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Showing 13,851 through 13,875 of 36,712 results

Mujeres... les amo

by Asma Elferkouss

Enterarse de que hay un secreto en la familia durante años y que condiciona la vida de varias personas en las siguientes generaciones, no es fácil... Un relato apasionante que pretende comprender el pasado para enderezarlo...

Mujeres agotadas y cómo dejar de serlo: Cambia de hábitos y duplica tu energía

by Pilar Benítez

Cambia tus hábitos y duplica tu energía: la fórmula más efectiva para dejar de estar agotada y gozar de más energía, salud y bienestar. Es un hecho: cuando nos reunimos varias mujeres el tema de conversación siempre es el mismo: «Estamos agotadas». En algunos países europeos este síndrome empieza a considerarse ya una epidemia. ¿Qué nos pasa? No, no se trata solo de esa utopía de la conciliación familiar; es que las mujeres asumimos múltiples responsabilidades y acabamos quedándonos sin energía para nosotras mismas y, en el peor de los casos, con la salud dañada. En este libro se nos propone que encontremos nuestro centro y equilibrio. A partir de sus talleres, conferencias y de su experiencia personal en la consulta del Dr. Jorge Pérez-Calvo, la autora nos facilita claves prácticas, útiles y eficaces para alimentarnos bien y cuidarnos y para que conectemos con nuestro centro tanto a nivel físico como intelectual. Es difícil vivir sin los problemas cotidianos, las prisas, la multitud de tareas y las muchas responsabilidades que inevitablemente tenemos que afrontar, pero Pilar Benítez nos ayuda a que observemos el mundo desde otra perspectiva y encontremos la fórmula para organizarnos mejor y disfrutemos de una vida más feliz y plena. Cuídate para poder disfrutar y ofrecer lo mejor de ti misma.Vive con energía, plenitud y salud.

La Mujer Y Su Practica de los Doce Pasos (A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps

by Stephanie S Covington

Geared specifically to women, this book brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words.Geared specifically to women, this book brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words. La recuperación no es un mundo exclusivo de los hombres, pero, a veces, para una mujer parece serlo. Este libro pensado específicamente para esa mujer, trae una perspectiva femenina al programa de los Doce Pasos, descubriendo los mensajes de sanación detrás de las palabras orientadas para los hombres. Basado en una exploración abierta y una interpretación flexible de los Doce Pasos, esta nueva perspectiva toma en cuenta el desarrollo psicológico de las mujeres en lo relacionado a la adicción y a la recuperación, así como también los factores sociales y culturales que afectan a las mujeres en particular. Reconociendo que la recuperación plantea cuestiones sobre temas especiales para la mujer—desde preguntas sobre relaciones sexuales, relaciones, y sobre la vida diaria, a ansiedad para hablar en situaciones donde hay personas de ambos sexos-- La Mujer y su Práctica de los Doce Pasos se enfoca directamente en la experiencia femenina de la adicción y la sanación. El autor explora los Doce Pasos uno por uno, reiterándolos en su language tradicional, explicándolos y mostrándolos para destacar la experiencia de la mujer—capacitando al lector a ser “dueño” de su propio proceso de recuperación así como también de su crecimento como mujer.

mujer verdadera: La que sabe amar, reír, llorar, sonar y

by Isabel Gomez-Bassols

¿Qué hace poderosa a una mujer verdadera? En Una mujer verdadera, la doctora Isabel traza el progreso de la mujer y su importancia a través de las épocas, enfocándose en el valor real de la mujer, la cual no precisa imitar a los hombres para obtener respeto, por el contrario, consiste en encontrar su propia fortaleza y reclamar la autoridad para utilizar esa fuente de poder y transformar su vida. Los temas principales que encontrarás son: • Lo que significa ser mujer • Descubre tu belleza verdadera • El legado que dejarás Basada en su experiencia personal, la doctora Isabel nos invita a liberarnos del yugo que el género tiene sobre nuestra identidad, adueñarnos del destino y expresar nuestra femineidad bajo nuestras propias condiciones. «… escrito por una mujer verdadera para una mujer verdadera».

