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Your Life is Your Prayer: Wake Up to the Spiritual Power in Everything You Do

by Sam Beasley B.J. Gallagher

Inspirational and Spiritual Prayer GuideIf you liked Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott or Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado, you’ll love Your Life is Your Prayer.Prayer can point your life in the right direction—or the wrong one: Whatever you’ve got going on in your life is what you’ve been praying for—sometimes consciously, but often unconsciously. If you want something different in your life, you must pray a different prayer. Your Life is Your Prayer by BJ Gallagher and Sam Beasley will show you how to do just that.Everything you do is prayer: You may not realize it—many people don’t—but the decisions you make throughout the day, the attitudes you adopt, the conversations you have, the way you respond to other people, and the thoughts you think are all prayers. The food you choose to eat is a prayer, the way you spend your money is a prayer—even the way you drive is a prayer! We are constantly communing with the Divine, even in our most mundane activities. And our prayers are always answered in the affirmative: “Yes.”The Universe will give you what you're praying for: Whatever you’re thinking about (and therefore praying about) will manifest in your life. If you are worrying, "I don’t have enough money," the Universe will say ‘Yes, you don’t have enough money.’ If you’re constantly lamenting, "I don’t have a man in my life," the Universe will respond, ‘Yes, you don’t have a man.’ If you frequently complain, "I’m fat," the Universe will answer, ‘Yes, you’re fat.’ Your thoughts and words are prayers, and the Universe always gives you what you’re praying for. Your Life is Your Prayer will show you how to change your life by changing your prayer:Learn how to stop complainingDiscover how to focus on what you do want, not what you don’t wantLearn how to make your prayers positive and affirming—to get more of what you want in your lifeDiscover how, by constantly choosing new thoughts and new conversations, you will literally create a new life for yourself

Your Life is Re-markable!: Becoming the you that's free to love

by Jacqueline Scott

You know the you that you dream about being; the better version of who you are, the one your Maker intended? Why doesn't that just happen? How do we become the person we were made to be? Busy-ness, distraction and lack of direction keep us from growth. If we don’t slow down and get some focus, we&’ll stay as we are. We’ll miss out on who we were supposed to be. Our souls need nurturing to grow. My heart is small, but it is grow-able, “re-markable”! Though our lives are marked with sorrow, disappointment and confusion, we can be re-marked. With the flurry in our world, who has time to pause to consider life, where they’re going and what they’re becoming? This memoir is an invitation to listen in on my inner discovery as I face my life and invite you to do the same. The August 2015 Huffington Post reported that many mid-lifers feel dismissed by society by age 50, yet that’s when all the wisdom is kicking in! We have to harness the wealth of our lives. My own growth seemed painfully slow. I was thrust into the disorientation and grind of cross-cultural life that pushed me to searching. I join many others on this quest of soul growth. Our past can inform us and launch us into a desired future. Our Creator calls us to examine our ways and test them. (Lamentations 3:40) Many of the subjects in this book echo parts of everyone’s story. Yet there are myriad ways of dealing with our lives. We work hard to make money, stay healthy, arrange meals or choose a car. We plan our travels and our grocery lists, but how about our souls? What do we want to become? What do we want to accomplish by the end of our days?Foraging into this kind of journey takes time, thought and perseverance. Many abandon the effort leaving pieces scattered. Others attempt to assemble themselves and make good progress then leave it because of the dark uneasy parts where everything muddles. Some actually get to a point of seeing a coherent, meaningful picture of why they are stuck or what their life is for but lack a way forward. When we moved to our second overseas assignment, I wanted to be there, but my heart wasn’t. I hoped to help the people there where God had supposedly been dead for decades. I had to take a deep look at where I’d come from, what were the major influencing factors for good and bad and what conclusions I came to that may have set the course for bad patterns of thinking or relating.It was often the questions and accusations in the wee hours that urged me to bring my groanings to God; the ones I didn&’t really want to face. I wrestled with God trying to put words to my introversion. Books and friends, little by little, mentored me through. I began revisiting past influences and moments of my life that impacted me and noticed a connection between past and present struggles. Through redeemed life events and questions that boomeranged into new perspectives, I found myself being lifted to freedom, joy and inner growth. I hope to add to the soul-discovery conversation an angle that inspires longing and courage to face your life. With your cooperation, your Designer will newly mark the way you see yourself, your past, your relationships and your future. The journey guide at the end was crafted to help others walk through their journey to grasp more fully the story God wants to tell with their life.Reading this book should:Whet your appetite for adventuring with God into deeper heart transformation. Free you to courageously take an objective look at your life. Offer firm hope that there is more to your walk with God.Plunge you into piercing questions that cause reflection and communion with God and others.

