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My Utmost for His Highest: The Golden Book of Oswald Chambers

by Oswald Chambers James Reimann

BookByte THE GLORY THAT'S UNSURPASSED "... the Lord Jesus ... has sent me that you may receive your sight ..." (Acts 9:17).When Paul received his sight, he also received spiritual insight into the Person of Jesus Christ. His entire life and preaching from that point on were totally consumed with nothing but Jesus Christ-"For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2). Paul never again allowed anything to attract and hold the attention of his mind and soul except the face of Jesus Christ. We must learn to maintain a strong degree of character in our lives, even to the level that has been revealed in our vision of Jesus Christ. The lasting characteristic of a spiritual man is the ability to understand correctly the meaning of the Lord Jesus Christ in his life, and the ability to explain the purposes of God to others. The overruling passion of his life is Jesus Christ. Whenever you see this quality in a person, you get the feeling that he is truly a man after God's own heart (see Acts 1.3:22). Never allow anything to divert you from your insight into Jesus Christ. It is the true test of whether you are spiritual or not. To be unspiritual means that other things have a growing fascination for you. Since mine eyes have looked on Jesus, I've lost sight of all beside, So enchained my spirit's vision, Gazing on the Crucified.

My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver

by Martin J Schreiber

In My Two Elaines, author Marty Schreiber, former governor of Wisconsin, watches his beloved wife, Elaine, gradually transform from the woman he fell in love with in high school, and who diligently supported his political career, to the Elaine who knows she is declining and can&’t remember how to cook a meal, and finally to the Elaine who no longer recognizes Marty or their children.One part love story, one part practical advice, this compelling book includes several unique elements:Excerpts from Elaine&’s journal, recounting her thoughts, concerns, and frustrations as the disease progressesA recurring feature called &“What I Wish I&’d Known,&” which provides helpful takeaways for caregivers based on Marty&’s observations about what he wishes he&’d known sooner and done differentlyA Q&A between Marty and neuropsychologist Dr. Michelle Braun, to equip caregivers with the right questions to ask and empower them to advocate for their loved ones and their own needsBeyond sincere, practical advice, My Two Elaines gives the reader permission to feel the full spectrum of emotions, including humor, even in the face of this relentless illness. And the book speaks to anyone touched by this disease--spouse, child, friend, or family member.

My True Type: Clarifying Your Personality Type, Preferences and Functions

by A. J. Drenth

Who am I? What is my purpose? What should I be doing with my life? These are important questions that we all must wrestle with. Further complicating matters is the fact that we live in a world where firm answers are increasingly hard to come by. While the options available to us continue to expand exponentially, there seem to be fewer reliable standards for guiding and informing our decisions. This can leave us feeling lost and overwhelmed, unsure of where to turn for answers to our most pressing questions. More specifically, we come to typology seeking a more objective understanding of who we are. We want to know where we fit into the bigger picture of humanity. Given these high hopes and expectations, it is unfortunate that so many people encounter an unexpected hurdle at the very outset of their typological journey--type confusion. Although they may have been furnished a type (e.g., INFJ) after taking a personality assessment, upon further investigation, they may come to doubt its accuracy. This may prompt them to retake the test.

My Thinning Years: Starving the Gay Within

by Jon Derek Croteau

As a child, Jon tried desperately to be his father’s version of the all-American boy, denying his gayness in a futile attempt to earn the love and respect of an abusive man. With this he built a deep, internalized homophobia that made him want to disappear rather than live with the truth about himself. That denial played out in the forms of anorexia, bulimia, and obsessive running, which consumed him as an adolescent and young adult.It wasn’t until a grueling yet transformative Outward Bound experience that Jon began to face his sexual identity. This exploration continued as he entered college and started the serious work of sorting through years of repressed anger to separate from his father’s control and condemnation.My Thinning Years is an inspiring story of courage, creativity, and the will to live--and of recreating the definition of family to include friends, relatives, and teachers who support you in realizing your true self.In 1996, Jon wrote a song dreaming about finding a love and being able to live openly and freely. The song lyrics are in My Thinning Years and he recorded the song this summer with Broadway great Miguel Cervantes for others to hear. The song is available on iTunes and Spotify and profits will benefit The Trevor Project.

