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Wine Drinking for Inspired Thinking

by Michael J. Gelb

The Italians have La Dolce Vita, the French have Joie d'Vivre. What do Americans have? Happy Hour? Miller Time? We need help!New York Times bestselling author Michael Gelb (How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci) opens our eyes to the remarkable power of wine to tap into our creative potential, awaken our genius, and forge bonds with friends and co-workers. Although there are many excellent guides to wine appreciation, Wine Drinking for Inspired Thinking offers a "whole brain" approach that is unequivocally unique. Part 1 provides the practical "left-brain" knowledge readers will need to handle themselves in any wine-related situation. Part 2 explores how wine can serve as a catalyst for creativity and "right brain" thought. Gelb takes his readers on a wine-soaked journey through history, introducing them to the greatest wine-related art, music, and architecture. In Part 3, readers will be guided step-by-step through a delightful process of bringing family, friends, or colleagues together for "Inspired Thinking" wine parties.If Wine Drinking for Inspired Thinking could make one promise to its readers, it's that it will not only improve their enjoyment of wine, but will also enhance their enjoyment of life.

Having the Last Say

by Alan Gelb

Renowned writing coach Alan Gelb shows baby boomers how to create "last says"--short personal narratives that serve as a powerful form of life review. As the baby-boomer generation ages, its members are looking ahead to the biggest challenge of all: making sense of life in its third act. Having the Last Say takes life review out of the realm of memoir writing and journaling--making the rich and timeless tradition of authentic storytelling accessible to those who have never considered themselves "writers." In creating "legacies" in the form of short personal narratives, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the people, actions, and events that have shaped your life and your values, and to share these stories with those who matter most. Gelb's reassuring and straightforward advice will help you every step of the way, from identifying an engaging topic to employing creative writing techniques to construct a compelling story.

Investor Therapy: A Psychologist and Investing Guru Tells You How to Out-psych Wall Street

by Richard Geist

If your investing strategy has relied on the facts--financial statements, annual reports, technical charts, and so on--congratulations! You're on the way to becoming a successful, complete investor. But you're only partway there. If the markets are about mood swings, turbulence, and uncertainty, if the herd buys like crazy one day, only to sell off the next, doesn't it make sense for you to have a grip on the way in which your individual psychological makeup and emotional state affect your investing strategy? Doesn't the complete investor need to understand both the facts in his head and the emotions of his heart?Dr. Richard Geist has combined the art and science of the seemingly unrelated fields of psychology and investing. He shows that investing success means both having and using solid information and expertly understanding, monitoring, and managing your emotions. This is the first book directed at professional and individual investors alike, illustrating how they can use emotions to become more effective at meeting the ever-increasing challenges of today's investing environment. Dr. Geist's coverage is stimulating and wide-ranging, including topics such as:*Recognizing emotional reactions such as confidence and anxiety as clues to making investment decisions*Avoiding the most common psychological investment mistakes*Analyzing your psychological risk quotient*Reacting appropriately when you're caught in a stampeding herd*Learning how patience--or the lack of it--influences investing decisions*Responding in psychologically healthy ways to losing money in the market*Gaining the psychological skills you need to sell a stock and learning why these skills differ from those needed when making a buy decision *Understanding the psychological needs of management while obtaining useful, valid information for making informed investing decisionsConventional wisdom says "park your emotions at the door when making investing decisions." Dr. Geist brings a new, important perspective to show that the conventional wisdom is not only wrong but harmful to your financial well-being. Success lies in understanding your emotional reactions to the market and its participants and integrating an emotional understanding of yourself into your investing strategies. The successful investor is, above all, a human investor, not a "perfect" machine-like investor.From the Hardcover edition.

