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Linguagem Corporal: Descubra Como Atrair As Pessoas Usando O Poder Da Linguagem Corporal

by Rebecca Thompson

Você está prestes a descobrir os diferentes aspectos da linguagem corporal e técnicas que vão lhe permitir ler os gestos, ações e emoções dos outros. Você também pode tentar usar esses gestos e expressões você mesmo para interagir com amigos e familia. Enquanto você desenvolve essa habilidade usando os segredos, truques e estratégias que você vai encontrar nesse livro, você será capaz de acelerar o seu sucesso nos negócios e relacionamentos de todos os tipos.Você já sentiu como se o que alguém está lhe dizendo não fosse o que a pessoa realmente sente? O que Você está esperando? Não espere mais! Role para cima e clique no botão comprar agora para começar a jornada para a vida dos seus sonhos!

Linguagem Corporal: Que tal ser capaz de ler as emoções de qualquer pessoa sem que ela diga uma única palavra?

by Rebecca Thompson

Este livro pode te oferecer uma persepção prática das pistas não verbais e o que elas significam. A informação nesse livro pode te ajudar a entender como a sua própria linguagem corporal afeta as outras pessoas e a sua própria psiquê e decidir se você está mandando a mensagem que quer mandar.E a respeito daqueles oradores públicos que lhe deixam na beirada da sua cadeira com sua boca aberta ou os seus olhos bem abertos? Você está enfeitiçado apenas pelas palavras que eles estão dizendo? Absolutamente não. A comunicação não verbal faz parte de todo aquele pacote que eles estão lhe dando. Como eles andam no palco. o que eles fazem com suas mãos e braços. Como eles dobram ou esticam seu corpo ou se estendem. suas expressões faciais à medida que eles falam. É tudo um pacote de acordo a se transformar no que o seu público chama de um orador carismático.

Linguagem Corporal: As Habilidades da Linguagem Corporal para Detetar Mentiras e Ler Qualquer Pessoa

by Judi Wong

As pessoas, os amigos, membros da sua família, colegas de trabalho, vendedores, mentem-nos a toda a hora. Diária e constantemente. Nenhum de nós está imune, e todos somos vítimas. De acordo com vários estudos, levados a cabo, por diferentes pesquisadores, todos nós somos vítimas de em média 200 mentiras por dia. Você está prestes a descobrir que o objetivo da linguagem corporal é ler a mensagem que o corpo quer transmitir, independentemente das palavras. Em alguns casos, o corpo mostra a mesma atitude ou sentimentos que estão a ser passados através da linguagem verbal, das palavras, noutros casos, o corpo envia-nos uma mensagem diferente. Uma boa razão para continuar a ler este livro, é entender que a linguagem corporal representa uma alta proporção do significado da mensagem, quando alguém verbaliza algo.

Lines of a Layman

by J. C. Penney

The history of America’s commercial growth is highlighted with the names of a few great men whose contributions to their nation have far transcended ability in business, manufacturing and industry. Elbert Hubbard, John Wanamaker—these men were merchant princes in one sense, leaders of thought and belief in another. Through their autobiographical writings and essays, they have given us a rich, poignant, inspiring picture of their fruitful lives and careers. Their words point the way to meaningful, creative, productive and brotherly living.Such a man is J. C. Penney, at once the most successful of our times in business enterprise, and the most inspiring in his personal example of courage, wisdom, and service to fellow men and to God.Faith and fellowship are no mere Sunday things in J. C. Penney’s philosophy. You find a twenty-four-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week code of Christian living in such pieces as his Six Principles for Daily Living, The Four Square Man, and The Christian and the Social Order. They are “the measure of the man.”You will find LINES OF A LAYMAN more than a book to read, although its almost 200 thoughtful vignettes are fascinating, swift-paced and stimulating. You will find that it is a book to use, even a book to live by. Its pages are charged with meaning; one cannot read them without finding new ways to happiness and creativity.

