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Showing 11,551 through 11,575 of 36,712 results

The Performance Paradox: Turning the Power of Mindset into Action

by Eduardo Briceño

Discover how to balance learning and performing to bolster personal and team success with this revolutionary guide from a world-renowned expert on growth mindset. &“An essential read for fostering learning, performance, and a growth mindset . . . I wholeheartedly recommend it.&”—Carol Dweck, bestselling author of MindsetA Next Big Idea Club Must ReadTo succeed in a fast-changing world, individuals and companies know they must create a culture of growth, where experimentation and feedback are encouraged, and learning is integrated into the everyday. Yet we often get stuck in a well-worn pattern of habits that don&’t move us forward. Why?Because many of us get trapped in the Performance Paradox: the counterintuitive phenomenon that if we focus only on performing, our performance suffers.How can we give ourselves the space to experiment and grow while also delivering high-level results?Fostering growth mindset to elevate performance is Eduardo Briceño&’s specialty. As CEO of Mindset Works and in his work with Fortune 500 companies, he discovered that mastering growth—personal, organizational, and financial—hinges on navigating the crucial balance between learning and performing.In The Performance Paradox, Briceño reveals how to• avoid falling into the chronic performance trap that stagnates growth• identify when and how to unlock the power of mistakes• integrate learning into daily habits in ways that stick• lead teams that constantly improve and outperform their targets• grow your skill level and output simultaneously and for the long term We can achieve more tomorrow than we do today if we develop the belief that we can change and the competence for how to change. With Briceño&’s innovative and refreshing framework of balancing learning and performing, individuals and companies can reach their boldest aspirations.

The Performance Mindset: 7 Steps to Success in Sport and Life

by Anthony J. Klarica

Learn the lessons of elite athletes to reach your full potential From acclaimed psychologist Anthony Klarica, The Performance Mindset: 7 steps to success in sport and life reveals the lessons of high-performing athletes and shows how you can build strategies to apply for greater success in sport, business or in your personal life. High performers are made, not born. High performance occurs through putting a careful and deliberate focus on growing mindset, and science proves that high-performers intentionally build these mindset skills and habits to maximise their opportunities. Talent and hard work are simply not enough. Through candid, in-depth interviews and stories from a wide variety of Australian athletes, you’ll learn how to: harness and maintain your motivation become resilient stay focussed and present lead yourself and others protect your mental health and wellbeing.Natural talent doesn’t necessarily equal high performance. With The Performance Mindset: 7 steps to success in sport and life, you’ll discover how to unleash your inner-champion and realise your full and unbridled potential, whether in sport, in business, or in life.

Performance Management Success

by Anthony L. Barth Wiaan De Beer

This book provides managers, leaders and practitioners with a dynamic framework that links several variables associated with performance management which can be applied across organizations and industries worldwide. Based on empirical evidence and experiences, this book provides a critical understanding of the interrelationship of organizational culture with performance management process (PMP) planning and implementation. The elements of the framework are approached from a macro-level-view and are balanced with conciseness and realism based on applied success studies, making this book a valuable educational, training and development resource tool for leaders and managers at all levels. The topic of performance in organizations is like the weather--everyone likes to talk about it, but few understand what is truly happening--or understand why? Individuals and organizations are no different when it comes to performance, regardless of performance level of focus: individual, team, unit, or organization-wide. Teams and organizations often miss opportunities to not only improve performance, but also leverage and sustain high performance. Organizational performance, organizational culture and organizational success are interrelated and should reinforce one another. This can be achieved through an effective performance management process (PMP) that lives, functions and thrives at multiple levels within institutions. This book will help organizations and institutions achieve performance management success by identifying comment elements, along with some patterned variation, that are applicable to a successful PMP. Featuring hands-on resource reference tools for immediate use and application, this book is useful for leaders, managers, scholars, students and policy makers in management, leadership, and organizational culture.