Lake of the Ozarks: My Surreal Summers in a Vanishing America

by Bill Geist

Before there was "tourism" and souvenir ashtrays became "kitsch," the Lake of the Ozarks was a Shangri-La for middle-class Midwestern families on vacation, complete with man-made beaches, Hillbilly Mini Golf, and feathered rubber tomahawks. <P><P> It was there that author Bill Geist spent summers in the Sixties during his school and college years working at Arrowhead Lodge-a small resort owned by his bombastic uncle-in all areas of the operation, from cesspool attendant to bellhop. What may have seemed just a summer job became, upon reflection, a transformative era where a cast of eccentric, small-town characters and experiences shaped (some might suggest "slightly twisted") Bill into the man he is today. <P><P>He realized it was this time in his life that had a direct influence on his sensibilities, his humor, his writing, and ultimately a career searching the world for other such untamed creatures for the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, and CBS News. <P><P>In LAKE OF THE OZARKS, Emmy Award-winning CBS Sunday Morning Correspondent Bill Geist reflects on his coming of age in the American Heartland and traces his evolution as a man and a writer. He shares laugh-out-loud anecdotes and tongue-in-cheek observations guaranteed to evoke a strong sense of nostalgia for "the good ol' days." <P><P>Written with Geistian wit and warmth, LAKE OF THE OZARKS takes readers back to a bygone era, and demonstrates how you can find inspiration in the most unexpected places. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Just Jump: The No-fear Business Start-up Guide For Health And Fitness Professionals

by Marjorie Geiser

Just Jump is a business start-up guide written specifically for health and fitness professionals. It speaks in a language they understand, minimizing business jargon and includes real-life examples they relate to. It includes a series of exercises to move the reader from the investigative stage to actually earning an income.

What Is God Like?

by Cynthia Geisen Anne Fitzgerald

God is a mystery and, although our attempts to define or explain God always fall short, we can describe our experiences of God. In What Is God Like?: A Book about God . . . Just for Me!, author Cynthia Geisen introduces children to a way of getting to know God that helps them understand all the ways God can be found in the world around us--the God who is so eagerly waiting to be discovered.

Beyond Addiction, A Step-by-Step Guide to the Spiritual Principles of Addiction And Recovery

by Ray Geide

This book describes the author's journey of recovery from addiction. He teaches us that there is more to recovery than sobriety, that there is spiritual and emotional growth. It has a more hopeful and positive outlook than many similar books in stores.

Before You Quit: Everyday Endurance, Moral Courage, and the Quest for Purpose

by Doug Gehman

How Non-Quitters Changed the WorldYou&’re exhausted. As you see your time and joy being spent on something that isn&’t going the way you planned… some days you wonder if it&’d just be better to quit. Whether it&’s now or later, we&’re all faced with a choice between good and easy, between continuing on through difficulty or giving up. When that day comes, what will you choose?Doug Gehman observed firsthand how God used one man&’s relentless perseverance to change a country, and it changed him. In this book he shares dozens of stories of ordinary people who did extraordinary things for the kingdom of God because they simply kept going—through pain, discouragement, loss, and failure. He&’ll teach you how to cultivate a gritty perseverance that counts the cost and follows through. Become a person of courage and commitment. It&’ll cost you dearly, but it will change your life forever.

Before You Quit: Everyday Endurance, Moral Courage, and the Quest for Purpose

by Doug Gehman

How Non-Quitters Changed the WorldYou&’re exhausted. As you see your time and joy being spent on something that isn&’t going the way you planned… some days you wonder if it&’d just be better to quit. Whether it&’s now or later, we&’re all faced with a choice between good and easy, between continuing on through difficulty or giving up. When that day comes, what will you choose?Doug Gehman observed firsthand how God used one man&’s relentless perseverance to change a country, and it changed him. In this book he shares dozens of stories of ordinary people who did extraordinary things for the kingdom of God because they simply kept going—through pain, discouragement, loss, and failure. He&’ll teach you how to cultivate a gritty perseverance that counts the cost and follows through. Become a person of courage and commitment. It&’ll cost you dearly, but it will change your life forever.