My Teachings about Depression: Fighting a 21st-century disease

by Danilo H. Gomes

Depression is generally perceived to be one of the worst current diseases. Unfortunately only few people have managed to fight it while a great part of patients may succumb to suicide or live completely stuck in their emotional crises. In "My Teachings about Depression" you can find some simple and practical tips that helped the author overcome depression. The book is divided into 13 chapters and comes in an easy-to-understand language. It covers different topics and uses examples of real life as its foundation.

My Teacher is My Hero

by Susan Reynolds

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you . . ."~Dan Rather. Great teachers are the unsung heroes of our lives. More than mere educators, they don't just dictate facts and check spelling, they transform lives. In My Teacher Is My Hero, you'll meet more than fifty unforgettable teachers who go the extra mile so their students can go the extra mile as well-making an impact that lasts long after the classroom. From hard lessons learned on the playground to enlightening discussions in a professor's office, these are the tales of those lucky enough to learn from the best. In this moving collection, we celebrate the teachers who go above and beyond, enlightening not only our minds but our hearts, as well.

My Teacher is My Hero: Tributes to the People Who Gave Us Knowledge, Motivation, and Wisdon

by Susan Reynolds

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

My Teacher is My Hero

by Susan Reynolds

In this collection, readers meet more than 50 great teachers who have made all the difference in their students' lives. Each essay is written by a contributor whose experiences reflect the enormous impact a great teacher has had on his or her life.

My System – Your System

by Kathleen Walter

This BOOK can put you on track with your finances! $$ YOUR SYSTEM $$ Not the bank's SYSTEM, not my SYSTEM, YOUR own personal SYSTEM! Do you want to remove any financial stress that you may have?&#8226 My System is set up for you to make it Your System for the future, your future. Do you want to know how to CRUNCH your hard earned $$$$.&#8226 Well this easy budgeting SYSTEM is for you. How much money do I need to put this in place?&#8226 Your OWN incoming $$$$ is all you need to set this up. How much money do I need to put this in place?&#8226 My book explains My System, designed by myself in 1977 & it's never let me down. Do I need a computer?&#8226 NO, Manual or Spreadsheet, it's your choice. What if My System - Your System does not work for me?&#8226 My System does have in place a purpose, budgeting. My System does need you to restrain from going off track, or it will not succeed, the good news is you can always start again. What is the purpose of this book?To know where any incoming $$$$ went. How it is spent? Maybe adjustments can be made to make it better? Can my system allow for a holiday, pay extra on the home loan? Allow extra spending money? So once the most important FINANCIAL AREAS are covered, one can see on paper exactly how the finances are building up and will continue to do so! It is fun, to hold the purse strings, you will feel secure, positive, and have control of what money you have, where it's going, what you need to do, and, above all, you will accomplish discipline, strength within yourself, confidence and an amazing new attitude towards spending. The purpose of putting this in print is to help others to be financially free, not to be financially stressed! You never have to worry about your financials again, as once in place, you can adjust to suit your lifestyle as it changes, also your income, whether it increases or decreases.

My Sweet Vietnamese Girlfriend

by Felipe Corvo

Truth be told, the great subjective treasures of a life can only be well guarded if kept within a good and "faithful heart". That's because, most of the time, we're not so sure whether sharing them with others will increase or decrease their value to us. In this case, it may happen that these treasures are kept in our hearts for a long time - dusty for entire lifetimes even. Well, until we can't stand it any longer and, with just a little bit of courage, we start sharing them to see if, at least in this way, we can be granted the support we need to turn them into reality.

My Sunday Best: Pearls of Wisdom, Wit, Grace, and Style

by La Verne Wimberly

After posting selfies in her Sunday best for fifty-two consecutive weeks during the pandemic, octogenarian Dr. La Verne Ford Wimberly became a viral sensation during Easter 2021, appearing everywhere from the Washington Post to CNN to Fox News."People from all over the world have said my Sunday selfies and words of encouragement have blessed and inspired them. Who would have thought photos of an eighty-two-year-old church lady in a hat and Bible verses could do such a thing?"On March 29, 2020, when her church switched to online services because of coronavirus, Dr. La Verne Ford Wimberly couldn't imagine watching the service in her robe. So, she did what she's always done; she put on a beautiful outfit, matching hat, and accessories and got ready for church. Dr. Wimberly, a self-declared social media junkie, thought "it would be fun to snap a selfie and post it on Facebook with a scripture verse and an inspirational message. I'd let folks know I was ready for worship and encourage them to do the same. This was my way to brighten their spirits--and mine--and stay connected during a time of sudden isolation and despair for many people."Underneath her "crown" and church finery is a wise, warm, and witty octogenarian who's still committed to the same values she learned in childhood:faith in God and country,devotion to family,keeping a positive attitude,a life of service,thinking before you act,living life to the fullest, andthe golden rule. As a career educator who faithfully and lovingly served students, their families, and her community for decades, encouraging and uplifting others is part of Dr. Wimberly's DNA. In My Sunday Best, you'll be cheered by the stories and lessons from a life well-lived and find yourself asking, How can I inspire someone today and encourage myself too?

