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Grafología en el amor

by María Fernanda Centeno

Divertido, picante, sincero, revelador... Este libro te ayudará a saber cómo eres en el romance, la intimidad sexual, las citas y más. La autora del bestseller Grafomaniatics te ayudará a desentrañar los aspectos más íntimos de tu personalidad y de tu relación ?presente o futura?, por medio del análisis de tu escritura y la de tu pareja. Apoyada en sus amplios conocimientos de grafología, la autora te ofrece varios tests, ejercicios y grafoencuestas para que sepas el grado de atención que tiene tu pareja contigo, si sus celos son normales o ¡debes huir ya!, qué tan posesiv@ es en la relación y cómo identificar a los patanes. Además, te ofrece una explicación precisa sobre los psicópatas sexuales y las diversas personalidades de las inevitables suegras. Grafología en el amor es el libro que te revela si eres apasionado en la intimidad o sólo espectador (si es así, ¡desde hoy échale más ganitas!), cómo es en la cama tu prospecto de compañer@ de vida, qué aspectos puedes mejorar, por qué es necesario vivir sin inhibiciones y cómo encontrar a la pareja de tus sueños. No lo dudes más, atrévete a ser la mejor versión de ti en el lecho romántico, en la seducción y el arte de amar. Personalidades han opinado sobre la autora: "Conocer a alguien con dotes especiales como Marifer es un privilegio que la vida me ha regalado. A esta mujer tan joven hay mucho que aprenderle." -Carla Estrada- "Pocas personas tan elocuentes, claras y documentadas para explicar el maravilloso mundo de la grafología, con el regalo de ayudarnos a conocernos ¡y transformar nuestras vidas!" -Sofía Sánchez Navarro- "Conocer las aptitudes y características emocionales de nuestra pareja es la labor más importante en la búsqueda del éxito en la relación. Comprender a fondo al ser amado es complicado, pero resulta aún más difícil conocernos. Maryfer Centeno domina como nadie el arte de la grafología y nos sorprende una vez más develando los secretos de pareja, qué hay en el amor y el sexo a través de la grafología. Sin duda, una herramienta muy valiosa en la búsqueda del amor duradero y, quizá, si es que existe, del amor eterno." -Reynaldo López-

Graduates in Wonderland

by Rachel Kapelke-Dale Jessica Pan

Two best friends document their post-college lives in a hilarious, relatable, and powerfully honest epistolary memoir. Fast friends since they met at Brown University during their freshman year, Jessica Pan and Rachel Kapelke-Dale vowed to keep in touch after their senior year through in-depth--and brutally honest--weekly e-mails. After graduation, Jess packs up everything she owns and moves to Beijing on a whim, while Rachel heads to New York to work for an art gallery and to figure out her love life. Each spends the next few years tumbling through adulthood and reinventing themselves in various countries, including France, China, and Australia. Through their messages from around the world, they swap tales of teaching classes of military men, running a magazine, and flirting in foreign languages, along with the hard stuff: from harrowing accidents to breakups and breakdowns. Reminiscent of Sloan Crosley's essays and Lena Dunham's Girls, Graduates in Wonderland is an intimate, no-holds-barred portrait of two young women as they embark upon adulthood.'s Guide to Life After College

by Stuart Schultz David Klein Chris Schonberger Tory Hoen

Whether you're searching for your first job or apartment, navigating the treacherous waters of office politics, or just trying to figure out how to file your tax return,'s Guide to Life After College tackles the most common issues facing twentysomethings as they find their feet in the â œreal world.â Authors Chris Schonberger, Stuart Schultz, David Klein, and Tory Hoen (twentysomethings themselves) have been through it all before, and they maintain a sense of humor about their triumphs and missteps along the way. In addition to sharing their own experiences and anecdotes, they have polled hundreds of recent grads and consulted topic experts to give readers the information they need, to find their feet beyond campus. Packed with indispensable tips, candid advice, and humorous dispatches from early adulthood, this easy-to-use guide has everything you need to know but didn't learn in college!Topics include: Finding an Apt, Job Hunting, Healthcare, Credit, Top Recent Grad Cities, Cars, Student Debt, Saving & Investing, Office Etiquette, Networking, Dating, Travel, Cooking, Moving Home, The "One-Year Rut", 401(k)s, and more.