Mujer segura de si misma: Empiece a vivir hoy resueltamente y sin miedo

by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer, la autora de éxitos de ventas de la lista del New York Times, recurre a sus décadas de experiencia ministrando e interactuando con mujeres. El mensaje de este libro es también parte de sus propias vivencias, desde la inseguridad y el odio a sí misma, hasta la confianza que le permitió ver y concretar todo su potencial. Meyer brinda a las mujeres las claves para identificar las barreras que les impiden la seguridad en sí mismas, y explora el poder que viene a través de la preparación, definiendo los pasos hacia la independencia por medio de la dependencia de Dios. Meyer explora las siete características de una mujer segura de sí misma: una mujer que sabe que es amada, se niega a vivir con miedo y no vive comparándose con otras personas. Una vida emocionante, con propósito, le espera a toda mujer que aprende cómo vivir más allá del miedo... ¡con seguridad! Dios quiere iluminar nuestro camino y darnos todo lo que necesitamos para caminar ¡seguras de nosotras mismas!

La mujer de mis sueños: Cómo aplicar las fórmulas de los triunfadores para lograr tu éxito

by Luz María Doria

"Este es un libro para abrir mundos y ojos, para los que saben que quieren más --mucho más-- y para los que se han atrevido a perder el miedo. Está lleno de lecciones de vida. Luz María Doria nos dice que quería 'conocer otros mundos y escribir sobre ellos'. Bueno, aquí están esos mundos. Y de paso, Luzma les hace saber a muchas mujeres que no caminan solas. Te va a pasar como a mí: lees las primeras páginas y no lo vas a poder soltar". --Jorge Ramos Conductor del Noticiero Univision, escritor e inmigrante En reveladoras conversaciones con Sofía Vergara, Ismael Cala y Emilio Estefan --entre muchos otros-- y recordando anécdotas que incluyen a personalidades como Cristina Saralegui, Oprah Winfrey y Jennifer Lopez, Luz María Doria recorre el camino que la llevó a conquistar el éxito. En estas páginas descubrirás los secretos que ella ha recogido durante más de 30 años de carrera para que tú también puedas convertirte en la mujer de tus sueños.

La mujer: Sus tensiones y depresiones

by David Hormachea

Descubra el gozode ser la mujer que Dios quiere que sea.David Hormachea se enfoca en los temas que la mujer de hoy enfrenta tanto en lacasa como en el trabajo. Las mujeres con frecuencia tienen más ansiedades ytendencias a ser personas afanadas que necesitan enfocarse. Hormachea exploralas tensiones en el hogar, tensiones interpersonales que afectan a la granmayoría de las mujeres, como la subestimación personal, la ausencia de romanticismoe intimidad apropiada, presiones diarias, tensiones sutiles que pueden destruirla vida, las relaciones familiares no saludables y cambios en el cuerpofemenino. Concluye dando acciones imprescindibles para vivir con dignidad.