Line of Sight: The Five Keys for Strategic Execution in an Age of Uncertainty

by Robert Courser

In Line of Sight, Robert Courser offers five keys for bridging the gap between strategy and execution so leaders and executives can grow their business.What do you do if you struggle to grow and scale your company? How do you bridge the gap between your goals and their successful execution? In this down-to-earth book, Robert Courser and Olivier Aries share actionable insights to help owners and leaders of small and medium-sized businesses get—or get back—into growth mode. With easy-to-digest examples and stories, they encourage leaders to apply simple, time-tested practices to execute better. A former chef with a knack for excellence, Courser advocates the importance of good alignment in all aspects of operations—having the right ingredients at the right time and the right place to ace the recipe of growth. Leaders who want to be firmly in control of their business will find here actionable insights at a time when uncertainty requires making constant changes and staying nimble: be clear about your strategy, be a principled leader, use relevant metrics, set a structure that enables individuals to prioritize the right tasks, and nurture your employees. In all, understand and manage the five keys for successful execution. Using simple tools and a self-assessment guide to help implement the book&’s recommendations, Line of Sight will be the back-pocket companion for any executive looking to lead a healthy business.

A Line Above the Sky: On Mountains and Motherhood

by Helen Mort

Guardian Books to Watch 2022Evening Standard Books to Watch 2022Bookseller Editor's ChoiceWinner of the Boardman Tasker Award for Mountain Literature'A wonderful book - exhilarating and taut, fearless in its explorations of wildness, risk, motherhood, and the inner and outer worlds of the writer' Jon McGregor'This book is beautiful' Emma Jane Unsworth'Climbing gives you the illusion of being in control, just for a while, the tantalising sense of being able to stay one move ahead of death'As a child, Helen Mort was drawn to the thrill and risk of climbing, the tension between human and rockface, and the climber's need to be hyperaware of the sensory world - to feel the texture of rock under their fingers, how their crampons bite into the ice, the subtle shifts in weather. But when she becomes a mother for the first time, she finds herself re-examining this most elemental of disciplines, and the way that we view women who put themselves in danger.Written by one of Britain's most talented young writers, A Line Above the Sky melds memoir and nature writing to create what will surely become a classic of the genre; it asks why humans are compelled to climb and poses other, deeper questions about self, motherhood and freedom. It is a love letter to losing oneself in physicality, whether that in the risk of climbing a granite wall solo, without ropes, or the intensity of bringing a child into the world.

Linden's Last Life: The Point Of No Return Is Just The Beginning

by Alan Cohen

In this parable, Linden Kozlowski is about to end it all, but he’s intercepted by a monk who convinces him that if he runs away from life, he’ll have to return, and his problems will just get worse. To escape the pain of the world forever, Linden stays alive long enough to make a mystical deal to never be reborn again. When a strange and unexpected turn of events occurs, Linden has second thoughts about his decision…but can he reverse it? His extraordinary adventure literally takes him to the ends of the earth, where he gathers allies, faces overwhelming forces, and realizes that he must decide if life is worth living and if love is more powerful than destiny.

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?

by Seth Godin

This life-changing manifesto shows how you have the potential to make a huge difference wherever you are. Few authors have had the kind of lasting impact and global reach that Seth Godin has had. In a series of now-classic books that have been translated into 36 languages and reached millions of readers around the world, he has taught generations of readers how to make remarkable products and spread powerful ideas. In Linchpin, he turns his attention to the individual, and explains how anyone can make a significant impact within their organization. There used to be two teams in every workplace: management and labor. Now there's a third team, the linchpins. These people figure out what to do when there's no rule book. They delight and challenge their customers and peers. They love their work, pour their best selves into it, and turn each day into a kind of art. Have you ever found a shortcut that others missed? Seen a new way to resolve a conflict? Made a connection with someone others couldn't reach? Even once? Then you have what it takes to become indispensable, by overcoming the resistance that holds people back. Linchpin will show you how to join the likes of... · Keith Johnson, who scours flea markets across the country to fill Anthropologie stores with unique pieces. · Jason Zimdars, a graphic designer who got his dream job at 37signals without a résumé. · David, who works at Dean and Deluca coffee shop in New York. He sees every customer interaction as a chance to give a gift and is cherished in return. As Godin writes, "Every day I meet people who have so much to give but have been bullied enough or frightened enough to hold it back. It's time to stop complying with the system and draw your own map. You have brilliance in you, your contribution is essential, and the art you create is precious. Only you can do it, and you must."