Performance Driven Thinking: A Challenging Journey That Will Encourage You to Embrace the Greatest Performance of Your Life

by Joel Comm Bobby Kipper David L. Hancock

A turbocharged handbook to reaching your fullest potential professionally and then maintaining it for the rest of your life. Did you know you were born to perform beyond your wildest expectations? Performance Driven Thinking will serve as your personal coach to a life of personal and professional prosperity. This journey will take you to a feeling of embracing life in the winner’s circle. It will assist you in overcoming the simple challenges of everyday issues to existing at a level which will benefit those who choose to take it. The key to this journey will begin when you discover the desire to perform and will end up with you embracing the will to perform. Non-performance in your life is no longer an option. Your stage is set. You have had a lifetime to prepare. Performance Driven Thinking will be your ticket to your personal and professional performance of a lifetime. What’s stopping you? You were born to perform.

Performance Breakthrough: A Radical Approach to Success at Work

by Cathy Rose Salit

Break through to your peak performance!Whether you're navigating your way on a new team, expanding your leadership role, or just trying to get heard in a meeting, you're facing the kind of workplace challenge we all run into sooner or later: you need a new performance.In Performance Breakthrough, Cathy Salit presents the revolutionary strategies that she's proven successful through over twenty years' experience custom-creating workshops for powerhouse clients including American Express, Nike, Coca-Cola, and DIRECTV. Artfully blending techniques from theatrical performance with the new science of performative psychology, Salit guides readers through forging new relationships guaranteed to yield greater success and satisfaction. Performance Breakthrough outlines proven techniques, including taking an emotional inventory; crafting new scripts for greater confidence, stronger relationships, and better outcomes; building ensembles; improvising; and listening--really listening--including accepting others' criticism and input.No matter what your challenge, Salit's innovative philosophy, case studies, practical exercises, and inspiring advice will help you deliver your own top performance.

Perfil de tres monarcas: Saúl, David y Absalón

by Gene Edwards

Estudio sobre el Quebrantamiento, la Sumisión y la Autoridad. Este bello, sencillo y enérgico relato, narrado por uno de los mejores novelistas norteamericanos, se convirtió en drama, representado por actores profesionales en el teatro y por aficionados en los templos. Algunos pastores han leído a sus congregaciones todo el relato desde el púlpito. Varios líderes cristianos y directores de movimientos religiosos han animado a sus miembros y a sus empleados en todo el mundo a que lean este libro. Por toda la tierra los cristianos han sidos ayudados, consolados y sanados del dolor, el daño y la angustia que han sufrido como resultado de un tratamiento injusto por parte de otros creyentes. Este libro es extraordinariamente útil para motivar a la reflexión y discusión en reuniones de pastores y otros líderes espirituales sobre el liderazgo aprobado por Dios.

Perfetta così come sono: Asma Elferkouss

by Asma Elferkouss

Esci dalla morsa di un pervertito narcisista e mettiti in piedi ... Come superare le tue paure per raggiungere questo obiettivo?

Perfekt so wie ich bin: -

by Asma Elferkouss

Wie kann man sich aus der Umklammerung eines perversen Narzissten befreien und auf eigenen Füßen stehen? Wie kann man seine eigenen Ängste überwinden, um dies zu erreichen?