Muévase a más: Las sorpesas ilimitadas de un Dios fiel

by Choco De Jesus

En el mundo actual la gente está cansada y llena de temores, viven temporadas difíciles en sus vidas. La firme seguridad de que Dios nos ha llamado para una vida abundante nos da la fortaleza, el aliento y la perspectiva necesarios para los tiempos difíciles. Y de la misma manera, esa seguridad nos infunde humildad con cada bendición que recibimos.La gente está cansada, viven temporadas difíciles en sus vidas. Tal vez están batallando con un cónyuge que ha roto las promesas y les ha traicionado, viven bajo un presupuesto muy ajustado o están criando a sus hijos en un hogar sin uno de los padres. Otros están cuidando a un padre enfermo o angustiados ante la pérdida de uno de ellos.Este libro exhorta a los lectores a recordar que hay algo más, que Dios nos ha prometido y planeado una vida más abundante que la que vivimos en estos momentos. Su «más» es infinito; no tiene límite. Su Palabra promete que podemos aprender a vivir en su plenitud. Relatando su historia personal en cuanto a experimentar ese «más», el autor comparte con los lectores que ellos también han sido escogidos por Dios; destinados a vivir en Su plenitud.El autor analiza también ciertos impedimentos específicos que nos impiden llevar una vida abundante, como el temor, las múltiples ocupaciones, las heridas que nos hacemos a nosotros mismos y el egoísmo. Cuando llenamos nuestra vida con lo que nosotros queremos, no le abrimos espacio a ese «más» de Dios, el cual exige también menos de nosotros mismos. Desafiando la mentalidad estadounidense de que «más» se refiere al dinero y a las riquezas, el autor aclara que no se trata de una recompensa («Si yo hago esto, consigo aquello»). Sino que nos da aliento con la verdad bíblica de que Dios, desde el principio, ha planeado que vivamos en su «más», la vida abundante que nace al dar un paso tras otro en obediencia y fidelidad.Cuando aprendas a vivir en el «más» de Dios, sabrás:• Experimentar la plenitud de Dios• Caminar paso a paso, dedicado completamente al presente• Adquirir fortaleza y gozo en medio de las pruebas• Descubrir orden en el caos• Encontrar descanso en medio de las ocupaciones Today people are weary and fearful, living in uncertain and difficult seasons of life. Maybe they’re struggling with a spouse’s broken promises and betrayal, living paycheck-to-paycheck or raising children in a single-parent home. Some are caring for a sick parent or grieving over the loss of one. This book encourages readers that there is something more, and that God has promised and planned a richer, more abundant life than the one they’re living now. His “more” is infinite with no ceiling. His Word promise that we can learn to live in his fullness.Sharing his own life story of experiencing “more,” De Jesús tells readers that they, too, have been marked by God, destined to live in His fullness. Confidently knowing that God has marked us for abundant life gives us the strength, encouragement, and perspective to go through difficult times. In the same way, that confidence instills humility with each blessing.

Muerte y Luego Juicio

by Dr Johnny Woodard Dd

Johnny y Jewel Woodard han servido al Señor a través del Compañerismo Misionero Bautista Pan de Vida desde 1995. El Dr. Woodard es Presidente del Instituto Bíblico Internacional por Correspondencia de Pan de Vida, que tiene más de 4.000 estudiantes en 114 países, incluyendo los 50 estados de América. Diseñó todos los cursos de estudio de la Biblia para las lecciones de los cursos de estudio de la Biblia. También es autor de varios libros, junto con 12 tratados del Evangelio que han sido distribuidos en todo el mundo. Él y su esposa Jewel fueron salvados a temprana edad en las Iglesias Bautistas. El Dr. Woodard ha pastoreado 7 iglesias, incluyendo una de las que fundó. Este libro es un estudio sobre las verdades acerca de la muerte y el juicio tomadas de la Palabra de Dios, la Biblia KJV. Rezamos para que sea una bendición para usted y le ayude a comprender mejor lo que le sucede a todos después de que la muerte los reclama.

Muerte, morir, inmortalidad

by Federico Ortiz Quezada

Este libro tiene la intención de ordenar algunas ideas respecto de la muerte y el acto de morir. Nacer y morir son las dos constantes de toda vida. Vivimos inmersos en ellas y, aun cuando vivir ofrece la certeza de la muerte, evitamos reflexionar en torno a este tema y lo dejamos en manos de la religión.Sin embargo, tenemos muchas preguntas que nos inquietan: ¿cómo debe tratarse al moribundo?, ¿qué le acontece al ser humano cuando muere?, ¿existe la inmortalidad humana?Escrito por un especialista en las ideas respecto a la muerte, este libro ofrece, desde una perspectiva científica, una respuesta a las interrogantes que a diario nos hacemos. Analiza las ideas religiosas y filosóficas vigentes respecto a la muerte, describe lo que la medicina hace para paliar el dolor del moribundo y del duelo familiar y reflexiona en torno a la inmortalidad humana.