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? How to drive your career and create a remarkable future

by Seth Godin

In this 'compelling, accessible and purpose-filled book,' (Alan Webber, Founder, Fast Company) bestselling business author Seth Godin shows how you have the potential to make a big difference-and make yourself indispensable in the process-wherever you are.Why are some people easily outsourced, downsized, or freelanced into obscurity, while others have their pick of opportunities? In his most powerful book yet, Seth Godin argues that it's more essential than ever to become indispensable - to become a linchpin. Linchpins are the essential building blocks of great organizations: they invent, lead (regardless of title), connect others, make things happen, and create order out of chaos. They love their work and pour their best selves into it and turn each day into a kind of art - and, in today's world, they get the best jobs and the most freedom.Godin shows that the key to being indispensable is overcoming the fears that hold most of us back. If you have you ever found a shortcut that others missed, seen a new way to resolve a conflict, or made a connection with someone others couldn't reach, then you have what it takes to become indispensable. It's time to stop complying with the system and draw your own map.'Thousands of authors write business books every year, but only a handful reach star status and the A-list lecture circuit. Fewer still - one, to be exact - can boast his own action figure. . .Godin delivers his combination of counterintuitive thinking and a great sense of fun' BusinessWeek

Limpie su subconsciente: Ejercicios poderosos para una limpieza mental completa

by Danilo H. Gomes

Su subconsciente puede estar repleto de creencias limitantes, traumas, autoconceptos negativos y otras suciedades. Durante la vida, nuestras mentes insisten en almacenar los más variados tipos de informaciones. Este recurso sería maravilloso si no fuera por un defecto: ¡memorizamos y damos significados de manera errada y perjudicial! En consecuencia, nos volvemos prisioneros de nosotros mismos. LIMPIE SU SUBCONSCIENTE le presenta al lector un poco sobre el vasto mundo de la mente humana, además de presentarle estrategias prácticas y eficaces para cambiar o eliminar informaciones perjudiciales almacenadas en el subconsciente. ¡Libérese de la dictadura que hay en su interior y alcance sus objetivos!

Limpia los ojos del alma: No permitas que tu mente te engañe

by Danilo H. Gomes

Los ojos son la puerta del alma. Con el paso de los años nuestras percepciones de la vida se vuelven borrosas. Las cosas dejan de ser como realmente son, en nuestras visiones y se convierten en lo que la mente quiere que veamos. La mente, a su vez, está directamente influenciada por traumas y/o creencias limitantes. Hay una forma de liberarse de estas interferencias de la mente sobre la percepción. El libro LIMPIA LOS OJOS DEL ALMA revela al lector las distorsiones que ofuscan la belleza de la vida. A través de este viaje de autoconocimiento encontrarás las formas correctas de lidiar con estas trampas mentales. El libro describe cada distorsión, trae ejemplos y posibles soluciones. Libérate de la ceguera del alma e invierte en tu salud mental.

Limonada para la vida: Balance y bienestar

by Luis E. Roche

El desajuste emocional provoca serios problemas en distintas áreas, Limonada para la vida aporta una necesaria y completa reflexión respecto a las bondades del equilibrio que siempre tendrá al amor como soporte de la balanza. Luis E. Roche plantea argumentos diversos en pro de la salud, el desarrollo profesional, las finanzas personales, la familia, las relaciones de pareja y la espiritualidad, por mencionar sólo algunos temas. En ciertas ocasiones, la vida y sus experiencias provocan que nuestra limonada pierda sabor o gane amargura; no obstante, sortear dificultades es fundamental para vivir en armonía con los diferentes ingredientes que hacen del aprendizaje la pizca perfecta que le da dulzura al elixir de nuestra existencia.

Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead, and Live Without Barriers

by Jo Boaler

In this revolutionary book, a professor of education at Stanford University and acclaimed math educator who has spent decades studying the impact of beliefs and bias on education, reveals the six keys to unlocking learning potential, based on the latest scientific findings.From the moment we enter school as children, we are made to feel as if our brains are fixed entities, capable of learning certain things and not others, influenced exclusively by genetics. This notion follows us into adulthood, where we tend to simply accept these established beliefs about our skillsets (i.e. that we don’t have “a math brain” or that we aren’t “the creative type”). These damaging—and as new science has revealed, false—assumptions have influenced all of us at some time, affecting our confidence and willingness to try new things and limiting our choices, and, ultimately, our futures. Stanford University professor, bestselling author, and acclaimed educator Jo Boaler has spent decades studying the impact of beliefs and bias on education. In Limitless Mind, she explodes these myths and reveals the six keys to unlocking our boundless learning potential. Her research proves that those who achieve at the highest levels do not do so because of a genetic inclination toward any one skill but because of the keys that she reveals in the book. Our brains are not “fixed,” but entirely capable of change, growth, adaptability, and rewiring. Want to be fluent in mathematics? Learn a foreign language? Play the guitar? Write a book? The truth is not only that anyone at any age can learn anything, but the act of learning itself fundamentally changes who we are, and as Boaler argues so elegantly in the pages of this book, what we go on to achieve.

Limitless Mind

by Russell Targ

The psychic abilities of most humans are dampened by the clatter of our conscious minds. In this timely book, Russell Targ shows readers how to quiet this noise and see into the far reaches of time and space through remote viewing. He also illuminates the phenomena of intuitive medical diagnosis and distant healing in a groundbreaking synthesis of research and empirical data. Drawing on a broad range of spiritual traditions, Targ demonstrates that these psychic abilities offer a path of self-inquiry and self-realization and have the power to expand each person's limited awareness into the consciousness shared by all beings. Targ explores the scientific and spiritual implications of remote viewing, as well as offering practical techniques and exercises to nurture this universally available but often untapped skill.

Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness

by Russell Targ

For those interested in psychic phenomena such as remote viewing, out-of-body experiences, precognition and healing at a distance this books is a must read. Targ explores its scientific as well as spiritual implications and offers techniques and exercises to nurture this universal but mostly untapped psychic skills.

Limitless Expanded Edition: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life

by Jim Kwik

Brand-new tools to unlock your brain&’s potential! This expanded edition of the New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller includes chapters on A.I., nootropics, discovering your brain type, and more.For over 30 years, Jim Kwik, the world-renowned brain coach, has been the secret weapon of success for a diverse range of high achievers, including actors, athletes, CEOs, and business pioneers. In Limitless, he reveals science-based practices and field-tested tips to accelerate self-learning, communication, memory, focus, recall, and speed reading to create amazing results.In this expanded edition, you&’ll find four new chapters:How to harness A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to boost H.I. (Human Intelligence) The latest breakthroughs in nootropics and nutrition to enhance cognitive performanceLimitless at Work–tools to adapt and thrive, whether you&’re fully remote, embracing the hybrid model, or resuming the traditional office settingA self-assessment to crack your &“brain animal&” codeNewly updated with transformative success stories from people who&’ve used Jim&’s teaching in the real world, the expanded edition of Limitless gives people the ability to accomplish more—more productivity, more transformation, more personal success, more business achievement—by changing their Mindset, Motivation, and Methods and creating unstoppable Momentum. These &“4 M&’s&” live in the pages of Limitless along with practical techniques that unlock the superpowers of your brain and change your habits.Learn how to:FLIP YOUR MINDSET - Identify and challenge the assumptions, habits, and procrastinations that limit you and expand the boundaries of what you believe is possible. IGNITE YOUR MOTIVATION - Uncovering what motivates you is the key that opens up limitless mental capacity. When you unleash your passions, purposes, and sources of energy, you stay focused and clear on your goals. MASTER THE METHODS - Accelerate learning, improve memory, and enhance brain performance. Jim Kwik applies the latest neuroscience for accelerated learning so you can finish a book 3x faster through speed reading (and remember it), learn a new language in record time, and master new skills with ease. BUILD MOMENTUM - Unstoppable momentum is the product of mindset, motivation, and methods. Jim offers new insights and tools to unlock the first 3 M&’s so you can become truly limitless. Limitless Expanded Edition is the ultimate brain training book, packed with practical techniques to help you level up your mental performance and transform your life.&“There&’s no genius pill, but Jim gives you the process for unlocking your best brain and brightest future.&” — Mark Hyman, M.D.