El perfecto cerebro imperfecto

by Eduardo Calixto

Descubre cómo tu cerebro te ayuda a superar temores e incertidumbres y a lograr bienestar y felicidad. ¿Cómo reacciona nuestro cerebro ante pandemias o catástrofes naturales? ¿Qué ocurre en su interior cuando se presentan momentos de alegría, ilusiones o gratitud? Descubre en estas páginas lo que no sabías acerca de su funcionamiento. Con el tono más accesible, las investigaciones científicas más avanzadas y la amenidad que lo caracteriza, el doctor Eduardo Calixto explica qué ocurre en nuestro cerebro cuando enfrentamos crisis existenciales, cómo ayudan algunos alimentos a tener mejor salud cerebral, por qué es importante no saltarse el desayuno y hacer ejercicio. Además, en este libro sorprendente descubrirás: -Cómo la música influye para el bienestar físico y emocional. -Ejercicios como caminar en reversa para activar la memoria y los recuerdos. · Dequé forma el cerebro entiende la muerte y cómo se comporta ante la violencia, las mentiras o la tristeza. -Cómo reacciona ante el confinamiento o el síndrome de fatiga crónica. -Cómo entender los beneficios de la nostalgia y procurar siempre la risa. El perfecto cerebro imperfecto es una guía insuperable para enfrentar los tiempos difíciles, vencer la angustia y la incertidumbre, evitar la depresión y la ansiedad, así como para lograr una salud mental positiva. El autor bestseller nos invita, a partir del conocimiento de las funciones del cerebro, a ser más inteligentes, ¡sí es posible!, a dormir mejor, a controlar nuestros impulsos y, sobre todo, a buscar una vida llena de felicidad en cualquier circunstancia.

Perfecto amor: Usted puede experimentar la completa aceptaci¿n de Dios

by Joyce Meyer

Ayer. Hoy. Mañana. Dios te ama perfectamente, todo el tiempo. Pero si a veces te sientes indigno, desconfías de ti mismo o crees que Él está enojado contigo, Joyce Meyer, la autora de éxitos de ventas número 1 del New York Times, quiere ayudarte a entender la verdad poderosa de que Dios te acepta totalmente. No importa lo que hayas hecho o dónde te encuentres en el viaje de tu vida, tú estás destinado a recibir este regalo. La Palabra de Dios declara que su amor por ti no cambia y Él te ama simplemente porque así lo desea. En Perfecto amor, Joyce revela cómo se puede desarrollar la certeza de que Dios te ama completamente y sin condiciones, ahora mismo. Combinando su propia experiencia personal con conocimiento bíblico, Joyce te ayudará a aumentar tu comprensión del carácter genuino de Dios para que puedas vivir plenamente, disfrutar de un sentido de confianza duradera y experimentar su amor en un nivel completamente nuevo. Algunos títulos de los capítulos son: Aprender a ver claramente; Ser la persona que Dios quiso que fueras tu potencial; Sorprendente gracia; and Sentirse cómodo con Dios."¡Dios te ama perfectamente y sin condiciones en este momento!" -Joyce Meyer

Perfectly Yourself: 9 Lessons for Enduring Happiness

by Matthew Kelly

"Just be yourself!" People say it all the time, but how do we actually live it? For more than a decade Matthew Kelly has been helping people discover the best version of themselves. Now, in Perfectly Yourself, he addresses the opportunities and obstacles that we encounter once we decide to ask life's big questions: Who am I? What am I here for? Focusing on nine powerful and practical lessons, Kelly shows us how to find lasting happiness in a changing world. We all have an insatiable need to grow and improve: Every year millions of us buy books and attend workshops in the hope that we will lose weight, improve our relationships, conquer debt, accomplish more in our careers, achieve financial independence, reach spiritual enlightenment, become better parents or lovers-the list goes on. We yearn for progress. And yet, many of us fail to achieve the transformations we desire. "People don't fail because they want to fail," Kelly explains. "People don't go on a diet because they want to get fat. People don't get married to get divorced. Whether we are dealing with health and wellness, relationships, finances, spirituality, or career, people want to advance. Personal development animates us, brings us to life. In many cases one diet is as good as the next. One financial plan is as good as another. People are smart enough to work out which are the best, but still so many fail. We have to ask ourselves: Why? "Fundamental to all transformation is understanding the dynamics of change so that we can be aware of the obstacles and opportunities that await us when we attempt to transform an area of our lives. " Kelly teaches us how to find the balance between accepting ourselves for who we are and challenging ourselves to become all we are capable of being. He encourages us to unify the many aspects of our lives, and reveals how to move beyond other people's expectations of who and what we should be. Perfectly Yourself is for anyone who has ever failed at a diet, survived the collapse of a relationship, or wondered if he or she will ever find a fulfilling career. It's a book for all of us who long to be at peace with who we are, where we are, and what we are doing, not in some distant tomorrow but here and now-today. From the Hardcover edition.

