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Manopause: Your Guide To Surviving His Changing Life

by Lisa Friedman Bloch Kathy Silverman

There are countless books about menopause on the market. We’ve all accepted that women change at midlife. However, there is another much ignored change that affects hundreds of millions of women across the globe: manopause—the changes that all men go through starting at about age 40. <P><P>In this groundbreaking book, Lisa Friedman Bloch and Kathy Kirtland Silverman look at men’s changes from a new and uplifting perspective. Aimed at women, Manopause explores how biological and psychological factors collide with the societal pressures men face, and provides advice on how women can help themselves and their men move through and enjoy this sometimes challenging phase. <P><P>Laying out the commonly accepted rules of what it means to "be a man"—rules like "Your worth is only as great as your power, money, and status," "Push down your emotions," and "Always be aggressive and strong"—the authors explore how men strive to live up to these expectations, and how shouldering this burden becomes harder at midlife. Both physical changes and emotional realizations play in to men’s fear that they are losing their grip. And yet, as the authors explain, it is these very changes that can open the door to a far richer and more fulfilling life. <P><P>With a goal of creating greater understanding and compassion for the subject of manopause, Bloch and Silverman solidly ground readers with information about men’s changes before guiding them through a practical discussion of how to handle the outward effects they experience. They address emotional reactions, behavioral issues, hormone loss, sex and intimacy, and family and work relationships with an eye to how all can be immeasurably improved. By bringing this topic more into the public eye, they hope to help women and men everywhere learn to better alleviate the confusion, misunderstanding, and discontent of manopause.

Manners That Matter Most

by Norah Lawlor June Eding

Etiquette is one of the most valuable assets a person can have: knowing how best to present yourself, and how to deal with others in a direct, effective manner, is paramount in all personal, professional, and social relationships. Manners That Matter Most seeks to resurrect the bygone customs of good manners and graceful style; all while updating and applying them to the modern age. Covering topics from introductions, greetings and thank-you's, to the etiquette of modern technology (including appropriate places and times to call and text), Manners That Matter Most is a valuable resource and a much-needed guide in our fast-paced world. Suitable for all readers in all social situations, Manners That Matter Most contains both the information and the support you need to gain and give more consideration in your social encounters. With an emphasis on graciousness and chivalry that lends the book its authoritative tone, Manners That Matter Most is the essential companion for anyone looking to put their best foot forward in any situation. Manners That Matter Most also includes: * Inspirational quotes on the importance of courtesy, respect and dignity * The 25 essential lessons everyone should learn to cultivate better manners * Tips for more effective communication with family, friends and co-workers Manners That Matter Most takes an old subject and presents it in a fresh and accessible way, as it reminds us why good practice in etiquette not only makes the practitioner look good, but enhances society as a whole. With Manners That Matter Most, the world opens up--and you know just what to say.From the Hardcover edition.

Mann ki Shakti: मन की शक्ति

by Maxwell Maltz

साइको साइबरनेटिक्स में 31 नुस्खे और मानसिक प्रशिक्षण अभ्यास शामिल हैं, जो डॉ. मॉल्ट्ज़ की सिखार्इ बातों पर अमल करने में आपकी मदद करेंगे। इससे आपको लगभग किसी भी लक्ष्य को जल्दी और आसानी से हासिल करने में मदद मिलेगी।


by Chris Salgardo

Chris Salgardo, the charismatic president of cult-favorite skin-care line Kiehl's, delivers the definitive guide to grooming every man needs--and was afraid to ask for. Manmade is the first grooming and skin-care guide created with a 21st-century man in mind. Rather than dispense one-size-fits-all advice, style icon and Kiehl's prez Chris Salgardo tailors his guidance to a man's lifestyle and interest level, devoting chapters to the specific grooming needs of the polished gentleman; the extreme sports enthusiast; the bad boy/rebel; the artistic renaissance man; and the DIY hipster. From battling the effects of aging to hair concerns--whether too much or not enough--Chris offers insiders' secrets for looking impeccably (but not obviously) groomed.