The Grad's Pocket Guide to Greatness

by Jennifer Youngman

This is a collection of uplifting, encouraging, and inspirational thoughts for the graduate. This little book mixes Scripture and the wisdom of some of the most thoughtful people in history, including St. Francis, Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, John Wooden, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Julian of Norwich, and many others. Many literary greats are represented, including A.A. Milne, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Emily Dickinson, Charles Dickens, and William Shakespeare. It is perfect for casual reading, or whenever the new graduate needs a bit of encouragement or some timeless wisdom to face a new challenge.

Gracious Wild

by Stacey L.L. Couch

Gracious Wild is the story of Stacey Couch's incredible journey out of the mundane world of science and reason into the vast shamanic realms of creativity and inspiration. Readers will travel on this intimate exploration of what happens when one woman allows the messengers of nature to guide her. These winged guides wrap her mind up in the mysteries they present, leading her to a richer, more fulfilling life. Stacey's tale begins on an isolated island where, as a scientist, her main responsibility is to care for a couple dozen foxes in captivity. As a result of a series of ecological tragedies, the fox population is on the verge of extinction and a novel hawk species begins nesting on the island for the first time in recorded history. It is during her time watching the nesting hawks alone in nature that her real quest begins-a series of hawks become her guides; rousing life's biggest questions like "why am I here?" Gracious Wild weaves Stacey's relationship with the hawks alongside her study of shamanism with a good deal of information included for those seeking more details about this spiritual path. Stacey's belief is, "that wild animals are trying to speak and interact with us every day. To listen to them is to listen to that which is divine within each of us. Their calls mirror our own inner calling to a greater purpose. " Gracious Wild offers a vivid and candid tale of a woman who loses then rewrites the meaning of her life at the same time showing readers their own humanity; how being open to spirit messages from animals can provide important and beneficial (life-changing) guidance.

Gracious Living in a New World: Finding Joy in Changing Times

by Alexandra Stoddard

In today's fast-paced world, as we juggle family responsibilities, jobs, and social obligations, we seem to be missing out on what we fundamentally crave: a calmer, gentler, sweeter, and more gracious life. In Gracious Living in a New World, Alexandra Stoddard offers a rich assortment of ideas for achieving a gracious lifestyle. As a busy professional and dedicated wife, mother, and grandmother who revels in the energy of the city and basks in the tranquility of the village, Alexandra is uniquely poised to help us smooth the frayed edges of our lives. Positive and practical, her path toward gracious living does not require money or "extra hands" around the house. When we give ourselves and others positive time and space, our life expands to gracious proportions: "We are surrounded by opportunities for living with grace-our own hands and our own hearts are all the tools we'll ever need. "

Gracia venidera: El poder purificador de las promesas de Dios

by John Piper

Explora esta asombrosa cualidad de la gracia de Dios: ¡nunca termina! En esta obra fundamental, John Piper revela cómo la gracia no es solo el regalo inmerecido de Dios para nosotros en el pasado, sino también el poder de Dios para hacer que el bien suceda hoy, mañana y para siempre. La verdadera vida para el seguidor de Jesús es realmente una confianza continua de que Dios es confiable y cumple sus promesas. Esto es vivir por fe en la gracia futura, que proporciona la misericordia, provisión y sabiduría de Dios, todo lo que necesitamos, para lograr sus provechosos planes para nosotros. En Gracia venidera, capítulo por capítulo, uno para cada día del mes, Piper revela cómo atesorar las promesas de Dios nos ayuda a romper el poder de los problemas persistentes del pecado como ansiedad, desaliento, codicia, lujuria, amargura, impaciencia, orgullo, vergüenza innecesaria, y más. La máxima alegría, paz y esperanza en la vida y la muerte se encuentran en una conciencia continua y segura de la realidad de la gracia futura.