Perfectly You: Embracing the Power of Being Real

by Mariana Atencio

In this much-needed book, which is part self-help and part autobiography, award-winning correspondent Mariana Atencio digs into what makes each of us special and the ways in which we can become a force for good in a broken world.As a bilingual correspondent for NBC News, Fusion TV, and Univision, Mariana holds a unique perspective—having immigrated from Venezuela to America as a young adult, having overcome challenges to graduate from Columbia University and eventually become a national news correspondent, and having seen firsthand the humanity that is ever so present in the midst of both adversity and opportunity.Mariana’s story is the powerful, inspiring story of life in the United States as an immigrant. Yet it is at its core a human story. It is all of our stories, and it is a call to every man, woman, and child to unlock the magic of their potential and begin to thrive.The media screens of today perpetuate stereotypes, but what would happen if instead of comparing ourselves and falling short, we compared ourselves and celebrated our uniqueness? What would happen if we believed in our worth and embraced what makes us different? And what if we truly saw those around us as neighbors and not merely adversaries to our particular group or station?The days of doubt and division must end. It starts with authenticity, persistence, and understanding what truly makes you special.

Perfectly Wounded: A Memoir About What Happens After a Miracle

by Mike Day

The incredible true story of former Navy SEAL Mike Day, who survived being shot twenty-seven times while deployed in Iraq.On the night of April 6, 2007, in Iraq's Anbar Province, Senior Chief Mike Day, his team of Navy SEALs, and a group of Iraqi scouts were on the hunt for a high-level al Qaeda cell. Day was the first to enter a 12x12 room where four terrorist leaders were waiting in ambush. When the gunfight was over, he took out all four terrorists in the room, but not before being shot twenty-seven times and hit with grenade shrapnel. Miraculously, Day cleared the rest of the house and rescued six women and children before walking out on his own to an awaiting helicopter, which flew him to safety.While in the hospital, the Navy SEAL lost fifty-five pounds in two weeks. It took almost two years for Day to physically recover from his injuries, although he still deals with pain. Like so many veterans, doctors diagnosed Day with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury -- the invisible wounds of war.Perfectly Wounded is the remarkable story of an American hero whose incredible survival defies explanation, and whose blessed life of service continues in the face of unimaginable odds. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-indent: 36.0px; font: 12.0px Arial}

Perfectly Unfinished: Finding Beauty in the Midst of Brokenness

by Cindy Lambert Andrea Logan White

Andrea Logan White appeared to be living the “American dream” or what many would call a “perfect life.” However, underneath the happy veneer of the model, actress, and producer, was a subtle, caustic voice leading to emptiness and self-destruction. She was being crushed under the weight of her own drive for “perfection.” Andrea’s remarkable (and often tabloid-worthy) journey that took her from hanging out in the Playboy mansion to finding God at a stop light on Hollywood Boulevard is a page-turner, but it is not the whole story.Even discovering Jesus, finding an amazing husband, having beautiful children, and embarking on an exciting career didn’t hold the “happily ever after” Hollywood ending Andrea had envisioned. No matter how successful, how spiritual, how loved, she was still enslaved by a lie the Enemy uses against many of us: she felt she needed to be “perfect” to be accepted by herself, by others, and by God.Andrea shares her struggle with life-threatening eating disorders and self-defeating thought patterns, and she reveals the beautiful discovery that God’s love meets us not in our perfection, but in the most unfinished places of our life. In Perfectly Unfinished, Andrea exposes the powerful truth that continues to change her life: God loves us just as we are, just where we are; for it is in the midst of our brokenness and imperfections that Jesus is at work completing us so that we may share fully in his holiness.Alongside Andrea, readers discover from the word of God how to join God in the work he is doing in the midst of our unfinished and imperfect lives.