La muerte es un día que vale la pena vivir

by Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes

Una nueva mirada a la vida que nos enseña que el final del viaje puede ser extraordinario. Este libro, escrito por una de las mejores especialistas en Cuidados paliativos del mundo, Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes, es una guía única que ha ayudado a miles de personas a transitar el miedo, la angustia en torno a la muerte y a dotar tanto de sentido como de amor hasta el último de sus días. Durante veinte años de experiencia clínica, la doctora Quintana Arantes, especializada en Geriatría, Gerontología y Psicología, se ha enfocado en brindar atención integral a pacientes de enfermedades crónicas, entendiendo que cada uno vive un dolor que no sólo es físico, también es emocional, social y espiritual. Es por ello que, en estas páginas, sugiere a familiares y médicos de pacientes terminales el acompañamiento óptimo para hacer amable el momento de partir. La muerte es un día que vale la pena vivir es una invitación no sólo para cuidadores, sino para aquellos que buscan repensar la existencia, comprender la muerte como un proceso natural, descubrir que ahí donde la medicina falla, hay todo un campo de posibilidades.

Mudras for Modern Life: Boost your health, re-energize your life, enhance your yoga and deepen your meditation

by Swami Saradananda

Transform your life through the power of mudras - subtle but highly effective hand gestures that boost health and wellbeing. With easy-to-follow instructions, inspiring artworks and informative photographs throughout, this is the definitive illustrated guide to mudras, ideal for experienced yogis and newcomers alike.Increase your inner strength and vitality, relieve stress, anxiety and fatigue, cultivate joy, peace and creativity, enhance concentration and clarity, and much more!Discover the meditations, visualizations, breathing exercises (pranayama), mantras and yoga poses (asana) that enhance the power of the mudras.Benefit from a range of specially designed mudra routines for specific health issues, from stress and insomnia to arthritis and headaches.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Mude o seu Destino

by Silvia Estrabocha Bernard Levine

Se está infeliz e acredita de coração que realmente merece uma vida melhor... Se a sua intenção é elevar a sua vida para um outro nível... Então, este livro será o seu salva vidas para levar a sua vida a um rápido caminho de sucesso. Siga o seu coração no que respeita às coisas que o fazem feliz e embarque numa jornada que o fará sentir orgulhoso. Que os bons momentos comecem agora para SI!

Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unsuspected Reality

by Frank DeMarco

"One of the precious gifts of my father's legacy was his insistence that people can turn beliefs into knowns, finding out for themselves through direct experience that they are indeed more than their physical bodies. In that spirit, this book is a fine example of another explorer's journey into profound self-discovery, and particularly to the realization that "love is the only thing in life that counts." —Laurie A. Monroe, President, The Monroe Institute <p><p> This book was written specifically for those people for whom the question of "what is real" is the most important thing in life. It is for those who have a hard time concentrating on career or family—or anything—for fear it will turn out to be illusory. It is for anyone whose life is haunted by lack of meaning. The entire point of Muddy Tracks is that the author went out searching. He trusted, and sincerely looked, and found that his trust was rewarded. And, he says, as his trust was rewarded, so will yours be. <p><p> Muddy Tracks tells some of the things that happened to him, and at every step he says to you, "Here's a resource; try this. Here's a resource; try that. When I did this, this happened. When I did that; that happened." Keeping strictly to what he has experienced, DeMarco shows how many aids we may find in life. He shows how his life was enriched by selected reading, and by dream analysis, and by interaction with friends and so-called strangers. He describes some of the unusual resources he has discovered and used, particularly in connection with out-of-body explorer Bob Monroe and The Monroe Institute. <p><p> More intimately, he tells of some of the nearly unbelievable things he has learned to do—things, he points out, that are natural human abilities, available to all. As noted British author Colin Wilson says in his introduction, "Frank's experience has been in many ways remarkable, and he has a natural gift for making it come alive." <p><p> The net result is to provide the reader with firsthand, informed reassurance that we all have our own internal guidance, which is reliable and is willing and able to come forth when welcomed. DeMarco cites his own experiences to argue that if you come to the quest in faith, the faith will be rewarded. The meaning of your life can be found, but it can only be found by you yourself. And, having found it, you will find it meaningful precisely because it will be your meaning, and not someone else's. <p><p> The age of gurus is over. It is time for us each to come into our own. Muddy Tracks will help you—and encourage you—to learn to do that.