Limitless: Your Past is a Memory. God Makes All Things New.

by Jentezen Franklin

When it seems like everything is falling apart, it can be hard to stay focused on the promises of God. With the weight of the world on your shoulders, it becomes very inviting to sit down and give up. Before you know it, doubts, frustration, and bitterness begin to creep in and steal all of the joy and power from your life and your relationship with God. The past is just a memory. God makes all things new. In Limitless best-selling author Jentezen Franklin encourages you to stop listening to the negative voices in your head that say things are never going to get better. You don&’t have to believe that your kids are never going to serve God or you&’ll never regain your health. In this book, you&’ll discover how to: Let go of the baggage and overcome the limits of your past once and for allBlock the enemy&’s access into your life and cancel his assignments to limit youRevive your prayer life and worship times through new levels of intimacy with GodActivate your faith to stop merely talking about miracles and start experiencing themDream God-sized dreams, determine not to become satisfied, and decide to go to the next level in your walk with GodYou don&’t have to live a powerless, lukewarm Christian life. You can be victorious through the power of the Holy Spirit!

LIMITLESS: The Power of Unlocking Your True Potential

by Radhika Gupta

The world is full of possibilities.Each of us has infinite potential to fly.This book tells you how to soar.What do you do when you are rejected for your dream job and can't deal with one more person telling you to be strong? What stops you from asking for that big role at work when you know you have a shot at getting it? For most of us, the world of work isn't easy to navigate and life's challenges rarely have simple answers.In Limitless, Radhika Gupta, one of the youngest CEOs in India's financial services sector and creator of the viral YouTube video 'The Girl with a Broken Neck', offers straight-talking advice on how you can multiply your chances at achieving success. It begins, she says, by investing in the most valuable asset you possess: YOURSELF.Own your ambition. Embrace your uniqueness. Recognize the role your critics will play in your achievements. Build adaptability. Allow rejection to redirect you to your desired destination. Cultivate resilience.Drawing on personal experiences of overcoming adversity and attaining success - her own and those of other achievers - Radhika's deeply inspiring stories and sharp, practical counsel will provide you with all the motivation you need to discover self-confidence and live your best life.

Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life

by Jim Kwik

Your brain is the most powerful technology in the world, but you never got the owner's manual. Until now.You have no limitations. In spite of what others have told you, your potential is infinite--when you know how to use your brain. For over 25 years, renowned brain coach Jim Kwik has worked closely with top actors, athletes, CEOs, and superachievers in all walks of life to unlock their true capabilities. In this groundbreaking book, he reveals the science-based practices and field-tested techniques that the world's top performers use to accelerate their learning and create world-class results.Get ready to:· Master Your Habits: Learn how to break negative patterns and effortlessly create new high-reward routines on autopilot· Unleash Your Productivity: Vanquish the 4 "supervillains" hijacking your neural pathways and slowing you down· Tap into Boundless Motivation: Access an unlimited fuel source to reach your goals, even if you procrastinate· Eliminate Mental Fog: Get expert techniques and tips, from the best brain foods and neuro-nutrients to calming your monkey mind and optimizing your sleep· Sharpen Your Focus: Be clear and unstoppable in a world of distractions and overload· Learn Anything: Read faster, make better decisions, and confidently remember everything from names to languages, no matter your ageAt the heart of Limitless lies a life-changing secret: when you learn how to learn, you can break free of limiting beliefs, achieve new levels of success, and lead a truly exceptional life. This book is not theory. It's a practical, easy, and proven blueprint that shows you exactly what to do to unleash your own limitless powers!

