yeun, actor, The Walking Dead and MinariAsian Americans are experiencing a racial reckoning regarding their identity, inspiring them to radically reconsider the cultural frameworks that enabled their assimilation into American culture. As Asian Americans investigate the personal and societal effects of longstanding cultural narratives suggesting they take up as little space as possible, their mental health becomes critically important. Yet despite the fact that over 18 million people of Asian descent live in the United States today — they are the racial group least likely to seek out mental health services. Permission to Come Home takes Asian Americans on an empowering journey toward reclaiming their mental health. Weaving her personal narrative as a Taiwanese American together with her insights as a clinician and evidence-based tools, Dr. Jenny T. Wang explores a range of life areas that call for attention, offering readers the permission to question, feel, rage, say no, take up space, choose, play, fail, and grieve. Above all, she offers permission to return closer to home, a place of acceptance, belonging, healing, and freedom. For Asian Americans and Diaspora, this book is a necessary road map for the journey to wholeness. .

Permission Granted: Changing the Paradigm for Women in Leadership

by Marcia A. Coné

A clear, accessible approach to aligning your thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors with what you truly want so you can live the best life you deserve. Do you feel like you’re waiting for something to happen? Waiting and hoping that someone or something will transform your current situation? Many successful leaders find themselves frustrated and stuck. You work hard, do the right thing, play by the rules, and still feel like you don’t know how to shift gears to achieve what you really want. Writing with warmth and insight, Marcia Coné shares an inspiring and supportive approach for managing your professional growth. Building on her insight and experience in leadership, Marcia offers opportunities for discovering and understanding your current situation from a different, more aligned perspective. When you tap into your ability to change your circumstances, you can much more easily achieve what you most want. Permission Granted is profoundly actionable. It is imbued with a positive outlook about change—why it can be difficult, how to engage on a personal level, and how to reframe your success. Experience the magic that happens when you align your thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors with what you truly want.

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