My Stroke of Luck: Alphabet to Author - One Man's Inspiring Journey from Adversity to Triumph

by Vijay Santhanam

The stimulating saga of a man who, thanks to his never-say-die attitude, found the courage and the determination to bounce back despite being felled by a serious, disabling condition When Vijay Santhanam was afflicted with a stroke at the age of 41, he was paralyzed on the right side of his body. He couldn’t move without help and he couldn’t speak at all. But he soon realized that his powers of reasoning/thought were not lost to him. And he garnered his spirit and willpower within him to work at regaining his health and faculties; a stroke wasn’t going to get him down. Vijay goes on to get back to work, to write two books on one of the biggest passions of his life—cricket, a sport that was one of his greatest inspirations while in hospital and on the road to recovery, and to teach at IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Lucknow. This is the inspiring story of a man who didn’t waste time bemoaning his fate; his immediate agenda was to understand what could make him healthy again and to start with, to return to the life he’d known before as a regional head of marketing in a multinational company in Singapore. My Stroke of Luck: Alphabet to Author is Vijay’s journey through long, sometimes painful, and often frustrating, months of therapy, relearning the alphabet and learning new strengths: emotional, mental and physical. Vijay’s attempt is not to describe the human brain and how it works in a scientific manner but to celebrate a man’s inspiring journey. He believes when a human being is confronted by a big crisis, often she/he summons all her/his spirit and willpower to fight back and win. His story is testimony and an eloquent example of it.

My Story to Yours: A Guided Memoir for Writing Your Recovery Journey

by Karen Casey

In this beautifully written guided memoir, best-selling author Karen Casey invites us to write down our stories while engaging in hers.Reflecting on and telling our stories is a time-honored tradition in recovery circles--whether in silent meditation, speaking out at meetings, or between sponsors and their sponsees. Recounting our experience of moving from a life of addiction to one of sobriety helps us realize how far we've come and how grateful we are to the people and events that led us there.In this beautifully written guided memoir, best-selling author Karen Casey invites us to write down our stories while engaging in hers. We follow Casey from her childhood to a life of addiction. We struggle with her through the depths of destruction and despair, then experience her rebirth as she pulled herself out of the darkness and into the light of recovery. At key turning points in her narrative, Casey pauses her story to encourage us to face difficult memories, verbalize our feelings, or express our own stories through practical exercises, thought-provoking questions, and inspiring ideas.

My Spirit Is Not Religious: A Guide To Living Your Authentic Life

by Tina Sacchi

My Spirit is Not Religious: A Guide to Living Your Authentic Life, is an inspirational guidebook designed to assist people in transitioning from lifelong traditional religious beliefs that have constricted their lives and behaviors to spiritual beliefs that are innate to their beings. My Spirit is Not Religious also benefits those people that have no religious background but may be experiencing societal religious pressure or those people who are not affected by religion and want to connect with their own spirituality and their inner essence NOW.

My Soul in Silence Waits: Meditations on Psalm 62

by Margaret Guenther

A "home retreat" based on Psalm 62.