Your Life Is Meditation: Buddhist-inspired Stories And Reflections

by Mark Van Buren

In this mindfulness guide for a new generation, the author of A Fool&’s Guide to Actual Happiness provides accessible mindfulness teachings that reveal how simple it really is to entirely transform your life.This book&’s message is bold and clear: Your life is meditation—every moment and every circumstance can be a place of mindfulness practice and transformation. Your entire life is a path to awakening; nothing is too mundane, nothing is left out. Mark Van Buren excels at communicating in a simple and breezy fashion the nothing-special quality of spiritual practice and how mindfulness helps us make peace with life as it actually is. He leaves the reader feeling empowered, encouraged, and up for the task of living a life of at least just a little bit more freedom and peace.

Your Life in Color: Empowering Your Soul With The Energy Of Colour

by Dougall Fraser

Whether you are heading out to an important job interview or a pivotal first date, feeling empowered, confident, and ready are the key elements to success.Internationally renowned psychic and cosmic life coach Dougall Fraser draws from years of experience and observation to create a guide for utilizing the innate strength of colors in conjunction with your individual self. From white to gold to emerald green, every color has qualities that you can consciously draw strength and purpose from in order to support you in achieving your highest goals and dreams.Fraser explores each key color’s unique spiritual and practical qualities, providing insight into its history and shadow sides, real-world personal and professional anecdotes, and exercises and inspiration to evoke each color’s maximum power. His step-by-step plan will help you to integrate color energy into your daily life, from the inside out.Unlock the full magnitude of your soul’s potential by letting its true colors shine bold and bright!

Your Life Calling: Reimagining the Rest of Your Life

by Jane Pauley

Jane Pauley, &“America&’s baby boomer&” (Tom Brokaw) and the new anchor of CBS Sunday Morning, offers an inspirational guidebook &“chockablock with keen insights for career transitions&” (USA TODAY).In 2014, every baby boomer will have reached the milestone age of fifty. For most, it&’s not an end, but the beginning of something new. Research has shown that people in their fifties are more vital now than they were only ten years ago. They&’re saying, &“I&’m game, I&’m up for it, I want to do more.&” Jane Pauley, one of America&’s most beloved and trusted broadcast journalists, offers humor and insight about the journey forward. The New York Times bestseller Your Life Calling is a fresh look at ideas that have been simmering since boomers first entered midlife with a different perspective on the future than any generation before: that there was more to come—and perhaps the best of all.Jane is not an advice giver but a storyteller. Here she tells her own and introduces readers to the fascinating people she has featured on her award-winning Today show segment, &“Life Reimagined Today.&” You&’ll meet Betsy McCarthy, who traded in her executive briefcase for knitting needles; Gid Pool, who launched a career as a stand-up comic; Richard Rittmaster, who joined the National Guard Chaplain Corps; Trudy Lundgren, who took her home on the road in an RV; Paulie Gee, who opened a successful pizzeria in Brooklyn; and many more.&“Jane Pauley is a wonderful guide to all the different ways you can open new doors in life, many of which lead to unexpected places. She shows with humor and insight why the journey to reinvention can come from all kinds of places and produce all kinds of joys&” (Michael J. Fox). Your Life Calling is delightful, compelling, and motivating for anyone asking &“What am I going to do with my supersized life?&”