Gracefully You: Finding Beauty and Balance in the Everyday

by Jenna Dewan

Actress and dancer Jenna Dewan shares her uplifting message of how to elevate your life and experience beauty every day—perfect for fans of Jessica Alba’s The Honest Life and Kate Hudson’s Pretty Happy. The frustrations and challenges that come with modern living can leave us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and disconnected. In Gracefully You, Jenna Dewan uses her own deeply personal journey to show you how to find your true voice, connect to your deeper self, and live with grace. From demonstrating how movement is essential to feeling good (whether it’s by going on a nature hike or dancing with your friends) to providing mantras that will help you begin each day with good intentions, Jenna shares clear advice on how you can cultivate happiness in every aspect of your life. Learn how to create a home sanctuary, connect with nature to restore balance, foster healthy relationships of all kinds by establishing physical and spiritual boundaries, and maintain space for your own identity through it all. Filled with stunning photos, Gracefully You is a beautiful, insightful, and powerful vision for anyone who wants to feel better, focus on what’s important, and maintain a sense of balance—all with strength and grace.

The Grace to Race: The Wisdom and Inspiration of the 80-Year-Old World Champion Triathlete Known as the Iron Nun

by Madonna Buder Karin Evans

SISTER MADONNA BUDER is 80 years old, has run more than 340 triathlons, and doesn’t know what all the fuss is about. In The Grace to Race, she shares the no-nonsense spirit and deep faith that inspired her extraordinary journey from a prominent St. Louis family to a Catholic Convent and finally to championship finish lines all over the world. As a beautiful young woman, she became an elegant equestrian and accomplished amateur actress. But as she describes in this intimate memoir, she had a secret plan as early as 14: she wanted to devote her life to God. After being courted by the most eligible bachelors in her hometown, she chose a different path and became a Sister of the Good Shepherd. She lived a mostly cloistered life as a Nun until her late forties, when a Priest suggested she take a run on the beach. She dug up a pair of shorts in a pile of donated clothes, found a pair of second-hand tennis shoes, and had a second epiphany. This time, she discovered the spiritual joy of pushing her body to the limit and of seeing God’s natural world in all its splendor. More than thirty years later, she is known as the Iron Nun for all the triathlons she has won. Just five years ago, the age 75–79 category was created for her at the Hawaiian Ironman in Kona, where she completed a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a full 26.2-mile marathon in record time. Now she has set her sights on a new goal: inaugurating another new Ironman age group, 80–84, in 2010. Sister Madonna holds dozens of records, has broken dozens of bones, and tells of dozens of miracles and angels that propelled her to a far-flung race. "It is my faith that has carried me through life’s ups and downs," she writes. "Whenever injured, I wait for the Lord to pick me up again and set me on my feet, confidently reminding Him, ‘God, you know, my intent is to keep running toward you.’" The Grace to Race is the courageous story of a woman who broke with convention, followed her heart, and found her higher mission.

Grace & Style: The Art of Pretending You Have It

by Grace Helbig

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grace's Guide and the host of The Grace Helbig Show on E! comes a beautifully illustrated, tongue-in-cheek book about style that lampoons fashion and beauty guides while offering practical advice in Grace Helbig's trademark sweet and irreverent voice.It's clear to see I'm a style icon; remember, you can't spell icon without "con." I love clothes, accessories, and makeup as much as the next lady, man, French bulldog in a sweater, or child whose parents dressed her in a couture Halloween costume, but telling people how they should look doesn't suit me (clothes pun!). I have no authority in that department (I barely even shop in department stores). Instead this is a look at my own silly and nonsensical approach to style, and I promise only some of it is about sweatpants. This book is one part entertainment, one part irreverent fashion fun, and one part personal experience, including: -My closet staples and jewelry MVPs, and what's actually in my makeup bag -All about BLTs and BFFS...that is, Better-Looking T-Shirts and Best Feet Friends -The bad-hair-day character wheel -The Ten Commandments of online shopping -A handy flowchart to help you decide "Should I actually buy this?" -Red-carpet ridiculousness -Grace Expectations: What your denim says about you -And MORE! I'm not stylish--I'm self-aware. I'm not polished--I'm perceptive. I'm not trendy--but I love trying. Because when it comes down to it, "style" is just a simple way of saying "I showered."

