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Showing 24,351 through 24,375 of 36,693 results

I Was Poisoned by My Body: The Odyssey of a Doctor Who Reversed Fibromyalgia, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Naturally

by Gloria Gilbere Beata Golau Tama Bergstrand Merry Alto

Well-documented explanation of Leaky Gut Syndrome, MCS, symptoms and remedies.

Retire Right

by James H. Gilbaugh Jr. Frederick T. Fraunfelder

The first scientifically backed guide to a happy, fulfilling retirement. Over the years, Dr. Fritz Fraunfelder and Dr. Jim Gilbaugh have seen thousands of their patients respond differently to the challenges of retirement: some rose to new heights; others hit new lows. The doctors began to wonder: How do some people maintain their vitality, interests, and zest for life in retirement while others became distant, even depressed? Is there a magic formula for retiring well? To find the answer, they designed a comprehensive study involving more than one thousand patients. The results were surprising but clear. Financial planning is not as important to a fulfilling retirement as many may think-the psychological experience is just as crucial. The happiest retirees shared eight key traits; all of them were able to: * plan ahead * maintain a positive attitude * accept change * lean on their support network * have a sense of purpose * keep a healthy lifestyle * engage in leisure activities * enjoy some expression of spirituality Retire Right evaluates the reader and provides guidelines for how to develop each key characteristic. The good news? These essential skills can be strengthened, even acquired from scratch, whether the reader is just starting to plan for retirement, is in the early years, or is a seasoned retiree. The first scientifically backed bulletproof prescription, this book is the most concrete guide to a happy retirement.

Outgrowing the Pain: A Book for and about Adults Abused as Children

by Eliana Gil

This much-needed book pinpoints the typical problems abused children experience when they become adults. The information is presented in a friendly and thorough manner for victims and professionals.

Outgrowing the Pain

by Eliana Gil

This much-needed book pinpoints the typical problems abused children experience when they become adults. The information is presented in a friendly and thorough manner for victims and professionals.From the Trade Paperback edition.

United We Stand: A Book for People with Multiple Personalities

by Eliana Gil

This book is written for individuals with multiple personalities, and explains what multiplicity is, why it develops, how to understand it, and when and how to seek help. Multiples have too long suffered with nagging worries about being crazy or so unique that they cannot have friends or companionship. This book defines multiplicity as a creative and life-saving adaptive strategy, not as a "disorder" or sign of mental illness.

Careers In International Affairs

by Lisa A. Gihring Maria Pinto Carland

Now in its seventh edition, Careers in International Affairs is the leading guide to job hunting and career development in the field of international affairs. Careers in International Affairs is published in cooperation with Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, the oldest and largest school of international affairs in the United States.

A la mesa con Jesús: 66 días para acercarte a Cristo y fortalecer tu fe

by Louie Giglio

A la mesa con Jesús invita a los lectores a sesenta y seis días de ricos encuentros con el Buen Pastor, proporcionando verdades más profundas, poder y conexión para caminar a través de los problemas de la vida. A través de devociones prácticas diarias, A la mesa con Jesús invita a los lectores a sentarse con el Buen Pastor, creando el hábito de vivir la vida con él. El viaje comienza en el salmo 23, pero lleva al lector por todas las Escrituras para construir una relación más sólida con el Dios del universo.At the Table with Jesus At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sixty-six days of rich engagements with the Good Shepherd, providing deeper truths, power, and connection to walk through life&’s troubles.Through practical daily devotions, At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sit at the table with the Good Shepherd, building a habit of living life with him. The journey starts in Psalm 23 but takes the reader throughout all of Scripture to build a stronger relationship with the God of the universe.

At the Table with Jesus: 66 Days to Draw Closer to Christ and Fortify Your Faith

by Louie Giglio

At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sixty-six days of rich engagements with the Good Shepherd, providing deeper truths, power, and connection to walk through life&’s troubles. Through practical daily devotions, At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sit at the table with the Good Shepherd, building a habit of living life with him. The journey starts in Psalm 23 but takes the reader throughout all of Scripture to build a stronger relationship with the God of the universe.

Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It's Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind...

by Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio helps you find encouragement, hope, and strength in the midst of any valley as you reject the enemy voices of fear, rage, lust, insecurity, anxiety, despair, temptation, or defeat.Scripture is clear: the Enemy is a liar who will stop at nothing to tempt you into poor decisions and self-defeating mindsets, making you feel afraid, angry, anxious, or defeated. It is all too easy for Satan to weasel his way into a seat at the table intended for only you and your King. But you can fight back.Don&’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table outlines the ways to overcome those lies so you can find peace and security in any challenging circumstance or situation. With the same bold, exciting approach to Scripture as employed in Goliath Must Fall and his other previous works, pastor Louie Giglio examines Psalm 23 in fresh ways, highlighting verse 5: &“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.&”You can find freedom from insecurity, temptation, and defeat—if you allow Jesus, the Shepherd, to lead the battle for your mind and heart. This spiritual warfare book for those who are leery of spiritual warfare books will resonate with Louie&’s core Passion tribe as well as with Christians of all ages who want to live a triumphant life in God.

Gánale la guerra a la preocupación: Cultiva un corazón en paz y una mente confiada

by Louie Giglio

Dios es más grande que el miedo y todos sus primos: la depresión, la ansiedad, el pánico y la preocupación. Louie Giglio nos recuerda que, gracias a esa verdad, podemos comenzar de inmediato el proceso de restar importancia a la preocupación y sustituirla por confianza.Gánale la guerra a la preocupación tiene el potencial de poner a los lectores en un nuevo camino y darles las herramientas que necesitan para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentido de confianza en el Todopoderoso. Cuando experimentemos la paz de Dios, que supera todo lo que podríamos comprender, Él guardará nuestros corazones y mentes mientras vivimos en Cristo Jesús.Jesús te ha dado todo lo que necesitas para la vida y la piedad. Él ya ha ganado la guerra a la preocupación, derrotando a la muerte, al infierno y a la tumba de una vez por todas. A medida que leas este sencillo, pero poderoso, libro, empezarás a ver más claramente cómo:la preocupación es un pensamiento mentiroso, pero podemos elegir si queremos escuchar al enemigo o a nuestro Padre Celestialel miedo alimenta la preocupación, que alimenta nuestra necesidad de control, pero el amor perfecto de Dios expulsa el miedopuedes mantenerte firme en la verdad de que Jesús quiere y es capaz de encargarse de lo que te preocupapodemos sustituir los pensamientos ansiosos por pensamientos que se alineen con el carácter y la naturaleza de DiosGánale la guerra a la preocupación puede ponerte en un nuevo camino y darte las herramientas que necesitas para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentimiento de confianza en el Todopoderoso. A través del viaje práctico que se expone en este libro, permite que Louie Giglio te señale a Aquel que es más grande, al Dios que anima a Su pueblo.Winning the War on Worry God is greater than fear and all its cousins: depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And Louie Giglio reminds us that because of that truth, we can immediately start the process of resizing worry and replacing it with trust.Winning the War on Worry has the potential to set readers on a new path and give them the tools they need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. When we experience God&’s peace, which exceeds anything we could ever comprehend, He will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.Jesus has given you all that you need for life and godliness. He has already won the war on worry, defeating death, hell, and the grave once and for all. As you read this simple yet powerful book, you will begin to see more clearly how:Worry is a liar, but we can choose whether we want to listen to the enemy or our Heavenly FatherFear fuels worry, which fuels our need for control, but God's perfect love drives out fearYou can stand firm on the truth that Jesus both wants to and is able to carry what's worrying youWe can replace anxious thoughts with thoughts that line up with the character and nature of GodWinning the War on Worry can set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. Through the practical journey laid out in this book, allow Louie Giglio to point you to the One who is greater, to the God who encourages His people.

