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Fuera de serie: Por qué unas personas tienen éxito y otras no

by Malcolm Gladwell

Del máximo gurú de los negocios, autor de La clave del éxito. The tipping point e Inteligencia intuitiva. ¿Qué diferencia a quienes hacen algo especial en la vida de quienes no lo hacen? Fuera de serie explora las curiosas historias de los grandes jugadores de fútbol; bucea en la peculiar infancia de Bill Gates; busca qué convirtió a los Beatles en el mejor grupo de rock; y se pregunta qué distingue a los pilotos que estrellan aviones de los que no. A través de su viaje por el mundo de los «fuera de serie», los mejores, los más brillantes y famosos, nos convence de que nuestro modo de pensar en el éxito es erróneo. Prestamos demasiada atención al aspecto de estas personas, y muy poca al lugar de donde vienen, es decir, a su cultura, su familia, su generación y a las singularidades de su educación. Brillante y entretenido, Fuera de serie es toda una referencia que al mismo tiempo iluminará y hará disfrutar. Reseñas:«Leer Fuera de serie es un verdadero placer, y Gladwell nos deja dándoles vueltas a sus ingeniosas teorías durante días.»David Leonhardt, The New York Times «Fuera de serie es un libro convincente y entusiasta. Su secreto es que no trata sólo de los fuera de serie, sino de la gente en general.»Robert Colvile, Telegraph «Las teorías de Malcolm Gladwell, que ya gozan de una impresionante popularidad, han convertido su apellido en un adjetivo: ¡Gladwelliano! En Fuera de serie, matiza nuestro culto al éxito.»Jason Zengerle, New York Magazine «Una vez más, Gladwell demuestra dominar un género del que, de hecho, es pionero: el de los libros que esclarecen las causas ocultas tras los fenómenos del día a día.»Publishers Weekly «Malcolm Gladwell, escritor de éxito masivo, se ha convertido en uno de los grandes especialistas de nuestro tiempo en iluminar las zonas de sombra con su mezcla de periodismo, estudios científicos, historia y filosofía. Amante de llevar la contraria [...] Su objetivo es colocar junto a la certeza un signo de interrogación. [...] Gladwell define su trabajo como "no ficción pop". [...] Es un cheerleader de las ciencias sociales. [...] A la vista de los millones de lectores que han devorado sus libros, cabría decir que hay algo tranquilizador en ver ideas confirmadas por los estudios citados. También es curioso y seductor.»El País Semanal «Un mago en los libros de autoayuda. [...] Con más de 10 millones de ejemplares vendidos, Malcolm Gladwell es uno de los principales escritores "motivacionales", gurú del éxito y analista de "estrategias para triunfar". La clave del éxito, Inteligencia intuitiva, Lo que vio el perro y Fuera de serie son libros que ejecutivos y líderes de todo tipo devoran en los aeropuertos.»La Gaceta de los negocios

The Complete Master Key System: Using the classic work to discover prosperity, joy, and fulfillment

by William Gladstone John Selby Richard Greninger Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield

The Complete Master Key System builds on the classic work of Charles Haanel to teach contemporary audiences how to tap into their personal potential and manifest harmony, abundance, and fulfillment. Published in 1912, The Master Key System went on to influence Ernest Holmes, Napoleon Hill, and many others who sought to use mental power as a means of attaining success. In The Complete Master Key System, William Gladstone, Richard Greninger, and John Selby hark back to Charles Haanel's original text, and develop exercises that heighten readers' ability to implement Haanel's core principles. Their Daily Manifestation Sessions incorporate the most effective focusing methods used today and integrate ancient meditative techniques with new insights in cognitive psychology. The Complete Master Key System is packaged with Haanel's original Master Key System in the appendix and includes a foreword by Mark Victor Hansen and an afterword by Jack Canfield.

Herbs for Stress & Anxiety: How to Make and Use Herbal Remedies to Strengthen the Nervous System. A Storey BASICS® Title (Storey Basics)

by Rosemary Gladstar

Treat stress, anxiety, depression, and more with simple herbal remedies that calm your mind, build a healthy nervous system, and promote lasting peace. In this informative guide, renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar profiles 21 herbs proven to be effective at soothing common ailments like insomnia, panic attacks, skin conditions, and migraines. With simple directions for making herbal mixtures that can be used in delicious teas, tinctures, and capsules, Gladstar shows you how to harness the power of nature to achieve a more relaxed and fulfilling life.