The Manipulation of Online Self-Presentation: Create, Edit, Re-edit and Present

by Alison Attrill

This book explores psychological theories around the ways in which people present themselves online. The role of dispositional and situational factors along with the motivations that drive self-presentation across diverse Internet arenas are considered.

Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día: Activa tu positivismo, maximiza tu productividad, sirve al mundo

by Robin Sharma

AHORA ES TU MOMENTO / ESTA ES TU GUÍA Durante más de veinticinco años, Robin Sharma, el legendario experto en liderazgo y en excelencia, ha enseñado discretamente a titanes de los negocios, a grandes del deporte profesional y a superestrellas del mundo del espectáculo un revolucionario sistema que los ha ayudado a convertir sus máximas aspiraciones en resultados palpables a diario. Ahora, en Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día -su obra maestra-, el innovador Robin Sharma ha destilado los principios fundamentales, los protocolos y las tácticas de su método de mentoring y ha creado una obra valiosísima que es al mismo tiempo un compendio de estrategias para alcanzar una productividad inagotable, un manual para llevar una vida incomparable, y una guía universal para llegar a ser un líder espiritual capaz de cargar con el mundo sobre los hombros. En las páginas de este libro absolutamente único descubrirás: - Pautas reales sobre cómo las personas más creativas, productivas y prósperas del planeta adquieren hábitos insuperables, controlan sus días y organizan su vida al más alto nivel. - Prácticas poderosas para mejorar la energía, aumentar la vitalidad y prolongar la longevidad a fin de dar forma al genio que eres. - Un modelo demostrado para realizar trabajos excepcionales que lideren tu sector e iluminen a futuras generaciones. - Técnicas basadas en la neurociencia para convertir problemas en triunfos, temores en acicates y sufrimientos del pasado en heroísmo cotidiano. - Una sabiduría inusual (y alcanzada con esfuerzo) para mejorar tu vivacidad, incubar una serenidad sublime y dignificar la libertad espiritual que crea una vida hermosa. Reseñas:«La estrella del rock del liderazgo.»The Globe and Mail «A pesar de que Robin Sharma rechace la etiqueta de gurú, resulta difícil no referirse a él con ese término.»Publishers Weekly «Rivaliza en seguidores con el Dalai Lama.»The Times of India

El manifiesto de la reforma: Su función en el plan divino para transformar las naciones hoy día

by Cindy Jacobs

Un llamado urgente para el cambio en los individuos y la sociedad Cindy Jacobs, autora de best-sellers y maestra, llama a los creyentes a tomar posesión de su destino bíblico y a discipular a las naciones. A medida que descubra lo que significa experimentar la reforma a nivel personal, comenzará a comprender cómo sería un mundo reformado y cómo sería el reino de los cielos si se manifestara en la tierra. El movimiento de oración ha estado sentando las bases para el cambio durante muchos años, y ahora es el momento para que los creyentes den un paso de fe y se transformen en reformadores. Este movimiento de Dios en la iglesia es tan importante como lo fue el llamado a la reforma de Martín Lutero, despertando a la iglesia dormida para escuchar la voz de Dios y ver vidas, iglesias e incluso naciones cambiadas.

Manifesto for a Moral Revolution: Practices to Build a Better World

by Jacqueline Novogratz

An essential shortlist of leadership ideas for everyone who wants to do good in this world, from Jacqueline Novogratz, author of the New York Times bestseller The Blue Sweater and founder and CEO of Acumen. <p><p> In 2001, when Jacqueline Novogratz founded Acumen, a global community of socially and environmentally responsible partners dedicated to changing the way the world tackles poverty, few had heard of impact investing—Acumen’s practice of “doing well by doing good.” Nineteen years later, there’s been a seismic shift in how corporate boards and other stakeholders evaluate businesses: impact investment is not only morally defensible but now also economically advantageous, even necessary. <p> Still, it isn’t easy to reach a success that includes profits as well as mutually favorable relationships with workers and the communities in which they live. So how can today’s leaders, who often kick off their enterprises with high hopes and short timetables, navigate the challenges of poverty and war, of egos and impatience, which have stymied generations of investors who came before? <p> Drawing on inspiring stories from change-makers around the world and on memories of her own most difficult experiences, Jacqueline divulges the most common leadership mistakes and the mind-sets needed to rise above them. The culmination of thirty years of work developing sustainable solutions for the problems of the poor, Manifesto for a Moral Revolution offers the perspectives necessary for all those—whether ascending the corporate ladder or bringing solar light to rural villages—who seek to leave this world better off than they found it.