Grace Revolution: Experience the Power to Live Above Defeat

by Joseph Prince

From New York Times bestselling author Joseph Prince comes a book about living above defeat and experiencing breakthroughs in every area of life. GRACE REVOLUTION is about living above defeat and experiencing lasting breakthroughs in every area of life. It's about the explosive, inside-out transformation that occurs in the innermost sanctum of the human heart when a person meets Jesus personally. To help the reader live out this new perspective, the author gives five practical and powerful keys that, if understood and internalized, will become highly effective principles of success and living a victorious life.

A Grace Revealed: How God Redeems the Story of Your Life

by Jerry Sittser

Twenty years ago, Jerry Sittser lost his daughter, wife, and mother in a car accident. He chronicled that tragic experience in A Grace Disguised, a book that has become a classic on the topic of grief and loss.Now he asks: How do we live meaningfully, even fruitfully, in this world and at the same time long for heaven? How do we respond to the paradox of being a new creature in Christ even though we don’t always feel or act like one? How can we trust God is involved in our story when our circumstances seem to say he isn’t?While A Grace Disguised explored how the soul grows through loss, A Grace Revealed brings the story of Sittser’s family full circle, revealing God’s redeeming work in the midst of circumstances that could easily have destroyed them. As Sittser reminds us, our lives tell a good story after all. A Grace Revealed will helps us understand and trust that God is writing a beautiful story in our own lives.

Grace, Period.: Living in the Amazing Reality of Jesus' Finished Work

by Robert Morris

Bestselling author and megachurch pastor Robert Morris unpacks the full meaning and significance of the grace of God, revealing for Christians a freedom from shame, guilt, and striving that few believers have begun to grasp. In life, we often look for fulfillment in our performance. We try to earn our way to happiness by achieving goals and meeting obligations. We try everything we can to earn favor with God. But what we find instead is disappointment, fear, and weariness. In Grace, Period., Pastor Robert Morris shows that we don&’t need to live this way. What we truly want has already been given to us—we simply need to receive it! Looking in-depth at the life and teachings of Jesus, Pastor Morris reveals the beauty and perfection of God&’s amazing grace. He uncovers its sheer abundance, lavishness, and extravagance, and explains what happens in our day-to-day lives when we fully accept it. Exploring the blessings we have now—access to God&’s love, favor, and approval—Pastor Morris teaches us how to find rest, gratitude, fruitfulness, confidence, joy, and the list goes on. In other words, Grace, Period. is a clear and compelling roadmap for arriving at an end to striving and shame. It&’s a guide for finding and enjoying the abundant life God sent Jesus to purchase for us. A life given to us by grace—only grace.A Study Guide is also available for purchase.

The Grace of Encouragement

by Benjamin Unseth

With a page for each day, this book provides a short, but powerful devotional. It is designed to work well for individuals or couples but would need little modification to be a useful family devotional, too. "God's hand is in your heartache. Yes, it is! If you weren't important, do you think He would take this long, and work this hard on your life? Encourage Me, p. 36 But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. Isaiah 64:8 KJV" Scripture quotations are usually from the KJV or NIV.