Muchas Vidas, Muchos Sabios (Many Lives, Many Mast: (Many Lives, Many Masters)

by Brian L. Weiss

El doctor Brian Weiss -- psiquiatra del hospital Mount Sinai de Miami, EE.UU. -- relata en este libro su experiencia con Catherine, una paciente a quien trato bajo hipnosis, luego de intentar sin exito durante un ano la terapia convencional. En estado de trance profundo -- solo un 15% de los hipnotizados logran llegar a este -- Catherine recordo sus vidas anteriores y revivio sus traumas que eran la clave de sus constantes pesadillas y su ansiedad, comenzando cuando se llamaba Aronda, en Egipto, 18 siglos antes de Cristo. El escepticismo del doctor comenzo a diluirse cuando Catherine empezo a dar muestras de la existencia de "espacios entre una vida y otra," con sorprendentes acerca de la familia del Dr. Weiss y de su hijo fallecido. Al utilizar una terapia de "vidas pasadas" el Dr. Weiss pudo curar a esta paciente y avocarse a una nueva y mas significativa fase de su carrera.

Ms. Typed

by Michelle R. Callahan

Figure out how your dating personality is sabotaging your relationships–and become the type of woman you were meant to be! Are you one of the many confident, attractive, and successful women who often end up in unsuccessful relationships? Do you find yourself behaving in your relationships in ways that don’t accurately reflect who you really are? Do any of these women sound like you?: • Ms. Second Place: She allows herself to be a low priority in a man’s life. • Ms. Sex Machine: She settles for physical intimacy when she really wants an emotional connection. • Ms. Soul Mate: She so wants to be in love that she mistakes every date for “the one. ” • Ms. Drama Queen: She only dates bad boys and unavailable men. • Ms. Mom: She makes it a priority to fix her man’s life instead of her own. • Ms. Anaconda: She’s so needy, she suffocates every man she dates. • Ms. Independent: She’s been hurt before and won’t let her guard down. If you recognize yourself in any of these types, don’t be discouraged. InMs. Typed, you’ll learn how to be the woman and partner you’re meant to be–through uplifting stories from other women, and a “Ms. Typed Makeover” that leads you step-by-step through the process. Dr. Michelle’s smart advice is sure to give you a fresh outlook on dating and guide you toward loving, fulfilling relationships. From the Hardcover edition.

Ms. Mentor's New and Ever More Impeccable Advice for Women and Men in Academia

by Emily Toth

"The divine Ms. M. is back, with realistic and witty advice about life in academia. Required reading."-Elaine Showalter, Princeton University. "At last, Ms. Mentor Unplugged, Uncensored, and Unrepentant! This is a great and clear-headed read for junior academics trying to find their way to success through the thicket of professional obfuscation and a good reminder to senior people about just how confusing academe is to the uninitiated."-Cathy Davidson, Duke University. "Part Emily Post, part Dame Edna, Ms. Mentor continues to dispense wicked truths in her trademark style. Tucking her professional advice into very funny and frequently appalling stories (I believe every one), she sends encouraging word from the only ivory tower left standing."-William Germano, The Cooper Union. Ms. Mentor, that uniquely brilliant and irascible intellectual, is your all-knowing guide through the jungle that is academia today. In the last decade Ms. Mentor's mailbox has been filled to overflowing with thousands of plaintive epistles, rants, and gossipy screeds. A mere fraction has appeared in her celebrated monthly online and print Q&A columns for the Chronicle of Higher Education; her readers' colorful and rebellious ripostes have gone unpublished-until now. Hearing the call for a follow-up to the wildly successful Ms. Mentor's Impeccable Advice for Women in Academia, Ms. Mentor now broadens her counsel to include academics of the male variety. Ms. Mentor knows all about foraging for jobs, about graduate school stars and serfs, and about mentors and underminers, backbiters and whiners. She answers burning questions: Am I too old, too working class, too perfect, too blonde? When should I reproduce? When do I speak up, laugh, and spill the secrets I've gathered? Do I really have to erase my own blackboard? Does academic sex have to be reptilian? From the ivory tower that affords her an unparalleled view of the academic landscape, Ms. Mentor dispenses her perfect wisdom to the huddled masses of professorial newbies, hardbitten oldies, and anxious midcareerists. She gives etiquette lessons to academic couples and the tough-talking low-down on adjunct positions. She tells you what to wear, how to make yourself popular, and how to decode academic language. She introduces you to characters you must know: Professor Pelvic, Dr. Iron Fist, Mr. Upstart Whelp, Dean Titan, Professor McShameless. In this volume Ms. Mentor once again shares her wide-ranging unexpurgated wisdom, giving tips on bizarre writing rituals, tenure diaries, and time management (Exploding Head Syndrome). She decodes department meetings and teaches you the tricks for getting stellar teaching evaluations. Raw, shocking, precise, clever, absurd--Ms. Mentor has it all.