Never Too Far: Come Back from Defeat and Disappointment to Purpose and Power

by Louie Giglio

A person can never get too far from God and His plan and purpose for their life that they can&’t get back to Him and have a fresh start. There is always a way forward that will prevent a person&’s current circumstances from having the final say in life. God has a plan for a comeback. It&’s never too late for Him, no matter what kind of challenge an individual is facing.Adapted from material previously published in The Comeback, Louie Giglio addresses the feelings we all have from time to time that life is disappointing and not working out as we&’d hoped. We long for something different, something better, something more. Never Too Far celebrates new beginnings. It offers encouragement and perspective, and it&’s for you if you feel frustrated or confused, if you&’re sorrowing or in pain, if you&’ve made mistakes or are grieving, if you&’re disappointed or feel as though life doesn&’t make sense. The good news is that God is in the business of giving fresh starts to people. He gives hope to the hopeless. Direction to the directionless. Help to those who need help. God is always good, all the time, and God&’s plans will always prevail, even when our plans don&’t. God already knows what the solutions are. No matter what kind of disappointment or grief or pain or trouble or heartache you encounter, God always offers a new beginning, a change of heart, or a powerful spiritual turnaround. God offers the way forward, and his pathways are always good.

Nunca demasiado lejos: Regresar de la derrota y decepción con propósito y poder

by Louie Giglio

En Nunca demasiado lejos, Louie Giglio, autor de best sellers y fundador de Passion Conference, entrega un mensaje de esperanza a todos los que han experimentado la derrota y la decepción. Nos recuerda que nunca podemos alejarnos demasiado de Dios y que nunca es demasiado tarde para que Su plan y propósito se desarrollen en nuestras vidas.Todos compartimos una cosa en común. En todas nuestras vidas soplarán vientos. Vientos de dificultad causados por nuestras propias decisiones y vientos huracanados de adversidad debido a circunstancias que nunca vimos venir. Este libro es para ti si estás:Enfrentando un conflicto con otros y necesitas renovar las relaciones.Luchando para superar una adicción y necesitas un cambio radical de la desesperación y la oscuridad a la victoria, la fuerza y la confianza.Abrumado en el trabajo y necesitas nuevas perspectiva y dirección.Pasando por algo complicado en lo académico y te preguntas si alguna vez te vas a graduar.Sintiéndote vacío y sin propósito. Llorando la pérdida de la familia o algo que valoras mucho. Lidiando con una profunda decepción porque la vida no ha resultado como esperabas.En Nunca demasiado lejos, explorarás las historias de hombres y mujeres que han pasado por los fuegos y las pruebas de la vida y salieron creyendo en la fidelidad de Dios. Las historias de José, Sansón, Elías, Pedro, Pablo y otros nos muestran que no importa por lo que estemos atravesando, todavía podemos tener confianza en que nuestra historia no ha terminado mientras Jesús esté en ella.Never Too FarIn Never Too Far, Louie Giglio, bestselling author and founder of the Passion Conference, delivers a message of hope to anyone who has experienced defeat and disappointment. He reminds us that we can never get too far from God and that it&’s never too late for His plan and purpose to unfold in our lives.Adapted from material previously published in The Comeback, this book is for you if you are:Facing conflict with others and need a comeback to renewed relationships.Struggling to overcome an addiction and need a turnaround from despair and darkness to victory, strength, and confidence.Overwhelmed at work and need a fresh perspective and new direction.Going through a rough reason academically and wonder if you&’re ever going to graduate.Feeling empty and purposeless. Grieving the loss of a family or something else you valued highly.Dealing with deep disappointment because life hasn&’t turned out the way you had hoped..

Seeing God as a Perfect Father: and Seeing You as Loved, Pursued, and Secure

by Louie Giglio

You are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing.How you view God informs everything about who you are and who you're becoming. In this updated and retitled edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken, Louie Giglio challenges our common perceptions of who God is and points us to know Him as a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent but is available and ready to embrace us with His approval and blessing.Seeing God as a Perfect Father invites you to:see that God is the perfection of your earthly father, not a reflection of himdiscover how to walk in the freedom of your identity as a loved child, uniquely created by Godbreak the chains of generational patterns by forgiving your imperfect family When we take hold of the truth that God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our pasts but by the love of a perfect heavenly Father. When we rightly see God's character, we rightly see that we are loved, pursued, and secured by the Creator of the universe.