If You're In the Driver's Seat, Why Are You Lost?: A Roadmap to an Amazing Life

by Lawana Gladney

From break-ups and family fall-outs to career stalls and unexpected losses, life is filled with events and circumstances that can knock you off your feet and leave you feeling stressed, confused and lost. Whether you're embarking on a career at age 22 or are seeing your children off to college at age 52, If You Are in the Driver's Seat, Why Are You Lost? gives you the strategies to help you map out your life direction, leading you to the life you want.Filled with insights, information, and solutions, this book is a practical guide that teaches how to take control and regain personal identity by learning how to manage emotions, stress, health, and other factors keeping you from happiness. Dr. Lawana Gladney acts as your personal coach and provides inspiration with ideas, easy strategies, and sound advice to help you cope with stress and navigate through everyday challenges.Arming you with helpful techniques for letting go of the emotionally destructive people, thoughts, words, and regrets of the past in a manageable way, If You Are in the Driver's Seat, Why Are You Lost? is a roadmap to creating an amazing life.

Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges

by Michelle D Gladieux

Winner of the 2023 PenCraft Best Book Award for Nonfiction, 2023 Nonprofit Authors Association Silver Award, 2023 Readers' Favorite Bronze Medal Award for Business, and the 2023 Dan Poynter's Global Ebook Awards Gold Award for Communications.Clear communication requires the courage to confront the psychological blocks that are holding you back. Learn how to become a fearless and peerless communicator.As a lifelong communication coach, Michelle Gladieux has discovered the four sneaky obstacles that can keep you from becoming an effective communicator: Hiding-Fearing your low self-confidence will expose your supposed weaknessesDefining-Putting too much stock into your assumptions and being quick to judge right and wrong Rationalizing-Using being realistic to shield yourself from taking chances, engaging in conflict, or doing other scary but potentially rewarding actionsSettling-Stopping at good enough instead of pushing for something better What all these challenges have in common is they require taking risks-to reveal yourself, to question your beliefs, to take a leap of faith, or to move out of your comfort zone. As a response, each chapter includes a Pro Move, or a best practice, and an exercise designed to help you overcome your fears and become a powerful communicator. Courageous communication requires self-knowledge, practice, and a fierce desire to continually improve; this book is like having an expert coach along with you for every step of the journey.

Leading Small Groups with Purpose: Everything You Need to Lead a Healthy Group

by Steve Gladen John Ortberg

For the new small group leader, the seasoned leader who feels their small group lacks purpose, or the leader who is working to move their small group to the next level, Leading Small Groups with Purpose is the road map to follow. Steve Gladen takes small group leaders step-by-step toward a healthy, dynamic group with focus and purpose. Every chapter includes ideas that small group leaders can implement immediately as well as ways to shape their small groups over time. Includes a foreword by John Ortberg and a free small group assessment tool ($12.50 value).

You Are Not Your Brain

by Rebecca Gladding Jeffrey Schwartz

Two neuroscience experts explain how their 4-Step Method can help break destructive thoughts and actions and change bad habits for good. A leading neuroplasticity researcher and the coauthor of the groundbreaking books Brain Lock and The Mind and the Brain, Jeffrey M. Schwartz has spent his career studying the structure and neuronal firing patterns of the human brain. He pioneered the first mindfulness-based treatment program for people suffering from OCD, teaching patients how to achieve long-term relief from their compulsions. For the past six years, Schwartz has worked with psychiatrist Rebecca Gladding to refine a program that successfully explains how the brain works and why we often feel besieged by bad brain wiring. Just like with the compulsions of OCD patients, they discovered that bad habits, social anxieties, self-deprecating thoughts, and compulsive overindulgence are all rooted in overactive brain circuits. The key to making life changes that you want-to make your brain work for you-is to consciously choose to "starve" these circuits of focused attention, thereby decreasing their influence and strength. As evidenced by the huge success of Schwartz's previous books, as well as Daniel Amen's Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, and Norman Doidge's The Brain That Changes Itself, there is a large audience interested in harnessing the brain's untapped potential, yearning for a step-by-step, scientifically grounded and clinically proven approach. In fact, readers of Brain Lock wrote to the authors in record numbers asking for such a book. In You Are Not Your Brain, Schwartz and Gladding carefully outline their program, showing readers how to identify negative brain impulses, channel them through the power of focused attention, and ultimately lead more fulfilling and empowered lives.

The Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus)

by Washington Leslie Gladden

The Book of Sirach is a Jewish work, originally in Hebrew, of ethical teachings, from approximately 200 to 175 BC, written by the Judahite scribe Ben Sira of Jerusalem, on the inspiration of his father Joshua son of Sirach, sometimes called Jesus son of Sirach or Yeshua ben Eliezer ben Sira.In Egypt, it was translated into Greek by the author's unnamed grandson, who added a prologue. This prologue is generally considered the earliest witness to a canon of the books of the prophets, and thus the date of the text is the subject of intense scrutiny. The book itself is the largest wisdom book from antiquity to have survived.-Wiki

Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship

by David Givens

A world renowned anthropologist explores the nonverbal signs, signals, and cues human beings exchange to attract and keep their mates. As a medium of communication, Love's silent language predates speech by millions of years. Today, we still express emotions and feelings largely apart from words. The postures, gestures, and facial cues of attraction are universal, in all societies and cultures.According to Dr. Givens, courtship moves slowly though five distinct phases: attracting attention, recognition phase, conversation phase, touching phase, making love. Since potential mates "test" each other before uniting as one, courtship is a choreographed give and take of signs granting physical and emotional closeness.Love Signals is part enthnography and part how-to. Dr. Givens documents the little courting rituals witnessed in elevators, on subways, and in the workplace. He examines the essential role the face plays in courtship and how it can be optimally displayed. He decodes the body to find silent messages given off by shoulders, neck, arms, hands, waist, calves, ankles, feet, and toes. Dr. Givens analyzes expressive shapes, colors, and markings encoded in arm wear, shoulder wear, leg wear, and shoes. He deciphers the background messages of spaces, places and interiors to learn how environs help or hinder in the meeting process. Chemical cues emanating from aromas, tastes, steroids, sterols, and hormones strongly shape a partner's feelings, so they are explored as well.The book suggests ways to gaze, ways to read eyes across a room, and ways to sit, stand, align, walk dress, and lift a drink to participate in the fascinating adventure of finding, winning, and keeping a mate. Knowing the unspoken vocabulary of love signals will give readers an edge. What this means for courtship is that the reader becomes able to read unspoken motives, emotions, and feelings with great clarity and precision. The more readers know about the nonverbal idiom of attraction, the more likely they will find a loving, lasting partner.

Despierta Con Éxito

by Nancy Giusti S. J. Scott

Descripción del libroFecha de publicación: 30 de diciembre de 2013.DESCUBRE: Por qué la gente exitosa consigue hacer más cosas antes de las 9 A.M.¿Tienes problemas para lograr tus objetivos? La razón por la que la mayoría de las personas no tienen éxito es porque no siguen una estrategia diaria. Por el contrario, comienzan cada día «con la esperanza» tener el tiempo suficiente para ponerse a trabajar en sus objetivos.Si examinas detenidamente a las personas más exitosas del mundo, verás que comienzan todos los días en un estado de energía, listos para cumplir con cualquier objetivo. ¿Cuál es su secreto? Lo *único* que hacen diferente es una lista de prioridades, todos los días, para completar en primer lugar la tarea más importante. En pocas palabras, la gente exitosa tiene rutinas matinales que los ayudan a sentirse con energía y listos para enfocarse en su objetivo más importante.COMIENZA HOY: Vive cada día como si fuera el último«Despierta con éxito» te enseñará cómo vivir cada día como si fuera el último. Ya nunca te levantarás a los tumbos de la cama para desperdiciar las primeras horas del día. En su lugar, aprenderás cómo comenzar el día creando energía y a aprovecharla para enfocarte en UN objetivo trascendental que marcará una diferencia en tu vida.Una rutina matinal es sencilla y efectiva. Es fácil de adaptar a tus circunstancias y objetivos particulares. Y lo mejor de todo, está probada.En este libro descubrirás estrategias demostradas que te ayudarán a aprovechar al máximo estas preciadas primeras horas del día.DESCARGA: Despierta con éxito - Cómo incrementar tu energía y lograr cualquier objetivo mediante una rutina matinal«Despierta con éxito» contiene un plan paso a paso para crear un poderoso ritual matutino.Con esta guía aprenderás a:**Crear una rutina nocturna que te prepare para una mañan