Mrutyuveli, Aadhi Ani Nantara: मृत्यूवेळी, आधी आणि नंतर

by Dada Bhagwan

मृत्यु हे आपल्या जिवनातला अविभक्त भाग आहे. आपल्या कुटूम्बात किंवा शेजारी कोणाचा मृत्यु पाहल्या वर माणसाला भीति वाटते आणि मृत्यु संबंधित वेग-वेगळे कल्पना करतो. परम पूज्य दादा भगवानी आपल्या आत्मज्ञाना नी लोकांना या रहस्य संबंधित पुष्कळ प्रश्ना चे उत्तर दिले आहे. जन्म आणि मृत्यु चा चक्र, पुनर्जनम, जन्म-मृत्यु मधुन मुक्ति, मोक्षची प्राप्ति इत्यादी प्रश्न चे उत्तर आपल्याला या पुस्तक ‘मृत्यु चे रहस्य’ मधुन मिळतात. दादाश्रीनी मृत्युच्या संबंधित सर्व चुकिच्या मान्यतान्ची खरी समझ देऊन, आपल्या जीवनाचा मुख्य उद्देश्य काय आहे है, हे या पुस्तकात संगीतला आहे.

Mrutyu Samaye, Pehla ne Pachi: મૃત્યુ સમયે, પહેલાં ને પછી

by Dada Bhagwan

ઘણા લોકોને મૃત્યુનો ભય હોય છે. મૃત્યુ લોકોને મૂંઝવે છે અને તેઓ દુઃખમાં ડૂબી જાય છે. દરેક જણને પોતાના જીવન દરમ્યાન ક્યારેક મૃત્યુના સાક્ષી બનવું પડે છે. આવા સમયે મૃત્યુના ખરા સ્વરૂપ વિષે સેંકડો સવાલો વ્યક્તિના મનમાં ઉભા થાય છે. જયારે તેને તેના કોઈ જવાબ નથી મળતા ત્યારે તે વ્યાકુળ બની જાય છે. મૃત્યુ શું છે? મૃત્યુની પ્રક્રીયામાં શું થાય છે? મૃત્યુ પછી શું થાય છે? મૃત્યુના અનુભવ વિષે કોણ કહી શકે? મૃત્યુ પામેલા પોતાનો અનુભવ કહી નથી શકતા. જેનો જન્મ થાય છે તેને પોતાના પૂર્વઅસ્તિત્વની ખબર નથી. જન્મ પહેલાં અને મૃત્યુ પછી શું થાય છે તે કોઈ જાણતું નથી. શું પુનર્જન્મ સત્ય છે? આત્માની માન્યતામાં શ્રદ્ધા વિના પુનર્જન્મનો આધાર શું? પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રીએ તેમના જ્ઞાન (આત્મજ્ઞાન) થકી મૃત્યુ વિષેના તમામ રહસ્યો જેમ છે તેમ ખુલ્લા કર્યા છે. પુનર્જન્મ, જન્મ અને મૃત્યુનું ચક્ર, કર્મોનું બંધન તેઓ વૈજ્ઞાનિક રીતે સમજાવે છે અને આ કર્મોના બંધન તોડી મુક્તિ મેળવવાની અંતિમ ગુરૂ કિલ્લી પણ આપણને આપે છે. જયારે તમે આત્માનું સ્વરૂપ સમજશો, ત્યારે બધા કોયડા ઉકલી જશે. પહેલાં આત્માનો સાક્ષાત્કાર કરો પછી બધા કોયડા ઉકલી જશે. જીવન અને મૃત્યુના તમામ રહસ્યોના ખુલાસા થવાથી જન્મ અને મૃત્યુથી મુક્ત સ્થિતિએ પહોંચી શકાય છે. આ પુસ્તિકામાં આવી હકીકતો જોવામાં આવશે અને તેથી વાચકને સંસારિક અને આધ્યાત્મિક બાબતોમાં લાભ થશે.