Ver a Dios como el Padre perfecto...: y a ti como amado, buscado y seguro

by Louie Giglio

Ustedes son elegidos, amados, apreciados, queridos y creídos por un Padre perfecto. En Ver a Dios como el Padre perfecto, Louie Giglio nos invita a experimentar a Dios de una manera que transforma la vida: como un Padre perfecto que quiere que vivamos bajo la cascada de Su bendición.Cuando piensas en Dios, ¿te imaginas un dictador que exige lealtad absoluta o un entrenador que espera que cumplas con sus expectativas? ¿O incluso un asistente virtual para ayudar cuando se agotan otras opciones? Esta edición actualizada del éxito de ventas nacional Nunca olvidados desafía nuestra percepción de quién es Dios y nos señala a un Padre celestial que no está ausente ni es ambivalente, sino que está disponible, es afectuoso, y está listo para colmarnos de Su aprobación y amor.No importa lo que haya pasado de este lado de la eternidad entre tú y tu padre terrenal, Ver a Dios como el Padre perfecto te ayudará a:Aceptar quién es Dios y descubrir la verdad y la belleza de Su naturalezaEntender que Dios te creó de manera única y te ama incondicionalmenteDesatar las cadenas que te mantienen cautivo y encontrar la libertad en quién eres en CristoCaminar en la plenitud, la autoridad y la intimidad de un hijo de DiosCuando nos aferremos a la verdad de que nuestro Dios ha atravesado el cielo y la tierra para alcanzarnos, ya no seremos definidos por nuestro pasado, sino por el amor de un Padre perfecto. Aprende cómo Dios quiere que experimentemos Su amor único e incondicional y que vivamos en la libertad, la abundancia y la bendición que El da gratuitamente.Seeing God as a Perfect FatherYou are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing.When you think about God, do you imagine a ruler who demands absolute loyalty, or a coach who expects you to perform to his expectations? Or even a virtual assistant to help when other options are exhausted? This updated edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken challenges our perception of who God is and points us to a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent, but is available and affectionate, ready to shower us with His approval and love.No matter what has happened on this side of eternity between you and your earthly dad, Seeing God as a Perfect Father will help you:Embrace who God is and discover the truth and beauty of His natureUnderstand that God uniquely created you and loves you unconditionallyUnlock the chains holding you captive and find freedom in who you are in ChristWalk in the fullness, authority, and intimacy as a child of GodWhen we take hold of the truth that our God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our past but by the love of a perfect Father. Learn how God wants us to experience His unique, unconditional love and to live in the freedom, abundance, and blessing He freely gives.

Winning the War on Worry: Cultivate a Peaceful Heart and a Confident Mind

by Louie Giglio

God is greater than fear and all its cousins—depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And Louie Giglio reminds us that because of that truth, we can immediately start the process of resizing worry and replacing it with trust.Winning the War on Worry has the potential to set readers on a new path and give them the tools they need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. When we experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we could ever comprehend, He will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.Jesus has given you all that you need for life and godliness. He has already won the war on worry, defeating death, hell, and the grave once and for all. As you read this simple yet powerful book, you will begin to see more clearly how:Worry is a liar, but we can choose whether we want to listen to the Enemy or our Heavenly FatherFear fuels worry, which fuels our need for control, but God's perfect love drives out fearYou can stand firm on the truth that Jesus both wants to and is able to carry what's worrying youWe can replace anxious thoughts with thoughts that line up with the character and nature of GodWinning the War on Worry can set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. Through the practical journey laid out in this book, allow Louie Giglio to point you to the One who is greater, to the God who encourages His people: "Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life" (Philippians 4:6–7 msg).