Grace + Oak: Inspiration in Poetry and Photographs

by Kristin M. Helms Meg Stone

"A must-have poetry collection that will ignite a flame within you and set your soul on fire." — Amber Rae, bestselling author of Choose Wonder Over WorryAll aboardthis bullet train toeverything we'veever wantedand worked forand deserved.We're chargingloud and proud and strong.Don't you feel this motion? This might?Come with us.Grace + Oak, a fresh collection of over 100 brand-new poems paired with elegant photographs, is a love letter to women who are pursuing their passions. Moving words and images will empower you to discover your strengths, reach for your dreams, and achieve your goals. A stirring combination of the inspirational and the aspirational, this beautiful book is one that you will want to treasure and share."In the manner that stars, when collapsing, are often breaking down into supernovas, so, too, do our lives often fall apart right before our most vital awakening. What Kristin Helms and Meg Stone have created here is simply that: the awakening." — Brianna Wiest, author of 101 Essays that Will Change the Way You Think

Grace Notes

by Alexandra Stoddard

Throughout her life, Alexandra Stoddard has sought inspiration from writers, poets, and people she has met. In Grace Notes, she shares this wisdom and her own learnings, beautifully captured in brief, motivating observations, in 365 daily meditations of warmth, affirmation, encouragement, and optimism. Season by season, day by day, you'll explore different themes: joy, love, loss, risk, courage, wholeness, growth, play, and success. In addition to offering inspirational quotes from many cultures and two "grace notes," each page provides space to write down your own sacred inspirations. With courage and confidence, Grace Notes takes you on a spiritual journey every day of your life-and whenever you feel the need to be transported to serenity and grace.

Grace, Not Perfection Study Guide: Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy

by Emily Ley

As a busy wife, new mother, business owner, and designer, Emily Ley came to a point when she suddenly realized she couldn't do it all. She needed to simplify her life, organize her days, and prioritize the priorities. She realized that she had been holding herself to a standard of perfection, when what God was really calling her to do was step into his grace.In this four-session video-based study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Emily describes the journey that led to her pursuing a simpler life—one that allowed her to breathe, laugh, and grow—and provides ways for others to simplify their lives. She reminds each of us that God abundantly pours out grace on us, and because of this, we can surely extend grace to ourselves. This message is for everyone who has been trying to do it all... only to burn out.As Emily writes, "You don't have to be perfect to embrace grace. Grace is free—for imperfect and unworthy people like you and me. God wants us to love big and feel deeply alive, free from the traps of perfection and comparison. The truth is, if we take care of ourselves like we're nurturing everyone else, shower love on our people, and pursue the things that make us feel deeply alive, perfection won’t sound so necessary, and real-life joy will find us in the beautiful mess of it all."Sessions include:Let Go of the “Perfect Life”Surrender ControlBuild True CommunityLive in God’s GraceDesigned for use with Grace, Not Perfection Video Study (sold separately).

Grace, Not Perfection: Celebrating Simplicity, Embracing Joy

by Emily Ley

This eBook includes the full text of the book plus an exclusive Overcoming Overwhelm ebook not found in the hardcover!I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection. As a busy wife, new mother, business owner, and designer, Emily Ley came to a point when she suddenly realized she couldn&’t do it all. She needed to simplify her life, organize her days, and prioritize the priorities. She decided to hold herself to a standard of grace rather than perfection. This mantra led to the creation of her bestselling Simplified Planner®, a favorite among busy women everywhere—from mamas to executives and everywhere in between.Grace, Not Perfection takes this message from a daily planner to an inspirational book that encourages women to simplify and prioritize. Designed with Emily Ley&’s signature aesthetic, this book gives women tangible ways to simplify their lives to give space to what matters most. With a focus on faith, Emily reminds readers that God abundantly pours out grace on us—and that surely we can extend grace to ourselves. Have you been told you can have it all, only to end up exhausted and occasionally out of sorts with the people you love? Are you ready for a new way of seeing your time? Learn to live a little more simply. Hold yourself and those you love to a more life-giving standard in Grace Not Perfection,and allow that grace to seep into into your days, your family, and your heart.Ideas include:List Making 101—tips to create effective to-do lists and get through them one step at a timeSimplify your life by simplifying the three major areas: your space, your time, and your mindStrategies to center your day around an intentionally slower rhythm of life