The Return of Planet Sedna: Astrology, Healing, and the Awakening of Cosmic Kundalini

by Jennifer T. Gehl

Reveals how the return of the planet Sedna after 11,000 years offers an opportunity for healing ourselves and our planet • Explores how the Inuit legend of the sea woman Sedna offers clues about the message of Sedna’s return, including a warning about the sustainability of our planet • Explains how Kundalini energy courses through planets and people alike and how planetary transits activate a form of cosmic Kundalini energy, with Sedna’s planetary return marking a major stage in this awakening process • Details how Sedna’s energies can be harnessed for healing ourselves and our planet, including how Earth’s ley lines are mirrored within the body’s meridians Named after a mythological Inuit sea woman, the planet Sedna was first discovered in 2003. Its return to our solar system after 11,000 years of orbit has been tied to the huge tsunami that struck Indonesia, Thailand, and India in 2004 as well as to the increased occurrence of other marine and weather events over the last decade. And just as it is affecting the waters of our planet, Sedna’s energies are also affecting each of us as individuals. Exploring the impact that planetary bodies have on Earth and on humans, Jennifer Gehl reveals how Sedna’s energies can be worked with for healing ourselves, others, and the planet. She explains how the naming of this planet after the archetypal figure of Sedna--and her myths--provides major clues to the message that Sedna’s return is sending: a clear warning about the sustainability of the planet and the oceans, the source of all life, and an invitation to awaken to the parts of ourselves that have been ignored, abandoned, and cast out into the cold, just as Sedna was when she was drown in the Arctic Ocean. The author examines the astrological chart for Sedna’s discovery, providing an in-depth look at how certain aspects, particularly the quincunx, support the legend of Sedna and its impact on human health. She looks at how Kundalini energy courses through planets and people alike and how planetary transits activate a form of cosmic Kundalini energy, with Sedna’s return marking a major stage in this awakening process. She reveals how Earth’s ley lines are mirrored within the body’s meridians and offer a way to tune ourselves to the cosmic frequencies that Sedna brings. Examining the story of Sedna mythologically and astrologically, Gehl explains how Sedna’s last appearance 11,000 years ago occurred at the end of the Ice Age when waters disrupted and divided our world. Her return, rather than being a harbinger of disaster, is one of the way-shower and shaman. Symbolically, she lights the path for us to ignite our own immortality by surrendering to the inner path, revealing patterns and pathways for infinite healing potential, a new model of sustainability for the health of our planet, and a way to actively participate in our soul’s evolution.

The Journey Through Cancer: A Unique Seven-level Programme for Healing Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit

by Jeremy R. Geffen

The Journey Through Cancer is an essential guide for all cancer patients, their families, and their loved ones. As a board-certified oncologist, with more than ten years of experience serving as physician, guide, mentor, coach, and friend to thousands of cancer patients and their families, Dr. Jeremy Geffen has learned how cancer often challenges the mind, heart, and spirit of patients and their families as deeply --- if not more deeply --- than it challenges the physical body. Yet this simple truth is often overlooked by Western medicine as it aggressively pursues the best ways to diagnose and treat cancer. Too often physicians focus almost exclusively on the physical dimensions of the disease, rather than caring for the whole person who has the disease. Dr. Geffen presents a groundbreaking seven-level program, used at his cancer center in Florida, that addresses every dimension of the person with cancer--physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual: Education and Information, giving patients answers to questions about their disease and their treatment options.Psychosocial Support, focusing on the need for and benefits of a strong support network.The Body as Garden, exploring the vast array of alternative and complementary therapies.Emotional Healing, helping patients and families deal with the often overwhelming emotional challenges of cancer.The Nature of Mind, exploring how patients' thoughts and beliefs profoundly influence their journey.Life Assessment, showing patients how to discover their life's deepest meaning and purpose.The Nature of Spirit, connecting patients to the profoundly healing spiritual aspect of life we all share.In The Journey Through Cancer, Dr. Geffen presents a revolutionary model of healing based on the best treatments available from every culture and paradigm of medicine, one that respects and explores every possible avenue and resource for healing and transformation, blending East and West, body and mind, heart and technology, science and spirit.From the Hardcover edition.

Intuition: Awakening Your Inner Guide

by Judee Gee

Intuition is guidance from your inner being. It is a manifestation of divine consciousness. Innate to each of us, intuition is an often ignored gift because we are taught to have more respect for thoughts presented to us from the outside world than for the voice within ourselves. Judee Gee helps you to awaken, channel, and express your intuitive self. Through guided meditations, simple rituals, awareness exercises, and the principles of inner alchemy, you can rediscover and realign with your inner voice. Turn the mystery of intuition into a tangible catalyst for personal transformation! Essential to emotional and physical health, to creative self-expression, and to understanding others, it can help you recognize and realize your spiritual potential. Learn how to use intuition as a guide through doubts, fears, and adversities. Perceptive and practical, this book delivers a heart-felt invitation to the liberation of your intuitive inner being.