My Son ... My Son: A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss or Suicide

by Curtis Mitchell Iris Bolton

This book was inspired by the suicide of the 20-year-old son of the author, Iris Bolton. Mrs. Bolton describes in detail the journey she made from the devastation of losing her son Mitch by suicide to the step by step healing that took place in her life. The book is hopeful and helpful to those who have suffered any loss from death, divorce, or separation. It gives promise of recovery and healing and learning to live with the terrible event. Written in 1983, MY SON...MY SON... is now in its 18th printing. This book ships to countries all over the world, from Australia and New Zealand to England and South Africa. It is being used as a teaching guide for students in colleges from California to Maine. Ministers, priests and rabbis have found the book helpful as they minister to those who have suffered any loss. Originally available only in paperback, the entire book was studio recorded by Iris Bolton in 1995. The audio edition on four cassettes provides an even greater opportunity for those dealing with grief to hear in Iris's own voice the inspiring message of hope, help and health. The book is available in the four cassette audio edition, hardback edition and the paperback edition. MY SON...MY SON... Will Help You If You Are: Bereaved, Grieving or Mourning; A Friend or Acquaintance of Someone in Mourning; A Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Mental Health Worker; A Physician, Nurse, or Hospital Employee; A Clergyman or Funeral Director; A School Counselor, Teacher or Administrator; An Attorney, Police Officer or Juvenile Justice Worker.

My So-Called Freelance Life: How to Survive and Thrive as a Creative Professional for Hire

by Michelle Goodman

Tired of clocking in and losing out? Want to pursue creative, fulfilling work on your own time and also make a living in the process? My So-Called Freelance Life is a how-to guidebook for women who want to avoid the daily grind and turn their freelance dreams into reality. Michelle Goodman, author of The Anti 9-to-5 Guide and self-proclaimed former "wage slave," offers tips, advice, how-to's, and everything else a woman needs to pursue a freelance career.Confused as to whether you should tell your clients that the odd gurgling sound during a conference call is emanating from the infant sleeping on your shoulder? Goodman answers all of the unusual questions that may arise for women exploring the freelance world. Far more than your normal business guidebook, My So-Called Freelance Life blends candid, humorous anecdotes from a wide variety of freelancers with Goodman's own personal experiences as a creative worker for hire.Whether you're a freelance first-timer or a seasoned creative professional, copyediting queen or web guru, My So-Called Freelance Life is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in freelancing.

My Sister Milly

by Gemma Dowler

You've seen Manhunt, now read this powerful and personal account from Milly Dowler's sister Gemma . . . 'My name is Gemma Dowler. On 21 March 2002, a serial killer named Levi Bellfield stole my sister and sent our family to hell . . .'In My Sister Milly, Gemma Dowler recounts the terrible day of Milly's disappearance, the suspicions that fell on the family, the torture of encountering the murderer in court, the fatal errors made by the police, how it very nearly destroyed her family and how love and hope helped the family survive.Everyone thinks they know the story of Milly Dowler, but only one person knows the true pain of having lost her sister, and how a family can rediscover hope to survive.________________'Compelling. An amazing book'Jeremy Vine, BBC Radio 2'Heartbreaking' Daily Mail'Tragic, poignant, full of emotional memories'Daily Mirror

My Search for Bill W: Biography

by Mel B.

This book is a fascinating, in depth look at who Bill W. really was and how, from his own painful past and a strong bent for anonymity, he emerged as a powerful presence on the American scene.On a cold night in February 1951, Mel B. set out from Pontiac, Michigan, to hear a talk by Bill W., cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Like many who had found strength and sobriety an A.A., Mel felt a great debt of gratitude to Bill W., as well as a deep curiosity about the sort of man who had helped bring about such a vast personal and social movement. After nearly fifty years, during which time Life magazine named Bill W. one of the century's most important Americans. Mel B.'s search for Bill W. culminates in this book: a fascinating, in depth look at who Bill W. really was and how, from his own painful past and a strong bent for anonymity, he emerged as a powerful presence on the American scene. Over the years, through interviews with Bill W. and with Bill W.'s friends, colleagues, and family, Mel B. discovered not just one Bill W., but seven: the power-driving achiever, the fixer, the individualist, the entrepreneur, the communicator, the peacemaker, and the founder/statesman. All of these facets of Bill W. come together in this portrait of a remarkable man, which is also the story of his profound effect on not only the author but also countless others caught up in the search for a better life.

My Resilience Manual 101 (Workbook): How to Face with Gratitude, Love and Wisdom, Almost Anything That Comes to You

by Vicky Palacio

Today's life is stressful by itself, for the vast majority, the pandemic that reached its peak in 2020, with all its associated consequences, ultimately requires a greater capacity for recovery, but this time, from “love”. This book will ultimately be your Bible of Gratitude, Tolerance and Resilience, it does not matter if it takes you to do it in a few months, in a year or in two, what really matters is to do each task well done and with your heart.