The Grace Message: Is the Gospel Really This Good?

by Andrew Farley

What Is God&’s Grace—and What Does It Mean for You? Grace. It&’s a word we&’ve heard since the very first step in our faith journey—but do we really believe in God&’s grace? Grace raises eyebrows. It begs questions. Grace turns everything upside down. The Grace Message invites you to discover the best flavor of Christianity and celebrate the good news of the Gospel to the fullest. Here, you&’ll learn: • how to abandon rule-based living and stop trying to measure up • why your new identity in Jesus matters more than you can imagine • how you can now enjoy God&’s New Covenant way of grace Bestselling author and radio host Andrew Farley&’s no-nonsense straight talk will awaken you to a revolutionary perspective every healthy Christian should have. Life is too short to miss out on God&’s best—and what you don&’t know can hinder you from experiencing Jesus in every area of your life. So if you&’ve been weighed down by ruthless religion, or you&’ve been searching for that high-octane version of the Gospel that you know must be out there somewhere, here it is. This thought-provoking book will challenge you to dismiss the lies you&’ve believed and to make up your own mind about how big God&’s grace really is. &“Andrew Farley shows why the good news is actually great news. This extraordinary, battle-tested message of hope and freedom has a proven track record of transforming lives. The Grace Message is bursting with truth. The love of God practically drips from its pages. Read it and see for yourself!&” —Bart Millard, singer/songwriter for MercyMe

Grace Lost and Found: From Addictions and Compulsions to Satisfaction and Serenity

by Mary Cook

&“Provides a process for personal reflection and a deeper understanding of addictive behavior and recovery.&”—Stephanie S. Covington, PhD, author of A Woman&’s Way Through the Twelve Steps Many recovery books are for the beginner, and that makes sense. But then what? This grace-filled book is for people at later stages in their recovery who are looking to uncover the underlying causes for their addiction and heal the psychological and spiritual pain, often lingering from childhood that many addicts bear. Grace Lost and Found is an inspirational and deep exploration of problems and pain—providing a compassionate approach to healing addictions, compulsions and other unhealthy habits. The 40 essays, each with their own set of practices and affirmations, engage readers on a journey through body, mind and spirit, symbolic symptoms, pain messages, levels of consciousness, and an expanded view of identity and life. The essays reach right to the bottom of the addict&’s bag of tricks—lack of accountability, the tendency to externalize blame, willfulness, defending and pretending, immaturity, denial—and offer wise, compassionate, and get-real spiritual counsel. As Cook reminds us, we tend to grow most from pain and crisis: &“I help people find the ultimate treasure in their problems, the messages in their pain and the metaphors in their symptoms. We are all being guided to a higher, healthier path, when we pay attention.&” &“An empowering resource for healing the wounds of the past, thriving in the face of adversity and rejection, and creating your authentic self.&”—Bernie Siegel, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Peace, Love and Healing

Grace is Enough: A 30-Day Christian Devotional to Help Women Turn Anxiety and Insecurity into Confidence

by Courtney Fidell

For days when you're feeling stressed, worried, or simply seeking inspiration, this beautifully written women's devotional will lift you up and help you find calm amid the chaos of life today.Grace Is Enough is a 30-day devotional for women who are seeking to build confidence and fight anxiety with the use of God's word. Through poignant personal essays and stories from the Bible, author Courtney Fidell shares inspiring messages to help you overcome your insecurities and find freedom and peace through the power of prayer.Grace Is Enough features: • 30 days of devotional passages featuring the author's personal essays and Bible stories to help you ease common anxieties and insecurities, like feeling unqualified, jealous, fearful, restless, or overwhelmed • Original prayers and personal reflections to help you process your own thoughts and feelings • Modern artwork and minimalist design

Grace in the Wilderness

by Brother Francis Wagner

You are not alone. This is the promise of God’s Word. God is prepared to meet us in the midst of life’s struggles, journey with us, and lead us through the wilderness. This is grace in the wilderness, as the prophet Jeremiah wrote to give hope to the exiled Israelites. Written by Benedictine monk Br. Francis Wagner, the scriptural reflections presented in Grace in the Wilderness simply retell this story. The hope is that this book will help enhance readers’ own reflections on Scripture and its relation to their life, so that they may experience grace in the wilderness—the very presence of God.