Manifesting Your Magical Life: A Practical Guide to Everyday Magic with the Angels

by Radleigh Valentine

Claim your authentic life where dreams come true by tapping into your inner magic, listening to angel answers, and uncovering the power of making wishes.Discover your inner power and manifest the magical life you were born to live! Radleigh Valentine offers practical, cheerful advice and simple guided exercises to support you in harnessing your energy, overcoming your limitations, and finding your happiest, most authentic self. This book will equip you with the everyday magic skills and knowledge you need in several areas: • Manifesting what you really want • Choosing joy and living a life of gratitude • Recognizing the signs from the Universe you&’re receiving every day • Communicating with the angels and accepting Divine assistance • Strategies for increasing your &“daily magic&” and your &“life magic&” Your life is meant to be one of wishes granted and dreams come true. Discover the manifesting magic within you to make that happen! (Revised edition of How to Be Your Own Genie, the first book from best-selling author Radleigh Valentine)

Manifesting with the Angels: Attract a Life of Happiness, Purpose, and Fulfillment with Heaven's Help

by Charles Virtue

This book connects you with Heaven’s help to fill in the gaps of manifestation teaching. We all think we know what we want, but we don’t know that what we want will actually bring us happiness. This book encourages us to step back from whatever it is we are dreaming about, recheck our priorities, work on potential karmic and past-life blocks we may not have known about, and then move forward with a more open mind that is less prone to attracting disappointment. Once you take more responsibility for your thoughts and energy/emotions, you’ll be able to fine-tune your life and use your God-given power of manifestation to attract benefits rather than obstacles.You’ll learn how to: • Work with Divine Timing and the Power of Prayer with Archangel Sandalphon • Frame Your Desires through Visualization and Affirmations with Archangel Gabriel • Harness the Power of Your Inner Passion with Archangel Nathaniel • Clear Your Fears of Happiness with Archangel Michael • Release Karmic Attachments and Cut Past-Life Cords with Archangel Raziel • Heal from Past Pain with Archangel Raphael

Manifesting with Crystals: Attracting Abundance, Wellness & Happiness

by Judy Hall

Crystals help you get into vibrational alignment with the universe, making them potent tools for manifesting what you want in life. Whether you are looking to attract love, prosperity or new opportunities for success, there is a crystal that can help.In Manifesting with Crystals, Judy Hall, one of the world's bestselling authors on crystals, teaches you how to use crystals to enhance your manifestation practice. The law of attraction works based on the principle that like attracts like - crystals, which already have powerful vibrational energies of their own, can magnify and focus your intention. You will learn how to sense the energy of crystals and choose the right ones to work with for manifesting and you will find inspiring visualizations, affirmations, rituals and layouts to help you connect to your crystal. Included are detailed profiles for more than seventy crystals which have special manifesting properties, such as - Malachite- Angel's Wing Calcite- Agate- Aurora Quartz- Mystic Topaz- Citrine- and MohawkiteBeautifully illustrated throughout, this book reveals the crystals and special techniques that can help you bring about positive change in your life. With this book and your crystals, you can make your dreams become a reality.

Manifesting with Crystals: Attracting Abundance, Wellness & Happiness

by Judy Hall

Crystals help you get into vibrational alignment with the universe, making them potent tools for manifesting what you want in life. Whether you are looking to attract love, prosperity or new opportunities for success, there is a crystal that can help.In Manifesting with Crystals, Judy Hall, one of the world's bestselling authors on crystals, teaches you how to use crystals to enhance your manifestation practice. The law of attraction works based on the principle that like attracts like - crystals, which already have powerful vibrational energies of their own, can magnify and focus your intention. You will learn how to sense the energy of crystals and choose the right ones to work with for manifesting and you will find inspiring visualizations, affirmations, rituals and layouts to help you connect to your crystal. Included are detailed profiles for more than seventy crystals which have special manifesting properties, such as - Malachite- Angel's Wing Calcite- Agate- Aurora Quartz- Mystic Topaz- Citrine- and MohawkiteBeautifully illustrated throughout, this book reveals the crystals and special techniques that can help you bring about positive change in your life. With this book and your crystals, you can make your dreams become a reality.