Super Nutrition for Women

by Ann Louise Gittleman J. Lynne Dodson

Winner of the Excellence in Medical Communications Award, SUPER NUTRITION FOR WOMEN is the first scientifically based nutrition program to take into account women's distinct body chemistry and dietary needs--and reveals the best way to incorporate them into any weight-loss or workout plan. This newly revised edition includes the latest nutritional studies and addresses the unique health and dietary concerns that women are facing today. Whether they're on a vegetarian or a meat-and-potatoes regimen, no matter what their age or lifestyle, SUPER NUTRITION FOR WOMEN will show readers: * How to evaluate which weight-loss plan is best for them--from low carb to low fat--and how to stay healthy and happy while shedding pounds * How to prevent and combat a variety of illnesses, including osteoporosis, breast cancer, heart disease, yeast infections, and allergies * Easy menus, recipes, and Super Female Foods--staples that should be on every woman's shopping list SUPER NUTRITION FOR WOMEN is a revolutionary program that works with today's popular diet and exercise plans--to help every woman look better, feel better, and live longer.

Before The Change

by Ann Louise Gittleman

From renowned nutritionist and author of the bestselling Fat Flush Plan comes a revised and updated guide to taking charge of your perimenopause. Filled with the latest research as well as practical tips and menus, Gittleman also incorporates timely information, especially pertaining to Hormone Replacement Therapy. Learn How You Can head off Depression and Mood Swings, Weight Shifts, Erratic Sleep, Memory Loss, and Other Changes Leading to Menopause. Take charge of your perimenopause simply, safely, and naturally! This breakthrough book details a gentle incremental program for understanding your own changes and offers a wide range of options for taking care of yourself. By following the author's proven techniques for controlling the symptoms of perimenopause, you can continue to feel great through this vital phase of your life. With this essential do-it-yourself program, you can say good-bye to hormone havoc and sail through your perimenopause, the period of about ten years leading up to menopause, by understanding and controlling its symptoms. Before the Change. .clearly explains the symptoms of perimenopause and offers a self-diagnosis quiz; .details safe and natural alternatives to hormone therapy, including healing vitamins, minerals, herbs and natural you a powerful Changing Diet, with tips and recipes for foods that prevent and alleviate symptoms

Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause

by Ann Louise Gittleman

From a renowned nutritionist and author of the bestselling Fat Flush Plan comes a revised and updated edition of the popular alternative guide for taking charge of your perimenopause, filled with up-to-date research, including the latest information on Hormone Replacement Therapy, mood swings, weight gain, and nutrition for women thirty-five and older.Before the Change offers a gentle, proven, incremental program for understanding your body’s changes and controlling your symptoms during perimenopause—the period of about ten years leading up to menopause—to help you feel great through this vital phase of life. Inside you’ll find:A clear explanation of the symptoms of perimenopause and a self-diagnosis quiz;Safe and natural alternatives to hormone therapy, including healing vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural hormones;A guide to nutrition and healthy diet, with tips for foods that prevent and alleviate symptoms.In addition, this revised and updated edition includes:An expanded section on the pros and cons of soy as a natural phytoestrogen;An expanded discussion of hypothyroidism, its connection to hormonal imbalances, and the best natural treatments;A full analysis of HRT, including advice for safely weaning yourself off of synthetic hormones, and an overview of herbal, lifestyle, and diet options and modifications available for women who have had a hysterectomy, have risk factors or a history of breast cancer, osteoporosis, or heart disease.With this essential do-it-yourself program, say good-bye to hormone havoc simply, safely, and naturally!

Beyond Pritikin: A Total Nutrition Program for Rapid Weight Loss, Longevity, and Good Health

by Ann Louise Gittleman

Augmenting her previous studies with cutting edge dietary discoveries, a former nutritionist for the USDA's WIC program reveals such findings as margarine is not better than butter.