The Workplace Community

by Ian Gee

The Workplace Community offers a structured, practical guide to developing collaborative knowledge-based communities in the workplace, from introducing employees and managers to new ways of working, to measuring effectiveness and providing corrective interventions for those who haven't achieved the desired results.

The Hacker Mindset: A 5-Step Methodology for Cracking the System and Achieving Your Dreams

by Garrett Gee

For the countless people feeling trapped in their jobs and whose talents aren&’t being fully utilized, this book offers a wake-up call to break free from the constraints of ordinary employment and achieve true financial freedom.When boy genius Garrett Gee started working for the federal government at age 15, he figured fame and fortune were only a stone&’s throw away. Despite impressive credentials and enormous potential in the world of computer hacking, Gee found himself years later as just another salaried employee. He soon realized that though he was a hacker at work, he was a slacker when it came to leading his own life. But as soon as he applied his meticulous hacker mindset to his personal life, everything changed—and success rolled in quickly.Those who feel unfulfilled and stuck in the system, unable to realize their dreams as their careers merely bump along, can use this same hacker mindset in any situation or industry to overcome obstacles and identify the quickest path to true success—a success they can define for themselves. Drawing on decades of experience in cybersecurity, Gee outlines our innate hacker abilities in the face of society&’s best efforts to brainwash us to be slackers, and he offers readers practical advice alongside the six principles of the hacker mindset:Be on OffenseReverse EngineeringLiving Off the LandRiskSocial EngineeringPivot For anyone seeking to ascend the corporate ladder, leave their job to start their own business, or obtain greater freedom in their life, The Hacker Mindset is an essential guide to hacking established systems in any sphere and unlocking one&’s fullest potential.

Unhooked: The Rehab of a London Call Girl

by Clare Gee

Addicted to coke and booze and reliant on selling her body for cash, Katie, the heroine of Clare Gee's bestselling Hooked, can no longer cope with the life she's created for herself. She has messed up badly and thrown everything away.Mentally, she is an anxious wreck and physically she is in pieces. Yet she is terrified of who she will become without her vices. She has to do something, though, and her choices are get help or die. She leaves London and admits herself to a residential rehab centre for three months.In Unhooked, reformed addict Clare Gee draws on her own experiences of cocaine addiction, alcoholism and prostitution in telling a moving story of a young woman battling through hell to create a sober life for herself. There are threats of expulsion from rehab and relapses, but through dedication and honesty, Katie begins the long journey to becoming clean and finding peace of mind.

Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage into Holy Aloneness

by Bridget Gee

"Why are you single?""Just because."whyhowPilgrim and podcaster Bridget Gee shares her singular journey of vibrant life in the kingdom of God. Her travels have become a personal pilgrimage of walking with God and others, experiencing spiritual formation in the ups and downs of literal mountains and valleys. She explores her longings and hopes in vulnerable narratives, navigating issues of identity, community, mental health, dating, sexuality, and more.Gee invites us into a purposeful story of following Jesus in life not as we think it might be, but as it really is. The pilgrim journey takes us places we did not expect to become people we did not know we could be.

Brainfit: 10 Minutes a Day for a Sharper Mind and Memory

by Corinne Gediman

Brainfit is a training program designed to reclaim your brain. In 10 to 15 minutes a day individuals who are beginning to feel the effects of memory loss will see immediate reversal of the mental aging process. The 9 distinct, fast and fun weekly workouts focus on a different aspect of brain fitness. This approach fits the lifestyle of the target market - age and intellect appropriate, fast, entertaining, and results oriented. Features include:Weekly Exercise Planners for your daily routineExercises more like games or brain teasers to achieve maximum resultsTips, suggestions, and creative alternatives to your daily routine