Mrutyu Samay Pahle Aur Pashchat: मृत्यु समय, पहले और पश्चात

by Dada Bhagwan

मृत्यु- हमारे जीवन का अविभाज्य अंग है| हर व्यक्ति को अपने जीवन में किसी ना किसी रूप में मृत्यु का सामना करना पड़ता है| किसी अपने परिवारजन या पड़ौसी की मृत्यु देखकर वह भयभीत हो जाता है और मृत्यु से संबंधीत तरह तरह की कल्पनाएँ करने लगता है| कई तरह के प्रश्न जैसे – मृत्यु के बाद इंसान कहा जाता है, क्या उसका पुनर्जनम संभव है, वह किस रूप में पुनः जन्म लेता है इत्यादि उसे भ्रमित कर देते है और मृत्यु का खौफ पैदा करते है| परम पूज्य दादा भगवान को हुए आत्मज्ञान द्वारा उन्होंने इस रहस्य से संबंधित अनेक प्रश्नों का जवाब दिया है| जन्म और मृत्यु का चक्र, पुनर्जनम, जन्म-मृत्यु से मुक्ति, मोक्ष की प्राप्ति आदि प्रश्नों के सटीक जवाब हमें उनकी पुस्तक ‘मृत्यु के रहस्य’ में मिलती है| दादाश्री हमें मृत्यु से संबंधित सारी गलत मान्यताओं की सही समझ देकर हमे यह बताते है कि आखिर हमारे जीवन का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है और हम किस प्रकार इस चक्कर से हमेशा के लिए मुक्त हो सकते है|

Mrs. Hunter's Happy Death

by John Fanestil

What is the secret of people who die contented and fulfilled? What makes it possible for them to attain such spiritual heights as they approach their physical demise? What enables them to make death a completion of life, rather than a tragic end? And what can they teach us about life and death, love and loss, grief and spiritual growth? The way we die, like the way we live, makes a difference—in our lives and the lives of others. From time to time during his work as a pastor, John Fanestil has witnessed someone dying with remarkable and uplifting grace. Fanestil was moved yet puzzled by the spirit of happiness and holiness he observed. Contemporary literature on dying, filled with talk of anger, acceptance, and forgiveness, provided little to explain it. But the chance discovery of articles about the ritual of the “happy death” in religious magazines from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought Fanestil the answers he sought. Mrs. Hunter’s Happy Death blends the captivating historical accounts Fanestil uncovered with his own pastoral experiences to reveal the secrets that enable people to transcend pain and suffering and embrace death as a completion of life, not as a tragic end. A fascinating introduction to a historic approach to death and its contemporary incarnations, Mrs. Hunter’s Happy Death also offers specific lessons on living and dying, from the “exercise of prayer” to the “labor of love” to “bearing testimony. ” With the spread of in-home medical and hospice care, death is once again being embraced as a natural part of life, infused with profound emotional and spiritual dimensions. The inspiring stories in Mrs. Hunter’s Happy Death beautifully demonstrate that the way we die, like the way we live, makes a supreme difference—in our lives and in the lives of others. From the Hardcover edition.