Manifesting Rituals: Powerful Daily Practices to Manifest Your Dream Life

by Emma Mumford

Turn your dream life into an abundant reality with the power ofmanifestation rituals.This beautifully illustrated oracle book is designed to give you instant daily guidance from the Universe to help you manifest anything you desire, without limits. Whether your concern is about romance, career, health or even everyday decision-making, you can use this book to get clear answers and support. Connect with the messages and rituals either by seeking the answer to a burning question, or picking the affirmation you feel most drawn to today. Each message in the book is accompanied by stunning artwork, guided rituals, journaling prompts and crystal suggestions to help you supercharge your manifesting powers.

Manifesting Rituals: Powerful Daily Practices to Manifest Your Dream Life

by Emma Mumford

Turn your dream life into an abundant reality with the power ofmanifestation rituals.This beautifully illustrated oracle book is designed to give you instant daily guidance from the Universe to help you manifest anything you desire, without limits. Whether your concern is about romance, career, health or even everyday decision-making, you can use this book to get clear answers and support. Connect with the messages and rituals either by seeking the answer to a burning question, or picking the affirmation you feel most drawn to today. Each message in the book is accompanied by stunning artwork, guided rituals, journaling prompts and crystal suggestions to help you supercharge your manifesting powers.

Manifesting Miracles and Money: How to Achieve Peace, Purpose, and Plenty Without Getting in Your Own Way (Law of Attraction #1)

by Michelle Paisley Reed

Create a life full of abundance, joy, and fulfillment with this guide to manifesting your dreams by applying the Law of Attraction.You are a creative soul who was put on this planet for a reason. So what’s holding you back from living the life you were meant to live? In this book you will discover the thoughts and belief systems that keep you stuck, and how adopting a giving attitude can unlock greater wealth and abundance for you and the world. In Manifesting Miracles and Money, inspirational author Michelle Paisley Reed explains how to apply the Law of Attraction in your daily life, and start attracting more miracles—and money—in ways you never expected. Communing with her personal spirit guides, known as the Power of 10, Michelle has discovered a path to success based on spiritual faith. Now she shares that wisdom with you.Align with the frequency of what you want, and it is yours. Join with another’s vision to assist their creation, and you’ve doubled the fun! Radiate your inner peace and joy, and you will advance your life—and humanity—forward.

Manifesting Made Easy: How to Harness the Law of Attraction to Get What You Really Want

by Jen Mazer

"Jen, you surprised me and impressed me. So well done! I applaud you for what you're doing. You're making a difference and helping women everywhere." --Dr. Joe Vitale, New York Times bestselling author and star of the hit movie The Secret "Thank you, Jen. I love you. You're a soul sister.” --Janet Bray Attwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Passion Test "I know who to call if I get stuck. Because every now and then, you need a refresher to remind you of what you know. If I need to remember, I'm gonna call the Queen of Manifestation." --Rickie Byars Beckwith, world-renowned singer and musical director of Agape International Spiritual CenterLive the life you deserve! Are you living the life you want? If the answer is no, the truth may surprise you. The truth is, most of us have hidden stumbling blocks preventing us from achieving the abundance we deserve. Jen Mazer, the "Queen of Manifestation," teaches you how to free yourself from limiting beliefs and embrace the idea of "acting as if" to attract what you desire--love, happiness, good health, or career success.Manifesting Made Easy takes you step by step through the process of manifesting, from understanding what it is you want, to mapping out ways to make it a reality, to signaling to the universe that you're ready for good things to come your way. With exercises, writing prompts, and a wealth of personal success stories, you'll learn how to attract the right circumstances and people so you can start living the life of your dreams.