Your Life After Trauma: Powerful Practices to Reclaim Your Identity

by Michele Rosenthal

Restoring your sense of self after trauma. "In 1981 as a thirteen-year-old child I was given a routine antibiotic for a routine infection and suffered anything but a routine reaction. An undiscovered allergy to the medication turned me into a full-body burn victim almost overnight. By the time I was released from the hospital I had lost 100% of my epidermis. Even more importantly, I had completely lost myself." Now a professional coach who specializes in helping trauma victims rebuild their lives, Michele Rosenthal struggled with the effects of medically-induced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for over 25 years before reaching a full recovery. Today, she is 100% free of symptoms of PTSD. In this book, she applies her personal experience and professional wisdom to offer readers an invaluable roadmap to overcoming their own trauma, in particular the loss of sense of self that often accompanies it. If you suffer from the effects of trauma or PTSD, whether it was caused by a single-incident like a car accident, or from chronic childhood abuse, domestic violence, illness, or war trauma, you are well aware of how disconnected you feel from the person you most deeply wish to be. Trauma interrupts--even hijacks--your identity. To cope, you may rely on mechanisms to keep your emotions, triggers, and responses in check, but these very habits can often prevent the true restoration of safety, stability, and inner connection. How can you rediscover your sense of self so that you honor who you were before the trauma (even if that trauma began at birth), understand who you are at this very moment, and determine who you want to be going forward? Like a therapist in your back pocket, Your Life After Trauma guides you in finding answers to these tough questions. Expertly written by a helping professional who keenly understands the post-trauma identity crisis that is so common among trauma and PTSD sufferers, it is a simple, practical, hands-on recovery workbook. Filled with self-assessment questionnaires, exercises, tips, and tools--not to mention insightful personal and professional vignettes--it takes readers through a step-by-step process of healing the identity crisis, from understanding some of the basic brain science behind trauma and why you feel the way you do, to recognizing who you were (or had the potential to be) before the trauma, who you are today, after the trauma, and who you want to become. With this book by your side, it is possible to regain a sense of calm, confidence, and control on your road to recovery.

Your Legacy is Now: Life is Not a Search for Meaning from Others -- It's the Creation of Meaning for Yourself

by Alan Weiss

For over 30 years Alan Weiss has consulted, coached, and advised everyone from Fortune 500 executives, state governors, non-profit directors, and entrepreneurs to athletes, entertainers, and beauty pageant contestants. That’s quite an assortment of people, and they run into the thousands. Most of them have had what we euphemistically call "means," and some of them have had a lot more than that. Others have been aspiring and with more ends in sight than means on hand. Alan Weiss states: I’ve dealt with esteem (low), narcissism (high), family problems, leadership dysfunctions, insecurities, addictions, and ethical quandaries. And I’ve talked with them through the coronavirus crisis. But don’t get the wrong idea. About 95% of these people have been well-meaning, honest (to the best of their knowledge), and interested in becoming a better person and better professional. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be talking to me. I found the equivalent of the "runner’s wall" in their journeys, where they must break through the pain and the obstacles and then can keep going with renewed energy and spirit. But runners know how far they must go after the breakthrough, be it another half lap or another five miles. There is a finish line. I’ve found that people in all positions, even after the "breakthrough," don’t know where they are in the race, let alone where the finish line is. They do not know what meaning is for them. They may have money in the bank, good relationships, the admiration of others, and the love of their dogs. But they have no metrics for "What now?" They believe that at the end of life there is a tallying, some metaphysical accountant who totals up their contributions, deducts their bad acts, and creates the (hopefully positive) difference. That difference, they believe, is their "legacy." But the thought that legacy arrives at the end of life is as ridiculous as someone who decides to sell a business and tries to increase its valuation the day prior. Legacy is now. Legacy is daily. Every day we create the next page in our lives, but the question becomes who is writing it and what’s being written. Is someone else creating our legacy? Or are we, ourselves, simply writing the same page repeatedly? Or do we leave it blank? Our organic, living legacy is marred and squeezed by huge normative pressures. There is a "threshold" point, at which one’s beliefs and values are overridden by immense peer pressure. Our metrics are forced to change. In an age of social media, biased press, and bullying, we’ve come to a point where our legacy, ironically, is almost out of our hands. Yet our "meaning" — our creation of meaning and not a search for some illusive alchemy — creates worth and impact for us and all those with whom we interact.

Your Leadership Story

by Tim Tobin

Stories have power. They move people in a way that facts and figures can't. Many leaders use stories as a tool, but leadership development expert Tim Tobin says most have no idea what tale their own leadership is telling. He shows how, by thinking of your career as a narrative--with a plot, characters, and an arc--you can increase your awareness of yourself as a leader and become more effective, insightful, and inspiring. Using story as both a metaphor and a process for self-development, Tobin offers activities and questions that help you better understand your own leadership and how others perceive it. What is the plot of your leadership story--your overall goals and purpose? Who are the main characters and what roles do they play? How have the settings of your story influenced it? What are the conflicts that you need to resolve to move toward the ending you intend? But you have to share your story to make it an effective leadership tool. Tobin gives detailed advice on framing your message, finding ways to communicate it, and understanding the role others play in furthering that message. If you don't tell your leadership story, other people will--and it may not be the story you want told. Taking control of your leadership story enables you to more consciously shape the impact you have in the world. You'll be better equipped to make decisions, choose actions that tell the story you want to tell, make stronger connections to those you lead, and ensure that you become the kind of leader you want to be.