The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook: Everything I Know About Love and Marriage (with corrections by Mrs. Doocy)

by Steve Doocy

Ever since Eve asked Adam, "Do I look fat in this fig leaf?" it has been apparent that husbands don't know how to relate to their wives. Men believe they understand women and vice versa, but really men know as much about women as a cocker spaniel knows about assembling a Weber grill.Welcome to The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook, Steve Doocy's laugh-out-loud perspective on love, marriage, and family. The book can be used for its hilarious husband and wife wisdom or, if things aren't going well, as a projectile to get somebody's attention. This is not an advice book. It is a don't even think of trying this book. The author, his family, and his collection of friends (some very famous in the worlds of entertainment, business, and politics) have already discreetly made almost every conceivable marriage mistake, and it is their hope that this irrev- erent manual can save you the trouble of being an idiot on your own.Doocy, co-host of Fox & Friends, who has been married for twenty consecutive years, provides real slice-of-life stories on everything from early marriage ("I love you, you're perfect, now wear this thong") and pregnancy ("You're eating for two? Who— you and Shaquille O'Neal?") to sending your child to college ("Is that a funnel?") and retirement (high-fiber appetizers on Viagra dates). Most of the stories conclude with "corrections" and additional wise words from Doocy's real-life wife, Kathy, who, after two decades of picking up Steve's socks in the garage, has developed a zany sense of humor herself. There is also a handy troubleshooting section for when things go haywire, like during the eye- opening experiment undertaken especially for this book, wherein the author wanted to prove to his wife that they were perfect for each other, so he had them join an on-line dating service. Out of a database of several hundred thousand guys, he was not in her top 532 local men. Despite the fact that their one- month experiment ended a year ago, she's still getting photographs of single men whose head shots appear to have been taken at a recent skinhead convention. Luckily for him, she still prefers "bonehead to skinhead." This book is a celebration of the pageantry that is wedlock, which starts with an "I do" and sometimes ends with a boiled rabbit. Let's face it, marriage isn't always as smooth as a forty-year-old's forehead after six months of Botox. In fact, marriage is ridiculously hard, but laughing about it is now incredibly easy with The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook.

Mr. Know-It-All: The Tarnished Wisdom of a Filth Elder

by John Waters

No one knows more about everything—especially everything rude, clever, and offensively compelling—than John Waters. The man in the pencil-thin mustache, auteur of the transgressive movie classics Pink Flamingos, Polyester, the original Hairspray, Cry-Baby, and A Dirty Shame, is one of the world’s great sophisticates, and in Mr. Know-It-All he serves it up raw: how to fail upward in Hollywood; how to develop musical taste from Nervous Norvus to Maria Callas; how to build a home so ugly and trendy that no one but you would dare live in it; more important, how to tell someone you love them without emotional risk; and yes, how to cheat death itself. Through it all, Waters swears by one undeniable truth: “Whatever you might have heard, there is absolutely no downside to being famous. None at all.” <P><P>Studded with cameos of Waters’s stars, from Divine and Mink Stole to Johnny Depp, Kathleen Turner, Patricia Hearst, and Tracey Ullman, and illustrated with unseen photos from Waters’s personal collection, Mr. Know-It-All is Waters’s most hypnotically readable, upsetting, revelatory book—another instant Waters classic.

Mr. Jones, Meet the Master: Sermons And Prayers Of Peter Marshall

by Dr Peter Marshall

A posthumous collection of sermons and prayers of pastor Peter Marshall of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C.In Mr. Jones, Meet the Master, Peter Marshall is addressing you. His practical sermons and heart-felt prayers will give insight, courage, and inspiration as you encounter the difficulties of everyday life. These are words to read, re-read, and treasure in your heart. They contain practical guidelines for Christian living.-Print ed.

Mr. Boddington's Etiquette: Charm And Civility For Every Occasion

by Boddington'S Studio

The witty and eloquent Mr. Boddington offers dos and don'ts for polite society in this comprehensive and thoroughly amusing guide that provides modern advice with a traditional perspective. Covering everything from weddings to gift-giving moments, social events, hosting guests, and so much more, Mr. Boddington shares the basic etiquette one needs to know and presents it all in his signature style. Filled with charming illustrations from the beloved Mr. Boddington's Studio, this jaunty handbook is just the thing to make manners less of a fuss.

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