The Professional Worrier: Become the Boss of Your Anxiety

by Stewart Geddes

'Geddes gets it: anxiety, how it works and, more importantly, how to show it who's boss' Caroline Foran, author of Owning ItWorry and anxiety can damage our careers and relationships, can hold us back from exploring new opportunities, and is detrimental to our concentration, mood and self-esteem. And during times when we feel overwhelmed, we doubt ourselves and our ability to cope.In The Professional Worrier, counsellor, psychotherapist and self-confessed worrier Stewart Geddes examines how creating greater awareness around anxiety can change the way you deal with everyday stresses at work and at home.From anxiety about relationships to panic about an ever-growing to-do list, fear of making the wrong decision, or the pressure of producing perfect work, The Professional Worrier offers practical guidance to help you take control of your worry every day - so it doesn't control you - and build the trust in yourself to tackle anything that comes your way.

The Professional Worrier: Become the Boss of Your Anxiety

by Stewart Geddes

'Geddes gets it: anxiety, how it works and, more importantly, how to show it who's boss' Caroline Foran, author of Owning ItWorry and anxiety can damage our careers and relationships, can hold us back from exploring new opportunities, and is detrimental to our concentration, mood and self-esteem. And during times when we feel overwhelmed, we doubt ourselves and our ability to cope.In The Professional Worrier, counsellor, psychotherapist and self-confessed worrier Stewart Geddes examines how creating greater awareness around anxiety can change the way you deal with everyday stresses at work and at home.From anxiety about relationships to panic about an ever-growing to-do list, fear of making the wrong decision, or the pressure of producing perfect work, The Professional Worrier offers practical guidance to help you take control of your worry every day - so it doesn't control you - and build the trust in yourself to tackle anything that comes your way.

Managing Depression with Mindfulness For Dummies

by Robert Gebka

Rise above depression and build a positive future using mindfulnessIf you suffer from depression, you know that it′s not something you can simply snap yourself out of. Depression is a potentially debilitating condition that must be treated and managed with care, but not knowing where to turn for help can make an already difficult time feel even more harrowing. Thankfully, Managing Depression with Mindfulness For Dummies offers authoritative and sensitive guidance on using evidence based and NHS approved Mindfulness Based Interventions similar to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help empower you to rise above depression and discover a renewed sense of emotional wellbeing and happiness. The book offers cutting edge self-management mindfulness techniques which will help you make sense of your condition and teach you how to relate differently to negative thought patterns which so often contribute to low mood and depression. The World Health Organization predicts that more people will be affected by depression than any other health problem by the year 2030. While the statistics are staggering, they offer a small glimmer of hope: you aren′t alone. As we continue to learn more about how depression works and how it can be treated, the practice of mindfulness proves to be an effective tool for alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, low self–esteem, and insomnia. With the tips and guidance offered inside, you′ll learn how to apply the practice of mindfulnessto ease your symptoms of depression and get your life back. Heal and recover from depression mindfully Understand the relationship between thinking, feeling, mood, and depression Reduce your depression with effective mindfulness practices Implement positive changes and prevent relapse Whether you are struggling with low mood or simply wish to learn mindfulness as a way of enriching your life, Managing Depression with Mindfulness For Dummies serves as a beacon of light and hope on your journey to rediscovering your sense of wellbeing, joy and happiness.

The Enlightened Smoker's Guide to Quitting

by Bear Jack Gebhardt

This revolutionary approach to smoking cessation is based on the premise that a smoker is more likely to kick the habit if he feels good about himself. When a smoker understands why he commenced smoking, and why smoking no longer delivers the same sense of pleasure and satisfaction it used to, the process of quitting begins. A state of mind called "pleasurable forgetfulness" makes the smoker less interested in smoking while absorbed in other activities. This proven but unorthodox method does not foster the shame and guilt so prevalent in other programs and succeeds where more traditional approaches have failed, producing smoke-free success for thousands of former smokers.