Grace in the Gray: A More Loving Way to Disagree

by Mike Donehey

By approaching disagreements in a more loving way and seeing the grace and good in those who hold differing viewpoints, you'll gain a deeper understanding of others, yourself, and God—from the bestselling author of Finding God's Life for My Will. &“Written with just the right amount of humor, reflection, and heart, Grace in the Gray shows us how to focus on the people we may disagree with more than focusing on the issue at hand.&”—Mac Powell, Grammy Award–winning singer and songwriterIn a culture where constant offense and polarization dominate so many interactions, here is good news about a more productive way to disagree: God desires for us to become better at loving others . . . not better at debating. Grace in the Gray helps us see the grace and good that&’s often hidden by our own limited perspectives and assumptions. Through a collection of personal stories and biblical insights, Mike Donehey reveals a four-stage process to help you1. subjectify those you&’ve objectified2. empathize with those you&’ve vilified3. humanize those you&’ve deified4. see why your posture is as essential as your positionIn relationships, professional settings, and social situations, discover how to focus on the person standing before you more than the argument set against you. Doing so gives you the rare ability to face any conflict with better questions, kindness, and the calming posture of curiosity.It all begins by learning to listen and lead with the most transformative substance the universe has ever known . . . God&’s love.

The Grace in Living: Recognize It, Trust It, Abide in It

by Kathleen Dowling Singh

Bestselling author Kathleen Dowling Singh (The Grace in Dying) presents an opportunity to view and reflect upon our lives in a new way--as an already unfolding awakening. Kathleen Dowling Singh invites us to enter into an awakened relationship with our lives by exploring our own spiritual biography. Her thoughtful reflections and exercises guide us through the process, step-by-step, of recognizing the ever-presence of grace in our lives and learning to trust it and live from it. This book also offers accounts from renowned teachers, including Rodney Smith, Cynthia Bourgeault, and Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, as well as other long-time practitioners. These intimate first-person accounts offer rare glimpses into early spiritual yearnings, struggles, and realizations--and serve as encouragement and inspiration for us to rediscover our own.

The Grace in Aging

by Kathleen Dowling Singh

Learn to use your later years for awakening and spiritual growth.Encouraging, inspiring, and practical, The Grace in Aging invites all those who have ever experienced spiritual longing to awaken in their twilight years. Since aging, in and of itself, does not lead to spiritual maturity, The Grace in Aging suggests and explores causes and conditions that we can create in our lives, just as we are living them, to allow awakening to unfold -- transforming the predictable sufferings of aging into profound opportunities for growth in clarity, love, compassion, and peace. Kathleen Dowling Singh streamlines vast and complex teachings into skillful means and wise views. Straightforward language and piercing questions bring Singh's teachings into the sharp focus of our own lives; the contemplative nature of each chapter allows for an uncommon depth of inquiry. Examples from our lives and from the chatter in our own minds touch the reader personally, offering the chance to absorb the implications deeply and do the work of freeing his or her own mind. Ecumenical in spirit, tone, and language, Singh offers wisdom from teachers from a variety of spiritual backgrounds: Thich Nhat Hanh, the Apostles, Annie Dillard, and more. Lessening our attachments, decreasing our aversions, unbinding what binds us, we bear witness to the possibility of awakening for all beings. The Grace in Aging offers guidelines for older individuals of any wisdom tradition who wish to awaken before they die; no need for caves or seven-year retreats. This is spiritual practice for the lives we live.

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