Perfectly Queer: Facing Big Fears, Living Hard Truths, and Loving Myself Fully Out of the Closet

by Jillian Abby

This humorous, heartwarming memoir follows a wife and mother's journey of self-discovery and acceptance as she comes out as a lesbian in her late 30s.Jill had a happy, healthy 20-year relationship with her college sweetheart, two wonderful kids, and rescue cat from the Humane Society. They lived in a nice suburban home with a white picket fence and owned a small bar that was rated one of the &“Best Mom & Pop&” businesses in Tampa Bay. From the outside, everything looked perfect.Perfectly Queer takes the reader on Jillian Abby's poignant and painfully funny rollercoaster of self-discovery as she identifies and eventually accepts herself as a lesbian just before her 40th birthday. Living her new truth means leaving behind a life that, by societal standards, is nearly perfect.This is a story for anyone who is hiding a piece of themselves and wants to know if it&’s safe to be revealed. It&’s for the parent who must choose between their own happiness and the stability of their family, wondering if prioritizing themselves is selfish. It&’s for the person potentially facing a major life upheaval filled with unknowns in the future who is seeking reassurance that everything will work out just fine. It&’s a story of hope and inspiration to those who are starting or are in the middle of their journey, and an affirmation to those who have been through it to stand proudly on the other side.

The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control: A Path to Peace and Power

by Katherine Morgan Schafler

From psychotherapist Katherine Morgan Schafler, an invitation to every &“recovering perfectionist&” to challenge the way they look at perfectionism, and the way they look at themselves.We&’ve been looking at perfectionism all wrong. As psychotherapist and former on-site therapist at Google Katherine Morgan Schafler argues in The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control, you don&’t have to stop being a perfectionist to be healthy. For women who are sick of being given the generic advice to &“find balance,&” a new approach has arrived. Which of the five types of perfectionist are you? Classic, intense, Parisian, messy, or procrastinator? As you identify your unique perfectionist profile, you'll learn how to manage each form of perfectionism to work for you, not against you. Beyond managing it, you'll learn how to embrace and even enjoy your perfectionism. Yes, enjoy! Full of stories and brimming with humor, empathy, and depth, this book is a love letter to the ambitious, high achieving, full-of-life clients who filled the author&’s private practice, and who changed her life. It&’s a clarion call for all women to dare to want more without feeling greedy or ungrateful. Ultimately, this book will show you how to make the single greatest trade you&’ll ever make in your life, which is to exchange superficial control for real power.

The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control

by Katherine Morgan Schafler

'The definitive guide for anyone who's ready to walk a crucial pathway: from the appearance of control, to the possession of a quiet power.' SUSAN CAIN'This book will forever change the way you view perfectionism and yourself. An irresistible invitation to reclaim your natural state of wholeness, your joy and your life.' DEEPAK CHOPRA'Gives you permission to be more in a world that's telling you to be less.' LORI GOTTLEIB'Provocative... identifies the strategies and mindsets every high-achieving woman needs to quell her inner critic and embrace her true talents.' HOLLY WHITAKERThe advice we hear on perfectionism is always the same - let go of it! Forget it! Perfectionism is bad for you. But what if we've been looking at it all wrong? What if perfectionism is your superpower?In The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control, psychotherapist Katherine Morgan Schafler says you don't have to stop being a perfectionist to be happy and fulfilled. Her smart, witty book is a new approach for women who are over the generic advice to 'find balance'.Morgan Schafler's book identifies five distinct types of perfectionist - Classic, Parisian, Messy, Intense, and Procrastinating. As you identify your unique perfectionist profile, you'll learn how to manage each form of perfectionism to work for you, not against you. Beyond managing it, you'll learn how to embrace and even enjoy your perfectionism. Yes, enjoy!With handy self-assessments and actionable advice tailored to the unique needs of each perfectionist type, The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control is the game-changing companion for women who dare to want more out of life.