Busca tu propio ángel: Los cuatro principios para honrar a Dios y revolucionar tu vida

by Liliana Gebel

¿Por qué hay tantos cristianos deprimidos, enfermos y obesos si la Biblia contiene todas las claves para evitarlo? Este busca ayudar al lector con los fundamentos y sugerencias para equilibrar el cuerpo, el corazón, la mente y el alma, logrando amar a Dios de manera integral y coherente. Tras casi tres décadas dedicadas a trabajar en el ministerio cristiano, junto a su esposo, el evangelista Dante Gebel, Liliana Gebel se percató de que lamentablemente muchas personas dedicadas a desarrollar arduamente su parte espiritual, viven sumidos en la depresión, mostrando actitudes negativas, relaciones familiares deterioradas y con graves problemas de salud. Y es que muchos cristianos han olvidado hacerse cargo de trabajar en ellos mismos de manera integral, tal como la propia Biblia nos insta. #Señor, ¿cuál es el mandamiento mas importante de todos? Jesús respondió: El más importante es amarás al Señor con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente, y con toda tu fuerza. Este es el principal mandamiento.# (Marcos 12:28) Él nos manda a amarlo de cuatro maneras; digamos que es el amor elevado a la cuarta potencia. Y este libro tratará de ayudar al lector con los fundamentos y sugerencias para equilibrar el cuerpo, el corazón, la mente y el alma, logrando amar a Dios de manera integral y coherente. · Considera las enfermedades emocionales que intoxican nuestro corazón y las sugerencias para erradicarlas para siempre, a fin de #honrar# a nuestro donante espiritual: Jesús. · Los males del alma, desde el #raquitismo# espiritual al consumo de alimentos espirituales #chatarra#, así como las maneras de sanarla. · Trastornos, distorsiones y falencias de nuestra mente que no nos dejan expresar el plan divino en nuestras vidas. · Información concreta a partir de la Biblia que aborda la importancia de la salud integral, incluye el cuidado en la alimentación y el cambio de hábitos nocivos en nuestra vida. Un plan completo para honrar a Dios desde la punta del cabello hasta los pies. · Expertas y líderes de opinión aportan su experiencia en sus respectivas áreas para apoyar la transformación del lector. Influencers que colaboran en #Busca tu propio ángel# Ingrid Macher: #Tips de salud# Coach en nutrición, empresaria, dueña de la empresa IM, de productos de salud y belleza. Conferencista internacional y autora de los bestsellers #De gordita a mamacita# (Grijalbo) y #Irresistible y sana# (Grijalbo). Cecilia Alegría: #Los mitos que perjudican la salud emocional# Autora, periodista, consejera de parejas, amor y life coach. Conferencista internacional. Donna West: #Consejos prácticos de cómo cuidar la piel# Dermatóloga. Mirka Dellanos: #Cómo superar un diagnóstico aterrador# Periodista, ganadora de un Premio Emmy, productora, autora y conferencista internacional.

El amor en los tiempos del Facebook: El mensaje de los viernes

by Dante Gebel

Lo que comenzó con algunas publicaciones en el perfil público del Facebook, inmediatamente se transformó en un fenómeno que atrajo a millones de seguidores en todo el mundo que solicitaban a Dante que cada viernes escribiera algo referente al amor. Y así se creó una serie de textos que hoy están recopilados en este libro plagado de romanticismo. El amor en los tiempos del Facebook es una crónica desprolija acerca del amor, una compilación de apuntes que surgen del alma, pero que en definitiva provienen del mayor sentimiento que nos regaló nuestro Dios. «Un libro que deberían leer por lo menos una vez mis amigos solteros, los novios, aquellos que solo quieren vivir un buen momento sin comprometerse demasiado, los que tienen el corazón destrozado, los posesivos, los que tienen miedo a confesar sus sentimientos, los casados que sienten que se les enfrió la llama, los que toleran un noviazgo disfuncional, los enamorados no correspondidos, y fundamentalmente, los enamorados del amor». —Recomendación del autor.

Las Arenas del Alma

by Dante Gebel

SPANISH EDITION. This work takes the hollow places of the soul and, surprisingly, leads the reader toward a celestial ovation.

Cadigo del campean nueva edician

by Dante Gebel

SPANISH EDITION. This new revised edition includes the essence of popular evangelist Dante Gebel's messages, as well as more great stories that will radically challenge you. "The Champion Code" is for people who are not satisfied with their spiritual lives. It is for people who are unique, dedicated and radical.

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