Limitless: The Power of Hope and Resilience to Overcome Circumstance

by Mallory Weggemann

The Paralympic gold-medalist, world champion swimmer, ESPY winner, and NBC Sports commentator uses her extraordinary story to equip others to meet whatever challenges they face in life.On January 21, 2008, a routine medical procedure left Mallory Weggemann paralyzed from her waist down. Less than two years later, Mallory had broken eight world records, and by the 2012 Paralympic Games, she held fifteen world records and thirty-four American records. Two years later a devastating fall severely damaged her left arm, yet Mallory refused to give up. After two reconstructive surgeries and extended rehab, she won two golds and a silver at the 2019 World Para Swimming Championships. And perhaps most significantly, she found confidence, independence, and persevering love as she walked down the aisle on her wedding day.Mallory's extraordinary resilience and uncompromising commitment to excellence are rooted in her resolve, perseverance, and sheer grit. In this remarkable new book, Mallory shares the lessons she learned by pushing past every obstacle, expectation, and limitation that stood in her way, including the need to:redefine limitations;remember that healing is not chronological;be willing to fail;and embrace your comeback.Mallory's story reminds us that whatever circumstances we face, we have the capacity to face down whatever challenges, labels, or difficulties confront us--and to do so on our own terms.

Límites saludables, despedidas necesarias: Ama a los demás sin perder lo mejor de ti

by Lysa TerKeurst

Lysa TerKeurst, autora best seller del New York Times, ayuda a los lectores a detener la disfunción de las relaciones no saludables al mostrar formas bíblicas de establecer límites y, cuando sea necesario, decir adiós, sin perder lo mejor de lo que son.Has escuchado todos los consejos. Pero estás empezando a darte cuenta de que, si la otra persona no quiere cambiar lo que está roto en la relación, no puedes cambiarlo tú solo. ¿Y ahora qué?Lysa TerKeurst entiende este baile con la disfunción y quiere ser tu amiga perspicaz y compasiva que te enseñará que establecer un límite no es falta de amor, y que no es poco cristiano decir adiós. Te sentirás aliviado al saber que los límites no son solo una buena idea, son una idea de Dios.Límites saludables, despedidas necesarias te ayudará a:Comprender los cinco factores que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de poner límites saludablesDeterminar la cantidad adecuada de acceso personal y emocional que alguien tiene hacia ti, en función de lo responsable que sea con ese accesoDejar de ser engañado y paralizado emocionalmente por pasajes bíblicos mal interpretados que perpetúan dinámicas poco saludables en las relaciones difícilesSuperar el frustrante ciclo de establecimiento de límites ineficaz con guiones realistas y estrategias prácticas que te ayuden a comunicar, mantener e implementar patrones más saludablesEstar equipado para decir adiós sin culpa cuando una relación ha pasado de ser difícil a destructiva y ya no es sostenibleEste libro revelador lleno de sabiduría bíblica nació de las propias luchas personales de Lysa con los límites, una extensa investigación teológica y las experiencias terapéuticas que transformaron la forma en que definió y persiguió las relaciones saludables. Lysa ahora está más comprometida que nunca con amar bien a las personas sin perder lo mejor de sí misma. Ella quiere ayudarte a hacer lo mismo.Good Boundaries and GoodbyesNew York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps readers stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships by showing them biblical ways to set boundaries--and, when necessary, say goodbye--without losing the best of who they are.You've listened to all the advice. But you're beginning to realize that if the other person doesn't want to change what's broken in the relationship, you can't change it on your own. So now what?Lysa TerKeurst understands this dance with dysfunction and wants to be your insightful, compassionate friend who will teach you that it isn't unloving to set a boundary, and it isn't unchristian to say goodbye. You'll be relieved to learn that boundaries aren't just a good idea, they're a God idea.Good Boundaries and Goodbyes will help you:Understand the five factors to remember when implementing healthy boundariesDetermine the appropriate amount of personal and emotional access someone has to you based on how responsible they'll be with that accessStop being misled and emotionally paralyzed by wrongly interpreted or weaponized scriptures that perpetuate unhealthy dynamics in difficult relationshipsOvercome the frustrating cycle of ineffective boundary-setting with realistic scripts and practical strategies to help you communicate, keep, and implement healthier patterns.Be equipped to say goodbye without guilt when a relationship has shifted from difficult to destructive and is no longer sustainable