Autodisciplina: Cómo Desarrollar Fuerza De Voluntad Para Alcanzar Tus Metas Con Fortaleza Mental en 21 Días

by James Giggs

La disciplina es un concepto como cualquier otro y es probable que casi todos lo conozcan, pero ¿cuántos realmente lo entienden? ¿Cuántas personas han internalizado verdaderamente la esencia de este concepto? Podría decirte cuántas personas aplican la disciplina en sus vidas, sin embargo, solo debes ver a las personas más exitosas del mundo y darte cuenta que la autodisciplina ha desempeñado un rol vital en su éxito. En otras palabras, si deseas ser exitoso en la vida independientemente de lo que quieras hacer o tener, necesitas disciplina. Los ejercicios mentales que te comparto te iniciarán en el camino a tomar el control de tu vida tan pronto como comiences a practicarlos. Sentirás que gradualmente te irás disciplinando más y más con el tiempo y te sorprenderás de cuánto has dominado tus impulsos y has aprovechado tus energías para construir una vida mejor. Muchas personas saben que tienen un problema, pero no tienen idea de dónde recurrir por ayuda o por dónde comenzar. En este libro aprenderás que todo inicia con educación y no se requieren cambios masivos y decisiones abrumantes. Al tomar pequeños y manejables pasos cada día, y aprendiendo a pensar sobre tus metas apropiadamente podrás mejorar dramáticamente tu nivel de realización y éxito; y abrir tu vida hacia nuevos y excitantes talentos y caminos.

I Want to Matter: Your Life Is Too Short and Too Precious to Waste

by Kathie Lee Gifford

We all want to matter, right? We want to love people well and be loved in return. We want to have made a difference before our life is over. We want to have lived a full life without any regrets. In I Want to Matter, New York Times bestselling author and former Today show host Kathie Lee Gifford shares stories about her life and encourages you to remember your self-worth and never give up on your dreams.In this beautiful two-color 60-day DayReader® each day features a:focal topic,story from Kathie Lee Gifford's life,and reflection questions to help you apply the message to your own life.I Want to Matter is inspired by a song written by Kathie Lee and includes content from her New York Times bestselling book, It's Never Too Late. She wants to help you feel seen and heard. This daily reader is great for:birthdays, Mother's Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, or as a just because gift to anyone needing encouragement.morning and night reading routines.anyone searching for an inspirational message.This DayReader® is a way for you to relive the moments that shaped you into who you are today and will allow you to revive your ability to wonder because you truly do matter.

It’s Never Too Late: Make the Next Act of Your Life the Best Act of Your Life

by Kathie Lee Gifford

Former Today show host Kathie Lee Gifford draws on stories from her remarkable life to weave together a beautiful reminder that whatever circumstances we face, God is still dreaming big for our years ahead. When Kathie Lee Gifford stepped down as cohost of the fourth hour of the Today show with Hoda Kotb, you might have thought her best days were behind her. It turns out, she was just getting started. As Kathie Lee says, &“I&’m not retiring; I&’m refiring!&” Taking us from her Chesapeake Bay childhood when she first heard God&’s calling, to her skyrocketing fame with Regis, to her decision to leave television for Nashville, Kathie Lee inspires us to pursue what really matters. Because it&’s never too late to forgive, to dance the cha-cha, or to make a difference in the world. God placed His dreams in your heart for a reason. And like Kathie Lee, you might just discover that the best is yet to come. Whether you&’re an empty nester, newly single, navigating a career change, or just eager for any change, Kathie Lee helps you hear God&’s loving calling because It&’s Never Too Late to . . .Begin AgainMake Sparks FlyLeave a Good ThingHave a PartyChange the Ending, Then Change It AgainIs it time for you to rewrite your story, unearth your hidden passions, and live with a renewed purpose? It&’s never too late.

Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying)