The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough

by Thomas Curran

&“Offers a hopeful beacon and a steady path for anyone struggling to find their footing in a world of impossible standards.&” —Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Drive and The Power of Regret In the tradition of Brené Brown&’s bestseller The Gifts of Imperfection, this illuminating book by an acclaimed professor at the London School of Economics explores how the pursuit of perfection can become a dangerous obsession that leads to burnout and depression—keeping us from achieving our goals.Today, burnout and depression are at record levels, driven by a combination of intense workplace competition, oppressively ubiquitous social media encouraging comparisons with others, the quest for elite credentials, and helicopter parenting. Society continually broadcasts the need to want more, and to be perfect. Gathering a wide range of contemporary evidence, Curran offers &“a clear-eyed look at how perfectionism and its capitalistic &‘obsession with boundless growth&’ has contributed to mass discontent and insecurity&” (Publishers Weekly). He shows what we can do as individuals to resist the modern-day pressure to be perfect, and in so doing, win for ourselves a more purposeful and contented life. Filled with &“many useful lessons and valuable insights…This book offers an alternative path to a fulfilling, productive life&” (Kirkus Reviews) and the relief of letting go to focus on what matters most.

The Perfection Detox: Tame Your Inner Critic, Live Bravely, and Unleash Your Joy

by Petra Kolber

Award-winning fitness professional and consultant shares a practical, accessible program to help women replace destructive perfectionistic mindsets with concrete strategies and life-changing tips. Tired. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Just one more email, one more meeting with the kid's teacher, oh and lose that last five pounds. Today, women are striving for perfection more than ever -- and feeling like failures for not meeting unattainable goals. Health and wellness expert Petra Kolber knows this intimately; as a dancer and fitness professional, she's experienced the ultimately dissatisfying quest for perfection. Her Perfection Detox program helps women to overcome the unhealthy, unproductive demands we place on ourselves -- and others. Based on her popular workshops, Kolber's strategies help women to recognize and constructively root out the perfectionistic impulse to be critical of self or others and to harness the power of our own internal resources, willpower, and habits. With simple steps and strategies such as adjusting your internal monologue, cleaning up your vocabulary to include more positive language, becoming a passionist rather than a perfectionist, and more, The Perfection Detox is an essential guide to a healthy, full, authentic life.

Perfecting Your Purpose: 40 Days to a More Meaningful Life

by David D. Ireland

Dr. David Ireland shows people yearning to find fulfillment how to follow God's 40-day plan to discover meaning and direction in their lives. The Bible reveals that Moses, Ezekiel, David, and other biblical heroes each experienced a 40-day Transforming Interval that completely changed their outlooks and actions. Dr. Ireland leads readers on their own Transforming Intervals, during which they will develop new spiritual practices, mental disciplines, and emotional habits that will make their purposes not just dreams but reality. A whole new life awaits each reader in just 40 days.

Perfecting Your Pitch

by Jeff Barker Ronald M. Shapiro

A New York Times bestselling author reveals how to find the right words for every situation Whether you are making a budget request, interviewing for a job, ending a relationship, or talking to children about divorce, the crux of success in those and other crucial situations is planned, effective communication. And yet, it is the tool people most often fail to use. In Perfecting Your Pitch, expert consultant and negotiator Ronald M. Shapiro presents his system of scripting, outlined efficiently as the Three D's: Draft, Devil's Advocate, Deliver. Using real-life examples, Shapiro walks readers step-by-step through the process of creating an effective message, preparing for counterarguments, and delivering the results with confidence and grace across a broad range of situations. He also provides an excellent menu of stories and model scripts for communication challenges affecting business, family, friends and consumers. Reaching out to readers of Difficult Conversations and Getting to Yes, Perfecting Your Pitch introduces a simple but powerful system we can all use for great results.