Limites cara a cara: Como tener esa difícil conversación que has estado evitando

by Henry Cloud John Townsend

La dedicatoria especial de este libro nos lo presenta claramente: «Para todos aquellos que quieren hacer de las conversaciones sinceras una parte central de sus relaciones personales». Los autores logran definir las características, beneficios y precauciones de las conversaciones relevantes en 5 partes divididas en 27 capítulos, entre los cuales resaltan los siguientes: «La conversación que puede transformar su vida», «Los beneficios de una buena conversación», «Involúcrate emocionalmente», «Define el problema», «Discúlpate de tu parte en el problema», «Evita usar los “deberías”», «Cómo decirle a la gente lo que quieres decirle» y una sección especial sobre cómo llevar a cabo una conversación difícil con tu cónyuge, tu hijo o hija, tus padres, tus hijos adultos, en el trabajo y con personas en autoridad.

Limiter son état inquiétude : Comment éliminer l'inquiétude, le stress et l'anxiété pour mieux dormir et être en meilleure santé

by Brian Johnson

Limiter son état d’inquiétude Comment éliminer l'inquiétude, le stress et l'anxiété pour mieux dormir et être en meilleure santé par Hiddenstuff Entertainment Limiter son état d’inquiétude : comment éliminer l'inquiétude, le stress et l'anxiété pour mieux dormir et être en meilleure santé Arrêtez de vous inquiéter : comment éliminer les soucis, le stress et l'anxiété pour mieux dormir et être en meilleure santé Le guide complet pour comprendre et éliminer l'anxiété, le stress, les soucis, la peur et la panique. Ce guide vous aidera à éliminer et à gérer vos soucis, votre stress et votre anxiété. - Arrêtez d’être inquiet - Stop au stress - Stop à l'anxiété - Méthodes naturelles - Pas de médicaments - Améliorer le sommeil - Être en meilleure santé - Être plus heureux - Vivre une vie meilleure --> Faites défiler jusqu'en haut de la page et cliquez sur ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément

El límite te lo pones tú

by Alex Roca Campillo

Una bomba de autoestima: el testimonio impactante y motivador de Alex Roca es un ejemplo de amor por la vida que nos inspira a superarnos y a luchar por nuestros sueños. «Soy Alex Roca Campillo. A los seis meses sufrí una enfermedad que me causó una parálisis cerebral. Tengo una discapacidad física del 76 % y me comunico a través de lengua de signos. Los médicos decían que no lo superaría y alucinan porque estoy vivo. El deporte es muy importante en mi vida, me ha ayudado a ponerme retos y a superarme a mí mismo. He participado en cuatro triatlones y un acuatlón, además de la Orbea Monegros, la Pilgrim Race y dos Titan Desert. En mi vida me he encontrado con muchas barreras y las he saltado como he podido y con mucho esfuerzo. Doy charlas motivacionalespara convertir los prejuicios en esperanza; he estudiado, trabajo, conduzco mi propio coche, y vivo con mi novia. Llevo una vida "normal" porque, si me dices que no puedo, lucharé, me superaré y lo conseguiré. Mi lema es que nadie puede ponerte límites, el límite te lo pones tú.» Desde la experiencia de una infancia con unas limitaciones físicas que parecían imposibles de superar hasta una edad adulta en la que lleva la vida que quiere llevar, Alex Roca nos invita a ponernos retos y alcanzarlos. Su testimonio, impactante y motivador, es un ejemplo de amor por la vida que nos inspira a superarnos y a luchar por nuestros sueños. Un libro que despertará lo mejor de ti.

Liminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep

by Jennifer Dumpert

A dream hacker explains how to explore liminal dreaming for creativity and spiritual inspiration At the edges of consciousness, between waking and sleeping, there’s a swirling, free associative state of mind that is the domain of liminal dreams. Working with liminal dreams can improve sleep, mitigate anxiety and depression, help to heal trauma, and aid creativity and problem-solving. Readers of Liminal Dreaming will learn step-by-step how to create a dream practice outside of REM-sleep states that they can incorporate into their lives in personally meaningful ways.

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