by Bill Gifford

From acclaimed journalist Bill Gifford comes a roaring journey into the world of anti-aging science in search of answers to a universal obsession: what can be done about getting old?<P><P> SPRING CHICKEN is a full-throttle, high-energy ride through the latest research, popular mythology, and ancient wisdom on mankind's oldest obsession: How can we live longer? And better? In his funny, self-deprecating voice, veteran reporter Bill Gifford takes readers on a fascinating journey through the science of aging, from the obvious signs like wrinkles and baldness right down into the innermost workings of cells. We visit cutting-edge labs where scientists are working to "hack" the aging process, like purging "senescent" cells from mice to reverse the effects of aging. He'll reveal why some people live past 100 without even trying, what has happened with resveratrol, the "red wine pill" that made headlines a few years ago, how your fat tissue is trying to kill you, and how it's possible to unlock longevity-promoting pathways that are programmed into our very genes. Gifford separates the wheat from the chaff as he exposes hoaxes and scams foisted upon an aging society, and arms readers with the best possible advice on what to do, what not to do, and what life-changing treatments may be right around the corner.<P> An intoxicating mixture of deep reporting, fascinating science, and prescriptive takeaway, SPRING CHICKEN will reveal the extraordinary breakthroughs that may yet bring us eternal youth, while exposing dangerous deceptions that prey on the innocent and ignorant.

Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying)

by Bill Gifford

From acclaimed journalist Bill Gifford comes a roaring journey into the world of anti-aging science in search of answers to a universal obsession: what can be done about getting old?SPRING CHICKEN:Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying)SPRING CHICKEN is a full-throttle, high-energy ride through the latest research, popular mythology, and ancient wisdom on mankind's oldest obsession: How can we live longer? And better? In his funny, self-deprecating voice, veteran reporter Bill Gifford takes readers on a fascinating journey through the science of aging, from the obvious signs like wrinkles and baldness right down into the innermost workings of cells. We visit cutting-edge labs where scientists are working to "hack" the aging process, like purging "senescent" cells from mice to reverse the effects of aging. He'll reveal why some people live past 100 without even trying, what has happened with resveratrol, the "red wine pill" that made headlines a few years ago, how your fat tissue is trying to kill you, and how it's possible to unlock longevity-promoting pathways that are programmed into our very genes. Gifford separates the wheat from the chaff as he exposes hoaxes and scams foisted upon an aging society, and arms readers with the best possible advice on what to do, what not to do, and what life-changing treatments may be right around the corner. An intoxicating mixture of deep reporting, fascinating science, and prescriptive takeaway, SPRING CHICKEN will reveal the extraordinary breakthroughs that may yet bring us eternal youth, while exposing dangerous deceptions that prey on the innocent and ignorant.

Thirty Days to a Good Job

by Hal Gieseking

30 Days to a Good Job puts you on a strategic, systematic 30-day program that leaves you no time to become discouraged. This positive, highly focused program provides you with an accelerated schedule that reduces the conventional six- to twelve-month job search "sleepwalk" into a well thought out blitz that gets you not one but a half-dozen contacts in each of your prospective companies and up to 150 job contacts in a single month. 30 Days to a Good Job will show you: -How to arm yourself with the most effective self-marketing techniques to beat out the competition. -How to use a highly structured 30-Day Job Planning Calendar, complete with specific assignments to perform daily. -How to speed up your job search by employing Job Prospect Cards (listing company names and key decision-makers within the organization), Life Experience Cards (documenting work, education, and social experiences to help individualize resumes and cover letters), and a Contact Notebook (featuring pertinent information for follow-up letters and phone calls). -How to develop your own original, hand-tailored letters and resumes as adjuncts to the all-important and decisive job interviews -How to computerize your job search

Twelve Essential Healing Crystals

by Michael Gienger

This first aid guide to treating common ailments focuses on just 12 stones that cover a wide range of applications. The guide shows the reader how to identify the right stone for each ailment - the index lists more than 300 specific complaints, including those that occur frequently, such as: allergies, coughs, headaches, hormonal complaints, minor injuries, sunburn, stomach ache and toothache.This is your own home pharmacy in portable, pocket form.Divided into 12 chapters, one for each stone, the guide explains many illnesses and complaints in clear, concise, understandable language and suggests the appropriate stone for each ailment and how to use it.This practical, handy guide distills the essence of our current understanding of healing with gemstones. The 12 stones selected will help the reader maintain their health and heal both their body and mind.

Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change

by Michelle Gielan

We are all broadcasters. And the messages we choose to broadcast predict our success.All of us constantly broadcast information to others, even when we don't say a word. Sales professionals broadcast to potential clients in a way that wins new business. Managers broadcast to their teams about projects. Colleagues broadcast to one another about available resources. The messages we choose to broadcast shape others' belief in the potential for success and their ability to create positive change.Working as a CBS news anchor, Michelle Gielan saw how nonstop coverage of the 2009 recession left many viewers feeling paralyzed. She had an idea: a new interview series focused on positive psychology and creating happiness in the face of tragedy. "Happy Week" generated the greatest viewer response of the year.In Broadcasting Happiness, Gielan shows us how our words can move people from fearbased mindsets, where they see obstacles as insurmountable, to positive mindsets, where they see that change is possible and take action. Using scientifically proven communication strategies, we have the ability to increase others' happiness and success at work, as well as our own, instantly making us more effective leaders.New research from the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience shows that small shifts in the way we communicate can create big ripple effects on business and educational outcomes, including 31 percent higher productivity, 25 percent better performance ratings, 37 percent higher sales, and 23 percent lower levels of stress.In Broadcasting Happiness, learn the seven keys of communicating more effectively to influence others and drive measurable results. Gielan, a happiness researcher and expert on positive communication, will teach you how to:Inoculate your brain against stress and negativity by fact-checking challengesDrive success by leading a conversation or communication with positivityRewrite debilitating thought patterns and turn them into fuel for resilience and growthDeal with negative people in a way that lessens their powerShare bad news more effectively to increase future social capitalCreate and sustain a positive culture at work by creating contagious optimismIn the midst of challenges such as restructuring, low retention, and some of the lowest levels of engagement in history, creating a positive mindset is only the first step. Broadcasting Happiness showcases how real individuals and organizations have used these techniques to achieve results that include tripling revenues to more than a billion dollars, raising the graduation rate by 45 percent, and shifting the work culture from toxic to thriving.Changing your broadcast can change your life, your success, and the lives of others around you. Broadcasting Happiness will show you how!

Magia para ligar (Manuales de Seducción)

by Txema Gicó

El libro con el que podrás empezar a ligar de manera original y divertida diez minutos después de comprarlo. En Magia para ligar encontrarás técnicas, herramientas y prácticas detalladas que te audarán a conocer la teoría profunda de la magia, además de juegos impactantes, técnicamente muy sencillos de hacer y horas de diversión. Seerás capaz de realizar algunos de los trucos más sorprendentes que siempre quisiste aprender a hacer y lo lograrás de una forma rápida y fácil. Pero, sobre todo, conseguirás el éxito total en el verdadero arte de la seducción.

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

by Tyrese Gibson

Actor, singer, songwriter Tyrese Gibson crafts a memoir filled with every emotion and life experience one could possibly imagine. With personal experiences paired with reflective questions based on his extremely popular blog piece, "The Love Circle", Tyrese hopes to inspire readers to pursue their dreams and not let life's obstacles stand in the way. HOW TO GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY is organized into a series of fundamental questions that helped Tyrese redefine who he was as a human being, and evolve into a new man. Tyrese stresses that life becomes infinitely richer when one takes the time to know him or herself and understand the true meaning of peace and fulfillment. This book is a guide to helping yourself, using his experiences as a learning tool. "It's not about talking down to people, it's about elevating them," Tyrese says. Some of Tyrese's chapter-based questions include: How much do you love yourself? How much do you want for yourself? Why do men cheat? What is your bottom line? Are you ready for the next level? Quotes and Reviews: "Tyrese wholeheartedly shares his life experiences and how he discovered a new road map of conscious compassion and love to define his true potential." --Deepak Chopra, author of The Soul of Leadership"HOW TO GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY is a triumph. Tyrese will shock and amaze you with how he overcame the odds and became a superstar. This star of the Transformers sequel will show you how to transform your life in this amazingly candid book!" --Rev Run"I've watched Tyrese for many years - I've watched him succeed; I've watched him fail; I've seen him as a beneficiary of serendipity, and I've watched him suffer at his own hand. And in the recent years, as we've become friends, I've witnessed Tyrese Gibson learn how to get out of his own way as he wrestled his destiny from the fickle hands of fate." --Will Smith

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