The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet

by Ann Louise Gittleman

Learn the benefits of cleansing and fasting to rid you of the hundreds of chemicals you are now storing in your body. You can have more energy, a clearer mind, lose weight, and reduce your symptoms by 50% by doing a cleanse and cleaning up your daily diet. Find out how to prepare yourself for detoxifying, and discover who should and should not fast; Resolve skin problems by improving hydrochloric acid levels; Hear how to do a simple home test to see if you have enough hydrochloric acid in your stomach; Realize why hidden food allergies are one of the major causes of disease and illness in this country; Discover dangers of sucralose (Splenda), and benefits of cranberries; Understand the estrogen mimicking effects of plastics and parabens; Learn about a gentle and effective method to remove mercury and heavy metals from the body using ascorbate Vitamin C powder.

Get the Salt Out: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Salt Out of Any Diet

by Ann Louise Gittleman

In this day and age, when fat is blamed for all our health problems, it's often easy to forget that salt can also be a dietary culprit. While salt is necessary for both bodily and cellular function, and is certainly crucial to the satisfying taste of some of our favorite foods, recent research shows that its excess consumption can also lead to hypertension, strokes, and a variety of cardiovascular problems. In Get the Salt Out, nationally recognized nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman reveals 501 ways to avoid excess salt intake by serving a variety of delicious low-sodium foods, taking advantage of tasty salt substitutes and steering clear of many surprising hidden sources of salt. She provides more than fifty delicious recipes for low-sodium foods, which will add healthful new staples to the diet of anyone who wants to "get the salt out. " Other features include: ¸ Advice on how to use herbs effectively to reduce sodium intake ¸ Tips for reading labels to expose salt where it is hidden in ingredient lists, as well as other points of supermarket salt savvy ¸ Ways to reduce the salt level in your water ¸ Advice for avoiding salt when you eat out ¸ Tips for dealing with stress and other impediments you may face in your efforts to get the salt out ¸ A week-long menu plan ¸ A resource section Get the Salt Out has all the tips, menu plans and recipes to help you enjoy real foods again and create meals that both your taste buds and your body can truly savor!

Living Beauty Detox Program: The Revolutionary Diet for Each and Every Season of a Woman's Life

by Ann Louise Gittleman

SPRING -- time to rejuvenate. Leafy green vegetables, dandelion root tea, dill, mint, and chlorophyll-rich parsley cleanse the system, balance energy, and aid digestion. SUMMER -- an active season. Rose hips tea, garlic, cayenne pepper, and oregano, along with the Living Beauty Elixir, promote vitality, make the heart strong, and increase nutrient absorption. AUTUMN -- time for inward reflection and preparation for the darkness of winter. Fenugreek tea and warming foods and spices like cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg protect the lungs, aid in elimination, and boost the immune system, leaving you with vibrant skin. WINTER -- a season of stillness and rest. Getting enough sleep and eating cooked or warm foods spiced with ginger sustains body heat and immunity.

Zap Proof Your Home

by Ann Louise Gittleman

This selection from award-winning health pioneer Ann Louise Gittleman's Zapped tells you how to protect yourself from the hazards of electromagnetic pollution in the one place you should feel safe-your own home. We are all affected by the electromagnetic forces in our world-whether from our cell phones or from the electrical outlets in our walls. Author Ann Louise Gittleman proposes that we're being zapped by high levels of electromagnetic fields, and the wavelengths and frequencies they produce have reached the point of toxicity-making us feel tired, irritable, and weak. In this eSelect, you learn about the strength and location of harmful electromagnetic fields in your home. With step-by-step instruction, the author walks you room-by-room, teaching you how to remake the force fields in your environment and create positive energy flow.

Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution

by Ann Louise Gittleman

How many electronic innovations have you dialed, watched, surfed, charged, listed to, booted up, commuted on, cooked with, and plugged in today? Consider your typical day: If you're like most people, it probably starts in front of your coffee maker and toaster, ends as you set the alarm on your cell phone, and involves no end of computers and gadgets, televisions and microwaves in between. We're being zapped: Today 84 percent of Americans own a cell phone, 89 million of us watch TV beamed in by satellite, and we can't sip a cup of coffee at our local cafÉ without being exposed to Wi-Fi. The very electronic innovations that have changed our lives are also exposing us, in ways big and small, to an unprecedented number of electromagnetic fields. Invisible pollution surrounds us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, interrupting our bodies' natural flow of energy. And for some, that pollution has reached the point of toxicity, causing fatigue, irritability, weakness, and even illness. But we don't have to simply surrender. Ann Louise Gittleman brings forth the latest research into electromagnetic fields to create this groundbreaking guide for every citizen of the wireless age. With the proactive, levelheaded approach that has made her one of our most respected health experts, she not only clarifies the risks but also offers specific, step-by-step information for how anyone can minimize them. From where you place your sofa to when you use your cell phone to what you eat for dinner, Zapped is packed with strategies for avoiding and mitigating the damaging effects of electropollution. As she examines modern life room by room, device by device, Gittleman reveals a master plan for detoxifying your surroundings and protecting yourself and your family. We don't need to abandon our homes-or even give up our PDAs-to be healthier and happier. Based on the latest scientific data, case studies, and Gittleman's years of clinical practice, Zapped is an empowering guide to living safely with the gadgets we can't live without.

Stop Whining--and Start Winning

by Roger Gittines Frank Pacetta

Filled with the kind of contagious energy and upbeat attitude that has made Frank Pacetta one of America's most popular motivational speakers, this unique book is for anyone who wants a difference in the workplace. Whatever the occupation, organization, or industry, here are tried and tested solutions, techniques, rules and tactics that get the job done right. Whether you're a manager fed up with your worker's ho-hum attitude or an individual who can't seem to live up to your potential no matter how hard you try, this book will give you ideas that can put into immediate action -- a no-fail formula for ending the whining and instilling in yourself and your employees a winning spirit.

Get Sh*t Done: The Ultimate Guide to Productivity, Procrastination, and Profitability

by Jeffrey Gitomer

Discover the lost secrets of accomplishment and achievement! Do you want to do more, accomplish more? Of course you do, everyone does. So, what’s stopping you? Get Sh*t Done not only shows you what’s preventing you from daily achievement, it provides the tools and the strategies to help you get to where you want to be. Get Sh*t Done is much more than just the title of this book, it’s the method that unlocks the secrets of accomplishment and achievement—the GSD Secret Formula. In this book, you will learn to identify and implement the elements of superior productivity, eliminate the causes of procrastination, and achieve the best possible outcomes in business and in life. This valuable guide gives you a comprehensive, step-by-step plan for achieving maximum productivity. Bestselling author and "King of Sales" Jeffrey Gitomer guides you through each aspect of the GSD process, from attitude, desire, and determination, to goals, productivity, resilience, and fulfillment. Engaging and easy to read, this book shows you how to discover the best ways to invest your time into productive and profitable actions—and feel great about your achievements. Using the proven, immediately-actionable GSD Formula, you’re on your way to: Doubling your achievements, your work habits, and your income Implementing simple shifts and simple actions that increase positive outcomes Recognizing the early warning signs of procrastination and reluctance Eliminating the major GSD distractions that hold you back Discovering how to select, set, and achieve your goals Get Sh*t Done: The Ultimate Guide to Productivity, Procrastination, & Profitability is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to never again say "I'll do it later" and just get it done.

Get Sh*t done: So überwinden Sie endlich Ihren inneren Schweinehund und werden produktiver