Your Last Diet!: The Sugar Addict's Weight-Loss Plan

by Kathleen Desmaisons

From the bestselling author ofPotatoes Not Prozac--this is the first diet plan specifically designed for people who are sugar sensitive. Here is hope for readers who have tried every diet under the sun only to watch their weight boomerang. They may have been born with a body and brain biochemistry that makes them more vulnerable to becoming addicted to sugar--and to gaining weight. The first weight-loss program of its kind,Your Last Diet!pinpoints what sugar addicts can do to heal their sugar sensitivity once and for all--and lose weight permanently in the process. Inside they'll discover how to: * Increase seratonin and beta-endorphin levels for appetite and mood control * Feel more confident, energetic, and clear-minded * Lose weight steadily--without rebounding * Adjust eating habits for maximum health Filled with testimonials from people who have followed the plan, lost weight, and kept it off,Your Last Diet!is a powerful inspiration to all who have struggled with sugar addiction and weight issues. This will truly be their last diet!

Your Knight in Shining Armor

by P. B. Wilson

P. B. Wilson's Knight in Shining Armor (more than 150,000 copies sold) lets women know that if they desire true love, they need to prepare themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. . . and God will bring their knight in shining armor to them. Readers will discover what they need to change and what should stay the same to make themselves attractive to godly men. Principles taught include— emotionally healthy women attract emotionally healthy men dating someone in hopes he'll change later is asking for trouble a potential knight's past reveals how he'll act in the future Practical and realistic, this book helps women break free from ineffective behaviors and attitudes to discover God's design for waiting, dating, and choosing a mate.

Your Kids Are Your Own Fault

by Larry Winget

Straight-talking, bestselling Pitbull of Parenting Larry Winget says "This is not a fix your kid book. It's a fix the way you parent book. You owe it to your kids to parent with a plan!" Being a parent is the toughest job in the world, especially with the increasing number of negative influences and pitfalls facing our kids today, from childhood obesity and out-of-control celebrity culture to the dangers of the internet and credit card debt. Larry Winget has never been one to shy away from tough truths, and what he says here may well be difficult for some parents to swallow: we are in the midst of a crisis with our kids. Kids today are over-indulged, over-entertained, under-achieving, and under-disciplined, with a sense of entitlement that is crippling society. And the real problem is that parents aren't paying attention to what's going on. If they were they would realize that most kids today barely read and write, except with their thumbs on their cell phones! Well-behaved, respectful kids are the exception, not the rule, and for the most part, parents are to blame. Responsible parenting is about beginning with the end in mind and parenting with a plan. But most parents have never stopped to consider what kind of adult they want to raise. They have all this fun creating a baby, but they don't have a plan for the end product. Larry's message to parents: Teach your kids to become the best adults they can be. But don't expect your kids to improve until you improve. Your Kids Are Your Own Fault covers familiar lessons and principles that have led Larry's readers to greater success with money, career, and goal setting, this time at a level where they can be taught to children. This book shows parents how to design the adult they want their kid to become and work backwards to make sure it happens. Kids don't come with an instruction manual, but finally being a parent does!

Your Journey to Financial Freedom: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Wealth and Happiness

by Jamila Souffrant

*A Next Big Idea Club December 2023 Must-Read*Podcaster Jamila Souffrant shows how to skyrocket your savings, blast through debt and ultimately accelerate your unique and truly epic journey to financial freedom and independenceOur fast-paced world prioritizes the productive busybody—financial security alwaysseems to rule over the insatiable hankering for a Friday night splurge. However, Jamila Souffrant argues that you can in fact spend and save responsibly, all while enjoying that extra side of guacamole. In this book, Jamila will teach you how to: Determine which of the 5 &“Journeyer&” stages you fall into and how you should be evaluating your spending and saving goals accordingly Map out different scenarios to quit your job, retire early, and reach financial independence Downsize costly daily expenses in ways you never considered, and spend more in ways that bring you joy Create an effective debt payoff plan that works for youAs a wife, mother of three and first-generation Jamaican immigrant, Jamila knows all too well the struggles of saving for tomorrow while spending liberally today. Now, in her first book, Jamila offers her seasoned expertise in Your Journey to Financial Freedom, providing readers with the resources they need to not only save for cake but eat it, too.