My Reality Check Bounced!

by Jason Ryan Dorsey

It’s time to cash your reality check and re-create your life on your own terms. In your twenties you expect to finally live life on your own terms. But it can seem like the world won’t cooperate. Roommates drive you crazy (but you can’t afford to lose them), entry-level jobs frustrate you (“Four hundred double-sided copies before lunch,”), and even a dream job can take over your nights and weekends, leaving you feeling like you are running hard but going nowhere. Jason Ryan Dorsey helps you turn thi...

My Reality Check Bounced!: The Twentysomethings' Guide To Cashing In On Your Real-World Dreams

by Jason Ryan Dorsey

It's time to cash your reality check and re-create your life on your own terms. In your twenties you expect to finally live life on your own terms. But it can seem like the world won't cooperate. Roommates drive you crazy (but you can't afford to lose them), entry-level jobs frustrate you ("Four hundred double-sided copies before lunch,"), and even a dream job can take over your nights and weekends, leaving you feeling like you are running hard but going nowhere. Jason Ryan Dorsey helps you turn this coming-of-age crisis into opportunity. He shows you the big secret of the real world-that you don't realize how much control you have over your life until you use it. In My Reality Check Bounced! Jason shows you how to: Find the courage to climb out of your real-world rut Create a Future Picture that gets you off your "buts" Uncover opportunity and build a tag team to make the most of it Live like you mean it, and finally cash your reality check.

My Psychic Stories: Amazing True Stories of Spirit Contact

by Jayne Wallace

Jayne Wallace's early life was blighted by an incredibly painful condition that almost led her to turn her back on her spirit guide, Star, and her calling to be a psychic medium. At the age of 12 she was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and registered disabled. Fighting against her illness and dealing with the loss of her mother, it was hard to accept Star in her life. But Jayne eventually made peace with Star, who brought her an amazing gift - a connection with her mother in the spirit world. As Star helped Jayne, so Jayne has gone on to help others, channelling loved ones on the Other Side, offering guidance for the future, and hope and healing to those who are grieving. This is the most inspiring page turner on the psychic experience in the market today.

My Psychic Journey: How To Be More Psychic

by Chris Dufresne

In his vast experience of doing psychic readings for thousands of clients, Chris Dufresne recounts numerous examples of some of his most memorable and significant psychic consultations, along with many affidavits from past clients. Chris and his mother, world-renowned psychic and spiritual teacher Sylvia Browne, have always been firm believers that each individual comes into life with their own innate psychic ability; and this book provides you with instructions and exercises that you can use to further develop that unique ability, along with the responsibilities and ethics that should be followed in conjunction with this development.

My Prince Will Come

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Your Knight in Shining Armor Awaits When a royal princess is rescued by a brave prince, every girl's heart pitter-patters at the thought. But women of all ages can easily miss the glorious truth that Jesus is the Prince who has already chosen her and is waiting at her door. Such an occasion is motivation for you to be at your best-healthy in every way! Now, as encouraging as it is practical,My Prince Will Comeequips every woman to start living today a life of incredible freedom from the past, joy in the present, and hope for the future! Sheri Rose Shepherd's message has been empowering women to become their best self, while inspiring them to confidently embrace an eternal view of themselves, for more than ten years. This is the third book in the acclaimed His Princess series. What a Day That Will Be! It's the moment you've waited for all your life. Hopes and dreams long buried suddenly come alive; heartache and pain melt away; your eyes meet and you're overcome with joy. It's a love story beyond the most amazing fairy tale. A trueHappily Ever Afterhellip;all for you! Your eternal reign will begin on that day because your Prince loves you and paid the ultimate price to call you His princess. Come now, and get to know your Prince, understand your royal calling, live with passion and peace, and prepare for that glorious dayhellip; when you finally meet Jesus-your Prince-face-to-face. Story Behind the Book "This inspirational, motivational, instructional guide contains in written form the message that I have been delivering for the past ten years to over 100,000 women. My Prince Will Come is a practical tool for women preparing for Christ's return to take us home. It reveals how to keep an eternal view in the midst of daily life. I've certainly learned that when I am not proactive, Satan will attack me in whatever area of my life that he can. I want to help women not only be on guard against the enemy, but show them how to proactively pursue their relationship with their King. " -Sheri Rose Shepherd

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