by Jeffrey Gitomer

Entdecken Sie die verlorenen Geheimnisse von Leistung und Erfolg! Wollen Sie mehr tun, mehr erreichen? Natürlich wollen Sie das, jeder will das. Also, was hält Sie davon ab? "Get Sh*t Done" zeigt Ihnen nicht nur, was Sie an Ihrer täglichen Leistung hindert, sondern bietet Ihnen auch die Werkzeuge und Strategien, die Ihnen helfen, dorthin zu gelangen, wo Sie hinwollen. "Get Sh*t Done" ist viel mehr als nur der Titel dieses Buches, es ist die Methode, die die Geheimnisse der Leistung und des Erfolges entschlüsselt - die GSD Geheimformel. In diesem Buch werden Sie lernen, die Elemente einer überlegenen Produktivität zu identifizieren und umzusetzen, die Ursachen für das Zögern zu beseitigen und die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse im Geschäft und im Leben zu erzielen. Dieser wertvolle Leitfaden gibt Ihnen einen umfassenden Schritt-für-Schritt-Plan, um maximale Produktivität zu erreichen. Der Bestsellerautor und Sales-Guru Jeffrey Gitomer führt Sie durch jeden Aspekt des GSD-Prozesses, von der Einstellung, dem Wunsch und der Entschlossenheit bis hin zu den Zielen, der Produktivität, der Belastbarkeit und der Erfüllung. Aufmunternd und leicht zu lesen, zeigt Ihnen dieses Buch, wie Sie die besten Wege entdecken, Ihre Zeit in produktive und profitable Aktionen zu investieren - und sich über Ihre Erfolge freuen können. Mit der bewährten, sofort umsetzbaren GSD-Formel sind Sie auf dem Weg dorthin: - Verdopplung Ihrer Leistungen, Ihrer Arbeitsgewohnheiten und Ihres Einkommens, - Umsetzung einfacher Aktionen, die die positiven Ergebnisse erhöhen, - Erkennen der Frühwarnsignale für Zögern und Zurückhaltung, - Eliminieren der wichtigsten GSD-Ablenkungen, die Sie zurückhalten, - Entdecken, wie Sie Ihre Ziele auswählen, setzen und erreichen. "Get Sh*t Done" ist ein Muss für jeden, der nie wieder sagen will: "Ich mach's später" und es einfach erledigen will.

Go Live!: Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers

by Jeffrey Gitomer

Learn how to go online with a winning sales and marketing strategy in this insightful resource Go Live! Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers helps readers understand and take advantage of several online tools to boost their sales and increase their revenue. Accomplished salesperson, consultant, and online personality Jeffrey Gitomer describes how tools like Facebook Live and podcasting can drive sales and help you connect with your customers. You'll discover: How to use tools like YouTube, LinkedIn Live, podcasting, and Facebook Live to connect with and develop your leads How to properly utilize social media like Instagram and Twitter to spread your message and sell to clients How to promote and repurpose content to create as big an impact on your audience as possible Written specifically for a post-pandemic sales audience, Go Live! Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers delivers results for anyone expected to deliver sales results in a virtual environment. It also belongs on the bookshelves of those who hope to take their successful offline sales strategies to the online world.

The Extraordinary Power of Leader Humility: Thriving Organizations – Great Results

by Marilyn Gist

"This inspiring book belongs on the desk of every CEO and politician. With eye-opening case studies and recommended behaviors in every chapter, it's an indispensable user guide for servant leaders."—Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The New One Minute Manager and coeditor of Servant Leadership in ActionOn the most fundamental level, leaders must bring divergent groups together and forge a consensus on a path forward. But what makes that possible? Humility—a deep regard for the dignity of others—is the key, says distinguished leadership educator Marilyn Gist.Leadership is a relationship, and humility is the foundation for all healthy relationships. Leader humility can increase engagement and retention. It inspires and motivates. Gist offers a model of leader humility derived from three questions people ask of their leaders: Who are you? Where are we going? Do you see me? She explores each of these questions in depth, as well as the six key qualities of leader humility: a balanced ego, integrity, a compelling vision, ethical strategies, generous inclusion, and a developmental focus. Much of this book is based on Gist's interviews with a dozen distinguished leaders of organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, Costco, REI, Alaska Airlines, Starbucks, and others. And the foreword and a guest chapter are written by Alan Mulally, the legendary leader who brought Ford back from the brink of bankruptcy after the 2008 financial collapse and whose work is an exemplar of leader humility.

The Goddess of Happiness: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Heavenly Balance and Bliss

by Debbie Gisonni

Most people consider happiness the most important pursuit in life, yet few seem to find it. Women, in particular, face a constant internal battle between finding their own happiness and ensuring the happiness of others. Debbie Gissoni, aka "The Goddess of Happiness," shows that happiness is a choice that anyone can make, anytime and anywhere. In 44 dynamic entries the author shares her stories, insights, humor, and simple suggestions to bring out the radiant Goddess in every woman. Each entry includes meditations and journaling ideas to help readers transform the pursuit of happiness into a tangible, everyday practice. Gissoni teaches that all women are goddesses — they just need to tap their innate power and reacquaint themselves with their own magic; and that life is meant to be enjoyable — not to be taken so seriously or made too complicated. Each of these chapters ends with five simple ways to have an easier and happier life.

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