Your Invisible Power

by Genevieve Behrend

In Your Invisible Power and How to Use It, Genevieve Behrend will guide you through the use of visualization, teaching you how to manifest the things in life that you want by visualizing them and making them come to you. This power of positive thinking has revolutionized how we look at the world. Everything you need to succeed is inside you and this book will help you unlock it. Wilder Publications is a green publisher. All of our books are printed to order. This reduces waste and helps us keep prices low while greatly reducing our impact on the environment.

Your Invisible Network: How to Create, Maintain, and Leverage the Relationships That Will Transform Your Career

by Michael Urtuzuástegui Melcher

Create, maintain, and leverage professional relationships—in only 20 minutes a day.Meaningful relationships are a must-have to sustain and further your career. A network built on reciprocity, depth, and trust isn&’t merely helpful to your career growth; it is absolutely necessary. Your skills, work ethic, education, lived experience, passions—all these will only achieve their full potential when paired with meaningful relationships.Your Invisible Network provides a practical, nuanced plan for building and sustaining a network that will supercharge your growth—from author Michael Urtuzuástegui Melcher, an internationally acclaimed executive coach and leadership expert who has partnered with professionals in nearly every field for decades. Every chapter of Your Invisible Network contains compelling true stories along with quick lessons and manageable practice exercises that even the busiest of professionals can fit into their schedules.As you take immediate action to build and deepen your network, you&’ll learn how to:Recognize the seven types of relationships critical for your career success Foster meaningful connections with people with whom you have little in common Find mentors and sponsors Reach out to people despite discomfort—and know what to do if they don&’t respond Serve as a resource and benefactor to others Develop your convening power Build a happier and more fulfilled work lifeNo matter what career stage you&’re in, it&’s time to reevaluate your network and equip yourself with the tools to boost its power—your secret weapon for career success.

Your Intuition Led You Here: Daily Rituals for Empowerment, Inner Knowing, and Magic

by Alex Naranjo Marlene Vargas

A practical beginner&’s guide to magic that helps you set intentions, listen to your inner voice, and achieve radical change—from the owners of the destination boutique House of Intuition.&“A must-read if you are into crystals, energy, and rituals.&”—PopSugarLife can seem less than magical on a day-to-day basis. But look a little closer at the synchronicities and coincidences that pop up and you&’ll catch a glimpse of greater powers at play.Alex Naranjo and Marlene Vargas, the owners of the biggest metaphysical shop on the West Coast, want to let you in on a secret: that power is you. And if you acknowledge and tap into your innate power, the possibilities are endless.Alex and Marlene are experts in using magic as a tool of self-care and empowerment. They have transformed their lives by tuning in to their intuition and intention—which is where all magic begins—and now they show you how to do the same. In Your Intuition Led You Here, they share thirty-two tried-and-true rituals and more guidance on setting your intention and manifesting your desires, including:• creating an altar• working with crystals and candles• making offerings to ancestors and guides• understanding the symbolism behind key magical ingredients• designing your own rituals in response to your inner voiceYour intuition is a gift. In these pages, you will learn to hear it and respond to it with intention so that you can align your reality with your true self.

Your Intelligence Makeover: An Easy Way to Learn All You Need to Know

by Edward F. Droge Jr.