Perfecting Patience: Buddhist Techniques to Overcome Ange (Core Teachings of Dalai Lama)

by The Dalai Lama

In the days of extremism and severely divisive belief systems, learning patience and compassion practices (from the modern master of patience and compassion) is more valuable than ever.All of the world’s major religions emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and tolerance. This is particularly true in the Buddhist traditions, which unanimously state that compassion and love are the foundation of all paths of practice. To cultivate the potential for compassion and love inherent within us, it is crucial to counteract their opposing forces of anger and hatred. In Perfecting Patience, the Dalai Lama shows how, through the practice of patience and tolerance, we can overcome the obstacles of anger and hatred. He bases his discussion on A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life, the classic work on the activities of bodhisattvas—those who aspire to attain full enlightenment in order to benefit all beings. This book was previously published under the title Healing Anger.

Perfectamente tú: El poder de lo auténtico

by Mariana Atencio

En este libro tan útil y necesario, que ofrece a los lectores herramientas de autoayuda a través de su autobiografía, la premiada periodista Mariana Atencio profundiza en lo que hace especial a cada persona y la forma en que podemos convertirnos en una fuerza positiva en un mundo quebrantado.En su experiencia como corresponsal bilingüe para NBC News, Fusion y Univision, Mariana desarrolló una perspectiva extraordinaria, forjada además por el hecho de haber emigrado de Venezuela a Estados Unidos para estudiar periodismo en la prestigiosa Universidad de Columbia, superando grandes obstáculos hasta convertirse en corresponsal de prensa nacional. Esas vivencias la llevaron a descubrir que en medio de la adversidad y la oportunidad siempre aflora la más pura humanidad.La historia de Mariana es un relato inspirador y conmovedor acerca de su vida como inmigrante en Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en esencia, es la continuación del invisible hilo narrativo que nos conecta como seres humanos sin importar edad, credo, raza, ideas políticas o geografía. Es un llamado directo al corazón que nos invita a buscar el potencial que llevamos dentro para ser la mejor versión de nosotros mismos y compartir esa magia, mejorando cada día nuestras vidas y las de quienes nos rodean.Los medios perpetúan estereotipos, pero ¿qué pasaría si en vez de compararnos de forma negativa lo hiciéramos para celebrar nuestros méritos, esas singularidades que nos hacen únicos? ¿qué sucedería si creyéramos en nuestro valor, tanto el que proviene de Dios como el que vemos en las personas que se cruzan en nuestro camino? ¿y si realmente viéramos a todos como el prójimo, en lugar de ponerles etiquetas por las diferencias que percibimos en ellos?Mariana nos trae una fórmula sencilla para terminar con las divisiones y las dudas que nos agobian. Comencemos por entender lo que nos hace especiales, en dos palabras: Perfectamente Tú.

Perfecta exactamente como soy: ¿Es posible salir de una relacion toxica?

by Asma Elferkouss

Salir de las garras de un pervertido narcisista y volar por tu cuenta... ¿Cómo superar sus propios miedos para conseguirlo?

La Perfecta Cabrona y los hombres

by Elizabeth Hilts

¿Quieres ligar? ¿Quieres salir con alguien? ¿Buscas una relación? En ese caso, lo mejor que puedes hacer es dejarte guiar por tu cabrona interior. Se acabó la ilusión de las dos primeras semanas maravillosas. Se acabaron los amores de callejón sin salida. Se acabó decir sí cuando quieres decir no. No hagas como que no sabes de qué estoy hablando. Tu cabrona interior, esa parte poderosa que llevas dentro, es esencial cuando estás enamorada (y, sobre todo, cuando te estás desenamorando). Con humor e ingenio, Elizabeth Hilts nos ofrece en este libro los consejos básicos para que, de una vez por todas, la cabrona tome el mando.

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