Manifesting Made Easy: How to Harness the Law of Attraction to Get What You Really Want

by Jen Mazer Joe Vitale

"Jen, you surprised me and impressed me. So well done! I applaud you for what you're doing. You're making a difference and helping women everywhere." --Dr. Joe Vitale, New York Times bestselling author and star of the hit movie The Secret "Thank you, Jen. I love you. You're a soul sister." --Janet Bray Attwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Passion Test "I know who to call if I get stuck. Because every now and then, you need a refresher to remind you of what you know. If I need to remember, I'm gonna call the Queen of Manifestation." --Rickie Byars Beckwith, world-renowned singer and musical director of Agape International Spiritual CenterLive the life you deserve! Are you living the life you want? If the answer is no, the truth may surprise you. The truth is, most of us have hidden stumbling blocks preventing us from achieving the abundance we deserve. Jen Mazer, the "Queen of Manifestation," teaches you how to free yourself from limiting beliefs and embrace the idea of "acting as if" to attract what you desire--love, happiness, good health, or career success.Manifesting Made Easy takes you step by step through the process of manifesting, from understanding what it is you want, to mapping out ways to make it a reality, to signaling to the universe that you're ready for good things to come your way. With exercises, writing prompts, and a wealth of personal success stories, you'll learn how to attract the right circumstances and people so you can start living the life of your dreams.

Manifesting Love and Prosperity: How to manifest everything you deserve (Pyramids)

by Carolyn Boyes

Discover how to use the Law of Attraction - the principle that like attracts like - to shift your thinking and change your reality.Have you ever wondered what it will take to find someone who really loves you? Or how to remove financial blocks and achieve future success? To manifest, is to create your life as you want it to be, putting your intentions out to the universe and attracting the things you want. Manifesting Love and Prosperity explores how to manifest successful relationships and a prosperous life. It will show you effective and easily accomplished rituals - both ancient and contemporary - from money charms and angelic help to setting the right goals and intentions, that will teach you how to identify issues from the past, to heal yourself and move forward.Featuring case studies that demonstrate how others have manifested love and prosperity in their lives, you'll learn how to use the Law of Attraction to attract the success you deserve for your future self.

Manifesting Love and Prosperity: How to manifest everything you deserve (Pyramids)

by Carolyn Boyes

Discover how to use the Law of Attraction - the principle that like attracts like - to shift your thinking and change your reality.Have you ever wondered what it will take to find someone who really loves you? Or how to remove financial blocks and achieve future success? To manifest, is to create your life as you want it to be, putting your intentions out to the universe and attracting the things you want. Manifesting Love and Prosperity explores how to manifest successful relationships and a prosperous life. It will show you effective and easily accomplished rituals - both ancient and contemporary - from money charms and angelic help to setting the right goals and intentions, that will teach you how to identify issues from the past, to heal yourself and move forward.Featuring case studies that demonstrate how others have manifested love and prosperity in their lives, you'll learn how to use the Law of Attraction to attract the success you deserve for your future self.

Manifesting for Beginners: Nine Steps to Attracting a Life you Love

by Victoria Jackson

Turn your dreams into reality in just 9 simple stepsIt is one of the biggest wellness trends around, but do you know how to manifest?This beginner's guide includes all you need to get started, with key insights into the power of positive thought and practical steps for creating your reality.Each chapter is full of useful tips and easy exercises for you to try at home, from positive affirmations and actions to journaling prompts.Contents include:STEP 1: Visualize your future selfSTEP 2: Set your intentionsSTEP 3: Connect with the universeSTEP 4: Raise your vibrationsSTEP 5: Embrace the energy of gratitudeSTEP 6: BelieveSTEP 7: Take actionSTEP 8: Let go of the outcomeSTEP 9: Pay attention to synchronicities and signs