Have you ever wished you could give your mind an upgrade, just as you can give one to your computer, car, kitchen, or wardrobe? Or that you could remember all-important phone numbers or shopping lists without fumbling with multiple slips of paper? Or speed-read or do lightning-fast everyday math calculations? Or that you could be a Renaissance man or woman and dazzle your friends at dinner with your mastery of dates and facts, artists and albums, presidents and policies? Now there is a way to give yourself this intellectual attention and improvement: With Your Intelligence Makeover you'll enjoy a makeover that is more than just skin deep. With this book's three-week master plan, you'll learn the skills you need to nip and tuck your own knowledge -- you'll double or triple your reading speed and dramatically improve your memory. Then you'll have access to a wide body of information to kick it up a notch and rise to a higher intellectual plane. Whether you want to start a new career, complete your education, brush up your cultural literacy, increase your knowledge of a favorite subject, or simply chat up friends, family, and associates with a fascinating array of anecdotes, you can use the easy-to-learn secrets of education specialist Dr. Edward F. Droge, Jr., to launch new chapters in your own life. A former New York City police officer who went to Yale in his thirties as an undergraduate and then on to Harvard to earn a master's and a doctorate, Dr. Droge reveals the "Super Tools," which he developed to fuel his own success, to help you create your unique, personalized makeover plan. Take the entertaining self-assessment quizzes to find the areas in which you need to brush up and then use the Super Tools to immerse yourself in virtually any subject. Filled with mind-expanding sidebars and a vast reservoir of resources for learning in multiple subject areas (including History, Literature, Grammar, Math, Art, Science, Sports, Music, and much more), Your Intelligence Makeover promises to put you on the right track to tapping the limitless power of your intelligence for satisfaction and gain.

Your Insiders' Guide to Retirement: The Practical Guide to Transitioning from Working to Retirement

by Troy B. Daum R.J. Gordon Tudor Jeff Poole

Your Insiders Guide to Retirement sheds surprising light on the necessary financial planning for a secure retirement. Are you ready to retire, but are afraid of running out of money? Do you know who to trust? People imagine retirement as learning new things, challenging themselves, giving back as a mentor, spending their days with family and friends, or filling them with exciting adventures. The vision is the beginning but getting to that destination requires more steps than people realize. Your Insiders Guide to Retirement serves as a mentor for retirees and as a guide who has been down this path countless times with a proven system in place. With a combined seventy-five years of experience in financial services, Troy Daum, RJ Gordon Tudor, and Jeff Poole explore why people are fed up with the scandals of Wall Street, brokerages, and insurance companies. They introduce readers to an exciting new profession where companies act as a fiduciary. They present a paradigm shift in the financial services space and emphasize the importance of why retirees must understand and have a financial plan and how they, too, can follow the path to an amazing retirement journey.

Your Inner Will

by Piero Ferrucci

The bestselling psychotherapist and author of The Power of Kindness offers a concrete program for developing the will--a faculty we greatly need to face life's hurdles and to embark on our most meaningful projects All of us experience periods of gloom, fear, and uncertainty. But we each possess deep reserves of inner strength and wisdom for dealing with such setbacks. Indeed, it is the very arrival of darkened circumstances that can summon our untapped energies. In Your Inner Will, therapist and philosopher Piero Ferrucci explores how to play on the iron chords of our interior selves. In this stirring and deeply practical work, Ferrucci provides a full program for the cultivation of the will by employing insights from classical mythology and wisdom teachings, neuroscience research, case studies, and psychological exercises. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of will and is followed by exercises that guide the reader in its development. Chapters include: Mastery, Autonomy, Freedom, Courage, Integrity, and Resilience. Ferrucci describes the pitfalls we face when our inner strength is lacking, and shows us what we can expect when it is healthfully developed. An effective will can guide us in our search for inner freedom; it helps us to take risks and to renew ourselves; it makes us feel strong and confident. Your Inner Will is an immensely practical study that helps readers navigate crises and pursue more purposeful lives.

Your Inner GPS: Follow Your Internal Guidance to Optimal Health, Happiness, and Satisfaction

by Zen Cryar Debrücke

Many of us rely on our car's or phone's GPS but ignore the life-directional system we were each born with. This innate compass -- what Zen Cryar DeBrücke calls our internal guidance system (IGS) -- wants us to be happy, successful, and stress-free. How do we tune in to this tool? DeBrücke learned from trial and error and through the dramatic crucible of being the CEO of an internet firm during the dot-com bust. Her IGS helped her ride these daunting waves -- and in the process she learned to leave painful memories behind, abandon destructive relationship patterns, and set boundaries. Learning to recognize and speak her truth led to the "beautiful sensation of being comfortable in [her] own skin." Here DeBrücke shares her innovative program with readers so they too can have the life-changing experiences that result when we follow the guidance within.

Your Inner Eve: Discovering God's Woman Within

by Susan Newman

In the refreshingly candid Oh God!, the Reverend Dr. Susan Newman-a United Church of Christ minister and senior adviser for religious affairs to the mayor of Washington, D.C.-showed African American women of faith how to reconcile their spiritual and sexual selves. Now, in this empowering new book, written with her accessible blend of comforting straight talk and down-to-earth humor, Dr. Newman encourages you to discover your "Inner Eve"--the "original you" that embodies the feminine expression of God's Spirit. This Inner Eve is the keeper of self-esteem, intuition, and creative nature. She is your best self, your champion, your protector. She is not afraid, she is not ashamed; she is strong and vital to your well-being.As Dr. Newman reveals, negative feelings such as emptiness, self-doubt, and self-hatred can be overcome by nurturing and strengthening your Inner Eve. An awakened Inner Eve inspires women to take action, improve their lives, and find their voice. Emboldened by the Inner Eve, women can see how their gifts can change their life-and the world around them.

Your Inner Critic Is a Big Jerk: And Other Truths About Being Creative

by Danielle Krysa Martha Rich

This book is duct tape for the mouth of every artist's inner critic. Silencing that stifling voice once and for all, this salve for creatives introduces ten truths they must face in order to defeat self-doubt. Each encouraging chapter deconstructs a pivotal moment on the path to success--fear of the blank page, the dangers of jealousy, sharing work with others--and explains how to navigate roadblock. Packed with helpful anecdotes, thoughts from successful creatives, and practical exercises gleaned from Danielle Krysa's years of working with professional and aspiring artists--plus riotously apt illustrations from art world darling Martha Rich--this ebook arms readers with the most essential tool for their toolbox: the confidence they need to get down to business and make good work.

Your Inner Coach: A Step-by-Step Guide to Increasing Personal Fulfilment and Effectiveness

by Wendy Jago Ian McDermott

The Inner Coach is a practical and inspiring new book from the authors of The NLP Coach. NLP master practitioner and executive coach Ian McDermott and NLP practitioner and psychotherapist Wendy Jago combine their expertise to provide a step-by step self-coaching guide. They show you how you can make the most of all of yourself once you learn how to access and harness the hidden power of your unconscious mind. Discover how to: Access your inner wisdom; Make the most of your gut feelings, dreams and intuitions; Use simple NLP techniques to access your subconscious mind; Find your purpose and identify your goals; Harness your inner wisdom to deliver insights, resolve problems, enhance creativity, improve decision making, increase confidence and communication skills; Use the right questions to achieve the right answers; Become your own inner coach

Your Inner Coach: A step-by-step guide to increasing personal fulfilment and effectiveness

by Ian McDermott Wendy Jago

NLP master practitioner and executive coach Ian McDermott and NLP practitioner and psychotherapist Wendy Jago combine their expertise to provide a step-by step self-coaching guide. They show you how you can make the most of all of yourself once you learn how to access and harness the hidden power of your unconscious mind. Discover how to: Access your inner wisdom; Make the most of your gut feelings, dreams and intuitions; Use simple NLP techniques to access your subconscious mind; Find your purpose and identify your goals; Harness your inner wisdom to deliver insights, resolve problems, enhance creativity, improve decision making, increase confidence and communication skills; Use the right questions to achieve the right answers; Become your own inner coach

Your Infinite Power to be Rich: Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Obtain the Prosperity You Deserve

by Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D.

As astonishing as it is true, you no longer need you wish or dream about the things you've always wanted and deserved in life. For as surely as a never-ending stream of air is sent for you to may you enjoy wealth, happiness, health, love--a life full of luxuries...beautiful country homes to far off exotic places...expensive cars...rare and priceless works of art--all this and more, once you learn the secret of projecting "mind rays."

Your Idea Starts Here: 77 Mind-Expanding Ways to Unleash Your Creativity

by Carolyn Eckert

2016 Silver Nautilus Award Winner for Creative Process With change happening faster and faster in our tech-ruled world, being able to think creatively, flexibly, and quickly is more important than ever. In Your Idea Starts Here, graphic designer Carolyn Eckert offers 77 specific questions, techniques, and exercises — cleverly combined with fascinating infographics and other visuals — to jump-start creative thinking. Don’t know what you want your project to be? Make a list of things you don’t want it to be. Wondering where to start? Say one word that relates to your idea and invite a friend to say another word that relates to yours. See where five or ten rounds take you. Work within a time limit, look in unexpected places, think tiny, do the opposite, shuffle your papers, and explore your creativity to the fullest! There’s something here to inspire and strengthen every smart idea, all in an innovative little book that makes a perfect gift for anyone, including yourself.

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