Manifesting for Beginners: Nine Steps to Attracting a Life you Love

by Victoria Jackson

Turn your dreams into reality in just 9 simple stepsIt is one of the biggest wellness trends around, but do you know how to manifest?This beginner's guide includes all you need to get started, with key insights into the power of positive thought and practical steps for creating your reality.Each chapter is full of useful tips and easy exercises for you to try at home, from positive affirmations and actions to journaling prompts.Contents include:STEP 1: Visualize your future selfSTEP 2: Set your intentionsSTEP 3: Connect with the universeSTEP 4: Raise your vibrationsSTEP 5: Embrace the energy of gratitudeSTEP 6: BelieveSTEP 7: Take actionSTEP 8: Let go of the outcomeSTEP 9: Pay attention to synchronicities and signs

Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier

by Mike Dooley

If there was just one thing I could tell you about living the life of your dreams, knowing that if you understood it, it would be enough, I would ask you to realize that you already are living that life. In his most advanced work to date, Mike Dooley builds on the concepts of his New York Times bestseller Infinite Possibilities by using his revolutionary concept, the Matrix, to take the art of deliberate creation to the next level. Taking us behind the curtains of time and space, Dooley guides us through the practice of choosing our desired end results without getting too attached to the details or messing with the "cursed hows." Manifesting Change breaks down the metaphysical mechanics behind every physical manifestation through exercises, stories, and analogies that illustrate just how the Matrix will show the flow of events that will, or will not, trigger changes in your life based upon your thoughts, words, and actions. It will help you understand what you really want, why you really want it, and how to go about getting it with supreme confidence. Set life's magic in motion and accelerate the arrival of all that your heart desires with this complete master's guide to creating the life of your dreams.

Manifesting: The Practical, Simple Guide to Creating the Life You Want

by Kris Ferraro

Are you frustrated by the fact that your life doesn’t look the way you imagined? Whether it’s too little money, a struggling relationship, or a dead-end job, it can seem as if nothing works out the way you hoped it would. Manifesting: The Practical, Simple Guide to Creating the Life You Want is the solution.Too often we walk through life in a state of lack, choosing to focus our attention on our deficiencies and allowing our minds, bodies, and spirits to swirl with discontent and negativity. But when our focus and attention is sunk in darkness, that becomes all we experience in our lives. Manifesting offers a transformative new approach. By focusing on what you wish to have or achieve, instead of despairing over what you are missing, you will find that you can manifest those very things in your life.Author Kris Ferraro is a practitioner and teacher in the areas of healing, growth, and metaphysics who has used manifesting in her own life and practice for years. In Manifesting, she guides readers to envision and create the lives they’ve always dreamed of with real, actionable steps, exercises, and wisdom.

Manifestazione - Imparare a manifestare per una vita meravigliosa

by Nicholas Rinpoche

Se riesci a entrare in risonanza con queste domande, non dovresti esitare oltre Puoi davvero pensare e diventare ricco? Sì, puoi davvero usare la metafisica pratica e il potere del pensiero positivo per creare il successo finanziario, l'abbondanza e la prosperità che meriti. La maggior parte delle persone non sperimenta mai la ricchezza e l'abbondanza che potrebbero avere perché non imparano mai a pensare in grande o a manifestare miracoli. Possono avere vaghi desideri di diventare ricchi o diventare milionari, eppure non sanno nulla dell'importanza di avere la mentalità adeguata per ottenere quelle cose.

The Manifestation Wheel: A practical process for creating miracles

by Alan Seale

Drawing on his deep and profound knowledge of metaphysical laws including the Law of Attraction and the Law of Gestation, quantum physics, and our increasing understanding of energy fields, not to mention his work with thousands of people who want to bring change into their lives and the world, Alan Seale has written a book that can change the world. There are eight houses on the Manifestation Wheel: intention, peace, energy, guidance, empowerment, action, surrender, legacy. Seale teaches a process that allows readers to tap into their own intuition and the collective consciousness. For example, intention - where we start - takes us beyond "I want" to "what wants to happen. " When those two are in alignment amazing things can happen. The more our thoughts, beliefs, decisions and actions are in alignment the clearer our physical manifestation will be. We can use the process to find a new job or a new love. As we surrender to the process and manifest our legacy - even in those very personal projects - we are becoming more conscious of and contributing to the positive evolution of mass consciousness.

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